ED Lab OEL Quidelines Fall 24-25 2
ED Lab OEL Quidelines Fall 24-25 2
ED Lab OEL Quidelines Fall 24-25 2
Students can design an electronic circuit that will take some input signals from any sources like
AC or DC (may be voltage or current signal) and the circuit will provide output signals based on
its input signal and bias conditions. Students will be completing their lab experiment by
verifying the output signals and other conditions of circuit operations from their experiment and
simulation using a relevant software tool and then implementing their experiment in the trainer
or project board as hardware to observe their results. The time duration for this whole lab
experiment will be 90 minutes per group. This open-ended lab experiment must be performed
group-wise including 5-6 members per group, all the groupmates will be helping each other to
complete the lab report. Everything including simulations in MultiSIM and report writing except
the hardware experiment must be completed before coming to the lab. On the experiment day,
they will implement their designed circuit on the bread/trainer board using different discrete
electronic components and signal sources, oscilloscope, multimeter, etc. After doing the
experiment, they will take images, prepare data tables, plot graphs, etc. and add them in the
partial report. After that, the lab report must be submitted on the designated date and time in the
lab class. Students will not be allowed to have access to their cellphones during this OEL
experiment. If a student or group is found not to follow the guidelines, then deductions may be
made or zero may be given to all members of that group. In total, 10 marks are allocated for
every student’s individual and group performance within the group and 10 marks for the group
OEL report.
Title: Performance analysis of a common source (CS) E-MOSFET amplifier circuit by varying the
loads and justification of the analysis with respect to simulated and experimental data (followed by
the given constraints).
Objective: Using basic concepts of MOSFET characterization, students will design a common
source E-MOSFET amplifier circuit and analyze the gain with varying the loads. Finally, a
complete analysis will be expected with respect to experimental and simulated data.
After completing the experiment, students will generate a report which will include the following
Title: Students will provide an appropriate title for a self-designed laboratory experiment based on ideas and
knowledge they acquired from their previous laboratory experiments.
Objective: Students will be implementing this experiment based on one or more objective/objectives.
Theory and Methodology: Students will explain their experiment methodology in this section in brief. They
may produce a circuit diagram by pen or using circuit drawing software to explain the overall system of their
lab experiment and label the circuit diagram. They must use knowledge of electronic devices and circuits,
passive component, etc.
Apparatus: The students can select apparatus from the table below but are not limited to create their
experiment according to their requirements. However, they must purchase or collect it before the
experiment, if any particular components or devices are not available in the laboratory.
Experimental Setup: Students must add images of the implemented hardware circuits in this section.
Simulation Setup: Students must design and simulate the circuit before the hardware implementation here.
Data collection table/comparison table based on results: The students must include their collected results
and make a data table for analysis. If needed, they must plot their results.
Discussions: Students must write reasonable conclusions here related to their experiment.
OEL Title:
Group #:
Assessment Rubrics:
Excellent Proficient Good Acceptable Unacceptable No Response Secured
[9-10] [7-8] [5-6] [3-4] [1-2] [0] Marks
The OEL is developed by The OEL is developed The OEL is The OEL is The OEL is not
investigating varieties by investigating a developed by developed by developed by
number of research good number of investigating some investigating a few investigating the No Response
literature related to research literature research literature research literature research literature at all/copied
electronic devices and related to electronic related to electronic related to electronic related to electronic from others/
CO1 circuits. The simulation devices and circuits. devices and circuits. devices and circuits. devices and circuits. identical
P.d.2.C4 and implementation The simulation and The simulation and The simulation and The simulation and submissions
processes are clearly implementation implementation implementation implementation with gross
demonstrated combining processes are clearly processes are processes are processes are not errors/image
all input patterns with demonstrated with demonstrated with demonstrated with a demonstrated with file printed
several practical some outcomes and some outcomes and few patterns or any outcomes and
outcomes. limited input patterns. some input patterns. outcomes. not for any pattern.
Comments Total marks (10)