PR 2 6
PR 2 6
PR 2 6
The learner demonstrates understanding of 1. the criteria in selecting, citing, and
synthesizing related literature 2. the ethical standards in writing related literature 3. the
A. Content Standards
formulation of conceptual framework 4. the research hypotheses (if appropriate) 5. the
definition of terms as used in the study.
The learner is able to 1. select, cite, and synthesize judiciously related literature and use
B. Performance sources according to ethical standards 2. formulate clearly conceptual framework,
Standards research hypotheses (if appropriate), and define terms used in study 3. present
objectively written review of related literature and conceptual framework.
C. Learning The learners,
Competencies 1. Illustrates and explain the conceptual framework.
Luzano (2020). Practical Research 2. Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de
Oro City
PRS (2021). Division Research Agenda and Research Manual. Department of
A. References
Education-Division of Palawan.
Curriculum Guide
B. Other Learning
Leaning Modules, Activity Sheets, Laptop, and TV
After you have selected your research topic, you have to spend more time for your
review of related literature. As a researcher, you are promoting knowledge. The
A. Reviewing the knowledge created by other previous studies is essential because it can be a baseline or
previous reference for your research study as the related literature.
the new lesson Where can you find literatures?
As a researcher, you can find information about the research studies in numerous
B. Establishing a formats such as books, scholarly journal articles, dissertations, government documents,
purpose for the policy reports, and periodicals. Most researchers are also presenting their findings during
lesson meetings, congress, and conventions of professional societies and organizations.
Literature review plays a significant impact in the discussion of the results and findings.
The discussion of results and findings should focus on your research rather than those of
the other previous research. Hence, the literature review should be used only in the
discussion as support, evidence, and further explanation for your study. These are the
three (3) ways of using literature review in the discussion of your study: a) providing
context as a foundation to develop your ideas, b) comparing your findings from other
previous related studies, and c) stating what contribution your study has made in the
However, there are also three (3) common errors that are usually made when including
literature reviews in the discussion of the study. First, there are wide range of studies
being included in which most of them are not anymore relevant to your specific topic
under investigation. Second, Related article mentioning the original article is cited rather
than citing the original article itself. Lastly, previous work has been cited by the
researcher based only on the abstracts and without even reading the entire research.
G. Finding practical
Based on the things that are discussed in the lesson,
applications of
Draft the Review of Related Literature and Relevant Studies of your research.
concepts and skills
in daily living
Let us see how much you have learned from the lesson by answering the following
What is a review of related literature?
H. Making What are the purposes of review of related literature?
generalization What is the struct of review of related literature?
about the lesson What are the sources of literature?
What are the steps of writing a systematic review of related literature?
Differentiate the types of citation.
Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. This is a part of literature review which summarizes and synthesizes the different
ideas from the different sources.
A. Conclusion C. Main body
B. Introduction D. Recommendation
The learner demonstrates understanding of 1. the criteria in selecting, citing, and
synthesizing related literature 2. the ethical standards in writing related literature 3. the
A. Content Standards
formulation of conceptual framework 4. the research hypotheses (if appropriate) 5. the
definition of terms as used in the study.
The learner is able to 1. select, cite, and synthesize judiciously related literature and use
B. Performance sources according to ethical standards 2. formulate clearly conceptual framework,
Standards research hypotheses (if appropriate), and define terms used in study 3. present
objectively written review of related literature and conceptual framework.
C. Learning The learners,
Competencies 1. Illustrates and explain the conceptual framework.
Luzano (2020). Practical Research 2. Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de
Oro City
A. References PRS (2021). Division Research Agenda and Research Manual. Department of
Education-Division of Palawan.
Curriculum Guide
B. Other Learning
Leaning Modules, Activity Sheets, Laptop, and TV
As you begin writing your research project, you must consider the framework
A. Reviewing the that is suitable for your study. What is a research framework? A research
previous framework illustrates the structure or blueprint of the research plan and helps the
the new lesson researcher formulate relevant research questions.
The framework consists of the key concepts and assumes relationships of the
B. Establishing a research project. It is normally used as a guide for researchers so that they are more
purpose for the focused on the scope of their studies. It can be presented using visual (diagrams, chart,
lesson etc.) and narrative (paragraph stating the concepts and relationships of the study) forms.
It is composed of different figures such as lines, circles, boxes, and other marks
or symbols which represent the elements of your research. It can take the form of charts,
graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Concept
map arranges related ideas in a hierarchy. You start broad, and the sub-topics will get
more and more specific. It also helps you in formulating a specific topic from the general
or the main idea with significant connections of information. In other words,
understanding the big picture makes the details more significant and easier to
Concept maps are very useful for researchers and readers who understand
better visually. With the proper connection of lines and linking arrows to shapes and
other symbols representing your concepts about the research, the readers can visualize
a comprehensive picture of your study.
However, in the concept map, you are not yet actually researching your study. It
is developing or creating your plan or blueprint so that you will be guided on the flow and
direction of your research study. And that includes your research questions, variables,
and methodology. It means that you are just gathering and soliciting ideas on what you
could learn about your chosen topic.
Before creating your conceptual framework, you have to understand first the
different variables of your study. Although these were already discussed in the previous
module for the purpose of utilizing it in your framework, an in-depth concept is a need.
The control variable is a special type of independent variable that can influence
the dependent variable. It takes an active role in quantitative studies. Statistical
procedures are used to control this variable. It is useful to integrate the control variables
into your research study, but it is not the focus.
It has somehow an effect on the dependent variable and an extension of the
independent variable. However, if you omit the control variable from your study, the
findings would be less accurate. It is mostly relevant if your study is about to prove a
cause-effect relationship by undertaking statistical analysis.
For example:
Figure 2. The schematic diagram of the Input, Process, and Output Approach of the
This conceptual framework shows the input, process, and output approach of the
study. The input is the independent variable, which includes the socio-demographic and
food safety profile of the respondents. The process includes the tools and analyses in
gathering the data, while the output is the outcome based on the results of the study.
G. Finding practical
Based on the things that are discussed in the lesson,
applications of
Create a concept map that illustrates the variables of your study.
concepts and skills
in daily living
H. Making Let us see how much you understand the lesson by doing this activity.
about the lesson Who is YTC?
Identify the following statements whether it is true to both theoretical and
conceptual framework or not. Write (Y) for “yes” on the space at the left side of the
statement if it is true to both while (T) for “theoretical” and “C” if it is conceptual.
Answer Statement
1 Directly related to a specific study.
2 Overall view of the research study.
3 Considered as the blueprint of the research.
4 General frame of reference used in conducting the research.
5 Researcher’s idea of how the study will be explored.
6 Anchor in a particular theory existing already in the field.
7 Generalized in scope.
8 Guide in choosing an appropriate methodology.
9 Can be presented using both visual and narrative form.
10 Enable the readers to obtain a general understanding of the
research study.
11 Considers the relevant theory underpinning the knowledge
base of the phenomenon.
12 It may synthesize one more theory.
13 Can monitor possible threats to the validity of the study.
14 It is more focused and narrower in scope.
15 Develop only during the planning stage of the study.
Research Title: Medical Intervention and the Number of Patients Recovering
from Pneumonia
Conceptual Paradigm:
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
I. Evaluating learning
Moderating Variable
In this conceptual framework, there are assumed moderating variables that are
taken into consideration that somehow influence the relationship between the
independent and the dependent variable. They can affect the strength of the connection
of the variables.