win-source.net 0086-755-83957316
Part Number
Temperature Package
3 6
TSM101C/AC -20°C, +80°C • •
4 5
TSM101I/AI -40°C, +105°C • •
N = Dual in Line Package (DIP)
D = Small Outline Package (SO) - also available in Tape & Reel (DT)
Tamb = 25°C, VCC = 15V (unless otherwise specified)
Tamb = 25°C, VCC = 15V (unless otherwise specified)
Input Current on the Csen pin µA
Tmin ≤Tamb ≤ Tmax 30 30
Leakage Current
Icsleak Vcs = 2V µA
Tmin ≤Tamb ≤ Tmax 0.5 2 0.5 2
Name Pin Type Function
Vref 1 OUTPUT Voltage Reference Output 1.24V, 10mA max. Do not short circuit
Vrin 7 INPUT Voltage Regulation Loop input
Crin 5 INPUT Current Limitation Loop Input, connected to the sense resisto
Crref 3 INPUT Current Limitation Reference Input
Current source enable input. This current source can be used to offset the
voltage measurement on the sense resistor and therefore to modify the
Csen 2 INPUT
charge current. The current source enabled when the input voltage on pin 2
is lower than 0.8V.
Output pin common to the voltage regulation and current limitation loops.
This output can drive the primary side (LED) of an optocoupler.
Vcc 8 INPUT Power Supply Input (4.5 to 32V DC)
GND 4 INPUT Ground
This technical note shows how to use the TSM101 The galvanic insulation of the control information
integrated circuit with a switching mode power is done by using an opto-coupler in linear mode
supply (SMPS) to realize a battery charger. with a variable photo current depending on the dif-
An example of realization of a 12V Nickel-cadmi- ference between the actual output voltage and the
um battery charger is given. desired one.
1 - TSM101 PRESENTATION A current limitation is used to protect the power
The TSM101 integrated circuit incorporates a high supply against short circuits, but lacks precision.
stability series band gap voltage reference, two This limitation is generally realized by sensing the
ORed operational amplifiers and a current source current of the power transistor, in the primary side
(Figure 1) of the SMPS.
The role of the TSM101 is to make a fine regula-
Figure 1 : TSM101 Schematic Diagram tion of the output current of the SMPS and a pre-
cise voltage limitation.
The primary current limitation is conserved and
acts as a security for a fail-safe operation if a
1 Vref 8 short-circuit occurs at the output of the charger.
2 7
The current regulation loop and the voltage limita-
tion loop use an internal 1.24V band-gap voltage
3 6 reference. This voltage reference has a good pre-
cision (better than 1.5%) and exhibits a very stable
temperature behavior.
4 5
The current limitation is performed by sensing the
voltage across the low ohmic value resistor R5
and comparing it to a fixed value set by the bridge
This IC compares the DC voltage and the current composed by R2 and R3 (Figure 3).
level at the output of a switching power supply to
an internal reference.It provides a feedback When the voltage on R5 is higher than the voltage
through an optocoupler to the PWM controller IC on R3 the output of the current loop operational
in the primary side. amplifier decreases. The optocoupler current in-
The controlled current generator can be used to creases and tends to reduce the output voltage by
modify the level of current limitation by offsetting the way of the PWM controller.
the information coming from the current sensing
The voltage regulation is done by comparing a
part of the output voltage (resistor bridge R6, R7
A great majority of low or medium end power sup- and P1) to the voltage reference (1.24V).
plies is voltage regulated by using shunt program-
mable voltage references like the TL431 If this part is higher than 1.24V, the output of the
(Figure 2). voltage loop operational amplifier decreases.
• R6= -------------------------------- × R7
The optocoupler current increases and tends to
Vout – Vref
reduce the output voltage by the way of the PWM
controller. P1, which is a part of R6 and R7 is not considered
By enabling the TSM101 current source (pin 2) it in this equation.
is possible to offset the current sensing by a volt- The following values are used on the application
age equal to : board :
Voff # R4 * Io with Io = 1.4mA • R7 = 12kΩ
This offset lowers the output charge current and • R6 = 1kΩ
this function can be used to charge two types of
• P1 = 220Ω, adjust for V output = 15.2V with the
batteries having different capacities. The current
battery replaced by a 1kΩ resistor
source is enabled by connecting pin 2 to ground
• R10 = short circuit
The charge current is regulated at 700mA (if the 3.2 - Current regulation
charge control input is left open) or 200mA (if the
charge control input is put to ground ), allowing the R5 is the sense resistor used for current measure-
charge of two different types of batteries. ment.
3.1 - Voltage limitation The current regulation is effective when the volt-
age drop across R5 is equal to the voltage on pin
The end-of- charge voltage is limited at 1.45V/cell, 5 of the TSM101 (assuming that the internal cur-
this is the recommended voltage for an ambient rent source is disabled).
temperature at 25oC. For medium currents (<1A), a voltage drop across
A diode is generally inserted at the output of the R5 of 200mV = Vr5 is a good value, R5 can be re-
charger to avoid the discharge of the battery if the alized with standard low cost 0.5W resistors in
charger is not powered. This diode is sometimes parallel.
directly integrated in the battery pack. The influ- Vr5
• R5 = ---------- , R5 = 0.285Ω (four 1.2Ω resistor in
ence of this diode on the charge is negligible if the Ich
voltage drop (0.7V) is taken into account during R2 and R3 can be chosen using the following for-
the design of the charger. mula :
The voltage at the output of the charger is :
• R2 = R3 × ----------------------------
Vref – Vr5
V r5
R6 + R 7
• Vout = ---------------------- × V r
and regarding R6 and R7 : If the pin 2 is left open, the charge current is nom-
inal at # 700mA.
In applications requiring low voltage battery A low cost regulator (Q2 and Zener diode D4) is
charge or when the charger is in current regulation used to power the TSM101. This is necessary with
mode, the output voltage can be too low to supply autoranging SMPS with wide input voltages, for
correctly the TSM101. example 90 to 240V without switching. In standard
The same problem occurs when the output is SMPS with voltage range from 200 to 240VAC or
short-circuited. 100 to 130VAC, this regulator can be removed
A solution to provide a quasi constant supply volt- and replaced by the small power supply shown on
age to the TSM101 is shown at figure 4 : an auxil- figure 5 (Raux, Caux, D2).
5.3. Higher Precision for the Voltage Control that the charging current value decreases drasti-
cally during the final phase of the battery charging.
The voltage drop through the sense resistor R5
offsets the voltage measurement. In most battery But in other applications needing highest possible
charging applications, this offset is not taken into precision in voltage control, another connecting
account because the error is negligeable com- schematic is possible for TSM101 as shown on
pared to the end-of-charge voltage due to the fact figure 5.
In this schematic, the 0V reference is defined as R6/R7, and the ground (pin 4) of the TSM101.
the common point between the sense resistor, the TSM101A (1% internal voltage reference preci-
0V Output Voltage, the foot of the resistor bridge sion) is required in such applications.
TSM101 integrates in the same 8 pin DIP or SO The “IN+”and “IN-” power inputs of the evalua-
package tion board should be connected directly to the
• one 1.24V precision voltage reference power lines of the power supply secondary.
• two operationnal amplifiers The “Vcc” input of the evaluation board should
• two diodes which impose a NOR function on the be connected to the auxiliary supply line.
outputs of the operationnal amplifiers In the case of an SMPS power supply, the “Reg”
• one current source which can be activated/ in- output of the evaluation board should be connect-
hibited thanks to an external pin. ed to the Optocoupler input to regulate the PWM
An immediate way to take advantage of the high block in the primary side. In the case of a linear
integration and reliability of TSM101 is to use it as power supply, the “Reg” output should be con-
a voltage and current controller on power supplies nected to the base of the darlington to regulate the
secondary. The application note AN896 describes power output.
precisely how to use TSM101 in an SMPS battery A diode might be needed on the output of the eval-
charger. uation board in the case of a battery charger appli-
The TSM101 Evaluation Board is adaptable to any cation to avoid the discharge of the battery when
power supply or battery charger (SMPS or linear) the charger is not connected.
as a voltage and current controller with minimal
constraints from the user. COMPONENTS CALCULATIONS
HOW TO USE THE TSM101 EVALUATION The voltage control is given by the choice of the
BOARD ? resistor bridge R6/R7 (and the trimmer P1) due to
equation 1 :
The generic Electrical Schematic is shown on fig-
ure 1. It represents an incomplete SMPS power • Vref = R6/(R6+R7)xVout eq1
supply where the primary side is simplified. where Vref = 1.24V
Figure 1
Millimeters Inches
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A 3.32 0.131
a1 0.51 0.020
B 1.15 1.65 0.045 0.065
b 0.356 0.55 0.014 0.022
b1 0.204 0.304 0.008 0.012
D 10.92 0.430
E 7.95 9.75 0.313 0.384
e 2.54 0.100
e3 7.62 0.300
e4 7.62 0.300
F 6.6 0260
i 5.08 0.200
L 3.18 3.81 0.125 0.150
Z 1.52 0.060
e3 E
8 5
1 4
Millimeters Inches
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A 1.75 0.069
a1 0.1 0.25 0.004 0.010
a2 1.65 0.065
a3 0.65 0.85 0.026 0.033
b 0.35 0.48 0.014 0.019
b1 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010
C 0.25 0.5 0.010 0.020
c1 45° (typ.)
D 4.8 5.0 0.189 0.197
E 5.8 6.2 0.228 0.244
e 1.27 0.050
e3 3.81 0.150
F 3.8 4.0 0.150 0.157
L 0.4 1.27 0.016 0.050
M 0.6 0.024
S 8° (max.)
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