Members Notice
Members Notice
Members Notice
Government of India
Ministry of Law and Justice
Department of Legal Affairs
New Delhi-110001
Dated the 15th March, 2024
Vacancy Circular
Pre page continued...... .
5. Application Procedure:
(b) Eligible and willing officers are requested to apply online through
proper channel (wherever applicable) The application of such applicants
as per 5(a) above is to be submitted online by within one month from
the date of issue of this circular and is to be accompanied with (i)
Certificate to be furnished by the employer/ head of office/ forwarding
authority as in Annexure-II (ii) clear photocopies of the up-to-date
CR/APAR dossiers of the officer, containing CR/APARs of at least five
years (wherever applicable), duly attested by a Group A officer (iii)
cadre clearance (v) integrity certificate/clearance from vigilance and
disciplinary angle as in Annexure-III (vi) statement giving details of
major or minor penalties, if any, imposed on the officer during the last
ten years, online, within one month from the date of issue of this
advertisement. Two (2) weeks additional time is permitted for
submitting applications through proper channel for applicants, who are
judicial officers or Government servants and have submitted advance
application .
roll.\1 i
fS if I &ItC J)
MinI bUy of
llcparln lent of
1<0Clt'I No
I ),llc(I , IItBe
2. Vacancy: : Alipllcnlin:n arc bring in\'i:cd for IIrr I IUton- 311B exist ln!! antI alg ici]ntcd v3c8:lcics
1)OIC of Vacancy
3. QIHM£Jt PIl=:1 ile (!uuli fic:a lions. cli!;ibili£y, sttnry und ultlcl Ic:in\ aIIa ctndilinII s of the u;Ipo:mInIcol of a
candidate \\ ill be 6ovei itn! by arc FI avisions of the Tlibuna! (Concli lions of SCI \Itc) Rules. ?02 1 .
q. Procedure for sclecllou: - ’fIle Se3rch.Cun\•Hectic::I (klnuntttce can stIllIIed ut'.act 1:n -IIibul Idl kefo:nb Act
2021 for )'rconnn rtl(linb rIali les for appQjnlnrcl II to Ill= said lunt s IIi iII kcl utiljsc thc applicatIons \HIll rcspcci
to SUitabIlity of 8ppltrillion for the posts by gIving duc wei&IRnp,c to qu?Jiiicatian nutt cxli:ricircc of
cnndirlates tInd $11nItII§t C81tdidaTCq Irlr co:lduclin!! p£rst)nat iltturngliutl. III: fiIIal selection \viII be dullc u::
the basis of overall evaluation of candidates done by the Conunillc? based on the qualification, expel i?ncc
allil jtClbon itI inlcr8c:lien.
S. Application Procedure:= Alrpllcalion£ ol- eligible antI willin£: office is al: laluc5 Icd iII laugh pI:IIli;I
ella,tr tcl(whet-ever applicable) al scI nIC ntcoln]raniuJ 'wi Ill {i) bio ctiIIn in an profo lina at Alutcxurc-1 (ii)
CCItiHcate to be nlllrishcd by the employer/ brad o!'olfic a1 folvnding nutlwrit)’ :s in Anncxure.II (iii) cltar
pl'o local lies of thc Up-lO-drUG (;It//\I’ AR de>nRr of thc oITl£cl contbilling CR/Al’ARs of a: least last afc
ygars duly attested by a Group A officer (iv) cadie clearal lcc (v) inle8lily catifnataclc2mncc holm vigilance
and di$cinlinary angle as iI: Ann,’xurc-nI (vi) slalgaunt givinB dcluils of tnq01 or niinor penaltIes. if any,
imf Iasad on the oDIccr during nIC last ten yours, to :he :'ollo\yjng u£klresb. so as to leach this ot’lice in leg by
Atv: I caIUS call 1 us on Io :=r.i- la nr,-css HIt hall,,c page of -h, I (1lllll',' ,\:>?tltiliioll Ie oF?!i
( IV:let cy ,'; tIp}llirn{-ILl
b. xII -F,\• IJ,\ \\ III Ft =ciltjiss iIi= t, t ::ic ,' il1111id.II /b to be r.I;.,'d f„r ltltt.IIi,.\\ ' i III,.,triIftII I hr rdn\t.d=:e; tlr:
1 cc tull cd ul IIt,\ke own arran 9C:I\CIlt\
7. Advertise! Irent .lnd !’rrs£:r'lrril application !ollrr edIt tIC Co\\'nlondcC baIn \IInks:rys''-liihiut,sti ucbsHC
jn;IIne of IIIe website}
S. Any it}vtl€-atilt iI ICCci\=, i ;Inct IiI.: €trir utitu)Ii: ncrcs,; itv ,\’ ac ilt(lllt€11 icd abu\r WIll itul Itc
cilt;i :oil:ucl
\VIiI,' IInt>Iii:itV n bay bc f,item iI: it:: ntxi tIll/iII iaIn itIn! :llcif itctl! kclrnll,ilts IiI liII itiluk' u.ty ill-,J OjlliDtinn !1-.ntrbr' IIt
,.\rllrclllr e-l
1’1( OFt ) it XI ,\
Space for
duly signed by
can tlid atc
I. >!allie
1. 1)nic of Piili1
3. Cntcgoly(sc/s-f/OBefUR}
4. Dc$igl13tiuIYProfcs sion
S. COIllact Delails
[qF: II a=; ifI }I 'q’'' 'TT =IJ:'l'i :4;11'.j];'J'
; Nilreb s,- –
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! Xlabi ic'F ItaIIC No
i tln13it'
6, ('il{lrc’S;lvicc ’W}lclcv,-r3pplltnU cl
E{ltirati; in iiI rl-.uli5r:at ii:tl i:ill icrc' \r rlni iIiutaH icu i Ll:tier )
Si. )(I.I , bIitll ic of 1 jlc!1Icr 1 \’cat of 1;jrjs liu!' /\cilt!= i'ir ' SII'!!'C€t/
li)}jy(rsii)? !>hSeU); ;]isli:\t Iii>II t:nr,i,It!/lil:IIn
t ':’t. itf III,Ilk ;
8. \Yolk E.\{>cricncc
8A Foi IIte expel iaRC as ctnl ilo)'ac. Enl:ltoylncnl ieccIId in cIlrmioli8ical ord:r slarliB:: tv; i h pnu iU
finplo)IUCId, h iI iI) reverse:
Si. No. RanI? & o'lr;:tqq rl! bc siEnatian, It37 Dl - I*erictil ol If,It: irc tIt-u;nIk/
on lj> in}\ I ex p=: ICI ICC
F::;'i;iI::={;}' ay II) i SaY icc
{Got I,.'I’St;;Mill;stryf
I'loIn - } To
I)epatfnrci tI/any <tillcl
+ Also indicate SI No. in ahoy=, which is CHoi\utcn! to Additional Scclclaly/FJi§tl iiI Jcdgc,’Adilltiollil! DisK ict
Jnc18c/Najor Gencl-iII (as iIIUllicabl8 under the {lnali6c;niall) Ol above
SR. For the cxjleliarce as Profcqsjur aJ record in chronolo£.ical Olrlcr staN in it 'xill: plc,cl:I !{u8a8clncl,t, list in
reverse :
*Such as Adlninistrnlio ll /Service mailer s /Judicial at Qu£ai.Judicial ;f:rilninai /C'ivii .''faxaljon /Company Afl'nlrs
/Eltviiontncnlni luaitcrs /Finalrca /Accountancy /Eco! turn ics /Business /Cgnunercc ;X4aragclrlcIR /Public Affairs Ol
any oU:er as may be applicable. Engage:IIeut with Govelnnunl. iF3uy, may be indicated
fIt!! ti.vl-_'l' I ". LII )\III,\
•O•Hl• 411•nJ•ll• = + 1 + WH++
i' \ t 1{ .\t )it I ) J \ .\R \' jl''.kt iI–'-iI-1-. :{:I;
[\Vhflevel OF;III,-,IUc ]
II llx}?elicl Ice nlor. flu ]II, La ici brit-:' lijI iII IIiIn..llill:1 IIelr!!!;i t'! :':aLt' c'ill's
f :asH belnrc re:cv iliII C tIll: Is’ I'lih:illnjqJ (it(jIll: Ira (-i.i=sfLlll:cjlollc<iCe scs)
I. i certify that liu foregoing tnfunnatiul! is tolrcct and colnplcle to the best of knowledge and belief and
nothing has been conc6ulcc:/di stotted. If al 3ny time I foln ld to 1:avc conceal:aJdlslor Icd ally nlalbl: ill
infOruuliQn; IIly allxtin tmc:a shall be IiabIc it) sulu:nar)' tell:linhtioll witlloN noticc
2. 1 slt all not withdraw IIly candida lute al-let the n\eeting of lhc Sctct'i lon C'onul-,RIce
'Tvr }I .. ;IV( ,tIlli ill ; tt ’tld ? /lj"l ' q:I bjt / /{ ?()
I <!raI: not drclil IC Illt nFI tta:It:'I,:Ill II ,: Ifelt' it !or rppPilllr!,cttl by the A('(
1 StIiI: iolll h ilIInI 30 da) + t ruIn :lu- (i;tIC pf isba,' vfl,I,Icr of npr,,llltltrc Iji
I ,It:1 ::\\ iI:e fh,II iiI cd+c t VIa’.!ic ;I :) jll' thr can(1111131is It;fIll+c,neIl al SI.N,, .' :v I. t:lu (-tV=. ::llnl(It' II:' I+kIll is
llkyl}' to ilcba; IIU kH a IIrr ira of t:rice Full+ fo: col,snlcr.atoll rtu a;lre+!!tulirut HIlls:,Ie thr rIcIIt nIkI !it any
i :llollnlna IIt I+r}dy '\:atll roly lioIl}’''l{colttntor=,’ Ii\IIT
1 )air
(:i':li-l-ll'l('r\'i t: -1 C > HI, Pt ; it \ IS ill III it\ iII 1: 1 ,)111 f ,( if I',lp} II.Ajl ( >F
2. II is also celtified lbnl there ts no vigilance/ di5cip Iii:diy NSC c;III iv pcildil tg or being co;:!rntplatlxt nEaII:st
IIIlIYher and \'iBilnnu cieaalnec jqsn rd by ('V(I in the cne los=d /\n!)ex sac ( II1)
4, No Illdj(II or t\lino: pr.ItS iiy was iit:}lojctl Oli SI!! i/SInI;KIn I -,-'...,--------- --...-•-- - - '-------–---i+uring It;=
kI SI tO years pal 'nd.
S. 'l'hr: IIP la dale atlcqt cd i'holoxl ill c.nprl'< tIf All{/.'\I'AF, of t,ibl yr:us (ritcl t I>IIP iasIa: copy of A€'kfAi’ Ali
sIIQuId be ailc5lct!} iII iciprcl Qf StrIFSl IIl'KIlIII -..--•----...-–---.'-----.---i: I curia\cd
)icrc with.
A ltllcxurc-Ill
2. Fathers unit)c
]. na:c of Rirlll
g, __1)atc of Retirement
ItI!::JvtT nl+1;IIrabiC
}!!-nat:y ( +' }
('} if vigilance €1cnrhncc Intl bren a!)tiriltcd hou: nIC eu;nltliSSio:I in the ansI, the nrfomration nIly be pro\;i<!ctI
for tIle pcliutl dWI caRer,