Login, User
Enterprise Profile &
Unit Profile
ERIMS User Manual
Table of Contents
1 User Registration process ....................................................................... 4
Table of Figure
After clicking on login button, below page will display, now click on Register button
(refer figure 2).
Upon clicking on Register button, user will get online New Registration Form (refer
figure 3).
Step 1: User needs to enter First & Last Name (Only Alphabet allowed).
Step 2: User needs to enter Username.
Step 3: User needs to create Password and it should have at least 6 characters. Password
must contain a number, a special character, an uppercase letter and a lowercase
letter (For e.g. India*123).
Note: Created username and password will be used for ERIMS application login.
Step 1: User needs to select Country, State, District, Tehsil / Taluka / Mandal and
Village / Town / City from dropdown. User needs to enter Pin code.
Step 2: User needs to enter Street Address.
Step 3: User needs to enter Country Code & Valid mobile number. Activation code will
be sent on registered mobile number for mobile number verification.
Step 4: User needs to enter valid email id. Activation code will be sent on this email id for
email verification.
Step 5: User has to enter same Captcha text as shown in the field i.e. auto generated.
Step 6: After filling above information, user has to click on SAVE button to generate
activation code to activate the account (refer figure 5). User can reset the filled
information by clicking on Reset button.
Step 1: User needs to enter system generated activation code in text box and click on
activate button to activate account.
1. Draft: User can refer saved application in this section. By clicking on “+” icon
will open the list of saved application and clicking on particular application
reference number will open application for editing and submission.
2. In Progress: User can see submitted application for tracking purpose.
3. Queries: In this section, user can see queries raised by the Department for
more clarification.
4. Approved: In this section, user can view all approved application and print
Acknowledgement and Certificate.
5. Rejected: In this section, user can view rejected application list which are
rejected by department along with valid reason.
After clicking on Change Password button, below screen will display (refer figure
In case, user forgets username or password, user can click on “Forgot your
password” link (refer figure 10).
After clicking on Forgot your Password link, below screen will display (refer figure
Step 1: User needs to enter registered mail I.D. to get details about user name and
Step 2: Once user enters email id then he needs to click on send button to get user name
and password on mentioned email id.
3 Profile
If user needs to update profile then user will have to click on Profile link(refer figure
After clicking on Profile link, below screen will display (refer figure 13) and user
can view saved details here.
If user needs to update profile data then user needs to click on Edit button. After
clicking, below screen will display (refer figure 14) and user can update profile.
User is not allowed to updated First Name, Last Name, Username and Password.
User will be able to update Country, State & District details.
4 Enterprise Profile
1. Once the user is login in system then user will have to create Enterprise profile
to avail online service.
Step 1: For Creation of Enterprise Profile, user needs to click on Enterprise Link (refer
figure 16).
Step 4: If all details dully filled then user has to click on Next button.
Step 5: User needs to fill all required details for creating enterprise address:
Select Office Type like Head Office, Registered Office and regional office.
Enter street address.
Select Country, State, District, Taluka and Village name from drop down
Enter Pin Code.
Enter Telephone, Fax & Mobile number and email address.
Step 6: After filling all the information correctly, user has to click on Save button.
Step 7: After completion of all details of office address then user needs to click on Next
Step 8: If user want to go to previous page then user has to click on previous button.
5 Unit Creation
1. Once the user is logged into system then user needs to create Unit Profile to
avail online service.
For Creation of Unit Profile user needs to click on Unit Link(refer figure 21).
After clicking on Unit Link, below screen will display (refer figure 22).
Step 1: For creation of new unit, user has to click on Create a New Unit button.
Step 2: If user want to update unit then user will have to click on Edit link.
Step 3: User needs to select unit status from dropdown like Propose, Existing &
If Unit is new then user has to select Propose unit from dropdown.
If Unit is already exit then user has to select Existing Unit.
If Unit is already exit then user has to select Expansion Unit.
Step 4: User needs to enter proposed Name of unit.
Select main activity from dropdown like Manufacturing & Service.
Select category of unit from dropdown like Micro, Small, Medium, Large,
Mega Investment, Mega Employment, Ultra Investment or Ultra
Step 5: User needs to select unit location like MIDC, Municipal Corporation, Municipal
Council, Gram Panchayat from drop down, if unit location is not in mention list then user
has to select other and enter location.
Step 6: User has to select Ownership type like Owned, Sublet, Rented, Leased or To be
purchased from drop down menu.
Step 7: User has to select check box if the unit location is in Special Economic Zone.
Step 10: User needs to enter country code & valid mobile number.
Step 11: User needs to enter valid email id. Activation code will be send on registered
email id for email verification.
Step 12: User needs to enter no. of male/female employees in management and office
staff, supervisor, skilled worker, unskilled worker.
Step 13: After completion all above information, user needs to click on Next button to go
next page of unit creation.
Step 6: If user wants to go to back page then user needs to click on previous button.
Step 7: If user wants to remove any specific product information then user needs to click
on remove button.
Step 7: To remove any specific product information, user can click on “Remove” button.
Step 1: User needs to enter investment details like land. Building, plant & Machinery,
Electrical, Miscellaneous and other.
Step 2: After completion of above mentioned details, user needs to click on “Next” button
to go to the next page of unit creation.
Step 3: To go back to previous page, user needs to click on “Previous” button.
Step 1: User will select source of energy power name from dropdown menu like captive
power plant, generator set and power Supply Company.
Step 2: User needs to select unit from dropdown menu like H.P, KW and MW.
Step 3: User needs to enter Annual requirement.
Step 4: To add more energy source, user needs to click on “Add More” button.
Step 5: To remove any specific energy source information, user needs to click on
“Remove” button.
Step 6: User will select water source name from dropdown menu like water from
MIDC, corporation water, municipal council water, ground water, natural water,
open water body, rain water and water reservoirs.
Step 7: User needs to enter Annual requirement.
Step 8: To add more water sources, user needs to click on “Add More” button.
Step 9: To remove any specific water source information, user needs to click on
“Remove” button.
Step 10: After completion of above required details, user needs to click on Next button
to go next to the page of unit creation.
Step 11: To go to back to previous page then user will have to click on previous button.
Step 2: User needs to enter turnover details profit before tax details.
Step 3: After completion of details user needs to click on “Save” button.
Step 4: To go back to the previous page, user needs to click on “Previous” button.
Step 14: User needs to select which service to be allocated to particular user.
Step 15: After completion of above steps then user needs to click on “Save” button.