CO2 Process Design Safety of Critical Parameters
CO2 Process Design Safety of Critical Parameters
CO2 Process Design Safety of Critical Parameters
Carbon abatement technologies are known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), in which the
carbon in fossil fuels is captured (as CO2) either pre-combustion or post-combustion and committed
to long-term storage so that it is not emitted to the atmosphere and does not therefore contribute to
global warming. One option for CO2 storage is through the use of carbon dioxide in enhanced oil
recovery (EOR) techniques. The aim of this paper is to describe the process of CO2 EOR, and the
role safety engineering input during the design, furthermore the paper presents the most important
aspects regarding the safety parameters, which need to be taken into account during the design
stage. It also discusses how Safety engineers have an important role to play throughout the CO2
injection design. A key area that will be discussed is the potential of the combined Flammability,
Detection and Toxicity Analysis through out the CO2 EOR life field on the existing platform moni-
tors and safety of personnel.
KEYWORDS: CO2 injection, Safety, Carbon Capture and Storage, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Process Design
Safety Parameter, Flammability, Detection, Toxicity
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE
CONCEPT SELECTION AND DESIGN those hazards to a level of risk that is as low as reasonably
Initial concept selection for the project focussed on site practicable. Within this scope, hazard management has
selection for a suitable onshore power generation site. The encompassed safety, environment and health and has
onshore site appraisal exercise was undertaken within the resulted in a number of philosophies, which are strategic
context of a number of broad objectives of the project: to the safety of the platform. Underpinning the hazard
management process is the identification of hazards by
. To supply approximately 500 MW of power to the UK
multi-discipline reviews and the development of design
national grid generated from hydrogen rich fuel pro-
philosophies to provide clear guidance to the design
duced from existing North Sea gas supplies;
teams. Engaging all disciplines in this process has devel-
. To build a power plant at a location that is or can be
oped a thriving health, safety and environmental culture
served by existing North Sea gas supplies; and
allowing the free exchange of ideas and concepts. During
. To build a power plant at a location that can export the
the development of the design, opportunities have been
CO2 from the reformers to a depleted oil or gas field in
identified to eliminate hazards at source and deliver an
the North Sea where it could be used for CO2 EOR.
inherently safer design. The Fire & Gas Detection and
ESD systems are fundamental to the safe operation of the
CO2 TRANSMISSION CO2 EOR plant, working closely together with the client
A number of engineering studies were undertaken to inves- as a single team to develop the philosophies required to
tigate available options for compression and transport of support this strategy. Hazard identification studies have
CO2 and a number of options were screened. For the pur- been held at key stages of the design and Multi-discipline
poses of concept selection, the design criteria were required hazard identification studies conducted to identify and quan-
to dehydrate, compress and transport CO2 from 1 barg at the tify the risk to the platform and personnel.
beach to a maximum of 240 barg for reinjection at the plat- During the deign stage, the safety engineer played a
form. The option, which had the least environmental key role in focusing the design team scrutiny on the
impacts as it utilises existing onshore and offshore pipelines, options which were available to them to deliver an inher-
has been taken forward into detailed engineering design. ently safer design. The following are some of the safety
issues, which have been carried out by the safety engineer.
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE
molecules will react with oxygen (burn) if heated suffi- The flammability analysis generally showed a
ciently, for instance by a spark or similar ignition source. decrease in the flammable range of the gas compositions
Vapour/air mixtures are flammable only over a limited over field life due to increasing CO2. It can be seen from
range of vapour concentrations. This range is defined by Figure 2 that the CO2 has the greatest effect on the higher
the lower and upper flammability limits. Mixtures outside pressure systems (Production Manifolds, Export Gas Com-
this range are described as, respectively, too ‘lean’ or too pressor Outlet stream (Produced Gas stream), and the HP
‘rich’ for ignition. The change in flammable range refers Separator Gas stream) as they contain a proportionately
to the change in the difference between these two flammable higher proportion of methane. A small change is observed
limits. These limits are defined as follows; in the flammable range of the MP and LP Separator gas
streams over the life of the field.
LFL The lower flammable limit (LFL) is the minimum The Fuel Gas stream maintains a presence in all levels
concentration of vapour or gas in air below which of the platform and is flammable throughout the field life.
propagation of flame does not occur on contact This confirms the need for flammable gas detectors. Flam-
with a source of ignition. Below the LFL there is mable gas detectors will also be needed for the MP and
too little combustible fuel to sustain a flammable LP separator gas streams, as they remain flammable
mixture. throughout the field life.
UFL The upper flammable limit (UFL) is the maximum The HP Separator Gas stream, Export Gas Compres-
concentration of vapour or gas in air above which sor stream and the manifolds show a gradual increase in
propagation of flame does not occur on contact CO2 content over the field life. This observation confirms
with a source of ignition. Above the UFL there is the need for CO2 detectors.
too little oxygen to sustain a flammable mixture.
The inert properties of water, CO2 and nitrogen present in GAS DETECTION ANALYSIS
the streams were considered by the flammability analysis. The main objectives of the gas detection analysis were to
Inert gases play no part in combustion reactions but determine the
absorb heat when present in a hydrocarbon/air mixture.
. order of detection of the hazardous components (HC,
For that reason, adding inerts to a mixture tends to reduce
CO2, H2S) in the process streams.
the spread between LFL and UFL until finally the mixture
. requirements for gas detection based on the detection
is no longer flammable.
limits of the gas components in air as defined by the
The main objectives of the flammability analysis on
client and HSE guidelines.
the stream compositions were to gain a clear understanding
of how the flammable range of mixtures containing multiple The order of detection was required to determine
hydrocarbons and multiple inerts, such as carbon dioxide the gas concentrations at first detected gas and also for
(CO2), nitrogen (N2) and water vapour vary with increasing evaluating the toxic properties of the gas at the point of
CO2. A flammability analysis would also enable conclusions detection.
to be drawn regarding the types of detectors required over The detection analysis also sought to clarify issues
the life of the field life and provide an indication of when regarding the possibility of detecting H2S by inference in
these detectors will be required. low H2S content streams
% Flammable range
Manifolds LP Sep Gas
50 HP Sep Gas Export Comp Outlet
40 MP Sep Gas Fuel Gas
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Year of operation
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE
Table 2. Simtronics4 GD10P IR point detector sensitivities L ¼ corresponding threshold limit of the toxic component
(toxic component impairment criterion)
Sensitivity low Sensitivity
level alarm high level Oxygen depletion excluded (relevant for immediate
Component (%LFL) alarm (%LFL) fatality analysis only).
If the total dose exceeds unity, then the impairment
Methane 20 60 level is deemed to be exceeded.
Ethane 12 36 The minimum gas concentrations corresponding to a
Propane 4 12 toxic load of 1 were determined using the model and were
i-Butane 5 15 based on four impairment criteria. These impairment cri-
n-Butane 5 15 teria values were sourced from the toxicity report. These
i-Pentane 10 30 values are listed in Table 3.
n-Pentane 10 30 The results from the toxicity analysis are based on
n-Hexane 16 48 the 15 minute short term exposure limit (STEL) because of
its relevance to the time frame for detection and escape.
The toxic load corresponding to the short term exposure
TOXICITY ANALYSIS limit (STEL) is the total toxic load received over a 15
Toxicity is the degree to which a product can cause personal minute exposure duration. The results presented by the
injury or illness when inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed toxic load profile Figure 3 give the toxic load received over
through the skin. The increase in CO2 content of the pro- a 1 and 5 minute exposure duration, assuming a linear corre-
duced gas over the field life has the potential to significantly lation of toxic load with time. It is assumed that the average
alter the toxic risk profile of the platform. It was thus necess- time frame from the detection of a gas leak to the initiation of
ary to investigate the properties of the toxic components in a response by the control room is about 5 minutes.
the process streams (HC, H2S and CO2) with a view to The toxic load profile Figure 3 for each stream show
assessing the toxic potential of these components in the that the toxic load received in 5 minutes is more than the
event of a loss of containment. toxic load corresponding to STEL with the absence of an
The toxicity analysis enabled an evaluation of the early warning system and the toxic load received in 5
toxic properties of the released gas at low and high alarm minutes is less that the toxic load corresponding to
levels. The assessment was useful in determining whether STEL with the presence of an early warning system. The
the concentrations of the detected gas at the low and high change in toxic load observed from Figure 3 over the field
alarm levels are within the limits prescribed by the HSE life is a result of the changing composition of toxic com-
workplace exposure limits3. ponents within the stream. This observation justifies the
Other objectives derived from the analysis include: need for an early warning system to facilitate a quick
escape of personnel from the hazardous area at low level
. the determination of the variation in toxicity of process alarm. The results confirm that the current detection levels
streams over field life. are appropriate for the monitoring of gas releases, subject
. the determination of the largest contributor to the tox- to the implementation of an early warning system.
icity amongst the individual components. Figure 3 showing the contributions to the toxic
load show that the largest contributors to the toxic load
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 156 Hazards XXII # 2011 IChemE
% Contribution to toxic load Variation in toxic load over field life relative to 2010
% Contribution to toxic load
2010 2015 2018 2023 2030
Year of operation
Figure 3. % Contribution of individual components to the toxic load corresponding the immediate impairment criteria and variation
in toxic load over field life (produced gas stream)
corresponding to the short term exposure limit for all the detector types over the life of the field. The analysis thus
selected streams are hydrocarbons. This observation holds confirmed the need for hydrocarbon and CO2 detectors.
true for most of the streams in the process based on the The analysis also presented the possibility of detecting
STEL criteria. H2S by inference subject to a detailed analysis of the recov-
Figure 3 shows a steady increase in the contribution to ered flare gas and fuel gas reject CO2 streams as well as the a
the toxic load over field life by the CO2. It also shows a few other hydrocarbon process streams and produced water
decrease in the contribution to the toxic load by the hydro- streams with concerns regarding H2S detection levels.
carbons but shows the toxic load remaining fairly constant. The toxicity analysis results confirm that toxic
This observation is explained by the increase in toxic load hazards are generally unchanging over the life of the field.
resulting from the CO2 increase being offset by the toxic This conclusion ignores synergistic effects of hyperven-
load reduction due to the decrease in hydrocarbon content. tilation due to CO2 inhalation. A study into this effect is
This trend is mirrored in all the streams with increasing recommended as a detailed design activity.
CO2 content.
The results from the toxicity analysis show that toxic
hazards are generally unchanging over the field life (ignor- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ing synergistic effects of hyperventilation due to CO2 inha- The author thanks Mr John Rowlands for his permission to
lation). This is contrary to the conclusions drawn from publish this paper. I am also grateful to Mr Ian Herbert for
earlier studies into the effect of increasing CO2 on the his assistance during the course of preparing this paper.
toxic hazards. Toxic hazards were generally expected to
increase steadily over the field life due to increasing CO2.
1. Technical reports.
2. In house Modelling.
CONCLUSIONS 3. Health and Safety Executive. Workplace Exposure Limits.
During the CO2 EOR deign stage; the safety engineer played Document Number EH40/2005.
a key role in focusing the design team scrutiny on the 4. Groveley Detection Technical Note, GD10P Cross Sensi-
options, which were available to them to deliver an inher- tivities.
ently safer design. 5. Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases
The flammability analysis confirmed the need for and Vapours, ISA The Instrumentation, Systems, and
hydrocarbon and CO2 detectors in production manifolds, Automation Society ANSI/ISA –TR12.13.01–1999.
export gas compressor outlet stream, HP separator, MP 6. BS 5306-4: 2001, Fire extinguishing installations and
and LP separator gas streams over the life of the field. equipment on premises – Part 4: Specification for carbon
This is due to the presence of both flammable and high dioxide systems.
CO2 content streams in these modules. 7. ISO 10156: 1996 Gases and gas mixtures – Determination
Results from the detection analysis indicate the preva- of fire potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of
lence of hydrocarbons and CO2 detectors over H2S for both cylinder valve outlets.