By Tyler McClain
Office of Research and Strategic Initiatives
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Key Definitions 1
Data Reporting 6
Conclusion 7
References 7
Data collection is over; you have the data. But, now how can you make the most meaning of the information
you have? First, you must analyze the data and second, you must be able to report on it in a way that
makes sense to your audience. Often you might hear analysis and reporting used as though they were
interchangeable terms. While both might draw upon the same collected data, analysis and reporting are very
different in terms of their purpose, required skills, tasks, tools and value.
•• Key Definitions
•• Data Reporting
•• Commonly Used Tools
•• Selecting a Reporting Method
What is Assessment?
Assessment is a systematic process to acquire an accurate, thorough, picture of the strengths and
weaknesses of a program, department, or division.
Data Analysis Data Reporting
Data analysis is the process of exploring data in order to extract Data reporting is the process of organizing data into informational
meaningful insights. summaries in order to share with stakeholders.
Quantitative Data Analysis
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data in a meaningful way such that,
for example, patterns might emerge from the data. Descriptive statistics can help you understand the basic features of the data set that
you are analyzing (Trochim, 2006).
•• The average score
•• Representative of every value in a data set TIP
•• Minimizes error in the prediction of any one value in a data set
•• Influenced by outliers in the data, this is considered a main Coursera and are great learning
disadvantage resources for those who need to develop a
basic knowledge of statistics or learn advanced
Median computer skills that allow for the utilization of
statistical language or spreadsheet software.
•• The middle score
•• The most frequently reoccurring score
•• Used with categorical data to know which is the most common category
•• Can be misleading when data is continuous or when the mode is far away from the rest of the data set
Standard Deviation
•• The amount of variation or spread of scores within a set of data
•• Used to make generalizations about the population from which your sample data set was derived
Student leaders answer a set of questions on a scale of 1-10 about their ability to lead a group. Using descriptive statistics you
will be able to better understand the overall set of data that you have collected. This information could allow you to better
understand how you can enhance or maintain student leaders abilities to lead others.
•• Discovering the mean will allow you to understand the average rating that student leaders placed on their ability to lead a
group. Knowing this you can determine how many scores fall above and below this average and gauge where each individual
is in comparison to the group.
•• The median would tell you what the middle most score was out of your entire set of data collected for each question asked.
Knowing this would help you understand how evenly distributed your data set is by comparing the median to the mean. When
they are not similar it is likely that the data set is either skewed to the left or right.
•• The mode would tell you what the most frequently reoccurring score was for your student leaders for each question. Knowing
this would improve your understanding of what the most popular ability rating is among your student leaders, where are most
of them rating their ability to lead a group.
•• Knowing the standard deviation for each question would allow you to understand how close or far away from the mean is
each student’s ability rating, i.e. is it one standard deviation different.
A T-Test allows you to compare average performance between to
TIP groups to determine if they are different from each other.
Suppose that you were using the same set of leadership ability questions from the example above but you want to understand if
there is a real difference in reported ability between first-year and second-year students. You could utilize a t-test to discover if
there is a real difference, statistical significance, in scores between these two groups or if the difference is just due to chance.
SPSS is predictive analytics software that can be used to organize, clean, filter, sort and run statistical analysis
on data sets.
Click here to read more.
R is free software for statistical computing and graphics that can be used to organize, clean, filter, sort and
run statistical analysis on data sets.
Click here to read more.
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet-based software that can be used to organize, clean, filter, sort, and compare
data sets. This software is commonly available on computers provided by colleges and universities.
Click here to read more.
Qualitative Data Analysis
Pre-Set Themes
Are determined based on your prior knowledge of the subject, research questions, problem areas, and conceptual framework. Creating
this list is recommended to help guide the start of the coding process (Gibbs, 2007).
Emergent Themes
This set of themes or codes emerges from reading and analyzing the data. They are concepts, ideas, actions, and meanings that are
different from the pre-set themes (Gibbs, 2007).
Paid Tools
NVivo enables you to collect, organize and analyze content from interviews, focus group discussions, surveys,
audio, social media, videos and webpages.
Click here to read more.
Is a powerful qualitative data analysis program. You can explore, interconnect, and analyze in depth all your
data sources - text, images, audio, video, and even geodata.
Click here to read more.
Transana is software for qualitative researchers who want to analyze video, auditory, and still image data.
Click here to read more.
Data Reporting (Adapted from Communicating Evaluation Results 2015)
Common questions you might ask yourself when selecting a reporting method:
•• Who is your audience?
•• Are there multiple audiences?
•• What type of information does your audience need and why do they need it?
•• What could be the possible uses of the information?
•• When is the most critical time for the audience to have the information?
•• What would be the most helpful way to display the information?
Printed Reports
Written reports can be comprised of abstracts and briefings, annual reports, fact sheets, empirical publications,
and newsletters.
Oral Reports
Oral reports include verbal presentations of the findings.
Visual Reports
These methods of reporting include presentations, exhibits, news releases, and posters.
Digital Reports
Digital reports are shared through the Internet and can be a dedicated website or virtual issue of a publication that
showcases data findings.
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet-based software that can be used to create summary tables, charts, and
graphs for data reporting.
Adobe Photoshop/InDesign
Both of these Adobe products are graphic design software used for the creation of digital images.
A low cost, easy to use online tool for creating info graphics.
Click here to read more.
There are many tools designed for and ways to conduct data analysis. Reporting findings or dominant themes
can also be done using different tools to create reports and shared in variety of ways. Knowing this, it is
important to partner with individuals who know how to use statistical software for data analysis or know how
to engage in data analysis and reporting.
Communicating Evaluation Results. (2015). Retrieved June 19, 2015, from
Trochim, W. (2006). Social Research Methods. Retrieved June 19, 2015, from
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