on Time
Part One
A 5E-Compatible Adventure for 6th-Level Characters
Wherein a Lantern Heralds Adapting the Adventure.
Dark Days All the low-level Zeitgeist adventures assume the PCs are agents
of the Royal Homeland Constabulary. If your party is a group of free
n the previous Zeitgeist adventure, the par- agents instead, they might have been hired by the RHC, especially
if they had previously uncovered Caius’s secrets in Digging for Lies.
ty discovered a tiefling philanthropist named If you are using this adventure in another setting, the central
element of a coastal rail line can be made into a pseudo-medieval
Caius Bergeron was a member of a conspiracy known pilgrimage route that travels 90 miles in six days. Several later
encounters that use the train as a physical space may need to be
as the Obscurati, which appears hostile to the party’s heavily altered or omitted, but the core of the adventure still works.
Several encounters can be easily stand alone, including “Danger-
nation, Risur. ous Waters,” a naval engagement against a ship captained by an ice
mage (page 16), “Hobo Maximus,” a rescue of a damsel from a trio
The party also learned that Caius planned to take a trip by train of wizards in an arena (Act Two), or a cursed island and the dungeon
to a meeting in a foreign city. In Always on Time, the party uses beneath it (a group of encounters in Act Three).
that lead to outmaneuver and unmask the conspiracy.
Risur’s traditional enemy, the nation of Danor, operates the
3,000-mile long Avery Coast railroad, which connects numerous Background
nations. With the support of Risur’s Royal Homeland Constabu- The Obscurati, detailed more fully in the Zeitgeist Campaign
lary, the party will go undercover aboard this train and seek clues Guide, plan to alter the nature of reality. This requires a massive
to what business Caius was traveling toward. Meanwhile, agents ritual to change the planets in the night sky that imbue this world
of the Obscurati assemble for a gathering of members of the con- with different energies and essences. They’re still over a year away
spiracy, bringing with them a magic lantern that is key to their from the culmination of their plot, but one key component has just
ultimate goal. been completed.
Recruitment. the VIPs will stagger their arrival across a week; Luc Jierre arrives
Luc is not yet a part of the Obscurati. His uncle Sovereign Han on the 16th. His sister Lya Jierre will be waiting to greet him. (The
Jierre, ruler of Danor and one of the conspiracy’s three leaders, party met Lya in Adventure One, Island at the Axis of the World;
encouraged Luc’s education, groomed him through life to pursue she is set to marry the king of Risur as part of a peace treaty.)
this invention, and made sure Luc had access to all the resources The Obscurati know the PCs were investigating Caius Bergeron
he needed. Under intense pressure to live up to these expectations, (during Adventure Three, Digging for Lies), but they have no reason
Luc grew up awkward and nervous, but nevertheless brilliant. to think the party knows about Vendricce. And the party’s superior,
Luc has been told to take the Avery Coast Railroad from the Chief Inspector Stover Delft, encourages them to trust no one.
Danoran capital of Cherage to the eastern terminus, the city of
Vendricce. Luc crafted the lantern in Danor’s dead magic zone, ef- Spy Mission.
fectively a giant “clean room.” Now he brings it for final testing, The party’s mission is to learn as much about the Obscurati as pos-
and he too will be judged whether he is worthy to join the conspiracy. sible. All they have to go on, though, is a train schedule retrieved
from a dead tiefling philanthropist. Chief Inspector Delft tasks the
The Gathering in Vendricce. PCs to ride the same train and look for anyone Caius might have
The Obscurati have planned a gathering of all the heads of the been meeting. With luck, someone will lead the party to a meeting
various Obscurati cells to meet in Vendricce on the 20th of Winter, of the conspiracy.
500 A.O.V. (After Our Victory). To minimize the risk of discovery,
Train Route.
Dead and Wild Magic. The train passes through seven main points during the adventure.
Within Danor’s borders, magic quickly seeps away. Spells with a • Beaumont. Major shipyard on the west coast of Danor. Train
casting time of more than an action cannot be cast within Danor. leaves here the morning of the 11th of Winter.
Static benefits of magic items function normally over the short • Cherage. The Danoran capital, which has an evening curfew.
term (i.e., you won’t have to recalculate the stats on your character Train arrives on the evening of on the 11th of Winter.
sheet). However, most activated powers of items don’t function, and • Orithea. The only stable city in the Malice Lands. Train
after a number of weeks equal to the item’s rarity, its magic will be arrives on the 12th of Winter.
drained away entirely. • Trekhom. The capital of Drakr. The train arrives on the 13th
A creature’s own innate magical features still function, such as of Winter.
any cantrips granted as a racial feature. • Nalaam. A decadent casino city run by mages in the
Just beyond Danor’s borders, in a broad swath hundreds of miles mountainous border states between Drakr and Crisillyir.
wide, the fabric of magic is damaged but not destroyed. In these Train arrives on the 14th of Winter.
places, known as the Malice Lands, whenever a character casts a • Sid Minos. A haunted island city off the coast of Crissilyir.
spell, uses a magic item power, roll an unmodified 1d20. On a 1, a Train arrives on the 15th of Winter.
mishap occurs. This usually takes the form of the power backfiring, • Vendricce. A forested border-city in Crissilyir, where the
manifesting as a free-willed monster, or otherwise going danger- Obscurati have their palace. Train arrives just before sunset
ously awry. on the 16th of Winter.
It is important to stress that the PCs are not expected to run a Danoran veteran of the Fourth Yerasol War. Caius gave her a gold
in and attack the conspirators when they find them, since they’ll ring to wear, which has an internal inscription that reads “Oath-
be severely outgunned. A victory in this mission would be to learn keeper Bree’s Shield.” Any high-ranking member of the conspiracy
the identities of key conspirators and escape without being noticed. who sees this inscription knows that Bree is working for Golden
While we have included plenty of climactic combat, make sure you Cell, but she is tier five: useful but with no knowledge of the Ob-
prepare your players to understand that they’re trying to complete scurati’s agenda.
a mission, not win the war in one fell swoop. Bree has not heard from Caius for a couple months now, and as
a good soldier she’s trying to complete her mission as best she can.
The Railroad. She has enlisted two men as “plainclothes” guards–Olivert Boone,
The main theater for this adventure is the Avery Coast Railroad, a carousing tiefling who performs gunslinging shows around the
the pride of Danoran technology, and a showcase of the nation’s country; and Verzubak Tantalovich, a dwarf mage who manipu-
engineering prowess. Though Danor has numerous railroads con- lates fate and chance. They’ll board the train between Beaumont
necting its cities, the Avery Coast line is the longest in the world, and Cherage.
spanning 3,000 miles, from the city of Beaumont on Danor’s west Bree knows that Caius wanted her to come with him to a meet-
coast, through the Malice Lands, Drakr, various minor nations, ing at the Sovereign’s mansion in Cherage, so she intends to follow
and finally ending in Vendricce, on Crisillyir’s border with Elfaivar. that much of his plan. There she meets Luc and is given clearer
See the end of this document (The Avery Coast Railroad) for instructions.
extensive details of the train’s route, history, design, and crew. Luc has an escort of his own, Ottavia Sacredote, a deaf elfwoman
who is a spy within the religious hierarchy of Crisillyir. She is a bit
Luc’s Entourage. conspicuous, especially in the company of a tiefling, but she’s one
Before Caius Bergeron was killed, he had already made security ar- of the few highly-ranking operatives the Obscurati can spare who
rangements for the train trip with Brianne Kaldeckis, called Bree, is capable of communicating via sending, making her invaluable
of the planet Nem. The PCs’ souls are pulled from their flesh and Damata Griento. A 40-something half-orc from
trapped into a ghostly version of the train. If they do not manage Ber, Damata has brought his wife and two children on
to reach the train’s engine and disable the lantern quickly, they’ll board for a vacation. Though the rest of his family is a
never be able to reunite with their bodies. boisterous party of new-wealth tourists eager to see
They return to this world just as the train pulls into Sid Minos the “Old World,” Damata is troubled and edging toward
station. Ottavia boards a carriage and uses illusions of Luc and manic-depression.
company to try to lure the party to follow her. She takes a boat to Damata hails from a family of orcish warchiefs in Ber,
a nearby cursed island, and when night falls undead rise from the and he never fit in as a warrior, so he made his wealth in real estate, mostly
sea and attack the party. Ottavia confronts the party above a tomb, dealing with Risuri and Danoran elites trying to set up factories. After a de-
which provides safety from the horde of the dead, but also serves as cade of success, though, he was suckered into a high-stakes con by a man
a prison for an ancient demon, Ashima-Shimtu. Though bound by posing as a Risuri train magnate, planning to build a railroad across the An-
magic far greater than anything the PCs could now overcome, she thras Mountains to connect the two countries. Damata was dazzled by a slick
sees the party as an investment, and she offers to teleport them to pitch that involved teleporting him to Flint and taking him to lavish parties.
Vendricce so they can complete their mission. Seeing vast potential for wealth and needing a huge down payment to buy
Of course the PCs might find their own way out, or simply avoid a stake, Damata took a loan from The Family, a criminal organization based
the trap. However they manage to reach Vendricce, when the train out of Crisillyir. When his ‘partner’ disappeared with tens of thousands of
gets to the station it offloads all its passengers except Luc and his gold pieces, Damata was on the hook. After begging for mercy, he was told
remaining guards. Then the train moves to a nearby private depot to steal the magical heirlooms and war trophies of family, and bring them
where a welcome party from the Obscurati waits. The party can to Nalaam where the local mages could convert the items into more liquid
spot Lya Jierre meeting with her brother, and there’s an opportu- wealth. Damata botched an attempt to lie to his wife, and ended up with her
nity to steal the lantern before an overwhelming force of private and their kids tagging along, expecting to enjoy a vacation while Damata does
security comes to take Luc to the Obscurati Palace. ‘research for his railroad.’
While it is possible the party might follow discreetly all the way Damata has a suitcase of holding full of magic weapons and amulets he
to the palace, they are likely spotted by look-outs at the depot. The stole from his villa at home, about twenty items worth a total of 34,000 gp.
fastest escape is to hijack the train and drive it to the harbor, where He has a hunch he’ll never make it home alive, and even if he does, he’s pretty
their ship awaits. But Lya Jierre and other Obscurati forces try to sure his family will kill him.
thwart them, and the submarine that has stalked them since the • Ejeka, the wife. A darling in her late 20s, Ejeka is quieter and more re-
start of their mission blocks the mouth of the harbor. The PCs are served than her husband. She has an eye for art and fashion, but sees
outnumbered, and they must survive a gauntlet to reach their ship her major responsibility as shepherding her two boisterous children.
and escape. • Dabo, the daughter. Just turned 13, Dabo is something of a spoiled
princess who is used to getting her way and speaking her mind. She
Undercover Adventures. isn’t entirely enthusiastic about the trip, and complains frequently
While we have included a mix of action scenes and dungeon crawling, about missing her friends, and how unfair it is that she had to leave for
a major element of Always on Time sees the PCs going undercover months. She’s disgusted by her father’s recent maudlin affections, and
and trying not to be detected as foreign agents. Guidelines on han- was raised to think men are supposed to be tougher.
dling PC surveilling and interrogating their marks are summarized in • Tarro, the son. A young boy of 7, Tarro is easily bored, and constantly
the following Investigative Skill Challenges. seeks stimuli from new things, new people, new places, and new ideas.
If the players don’t seem to be enjoying keeping a low profile, He explores, and is always testing his boundaries with his parents.
don’t penalize them harshly if they fall back on familiar tactics. If Damata plans to show his family a great vacation—museums, lavish hotels,
the PCs simply attack Luc and company when they realize he’s grand musical venues, fine dining—until they reach Nalaam. Should some-
working with the conspiracy, then try to beat information out of him, thing happen to him, he’s made arrangements with a business associate in Sid
the party still has to make it to Vendricce to see the gathering. And Minos to take in his family.
of course the Ob can have other agents watching the train, who can
be responsible for the various threats on the party’s life. Malia Baccarin. Dark, lithe, and beautiful, Malia
grew up in Danor, though her family was Crisillyiri. She
has tangential connections with various criminal organi-
zations in every city along the Avery Coast line, and she
enjoys favored status for getting crooks in contact with
other crooks in ways that profit everyone. She makes
sure to pick up the local newspapers at every stop along
the train, and often has a bundle tucked under her arm as she does her duty
through the train.
She’s a skilled manipulator, and can cajole, goad, or seduce most any man
into doing what she wants. Her dream is to retire in a few years with a solid
stash of cash and buy an island villa in Crisillyir.
An Avery Coast Railroad train at full steam along a lonely stretch of track.
Large and Small Parties. Six or seven successes are a partial victory; the Obscurati know
For each PC fewer than five in a skill challenge, reduce the number the party is preparing for a sea voyage, so they make various
of successes needed for partial victories and complete victories. For precautions.
each PC above five in a skill challenge, increase the number of suc- Fewer successes are a failure. The Obscurati pretty much know
cesses need by two. the party’s plans — someone blabbed, or a spy snuck a magical lis-
tening device into their office, or they got a member of the party’s
Have each PC choose one goal to pursue, then describe how ship’s crew to betray them.
they’ll attempt to reach that goal. If necessary, use an ability check
to adjudicate whether the PC succeeds. Once all the PCs have had Goal Two: Cover Identities.
their turn, a new round starts. Before going undercover in foreign countries, the PCs need to
make sure their cover identities will withstand scrutiny. Simply
Goal One: Secrecy. showing up and announcing they’re RHC constables will get them
This represents keeping up appearances so that the various spies tossed out of the country or arrested as spies. Some tactics toward
who are watching the party don’t get suspicious, or simply hiding this goal include:
from the spies outright. Sample tactics for this goal include: • Visas, Passports, Miscellaneous Documents. [Dexterity
• Do Busy Work, Leave Fake Paper Trail. [Dexterity (Sleight (Sleight of Hand), Intelligence (forgery kit), Charisma
of Hand), Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)] The PC (Diplomacy)] These items, acquired legally or illegally,
pretends to be on another case, or actually pursues some provide ‘proof’ for the party’s cover identities. This tactic can
minor investigation unrelated to the Obscurati, or files false contribute no more than three successes.
paperwork. If the party gets at least one success this way each • Look the Part. [Intelligence (disguise kit), Charisma (Decep-
week for five consecutive weeks, the party earns two extra tion)] A PC finds appropriate clothes and accoutrements for
successes, because even spies assume the party can’t be faking the whole party, and makes grooming suggestions to aid
it for that long. the disguise. This tactic can contribute no more than two
• Act in Secret. [Dexterity (Stealth)] Alternatively a PC might successes.
arrange a careful system to ensure that no one can get a look • Rehearse Personalities. [Intelligence (disguise kit), Wisdom
at what the party is really up to. This tactic can contribute no (Insight)] A PC can quiz the rest of the party to make sure
more than four successes to the goal, however. they won’t be tripped up by questions, that they don’t answer
• *Locate Spies. [Wisdom (Insight), Charisma (Deception or to the wrong name, and that they all know each other as well
Persuasion)] If the PCs are going to spend their time faking as they should. This tactic can contribute no more than three
effort, they ought to make sure those efforts are actually be- successes.
ing watched by someone. This doesn’t contribute to the main • Finishing Touches. [Intelligence (Arcana, History, or Reli-
pool of successes, but a success on this tactic makes the above gion)] The appropriate skill depends on what cover the party
tactics easier, reducing busy work, fake paper trails, and is using, but a PC could coach the party on topics their cover
actions in secret to DC 13. identity would know.
• *Turn the Spies. [Charisma (Diplomacy or Intimidation)] • Results. A complete victory here means the party not only
This risky gambit can only be attempted after the party has pulled together convincing backstories, costumes, and
locates the spies. One success at this tactic establishes contact documentation, but they’ve had a chance to get comfortable
with the spies. A second success lets the party buy off the with their cover identities. They’ll only be discovered if they
spies. For the price of a bribe worth 1,000 gp, the party con- act overtly out of character (and you as GM should try to
vinces the spies to deliver false intelligence. (The bribe takes remind them before they accidentally do anything that would
the form of various favors and small items, not a single cash break their cover).
payment, though it is counted from the party stipend.)
The risk, however, is that a failure on either skill check What Spies?
spooks the spies, and they report that they’ve been discovered. A secretary in the RHC office, Candace Coman, thinks she’s just
At that point, no matter how many successes the party gets keeping tabs on the PCs for a reporter, but the reporter she’s in
on this goal, they can never achieve a complete victory. contact with is actually Hank Gallager, a spy who delivers his in-
Alternately, after the first check establishes contact with formation to an anonymous proxy in Parity Lake. The information
the spies, the party might try to just kill them. The spies are Gallagher delivers eventually gets to Lorcan Kell’s thieves guild, who
no real threat — equivalent to a handful of low-level rogues– in turn pass it on to the Obscurati.
so the party automatically can take them out, but this Meanwhile a docker named Clark Dunstan watches the party’s
likewise tips off the spymasters that something’s up, so the ship, while an elderly cop named Miggs Maloney looks for chatter
party cannot achieve a complete victory at this goal. about the party from other police officers. Both report to a similar
Results. If after seven weeks the party has eight successes, they get chain of command as Gallager. The only real threat are a trio of
a complete victory; the Obscurati have no idea the party will be Kell-guild thieves—Jessica, Anna, and Emilia—who watch the PCs’
heading to Danor, making their enemies much less suspicious. homes and occasionally tail them.
A partial victory means the identities are hard to pierce, but they Bah! Let’s Start Already!
won’t stand up to close scrutiny. A failure means that their identi- If your players just want to jump into the mission, they can use
ties are just the minimum sufficient to get them into Danor and the following cover identities. Adjust genders, names, and races as
onto the train. If they raise a fuss or draw the attention of the au- needed. Strange races will require more elaborate explanations.
thorities, they’ll have to work to avoid discovery. • Royston Porcher. Veteran of the Fourth Yerasol War, turned
land-owner in the southwestern Risuri province of Blackgap.
Goal Three: Contingencies. Now touring the Avery Coast with his bodyguards and former
Each week a PC can choose to take the necessary steps to prepare war buddies.
for one of the following contingencies. Most of these do not require • Gary Normanson. War buddy of Royston’s.
any sort of skill check to succeed; it’s enough for the narrative that • Tristan Wolfe. Another war buddy.
the player is making plans. Some are harder to get, though. • Scottie Butcher. Mage bodyguard, hired to check for
• Docks and Ports. If the PCs need to sneak in or out of a city compulsions and illusions.
or get contraband delivered, this contingency will ensure • Chet Foster. Foreign manservant.
they have allies they can turn to at the docks of one of the six As for secrecy and contingency, assume the party got a partial suc-
coastal cities along the railroad (Nalaam is in the moun- cess on maintaining secrecy; and give them two “spy tokens.” During
tains). These allies might only number five or six, and they the adventure they can hand over a spy token to get help for one of
won’t fight for the party, but they’ll act as look-outs or do safe the contingencies above, as if they’d planned for it.
favors. The main challenge to this contingency is to arrange
and communicate codes and signals to people across the necessary teleportation beacons (cities without beacons are
sea. After all, the PCs and their allies have likely never met difficult to teleport into or out of, due to latent gold deposits
before. in the ground). A successful check gets a mage in one of those
Each time the party chooses this contingency, they can cities to wait on retainer, ready to teleport the party.
arrange contacts in another city’s port. A character with the These cities’ teleportation beacons are in secure facilities
Docker theme always has a chance of finding friends in port under heavy guard. While foreigners are allowed to enter,
even if the party did not arrange for allies in a given city. they will be questioned thoroughly, subjected to mild
• Enclaves. Each night the train stops in a Danoran-owned divinations, and asked to pay for a teleportation visa if they
enclave with entertainment and lodging. Each time the party do not already have one (at the cost of 500 gp per person,
pursues this contingency, they can arrange for allies in one valid for five years).
of the seven cities along the railroad. As above, these allies • Care Package. [Charisma (Persuasion)] If the party is ca-
won’t fight for the party, but they can be a useful extra set of pable of sending, they can requisition gear from the RHC just
hands. as if they were present in person. After first making an Intel-
• Friendly Passengers. Each time the party chooses this ligence (Arcana) check to get a mage on retainer in Flint, the
contingency, they can arrange for one Allied Passenger to be party will have to convince the RHC’s quartermaster to be
in the coach cars, ready to act when they see the right signal. ready to hand over requested items to the mage. If success-
The stats for Allied Passengers are presented in Appendix ful, the party would be able to cast sending, use the normal
One: The Avery Coast Railroad. Prestige rules to requisition items, and then have the items
• Eyes on the Train. [Charisma (Persuasion)] With a success- delivered via teleportation to the city of their choice. The time
ful check, a PC can arrange for a low-level RHC agent to required would be about 8 hours longer than however much
get a job aboard the train, likely as cleaning or cook staff. If time it would normally take.
the party succeeds a second check they can also get someone Results. After the seven weeks of preparation, make a list of what
hired on to the train’s security detail. contingencies the party planned for. When they run into trouble
• Teleportation. [Intelligence (Arcana)] If the party is not able during the adventure, encourage them to call upon whatever plans
to do so themselves, they might need a mage to teleport them, they made in advance, and try not to say no to reasonable sugges-
particularly if they get thrown off the train and need to catch tions. It’s likely the party will make some plans that are never
up to the next stop. Only Trekhom, Nalaam, Sid Minos, necessary, so if they actually picked the right spot to plan, make
and Vendricce can be teleported into, as they possess the sure to reward them for it.
his act includes the party’s journey to Cachalot.
The party’s ship is being followed by the Cachalot, an experimental
Danor and their train’s travel through Danor submarine powered by both steam and magic. The Obscurati have a
handful of these vessels, and they patrol around Axis Island. Each
and the Malice Lands. is 110 feet long, 15 feet wide, and has a crew of 8 marines and
one magitech engineer. They’re little more than tubes with pumps,
compressed air, and engines, but with the aid of magic they’re fast
Dangerous Waters enough to track any ship in the sea. If threatened they can dive to a
depth of 30 feet and easily slip away. Each also carries two smaller
Exploration. Montage. submersible pods with mechanical arms. They can be used as escape
The party sets sail across the Avery Sea, but their route is watched vehicles, or as delivery devices for spellbombs.
by the Obscurati. The engineer and captain of the Cachalot is a very old Danoran
On the night of the night of the 85th of Autumn, Delft wishes wizard named Glaz du Sang Magie. He specializes in hydromancy,
the party luck, and then they set out aboard their ship (detailed on but has a fascination for ice and steam as well as liquid water.
page 39, Roscommon and Khalundurrin). Any skyseer in the party
notes that one of the golden motes of Urim has disappeared, likely Welcome Party.
devoured by Nem. This heralds a change in fortune, and promises Obscurati mages on Axis Island regularly cast divinations to see if
secrets will be revealed. potential threats might be approaching, but they get lots of false
The ship sets out on a seven-day voyage west into the Yerasol Ar- positives because they’re paranoid. When the party approaches,
chipelago, then north to Beaumont. It’s a well-trafficked merchant they send out a submarine to see if they’re a legitimate threat. If so,
route, and though their ship flies Risuri colors, Danor’s navy is not they have on their payroll various privateer ships in the archipelago
supposed to attack. they can magically contact. The Ob’s actions vary based on how well
On the fourth day, as they near the archipelago, the party might the party handled the Secrecy aspect of the planning montage.
notice a smoke plume following them a mile or two away with a Complete Victory. One of the pods sneaks up and plants a magical
successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check, as if coming from tracking device on the bottom of the PCs’ ship’s hull. The subma-
a steamship. But there’s no sign of an actual vessel. If a PC uses a rine tails them for a day until they get near Danor, where even the
spyglass eventually he spots a small steam pipe sticking five feet out seas are part of the dead magic zone. It reports back to base, and
of the water, emitting the smoke. Just in front of it is a periscope. the Ob perform more divinations. Eventually they realize who the
An Ob vessel tows the Cachalot into position for its subterfuge mission.
party is and where they’re headed, so they give the Cachalot orders Canis est Carnes
to follow the party’s ship all the way to Vendricce. • 28 privateer crewmembers
Partial Victory. As above, but the Ob also sends two privateer • 2 privateer officers
ships to board the party’s vessel and look for anything suspicious. • Captain Jerrial
This might provoke a fight, but it’s not necessary. Amicus Selachii
Failure. The Ob wants to stop the party now, so they order the • 22 privateer crewmembers
privateers and the Cachalot to attack. • 4 privateer officers
• Captain Auria
Interception. Cachalot
The route through the Yerasol Archipelago gets a bit dicey in a few • 8 Obscurati marines
spots, and every captain has his favored stations of passage. One • Glaz du Sang Magie
such is a steep wooded island called Rivenstone. The trees here
yield soft lumber, good for quick ship repairs but not long-term Each privateer ship individually is an average encounter. Together
shipbuilding. There’s even a large safe cove with sheltering rock they’re a hard encounter. The Cachalot would be a hard encounter,
walls, named Colmarr’s Folly after a gnome ranger who sank his though they withdraw if they don’t win as fast as they’d like, so
ship when he sailed too close and cracked his keel. The wreck lies they’re more like a challenging encounter. If the party is set upon by
split on either side of the cove’s threshold. all the ships at once, it’s equivalent to a very difficult epic encounter.
In the predawn hours of the fourth day of their journey (89th
Autumn), the party’s ship passes near Rivenstone. Any PC with Terrain.
darkvision who is on lookout might notice one of the Cachalot’s If the party has a rudder they can make for the cove, Colmarr’s
pods sneaking up to the party’s ship in the predawn hours by mak- Folly, which presents a bottleneck for the privateers so they can only
ing a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. If the pod crew thinks attack one at a time. First the Canis attacks, starting 100 feet away
they’re undetected, they use the pod’s mechanical arm to jam an and closing 40 feet per round until it stops adjacent. The Amicus
enchanted metal spike into the bottom of the ship’s hull; this spike appears 8 rounds later, sailing up alongside the Canis and using
acts as a beacon, making it easier for Cachalot to track the party’s it as a bridge to the party. The Cachalot’s pods flank the party and
movements. Then, if the Ob has ordered a boarding or attack, they attack from the far side. Also, because the cove is only about 20 feet
use the pod’s mechanical arm to detach the party’s ship’s rudder. deep at its entrance, the Cachalot won’t follow because its captain is
If no PC noticed the pod, the party’s crew realizes the rudder wary of getting stuck. Of course, the party might simply get caught
isn’t working within a few minutes, by which point it has drifted out in open water.
away into the night. If the party spots the pod or is wary of sabotage, The Cachalot can detach its side pods, each 15 feet long with a
they might be able to get the rudder and start to reattach it. At best hatch on top. If someone is inside to pilot, they have a speed of 50
they’ll get done just after sunrise, right as the privateers arrive. feet underwater, or 20 feet on the surface.
Battle of Colmarr’s Folly The privateers aren’t particularly clever. Jerrial, who wears bucca-
neer’s breastplate so he can swim safely and walk on water, leads
Action. Tactical. his crew in melee. Auria has two of her crew hold and load spare
Two ironclad privateers attempt to board the party’s vessel, while a muskets for her as she fires from her ship’s forecastle at anyone
submarine lurks nearby. who’s out of reach of the main crew. The officers use their fencing
Two privateer ships — Canis est Carnes and Amicus Selachii — ap- skills to try to dark around and make attacks on weaker opponents.
pear on the horizon and make for the party. Using semaphore, the Aboard the Cachalot, Glaz watches through the periscope. Even
privateers signal for the party to yield to boarding and search. Once if he has orders to attack the party, he’s wary of risking his ship so
the ships reach close range, the privateers prefer to board and force he lets the privateers exhaust themselves first. Then he surfaces and
surrender rather than sink a valuable ship. pops the hatch so he can conjure an ice storm to trap the party’s
ship. Four marines swim to the ice floe and climb aboard the party’s
ship, while the others pair up in the sub’s pods. Each pod has one
pilot and one man up top, shooting out of the hatch.
If more than half the marines are defeated, or if Glaz feels
threatened, he orders a retreat. As many men as possible pile back
into the sub, and then it submerges.
Privateer Crewmember
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws passive Perception 10
Skills Athletics +2, Vehicles (water) +3
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Dwarvish Captain Jerrial, Canis
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
Actions Armor Class 16 (buccaneer’s breastplate)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 Hit Points 112 (15d8+45)
(1d6+1) slashing damage. Speed 30 ft.
Privateer Officer 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Saving Throws str +7, dex +5, con +6
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) Skills Athletics +10, Intimidation +5, Vehicles (water) +8
Hit Points 65 (10d8+20) Senses passive Perception 11
Speed 30 ft. Languages Common
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) Brave. Jerrial has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Saving Throws str +4, dex +5, wis +2 Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when Jerrial
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4, Vehicles (water) +5 hits with it (included in the attack).
Senses passive Perception 10 Net Master. Jerrial does not have disadvantage on attack rolls with his
Languages Common net from being within an enemy’s reach. In addition, he is able to make
Challenge 2 (450 XP) attacks with other weapons the same round he attacks with a net.
Actions Actions
Multiattack. The privateer officer makes three melee attacks: two with Multiattack. Jerrial attacks twice with his magic trident and once with
their rapier and one with their dagger. Or the privateer officer makes his net or makes three melee attacks.
two ranged attacks with their pistol. Magic Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) piercing damage.
(1d6+3) piercing damage. Net. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 5/15 ft., one target. Hit:
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range If the target is Large or smaller it is restrained until it is freed. A
20/40 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) piercing damage. restrained target or another creature within its reach can use its
Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. action to make a DC 10 Strength check to escape the net. Dealing
Hit: 8 (1d10+3) piercing damage. 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees a restrained target
Reactions without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net.
Parry. The privateer officer adds 2 to their AC against one melee attack Reactions
that would hit them. To do so, the privateer officer must see the Parry. Jerrial adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that would
attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker and be wielding a melee
Equipment weapon.
Gear. The privateer officer carries a potion of greater healing (heals Equipment
4d4+4 hp). Gear. Jerrial carries a potion of greater healing (heals 4d4+4 hp).
If the party is defeated and the GM wants to salvage the rest of announce that the railroad has proven that Danor can accomplish more
the adventure, perhaps have them taken to Beaumont as prison- with intelligence and manpower than most nations can accomplish with
ers, where they’d have a chance to escape. They’d probably have to mystical secrets and genuflecting to gods.
board the train as coach passengers, but they’d still have a chance. The train hisses and steam spurts from its edge, casting a white haze
If the GM thinks the PCs might enjoy owing a favor to the fey, they over the platform and obscuring some of the other passengers waiting
might be rescued at sea when the privateers are attacked by merfolk here. There is a whistle, and a man waves at the crowd, welcoming you
agents of Beshela, the archfey who appeared briefly in the first ad- aboard. He wears a brilliant red and yellow sash emblazoned with the
venture as an ally of Duchess Ethelyn. symbol of the Avery Coast Line: a pair of train tracks, woven in an infin-
ity symbol.
Entering Danor The waving man is the train’s conductor, the amiable and boisterous
Xorin Marchand, and when he realizes the party is traveling first
Social. Montage. class he beams at the chance to impress them. He offers to per-
Arriving in Beaumont, the party has a few days to get settled before sonally escort them to the rear of the train. Porters can take their
the mission. luggage, and the whole group boards onto the lavish first class din-
A ship riddled with cannon holes will raise a few eyebrows in the ing car, Car 19, while the crowd of coach passengers waits in line.
port of Beaumont, but luckily the Obscurati do not have allies ev- Xorin introduces the party to Kov Marik the first class chef and
erywhere, so the party can get into the city easily. A customs agent Doris Gavagne the piano player, then escorts them to their suite
and his security staff briefly check the party’s documents, then wel- in Car 17. While the porters deposit their bags, Xorin encourages
comes them to Danor. them to enjoy a complimentary breakfast in the dining car. The
The PCs should get lodgings appropriate to their cover stories, party might decline Xorin’s tour so they can better watch who else
and they might fill their time by visiting the local military academy boards the train, and he won’t press the matter.
Lamar University, attending an opera, or taking in a burlesque
show. The city is smaller than Flint, with a thicker stench of indus- Exploring the Train.
try hanging in the air, but it’s full of people like any other. Most The coach cars are about half-full with workers, and the second-
dislike Risuri, but they’re hardly a faceless enemy nation. class rooms are also about half-full with businessmen. Only one
Very little magic works in Danor, and so the city lacks any of the other suite in first class is occupied. If the party brings their tickets
tiny magical flourishes found in every civilized part of Risur. But with them they have free run of everything from Car 10 on back,
perhaps the biggest shift is the climate. Just a couple hundred miles but the crew ask everyone to be in their assigned spaces when the
north of Flint, Beaumont has no shelter against frigid arctic winds train departs, to make sure they have an accurate count.
blowing south. While it hasn’t begun to snow yet, the temperature Among the hundreds of people on board, there are about forty in
drops near freezing at night, weather unheard of in Flint. the second class rooms, and a family of four in the suite next to the
party’s. Of the former, only one makes an immediate impression.
If the PCs haven’t already noticed, Tarro the son makes a fuss Shortly after the security check, the clock tower outside the sta-
about Bree’s arm scars. Ejeka the wife apologizes and tries to get tion booms out a tune on the half hour. There is a great snapping
the boy to drop the topic, but Bree just smiles calmly and tells Tarro hiss heard throughout the train, and the behemoth vehicle lurches
that if his sister’s arm ever gets cut off, he should hold onto it in case into action, metal squealing and clicking. The party can feel the
they can sew it back on. This excites Tarro the son to no end, and train accelerating, slowly but steadily hauling its tons of cargo and
causes Dabo the daughter to shriek. Damata becomes stricken at passengers up to speeds unmatched except by magic. Beaumont
the thought of his children being hurt. glides past, and soon the scenery of pastoral Danor is flying by at
60 miles an hour.
Last Check.
At 7:25 (a.m. and p.m.) train security guard Malia Baccarin makes
a pass through the first class and second class sections, checking Keskay
to make sure everyone’s in their right section and no rabble snuck
in from coach. The beautiful, dark-skinned woman stands out in Social. Montage.
Danor almost as much as the family of half-orcs. More suspects board at the city of Keskay.
Malia makes an offer to any men in first or second class, as well Boarding: Elanor and Isobel, Verzubak, Boone.
as women (like Bree) who look tough. She asks if they’ll be staying The train stops about once an hour at different small cities, wait-
with the train on to Trekhom. If so, it’s traditional for distinguished ing just 10 minutes for people to board or disembark. No one else
guests to enjoy a ‘safari’ of sorts in the Malice Lands. They sit on the boards on first class, but the ranks of second class and coach shuffle
roof of the train with muskets, and with the guidance of the train’s gradually through the day. If you need help fleshing out impromptu
security personnel they can shoot at any malice beasts that come at social interactions between the PCs and these unimportant passen-
the train. Malia’s ulterior motive here is to figure out who might gers, see Filler NPCs (page 35).
be a threat when her brigand allies attack in the Malice Lands. If The train stops in the agricultural hub city of Keskay at 11:17
anyone’s interested, she offers to acquire fine rifles when they’re in a.m. Outside the windows the party can see people gathered on the
Cherage, for the low price of 100 gp apiece. See the Arms Dealers landing, and amid a crowd of unassuming human workers and busi-
sidebar in Act Two for details. nessmen, four people stand out.
carbines and pistols should be sufficient to get even PCs to stand sling insults, slurs, and half-full bottles at the foreigners. The group
down. If the party just comes quietly, the cops will let them go for a claims that all Berans are savages, especially the orcs, and that they
small bribe (10 gp apiece). If the party fights back, they might end deserve only to be enslaved for their own good. Damata attempts to
up tossed in an oubliette and held until the Danorans figure out herd his family away from the belligerents, but his daughter Dabo
their secret identity. starts crying and runs straight at them (in orcish culture, girl’s
Should the party raise red flags but escape, or if they piss off temper tantrums tend to be aggressive). If the party doesn’t inter-
the wrong people, the next morning the police come on the train vene, Dabo gets savagely beaten and kicked before she can be pulled
and insist on searching the party and confiscating any weapons or away, and Tarro receives a black eye after biting one of the militia
magic items they find, calling them evidence. They happily explain members’ ankles.
that the party is free to stay in town and file the proper paperwork If the party intervenes, the militia members aren’t a real threat
to have the items returned to them after the investigation is over. (use the standard statistics for Guards), but a scuffle will draw at-
Of course, the same goes for other travelers, so the party’s sus- tention of the police, who’ll side with the militia.
pects aren’t eager to start a fight.
Elanor and Isobel.
The Grientos. Elanor meets with two Cherage town guard after disembarking the
The family go to a few children-friendly buildings in the enclave, train, and an hour later, after she gets settled in her hotel room,
with Damata listing off interesting factoids about construction, en- they return with a travel permit to a wealthy district. She heads
gineering, and mathematics to educate his children (“these arches out, with Isobel in tow and the guards as protection, and eventu-
are fascinating constructs, each one using only gravity, placed on ally comes to a rather opulent manor house high upon a hill. She is
a single keystone to keep the entire building erect!,” “This build- greeted warmly at the door, and is welcomed inside.
ing was constructed in the early age after the Great Malice, by a Her host, a high-ranking bureaucrat named Bucher Monmarl,
governor who wanted to pay homage to his dead wife, whose stone flatters Elanor and adores Isobel, hoping to curry favor so some day
portraiture makes up the columns…,” etc.). he might benefit from the woman’s fleshmongering. A few more
As the family returns to the hotel, however, they cross paths with guests arrive and share a small banquet. Getting a close look would
a group of drunken militia members who are traveling coach. They be very tough, but it would yield the purpose of Elanor’s trip.
The Bodyguards. Perhaps ten minutes later, Bree finishes her drink and leaves
Bree, Verzubak, and Boone travel independently but act in concert. discreetly. She takes a different route out of the enclave, using an
They all get rooms in the fancy hotel, and then stagger their de- official travel pass to get past the guards. But then she takes a path
parture. The plan is for Boone to go to leave around 8 p.m., being that goes right past Boone’s alley. If anyone followed her, and man-
flamboyant, flirting with women in the hotel lobby, and overall at- aged to get out of the enclave, Boone tries to disrupt their pursuit
tracting attention. He heads to the ‘cheap’ hotel, where he convinces when they come past by stumbling into them, pretending to be
a 16-year-old woman to come with him to the enclave’s fanciest bar, drunker than he is, and threatening to challenge them to pistols at
L’Wabe du Fonne. Five minutes behind him, Bree leaves her room dawn. This distraction gives Bree a chance to shake the party, and
and heads to the same bar. Verzubak, who has been sitting in the counts as one failed “keeping up” check.
hotel lobby fiddling with dice and a notebook, watches both people If the PCs aren’t simply following the same streets Bree takes,
to see if anyone follows them. Then, five minutes later, he goes to Boone won’t spot them. He’s busy, after all.
the same bar.
If the PCs follow either Boone or Bree, Verzubak notices them if Bree’s Rendezvous.
their “Stay Hidden” check (see Tailing a Suspect, page 8) does not Bree goes to a carriage depot and hires a ride. In the post-curfew
beat DC 18. If they are trying to Stay Hidden from Verzubak, they streets of Cherage, following her will be challenging, but she goes
only have to beat DC 14. to the Sovereign’s mansion even if she knows she’s being pursued.
The bar is busy enough that the trio can all spend time there More and more police roam the streets as the party nears the
without crossing paths. Bree nurses a drink, Boone chats up this capital district where all the major government buildings are. The
evening’s lady, and Verzubak plays the stereotypical Drakran dwarf, Sovereign’s mansion itself has a wide, flat lawn surrounding it, and
drinking, buying drinks, and laughing at people’s jokes. He plays a numerous soldiers guard the walls.
lot of dice, losing mostly, but winning big once to recoup his stake. Getting this close ought to yield enough information, but there
At 9 p.m., Verzubak booms out a toast that quiets the room, of- is almost no chance the party will be able to follow Bree to the ac-
fering to buy a round if everyone will listen to him for just a minute. tual meeting. The grounds of the mansion are studded with stones
His toast is a signal to the other two. gathered from Methia, the former capital of the old holy empire of
• If he saw no one following either: “To those we trust in, and the Clergy, abandoned after the Great Malice. These stones nullify
to those who earn our trust. May alcohol forever help bring magic entirely, with the one exception of tieflings’ infernal wrath
us together!” power. Spellcasters might be able to scrape by elsewhere in the
• If someone was following Boone: “To adventure, and never country, carrying their own mana with them, but here they are
waking up in the same town twice. Or at least not in the powerless.
same bed!” Inside the mansion, Bree meets with Luc and Ottavia, who did
• If someone was following Bree: “To the owners of this fine not know about her or Caius. Sovereign Han Jierre, who is one
establishment, who will soon be taking a lot of money from of the heads of the entire Obscurati and knew Caius, makes the
me. You give us drink; we give you this toast!” connection and tasks Bree with helping keep Luc safe on his jour-
• If both Boone and Bree were followed: “To the train, which ney. They spend the next few hours discussing plans, and then Bree
unifies this continent, and to all the lovely people aboard it heads back to the rail enclave.
who will be sleeping off their hangovers tomorrow!”
• If he personally is being followed: “All of you care so much Extracurricular Activity.
for free drinks that you’ll listen to a foreigner ramble on, so I After Bree passes Boone, he feels his job for the evening is done.
suppose I must toast myself! To Verzubak Tantalovich!” (This He takes his lady to an even more secluded spot, then stabs her
one elicits laughing boos.) through her heart. He takes her hair and uses it as a brush to coat
If Verzubak suspects the PCs of following him, Boone, or Bree, he his demonic pistol, then spends a few minutes disemboweling her.
approaches them right after this toast and buys them a drink, then He stretches her limbs spread-eagle, places her liver in her right
suggests they play a game of dice. This lets his accomplices know hand, her heart in her left, then pulls her intestines into a ring
who to look out for. After that, the dwarf’s job for the night is done. around her. When he’s finished he walks away, and slowly the blood
He keeps a wary eye out for clues, but mostly just tries to help every- coating him is absorbed into the pistol, turning the metal crimson.
one have a good time. At 11 p.m. he joins a small crowd who head It slowly fades over the coming day.
out to watch a burlesque show. If the PCs won’t give him privacy, he abandons his plan, and is
surly the entire next day as the demon in his gun urges him to kill.
Sneaking Out. If interrupted during the act, Boone flees frantically, trying to
A few minutes after Verzubak’s toast, Boone suggests he and his hide his face. If cornered or if he knows he’s been identified, he
young lady friend should find some place private. Boone offers some fights back. If he gets away, though, he makes a point of finding
high-spirited shouts to the other beautiful women around the room, a police station and reporting that he was attacked by a group of
but then he and his friend leave the bar and head out of the rail thugs, led by a man with spiky white hair. He claims the woman
enclave. They sneak through one of the gates, avoiding any guards. he left the bar with was taken, and he was left in an alley. The cops
Then they stop in an alleyway and have some private time. eventually find the woman’s body, and assume Boone is just a victim.
If he is not interrupted, Boone returns to his hotel and sleeps New Passengers.
soundly. The next morning there’s talk about a woman brutally As the party gets back aboard, they notice Malia the train guard
murdered in the night, but no one links her to the tiefling gun- followed by a pair of men carrying a huge chest marked with the
slinger. Boone will repeat this procedure every night throughout logo of a prominent gun manufacturer. These are the rifles she’s
the journey until he’s caught. He’s careless on the first night, killing acquired for the safari. She orders the men to load them into the
someone he’s been seen with, but from then on he picks up strang- first class lounge car’s supply room.
ers and performs his ritual sacrifice with somewhat more discretion. Just then a tall handsome man with a briefcase strapped to his
Eventually, if the PCs don’t manage to catch Boone first, Bree wrist by a leather cord — Cardiff Hengehill — pushes through the
figures out what he’s been doing and tries to punish him. That’s crowd, grabs Malia by the arm, and drags her aside for a private
detailed in the scene Three Milestones (Act Three). conversation. She shakes free of his grasp, but remains professional
as she quietly tells him she’ll give him a letter later with details on
Mister Mapple. the meeting she has arranged. Cardiff walks off to Car 14 without
At some point later in the evening, perhaps as the PCs are return- a word.
ing to their hotel room, a grinning man darts past them, apparently A bit later, a very unusual pair arrives at first class: a flat-faced
enjoying himself. The shabby-looking gentleman wears nothing but tiefling man with an air of boredom about him walks arm-in-arm
a long coat with patches and holes, and he smells pungently of bath with a sternly beautiful elf woman. Geometric tattoos are visible
oils. Four enclave guards chase after him, but the stranger is faster. along her hands and neck, and any PC that succeeds on a DC 12
It takes only a few moments for him to sprint to the bridge over Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes as marks of an oracle of
the train tracks and jump down onto the train, not even breaking the Clergy. They are both dressed in quite high fashion, and their
stride. He tumbles and rolls to the far side of the train, out of sight. luggage is carried on by private servants. Onlookers are abuzz with
This is Andrei von Recklinghausen. If the PCs inquire, they speculation about them.
learn that the man came to the front counter of the hotel, intro- Elanor Yanette recognizes Luc Jierre, and gossips loudly that
duced himself as “Mister Mapple,” and asked if anyone was staying he has a reputation as something of a shut-in, since he hasn’t been
in the top floor Mayoral Suite. When he learned no one was, he seen in town for a few years. The woman, she opines to anyone who
walked outside and was spotted climbing up the side of the building is still listening, is clearly a bought bride, and she insinuates that
(he had pants on at that point.) she would have arranged a better pairing.
It took half an hour for the hotel to decide to send people up, Just before Luc and the elf woman get on the train, the woman
and they found him bathing in the suite’s tub. He shoved his way (Ottavia) waves her hands in very precise gestures. Luc pauses, re-
past the guards with ease, and actually seemed to take it slow on sponds with a few gestures of his own, and the woman laughs. She
the stairs down, like he was enjoying being chased. The cops figure makes one more volley of hand signals, and then Luc thanks the
there’s no use looking for him now. porters, stuttering, “Th-th-the lady s-s-says th-th-thank you.” Then
Mister Mapple, for his part, sneaks onto the train, steals some they head for their suite in Car 18.
clothes from random people’s luggage, and heads for Car 6. He peels In the very unlikely situation that a PC understands Crisillyiri
open the wooden paneling on a box of silver religious artifacts that sign language (it’s only recently been developed), Ottavia asked if
has a lot of cloth padding. He shifts the contents into other boxes Luc was nervous, and he said that he’s ridden the train plenty of
and crates, then uses the box as his bed. He sleeps with one eye open. times. If the party was hoping to eavesdrop, they’re out of luck.
Safari Time! Then you enter the Danoran-operated rail enclave, and it’s all per-
Malia starts rounding up people who were interested in shooting at pendicular and parallel lines. The layout here is the same as every other
malice beasts. She hands out rifles to those who are interested, then nightly stop, with one fancy hotel, one common hotel, and plenty of en-
leads people up to the roof of Car 19. Malia’s comfortable walking tertainment. But there’s no curfew like in Cherage, and out there await
up top, but she suggests everyone else sit down and plant their feet the oddities of Orithea, this one safe oasis in the Malice Lands.
on the lip along the edge. If anyone falls, the train can stop, but the
conductor will be furious for being made late. Orithea’s city center is smaller than Cherage, but dozens of idiosyn-
The train slows to a leisurely 20 miles per hour (150 feet per cratic suburban farming towns surround it. Once you get outside
round). This afternoon’s safari will be brief — the train’s schedule the rail enclave there are a few places that tourists tend to gather.
can only spare about half an hour — but tomorrow they’ll have a cou- A series of high towers on hills north of the city give spectacular
ple hours. A keg of beer and pitchers of hot spiced cider are provided views of the constant aurora, and the Night Market near the docks
to make for a pleasant experience even if no monsters show up. is full of crafters hawking their wares and spellcasters promising
Feel free to choose a few creatures with appropriate challenge safe rituals in the dim orange-green light.
ratings, mostly natural or elemental beasts, and “monsterize” them In the enclave, the entertainment is much tamer than in Cherage.
with wretched malformations. Some just loiter a few hundred feet Lounge singers backed by strings and pianos are popular; one the-
away. Some heard the train coming and roar as it rolls past, or ater puts on an elaborate puppet show. A museum tells the history
charge after it, trying to leap onto its side and climb up. Malia just of the Malice Lands, with a prominent exhibit presenting relics of
laughs, confident people in and on the train are safe. the first “Malice State,” Pala, founded by the philosopher William
Miller shortly after the Great Malice. Daring travelers can sign up
Shooters. for an overnight trek outside the stable zone, to ruins north of the
In addition to any PCs who get involved, Bree, Boone, Cardiff, and city, which are seeded with kitschy fake relics of a “lost civilization.”
both Damata Griento and his son Tarro want a crack at the mon-
sters. Cardiff transfers the cord of his briefcase to his ankle instead Law Enforcement.
of his wrist, so it won’t bother his shooting. Malia and four other Standards are much laxer in Orithea than Cherage, and the city
train guards also have rifles, but they don’t shoot unless a monster is more welcoming of weirdoes and foreigners. If the party causes
looks like it might be an actual threat. trouble and gets caught, the city doesn’t want to hold onto prisoners
After the group fires off a few dozen shots, people spot a figure if it can just ship them out, so the party will be held overnight, then
standing atop Car 6, shouting at them and waving a crowbar in the escorted to the train by a large complement of guards who ensure
air in frustration. This is Mister Mapple, whose afternoon nap was the group leaves town.
ruined by all the racket. The PCs should be able to recognize his
coat. A few guards go to try to get him down, but he ducks back into The Grientos.
one of the cargo cars and hides. The family takes in a puppet show until 8 p.m., then heads to a high
tower near the center of town — not as good a view as the north hill
towers, but a safer spot to watch the aurora. Plus, there’s a restau-
Aurora over Orithea rant. Dabo claims to be a vegetarian, and Tarro ends his meal early
to crawl beneath the table, but by and large the night is uneventful.
Exploration/Social. Montage. Damata leaves a hefty tip after the meal, and has a romantic dance
As the train stops for the second night, the party can observe suspi- with Ejeka (much to Dabo and Tarro’s disgust).
cious movements of the enemy.
The train arrives in Orithea at 6:04 p.m. The train coming from Elanor and Isobel.
Trekhom has already arrived. Elanor leaves the hotel at 7 p.m. for the Night Market, Isobel as
always at her side. Unbeknownst to her, Mister Mapple follows her,
The evening sky is streaked with the brilliant colors of gold, violet, red, and the party might cross his path if they’re also watching Elanor.
and blue. More than just a sunset, the heavens warp and change the Other shoppers give Elanor a wide berth. She visits a small
sun’s light into an aurora, painting the sky with streaks of iridescent, apothecary that deals in potions of charm and domination, where
chaotic color and ribbons of ethereal light. she purchases a few. On her way back to the rail enclave, Mister
Like the day before, fifteen minutes outside of Orithea the train Mapple steps into her path and tries to engage Isobel in conversa-
guard Malia asks everyone to please return to their seats to keep an tion, reciting a love poem about a troll and a princess, all the while
eye on their personal effects. The enclaves are always busy, she reminds ignoring Elanor. Isobel is too dazed to respond coherently. Mister
you, and it’s easy for thieves to hop on board in the commotion and nick Mapple tries to pull aside the veils covering her face. Elanor reacts
unattended valuables. by reaching for her spell components, but Mister Mapple grabs her
As you roll into Orithea you can spot people mingling atop the odd wrist and squeezes. He asks if she’s willing to risk fighting him
wobbling spires that rise above so many of the buildings in this city. here. Elanor screams for help, playing on the idea that she might be
Almost no structures have straight edges. Out on the coast, even the a helpless old woman. At the sudden attention, Mapple backs away,
beam cast by a lighthouse seems to curve on its way out to sea. then runs, leaps, and clambers up to a rooftop, out of sight.
delay the party by dropping and shattering crates in the road just
after Luc and Ottavia’s carriage goes by. If the party’s in a carriage
of their own, they won’t be able to get through the mess and will
have to detour around it.
Once Bree’s confident Luc and Ottavia are not being followed,
she rendezvouses with them at the lighthouse.
The screaming malice appears north of Car 10. The assumed • Round Two. Malia yells for the other guards to go help, and
course of events is that the PCs make their way down the train to says she’ll make sure the first-class passengers are safe. She
the screaming malice, then fight it off, save passengers from its climbs down into the lounge car. Bree and Boone meet gazes,
spawn, or rush onward to the locomotive, to get the train moving. and she nods downward, implying they need to protect Luc.
Use the timeline below to keep track of what happens up until when • Round Three. Damata drags his son down the ladder, and
the PCs intervene in a particular location. heads into Car 18, shouting warnings as he runs to get
his family in Car 17. Bree also climbs down, and she stops
Timeline. outside Luc and Ottavia’s suite, banging on the door. Boone
Front of train. heads to the connection between Cars 17 and 18, keeping an
• Round One. Bandits ride in. Chief guard Vodyarika Lerkem eye on the monster. Verzubak and a lot of other people flee
leads 3 other guards to the locomotive. from the second class suites toward the rear of the train.
• Rounds Two to Five. Bandits jump their steeds onto the The above people stay at these locations until the end of the
locomotive. They dismount and fire pistols while the steeds encounter, unless the PCs get them to move.
claw and bite. They kill one guard per round. Guards knock The other six guards start to nervously approach the
out one bandit each round. Engineer Steeg surrenders. screaming malice along the train’s roof. Cardiff grabs four of
• Round Six. Bandits stabilize their wounded, who remain as the rifles discarded by Damata, Boone, Bree, and Tarro, and
rear flank. he follows the guards.
• Rounds Seven to Ten. Bandit captain and four bandits • Rounds Four to Eight. Cardiff and the guards advance one
remount and ride to Car 6. car every two rounds, eventually stopping at Car 16.
• Rounds Ten to Twelve. Bandits shoot Mister Mapple, who • Rounds Nine to Twelve. Cardiff and the guards fire at the
tries to drive them off. He’s left for dead, but will regenerate. screaming malice. They deal a combined 24 damage per
• Rounds Thirteen to Twenty. Bandits steal items of value from round to it.
Car 6. • Round Thirteen. With the monster only one car away, Cardiff
• Rounds Twenty-One to Thirty. If no one from rear of train is and the guards run back toward the end of the train.
approaching, bandits quickly grab valuables in Cars 3, 4, and
5. They ride away as soon as they see trouble approaching. See the table below to track how many spawn and casualties there
Middle of train. are, and how much damage the guards have dealt with their rifles,
• Round One. If any characters are near the front of the train, when the PCs finally engage the monster. Make a note of how many
they may see a lump rising in the black, swampy water below casualties there are in this fight; it will affect the party in the en-
the bridge. The tumescent growth rises, brackish water cas- counter Three Milestones (Act Three).
cading off of it, revealing something slick, black, and tarry
reflecting the dim sunlight. Something like a tentacle shoots Malice Spawn Casualties
suddenly out of it, smashing through the windows of Car 10. Round Malice Location # of Spawn Casualties
Other tendrils — actually long necks capped by amorphous, 1 Car 10 0 0
reptilian heads — rise up and begin to scream. 2 Car 10 2 0
• Round Two. The head in Car 10 detaches, and the neck 3 Car 11 2 2
pulls back out. A new head regrows. The original head, still 4 Car 11 4 4
screaming, splits apart into four whip-tailed drakes called 5 Car 12 4 8
malice spawn. These begin to kill the passengers. 6 Car 12 6 12
• Rounds Three to Fourteen. Each round, the screaming 7 Car 13 6 18
malice moves about half a car-length toward the back of the 8 Car 13 8 24
train. On odd-numbered rounds the malice reaches a new 9 Car 14 8 32
car, then smashes through windows with its head. Every even 10 Car 14 10 40
numbered round it detaches the head, creating new spawn. If 11 Car 15 10 50
not stopped, it reaches Car 16 in round thirteen. 12 Car 15 10 60
• Round Fifteen. The screaming malice withdraws into the 13 Car 16 10 70
swamp, and its spawn leave the train. They’ll merge with 14 Car 16 10 80
their original body, and thus feed the malice. 15 Departs 10 80
Rear of train.
• Round One. People see the screaming malice rise up. The Tactics.
guards are dumbfounded. Tarro Griento screams, and Malia The screaming malice feeds on intense emotions, and the ban-
feigns terror as well. Cardiff detaches his briefcase from dits lured it to this swamp with a ritual and a sacrifice. When it
his ankle, considers attaching it to his wrist, but decides he senses the unease of the passengers on the train (due to the sudden
needs both mobility and free hands to shoot. braking), it approaches to eat. Its screams acts as a psychic aura
The Suspects.
If the PCs think to check on the NPCs during this encounter, here’s
what they’re doing:
• Luc and Ottavia stay locked in their suite in Car 18.
• Bree guards Car 18.
• Boone waits on roof between Car 17 and Car 18.
• Verzubak heads for Car 19.
• The Grientos stay in Car 17, arguing over whether to hide or Screaming Malice
run. Gargantuan aberration, unaligned
• Elanor and Isobel stay locked in their suite in Car 18. Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
• Mr. Mapple fights off bandits, gets shot and left for dead, Hit Points 232 (15d20+75)
regenerates. Speed 30 ft.
• Cardiff leads train guards to shoot the monster. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
• Malia waits in Car 19, trying to keep passengers from fleeing 22 (+6) 6 (-2) 20 (+5) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 5 (-3)
into the swamp. Saving Throws con +9, cha +1
Skills Perception +8
to heighten people’s emotions, and its spawn wreak havoc inside Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, prone
the train, causing panic and capturing actual flesh (terror is a fine Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 18
apéritif, but flesh and blood are the main course). Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
When the PCs get within its field of view, or if any PCs attack Malice Spawn. Whenever a malice spawn is destroyed, the screaming
it or its spawn, it is attracted by the rare taste of heroism. The malice takes 10 damage.
malice spawn break off from killing passengers, and they rush Many-Headed. The screaming malice has five heads, each of which
the party — some through the train cars, others along the top. The occupies its own 10-foot square. When the malice moves it can move
screaming malice itself closes in and tries to bite and fling whoever its heads to any space within 25 feet of its body. The heads are part
is dealing the most damage to it. It does not move adjacent to the of the malice, and so share its AC and hit points. Effects that inflict
railroad, though, since the rigid metal injures it (the attacks of the conditions or force movement can affect a head, but each head
railroad guards are not substantial enough to get its attention since tracks its conditions separately. The screaming malice can only make
the guards are as frightened as the passengers). attacks (including opportunity attacks) against creatures adjacent to
The bandits try to flee before the party reaches them, but if forced one of its heads.
into a fight the riders form a defensive group as they withdraw to Truly Gargantuan. Once the screaming malice reduced to 155 hp or
their steeds, while their leader Rodinn unleashes illusions in an less it flees, as do all its spawn. The screaming malice is immune to
attempt to buy them time. conditions and cannot be affected by any sort of forced movement.
Its heads do not have this same immunity, however.
Aftermath. The screaming malice has disadvantage on attack rolls against
There are few wounded, but likely many are dead. Malia, upon see- creatures adjacent to its main body.
ing the carnage, withdraws from everyone, shocked because she Vulnerable to Order. The malice beast’s flesh withers at the touch of
expected the bandits to use a monster as a distraction to rob the the railroad. If its body or one of its heads starts its turn at ground
train, not to actually kill people. Captured bandits know they had level adjacent to the train, the screaming malice takes 10 damage.
an ally on the train, but only Rodinn knows the ally was Malia. Actions
The surviving guards inspect the barricade and realize it’s an Multiattack. Screaming Malice makes five head bite attacks.
illusion. Engineer Steeg nervously starts the train moving, and the Head Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
illusion disappears when the locomotive comes into contact with it. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) piercing damage.
During the rest of the trip to Trekhom, Conductor Xorin makes Produce Spawn. When there are 10 or less malice spawn created by
his way through the train, checking on people and asking if they the screaming malice it can detach one of its heads in place of making
saw anything that might be useful for the formal investigation into an attack. The area the head occupied becomes four new malice
the attack. spawn. The head regrows at the end of the malice’s next turn.
other side of the object (half, three-quarters, or total cover at throw or fall prone and be pushed 5 feet in the direction the
the GM’s discretion). train was traveling.
• Travel Between Cars. To pass between cars one must open a A character with the technologist theme can easily
first door, step across a 5-foot platform with just a knee-high understand the machinery of the locomotive. Any other
railing, then open a second door to enter the next car. In character must make a DC 15 Intelligence check as an action
combat a character would have to spend a bonus action and to figure out how to accelerate, decelerate, or apply the
the Use an Object action. emergency brakes. After a successful check, the character no
The doors remain open unless someone closes them by longer needs to make a check for that action.
• Outside the Train. Moving along the top of a train car while Filler NPCs.
it is in motion requires a DC 8 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check The party is likely to talk to a lot of NPCs. If you don’t want to tip
or else the creature falls prone at the start of their movement. them off by naming only “important” NPCs, here’s a quick roster
A creature must make the same check if it takes damage of filler folk for the second class section.
while standing atop the train. • Alexi Mohrbacher. A Drakran human returning home after
The windows and decorations along the sides of the train selling magical implements to Danorans who want to be able
cars provide plenty of handholds. Climbing along the side of to use magic. It’s a solid business because the goods never last
the train requires a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. more than a few months.
It’s quite safe to sit atop the train’s roof, since a sturdy lip • Bethany Cousineau. A Danoran tiefling on a private errand
provides a good foot rest. A creature seated and braced in for her family.
this way counts as prone, but can use crossbows and firearms • Charon Chevrolet. Old man taking a vacation from his goat
without penalty. Militia members typically sit on the roof of farm to see his grandchildren.
a train car while in the Malice Lands, the better to shoot any • Dan Boyene. A Danoran traveling ophthalmologist, with a
malice beasts that attempt to attack the train. suitcase full of eyeglasses.
• Driving the Train. Normally the train travels at 50 to 60 • Emile Davion. A lieutenant in the Danoran military travel-
miles per hour (250 to 300 feet per round), but an operator ing with five soldiers who are enrolling in the Woodruff
in the locomotive can safely accelerate or decelerate the train, Memorial Martial University in Cherage.
changing its speed by 10 feet per round, to a maximum of • Ford Zugoksy. A minor Danoran politician going to a fund-
800 feet per round. The train can also move backward at a raiser in Cherage.
maximum speed of 100 feet per round. If the train makes a • Giles Bonhomme. A nervous musician who constantly holds
turn at a speed above 700 feet per round, the train operator his trumpet case to his chest.
must make a DC 15 Intelligence (vehicle [land]) check or the • Herbert Nembillion. A tall blonde duelist going to Nalaam to
train derails. fight in the arena.
An operator can also apply the emergency brakes, • Jacques Labelle. A fat sea captain who has to go to Cherage
decelerating the train by 100 feet per round (from its to file an insurance claim.
cruising speed to a halt in 3 rounds, or from its full speed to • Kipana Swansdotter. A college professor from Nalaam who
a halt in 8 rounds). Applying the emergency brakes causes was doing experiments on how magic decays in Danor.
any creature on the train to make a DC 13 Dexterity saving • Leroy Flowers. A man on the run after he murdered his wife.
Razorburst Weapon. radius), or to turn off. It is fragile and has only 10 hit points (AC 13).
Weapon (any), very rare The lantern’s greater powers require special fuel — oil that has
Pairing Drakran magic and Danoran science, this weapon’s been attuned to a particular plane by steeping it in some item at-
blade is edged with hovering, jagged teeth that glint in the light. tuned to that plane. Typically this is some form of meteorite that
Upon activation these teeth saw back and forth in a keening blur, has been ground to dust. An ounce of this oil burns for 5 minutes.
liable to sever something vital. When you use this weapon to dam- Each ounce of oil is effectively a consumable item of uncommon,
age an enemy that has fewer hit points than double the weapon’s rare, or very rare rarity. The level, based on how much meteor dust
bonus to attack and damage (minimum 1) the weapon shrieks as its the oil contains, determines the strength of the effect. A given
bladed teeth saw back and forth, a mechanism unspooling near the ounce of oil must be attuned to a specific plane.
hilt. The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = dam- You can use an action to fill the lantern with oil and light it. The
age dealt by the attack). On a success, the target loses an extremity lantern either affects everything it illuminates or only creatures
of its choice — hand, foot, arm, or leg. On a failure, you choose that are specifically targeted. To specifically target a creature you
which extremity the target loses. Creatures without extremities either need to be able to see it when you light the lantern, or the
are unaffected. creature (or its gear or domicile) must be marked with an arcane
A severed arm or hand prevents use of anything that a target was sigil prior to lighting the lantern. Targeted creatures that leave the
holding or carrying. A severed foot slows the target. A severed leg area of the lantern’s illumination are no longer affected, but they
renders the target prone. will be affected again if they return to the area.
The lantern’s effects extend 50 feet in every direction, ignoring
The Wayfarer’s Lantern. even total cover or concealment. A creature with total cover or
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) concealment has advantage on saving throws to resist the lantern’s
The eight-faced cap of this lantern depicts symbols of seven plan- effects because the light is not actually touching them, but the
ets and the sun. Eight brass arches beneath contain a light that magic can pass through solid objects.
glows without flame, held contained without glass. As the light Choose an effect below appropriate to the oil’s planar attun-
touches you reality seems to shift. You can use a bonus action to ad- ement. Each round targets must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC
just the lantern to shed dim (25-foot radius) or normal light (50-foot equal to the level of the oil used). A creature that is hit falls under
the lantern’s effect for 5 minutes. If it later moves beyond the radius
of the lantern it is no longer affected, but it will be again as soon as
it comes back into the area.
The lantern’s effect lasts for the full 5 minutes. It cannot be
snuffed prematurely without shattering and destroying the lantern.
• Any. Within 1 minute a random encounter occurs as
creatures native to the plane are drawn to the lantern. The
encounter is up to GM’s discretion based on the current party
• The Dreaming or Bleak Gate. Those affected are physically
transported to the coterminous spot in either the land of the
fey or the land of shadows. • Mavisha. The flow of water within the area obeys the mental
• Vona. Affected creatures gain a +10 bonus to Wisdom (In- commands of sentient creatures. An affected creature can
sight) and Wisdom (Perception) checks. An affected creature use an action raise, lower, or part water, or increase a vessel’s
with vulnerability to radiant energy or sunlight takes 1d6 speed by 10 miles an hour, but it’s not fast enough to be used
radiant damage at the beginning of its turn each round. as a weapon. Multiple creatures thinking in opposition (5 or
• Jiese. An affected creature that takes 1d6 fire damage at the more) can rouse the anger of the water causing it to manifest
beginning of its turn each round. Objects catch fire more as a water elemental.
easily. • Urim. Illuminated stone, crystal, and metal becomes harder.
Alternately, affected creatures become argumentative and Affected creatures have resistance against bludgeoning,
hostile. Any creature that remains under the effect for at least piercing, and slashing damage.
1 minute makes a Wisdom saving throw or is frightened. • Apet. Affected creatures can teleport 50 feet as a bonus ac-
While so frightened, if it ends its turn and has not attacked tion, but must remain within the radius of the lantern’s light.
anything, it must attack or charge the nearest creature. If it • Nem. Affected creatures are pulled from their bodies into the
succeeds its saving against being frightened, it recognizes plane of Nem, a spirit world on the far side of the Bleak Gate.
that its mind is being affected, and is immune from the The world resembles reality but is bereft of occupants and
compulsion for 5 minutes. If a creature is still in the radius of slowly fades away as the disembodied creature wanders away
the lantern after that time, it can be attacked again. from the spot where it died. Even if their body moves, the
• Avilona. Howling winds blow across affected creatures. At spot where they entered Nem is an invisible gateway. If they
the beginning of each round roll 1d8 to determine the wind’s ever stray more than 3 miles from that gateway, they pass
direction. Whenever an affected creature ends its turn, it is into the afterlife and cannot be resurrected. This is normally
pushed 1d4 x 5 feet in that direction. Alternately, other types not a factor with the lantern because it will not burn long
of weather can be called forth, albeit in a limited area. enough.
• Av. Any creature under the lantern’s effect for at least 1 Creatures in Nem cannot see or be seen by living
minute becomes slowed (as the spell, ending on a successful creatures. They gain the Ethereal Movement feature of a
saving throw). If it fails its save, it falls asleep and has vivid ghost (useful for scouting environments).
shared dreams. If it succeeds it shakes off the effect and is If their souls leave the area of the lantern, they instantly
immune for 5 minutes. snap back to the spot where they first entered Nem. If their
bodies are moved from the lantern’s area, their souls snap
back into their flesh.
• Olivert Boone. Tiefling gunslinger and lady’s man. Braggart. intelligence. Bouts of heroism. Short temper. Grabs people when
• Verzubak Tantalovich. Dwarven luck mage. Looks perpetually with criminals along railroad. Collects newspapers. Skilled at cajol-
tired. Rolls dice, makes notes about random events in his notebook. ing, goading, seducing. Wants to score big, retire young.
Rejects Heid Eschatol focus on the end of life. Observant. Can tell
• Ashima-Shimtu. Ancient demoness. Chained by Clergy. Scaled
what people care about, so pays a lot of compliments.
skin. Speaks as if narrating events, never in first person. Hints at
• Elanor Yanette. Hugely fat enchantress. Sex trafficker. No knowing great secrets, reveals very few.
empathy. Smug. Keeps people around so she can show off wealth
• Minister of Outsiders Lya Jierre. Tiefling martial scientist.
and gossip. Reads erotic poetry.
Ambitious. Haughty but friendly. Progressive. Wants peace.
• Isobel Travers. Young, beautiful eladrin. Raised to have little Arcano-technological vorpal rapier.
• “Mister Mapple,” Andrei von Recklinghausen. Scruffy, shab- others to talk. Enjoys solitude and posing surprising questions
bily dressed. Smells of fancy bath soaps and perfume. Amazing about philosophy. Ghost who travels between bodies. +
on Time
Part Two
A 5E-Compatible Adventure for 6th-Level Characters
Act Two: Turned Tables
spied upon.
With perfunctory formality, Malia comes through fifteen minutes
outside of Trekhom. Still shocked by the morning’s attack, she asks
everyone to please return to their seats. After all that’s happened today,
she doesn’t want anyone to fall prey to thieves hopping on board in the
commotion to nick unattended valuables.
The train approaches Trekhom via a titanic, high bridge that passes
over the mouth of a mighty sea. From a distance, you see pollution
Layover in Trekhom thicker than in any city you’ve been before. Huge steel mills churn coal
smoke into the air. Gray snow drifts down from the sky, coating every
Exploration/Social. Montage. surface in freezing wet grime. The enclave and surrounding railyard lie
When the train stops in a city of dwarves, it’s hard for suspects to directly between the city center and the harbor, forcing the whole city
blend in, but equally hard for the party to shadow them. to suffer from the smog in the name of efficient trade.
Less than an hour after the attack, the train crosses the border As the train arrives, night has already fallen and the air is thick
out of the Malice Lands and into Drakr. A steel spire rises five enough with snow that you can only make out vague shapes of squat
hundred feet above the desolate landscape, guarded by a battalion buildings, punctuated by massive towers.
of soldiers and mages. The train does not stop there, but over the
next few hours it hits several small cities. At the conductor’s urging,
most people do not flee the train. He promises their needs will be Investigation.
better tended once they reach Trekhom. When the train pulls up to the station, twenty enclave guards stand
The train is scheduled to arrive in Trekhom at 6:24 pm; if the at ready, as well as the enclave’s tiefling director. Conductor Xorin
party doesn’t take a hand in getting the train moving again, it speaks with the director, and they quickly arrange for the basement
shows up 21 minutes late, by which time the enclave guards have of a nearby theater hall to be used as a makeshift morgue. Bereaved
gotten nervous. passengers have their tickets refunded and their lodgings paid for.
Investigators try to question everyone so the railroad can prevent Arms Dealers.
future attacks of this sort. Men hand out brochures near the hotel inviting visitors to various
The train coming from Nalaam has already arrived. When word craftsmen of fine armaments. It has become a cottage industry in
spreads of the monster in the Malice Lands, many of its passengers Drakr for weapons makers to collaborate with mages in the creation
change their travel plans until they know it’s safe. of new killing tools.
Overnight, passengers in coach and second class are asked to Either by following a brochure or following Verzubak after he
take all their belongings off the train because new cars will replace toasts, the party might find their way to a shop called Knigi, Grudi,
the damaged ones. Bongi, i Strely (Books, Boobs, Bongs, and Booms), which caters to
This scene is meant to give the party time to catch their breaths. all sorts of marginally legal desires, with a library of controversial
Nothing dangerous happens tonight unless they go looking for books and scrolls, exotic magical pornography, various drugs and
trouble. paraphernalia, and of course, explosives.
New weapons include rifles, shotguns, and even magical bullets
The Grand Railyard. (granting no higher than a +2 bonus to attack damage).
The Avery Coast Railroad enclave sits within a crenellated wall, just
to the north of a much larger conflux of railroads. Eight different
railroads that span Drakr meet in a railyard that fills nearly an en- Elanor & Isobel.
tire square mile. Hundreds of rail cars are parked along its tracks, Elanor huffs out of the enclave with Isobel in tow, takes a trolley
and trains roll through the city at least once an hour. to an inn at the docks called Korol Morya (Sea King), and meets
People are free to come and go from the enclave, but the city an esteemed dwarf ritualist, Vankloff Jeanov. They go to a private
does not offer much to the casual tourist. The city has no subrail basement room, where Vankloff acts as a conduit for long-distance
due to disputes over subterranean property, but small overland rail communication.
lines weave between city districts. Older paths underground are If the party manages to eavesdrop, they can hear Vankloff speak
also available, cramped for humans but lit with gaslamps and free with three different voices through the conversation — one with
of gray snow. a brusque Drakran accent, one a charming Crisillyiri, and one a
smarmy Risuri. They ask how the trip is going and express concern
Law Enforcement. at the story of the attack.
Drakr is more prepared for dangerous travelers than the lands to Elanor is obsequious, thanking these “august gentlemen” for
the west. Human and dwarven mages — often armed with painful their “fine taste” and promising to “deliver the goods unmarred — I
and borderline immoral magic such as mind control and soul- haven’t had to beat her once yet, she is very obedient.” She asks for
sucking necromancy — stand ready for people with uncanny combat specific instructions, and the Drakran voice responds that she can
prowess causing trouble. “simply come to the tower,” and she will be welcomed, and, impor-
Drakr is well-known for its harsh treatment of prisoners. Au- tantly, paid very handsomely for her “fresh, ripe, delightful cargo.”
thorities here are said to prefer seeing people sent north to mining The Crisillyiri voice then asks if she has anything for his “other
prisons than taking bribes to let them go. If the party gets arrested, business interest.” Elanor responds that she’ll make a list of “pro-
they’d need to offer at least 500 gp to be set free. spective fodder for the arena,” but warns that the best fighters were
traveling first class and even he “can’t go around abducting wealthy
Rendezvous with Their Ship. travelers, you might be killing my clientele.”
As planned, the party’s ship is waiting in the Trekhom harbor, per- The conversation is over in less than five minutes. Vankloff gets
haps stocked with supplies. If the party gets into too much trouble a payment of 1,100 gold pieces. Afterward they share a drink, and
here, they can catch a ride and get to Sid Minos before the train then Elanor and Isobel return to the enclave hotel.
does, but they’ll miss out on the events in Nalaam.
The Grientos. During the investigation, Cardiff plays down his role in fighting
Ejeka wants to take her kids some place fun to take their minds off the malice beast. Then he retires to his room in the enclave’s fine
the carnage, but Damata is morbidly drawn to the theater where hotel, changes clothes, exits discreetly, and rents a room in the
the bodies of the victims are being stored. People are talking about cheaper hotel. He carries his briefcase hidden inside a duffle bag.
how a special guest is scheduled to speak tonight at the theater: After midnight, Cardiff leaves the hotel and walks to the larger
Vlendam Heid, the dwarf who founded the major philosophical railyard. He’s scheduled to meet his buyers at Warehouse Six at 7:00
movement of Heid Eschatol. pm. His buyer is a small, fat dwarf with wrinkled face full of stubble,
Damata feels like it is fate that a man who wrote the book on dressed in a Drakran military uniform, named Ulrik Pevedin. He’s
preparing for death would be waiting for him on this trip where he flanked by two human attendants, and a dozen other armed soldiers
expects to die. He insists on going, and Ejeka decides to go to a park hide in the warehouse. Assuming the PCs don’t barge in or other-
with the kids to let them play in the dirty snow. Damata and Heid’s wise try to intervene or interfere, the meeting proceeds as follows
interaction is presented in more detail below.
Cardiff puts down his duffle bag as he enters the warehouse, then pulls Luc’s Crew.
out his briefcase. He sets the briefcase on the table, and opens it. Inside Much like in Orithea, the group works to let Luc and Ottavia head
there are many sheets of paper, and the fat dwarf leers over them. to a lighthouse at the harbor. Due to the sad events of the afternoon,
“Ahahaha! These documents will be very valuable on the open market, Verzubak has a hard time finding people to gamble with, and Boone
my spy friend. Thank you ever so much. Danor’s military secrets are, has to enlist a man as his drinking buddy, instead of a young lady.
ahem, safe in my hands. Please, have a drink with me and tell me how The group watches each other’s backs, heads to the inn Korol Morya
you found these.” The dwarf reaches to sift through the documents. (Sea King), and then gets the signal from Verzubak. Ottavia writes
Cardiff closes the briefcase, almost catching the dwarf’s fingers. a note and has it delivered to Bree.
“You can figure that out yourself after you pay me.”
“Just received sending. Tell others, our mission under surveillance.
The dwarf heaves another briefcase onto the table. Cardiff moves Suspected Risuri group sailed into Beaumont. Do not confront. Give
to open it, then pauses and turns it so it opens facing the dwarf. information to me.”
The dwarf laughs and opens it — no trap is triggered — and turns
it around again. Cardiff counts stacks of platinum and gold coins, If the party failed the secrecy part of the mission training mon-
then inspects a bag of gems — the contents of the case are worth a tage, instead the note contains brief descriptions of the PCs, short
total of 17,000 gp. He transfers the money to his duffle bag, leaving enough to fit into the 25-word limit of sending.
the dwarf’s briefcase empty. After seeing Luc off, Bree quietly shadows Boone. She doesn’t see
him kill his victim, but does find the body. She’ll report this to Ot-
“You are too paranoid,” says the dwarf, “even for this country. I would not tavia, who’ll concoct a plan to deal with both the party and Boone,
kill you without being sure you are prepared for it.” who has become a liability.
“You can never be too prepared,” Cardiff says. “Don’t read page eight. Luc and Ottavia meet up with a dwarf who owns all the pris-
It’s trapped to explode.” He walks away with his duffle bag, laughing as ons in northern Drakr, Ramos Zoltan. The lantern demonstration
he goes. occurs without a hitch. If the PCs manage to get a glimpse into
the meeting, they can see mock-ups of Trekhom’s lighthouse, a few
Cardiff heads to the docks and catches a ship out at first light. other city lighthouses along the Drakran coast, and the giant spire
at the border of Drakr and the Malice Lands.
Stopping the Exchange. After leaving the lighthouse, Luc prepares a contingency. Using
If the party intervenes, Pevedin’s fourteen goons will try to kill his family name as leverage, he gets the enclave director to agree
them. Cardiff will simply try to escape, either with the documents to some special repairs for the train. He has a replica of his experi-
or with his reward (or both, if possible). Pevedin just cowers. You ment installed on top of the locomotive, concealed under a sheet of
can use for his guards the stats of the Privateer Officers (page @@), steel as part of the smokestack. He is also given access to the train’s
reskinning sabers as maces. interior overnight; he scribes sigils into the hidden backsides of the
The documents are related to Danor’s naval maneuvers, and give gas lanterns that light the hallways. In this way, he can activate his
highly detailed records of every ship in the navy, its captain, crew, lantern to affect the entire train if need be.
armaments, capabilities, and recent deployments. This would be
invaluable in the event of a war with Danor.
Doomed Men Are Often
Malia. Philosophical
Malia is enlisted to help carry bodies from the train to the theater-
turned-morgue. Afterward she takes a long hot bath and goes to Social. Real-Time.
bed early, but has trouble sleeping. Malia really doesn’t do much Damata Griento has to decide how to face his death.
else of interest for the rest of the adventure, unless the PCs prompt At 8:00 pm, the enclave clock tolls, and Vlendam Heid walks on
some action. stage, wearing a heavy brown suit and thick spectacles. The audi-
ence is filled with scholars, philosophers, and theologians, but a
Mister Mapple. roped-off section in front reserved for railroad passengers is empty
It’s possible Mister Mapple was captured by the train guards after save for Damata. Depending on how the party has treated him, he
the attack, in which case he’s taken into custody, but manages to might ask one or more PCs to come with him.
escape shortly before dawn.
If unfettered, Mister Mapple follows the PCs because he’s cu- “People ask me,” he starts, “how will the world end? How in the various
rious about them. He might address them briefly — calling down hells should I know? I am not a prophet. I don’t believe you can know
from a rooftop, ready to flee in an instant — to ask their names and what will happen. Yes, mages and priests can see paths and visions, but
introduce himself. He leaves before long, then goes to spy on Isobel it only takes one unlikely interaction or chance meeting to change the
through the window of Elanor’s hotel room. course of the future.
“I don’t say I know how the world will end. But I know that it will end.
Every fire burns itself out. Tomorrow morning, look to the sun. Feel how
warm it is. One day it must burn out, and without it this world will freeze. Recruitment.
Maybe some—.” Either at the theater or later in the evening, a slightly drunk
He stops, then looks down to the front row and adjusts his glasses. Damata and Heid find the PCs in their room — waiting until dawn
“I prepared a speech,” he says. “They hired me and told me the audi- if necessary — and make Damata’s offer. Using the famous philoso-
ence would be layfolk. I tried to prepare something simple. I see I have pher’s authority to back him up, Damata proposes that they are
some admirers in the back rows, but up front, it is pretty empty. You all free men, and that anyone who would threaten another man’s
survived the attack on the train today?” family to make him into a slave does not deserve to live. Those who
Damata nods. would aid such a slaver likewise deserve to die.
Unexpectedly, Heid sits down at the edge of the stage and lets his When they reach Nalaam, he asks the party to accompany him
feet dangle as he addresses Damata (and the PCs, if they’re present) as his warriors. He’ll have to see if he can buy some warpaint in the
directly. morning before the train departs, but he’s prepared to arm them,
“I have a contract, and I must speak on a level my audience under- though they must return the weapons to his family after the battle.
stands. Let us be efficient. I wrote a rather long treatise on how best to In exchange, he’ll grant them a place of honor at his villa in Ber,
prepare for death, and for other endings in life. Today there was a great and will let them keep whatever loot they find after the battle. He
deal of death on your train. I leave it to you: please ask whatever you knows the Family plans to have a wizard present to price and pur-
want, and perhaps we can learn something from this tragedy.” chase the weapons, so there should be plenty of cash on hand.
Damata thinks for a minute, then says, “The people who died today Of course, if the party comes up with another solution (such
don’t have a chance to change anything anymore. I do. I hurt my family, as taking Cardiff’s pay-off and handing it over to the Family),
and I can’t stand myself now. I want to change things. I see now that Damata’s willing to change his mind. If the party refuses outright,
death can strike at any time, from any quarter, so I guess I should make Damata looks to Heid for strength, then nods and departs.
amends while I have the chance.”
“I have dealt with this before,” Heid says. “Life has many chapters, Weapons of the Warchiefs.
and if you want the book to end properly, you must choose the path of The simplest way to handle this is to just treat the items Damata
each chapter well too.” carries as a collection of orcish tribal totems which anyone can
“Oh.” Damata slumps. “It’s hard, because I think if I try to fix anything, wear. These totems only function when fighting for a warchief of
I’ll get myself killed.” the Griento family, and they grant the wearer 15 temporary hit
People in the back of the theater make furious notes. points at the start of combat, and increase the magical bonuses to
attack and damage of the PCs’ weapons by +1.
This sets off an earnest discussion between the burdened, plain- If you want to be more specific, the following items might suffice.
spoken Damata and the more philosophical Heid, who is intrigued Whatever form Damata’s items take, if the party steals them they
by Damata’s vulnerability. Damata explains his predicament. Heid will be cursed until they return the items to the Griento family.
offers no direct answers, instead asking questions to guide Damata Whenever a cursed character gets into combat, he feels thick orcish
to figure out what matters to him. Heid’s goal is to get Damata to hands grasp his limbs and prevent him from fighting. The cursed
act without fear, because he has come to grips with the possibilities character is dazed until the end of his first turn each combat.
of how this chapter of his life will end. • Three sets of bracers of defense.
• Two +1 throwing axes that reappear in the wielder’s hand at
Final Will. the end of the turn they are thrown.
The PCs are welcome to get involved, but barring their intervention, • Four +1 daggers that deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage.
Damata decides that he is likely to be beholden to the Family if he • A set of gloves of missile snaring.
does not stand up to them. The only possible ending to this situation • One brooch of shielding.
that he thinks would honor his family and his nation is if he follows
the tradition of his ancestors and fights for his territory — in this
case his family, his wealth, and his life. He is no fighter himself, but Under Investigation
he comes from a family of warchiefs, and so he will rally warriors
to him. Puzzle/Social. Real-Time.
Unless somehow the party has completely avoided combat so far, Luc Jierre’s bodyguards try to figure out who’s spying on them.
Damata intends to ask the PCs to fight for him against the crimi- No Longer on Board: Cardiff.
nals who seek to make him their slave. He will offer to arm them During boarding, people mutter about news that another body
and pay them in loot, as is the orcish way. If they refuse, he will was found overnight, ritually disemboweled like the last two. The
see that as proof he is not worthy of his family name, and thus the prevailing theory is that whoever called the monster in the Malice
weapons were not his to take. He will instead go to the meeting Lands is trying to kill everyone on the train. Passengers are tense.
expecting with no payment, and will kill himself, because death is The train leaves at 7:30 am. The coach cars are only a quarter full,
better than slavery. and they only end up half full by the time the train reaches Nalaam
The audience is quite excited, and Vlendam Heid himself asks to in the evening. Before then, things seem to have mellowed out, and
have the honor of a drink with Damata. the day goes by without any attacks or monsters.
The situation will depend immensely on how the party has done During the conversation, or if the party is hesitant to let her in,
so far in their reconnaissance. They likely have identified Luc as she mentions that she’s actually pretty bored on this trip because
their target, but they might not know how the others fit into the the man who hired her for bodyguard duty, Caius Bergeron, never
situation. Or they could have figured out everyone’s situation, and showed up. She already had a ticket, though, so she figured she’d
just need to lay low and not attract attention. ride anyway. She hopes the party’s reaction will give them away
Now, though, it’s the villains’ turn to spy on the party. Ottavia (and she tries the same gimmick with several other suspects).
passes along a directive to in no way let on that they’re suspicious,
and not to take any overt actions. They are just to make a slight Your Presence Is Requested.
effort to tease information out of the party. If the party failed to Though Elanor is devoid of empathy, she does value people, because
maintain secrecy in the initial planning, Ottavia knows for sure they let her gloat. As the train nears Nalaam, Elanor has the staff
who the PCs are. Otherwise, you might include some of the follow- deliver magically-written notes by her, inviting everyone in first
ing encounters in the lounge car throughout the day. class and a few suitable folks in second class to attend the Nalaam
See “Investigative Skill Challenges” in Zeitgeist: Always on Arena’s ten o’clock show this evening.
Time—Part 1 or the Zeitgeist Player’s Guide.
Tonight several of the side characters’ plots come to a head. Dam- The Grientos.
ata Griento kisses his family good-bye and marches to face a gang Damata casually tells his wife he has a business meeting to attend.
of criminals. Meanwhile, Elanor arranges for Mister Mapple to be At 7:00 pm, Ejeka and the kids head to the casino to watch a show
arrested and thrown into an arena, then sells Isobel into sex slavery. with captive tigers. Damata leaves a letter for his family at the
The people who aren’t particularly active are Luc’s crew, since concierge desk, with instructions to deliver it in the morning if he
they just want to lay low until their trap for the party goes off to- hasn’t returned.
morrow. How dangerous this evening gets depends on how many If the party gets involved, see “Family Stone,” below.
friends the party has made and how much they’re willing to risk
their mission to help strangers who are in trouble. Helping Damata, Elanor & Isobel, Mister Mapple.
Isobel, or Andrei von Recklinghausen here can pay dividends in Also at 7:00 pm, Elanor has arranged for a cadre of lawmages to
later adventures, but the party can skip them entirely without af- visit her hotel suite. They dutifully escort her as she leaves the ho-
fecting the core mission. tel with Isobel, and when they spot Mister Mapple following them
they strike, using stoneshaping magic to trap him until he can be
Fun and Games. knocked unconscious and shackled. They cart the man off to the
If the party isn’t up for heroics, they might play cards, dice, or rou- arena, and Elanor takes Isobel to meet the buyers.
lette at the casino, where cheating with magic is forbidden (which They go to a tower near the main Nalaam Casino, pass through
just means people have to be clever). They might visit one of the the guarded entrance, and proceeds to the top floor. To prolong
many very creative brothels in this city of mages, or simply shop for the pleasure of the sale, she invites the three buyers to come watch
spells and magic. Plus there’s always the Nalaam Arena, the Street a show at the arena. She wants them to see what passion Mister
That is Always Downhill, and the only ski resort in the world. Mapple, a random hobo, had for young Elanor, in hopes of spurring
the men to bolder bidding.
Literal Debts to Society. If the party gets involved, see “Hobo Maximus,” below.
Nalaam handles crime in a unique fashion. Since gold is king
here, the city employs skilled economic theorists and an army of Luc’s Crew.
merchant surveyors to determine average values for anything that Since there is no lighthouse here, and the Obscurati haven’t man-
might be damaged by a crime — windows, carts, sense of security, aged to get a cell leader into any position of authority, the group has
even human life. When a criminal is caught — and since every city no objective this evening. Verzubak heads to the casino and makes a
guard has a bell that can alert watchmages of severe threats, few killing at dice, using magic to feel the flow of luck rather than pre-
major criminals manage to escape — magistrates determine the dict the future or move the dice like most people try. Boone hits up
value of damages he imposed. He is then responsible for repaying a brothel, then later murders a female patron of the same brothel,
that debt, plus 10 per-cent, in a fashion suited to his talents. leaving her in a gutter.
Offenders are branded with an arcane mark until their service is Luc and Ottavia leave their hotel briefly to browse an arcane
done. The point of this is not punishment, but to recoup losses, so commercial district, where mages sell potions, scrolls, and various
as long as a person is not deemed a serious threat, Nalaam authori- reagents. Ottavia, in preparation for a plan the following evening,
ties prefer to get value quickly instead of locking people up. Petty purchases a scroll that will let her create a detailed illusion. After
criminals might simply be sent to a mine or farm, craftsmen are put that, they accept Elanor’s invitation to the arena, and arrive shortly
to work crafting things, and violent offenders are sent to the arena before the 10 pm show starts. Bree shadows them during their shop-
as entertainment. The audience can pay to request specific bouts, or ping and also goes to the arena, but has to guard them from afar
the criminals can volunteer in order to get out faster. because she cannot afford a suite.
Damata Griento balconies. Fine foods, wines, and other luxuries are provided, and
Medium humanoid (half-orc), chaotic good elite guards protect each suite, which are accessed by a private hall-
Armor Class 13 (hide) way in the interior of the building.
Hit Points 39 (6d8+12) The night’s events are presided over by Lord Kulp, Master of the
Speed 30 ft. Games, who directs the arena’s staff to prepare various beasts or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA prisoners to battle in the snow-covered sands. Known as one of the
10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) more magnanimous of the city’s lords, Kulp feels few qualms let-
Saving Throws con +4, wis +4, cha +3 ting criminals die in the arena. He has been known in the past to
Skills History +6, Intimidation +3, Perception +6, Persuasion +5, grant mercy to those who seem wrongfully accused, however.
Survival +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Audience Reactions.
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Orc The common folk in the stadium seating love the bloodshed, and be-
Challenge ½ (100 XP) tween each 5 minute bout people rush to bookie booths to shell out
Rage (1/long rest). On his turn, Damata can enter a rage as a bonus coins. If enough people pay, a gladiator can be forced to fight again,
action. While raging, he gains the following benefits: or specific monsters might be called out. When famous guests are
* • Advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. in the luxury suites, the crowd might appeal to them, cheering
* • When he makes a melee weapon attack using Strength he gains a their names and the names of their favorite beasts in hopes the
+2 bonus to the damage roll. most expensive spectacles will be paid for from on high.
* • Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Ottavia is excited by the early bouts, but is shocked when people
His rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if Damata is knocked un- are brought out and start dying. Luc reacts to the carnage with
conscious or if his turn ends and he hasn’t attacked a hostile creature detached curiosity, since he knows he cannot do anything to stop it,
since his last turn or taken damage since then. Damata can also end so he may as well learn what he can. Ottavia refuses to watch, but
his rage on his turn as a bonus action. stays near Luc to protect him.
Relentless Endurance (1/long rest). When Damata is reduced to 0 hit
points but not killed outright, he can drop to 1 hit point instead. Elanor’s Show.
Savage Attacks. When Damata scores a critical hit with a melee Elanor and Isobel arrive accompanied by three mages — the brusque
weapon attack, he can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one Drakran Nikola the Necromancer, the charming Crisillyiri Father
additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit. Balthazar, and the smarmy Risuri Jaime the Weevil. Isobel is still
Actions veiled, and Elanor escorts the young eladrin to the balcony, waiting
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range until the show is about to start so she can make her sales pitch. At
20/40 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) piercing damage. 10 pm, right as Lord Kulp is beginning his pre-games spiel, mir-
rored spot-lighting from arcane braziers around the arena focus
upon the central luxury suite’s balcony. Elanor then instructs Iso-
Hobo Maximus bel to stand and remove her veils.
Isobel slowly reveals herself a statuesque eladrin woman, with
Social/Action. Real-Time/Tactical. short-cropped, ice-blonde hair and brilliant azure in her blank eyes.
Mister Mapple’s identity is revealed as he is forced into a bloodsport She wears a provocative, intimate outfit. The crowd cheers at the
arena. eye candy. Lord Kulp then cuts off the spotlights, annoyed, and he
With Luc, Ottavia, Bree, and Elanor in attendance, it might be directs the audience’s attention down to the imminent bloodsport.
hard for the PCs to keep away from the arena. This scene puts the To her bidders, Elanor crows, “Gentlemen, this is the famous
party into an uncomfortable situation that tests their willing ess to eladrin maiden, Isobel Travers, raised since birth to appease every
risk their mission in order to stop an unrelated injustice. desire a man might have! And as you have just witnessed, her value
Nalaam’s coliseum has seating along only three walls, with the goes far beyond a toy for you virile men. She will make you famous
western quarter of its circumference open to grant a clear view of in this city. Powerful men will gnash their teeth with jealousy.
a majestic snowy mountain, which gleams in the full moon’s light. Beautiful women will beg for a chance to serve you as she does, I
Stadium seating rises over a hundred feet high, and the crowd is tell you with no bragging. This sort of grandeur is priceless, so I’m
thick this evening. The luxury box suites sit partially-recessed at sure none of you will mind starting the bidding at, let’s say, five
the lowest level, just forty feet above the arena floor on the eastern hundred thousand gold?”
edge of the arena. The wizards glance at each other, seeing who’ll move first, but
Elanor and her bidders have taken the central suite. The suite Elanor wags a finger at them.
to the right is reserved for the party, while Luc and Ottavia watch
from the one to the left. The suites have a rear section recessed “Not so fast, you old dogs. Bidding won’t start for half an hour. I have
into the coliseum structure and walled off for privacy, and a front one more show for you. And first, why not see how you feel with the
balcony section with seats that overlook the event. These seats can merchandise? Balthazar, come down, sit, please. Get comfortable. I’m
be seen from the other suites, and only a 10-foot gap separates the going to go make myself a drink.”
PC Involvement? Mapple responds, “I know what indignities you plan for her, that poor,
The party might sit this one out, might attack Elanor and the wizards that beautiful sweet maid. Ask my name? I name you first, Bitch! I think
as soon as they realize what’s up, or might try to help Mister Mapple. no other word would bear the shame of being worn by you. When I get
His “parole” is set at 20,000 gold pieces, a fee no normal man could free, no man, woman, or child will remember you, but remember me they
ever pay off. But if the party pays up, they can get him out of the will. I am Andrei von Recklinghausen, and I swear to free the woman
arena, and sent up to their booth, perhaps to fight Elanor. next to you even if I have to tear out your damned heart, Bitch. Send
Alternately, the party might head into the arena themselves to me more beasts! I shall build a ramp of their carcasses and climb forth
help Mapple survive his fights. It’s key to recall that Lord Kulp would from this pit!”
love to see some foreigners kill Elanor and her twisted triumvirate,
and if it happens at the arena he can cover for the party so there are Elanor, feeling safe just thirty feet above Mister Mapple, laughs
no immediate consequences. and sweeps her handful of gold so the crowd can see.
“A thousand gold pieces, Lord Kulp. My request?” She pauses, and the
Infamous Mages. crowd shouts various monster names. “Bring out the pyrecat!”
A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check identifies the three mages and The crowd whoops with delight, and from deep in the bowels of the
their reputations. arena, a deep roar echoes through the stadium. Lord Kulp gestures, and
• Nikola the Necromancer, a gaunt and bald human who stole workers scramble, and soon a giant gate opens on the far side of the
his fortune by working as an assassin who killed only the arena floor. A single fiery eye flickers in the darkness. It roars again, and
wealthy. It is said that he purchases all the bodies of pros- its mouth lights up with flame as the huge creature strides into view.
titutes who die in Nalaam, and that his private keep in the The pyrecat stands as tall as an elephant, with all the deadly grace of
mountains outside the city is guarded by their zombies. a tiger despite that it is missing one eye, and that one of its forelegs ends
• Father Balthazar, the Clergy’s highest priest in Nalaam, who just above the paw, which has been replaced by a rune-inscribed hook
siphons much of the wealth from the church into his own almost as big as a man.
mansion. None move against him because it is said he can
actually summon demons to do his bidding.
• Jaime the Weevil, a tiny man from Risur who forsook his Possible Battles.
druidic order and became obsessed with controlling animal If the party doesn’t get involved, the pyrecat runs down Andrei, for-
pests, particularly bed bugs. He made his fortune both by merly known as Mister Mapple.
controlling Nalaam’s pests and offering “protection” to make
sure they would not afflict people’s homes and businesses. As nimble and strong as Andrei is, he manages to jump off walls and
In a city of slime and corruption, these three are arguably the worst. tumble through its legs for almost a minute, nicking it with his axe. It
They are not lords of the city, but they flaunt their power and so have swipes at him a few times, knocks him down, but he pushes his entrails
earned the lords’ ire. Each is overconfident in his magical power. back into his abdomen and keeps fighting.
He leaps onto its back, and it bucks, trying to shake him loose, until
Blood in the Snow. finally it’s right beneath the party’s suite. Andrei raises his axe for a
The first 10 minutes of the show just has pretty criminals trying to strike against the spine, but the cat immolates itself. Its fur turns to fire,
dodge a half-dozen angry bulls. Then a pack of starving wolves are and Andrei screams and jumps away. But he’s high enough now that he
sent in against a dire bear, which wins the fight handily. Then six gets hold of a stone decoration just underneath the party’s balcony. He
men are sent out onto the field, among them Mister Mapple. Their hangs one-handed and bats out the flames, which he seems incapable
shackles are opened from afar by magic, and the bear chases them of regenerating from.
down as the men run for weapons scattered around the floor. Before he can recover, the huge predator swings its hook claw up and
Mister Mapple, on the other hand, tries to climb up the wall out pierces him through the chest. It yanks him down, pins him to the snow,
of the arena, but mages around the edge of the wall knock him back and roars a blast of fire into his face. The crowd roars too, and the pyre-
with gusts of wind. Frustrated, Mapple joins the fight against the cat drags Andrei away, back through the gate to devour.
bear. Three men die, but Mister Mapple saves the last man and kills
the bear with a two-handed axe. The crowd is thrilled. This still doesn’t kill Andrei. City mages who noticed his regen-
The spotlights turn again to Elanor’s booth, and Elanor stands, eration ability quickly get him away from the cat and help him
holding out a handful of gold coins. Lord Kulp asks if she has a recuperate, so they can study him.
request, and she says she wants to know the name of the man who Elanor uses Andrei’s enthusiasm for Isobel to drive up the bid-
killed the bear. Mapple just curses at her in response, but then Ela- ding. By the end of the evening she sells Isobel to Father Balthazar
nor tells Isobel to stand, and Mapple realizes who she is. for 1,500,000 gold pieces.
If the party decides to get involved — and what group of “heroes”
Elanor says, “This man was following me and my cute young friend worth the name wouldn’t, really — the ensuing fight can get quite
these past three days. He’s going to die tonight, but I want to know his complex. Note that Isobel is in no condition to take any actions of
name before I pay for his next fight.” her own. She has 20 hit points and AC 10.
• Andrei von Recklinghausen uses the statistics of an owl) in conjunction with vampiric touch to
• Elanor Yanette attack a target able to heal allies. Meanwhile Elanor uses her spells
• Nikola the Necromancer to try and distract or debilitate PCs and keep them from harrying
• Father Balthazar her allies.
• Jaime the Weevil If Andrei manages to reach the luxury suite, he tries to throw
• Pyrecat Elanor off the balcony into the arena.
The pyrecat is not picky with who it attacks.
The luxury suites are just 40 feet above the arena, which is an oval Aftermath.
roughly 200 feet across, dotted with massive columns, some cracked If the party is defeated, Lord Kulp finally intervenes and calls for
and toppled. The coliseum mages don’t get involved, at Lord Kulp’s an end to the fight “for the safety of the audience.” Guards carry the
direction. Luc and Ottavia run for the exits, while the rest of the party away and arena healers stabilize the PCs. Any survivors from
crowd can’t believe their good fortune to witness such mayhem. Elanor’s group vociferously demand the PCs be arrested, incarcer-
ated, even executed, but Kulp insists the arena’s charter sanctions
Tactics. their actions. The party will be released once they’re conscious,
If threatened by the PCs, Elanor at first tries to grab Isobel and though given the state of the arena’s recuperation rooms, their
drag her away to the hallway, but Lord Kulp controls the stone in train suite might end up hosting bed bugs.
the building, and so locks the door (unless the PCs try to enter the Should the PCs prevail, Lord Kulp invites them to his private
suite through the door, which he’ll allow). chambers beneath the arena and thanks them for getting rid of a
Nikola shouts to the others, “Pick one. Kill him. I need bodies.” blight that has steered this city the wrong way for years. If any PC
Balthazar and Jaime focus their attacks on the same target. Nikola is a Vekeshi Mystic, he briefly recites a common saying of the order
uses his unnaturally bonded familiar (a floating spectral hand that in Elvish to see if anyone notices: “The best revenge is to live.”
or manipulated to impede movement, such those created by the Hit Dice. When he reverts to his normal form, Jaime returns to the
entangle spell. number of hit points he had before he transformed. However, if he
Spellcasting. Jaime is a 6th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage
Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). Jaime has the carries over to his normal form.
following druid spells prepared: Jaime can’t cast spells, and his ability to speak or take any action
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, druidcraft, guidance, produce flame that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of his beast form.
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, detect poison and disease, entangle, Transforming doesn’t break Jaime’s concentration on a spell he’s
faerie fire, purify food and drink already cast, however, or prevent him from taking actions that are
2nd level (4 slots): barkskin, flaming sphere, heat metal, spike growth part of a spell, such as call lightning, that he’s already cast.
3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, plant growth Jaime retains the benefit of any features from his class, race, or
Wild Shape (2/long rest). Jaime can use his action to magically other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable
assume the shape of a beast that he has seen before so long as it has a of doing so. However, he can’t use any of his special senses, such as
CR of ½ or less and no flying speed (if the creature has a flying speed, darkvision, unless the new form also has that sense.
Jaime cannot use it). He can stay in a beast shape for 2 hours. Jaime Jaime chooses whether his equipment falls to the ground in his
then reverts to his normal form unless he expends another use of this space, merges into his new form, or is worn by it. Worn equipment
feature. He can revert to his normal form earlier by using a bonus functions as normal, but the GM decides whether it is practical for the
action on his turn. Jaime automatically reverts if he falls unconscious, new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on the creature’s shape
drop to 0 hit points, or die. While Jaime is transformed, the following and size. Jaime’s equipment doesn’t change size or shape to match
rules apply: the new form, and any equipment that the new form can’t wear must
Jaime’s game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, either fall to the ground or merge with it. Equipment that merges with
but he retains his alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, the form has no effect until he leaves the form.
and Charisma scores. Jaime also retains all of his skill and saving Actions
throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the creature. If the Magic Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
creature has the same proficiency as Jaime and the bonus in its stat Hit: 5 (1d6+2) magical piercing damage or if wielded in two hands 6
block is higher than his, use the creature’s bonus instead of his. If the (1d8+2).
creature has any legendary or lair actions, Jaime can’t use them. Thrown Magic Spear. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
When Jaime transforms, he assumes the beast’s hit points and 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) magical piercing damage.
Beating the Players.
In the first act, the party has to get to the train and figure out the
dynamics of how things work. In the second act they learn about
the various passengers and tick them off the list of suspects. Now
in the third act, they should have little doubt that Luc is their target.
Luc, meanwhile, knows he’s being watched, and he tries to take out
the party.
All Downhill from Here Our hope is that one of these attempts will actually work, and
the party will end up in contact with the demoness Ashima-Shimtu,
Social. Montage. who provides clues to a key mystery of the campaign and plays a
As the train leaves Nalaam and enters Crisillyir, Luc and company prominent role in later adventures. Meanwhile, the villains will be
fortify in case of trouble. lulled into a sense of security, so when the party comes to spy on
No Longer on Board: Elanor, Isobel, Mister Mapple. their gathering they won’t face overwhelming numbers of guards
The next morning, the train departs at 7:30 am amid light snow- and look-outs.
fall, rolling downhill out of the Penance Peaks and into Crisillyir. Hopefully the players will enjoy their comeback from near death,
By mid-morning the snow from the mountains turns to a drizzle of and not feel their opponents’ temporary victory is unfair. And if the
sleet, but the train’s run in worse. Malia assures everyone they’re party manages to outwit the villains, don’t try to force the defeat.
in no danger.
If Boone’s murders have not been discovered yet, Bree finds an Kill Them in Their Sleep?
opportunity to slip a note to Luc, which reads: First, Luc has no intention of killing anyone himself, at least not di-
rectly. Second, he doesn’t want to risk anyone in his crew being seen
“Boone is a liability. He’s been responsible for the murders in each city. committing murder. Third, he thinks he’s clever, and wants to prove
Can you add him to the roster of what you’re already planning?” it, so he trusts the lantern trick will kill the party without leaving any
signs of foul play. Finally, he doesn’t want to risk going near them,
in case he or his allies get caught in the lantern’s light and end up in
Lantern Light. Nem as well.
Luc’s goal is to get the party all in the same enclosed location — pref-
erably their suite, and preferably alone. Then he’ll activate the If the party hasn’t followed a pattern, Luc will use his trap when-
replica of his lantern hidden atop the locomotive, which will pull ever he gets a chance. If the train’s getting close to Sid Minos, he
the party into the deadly plane of Nem. might even trigger it if he can just get half the party.
Luc has marked the top of the party’s suite’s door frame with a
subtle rune, and if he can think of any inconspicuous way to get Fall-Back Plans.
items with that rune into the party’s possession, he does so. Options If the party won’t cooperate and come together, Luc’s preferred
include marking coins and arranging for those coins to be included gambit is to have Bree pass a note to Boone:
as change when the party buys lunch, or having Bree give coins
to the party after the battle in Nalaam, claiming she made money “We need to gather them all in the same location. Approach one, say you
on their fight with Elanor, and she wants to share her winnings. want to talk to them in private and spy on their behalf. Try to get them
If the party is careless with their belongings, Bree might have ac- into their suite. We have a spell that will knock you all unconscious. You
cessed their rooms the night before and stitched tiny patches with won’t be harmed, but we’ll be able to kill them before they wake.”
the rune under collars or cuffs.
If necessary, Luc might mark the threshold of the first class With luck, Boone will get the party all into their suite. The note is
lounge car to catch the party there, or even mark both ends of marked with Luc’s rune.
Car 17, which would also affect the Grientos. He’s wary of having
to leave his own suite, but if he has to, he’ll mark Cars 17, 18, and 19
and try to slip away with Ottavia to the forward cars. He’s willing
to risk a few innocent bystanders.
If the party has been dutifully following Malia’s recommenda-
tions to return to their seats 15 minutes before the train stops, Luc
will strike as the train enters Sid Minos. This makes it easier for
him to adopt Ottavia’s secondary trap if his first trap fails.
Three Milestones the plane of Nem. This does not reset the “3 mile” travel limit, so
simply hopping off the train will not save the party.
Action. Tactical. If their bodies are moved outside of areas marked by Luc’s rune,
Luc Jierre activates a replica of his lantern, pulling the party into a and if any tiny runes on their person are removed, their souls snap
ghostly parallel of the train. back to their bodies.
The train is scheduled to reach the Sid Minos enclave at 5:22 pm.
Luc prefers to strike 10 minutes before this, just over three miles Countermeasures.
out from the enclave. Those who avoid the lantern’s attack might flee their room when
they see their allies fall unconscious. If they can shatter all the gas-
Fifteen minutes before the train stops in Sid Minos, Malia makes the light lamps within the car (the gas flames have turned a deep purple
rounds, asking you as usual to please return to your seats so you can even in the real world), or if they can carry their allies out of the
keep an eye on your personal effects. Though the train has been as- area affected by Luc’s rune, they can end the encounter early.
saulted by a monster and brigands, so far nothing has been stolen If the party — either in the physical world or in Nem — reaches
from the Very Important Passengers, and Malia wants to keep it that the replica lantern on the locomotive and shatters it before the
way. Again, she reminds you, the enclaves are busy, often thick with train travels 3 miles, they snap back to their bodies. Someone unaf-
thieves, and it’s easy in the commotion for someone to nick unattended fected by the lantern might manage to threaten Luc and force him
valuables. to end the lantern’s effect early. Alternately, a PC might trigger the
She leaves, and you approach down the coast toward Sid Minos, com- train’s emergency brakes or detach the rear cars from the front so
ing in with a good hour of daylight to spare. Light rain obscures your they coast to a stop before traveling three miles. If the train is split,
view, but the air is clean, thick with the fresh scent of the sea and only the replica lantern’s magic quickly fades.
the train’s own smoke to ruin it.
The gas-light lamp in your room flickers red, then starts to deepen Where the Hell Are We?
to purple, and the sound of rain swiftly fades away. Outside, the sky PCs who are affected see the world fade to darkness, and those al-
begins to turn black. lies who have not yet been affected slowly disappear (then possibly
reappear moments later when they are affected). The sky seems
When the time is right (likely at 5:12 pm, ten minutes before the filled with ash, and the landscape outside looks like it has been
train stops in Sid Minos) Luc activates the replica of his lantern. abandoned and decayed for centuries.
For anyone he’s not targeting, the only hint of oddity is that all Any Skyseer immediately knows they have somehow been trans-
the gaslight lamps throughout the train flicker red momentarily. ported to Nem. Others can guess that they’re not in the Bleak Gate,
But those affected by the lantern’s magic are pulled into the plane because they’ve been there before, and this place is not just empty,
of Nem. They see the gas lamps turn a deep purple, and the sun it’s ethereal and unreal. It feels distinctly different.
outside dims to a tiny speck, as if it had suddenly moved far away. It’s common folklore known to anyone that makes a DC 10 Intel-
When the lantern activates, each creature in the area must make ligence (Arcana or Nature) check that the land of the dead lies on
a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be hit by the lantern. A creature the far side of the Bleak Gate, and that ghosts almost never stray
that is hit falls under the lantern’s effect for 10 minutes. Normally more than three miles from where they died. If the party doesn’t
it would last 5 minutes, but Luc loaded an extra dose of oil into the figure out the danger right away, they notice within 30 seconds that
replica lantern. Doing so will destroy the lantern after this single the world is slowly fading away to blackness.
use of its power, however.
Creatures hit by the lantern are pulled from their bodies into The Ghost Train.
the plane of Nem, a spirit world on the far side of the Bleak Gate. The party is in the “spirit” of the train, identical in form but lit only
The world resembles reality but is bereft of occupants and slowly by purple gas-lamps, and growing ever darker as time passes. Aside
fades away as the disembodied creature wanders away from the spot from those also affected by the lantern, they see no one else living.
where it left its body. Even if their body moves, the spot where they However, the presence of fresh souls attracts reapers, which fly in
entered Nem is an invisible gateway. If they ever stray more than 3 from the distance. Also, as the party explores the train they find
miles from that gateway, they pass into the afterlife and cannot be faceless spirits called vestiges of tragedy, which linger at the spots
resurrected. This is normally not a factor with the lantern because where people died recently. For each person who died during the
it will not burn long enough, but because the train is moving, time screaming malice attack there is one vestige, most of them concen-
is tight before the party is doomed. trated in Cars 10 to 14.
While in Nem they cannot see or be seen by living creatures. They If anyone looks out the windows, they can easily notice a purple
gain the Incorporeal Movement feature (a PC can move through glow coming from up ahead. By popping up to the roof, they can tell
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, taking there’s a lantern glowing atop the locomotive.
1d10 force damage if the PC ends its turn inside an object.)
If their souls leave the area of the lantern (in this case, they Murder Train.
would have to leave the train, because every car is affected by the If Boone is still on the train, Luc made sure to exile him too, to
lantern), they instantly return to the spot where they first entered eliminate a murderer and tie up a loose end.
Ghosts of the four people Boone has killed since boarding the
train fade in and out around him, which causes him to panic. If he’s
not with the party, he flees the ghosts and inevitably crosses their
path. He begs for help, even as the ghosts point at him and moan
that he murdered them. The ghosts’ spirits are trapped in his pistol
and cannot cross over to the afterlife until the gun is destroyed, but
are harmless, save for the fact that they spoil Boone’s secret.
Track the passage of time. The train is traveling at least 20 miles
per hour, though it slows down as it nears the enclave. The party
has 10 minutes (100 rounds) before they are cut off from their bod-
ies forever. If a PC falls off the train they effectively “respawn” in
the spirit world wherever they were when they were affected by the
• After 5 rounds the dimming of reality is undeniable so the
party should realize they have to act fast.
• In round 10, if Boone wasn’t already with the party he comes
running toward them, chased by ghosts of his disemboweled
• On the 20th round, after the party has had some brief time to
talk and figure out what’s going on, the first wave of reapers • 15 reapers (5 per wave)
attack. • 0 to 80 vestiges of tragedy
• On the 30th round, the world has faded enough so that every- • 1 ruin wraith
thing is dim unless the party has their own light sources. • Olivert Boone
• On the 40th round, a second wave of reapers attack.
• On the 50th round, the world fades to darkness. Unless they Terrain.
have light of their own, all they can see is the glow of the The ghost train is identical to the real version, minus the living
lantern ahead and tiny motes of starlight overhead. Even people. Light dims throughout the encounter.
the sun has faded. The only sound is the clickety-clack of the
railroad tracks. Tactics.
• On the 60th round, a third and final wave of reapers attack. The reapers target whoever has the fewest hit points and flee after
Alternately, instead of having reapers attack and lights dim by they take any damage since they’re not used to lively folks around
round, the GM might have this happen based on how close the here. The vestiges just stand in the train but attack if anyone comes
party gets to the locomotive. Reapers might strike at Car 16, then within 10 feet. The ruin wraith confronts the party when they reach
lights dim at Car 13, then more reapers at Car 10, then darkness the fuel cars and it weaves through them, trying to shove people off
at Car 7. to force them to start over from the other end of the train.
Boone waits until the party is distracted by some other foes, then
Monsters. guns down a PC point-blank. He makes a break for the front of
The train has a number of vestiges based on the victims who’ve died the train, glancing back at the party with a charming grin on his
so far, and they attack when the party draws near if they’re inside face. He apologizes for having to strand them here, but he can’t let
the train. Waves of reapers fly in, 5 at a time. And at the locomotive anyone who knows his secret live.
waits a ruin wraith, intelligent enough to know it must protect the
lantern in order to ensure the party is trapped. Aftermath.
The party need not fight these spirits, just survive them. The reap- Destroying the lantern is as simple as breaking any lantern. Once
ers fly in from the front, since they’re not fast enough to catch the the lantern shuts off, the PCs snap back to their suite. Any damage
train, and if the party avoids the cars where people died or runs their spirit-forms suffered remains, but manifests as one level of
along their roofs, they can get to the locomotive quickly. exhaustion rather than physical wounds. Unless Luc had to spring
Boone will try to help the party if they help him, but when they his trap early, the train should almost be into the Sid Minos rail
get near the front of the train he’ll turn on them so they can’t reveal enclave. Except for those grabbed by the lantern’s light, no one on
his secret. He hopes to kill them, then break the lantern and return the train has any idea someone just tried to murder the party.
to the real world so he can kill Luc. If the party fails the GM can still salvage the adventure! Instead
If anyone else was brought over with the party, they are likely of having Ottavia trap the party on the Isle of Odiem they might ap-
unable to aid in any sort of battle. It might be safest for them to pear there, trapped in a sort of Limbo, and have to reach the bottom
hide in their rooms. of the tomb in order to return to the land of the living.
When they come within 100 feet, she addresses them. as the sun sets and the dead emerge from the sea. Those affected
can take no action to resist, up until the moment the first drowned
“I am Ottavia Sacredote, oracle of the Clergy, and my task is to protect corpse comes within 30 feet.
the man you pursue. He acts for the betterment of civilization, and he Another voice — feminine, sultry and breathing heavily — whis-
has deemed you a threat. But unlike some in my faith I do not rush to pers into the party’s minds as Ottavia speaks. “The priestess’s
judgment. If you can defend your aggression, do so, and I shall listen. If sermon will see her foes dead. Her rivals, visitors to this island, are
you cannot, let he who is willing to risk his life to harm my charge be the welcome below, where it is safer.” Throughout the ensuing encoun-
first to step across the lighthouse threshold.” ter, the voice beckons them to come below the island.
• Ottavia Sacredote
If the party negotiates, Ottavia has trouble lying because of her • The Voice of the Island
headband, so the party can learn of her mission’s parameters, • Up to 1,000 drowned dead of Odiem
namely to protect Luc until he reaches Vendricce, where he’ll meet
the leaders of the Obscurati. They can also tell that Ottavia is enam- Terrain.
ored of Luc, and while she recognizes he has a vengeful streak born Standing stones 12 feet high surround the lighthouse, their ancient
from being looked down upon most of his life, he has sympathy for wards eroded by sea and rain. Living creatures native to this plane
those who suffer. Keeping him free from harm is not just her mis- gain a +2 bonus to AC while adjacent to them. The northern cliff is
sion; it’s personal, driven by a need to give him a chance to prove a sixty foot plunge to rocks and crashing waves.
that her faith in him is not misplaced. The doors to the lighthouse are weathered bronze, and if bar-
If she becomes convinced the PCs are enemies, or if they try to ricaded from within it they could hold the horde of undead at bay.
enter the lighthouse prematurely, she tells them to wait, and then When the party arrives, Ottavia has barred them, but characters
she uses her enthrall spell to try and captivate as many PCs as she might find their way over or through the wall so they can open the
can. If the spell does not affect all the PCs, she abandons that tactic doors from within.
and attacks. If her spell does affect them all, however, she begins The walls of the lighthouse rise 30 feet high in the front section.
to give a sermon on the nature of corruption, expounding at length There used to be a second floor accessible by wooden stairs, but they
upon how a desire for personal power can lead people to abandon have long-since rotted away. The outside walls are still sturdy, but
others in need, whether that power is wealth, political clout, or su- the roof of the front section is gone. Climbing is fairly easy with a
pernatural might. The enthrallment keeps the party from noticing DC 8 Strength (Athletics) check.
Social. Real-Time. Ashima-Shimtu has meditated, and being the guest of priests this past
Trapped for centuries, this survivor of the Demonocracy can make a millennium has given her time to consider matters of morality. She
deal to aid the party in their mission. could condemn these intruders to a slow death of starvation, as she has
When the party enters the northern chamber after defeating so many times before, but she offers them instead their freedom, since
Gene, read or paraphrase the following: she cannot have such herself.
“This is no devil’s bargain, nor a gift that must be repaid by force of
You hear the sea waves crashing from a wide well in the center of the infernal contract. The visitors to her prison desire to leave. They need
room. Above it, a naked woman, her flesh scaled like a serpent, her face only step to the lip of this well, speak the name of where they would
inhuman, hangs suspended. Six hook-tipped chains pierce her legs, her travel, and dive in. Ashima-Shimtu will see them safely there. More, she
back, and her arms. Another hook that sealed her mouth swings loose, will conceal them for a time, so that the divinations of their enemies
and it flutters in the breeze from her lips. will think them dead. She thinks this is the least she can do to thank her
She raises her head and looks at you. The chains stretch and pull at visitors for removing the unpleasant man who had bothered her.”
her skin, and she draws a sharp, wounded breath. When the spasm of Then, eerily, the demoness seems to smile with amusement for a mo-
pain passes, she speaks. ment before lowering her head. The chains themselves seem to relax,
“When Triegenes, founder of the Clergy, defeated the Demonocracy, and she sighs as the pain subsides.
most of the fiend rulers were slain. Because their souls could not return
to the hellish planes that spawned them, the corruption drained into this If the party is wary, Ashima-Shimtu is not much for talking. She
world. Ashima-Shimtu, however, bargained for her life, offering to be a never addresses the party directly, but instead speaks as if narrat-
prisoner, and in exchange she would provide guidance on how to find and ing the scene. If the party declines, she lets them go as they will.
trap the trace essences of the other high fiends. If the party agrees, they can name Vendricce and dive into the
“The Clergy chained her above this well that leads to the sea, and pool. Ashima-Shimtu’s blood magic carries them through the sea,
ringed the wall of the pit with blessings. Now she hangs above a massive and they wash ashore near the harbor of Vendricce just before
font of holy water. The vapor forever stings her, and should she ever sunrise.
wriggle free she will fall and be dissolved. She upheld her end of the Make a note of any PC that were reduced below half hit points
bargain for centuries, and learned to meditate and ignore her physical during the fight with Gene. Unless the party takes special effort
existence so she would not go mad from solitude. Eventually the Clergy to clean themselves of blood, when they dive into the pool Ashima-
captured every fiend’s essence it could find, and they locked them into Shimtu’s blood magic grants her some slight connection to them,
the same vault with Ashima-Shimtu. which she will make use of later.
“And so the Lady of the Forked Tongue would have been forgotten, if
not for the holy war between the high elves and the Clergy.
“Five hundred years ago, two people came to the Isle of Odiem and Terminus East
received from Ashima-Shimtu a ritual that could give physical form to
a belief. The ritual was used to conjure forth an avatar of the goddess Exploration. Real-Time.
Srasama; when she was slain the eladrin race was nearly annihilated. A party of Obscurati welcomes Luc as he and his lantern arrive in
“The surviving heads of the Clergy learned that Ashima-Shimtu had Vendricce.
been involved, but she refused to give them the secret of the ritual The train departs Sid Minos at 7:30 am. Luc spends the day de-
unless they released her. They threatened to kill her, but she knew the jected at the thought that Ottavia is gone, having sacrificed her life
temptation to wield such power made her too valuable to kill. And so she to protect him. The train arrives in Vendricce at 5:42 pm.
remains, the Keeper of the Secret That Must Not Be Lost, waiting for This is currently the end of the line, and so no other train has
the day the hierarch of the Clergy releases her. come from the other direction. However, track is under construc-
“Today is not that day. The visitors to her prison could never break her tion heading east, with the intent of crossing the Strait of Sjögren
chains. But she sees value in them.” into Elfaivar. The first quarter mile of bridge is complete, but be-
yond that just a skeleton of stone and steel rises from the sea. The
Here Ashima-Shimtu identifies the PCs one by one, showing a mys- track currently runs to the end of the completed bridge section, but
tical awareness of their souls and identities. For instance, she might a barricade waits at the edge of shore, surrounded by warning signs,
say, “The killer who masquerades as an arm of the law to forget her
sins. The knight who abandons all for the sake of duty, causing suf- Final Orders.
fering in those who would love him. The drunkard druid who has The party’s boss Delft knows they’re scheduled to reach Vendricce
betrayed tradition for the march of progress. The learned arcanist on the 16th. That morning he has an RHC mage perform up to three
who turned to Vekeshi mysticism to aid her in vengeance.” sending spells to find out the status of the mission and suggest a
This gives the GM an opportunity to develop or resolve inter- course of action. He encourages them to capture Luc if possible, kill
party drama, or simply to frame some of the personal journeys of him if necessary, and recover the lantern for study. Any additional
the characters. information is just a bonus.
to ensure no one accidentally drives a train off the end of the bridge Driving the Train.
and into the harbor. If the party plans to escape on the train, a Technologist can start it
Because the party can reach this location so many different ways, moving without trouble. Anyone else needs to succeed on a DC 15
we present the actions and resources of the Obscurati group here, Intelligence check to figure out how to operate it, though the party
and leave it to your players to plan how to accomplish their mis- might be able to do that in advance. Due to the lessened weight of
sion and then escape. Also, we assume the players will realize the this short train, it accelerates by 30 feet per round, to a maximum
train is primed and ready to roll, making it the best possible escape speed of 800 feet per round.
vehicle, since its course will lead to the harbor, where the party’s
ship awaits. Obscurati in Vendricce.
Though it’s unlikely the party will encounter them in this adventure,
Private Depot. the Obscurati has a palace on a wooded, hilly stretch of shore 10
When the train arrives in the Vendricce rail enclave, the passen- miles north of the city, and an underwater dock beneath it, accessi-
gers all leave, then porters go through to make sure no one’s fallen ble by submarine. The stately grounds appear perfectly respectable,
asleep and that no luggage gets left behind. Luc, Bree, and Ver- but various passages lead to a parallel version in the Bleak Gate,
zubak remain on board. where most of the conspiracy’s affairs occur.
Then the train does some maneuvers to detach most of the central The party will return in Adventure Seven, Schism, and even when
section, leaving just the locomotive, the fuel car, Luc’s first class they’re 15th level they won’t have enough power on their own for
suite car, and the first class lounge (Cars 1, 2, 18, and 19). This a frontal assault. If the party tries one now, they’d likely be spot-
small train pulls up beside a private depot building, stopping at ted within a few minutes. Then they’d be run down by trackers on
6:15 pm. Aboard the train are only engineer Steeg, Bree, Verzubak, horseback and captured before they could make it back to the city.
and Luc (and possibly Ottavia if she never lured the party to the
island). Nicodemus, head the conspiracy, is wearing a different body than
At this point the train depot appears empty, but Lya Jierre waits the last time the party encountered him (at Macbannin’s manor in
inside for the sun to set, at 6:30 pm. At that point she walks out onto adventure two, The Dying Skyseer). He has a weak connection to
the platform and calls out to her brother. Luc and Bree step off his current host, so he cannot contribute in a fight. However, he is
the train onto the platform. (Verzubak remains on board, chatting completely fearless, since he cares not one whit if his body dies. The
with engineer Steeg.) other guests at the depot are Risuri engineer Lester Guillory, Dan-
Luc carries his lantern covered with a dark sheet. Lya is dressed oran astronomer Dustin Huff, and twin sisters Emily and Anna
for a lavish ball (but still has her sword at her hip), and she gives her Davis, political liaisons to the government of Crisillyir who help
brother a boisterous hug. with the conspiracy’s finances. None of them are combatants.
Luc says that he expected there would be a group here to greet
him. Lya says they’re here, and she produces a small vial of lantern Layout.
oil from within her dress. She asks if they were followed, and Bree Lya has Luc place his lantern on one of the tables in the depot. The
explains the events of the trip. effect of the lantern extends 50 feet from it. The party is in the real
As long as the PCs aren’t visible and threatening, Lya is uncon- world, but the lantern lets them see and interact with creatures
cerned. She hands Luc the oil and directs him to light the lantern. in the Bleak Gate who are in that radius, and vice versa. However,
The lantern glows with blue light, and their surroundings peel away, if any of the characters in the Bleak Gate leave the radius of the
revealing another train depot, this one gloriously illuminated by lantern’s effect, they fade out of view from the real world.
candles and chandeliers within while somehow much more deeply North of the private depot lies the grand station, where dozens
dark outside. The lantern has shifted them into the Bleak Gate, and of spare train cars and locomotives park for service. A low hill sepa-
for the next 5 minutes the two worlds will be coterminous. Every- rates this scenic depot from the sprawl of those rails. On a hill to
thing within 50-feet of the lantern exists in both planes at once. the south, the enclave keeps a small barracks of about 200 soldiers,
present in case forces from Elfaivar attack. These facilities also ex-
Bleak Gate Defenses. ist in the Bleak Gate, but are empty and inaccessible in any case.
Inside the Bleak Gate version of the depot waits Nicodemus the In the Bleak Gate version, a small corral beside the depot cur-
Gnostic, a few tier four members of the conspiracy who work in the rently holds 4 carriages and 8 horses. After the meet and greet
Obscurati palace, and a detachment of elite guards who wear capes finishes, they’ll carry everyone off to the Obscurati palace.
clasped by golden pins in the shape of an open book. The grounds
outside are patrolled by additional guards. Welcome into the Fold.
• Lya Jierre The party can see the following events through the depot’s windows.
• Luc Jierre Lya welcomes Luc and Bree into the private depot. She begins
• Bree Kaldeckis to explain the basics of their group while introducing him to the
• Verzubak Tantalovich other guests. She explains that some things still have to remain
• 4 Obscurati bookpin guards secret for now, but his invention, when scaled up and reproduced
• 8 Obscurati musketeers as lighthouses and clocktowers, will help them change the world.
Recurring Villainy. and as the door swings shut behind him the lantern goes dark. The
Ideally, as soon as Lya is below half health she’ll break off combat. depot is empty, and the connection to the Bleak Gate is gone.
Perhaps she jumps off the train and crashes into a fruit cart, or if If the party hasn’t acted by now, Luc and the lantern are beyond
she’s fighting in the streets a phalanx of two dozen soldiers charge their reach.
in, and she’s able to flee through their ranks. We know players hate it
when NPCs escape, but recurring villains are fun. Heightened Security.
If the party does manage to capture her, the events of adventure If the adventurer’s aren’t benefiting from Ashima-Shimtu’s aid to
five, Cauldron-Born can still occur, because Danor will contact King hide from divinations, and they have not otherwise taken precau-
Aodhan, and the moment the party set foot on Risur, he would order tions, the Ob have used plenty of magic to make sure they know if
her release for the sake of the peace summit. Until then, she would anyone’s crashing their event. If Ottavia lives, they will have used
be amiable as long as they did not kill her brother. In any case, a sending to at least discover whether she’s alive
powerful geas forbids her from admitting any of the secrets of the Nicodemus in any event now knows the identities of the party. If
conspiracy to outsiders. he thinks they’re coming, he knows they have a knack for avoiding
If the party works extra hard and manages to break the geas, traps, so he prefers to deter them instead of trying to capture or
recall that the campaign can still work even if the heroes figure out kill them.
the secret early. Lya knows about the seals, the colossus, the lantern, Inside the depot, the bookpin guards cover the entrances. A pair
and the plan that involves them, but even then she doesn’t know of musketeers wait outside each entrance, and another two stand
about the various liabilities that the PCs will be able to exploit in watch on the platform by the train.
later adventures to take down the conspiracy, nor about the secret
history of how Nicodemus and Kasvarina brought about the Great Battle Plan.
Malice. Right now the party is close to cracking some of these mys- The party might try to get help from Malia, who could let them
teries anyway, so while some of the later twists will have less impact, hide aboard the train, and whose scoped rifles would be quite handy
they’ll feel like they’ve scored a major coup. in this situation. If the party has watched a lot of heist films, they
might manage to turn Verzubak to their side and have him replace
Luc stutters as he tries to ask how they’re changing things. He Luc’s lantern with the (repaired) replica from atop the locomotive
is willing to accept almost anything if it will get him respect and before they even get to Vendricce. Or the party might just set fire to
authority, but his conversations with Ottavia have him mindful of the depot and sweep in when people exit.
how people with power tend to abuse it. Until the party comes within 50 feet of the lantern, they are ef-
Lya admits she was uncertain too at first, but when they get to fectively invisible to the guards at the depot, which the party might
the palace, Nicodemus will have a chance to explain in more detail. abuse by attacking from outside the light’s radius. If the party ap-
She assures her brother that they’re doing this to make things bet- proaches from behind the train, the musketeers might not hear
ter, and that they are aided by the wisdom of some of the wisest them (passive Perception 14).
people of the past five centuries. The lantern’s light cannot be snuffed prematurely without de-
Nicodemus charmingly cuts her off there, chiding her for saying stroying the lantern, which the Obscurati won’t do except in dire
too much in mixed company. He turns the conversation to Luc and circumstances. If the party attacks, they have a limited time to get
compliments the man’s intellect, and his bravery for having made past the guards and accomplish their goal — be it murder, destruc-
the journey while being spied on by hostiles. He apologizes, and tion, or abduction.
says that there are some logistical issues they have to handle before If the party hasn’t figured out the purpose of Luc, Lya, and Bree’s
proper pleasantries can begin. amulets, they might get a nasty surprise when they try to drag Luc
Nicodemus produces three amulets, similar to the ones the party away and he vanishes at the edge of the lantern’s light because the
saw Macbannin’s crew using in the witchoil laboratory. He explains party’s in the real world and he’s in the Bleak Gate.
that they’ll need to be wearing that when the lantern goes out, and A stand-up fight against the depot’s whole security force will
it will bring them across the veil into the Bleak Gate, where the real likely not go their way, but if they sweep in and escape in a hurry,
party waits. Normally the trip between the two planes is a hugely they might be able to survive a few rounds of attacks and then get
involved process requiring multiple gates that slowly shift you stage away so the majority of the guards can’t follow. Bree and Lya will
by stage by stage. But with Luc’s lantern, the process will be so remove their amulets and give chase, however.
much more efficient.
Luc, Lya, and Bree put on the amulets, and Nicodemus tells Tactics.
them to mingle. He’ll be back in a moment, but he needs to handle Every combatant’s main goal is to protect Luc. Bree stays by his
some last minute security first. The other Obscurati members come side and covers him, while Lya charges any enemies she thinks she
up to gush to Luc, while Nicodemus walks outside. He lights up a can reach, taking off her amulet if she needs to attack PCs who are
cigarette, tells the guards to keep watch, and then scans the night, beyond the lantern’s light. The musketeers fire from afar, not dar-
looking for signs of the party. ing to close and only using their pistol-whip if absolutely necessary.
A few minutes later, the light from the lantern starts to dim, and The bookpin guards form a heavily armored perimeter around Bree
the guards move to prepare the carriages. Nicodemus goes inside, and Luc. Nicodemus, while he does not fight, will stroll through
the battle, doing his best to look harmless so he can reach the party Luc Jierre
and learn about them. If injured, he smokes a leaf of Nicodemus Medium humanoid (tiefling), lawful neutral
cigarette while he dies. Armor Class 12
If the party gets away, Lya will definitely pursue. Whether her Hit Points 13 (3d8)
brother is safe or not, she knows that the party recognizes her, and Speed 30 ft.
she can’t let them tell King Aodhan his future bride is conspiring STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
against Risur. 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Saving Throws dex +4, wis +4, cha +2
Lya Jierre Skills Acrobatics +4, Arcana +7, Deception +2, Insight +4, Persuasion
Medium humanoid (tiefling), lawful neutral +4, Perception +6, Stealth +4
Armor Class 20 (Intelligence, studded leather) Damage Resistances fire
Hit Points 80 (12d8+24) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Speed 30 ft. Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Infernal, Sylvan
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 1 (200 XP)
12 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Infernal Legacy. Luc knows the thaumaturgy cantrip and he can cast
Saving Throws dex +9, con +6 the hellish rebuke spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait, regain-
Skills Acrobatics +8, Deception +6, Insight +7, Perception +7, Perfor- ing the ability to do so when he finishes a long rest. In addition, Luc
mance +6, Stealth +8 can cast the darkness spell once with this trait and regains the ability
Damage Resistances fire to do so when he finishes a long rest. Charisma is his spellcasting
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 ability for these spells (spell save DC 10, spell attack +2).
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Infernal Actions
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Wayfarer’s Lantern. Luc uses the Wayfarer’s Lantern.
Bravery. Lya has advantage on saving throws against fear.
Escape Contingency. If reduced below 20 hit points or incapacitated Obscurati Bookpin Guard
by any means, Lya triggers a magical contingency, crafted at great Male humanoid (human), lawful neutral
expense, and travels to the Bleak Gate. Armor Class 20 (plate mail, shield)
Improved Critical. Lya’s weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of Hit Points 45 (6d8+18)
19 or 20. Speed 30 ft.
Infernal Legacy. Lya knows the thaumaturgy cantrip and she can cast STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the hellish rebuke spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait, regain- 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
ing the ability to do so when she finishes a long rest. In addition, Lya Saving Throws str +5, con +5
can cast the darkness spell once with this trait and regains the ability Skills Athletics +5, Deception +2, Insight +5, Intimidation +4, Percep-
to do so when she finishes a long rest. Charisma is her spellcasting tion +5
ability for these spells (spell save DC 11, spell attack +3). Senses passive Perception 15
Precise Strike (1/turn). Lya deals 7 (2d6) extra damage with a melee Languages Common, Elvish
weapon attack. Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Quick. Lya has advantage on initiative checks. Bravery. The Obscurati Bookpin Guard has advantage on saving throws
Actions against fear.
Multiattack. Lya attacks twice. Power Attack. When the Obscurati Bookpin Guard makes their first
Razorburst Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one melee weapon attack in a turn, they can choose to take a -5 penalty
target. Hit: 8 (1d6+5) magical piercing damage and if the target has to their melee weapon attack rolls in exchange for a +10 bonus to
fewer than 5 hit points remaining, the weapon shrieks as mechanism melee weapon damage. In addition, the Obscurati Bookpin Guard can
of bladed teeth unfold from the hilt to saw back and forth. The target use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack after they use
makes a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to the attack’s damage). a melee weapon to reduce a creature to 0 hit points or score a critical
On a success, the target loses an extremity of its choice—hand, foot, hit with it. The Obscurati Bookpin Guard can only use this feature on
arm, or leg. On a failure, the attacker chooses which extremity the their turn.
target loses. Creatures without extremities are unaffected. A severed Actions
arm or hand prevents use of anything that the creature was holding Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
or carrying. A severed foot slows the target’s speed by 10 feet. A 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage or if wielded in two hands 8 (1d10+3).
severed leg renders the target prone.
Parry. Lya adds 3 to her AC against one melee attack that would hit her.
To do so, Lya must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Combat Gear. Lya carries two potions of superior healing.