I Activity 1
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others in families, groups and social set up like in villages, towns and
communities. We learn the use of tools cities. In different environments, people
and techniques as well as the non- adapt different strategies to cope with
material signs and symbols through the natural and social conditions. This
interaction with family members, leads to the emergence of diverse ways
friends and colleagues in different of life or cultures.
social settings. Much of this knowledge Disparities in coping mechanisms
is systematically described and were evident during the devastating
conveyed either orally or through tsunami of 26 December 2004, which
books. affected some parts of the Tamil Nadu
For example, notice the interaction and Kerala coast as well as the Andaman
below. Notice how words and facial and Nicobar Islands in India. People on
expressions convey meaning in a the mainland and islands are integrated
conversation. into a relatively modern way of life. The
Commuter asks autodriver: “Indiranagar?” The verb that conveys the question —
“Bartheera?” or “Will you come?” — is implied in the arch of the eyebrow. Driver
jerks his head in the direction of the back seat if the answer is “Yes”. If it is “No”
(which is more likely the case as every Bangalorean knows) he might just drive
away or grimace as if he has heard a bad word or shake his head with a smile
that seems to suggest a “Sorry”, all depending on the mood of the moment.
This learning prepares us for fisherfolk and the service personnel in the
carrying out our roles and islands were caught unaware and
responsibilities in society. You have suffered large scale devastation and
already dealt with status and roles. much loss of life. On the other hand, the
What we learn in the family is primary ‘primitive’ tribal communities in the
socialisation, while that which happens islands like the Onges, Jarawas, Great
in school and other institutions are Andamanese or Shompens who had no
secondary socialisation. We shall access to modern science and technology,
discuss this in greater detail later in this foresaw the calamity based on their
chapter. experiential knowledge and saved
themselves by moving on to higher
II ground. This shows that having access
to modern science and technology does
DIVERSE SETTINGS, DIFFERENT CULTURES not make modern cultures superior to
Humans live in a variety of natural the tribal cultures of the islands. Hence,
settings like in the mountains and cultures cannot be ranked but can be
plains, in forests and clear lands, in judged adequate or inadequate in
deserts and river valleys, in islands and terms of their ability to cope with the
main lands. They also inhabit different strains imposed by nature.
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Defining Culture
Often the term ‘culture’ is used to refer
to the acquiring of refined taste in
classical music, dance forms or
painting. This refined taste was thought
to distinguish people from the ‘uncul-
tured’ masses, even concerning Discuss how the visual
captures a way of life
something we would today see as
individual, like the preference for coffee
Two generations later, the founder
over tea!
of the “functional school” of anthro-
By contrast, the sociologist looks at
pology, Bronislaw Malinowski of
culture not as something that
Poland (1884-1942) wrote: “Culture
distinguishes individuals, but as a way
comprises inherited artifacts, goods,
of life in which all members of society
technical process, ideas, habits and
values” (Malinowski 1931:621-46).
Activity 3 Clifford Geertz suggested that we
look at human actions in the same way
Identify equivalents in Indian
as we look at words in a book, and see
languages for the word culture.
them as conveying a message. “… Man
What associations do these carry?
is an animal suspended in webs of
significance he himself has spun. I take
participate. Every social organisation culture to be those webs…”.The search
develops a culture of its own. One early is not for a causal explanation, but for
anthropological definition of culture an interpretative one, that is in search
comes from the British scholar Edward for meaning (Geertz 1973:5). Likewise
Tylor: “Culture or civilisation taken in Leslie White had placed a comparable
its wide ethnographic sense, is that emphasis on culture as a means of
complex whole which includes adding meaning to objective reality,
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, using the example of people regarding
custom and any other capabilities and water from a particular source as holy.
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Culture is…
(f) the social legacy the individual acquires from his group.
(g) a set of standardised orientations to recurrent problems.
(h) a mechanism for the normative regulation of behaviour.
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Make a list of phrases you have It may have occurred to you that
heard containing the word ‘culture’. our understanding of material culture,
Ask your friends and family what they especially art, is incomplete without
mean by culture. What criteria do they knowledge acquired from the cognitive
use to distinguish among cultures? and normative areas. It is true that our
developing understanding of social
Activity 4 process would draw upon all these
Compare these definitions to see
areas. But we might find that in a
community where few have acquired
which of these (or combination of
the cognitive skill of literacy, it in fact
these) you find most satisfactory.
becomes the norm for private letters to
You could do this by listing familiar
be read out by a third party. But as we
uses of the word ‘culture’ (the
see below, to focus on each of these
culture of eighteenth century
areas separately provides many
Lucknow, the culture of hospitality
important insights.
or the much used term ‘Western
culture’...). Which of the definitions Cognitive Aspects of Culture
best captures the impressions
conveyed by each? The cognitive aspects of one’s own
culture are harder to recognise than its
material aspects (which are tangible or
Dimensions of Culture
visible or audible) and its normative
Three dimensions of culture have been aspects (which are explicitly stated).
distinguished : Cognition refers to understanding, how
(i) Cognitive: This refers to how we we make sense of all the information
learn to process what we hear or coming to us from our environment. In
see, so as to give it meaning literate societies ideas are transcribed
(identifying the ring of a cell-phone in books and documents and
as ours, recognising the cartoon of preserved in libraries, instititutions or
a politician). archives. But in non-literate societies
(ii) Normative: This refers to rules of legend or lore is committed to memory
conduct (not opening other and transmitted orally. There are
people’s letters, performing rituals specialist practitioners of oral tradition
at death). who are trained to remember and
(iii) Material: This includes any activity narrate during ritual or festive occasions.
made possible by means of Let us think about how writing
materials. Materials also include may affect the production and
tools or machines. Examples consumption of art. In his influential
include internet ‘chatting’, using book, Orality and Literacy Walter Ong
rice-flour paste to design kolam on cites a study of 1971 that states that
floors. only 78 of the approximately 3,000
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laws would apply to all those accepting norms. This can give rise to a situation
the authority of the State. Unlike laws, of culture lag when the non-material
norms can vary according to status. dimensions are unable to match the
Dominant sections of society apply advances of technology.
dominant norms. Often these norms are
discriminating. For example norms that Culture and Identity
did not allow dalits from drinking water
Identities are not inherited but
from the same vessel or even source. Or
fashioned both by the individual and
women from moving freely in the public
the group through their relationship
with others. For the individual the
social roles that s/he plays imparts
Material Aspects of Culture
identity. Every person in modern
The material aspect refers to tools, society plays multiple roles. For
technologies, machines, buildings and instance within the family s/he may be
modes of transportation, as well as a parent or a child but for each of the
instruments of production and specific roles there are particular
communication. In urban areas the responsibilities and powers.
widespread use of mobile phones, It is not sufficient to enact roles.
music systems, cars and buses, ATMs They also have to be recognised and
(automated teller machines), refri- acknowledged. This can often be done
gerators and computers in everyday life through the recognition of the
indicates the dependence on particular language that is used among
technology. Even in rural areas the use role players. Students in schools have
of transistor radios or electric motor their own way of referring to their
pumps for lifting water from below the teachers, other students, class
surface for irrigation demonstrates the performances. By creating this
adoption of technological devices for language which also serves as a code,
increasing production. they create their own world of meanings
In sum there are two principal and significances. Similarly, women are
dimensions of culture: material and also known to create their own
non-material. While the cognitive and language and through it their own
normative aspects are non-material, the private space beyond the control of men
material dimension is crucial to especially when they congregate at the
increase production and enhance pond to bathe in rural areas or across
the quality of life. For integrated washing lines on rooftops in urban
functioning of a culture the material areas.
and non-material dimensions must In a culture there can be many sub-
work together. But when the material cultures, like that of the elite and
or technological dimensions change working class youth. Sub-cultures are
rapidly, the non-material aspects can marked by style, taste and association.
lag behind in terms of values and Particular sub-cultures are identifiable
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such incidents have been reported from how the process of socialisation takes
other parts of the world too. place. A child, in the first instance, is a
We have so far been talking about member of a family. But s/he is also a
socialisation and the new-born infant. member of a larger kin-group (biradari,
But the birth of a child also alters the khaandaan, a clan etc.) consisting of
lives of those who are responsible for brothers, sisters and other relatives of
its upbringing. They too undergo new the parents. The family into which
learning experiences. Becoming s/he is born may be a nuclear or
grandparents and parenting involves a extended family. It is also a member of
whole set of activities and experiences. a larger society such as a tribe or sub-
Older people still remain parents when caste, a clan or a biradari, a religious
they become grandparents, of course, and linguistic group. Membership of
thus forging another set of relationships these groups and institutions imposes
connecting different generations with certain behavioural norms and values
each other. Likewise the life of a young on each member. Corresponding to
these memberships there are roles that
child changes with the birth of a sibling.
are performed, e.g. that of a son, a
Socialisation is a life-long process even
daughter, a grandchild or a student.
though the most critical process
These are multiple roles, which are
happens in the early years, the stage of
performed simultaneously. The process
primary socialisation. Secondary
of learning the norms, attitudes, values
socialisation as we saw extends over the or behavioural patterns of these groups
entire life of a person. begins early in life and continues
While socialisation has an throughout one’s life.
important impact on individuals it is The norms and values may differ
not a kind of ‘cultural programming’, within a society in different families
in which the child absorbs passively the belonging to different castes, regions or
influences with which he or she comes social classes or religious groups
into contact. Even the most recent new- according to whether one lives in a
born can assert her/his will. S/he will village or a city or one belongs to a tribe
cry when hungry. And keep crying until and if to a tribe, to which tribe. Indeed
those responsible for the infant’s care the very language that one speaks
respond. You may have seen how depends on the region one comes from.
normal, everyday schedules of the Whether the language is closer to a
family get completely reorganised with spoken dialect or to a standardised
the birth of a child. written form depends on the family and
You have already been introduced the socio-economic and cultural profile
to the concepts of status/role, social of the family.
control, groups and social strati-
fication. You are also acquainted with Agencies of Socialisation
what culture, norms and values are. All The child is socialised by several
these concepts will help us understand agencies and institutions in which
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s/he participates, viz. family, school, peer Families have varying ‘locations’
group, neighbourhood, occupational within the overall institutions of a
group and by social class/caste, society. In most traditional societies, the
region, religion. family into which a person is born
largely determines the individual’s
Family social position for the rest of his/her life.
Since family systems vary widely, the Even when social position is not
infants’ experiences are by no means inherited at birth in this way the region
standard across cultures. While many and social class of the family into
of you may be living in what is termed which an individual is born affect
a nuclear family with your parents and patterns of socialisation quite sharply.
siblings, others may be living with Children pick up ways of behaviour
extended family members. In the first characteristic of their parents or others
case, parents may be key socialising in their neighbourhood or community.
agents but in the others grandparents, Of course, few children simply
an uncle or a cousin may be more take over in an unquestioning way
significant. the outlook of their parents. This
Activity 6
Suggest ways in which the child of a domestic worker would feel herself different
from the child whose family her mother works for. Also, what are the things they
might share or exchange?
To start with the obvious, one would have more money spent on clothes, the
other might wear more bangles…
They might have watched the same serials, heard the same film songs… they
might pick up different kinds of slang from each other…
Now you are left to follow up the difficult areas, like the sense of security within
the family, the neighbourhood and on the street...
Activity 7
The presence or absence of which of the items below do you think would affect
you most as an individual?
(possessions) television set/music system …
(space) a room of your own…
(time) having to balance school with household or other work…
(opportunities) travel, music classes…
(people around you)
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The Shaktimaan serial telecast a few years ago had children trying to
dive down buildings resulting in fatal accidents. “Learning by imitation
is a method followed frequently by people and children are no different,”
says clinical psychologist.
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We boys used the streets for so many different things — as a place to stand
around watching, to run around and play, try out the manoeuvrability of our
bikes. Not so for girls. As we noticed all the time, for girls the street was simply a
means to get straight home from school. And even for this limited use of the
street they always went in clusters, perhaps because behind their purposeful
demeanour they carried the worst fears of being assaulted (Kumar 1986).
Activity 11
We have completed four chapters. Read the text of the next page carefully and
discuss the following themes :
• The relation between individual and society in the girl’s rebellion against
• How the normative dimensions of culture are different in town and village?
• The question of ascribed status in that the priest’s daughter is permitted
to touch.
• Conflict between socialising agencies for example in the text note: “thankful
none of her school friends could see her like this”. Can you find any other
sentence that illustrates this?
• Gendered = combing hair + escort + not playing football
• Punishment = “tight-lipped silence” + conspicuous absence of pappadams
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An unusual sense of excitement pervaded her visit to the temple this evening.
There had been an argument over lunch, between her and the grown-ups, when
she had announced her decision to ring the bell in front of the sanctuary.
‘If Thangam can ring it, so can I,’ she debated hotly.
They protested in shocked voices. ‘Thangam is the daughter of the temple
priest, she is permitted to touch the bell.’
She responded angrily that Thangam came over to play hide-and-seek every
afternoon and behaved no differently from any of them. ‘Besides,’ she added,
goading them deliberately, ‘we are equal in the eyes of god.’ She was not quite
sure whether they had heard this bit, for they had already turned away in
disgust. But, after lunch, she caught them whispering about ‘that horrid English
school she goes to,’ which meant that they had heard…
She was sure they had not taken her seriously. That was the trouble with
grown-ups: they always presumed that if they told her that she would understand
everything when she was older, she would accept their wisdom and authority
unquestioningly and not dream of going against them. Oh well, she would show
them, this time... Back again at the house, she had to endure the intensely
uncomfortable ritual of hairdressing. Her grandmother soothed her hair with
what felt like a whole jar of oil, separated each shining strand till it hung limp
and straight and lifeless down her back, then tied it up in a tight, skin stretching
knot on the top of her head. She was thankful none of her school friends could
see her like this.…
Why wouldn’t they understand how ridiculous she felt, being escorted…She
had reminded her mother many times that she walked alone to school everyday
when they were back in town… [S]he noticed that the football game had already
begun on the courtyard beside the temple of Krishna. She enjoyed watching the
players, particularly since her obvious delight in the vigour of the game, and in
the raucously voiced comments irritated Kelu Nair profoundly.…
She came hurriedly upon the crowded main sanctuary... Before she could
regret her decision or go back upon it, she elbowed herself quickly through the
circle of women, nearly floundering on the slippery steps. The sight of the big
bell above her touched her with a heady excitement. She could distinguish Kelu
Nair’s frantically whispered threats, but she reached up, rang the bell with one
resounding clang and was down the steps before she realised what was happening.
Dimly she was aware of dark looks and subdued murmurs pursuing her as
she permitted Kelu Nair to drag her away... She was in dire disgrace. Their
tight-lipped silence was infinitely more eloquent than speech, as was the
conspicuous absence of her favourite tiny pappadams at dinner...
(From The Bell, by Gita Krishnakutty)
Rationalised 2023-24
1. How does the understanding of culture in social science differ from the
everyday use of the word ‘culture’?
2. How can we demonstrate that the different dimensions of culture
comprise a whole?
3. Compare two cultures with which you are familiar. Is it difficult not to
be ethnocentric?
4. Discuss two different approaches to studying cultural change.
5. Is cosmopolitanism something you associate with modernity? Observe
and give examples of ethnocentrism.
6. What in your mind is the most effective agent of socialisation for your
generation? How do you think it was different before?
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BERGER, P.L. 1963. Invitation to Sociology : A Humanistic Perspective. Penguin,
GEERTZ, CLIFFORD. 1973. The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books, New York.
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KUMAR, KRISHNA. 1986. ‘Growing up Male’, in Seminar. No. 318, February.
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WILLIAMS, RAYMOND. 1976. Keywords : A Vocabulary of Culture and Society.
Fontana/Croom Helm, London.
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