i) The learner should be able to:
ii) Define motivation and explain different factors
that motivator’s people to become entrepreneurs
iii) Explain the meaning of internal and external
factors of motivation
iv) Discuss about achievement motivation
v) Describe in detail Maslow Hierarchy of needs
The motives of an entrepreneur are numerous some are purely
totally focused on developing their innovation and money is
just the mechanism that allows it to happen. Most
entrepreneurs are after both some wants a sense of self –
importance.Othersget satisfaction by being self employed.
Def; Motivation
It is derived from the word’motive’Motives may be defined as
drive or impulses within and individual i.e something within a
person which prompts him into action.
According to Floppy “Motivation is a process of attempting to
influence others to do your will through the possibility of
gain or rewards
According to Mc Farland “motivation refers to ways in which
urges, drives, desire and aspirations striving or needs direct
control or explain the behavior of human beings”
Nature Of Motivation
The descriptions above reveal the following characteristics of
I) Motivation is a personal and internal feeling
It rises in the mind of and individual when his needs and
wants satisfied.
ii) Motivation is a continuous process
Satisfaction of one need leads to feeling of another and the
process goes on.
iii) Human needs are inter related.
The inter relation of human needs influence human behavior in
different ways.
iv)Motivation causes goal-directed behavior
Feeling of a need creates tension. A person works for the goal
to obtain rewards that satisfy his needs.
Theories of Motivation.
Prominent Theories include the following;
Maslow’s need Hierarchy Theory;
Maslow is known for the conceptualization of hierarchy of
human needs. In his theory he identified five sets of human
needs arranged in hierarchy of the importance and priority
i.e when a set of needs is satisfied it causes to be a
motivator, thereafter the next set takes the position. At the
lowest level there will be basic needs followed by other sets.
The theory is based on the following assumption
Motivating factors
Research have been conducted to identify factors that inspires
entrepreneur they are in two categories; Internal and external
Factors internal to the entrepreneur;
❖ Business experience
Factors external to the entrepreneur;
❖ Availability of technology
❖ Heavy demand
❖ Profit margin
Facilitating factors;
1. Previous association
2. Influence
3. Success stories of other entrepreneurs
4. Property inherited
5. Previous employment in the same activity
The Achievement Motivation;
According to McClelland the need for achievement refers to the
need for personal accomplishment i.e the drive to excel or
success. It is the need for achievement that motivates people
to take risks. It stimulates a person to be an entrepreneur.
The psychological factors which contribute to entrepreneurial
motivation are as follows;
1. Need for achievement through self study
Entrepreneurial motivation is a complex interplay of intrinsic
and extrinsic factors. Theories like Maslow's Hierarchy of
Needs, McClelland's Need for Achievement, and Self-
Determination Theory provide frameworks for understanding why
individuals become entrepreneurs and what keeps them
motivated. Whether driven by a need for autonomy, achievement,
or the desire to make a societal impact, these theories help
explain the diverse motivations behind entrepreneurial