Instructor Information
Name: Mishelene Baker
COM Email:
Required Supplies
Refer to supply list.
End-of-Course Outcomes
Recognize the importance of computer applications.
Determine the appropriate application for specified tasks.
Explore numerous options that are available in each program.
Discuss various computer applications in society.
Course Outline
Q1-Microsoft Word
In this portion of the course, the learner becomes acclimated with Word. Microsoft Word software will help the user move smoothly through the task
of creating professional-looking documents. Students will witness that the rich features and powerful tools of Word can make their work easy, and
even fun. In this course, the user will learn how to use Word to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; and proof
Week #1
Get acquainted; Discuss course goals; Review syllabus, student information letter; Discuss Run/Hide/Fight; Review Fire Shelter/AED information
• Navigate and perform common tasks in Word, such as opening, viewing, editing, saving, and printing documents, and configuring the application.
• Format text and paragraphs.
• Perform repetitive operations efficiently using tools such as Find and Replace, Format Painter, and Styles.
• Enhance lists by sorting, renumbering, and customizing list styles.
Week #3
• Create and format tables.
• Insert graphic objects into a document, including symbols, special characters, illustrations, pictures, and clip art.
Week #4
• Format the overall appearance of a page through page borders and colors, watermarks, headers and footers, and page layout.
• Use Word features to help identify and correct problems with spelling, grammar, readability, and accessibility.
Q2-Microsoft Excel
In this portion of the course the learner will learn to create, manage, and edit workbooks. The user will always summarize data with Excel by
incorporating formulas, formatting, and charts and graphs. The learner will find that Excel is an organizational tool that can be used in everyday
tasks. This entry level course also challenges the user to optimize the worksheet, use functions to create formulas, and incorporate graphs,
templates and graphs.
Week #5
Week #6
Week #8
Q3-Microsoft PowerPoint
In this portion of the course, the learner will learn to create professional quality presentations, gather the appropriate way manage the software, and
learn how to plan a presentation for the audience. The student will find that this software enables them to be creative and tell their story by
incorporating their own ideas into a presentation. In addition, the user will gather an understanding of how to incorporate photos, graphs, templates,
graphs, and media files into presentations.
Week #9
• Examine slide show presentation concepts and explore the Microsoft Office PowerPoint environment.
• Create a new presentation.
• Modify presentation themes.
Week #10
Week #11
Week #12
• Review entire office suite/ Application of concepts
• Review/Discuss features and uses for each program
Grading Scale
Students enrolled in non-funded non-credit classes will receive a final grade of “CR” (Completed Successfully) or “N” (no, did not complete).
Withdrawal Policy
You may withdraw from this course at any time by speaking with the Front Desk Personnel who will file the necessary paperwork. Once the semester
is underway, we do not issue refunds. If you have a special circumstance, please speak with the Program Manager.
Concerns/Questions Statement
If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of this course, please contact the instructor using the contact information provided at the top
of this form. If, after discussing your concern with the instructor, you continue to have questions, please contact Lisa Renfroe at 409-933-8432.