GPG 04
GPG 04
GPG 04
Ways to Be Fey
Battlefield Horrors
Items of
reetings, salutations, and thank you
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Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition! This month’s
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as well as a collection of new ranger archetypes Cover Art:
for those ready to go it along without spell Rafael Benjamin
casting or even a faithful beast for company. Interior Art:
Also featured is an article from Adventures Indi Martin, Jori Hollander, Ellis
in ZEITGEIST’s Ryan Nock detailing the Goodson, Jesse Mohn,
dreamborn, a flexible new fey heritage sure to
bring a touch of whimsy to your table. Finally, Graphic Design:
we bring you a piece of battlefield horror in the Xanditz
form of the cadaver gorgers, a set of creatures Gate Pass Logo:
perfect for adding a touch of the ghoulish to Xanditz
your campaign.
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- Savannah Broadway
Tab l e o f Co n t e n t s
Way s t o Be Fey by Ryan Nock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 5
Lone Range rs: B ravi n g t h e W i l d s Wi t h o u t S p e l l o r Bea s t by Peter N Martin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 8
Bat t lef ield H orrors: T h e Ca d ave r G o rg e r s by Tim Korklewski. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 4
Well-Equip p ed : I t e ms of I n t ri gu e by Sarah Breyfogle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 8
By Ryan Nock
Ways to Be Fey
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen Dreamborn (Heritage)
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing What happens when make-believe believes it’s
A local habitation and a name. real?
William Shakespare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream Scholars will tell you that fey hail from the
Dreaming, a parallel world that is like a bright
T he beings known as the fey possess a
magical nature that abhors clarity and
definition. Their behavior and even biology can
reflection of reality. Many will even agree with
that, especially those who live ‘next door’ to
mortal cities. These fair folk often resemble
follow a strange dream-like logic, where beliefs typical urban citizens, just with a bit of
grounded in superstition hold merit, and where supernatural whimsy or eeriness. A town guide
clever wordplay is more powerful than reason might be a halfling-sized parrot with a working
and logic. class accent, a tattered fez, and a penchant for
Fey appearance can be almost anything a person talking to knives. A mortuary could be run by
could imagine, though most are some mix of telekinetic cats in nuns’ habits, yet their recited
humanoid with perhaps some plant, animal, or prayers always invoke tasty food rather than
elemental thrown in. What unifies them is more the names of gods. Alongside cities of grand
the fact that their sensibilities are a bit askew architecture and fine art, the Dreaming may be
from normal mortals. filled with beings seemingly carved from living
marble or painted into the landscape with oil or
This article was written with the world of watercolor.
Adventures in ZEITGEIST in mind, but can be
used in any setting. However, make sure to Even greater numbers of fey live in deep
discuss your ideas with your Narrator before wilderness where the two planes can blend into
choosing any of these options. The mindset of each other. Here in the Dreaming wilds, fey
the fair folk can be quite different from normal concern themselves more with nature and seasons,
mortals, and for the sake of a good game you’ll living in close bonds to trees or brooks. They
want your character to be able to work alongside see ‘civilization’ as something to mock or attack,
the rest of the party. depending on how much effort the locals in the
Waking devote to staying on their good side.
Whatever their home or appearance, those devising a way to wiggle out of the promise.
fey that choose to strike out into the world are A given creature can only levy one such
known by those of the Waking as the dreamborn obligation per day.
on account of their strange, dreamlike
appearances and mannerisms. The reactions of Once you are 3rd level, you can cast suggestion
“normal” fey to dreamborn vary greatly, from once per long rest, but only on a creature that has
seeing such adventurers as traitors and sell-outs agreed to the stated course of action in word or text.
to giving them a seat of honor in exchange for Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence,
tales of their exploits abroad. Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever is highest).
Change Size. You can spend an action to
become Small or Medium size as though you
Dreamborn Paragon
had chosen that option with Fey Logic. All When you reach 10th level, you are an exemplar
items you are wearing or carrying also change of the fey, and you gain one paragon gift from
size; however, any items that you drop, sell, or the following list.
give away return to their original size if it has
changed because of this gift. Improved Flight. If you chose Flight as a fey gift,
you gain a fly speed of 40 feet even if you are
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within wearing medium or heavy armor. You have no
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in height restrictions, though you will still fall after
darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot 3 full consecutive rounds of flight; however, you
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. can now ignore up to 60 feet of falling damage
when falling in this manner.
Fey Whimsy. You know one of the following
cantrips: dancing lights, druidcraft, mage hand, Metamorphosis. Whenever you complete a
minor illusion, prestidigitation, thaumaturgy. long rest, you may choose a fey gift you don’t
Your spellcasting ability for these spells is normally possess. Your nature shifts to gain that
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever gift until you use this ability again.
is highest).
Now I’m Over Here. A number of times per day
Flight. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet as long equal to your proficiency bonus you can, as a
as you are no more than 10 feet off the ground. bonus action, teleport to a space you can see
To use this speed, you can’t be wearing within 30 feet.
medium or heavy armor. Additionally, if you
attempt to go higher, or if you have spent 3
full consecutive rounds flying, on your next Dreamborn Culture
turn you instead fall safely for 30 feet or until
Depending on where in the Dreaming they hail
you touch the ground. All falling damage
from, fey cultures can vary greatly. Just as the
beyond 30 feet (if you exceeded your height
Dreaming reflects the real world, fey seem to
restriction by flying over a cliff, for instance) is
reflect whatever the residents of the Waking
still calculated.
think the fey should be. Some set up in courts
Nature Skin. Whether stone, wood, or some with strict hierarchies and elaborate games of
other element, your magical skill grants you manners and trickery. Others live more simply
an AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier when in small communities, while a few choose a
you’re not wearing armor. You can use a shield solitary existence, carving out their own little
and gain this benefit. spot in the Dreaming.
Characters raised in the Dreaming wilds Nature Provides. In nearly any natural
culture, even if they’re not fey themselves, share landscape, you do not require Supply each day
a variety of traits in common with one another. of a journey. You always find just enough food
and drink to sustain you, so your only real
Home on the Range. Choose a region: Feywood, concern is dying of boredom. This benefit can
Flowing River, Frozen Wastes, Lofty Mountains, never provide Supply for others.
Parched Sands, Rolling Grasslands, Tangled
Forest, Unrelenting Marsh. You can move Likewise, once per day you can turn a rock,
normally through non-magical difficult terrain plant, or animal part into a mundane piece
in your chosen region. Additionally, you gain of survival gear or a tool kit (pages 329, 337,
proficiency in one of the following: Animal Adventurer’s Guide) worth up to 10 gold pieces,
Handling, Nature, Survival. You gain an though this does not grant proficiency with the
expertise die on checks with the chosen skill in tool kit. It reverts to its original form after 24
your chosen region. hours or 10 minutes after the item leaves your
possession, whichever comes first. You cannot
Music of the Wilds. You gain proficiency with produce Supply using this trait and must still
one musical instrument. provide the raw materials to craft an item.
Another ubiquitous
trait of these fey citizens
is how they emulate the
customs and livelihoods
of the nearby peoples in
the Waking. Many have
the trappings of a job, though
payment takes odd forms: favors are
common, and trinkets of the Waking have
quite the cachet.
Characters raised in the fey court culture, even Feature: Fey Curse. Complex objects like
if they’re not fey themselves, share a variety of crossbows and firearms struggle to work in
traits in common with one another. your hands, as do things like locks. You can
never gain an expertise die on attacks made
Casual Charm. You know the friends cantrip. using crossbows and other weapons with
more than a single moving part, but creatures
Court Games. You are proficient in one of
wielding such a weapon can never gain an
the following: Culture, Deception, Insight,
expertise die when using it to make attacks
Performance, Persuasion, or Stealth.
against you.
Other Games, Too. You are proficient with one
In addition, you gain an expertise die on
musical instrument or gaming set of your
ability checks and attack rolls made to destroy
Not It. When a creature makes an attack roll
Feature: Unseen Obligation. If you beat
with disadvantage against you, you can use
a creature in a game or if a creature accepts
your reaction to roll an additional d20 and
a gift from you, that creature owes you an
select which of the 3 the attacker uses. Once
obligation. You can invoke that obligation once
you have used this trait, you cannot use it
in the next hour to gain an expertise die on a
again until you finish a long rest.
check made to influence that creature, or to
increase the save DC of an effect you create by
Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign
1d4. Similarly, if a creature verbally promises
Common, Sylvan, and one other language. something to you, it owes you an obligation,
though you can only invoke it in order to make
Fey Servant (Background) the creature fulfill that promise.
by Peter N Martin
Lone Rangers:
Braving the Wilds Without Spell or Beast
benefits against the creature type as long as of appropriate creature parts (page 348, Trials
it is prominently displayed. Only one trophy and Treasures) to create special potions over
can be affixed per long rest, though removing the course of a long rest (as long as you are not
one only requires an action. Trophies can be using your long rest to use your Trophy Taker
removed and later reafixed, though the process feature). Such potions grant you resistance to
still requires a long rest. a specific energy type. You may only brew a
number of potions per long rest equal to your
Multiple trophies of the same type on the same Wisdom modifier, and the utilized creature
piece of equipment have no additional effect. parts must come from a creature that is both
Depending on the nature of the creature, taking of a CR equal to or less than half your level
a trophy from it may be considered an evil act; and immune or resistant to the type of damage
you cannot collect such trophies from humanoid you wish to protect against. If a creature has
creatures. You may benefit from a total number multiple resistances or immunities, you must
of trophies equal to your Wisdom modifier. choose one at creation.
Creatures other than yourself cannot benefit
from a trophy. Benefiting from a trophy gives One dose of creature parts provides enough
you an expertise die to Intimidation checks made material to craft a single potion; multiple doses
against creatures of the corresponding type. At have no additional effect. You may craft any of
the Narrator’s discretion, certain trophies may the potions on the table below as long as your
give you an expertise die on checks involving proficiency bonus is equal to or greater than
enemies of that creature type, such as with an the listed proficiency bonus. This protection
angel while benefiting from a fiend trophy. lasts a number of hours equal to the creature’s
However, the inverse is also likely to be true in CR if the creature was resistant to the damage
other situations. type, or double the duration if it was immune.
Drinking multiple potions of the same kind
If you affix a trophy to a weapon, gain an has no effect, and creatures other than you
expertise die to attack rolls with this weapon that consume the potions are unaffected; both
made against a creature of the corresponding type. actions waste the potion.
Weapons can only have 1 trophy affixed at a time.
Potions created in this way lose their efficacy
If you affix a trophy to armor, gain an at the beginning of your next long rest and
expertise die to your AC against weapon must be rebrewed to be useful again. This still
attacks from a creature of the corresponding requires brewing over the course of a long rest
type while you are wearing it. Armor can and counts towards the total amount of potions
have up to 2 trophies affixed to it at a time. you can make, but does not require an additional
Trophies affixed to shields count towards this dose of creature parts.
Table: Alchemic Potions
At 7th level, the expertise die granted by a
trophy increases to 1d6. Proficiency
Available Resistances
At 15th level, you can now affix 2 trophies
to a single weapon and 3 to armor. This does Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
not increase the number of trophies you can +3 Slashing from non-magical
benefit from. weapons, Poison
Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning,
A trophy must come from a creature of a CR +4
no lower than your level – 2. When you gain
a level, any trophies below this threshold lose +5 Necrotic, Radiant
their potency, though they can still be used as
crafting ingredients or a dose of creature parts. +6 Force, Psychic
occupied for at least a week. While within
Unstoppable Hunter the limits of that city, you gain the benefits of
At 15th level, you gain the Unstoppable your Familiar Terrain ability. You may only
combat maneuver. It does not count against benefit from this feature in one settlement at a
your number of maneuvers known and only time. If you return to a settlement where you
costs 2 exertion to use. Additionally, if the previously had these benefits, you decrease
creature whose effect you are preventing is of the time it takes to receive these benefits by
the same type as a trophy you are benefiting a number of days equal to your proficiency
from, this maneuver is free to use once per bonus. Additionally, choose one of the
combat. following benefits.
Urban Bounty
While in a settlement where Creature of the
There comes a time when a war must be City applies, you may Hunt and Gather within
fought, but attempting to confront the enemy the city, reflecting your stealing from the
on the battlefield would be tantamount to mass occupiers, foraging in waste bins, or receiving
suicide. It is in grim times such as these that support from a friendly populace.
partisans arise, experts at unconventional and
asymmetrical warfare.
Declared Enemy While in a settlement where Creature of
the City applies, you gain free use of a city
At 3rd level, you learn to bolthole (page 368, Adventurer’s Guide). It takes
focus your hunting abilities an hour to move the contents of your city
on ideological enemies. You bolthole to a new location.
may declare the humanoid
forces of an organization
or nation as your Defiant Will
Studied Adversary.
At 11th level you gain proficiency in Wisdom
saving throws.
Blending In
Also at 3rd level Symbol of Resistance
you learn the
At 15th level, your legend has spread far and
tricks to lay low
wide. Choose one of the following.
among civilian
populations until
the time comes Inspirational
to strike. You gain You can make a speech at least 10 minutes
proficiency with long to a group of up to 30 friendly
the disguise kit and a creatures. Creatures that hear your speech
single rare weapon with gain an expertise die on attack rolls against
the stealthy property. your Studied Adversary and on saving
You also gain advantage on throws to resist being frightened or charmed.
Stealth and Deception checks to This effect lasts for a number of hours equal
avoid the notice of any creatures to your proficiency bonus.
that are searching for you.
Creature of the City As a bonus action, you can spend a use of
this ability to choose a Studied Adversary
At 7th level, you become adept designated with your Declared Enemy
at urban warfare. Choose a ability to make a contested Intimidation
single settlement that you have check against. You are considered proficient
in Intimidation for the purposes of this If you also have a sharp stone such as flint
feature. On a failure, the creature becomes or obsidian available, you can fashion a
frightened of you until the end of your next dagger, handaxe, or macuahuitl (if culturally
turn. On subsequent turns, you can use appropriate) without the use of a bladed
your bonus action to spend another use of implement. These weapons have the flaw
this feature and extend the duration of this property and any creature except you suffers
effect on the frightened creature until the disadvantage on attack rolls made with them.
end of your next turn. This effect ends if the
creature ends its turn out of line of sight
or more than 60 feet away from you. On a
Trained Hunter
success, the creature is unaffected and is Finally, at 3rd level you become especially
immune to being frightened by you in this adept at hunting local creatures. Choose
manner for 24 hours. one of the following creature types: beast,
monstrosity, plant. You gain an expertise
Once you have used the chosen feature a
die on attack rolls made against creatures
number of times equal to your proficiency
of the chosen type. Additionally, when you
bonus, you can’t use it again until you finish
deal damage to such a creature, it takes an
a long rest.
additional 1d4 damage.
by Tim Korklewski
Battlefield Horrors:
The Cadaver Gorgers
Never Alone. Due to the grotesque nature of
Cadaver Gorgers their reproductive cycle, blood maggots are
The oversized, insect-like creatures known as nearly always found in groups. Corpse flies
cadaver gorgers are in fact part of the same are occasionally found on their own, but seem
lifespan. Corpse flies are winged insects the size of to have a sense of tactics, working with others
an infant and they reproduce by implanting their of their kind to ambush their prey. Such
eggs into other creatures—living or dead—where groups are collectively known as a misery
they quickly grow into ravenous blood maggots. and a scourge, respectively, and it’s an old
Unlucky hosts that are killed by the infestation soldiers’ grim joke that the two together are
rise again as mindless gorger zombies. known as “a problem.”
Drawn to Suffering. Given that their life
cycle depends on the horrific infection of other Legends and Lore
creatures, some sages have theorized that they With a History or Nature check, characters can
may have been sent by some deity of death learn the following:
or pestilence to add to their larder of souls,
DC 10 Collectively known as cadaver
or were perhaps magically created by a truly
gorgers, blood maggots and corpse flies
depraved mind. Whatever the reason, corpse
are two parts of the same life cycle. They
gorgers can be found in any location that death
are commonly found on battlefields, mass
and misery have amassed.
graves, or the sites of massacres, feeding on
Biological Warfare. For those with the fallen.
unscrupulous intent, piles of dead are left
DC 15 Corpse flies are nearly as intelligent as
specifically on the battlefield to attract and
most humanoids, though they seem to lack
populate cadaver gorgers for the sole purpose
any capacity for emotion. Additionally, they
of destroying local morale and killing off
can infect other creatures with their eggs.
scouts. Even worse, are those that purposefully
This is potentially fatal, and such victims
use the graves to create the undead known as
rise again as horrific zombies to continue
gorger zombies, knowing full well that they
the spread.
have created a walking disease vector.
maggot is removed. The DC for the save increases
Corpse Gorger Encounters by one for each additional infesting maggot. If
Corpse gorgers can be found wherever there is the host successfully passes three consecutive
mass slaughter on the Material Plane. Constitution saving throws, the blood maggot
dies and is harmlessly expelled from the body,
1d8 blood maggots; 3 or 4 gorger
at which point the host can recover and rest
CR 0–2 zombies; 1 or 2 corpse flies; misery
normally. Should the host die while infected, it
of blood maggots
rises as a gorger zombie 1 minute later.
2d4 + 4 gorger zombies with a
A blood maggot infestation can be magically
corpse fly; 3 or 4 corpse flies, gorger
removed with lesser restoration. Otherwise,
zombie horde
CR 3–4 they can be surgically removed with a DC 13
Treasure 1 potion of healing, 4 Medicine check, which deals 4 (1d4 + 2) damage
assorted pieces of jewelry (25 gp per attempt, regardless of success. Each infecting
each), sealed orders maggot requires its own check to remove.
CR 5–10 scourge of corpse flies
ACTIONS Corpse Fly
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., The adult form of the blood maggot, the
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. corpse fly is a winged insect the size of a
The blood maggot attaches to the target. Any human infant with. While many consider
creature can make a DC 11 Strength check to them more of a pest than a threat, this can
remove it. While attached, the blood maggot be a deadly mistake, as they in fact possess
cannot attack other creatures. an intelligence far beyond that of their
Burrow. Once the blood maggot is attached, mundane counterparts. However, while
it attempts to burrow into the target, which they do use logic and reason, their motives
makes a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, are utterly alien to those few they choose to
taking 4 (1d4 + 2) damage on a failure and half communicate with and they seem to have no
damage on a success. capacity for emotion.
A blood maggot can be removed with a
successful piercing or slashing attack and takes
damage equal to half the damage dealt to the Corpse Fly Challenge 1
host. If it is not removed within three rounds, the Tiny monstrosity 200 XP
target is infected with a blood maggot infestation.
AC 15 (natural armor)
If the target dies at any point in this process, it
rises 1 minute later as a gorger zombie. HP 22 (5d6 + 5; bloodied 11)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30ft., fly 30 ft.
Instead of Undead Fortitude, a gorger has the
Zombie Variant: Gorger Zombie following trait:
Similar in many ways to their standard
Sickening Demise. If damage reduces the
zombie counterparts, those who look
cadaver gorger zombie to 0 hit points, it
carefully at this shambling, rotting corpse
explodes. Roll 1d4. On a 1 to 3, this expels
will notice something moving beneath the
2d4 blood maggots. Each immediately
skin or, in extreme cases, a maggot lolling out
makes a bite attack against a creature within
of a wound or eye socket.
5 feet of the zombie. On a 4, a corpse fly
bursts out into the space the gorger zombie
occupied, immediately making a putrid bite
Scourge of Corpse Flies Challenge 6 attack against a randomly-selected adjacent
Medium Swarm of Tiny monstrosities 2,300 XP creature.
by Sarah Breyfogle
the answer to the question asked in the sweetly-
scented smoke. Doing so destroys the bouquet.
Cravat of Strangling
Wondrous item, uncommon (90 gp)
Brighella’s Guitar Crafting Components: Cravat worn by a
humanoid at the time of their death
Wondrous item, rare (1,500 gp, requires attunement
This red silk cravat appears to be—and,
by a bard)
technically, is—extremely luxurious. While
Crafting Components: A fey-crafted guitar holding it, you can change its color or pattern
This guitar is brilliantly painted with triangles as a bonus action. Unfortunately, it is also
of bright color. While attuned, you gain an cursed. When you put it on, it immediately
expertise die on Performance checks made with tightens. You must make a DC 14 Constitution
this guitar. Additionally, once per day, you may saving throw each round or begin to suffocate.
use an action to cast bestow curse as a 5th-level On subsequent turns, you or an ally may make
spell, without spending a spell slot. However, a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to attempt
the curse is always disadvantage on Dexterity to remove it. Doing so has a 50 percent chance
ability checks and saving throws and each of destroying the cravat. Attempts to cut, burn,
failure is followed by a slapstick sound effect. or magically rip it off deal half damage to
wearer and half to the cravat (10 hp), which
only releases its hold once destroyed.
Butterfly Clips
Wondrous item, common (10 gp) Dancing Shoes
Crafting Components: Preserved butterfly wings Wondrous item, uncommon (150 gp)
These clips look like brightly colored enamel Crafting Components: Shoes worn by a
butterflies. When affixed to hair, they animate humanoid with a skill proficiency in dance for
and flit around your head. Most people the duration of seven individual performances
who wear these clips wear multiple, giving lasting at least an hour.
the appearance of a swarm of butterflies
surrounding their hair. These shoes feature a low heel, but otherwise
shape to the wearer’s foot. While wearing these
shoes, you gain an expertise die on checks that
Chariot a la Calabaza relate to dancing.
If the shoes are separated, you may attune to
Wondrous item, rare (1,000 gp)
one. When attuned to in this way, you know the
Crafting Components: Pumpkin that has been direction of its location and if another creature
the target of a gentle repose spell and then left in has attuned to it. Once the shoes are reunited
the Ethereal Plane for a year and a day again, the effect ends.
The original chariot a la Calabaza was created
by a powerful wizard with a penchant for
transmutation and riding in style. It is pulled Fan of Whispering
by two spectral stallions with flowing manes
and tails, who function as per the phantom Wondrous item, common (25 gp)
steed spell. As an action, youmay speak the Crafting Components: Fine fan owned by a
command word to transform the chariot into gossip for a year and a day
a pumpkin two feet in diameter. Speaking the
This fan is painted with the image of a
command word again transforms the pumpkin
woman’s face breathing a gust of wind across a
into a carriage and resummons the horses.
countryside. While holding this fan in front of
While in pumpkin form, the chariot is, in truth, your lips, you can communicate at a whisper to
a pumpkin, except that it does not naturally someone within 100 feet of you that you can see,
decay. Attempts to carve, smash, or draw upon without being detected by anyone else around.
the pumpkin are reflected onto the chariot’s form The fan does not grant the ability to reply to
when it reappears, although the horses seem to your messages.
remain unscathed regardless of such events.
turns. It can make another Constitution saving
Fool’s Hat throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Wondrous item, common (60 gp) effect on a success. This effect does not stack.
Crafting Components: Clothing worn by a jester
or similar performer worn during at least 1 Letter-Lift Paper
year of service in a court
Wondrous item, common (40 gp)
This extraordinary hat comes to several points,
each with a bell affixed to it. A number of times Crafting Components: Notes on committing or
per day equal to your Charisma modifier, you spotting forgery from a suitable professional
can snap your fingers as an action and become This pad of light tissue paper contains 4d6
invisible. The invisibility lasts until the end of sheets and is enchanted with a subtle magic.
your next turn, and it ends early if you attack, When a sheet of paper is pressed to a written
deal damage, cast a spell, or force a creature page, such as a book or letter, and left there for
to make a saving throw. However, the sound six seconds, it transfers a perfect copy of the tex
of bells jingling means your location is always onto the thin paper. The copy would never pass
known if you use any movement. for the original, but preserves details such as
Harlequin’s Cards
Wondrous item, common (40 gp)
Ring of the Vengeance Seeker
Crafting Components: Short story written by a Ring, rare (900 gp)
published fiction author, transcribed onto the Crafting Components: A flawless emerald left
backs of playing cards. to soak in a manufactured poison of at least
This deck of cards has a series of cut-outs within uncommon rarity for a year and a day
each card. As an action, you can make a DC This silver ring is set with an exquisite emerald.
12 Performance check to send the cards flying As an action, you can rotate the ring three times
through your hands, creating the appearance on your finger, casting the poison skin spell.
that the cut-outs are moving to tell a story of When cast in this way, the effect of the bright
your choice. If you are standing near a light colors gives the appearance of brilliantly-colored
source, the story is cast on a nearby wall through makeup, face paint, or hair dye, removing
shadowplay. the disadvantage to Stealth. Recognizing the
On a failed check, the story’s end is coloring for what it is requires a DC 14 Arcana
unsatisfying; if you fail by 5 or more, it takes check. Once the ring has been used in this way, it
a ghastly turn, ending in murder, betrayal, or cannot be used until the next evening.
gruesome death.
Heartbreak’s Dagger
Weapon (dagger), uncommon (750 gp)
Crafting Components: Testimony of a humanoid
that slew their lover (the testifier must be
present for at least an hour of the item’s
crafting time)
This delicate dagger, not much larger than a
hatpin, features a curling silver cross-piece and a
hilt wrapped in soft red leather. You gain a +1 to
attack and damage rolls with this weapon. On a
critical hit, the target must make a Constitution
saving throw versus your maneuver DC. On
a failure, it begins to bleed heavily, taking an
additional 2d4 damage at the start of each of its
You can also use an action to release the creatures must be present for an hour of the
gem from its setting and drop it into a item’s crafting time)
container of liquid no larger than a mug of This necklace is a work of art; a delicate
ale. The liquid functions as a truth serum. golden chain with a shower of 2d6+2 pearls
Once the gem is removed, the ring becomes a affixed to it. As a bonus action, you can
mundane item. detach a pearl. On your subsequent turns,
you can use your bonus action to listen
Mask of Anonymity through the pearl, allowing you to hear as
though you were there. This effect ends after
Wondrous item, common (80 gp) ten minutes or if the wearer removes the
Crafting Components: Mask worn by a
humanoid with proficiency in Deception Once all pearls have been removed, the
while attending a ball for at least 6 hours necklace becomes a mundane gold chain
worth 30 gp.
This masquerade mask covers the top half of
your face in an elegant fan of papier-mache
and paint, rendering you anonymous. A
creature may make an Insight check opposed
Signal Rings
by your Deception to determine your Wondrous item, common (60 gp)
identity, but does so at disadvantage, even Crafting Components: Pair of ship’s signal
through a magical scrying sensor. flags that have been used for at least a year
and a day
Parasol of the Blade These rings come as a set of matched golden
bands with a green enamel inlay. As an
Weapon (rapier), rare (requires attunement; 700 action, the wearer of one can rotate the inlay a
gp) full turn, at which point it turns to red. When
Crafting Components: Shards of a +1 weapon, one ring changes color, the other one does as
fabric woven from giant spider silk well, regardless of its location.
This appears to be a mundane parasol, with
a bird-shaped handle and a delicate lace
canopy. As a bonus action, you can say the
Unparalleled Pianoforte
command word and pull the handle free to Wondrous item, rare (1,000 gp)
draw a blade of light from the shaft of the Crafting Components: Musical piece written
parasol, with the handle as its hilt. You gain by a master composer, wood from an
a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made instrument used by a faerie for at least 20
with this weapon, which functions as a rapier hours of performance
that deals radiant damage instead of piercing
and has the parrying immunity property. You This elegant pianoforte has been painted
are considered proficient with it as long as white, with gold filigree adorning its lid and
you are attuned to the parasol of the blade. the tops of its keys. Originally commissioned
by a noble with particularly musically-
Returning the handle to the parasol requires incompetent children, those instrument.
an action, and if the blade is more than 120 It allows you to add an expertise die to
feet from the rest of the parasol, it flickers out your attempt to play it; this die increases
and cannot be used until the parasol is whole by one step if you have proficiency with
again. Performance.
If you succeed at a DC 17 Performance
Secret-catching Pearls check, you may choose up to six creatures
within 30 feet that can hear the pianoforte.
Wondrous item, uncommon (400 gp) For the next hour, these creatures have a d8
Crafting Components: The recorded secrets Inspiration die which can be spent on any one
of six creatures (at least one of these attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
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