(1-15-2012) 2012 Fundraising Plan
(1-15-2012) 2012 Fundraising Plan
(1-15-2012) 2012 Fundraising Plan
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Department Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fundraising Strategy and Tactics . . . . . 3 Anonymous Donor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Renewing Donors of $10,000+ . . . . . . 21 Renewing Donors of $2,000 - $9,999 25 Lapsed and New Donors . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Cost of Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Earned Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1. Overview
We plan to raise $7.7 million in 2012, approximately 70 percent more than the amount raised in 2011. Table 1 reports 2011 actual and 2012 projected and calculates the percentage increase in each category of income. Table 1. Projected Receipts Bookkeeping Categories
Source Individuals Corporations Foundations Fundraising Events Fundraising Subtotal Other Events Publications Advertising Interest/Other Earned Income Subtotal Total Heartland 2012 Budget $1,718,352 $2,246,672 $3,607,422 $92,791 $7,698,385 $34,793 $21,164 $8,116 $1,740 $65,813 $7,764,198 2011 Actual $1,012,861 $1,324,273 $2,126,350 $74,233 $4,537,717 $69,585 $21,164 $8,116 $1,740 $100,605 $4,638,322 2012/2011 170% 170% 170% 125% 170% 50% 100% 100% 100% 65% 167%
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires that we track income by the categories that appear in Table 1, and this is how Heartlands accounting system reports receipts. However, for fundraising planning purposes, it is more reliable to project gifts by renewals, first-time givers, and direct mail. Table 2 below sorts the 2012 budget and 2011 actual figures by the categories that will be used in the rest of this Fundraising Plan. Table 2. Projected Receipts Fundraising Categories
Category Renewed Donors > $10,000 First time donors Anonymous Donor Direct Mail Renewed Donors of $2,500 - $9,999 Renewed Donors < $2,500 Total 2012 Budget $4,145,000 $1,546,500 $1,250,000 $406,400 $200,250 $150,235 $7,698,385 2011 Actual $3,293,371 -$979,000 $0 $115,111 $150,235 $4,537,717 2012/2011 126% -128% -174% 100% 170%
2. Department Personnel
Implementation of the fundraising plan in 2012 will be affected by the following changes in personnel:
# Joseph Bast, president of The Heartland Institute, has been Heartlands principal fundraiser
throughout its history and expects to continue to raise the bulk of funds in 2012. However, we are making progress in getting others to help raise funds, as the rest of this section suggests.
# In July 2011, Amanda Evans was hired as director of development and is managing major
individual donors, foundation relations, and planned giving, and well as overseeing the following department staff: Gwen Bryant, membership manager Rachel Rivest Dunbar, corporate relations manager John Griswold, direct mail consultant
# Bruno Behrend, hired in January 2010 to fundraise on school reform, was unsuccessful in
doing so in 2011. He was moved to part-time and then to volunteer status by the end of the year. He continues to speak at public events and talk to donors, but we do not expect him to be sufficiently successful to return to paid status in 2012.
# Eli Lehrer, director of Heartlands Washington DC office and its Center on Finance,
Insurance, and Real Estate, is responsible for raising funds sufficient to cover the entire costs of his department. He achieved that in both 2010 and 2011.
# Vince Galbiati was hired in January 2011 to direct the Free To Choose Medicine project.
We expect him to be intimately involved in fundraising efforts for the project, and project $1 million in new income thanks in part to his coming on board.
# Alan Smith, a senior fellow on finance issues and director of Heartlands Ohio office, is
moving from part-time to nearly full-time capacity in 2012. He reports to Eli Lehrer, who says fundraising will be part of Alans new responsibilities. Alan is the former executive director of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and has extensive contacts in the corporate government relations world.
# We track all gifts that are received using Paradox, an inter-relational database program that
also controls who receives publications.
# We send thank you letters within 7 days of a gift being received, with those letters
customized and signed by the President.
# We track contacts with donors and potential donors of $500+ using ACT!, a sales
management software program.
# We send a weekly donor newsletter by email to all donors for whom we have email
addresses, featuring our biggest achievements, invitations to events, and opportunities to contribute.
# We send a colorful quarterly newsletter by mail, QPR (formerly The Heartlander) to all
donors of $50+.
# We send much longer and more detailed Quarterly Progress Reports by email or regular
mail to donors of $1,000 or more. These reports are designed to meet the reporting requirements of the most rigorous corporate and foundation donors. Six QPRs are produced each quarter, each summarizing our outputs on one of the six topic areas that Heartland addresses. Donors are coded by what topics they are most interested in or which QPRs they have requested. -4-
# We maintain a Development Progress Report that tracks what gifts have come in, which are
pledged, and which need to be secured in each quarter. That report is continuously updated and acts as the to do list for the department.
# We maintain calendars of renewal dates and deadlines for corporate and foundation donors. # A first renewal letter is automatically generated three months prior to the one year
anniversary of a donors last gift. If the donor doesnt renew, another letter is sent a month later, and a third letter is sent two months later. Those letters are updated once a quarter.
# Major donors are usually approached before their renewal date by phone or email to discuss
their interests, schedule a face-to-face meeting if possible, and solicit an increase in their support. Smaller donors may only be asked to renew via the renewal letters.
# Expired donors going back three years get invitations to some events and end of the year
solicitations to give. Notes about major past donors stay in ACT for five years or longer.
# Heartland has an anonymous donor who has given as much as half the organizations entire
budget in some past years, and currently gives about one-fifth of total receipts. Renewing him each year and keeping him informed and engaged is a major responsibility of the President. We regularly solicite his ideas for new projects,
# We continuously conduct research on current donors, even small donors, to discover people
with high net worth or positions on foundation boards who we might be able to up-sell. That information is put into the ACT! database so that all fundraisers can see what information we have about donors when placing calls.
# We plan to significantly increase the amount of development staff travel, meeting especially
with corporate and foundation donors who we did not see in 2011.
# In 2011, we failed to properly track corporate and foundation donors renewals, with the
result that we failed to ask for renewed support earlier enough, or in some cases even at all. In 2012 we plan to more carefully monitor the calendars of renewal dates and deadlines and the Weekly Progress Report, and hold one another accountable for making the necessary contacts.
# We expect to have interns to help do background research on current and new donors. With a
much-expanded direct mail campaign planned (see below), we believe a full-time person could be kept busy simply researching new donors, coding them in Paradox and ACT! to reflect their interests, and calling or sending follow-up proposals to those who show the greatest ability to increase their financial support. -5-
# We are more actively seeking opportunities to set up matching gift situations using current
donors support, in particular the Anonymous Donor and Bart Maddens support for the FTCM project.
Description Individuals who give to other free-market oriented groups or candidates; letter writers to daily newspapers. Foundations who give gifts to other freemarket oriented groups.
Sources Public lists of donors and sponsors to events and other think tanks Allies such as other think tanks Sympathetic civic and business leaders FoundationSearch Chronicle of Philanthropy Donor lists from other groups Philanthropy Roundtable meetings and newsletter Current foundation donors
Solicitation Method Add contacts and background info to ACT and Paradox, code to receive publications. Write, call, schedule meetings, submit proposals, and follow up. Try to bring senior fellows or current donors to meetings. Ask current foundation donors to recommend other foundations and try to get endorsement/entry. Add contacts and background info to ACT and Paradox, code to receive publications, add deadlines to calender. Try to do joint projects with groups already receiving funding from the foundation. Write, call, schedule meetings, submit proposals, and follow up. Bring senior fellows or current donors to meetings.
During 2012 we will be utilizing all of these solicitation methods. Some highlights:
# A new development committee of the Board of Directors has been created and had its first
conference call. We expect to get names and contact information for dozens, and possibly many more, potential donors, and help reaching them.
# We will continue to follow up and try to close on the lists of major potential donors that Sam
Schulman and Bruno Behrend created during his time with Heartland.
# We will pursue lists of supporters of charter schools to support our work on school reform. # The Charles G. Koch Foundation returned as a Heartland donor in 2011. We expect to ramp
up their level of support in 2012 and gain access to the network of philanthropists they work with.
conservative and libertarian organizations in the country. In many cases, we have changed dramatically since the last time they contributed, and many foundations werent even around when we first put together our list of foundation prospects. We will get on the radar of foundation staff as well as founders/chairmen and members of foundation boards by partnering with their favorite charities, attending events they are likely to attend, etc.
# We have not tried to crowd source for individual prospects before, and believe this will
generate many excellent individual prospects. As Heartland has grown, it has added to its staff persons with extensive personal networks in the conservative and libertarian movements. We have not previously tried to tap them, relying instead of the shrinking and aging network of Heartlands president.
# We have a new Who We Are document that complements our Prospectus and should
help us more quickly establish our identity and credibility with prospects.
3. Donor Events
Face-to-face meetings often are necessary to get larger gifts. They can occur either one-on-one, in a donor or prospects home or office, or in a group situation. We pursue both. Group meetings can be:
# Hosted by Heartland specifically for Heartland donors (such as our anniversary benefit
dinners or Presidents Council Retreats) or for elected officials and other audiences at which Heartland development staff can make presentations and connections with donors and prospects.
# Hosted by allies or business and civic groups, in which case Heartland is a cosponsor,
exhibitor, presenter, or just sends people to attend. Table 4 shows the 2012 budget for events and consponsoring/exhibiting. We have budgeted a record $380,000 for these activities.
Budget $28,320
Events HEARTLAND EVENTS OUTSIDE CHICAGO Events outside Chicago are organized by PR and GR departments. After disappointing turnouts in 2011, we dont plan any DD events, but DD staff will be at all of these events.
PR: Heartland Happy Hours Sponsored receptions with snacks and no speakers. Estimate 4 events at $600 each. Note: Travel is already budgeted. GR: Heartland Capital Events Events in state capitals for elected officials, with no travel scholarships. Estimate 8 events @ $3,240 each: $ 200 Print invitations, 200 @ .50 x 2 240 Mail invitations, 200 @ .60 x 2 300 Signs, 3 @ 100 1,500 Speaker honoraria, travel, rooms, 1 x $1,500 1,000 Meals and room charges ----------$3,240 Total Note, travel for GR staff is budgeted separately. Three or four of these could be built around Cook County Debt project. Communications is budgeted to send 2 people to each of 6 Cook County Debt project speaking engagements. We believe the Treasurer or cohosts will pay for her travel.
$117,500 $29,000
EXHIBITING/ATTENDANCE GR: $13,000 11,000 5,000 ALEC Annual Meeting attendance/exhibiting/ ice cream social NCSL Annual Meeting attendance/exhibiting SPN, Heritage Resource Bank, CPAC
PR: Registration, travel, hotel and shipping for 8 exhibits @ $5,000. Nikkis travel, if necessary, comes out of this budget; travel for all other staff comes out of other budgets. Free To Choose Medicine Exhibiting, 12 events at $3,000 each for incremental cost (no staff or overhead), including travel for speakers, honoraria, and expenses. Center on Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (CFIRE) Exhibiting, conference sponsorship, and attendance SPN, Philadelphia Society, and CPAC. Total
# Our new office has room to host lunches and receptions for up to 50 or 60 people. We plan to
take advantage of this by hosting many lunches and after work receptions. By providing our own food and alcohol (some of both will be donated), the cost per person should be much less than we paid to hold events at restaurants and hotels in the past.
# This years Presidents Council Retreat will tentatively be shorter (just one day) and focus on
a truly exceptional meal and plenty of reception time to mingle with and get to know celebrity guests.
# This years anniversary benefit will once again take place on the same day as the Emerging
Issues Forum, in order to get legislators to attend both events and create opportunities for donors to mingle with legislators. Both events will take place in early August, rather than our usual time in October, to piggyback on an annual meeting of NCSL taking place in Chicago.
# We have tried in the past to host half-day (or shorter) programs in state capitals, with mixed
success. We plan for eight such events in 2012, with some of them perhaps using Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas as a draw.
# The new Free To Choose Medicine project is budgeted at $3,000 a month to register and
exhibit at events hosted by other organizations. There are many patient advocacy groups and prescription drug business associations that host many events every year, we hope to have a presence at some of them.
4. Online fundraising
For the first time in 2011, we devoted significant resources to using the Internet to fundraise. We previously used email for invitations and had a somewhat typical/sober place on our Web site to contribute. With a complete redesign of our Web presence in 2011, we added ads and requests for contributions to the homepage and created a much expanded and more exciting donate feature. We launched a weekly donor e-newsletter in 2011 highlighting our biggest achievements in the previous week. Each e-newsletter contains promotional language requesting contributions. We are steadily expanding the list of people receiving the newsletter to include potential as well as actual donors. Donating online was made easier in 2011 by our use of Kimbia, an online donation and reservation processing system that is easy to use, secure, allows us to receive funds immediately, keeps donors on our Web page, and is fully automated.
5. Direct mail
Heartland mails frequently to its house list of donors, prospects, subscribers, and allies. Direct mail (DM), however, is properly understood as mailing to rented lists of potential donors. Heartland has seldom used DM to raise money. In the past, it has produced mailings of 1,000 3,000 pieces in-house, mailing to lists it got from other free-market groups through list exchanges. These mailings invariably made money, not counting staff time, but the scale was too small to contribute much to the organizations bottom-line. Because the list exchanges were limited to the number of donors Heartland has, they could not be scaled up. In late 2011, Heartland negotiated an agreement with Griswold and Griswold, a DM consulting firm, to produce approximately 1 million DM letters in 2012. Griswold will manage the writing, printing and mailing of the letters and caging the returns, and pass through to us bills from vendors. Because of some delay in getting started, we expect the actual number of letters to be sent in 2012 will be 800,000. According to Griswolds plan, the cost for a million letters would be about $542,000 and gross income is forecast to be $508,000, for a net loss in the first year of about $34,000. We have put 80% of those numbers into the budget for 2012, to account for the smaller number of letters to be mailed, and divided the total expense between Griswolds fee ($0.555/letter) and printing and mailing. If Griswolds plan is correct, Heartland should end 2012 with approximately 18,000 new donors. We currently have only 1,800 donors, so this would be quite an accomplishment. Griswold further forecasts that Heartland would net $500,000 in the second year of the campaign, and would end 2013 with some 33,000 donors.
A. Free To Choose Medicine Project Free To Choose Medicine (FTCM) is a new project of The Heartland Institute. During 2011, Heartlands president Joseph Bast wrote an 80-page proposal for the effort, and donor Bart Madden agreed to contribute half of the projects $1 million/year budget. In January, a director for the project, Vince Galbriati, was hired. We expect the FTCM to bring in at least $1 million in gifts from all donors, including Bart Madden. Approximately $500,000 in gifts will be from first-time donors. There are scores of businesses and trade associations with a keen interest in our effort, and many wealthy individuals have strong personal motivation to see faster access to potentially life-saving new drugs become a reality. Vince Galbriati is eager to pitch the proposal to investors in drug companies. Several current Heartland donors are already donating to the project, and will give more if they see progress being made.
B. Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) Heartland sponsors the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), an international network of scientists who write and speak out on climate change. Heartland pays a team of scientists approximately $300,000 a year to work on a series of editions of Climate Change Reconsidered, the most comprehensive and authoritative rebuttal of the United Nations IPCC reports. Another $88,000 is earmarked for Heartland staff, incremental expenses, and overhead for editing, expense reimbursement for the authors, and marketing. NIPCC is currently funded by two gifts a year from two foundations, both of them requesting anonymity. In 2012 we plan to solicit gifts from other donors to add to what these two donors are giving in order to cover more of our fixed costs for promoting the first two Climate Change Reconsidered volumes and writing and editing the volume scheduled for release in 2013. We hope to raise $200,000 in 2012.
C. Operation Angry Badger Wisconsin was the focus of national attention due to recall campaigns waged in 2011, and campaigns are taking place in 2012 against Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and three Republican senators who voted for Act 10, the landmark collective bargaining reform legislation adopted in 2011. We have been following the Wisconsin debate closely, reporting on it in Budget & Tax News, commenting in op-eds and LTEs and on blogs, doing television and radio interviews, and sending research and commentary to elected officials in Wisconsin and nationally. The recall elections of 2012 amount to a referenda on collective bargaining reform at the state level, making them of national interest. Successful recalls would be a major setback to the -13-
national effort to rein in public sector compensation and union power. Heartland is the largest and most influential national free-market think tank in the Midwest, so we are in the right place and with the right resources to help defend and secure Wisconsins recent gains. We are contemplating five projects: 1. Recruit and promote superintendents who support Act 10 2. Explain the benefits of Act 10 3. Document the shortcomings of public schools in Wisconsin 4. Expose teacher pay in key districts 5. Create blogs that shadow small town newspaper coverage of the controversy We anticipate that this project will cost about $612,000. Maureen Martin, Heartlands legal counsel, with be the chief researcher and writer for this project. The anonymous donor has pledged $100,000 toward this project. We are circulating a proposal to other potential funders.
D. Center for Transforming Education The Center for Transforming Education at The Heartland Institute produces School Reform News, leads the national effort to implement Parent Triggers at the state level outside California, played a major role in a Texas effort in 2012 that narrowly lost, and conducts a fullscale PR and GR campaign for transformational school reform. Funding for this Center has lagged well behind past levels during the past two years, as we hoped Bruno Behrend would renew current donors and identify new potential donors. That didnt work, and no one else stepped in to take over fundraising until it was too late. As a result, our efforts in this field had to be heavily subsidized from the general operating budget in 2011. This year should see a substantial jump in receipts from new and lapsed donors for school reform if only because they will be more systematically contacted and renewed than during 2011. We hope to schedule meetings with the leaders of the largest donors and foundations active in this arena. It has often been three years or longer since they met with a Heartland representative. But we wont rely entirely on them changing their minds about how important Heartland is in the school reform movement. We plan to aggressively pursue donors to charter schools. Lists of such donors often are publicly available, printed in the newsletters of the schools. Charters are the safe kind of school choice, and supporters often contribute large amounts toward capital campaigns and scholarships. These individuals are ideal candidates to contribute to a think tank that promises to remove barriers to starting new charter schools and extending choice to other private schools. The 2012 budget for the Center for Transforming Education is $250,000.
E. Chicago FIRE Outreach Heartland is moving to new office space in January, from the rather shabby and difficult to find offices on LaSalle Street we have occupied for some 15 years, dating back to when we were a much smaller organization. The new office, on the 27th floor of a Helmut Jahn-designed glass and steel skyscraper located on Wacker Drive, across from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, promises to dramatically raise our profile in Chicagos financial community. We plan to aggressively market ourselves to Chicagos financial community by hosting frequent lunches and afterwork receptions in our offices, and meeting with potential donors in the office buildings surrounding our new location. When Heartland was founded in 1984, we received funding from several traders at the Chicago Board of Trade, CBOT, and CME. That funding has gradually disappeared as traders flamed out or moved on to other interests. Rather than try to replace them, we pursued well-known conservative and libertarian philanthropists largely outside Illinois. The financial sector has obviously boomed during the years since Heartland created its current donor base. There are thousands of affluent hedge fund managers, market makers, and traders within a stones throw of Heartlands new office who are libertarians and never heard of us. We hope to reach them in a variety of ways, most of them networking based, and sign them up to support our work on finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE). This effort is largely separate from Eli Lehrers fundraising efforts, which focus on a small number of property and casualty insurance companies outside Chicago. We will seek to tap into the fundamentally libertarian instincts of many people in the financial world to support FIRE Policy News and potentially other projects that focus on non-insurance topics such as DoddFrank, Sarbanes-Oxley, federal bail-outs of banks and other businesses, proposals to tax the rich, and the Federal Reserve. We hope to raise $100,000 from Chicago-based donors as a result of this effort.
F. David H. Padden Internship Program David Padden, Heartlands founder and long-time chairman and then chairman emeritus, passed away on October 2, 2011. Various ideas have been discussed to memorialize his major contributions to Heartland specifically and to the freedom movement more generally. One thing we plan to do is name the meeting space at our new offices after Dave, so that invitations to events will include his name and help keep his memory alive. Another way to memorialize Daves contributions could be to establish the David H. Padden Internship Program. The rationale is as follows:
# Of the many groups Dave supported, Cato and The Heartland Institute stand out. Dave
stepped down from all other boards in his latter years except Heartland. Even folks at Cato say Dave was most proud of what he had achieved with Heartland.
# Of the many different audiences he thought libertarians should reach, young people college
students in particular were very high on Daves list. And of the ways to reach young people, one-on-one conversation in small group meetings using the Socratic method or in mentor relationships was highest.
# While he supported public policy advocacy organizations, his heart was closest to the old
Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) model of leading by example and changing peoples minds one at a time in conversations about philosophy and morality. A Padden Internship Program would be a close fit with what we think Dave wold have wanted and would benefit the freedom movement he loved. It could be modeled after the Charles G. Koch Summer Fellow Program, which is summarized here: http://www.college.columbia. edu/students/ fellowships/catalog/charles-g-koch-summer-fellow-program. Features of the Padden Internship program would include the following:
# A 26-week internship in Heartlands Chicago office, with research, writing, and event
planning experiences.
# A $3,900 stipend ($150/week). # Attendance at Catos annual Cato University Summer Seminar, a one-week program in
August. See http://www.cato.org/pubs/policy_report/v21n2/summerseminar.html for details. We would ask Cato to cover the $1,500 registration and room fee, and we would cover travel.
# Twelve Socratic discussions over the course of the internship with Heartland senior staff,
senior fellows, and board members around the same table that was in Daves office for some 30 years. Readings could be by Bastiat, Mises, Hayek, Friedman, etc., perhaps taken from The Libertarian Reader edited by David Boaz, or the reading list for Cato University, or readings that Dave helped prepare for a Liberty Fund seminar Heartland organized some 20 years ago. Final sessions could be more policy-oriented and based on Heartlands The Patriots Toolbox.
Funding: We could ask current and past Heartland board members, who knew Dave well, to contribute $5,000 or $10,000 more than they would otherwise give, to raise the first $100,000 toward a fund that would pay for ten years of internships. With this evidence of Board support, we could then approach persons we knew to be his friends, who served on other boards with him, and heads of think tanks that benefit from his generosity. Donors to the fund could be recognized in the following ways: -16-
# Names of funders could be inscribed on a plaque to hang on a wall near the table where the
Socratic discussions take place.
# A special reception prior to or following the Presidents Council Retreat to which current and
former Padden Interns would be invited.
# An e-newsletter and blog could be created for donors and current and past interns to stay in
touch with each other. Heartlands 2012 budget forecasts two interns for each of five departments, with a budget of $39,000. Adding travel to the Cato event at $800 for each of the ten interns boosts the annual budget to $47,000. We could plan to fundraise for a fund that would finance the David H. Padden Internship Program for ten years, requiring gifts totaling $470,000. Anything above that amount raised or earned in interest or investment could be devoted to a variety of additional activities involving the interns or extend the program beyond 10 years. For the 2012 budget, we forecast raising half the total amount needed to endow this 10-year project, or $235,000.
G. Cook County Public Debt Project Maria Pappas, Cook County (IL) Treasurer, has discovered that municipalities and other taxing districts in Cook County are much deeper in debt than is widely understood, or even understood by elected officials in Cook County. She has documented a looming financial crisis, driven largely by employee pension and health care promises, that could have catastrophic results for residents and businesses in the county. She warns that other counties in the U.S. are probably facing similar disasters. Shes eager to speak out on the issue not only in Illinois, but nationwide. Heartland has agreed to work with Treasurer Pappass staff and other allies on three things: (a) a research and publishing effort that results in one or more Heartland Policy Studies that factcheck, report, and interpret the Treasurers findings, (b) a national communications campaign consisting of distribution of the studies, news releases, op-eds, and other promotional activities, and (c) a national speaking tour featuring Treasurer Pappas, perhaps with events in state capitals held in conjunction with our allies in a dozen or half-dozen states. We anticipate that this project will cost about $210,000. The anonymous donor has pledged $105,000 toward this project. We are circulating a proposal to potential donors.
H. Global Warming Curriculum for K-12 Schools Many people lament the absence of educational material suitable for K-12 students on global warming that isnt alarmist or overtly political. Heartland has tried to make material available to teachers, but has had only limited success. Principals and teachers are heavily biased toward the alarmist perspective. Moreover, material for classroom use must be carefully written to meet curriculum guidelines, and the amount of time teachers have for supplemental material is steadily shrinking due to the spread of standardized tests in K-12 education. Dr. David Wojick has presented Heartland a proposal to produce a global warming curriculum for K-12 schools that appears to have great potential for success. Dr. Wojick is a consultant with the Office of Scientific and Technical Information at the U.S. Department of Energy in the area of information and communication science. He has a Ph.D. in the philosophy of science and mathematical logic from the University of Pittsburgh and a B.S. in civil engineering from Carnegie Tech. He has been on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon and the staffs of the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the Naval Research Lab. Dr. Wojick has conducted extensive research on environmental and science education for the Department of Energy. In the course of this research, he has identified what subjects and concepts teachers must teach, and in what order (year by year), in order to harmonize with national test requirements. He has contacts at virtually all the national organizations involved in producing, certifying, and promoting science curricula. Dr. Wojick proposes to begin work on modules for grades 10-12 on climate change (whether humans are changing the climate is a major scientific controversy), climate models (models are used to explore various hypotheses about how climate works. Their reliability is controversial), and air pollution (whether CO2 is a pollutant is controversial. It is the global food supply and natural emissions are 20 times higher than human emissions). Wojick would produce modules for Grades 7-9 on environmental impact (environmental impact is often difficult to determine. For example there is a major controversy over whether or not humans are changing the weather), for Grade 6 on water resources and weather systems, and so on. We tentatively plan to pay Dr. Wojick $5,000 per module, about $25,000 a quarter, starting in the second quarter of 2012, for this work. The Anonymous Donor has pledged the first $100,000 for this project, and we will circulate a proposal to match and then expand upon that investment.
I. Hydraulic Fracturing Project Hydraulic fracturing, popularly known as fracking, is a process whereby water, sand, and small amounts of chemicals (surfactants) are injected into oil and natural gas formations to make the energy resources easier to extract. Fracking has been safely used for more than 50 years. -18-
Fracking became controversial in 2010 and 2011 because environmentalists, hoping to prevent the development of large reserves of oil and natural case in the Marcellus Shale Formation, invented charges that fracking poses environmental and safety risks. The liberal media has uncritically reported these charges as though they were scientifically based, leading to pressure on national and state elected officials to ban or regulate the use of fracking. Heartland has been one of the most outspoken defenders of fracking in the U.S., using Environment & Climate News, its Web sites, and its PR and GR operations to comment repeated on the issue and reach large audiences. We have not, however, yet attempted to raise funds from businesses with a financial interest in fracking. In 2012 we intend to correct that oversight and approach dozens of companies and trade associations that are actively seeking allies in this battle. The budget for this project consists almost entirely of current budgeted expenditures on research, PR, and GR. We are breaking out summaries of what weve already done on the topic and plan to do, to submit to potential donors. We hope to raise $100,000 for the topic in 2012, with half this amount coming from first-time and lapsed donors.
J. Weather Stations Project Every few months, weathermen report that a temperature record either high or low has been broken somewhere in the U.S. This is not surprising, since weather is highly variable and reliable instrument records date back less than 100 years old. Regrettably, news of these broken records is often used by environmental extremists as evidence that human emissions are causing either global warming or the more ambiguous climate change. Anthony Watts, a meteorologist who hosts WattsUpwithThat.com, one of the most popular and influential science blogs in the world, has documented that many of the temperature stations relied on by weathermen are compromised by heat radiating from nearby buildings, machines, or paved surfaces. It is not uncommon for these stations to over-state temperatures by 3 or 4 degrees or more, enough to set spurious records. Because of Watts past work exposing flaws in the current network of temperature stations (work that The Heartland Institute supported and promoted), the National Aeronautics and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the government agency responsible for maintaining temperature stations in the U.S., has designated a new network of higher-quality temperature stations that meet its citing specifications. Unfortunately, NOAA doesnt widely publicize data from this new network, and puts raw data in spreadsheets buried on one of its Web sites. Anthony Watts proposes to create a new Web site devoted to accessing the new temperature data from NOAAs web site and converting them into easy-to-understand graphs that can be easily found and understood by weathermen and the general interested public. Watts has deep expertise in Web site design generally and is well-known and highly regarded by weathermen and -19-
meteorologists everywhere. The new site will be promoted heavily at WattsUpwithThat.com. Heartland has agreed to help Anthony raise $88,000 for the project in 2011. The Anonymous Donor has already pledged $44,000. Well seek to raise the balance.
7. Planned Giving
Planned giving encompasses activities as simple as naming a charity in ones will to complex insurance schemes and charitable remainder trusts. As baby boomers retire, planning giving is rising as a share of total giving to Heartland and to other charities. In 2012, Heartland will finally launch a true planned giving program with the following parts:
# A Planned Giving Board consisting of estate planning and planned giving professionals who
are Heartland donors. Dan Hales has agreed to chair this board.
# Advertisements in our publications and newsletters and on our Web, and a brochure briefly
making the case for including Heartland in your will and estate planning.
# A white paper that provides more detailed guidance to planned giving, explaining the tax
advantages and choices involving several popular options. Amanda Evans is in charge of the project.
4. Anonymous Donor
Because the Anonymous Donor has given a large percentage of Heartlands budget in past years, it is useful to single out his expected gift at the beginning of the year. In 2011, he gave Heartland $979,000, less than any years since 2005. In January 2012, he pledged $1 million. We project that he will give $250,000 more over the course of the year. Table 5 summarizes the recent history of the Anonymous Donors giving, and Table 6 breaks out the projects he has already agreed to support in 2012 and those we hope he will agree to fund as the year progresses. We believe the increase from 2011 to 2012 is reasonable in part because 2011's level of giving was the lowest since 2005 and seemed to be due to some developments that are now past. Until 2011, he had given more than $1,250,000 every year since 2005.
Table 6. 2012 Gift and Potential Gifts from the Anonymous Donor
Quarter First Quarter (already pledged but not received.) Amount $457,000 $194,000 $44,000 $100,000 $105,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Total $0 $250,000 $0 $1,250,000 Additional gift, possibly for Operation Angry Badger in Wisconsin or to take the Cook County debt project to key states. Projects General Operating NIPCC Project Weather Stations Project Global Warming Curriculum Project Cook County Debt Project Operation Angry Badger Total
Not all donors renew every year, and some increase their gifts while others reduce them. In alternating years we do zero-based budgeting on the fundraising side of the budget by estimating income from specific donors. In the other years, we just project a percentage increase in giving by each category. This year is a zero-based budgeting year. The names of past donors of $10,000 or more, their gifts during the past two years, and their projected giving in 2012 appear in Table 8. Obviously, this is only a forecast and wont be entirely accurate.
Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, Ltd. Altria Client Services Inc. Amgen, USA Arthur Margulis Arthur N. Rupe Foundation Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers AT&T for IT&T News AT&T for CFIRE Barney Family Foundation Bartley Madden Bayer Corporation BB&T (John Allison) Bernard Baltic Estate Castle Rock Foundation Charles McQuaid Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
$60,000 $50,000 $0 $25,000 $0 $75,000 $30,000 $0 $25,000 $216,656 $0 $0 $77,807 $0 $1,000 $25,000
2010 Actual $25,000 $27,000 $10,000 $25,000 $26,500 $80,000 $10,540 $20,560 $35,000 $20,864 $15,000 $10,000 $25,000 $40,000 $10,000 $0 $5,065 $10,000 $15,000 $0 $30,000 $0 $40,030 $85,000 $0 $0 $40,000 $10,000 $0 $25,000 $120,000 $25,000
2011 Actual
2012 Projected $25,000 $50,000 $25,000 $50,000 $25,000 $40,000 $10,000 $25,000 $60,000 $15,000 $50,000 $10,000 $25,000 $15,000 $10,000 $25,000 $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $0 $20,000 $50,000 $250,000 $50,000 $10,000 $10,000 $25,000 $10,000 $20,000 $25,000 $170,000 $15,000
2012 as % of 2011 100% 200% 100% 100% 83% 100% 100% 100% 100% 88% 185% ?? ?? 100% 100% ?? 120% 100% 100% ?? 100% 100% 100% 200% ?? ?? 100% ?? 100% ?? 118% 100%
Chase Foundation of Virginia Chris Rufer Comcast Corporation Contran Corporation Credit Union National Association CTIA - The Wireless Association David Albin Dan Hales David Herro David Lawson Dezenhall Resources, Ltd. Diageo Eli Lilly & Company Elizabeth Rose Eric Brooks Farmers Insurance (Zurich) Frank Resnik Fred Young General Motors Foundation Genting GlaxoSmithKline Gleason Family Foundation Golden Rule Insurance Company Herbert Walberg HSA Bank International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers IronBridge Capital Management, L.P. James Fitzgerald James McWethy Jaquelin Hume Foundation Jerry and Marilyn Hayden John William Pope Foundation
$25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $50,000 $30,000 $40,000 $10,000 $25,000 $60,000 $17,000 $27,000 $0 $0 $15,000 $10,000 $0 $25,000 $15,000 $15,000 $0 $20,000 $50,000 $250,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $20,000 $0 $170,000 $15,000
2010 Actual $13,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $65,500 $24,500 $125,000 $0 $31,000 $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $3,570 $402,000 $80,000 $130,000 $20,000 $90,000 $0 $0 $21,120 $10,000 $0 $114,200 $60,000 $10,000 $65 $25,000 $0
2011 Actual
2012 Projected $15,000 $0 $25,000 $10,000 $5,000 $60,000 $150,000 $50,000 $10,000 $35,000 $25,000 $40,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 $60,000 $150,000 $20,000 $280,000 $110,000 $10,000 $30,000 $10,000 $50,000 $95,000 $60,000 $10,000 $10,000 $25,000 $5,000
2012 as % of 2011 100% 0% ?? 100% ?? 120% ?? 100% 17% 140% ?? ?? 100% ?? 200% 50% ?? ?? ?? 88% 100% ?? 100% 83% ?? 41% 100% 100% 100% ?? ??
Kayser Family Foundation KCI Larch Communications, LLC Larry Smead Fund Las Vegas Sands (DCI Group) Leslie Rose LKQ Corporation Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation Microsoft Corporation Mike Keiser Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation Murray Energy Corporation National Cable & Telecommunications Association Nationwide Insurance Norman Rogers Nucor Corporation Patrick OMeara Pfizer PhRMA Renaissance ReService Ltd. Reynolds American Inc. Responsible Industry for a Sounds Environment Robert Buford Rodney Fund Searle Freedom Trust State Farm (Jeff Judson) State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Susquehanna International Group LLP Stanley Hubbard Stuart Family Foundation Texas Cable Association
$15,000 $115,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $50,000 $0 $50,000 $59,908 $25,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $10,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $317,000 $110,000 $0 $30,000 $12,000 $0 $230,000 $60,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0
2010 Actual $10,000 $0 $0 $15,000 $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 $0 $25,000 $8,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $2,887,896
2011 Actual
2012 Projected $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $25,000 $50,000 $25,000 $10,000 $300,000 $50,000 $0 $10,000 $4,145,000
The Deramus Foundation The Justice Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Philip Friedmann Family Charitable Trust The Robert P. Rotella Foundation Time Warner Cable Triad Foundation, Inc. USAA US Chamber of Commerce Will Wohler William Dunn Wisconsin Insurance Alliance XL Group Verizon Totals
$10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $25,000 $45,000 $0 $0 $330,000 $0 $35,000 $0 $3,293,371
?? ?? 91% ?? 0% ?? 126%
Actual and projected gifts from past donors of $2,500- $9,999 are identified in Table 10.
Marathon Petroleum Company LLC $2,500 Mark Nelson Paul Fisher PepsiCo, Inc. Peter Mason Philip Warth Randy Randol Richard Uihlein Richard Waterfield Robert Bland Robert Fettig $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 $5,250 $5,000 $0 $1,000 $3,000 $0 $5,000
Names Robert Meier Robert Lamendola Robert Platt Robertson Finley Foundation Stephen Goode Ted Semon Thomas K. Armstrong Windway Foundation, Inc. Total
2010 Actual 2011 Actual $5,000 $0 $625 $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $129,445 $0 $5,000 $2,500 $0 $0 $5,075 $5,000 $5,000 $115,111
2012 Projected $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $200,250
Table 12. Projected Income from Lapsed and New Donors, by Project
Budget $1,000,000 $200,000 $610,000 $250,000 $100,000 $235,000 $210,000 $200,000 $100,000 $88,000 $2,905,000 From New Donors $500,000 $100,000 $305,000 $125,000 $100,000 $117,500 $105,000 $100,000 $50,000 $44,000 $1,546,500 Project Free To Choose Medicine project Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) Operation Angry Badger Center for Transforming Education Chicago FIRE Outreach David H. Padden Intern Program Cook County Public Debt project Global Warming Curriculum project Hydraulic Fracturing project Weather Station project Total
8. Cost of Fundraising
The cost of fundraising is spending by the Development Department as a percentage of funds raised. We forecast it will rise to 10.4 percent in 2012, from 7.3 percent in 2011, due mainly to the large investment planned in Direct Mail. The Direct Mail campaign is expected to cost $424,000 in 2012, over half the entire budget for the development department. Excluding gifts from the Anonymous Donor reveals the projected cost of fundraising from all other sources in 2012 would be 12.4 percent, lower than all but one previous years since 2006. See Table 13 for a recent history of our cost of fundraising. In past years when the Anonymous Donors gifts were more than half of our budget, we were spending a lot more trying to raise funds from other sources. Last year, 2011, was quite low as we went half the year without a development director and didnt do any direct mail.
9. Earned Income
In addition to income generated by the development department, Heartland earns income from selling tickets to non-fundraising events, sale of publications and subscriptions, advertising, and interest. Although not the responsibility of the Development Department, projections of income from these sources appear in Table 14. Table 14. Projected Income from Other Sources
Source Non-fundraising Events Publications Advertising Interest/Other Total 2012 Projected $34,793 $21,164 $8,116 $1,740 $65,813 2011 Actual $69,585 $21,164 $8,116 $1,740 $100,605 2012 as a % of 2011 50% 100% 100% 100% 65%
Income from non-fundraising events was relatively high in 2011 because we hosted a successful International Conference on Climate Change. Without one this year, we expect receipts from ticket sales to fall by half. Advertising sales, publication sales, and interest income all are expected to remain unchanged.