ExaminationReforms2018 doc
ExaminationReforms2018 doc
ExaminationReforms2018 doc
November 2018
November 2018
AICTE is taking a multi-pronged approach to recalibrate the technical education in the country, to provide
competent professionals. Challenged by keeping the pace of education with the advancements in the
technology and industry needs, AICTE has pushed reforms by way of a model curriculum for various
engineering disciplines, providing good quality self-learning content through MOOCs, framing a policy for
the training of technical teachers 3-week student induction program and enunciating guidelines for the
mandatory internship for student among others. Continuing with the streak, AICTE has now come out with
an Examination Reform Policy, which would not only improve the quality of technical education in general but
also examine the effectiveness of earlier initiatives of AICTE and also those on the anvil.
Evaluation, grading and certification in our system rest on examinations which play an important role in
the progression of a learner on the learning path. The examinations not only indicate whether the desired
learning outcomes have been achieved but also assess the level of achievements against benchmarks.
Thus, examinations serve as checkpoints for both the learner and the external world, allowing appropriate
certification to be issued reflecting the proficiency of an individual operating in socio-economic spheres.
This policy comes at a time when knowledge is freely available for creating resources, opportunities for
more knowledge, which requires skill of higher order beyond remembering and comprehension. This policy
intends to push the evaluation notches up on the Bloom’s taxonomy and examine the learner for higher order
cognitive skills to drive critical thinking, creativity and problem solving which have to be the attributes of
any technical professional. It is hoped that this will also force necessary alignment in the teaching-learning
processes on one hand to the bridging of the gap between theory and practicals on the other and prepare
students for innovation and creativity.
We request the technical institutions and universities in the country to adopt this examination reform policy. To
facilitate this, model question papers and question banks will be developed/ shared through AICTE website.
With a view to impart momentum to this much-awaited reform, AICTE shall be conducting a series of training
workshops for faculty, across the country.
We thank members of the committee led by Prof. Shettar, Vice-Chancellor, KLE University for developing the
policy which will go a long way to enhance the employability ratio and also enable youngsters to become
problem-solvers, innovators and job creators. We especially thank MHRD for providing guidance and support
throughout the process of creation of this Policy.
Globalisation of the world economy and higher education are driving profound changes in engineering
education system. Worldwide adaptation of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) framework and enhanced
focus on higher-order learning and professional skills necessitates paradigm shift in traditional practices
of curriculum design, education delivery and assessment. In recent years, worldwide sweeping reforms
are being undertaken to bring about essential changes in engineering education in terms of what to teach
(content) and how to teach (knowledge delivery) and how to assess (student learning).
Examinations/student assessments play a very important role in deciding the quality of education. The
academic quality of examinations (question papers) in Indian engineering education system has been a
matter of concern from a long time. This report attempts to bring out recommendations for reforms in
examination system to meet challenges of emerging engineering education landscape.
The recommendations are presented in four sections. Beginning in Section-1, the most important drivers for
examination reforms in Indian engineering education system are discussed. Section-2 brings out strategies
to be adopted to align assessment with the desired student learning outcomes. A two-step method is
proposed for mapping the examination questions with course outcomes. Section-3 highlights the necessity of
designing question papers to test higher order abilities and skills. Application of blooms taxonomy framework
to create an optimal structure of examination papers to test the different cognitive skills is discussed in detail.
Challenge of assessing higher order abilities and professional skills through traditional examination system
is brought out in Section-4. Several educational experiences and assessment opportunities are identified
to overcome the challenges. Appendices contain the supplement material that is helpful for Universities/
Colleges to implement recommendations.
At this juncture, reforms in examinations are critical for the improvement of the quality and relevance of
Indian engineering education. It is hoped that the Report will be of use to Universities and Colleges to bring
out the much-needed change. The cooperation received from AICTE officials in bringing out the Report is
gratefully acknowledged.
The development of an outcome based Examination Reform Policy for technical education is a result of
thoughtful deliberations, involving dedicated and specialized experts. This Policy has been framed to meet
the expectations of an academically challenging environment, develop problem-solving skills by students,
aligning with current global standards and to enrich the students learning to make them self-enablers and/or
match job requirements on successful completion of their degree.
The performance-based new-age reforms in the examination will benefit each student for preparing him/
her for success in the knowledge society. This will create proper mapping between program outcomes
and assessment tools that lead to the accurate and reliable measurement of attainment of outcomes of the
students. In short, the Policy focuses on providing the ability of student to understand the subject and apply
the knowledge to real world problems.
We are thankful to the members of the committee Prof. Ashok S. Shettar, Prof. Rama Krishna Challa, Prof.
Sanjay Agarwal and Prof. Upendra Pandel who were devotedly committed towards framing this Policy.
We thank them for identifying Competencies and Performance Indicators (PIs) with Program Outcomes
(POs); Sample Questions for all six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy; Model Question Papers for end semester
examinations based on Bloom’s Taxonomy; and Sample Scoring Rubrics for communication (written & oral),
and assessment of design projects and semester mini projects.
Special thanks and gratitude to Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabdhe, Chairman; Prof M.P. Poonia, Vice Chairman and
Prof. A.P. Mittal, Member Secretary, AICTE who have been pivotal in developing this Policy and encouraging
throughout the process.
I appreciate the officers and officials of Policy & Academic Planning Bureau for their contribution and support
in the exercise that has led to this Policy.
I also sincerely thank all officers and officials of AICTE, who have contributed in one way or other for the
development of this Policy.
Thanking all once again and seeking continued support and also feedback on the Policy.
Page No.
1 Introduction 11
Competencies and PIs
Computer Science/Information Science Programs
Sample Questions for Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels
Model Question Papers
Sample Scoring Rubrics
Globalisation of the world economy and higher education are driving profound changes in engineering
education system. There is a continuing need to dynamically adapt to these changes, to ensure that we remain
competitive and can respond effectively to the challenges of globalisation. Future engineering graduates not
only need to be knowledgeable in his/her discipline but also needs a new set of soft, professional skills and
competencies [1].
In recent years, there have been essential changes in engineering education in terms of what to teach
(content) and how to teach (knowledge delivery) and how to assess (student learning).
AICTE has already taken initiation to come out with model curriculum for engineering programs. The digital
initiatives of MHRD and AICTE have made available very large number of MOOC courses through SWAYAM,
that can help the colleges and teachers to adopt innovative methodologies in the delivery of course.
The present report focusses on the recommendations for reforms in examinations (assessment of student)
in the context of emerging landscape of engineering education.
Examinations/student assessments play a very important role in deciding the quality of education. They
must not only assess student’s achievements (and grades) but also measure whether the desired learning
outcomes have been achieved. The achievement of objectives and program outcomes are crucial and needs
to be proven through accurate and reliable assessments.
The academic quality of examinations (question papers) in Indian engineering education system has been a
matter of concern from a long time. It is widely acknowledged that “assessment drives learning’’, what and
how students learn depends to a major extent on how they think they will be assessed [2]. The question
papers that require simple memory recall will not ensure deep, meaningful learning. High expectations for
learning motivate the students to rise to the occasion. The assessment (examination) must embed those
high expectations to ensure that the learner is motivated to attain them.
Considering the above imperatives, it is clear that reforms in Examinations are critical for improvement of
the quality of Indian engineering education. The most important drivers for reforms in examination system of
Indian engineering education are:
In the present examination system, memorization occupies a dominant place. The recall of factual
knowledge, though essential to any examination, is only one of several major abilities to be demonstrated
by the graduates. The assessment process must also test higher level skills viz. ability to apply knowledge,
solve complex problems, analyse, synthesise and design. Further, professional skills like the ability to
communicate, work in teams, lifelong learning have become important elements for employability of the
graduates [4]. It is important that the examinations also give appropriate weightage to the assessment of
these higher-level skills and professional competencies.
Keeping in view of the above challenges and looking at some of the worldwide best practices in
assessment, the present report comes up with several recommendations that can be used by Universities/
Colleges to design their assessment strategies.
Graduate attributes (GAs) articulate the generic abilities to be looked for in a graduate of any
undergraduate degree program. They form the Program Outcomes (POs) that reflect the skills, knowledge
and abilities of graduates regardless of the field of study. This does not mean that POs are necessarily
independent of disciplinary knowledge –rather, these qualities may be developed in various disciplinary
In outcome-based education, a “design down” process is employed which moves from POs to
Course Outcomes (COs) and outcomes for individual learning experiences. Outcomes at each successive
level need to be aligned with, and contribute to, the program outcomes.
Courses are the building blocks of a program. Teaching strategies, learning activities, assessments
and resources should all be designed and organized to help students achieve the learning outcomes at the
course level. In the assessment activities, students demonstrate their level of achievement of the course
learning outcomes. In a constructively aligned program, the courses are carefully coordinated to ensure
steady development or scaffolding from the introduction to mastery of the learning outcomes, leading to
achievement of the intended POs. For the effectiveness of the program, the achievement of POs is crucial
which needs to be proven through accurate and reliable assessments.
POs give useful guidance at the program level for the curriculum design, delivery and assessment
of student learning. However, they represent fairly high-level generic goals that are not directly measurable.
Real observability and measurability of the POs at course level is very difficult. To connect high-level learning
outcomes (POs) with course content, course outcomes and assessment, there is a necessity to bring further
clarity and specificity to the program outcomes [5]. This can be achieved through the following two-step
process of identifying Competencies and Performance Indicators (PI).
(1) Identify Competencies to be attained: For each PO define competencies –different abilities implied by
program outcome statement that would generally require different assessment measures. This helps
us to create a shared understanding of the competencies we want students to achieve. They serve
as an intermediate step to the creation of measurable indicators.
Program Outcome (Attribute 3)
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
Performance Indicators:
1. Apply formal idea generation tools to develop multiple engineering design solutions
2. Build models, prototypes, algorithms to develop a diverse set of design solutions
3. Identify the functional and non-functional criteria for evaluation of alternate design solutions.
It should be noted that, when we consider the program outcome, it looks like, it can be achieved only in
the Capstone project. But if we consider the competencies and performance indicators, we start seeing the
opportunities of addressing them (and hence PO) in various courses of the program.
Once the above process is completed for the program, the assessment of COs for all the courses is designed
by connecting assessment questions (used in various assessment tools) to the PIs. By following this process,
where examination questions map with PIs, we get clarity and better resolution for the assessment of COs
and POs. The pictorial representation of the process is given in Fig. 1
Following table gives the suggestive list of competencies and associated performance indicators for
each of the PO in Mechanical Engineering Program.
PO 1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering
specialisation for the solution of complex engineering problems.
Competency Indicators
1.1 Demonstrate competence 1.1.1 Apply mathematical techniques such as calculus, linear algebra, and statistics to
in mathematical modelling solve problems
1.1.2 Apply advanced mathematical techniques to model and solve mechanical
engineering problems
1.2 Demonstrate competence 1.2.1 Apply laws of natural science to an engineering problem
in basic sciences
1.3 Demonstrate competence 1.3.1 Apply fundamental engineering concepts to solve engineering problems
in engineering fundamentals
1.4 Demonstrate competence 1.4.1 Apply Mechanical engineering concepts to solve engineering problems.
in specialized engineering
knowledge to the program
PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching
substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Competency Indicators
2.1 Demonstrate an ability 2.1.1 Articulate problem statements and identify objectives
to identify and formulate 2.1.2 Identify engineering systems, variables, and parameters to solve the problems
complex engineering
2.1.3 Identify the mathematical, engineering and other relevant knowledge that applies to
a given problem
PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Competency Indicators
4.1 Demonstrate an ability to 4.1.1 Define a problem, its scope and importance for purposes of investigation
conduct investigations of 4.1.2 Examine the relevant methods, tools and techniques of experiment design, system
technical issues consistent calibration, data acquisition, analysis and presentation
with their level of knowledge
4.1.3 Apply appropriate instrumentation and/or software tools to make measurements of
and understanding
physical quantities
4.1.4 Establish a relationship between measured data and underlying physical principles.
9.3 Demonstrate success in a 9.3.1 Present results as a team, with smooth integration of contributions from all
team-based project individual efforts
PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with
the society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
Competency Indicators
10.1 Demonstrate an ability 10.1.1 Read, understand and interpret technical and non-technical information
to comprehend technical 10.1.2 Produce clear, well-constructed, and well-supported written engineering
literature and document documents
project work
10.1.3 Create flow in a document or presentation - a logical progression of ideas so that
the main point is clear
10.2 Demonstrate competence 10.2.1 Listen to and comprehend information, instructions, and viewpoints of others
in listening, speaking, and 10.2.2 Deliver effective oral presentations to technical and non-technical audiences
10.3 Demonstrate the ability to 10.3.1 Create engineering-standard figures, reports and drawings to complement writing
integrate different modes of and presentations
communication 10.3.2 Use a variety of media effectively to convey a message in a document or a
The above table can be used for most of the engineering programs. However, for Computer Science &
Engineering/ Information Technology programs it requires some modifications.
A suggestive list of competencies and associated performance indicators for Computer Science &
Engineering/ Information Technology Programs is given in Appendix- A.
For improving the structure and quality of assessment in various engineering programs following points need
to be remembered:
1. In Indian engineering education system, written examinations play a major role in assessing the learning
and awarding of grades to the student. Universities and colleges give highest weightage to the outcomes
of the written examinations in overall grading. Questions raised in the examination/test papers play an
important role in defining the level of learning the student is expected to achieve in the courses and hence
in the program. Since assessment drives learning, the design of question papers needs to go beyond the
mere test of memory recall. They also need to test higher-order abilities and skills.
2. Written examinations assess a very limited range of outcomes and cognitive levels. Particularly in the
courses, where course outcomes (COs) cover a broad range of expectations, written examinations alone
will not be sufficient to make valid judgements about student learning. A wide range of assessment
methods (e.g., term papers, open-ended problem-solving assignments, course/lab project rubrics,
portfolios etc.) need to be employed to ensure that assessment methods match with learning outcomes.
3. It is advisable to formulate assessment plans for each of the course in the program that brings clarity to
the following:
a. Alignment of assessment with learning outcome of the course
b. Level of learning (cognitive) student is expected to achieve
c. Assessment method to be adapted
The method to align examination questions/assessment to COs and hence POs was discussed in the
section-1. The following sections discuss the application of Bloom’s taxonomy framework to create the
optimal structure of examination papers to test the different cognitive skills.
Bloom’s Taxonomy provides an important framework to not only design curriculum and teaching
methodologies but also to design appropriate examination questions belonging to various cognitive levels.
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives developed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom [6] was widely accepted
by educators for curriculum design and assessment. In 2001, Anderson and Krathwohl modified Bloom’s
taxonomy [7] to make it relevant to the present-day requirements. It attempts to divide learning into three
types of domains (cognitive, affective, and behavioural) and then defines the level of performance for each
domain. Conscious efforts to map the curriculum and assessment to these levels can help the programs
to aim for higher-level abilities which go beyond remembering or understanding, and require application,
analysis, evaluation or creation.
Bloom’s taxonomy is hierarchical, meaning that learning at the higher level requires that skills at a lower level
are attained.
Choice of action verbs in constructing assessment questions is important to consider. Quite often, the
action verbs are indicators of the complexity (level) of the question. Over time, educators have come up with
a taxonomy of measurable verbs corresponding to each of the Bloom’s cognitive levels [8]. These verbs
help us not only to describe and classify observable knowledge, skills and abilities but also to frame the
examination or assignment questions that are appropriate to the level we are trying to assess.
Suggestive list of skills/ competencies to be demonstrated at each of the Bloom’s level and
corresponding cues/ verbs for the examination/ test questions is given below:
It may be noted that some of the verbs in the above table are associated with multiple Bloom’s
Taxonomy levels. These verbs are actions that could apply to different activities. We need to keep in mind that
it’s the skill, action or activity we need students to demonstrate that will determine the contextual meaning of
the verb used in the assessment question.
3. Assessment Planning
While using Bloom’s taxonomy framework in planning and designing of assessment of student
learning, following points need to be considered:
1. Normally the first three learning levels; remembering, understanding and applying and to some extent
fourth level analysing are assessed in the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and Semester End
In the 21st century, professional skills (also known as soft skills, generic skills or transferable skills)
have emerged as important attributes of a graduate engineer. Studies show that Industry/ employers around
the world value these abilities more than the disciplinary knowledge. This is also reflected in the NBA graduate
attributes wherein six out of twelve attributes belong to this category, viz. (1) communication, (2) teamwork,
(3) understanding ethics and professionalism, (4) understanding global and societal contexts, (5) lifelong
learning, and (6) knowledge of contemporary issues. Further, higher-order cognitive abilities like critical
thinking, problem-solving and making informed decisions are also crucial for a graduate to succeed in the
emerging world. Though the employers consider these professional skills and higher abilities as important,
students are weak in them. The main challenge surrounding them is that they are difficult to assess through
existing conventional examination system.
One of the main obstacles in addressing these outcomes is the limitation of educational experience
we create within our engineering programs. Most of the coursework in our programs are oriented towards
teaching technical knowledge and skills; hence, the assessment is limited to those abilities. However,
acquiring the professional outcomes may not result simply from participation in a particular class or set of
classes. Rather, these outcomes are more often acquired or influenced through sources both in and outside
the classroom [4].
To address these challenges, comprehensive reforms are needed in the way we design our curriculum,
student learning experiences and assessment of the outcomes. Worldwide several attempts are being made
to address these challenges. Following are the few educational experiences that are recommended to teach
and assess professional outcomes and higher-order cognitive abilities:
• Course projects
• Open-ended experiments in laboratories
• Project-based learning modules
• Co-Curricular experiences
• Mini / Minor projects
• Final year projects
• Internship experiences
• E-portfolios of student works
2. Using Scoring Rubrics as Assessment Tool
To evaluate the above, student works for attainment of course outcomes and hence POs, it is of
There are three components within rubrics namely (i) criteria / performance Indicator: the aspects of
performance that will be assessed, (ii) descriptors: characteristics that are associated with each dimension,
and (iii) scale/level of performance: a rating scale that defines students’ level of mastery within each criterion.
3. Open-Book Examinations
In the earlier sections it was noted that the traditional written examinations have a significant weakness
that they tend to encourage rote learning and more superficial application of knowledge. This deficiency
can be overcome by “open-book examination”. Open-book examination is similar to time constrained
written examinations but designed in a way that allows students to refer to either class notes, textbooks,
or other approved material while answering questions. They are particularly useful if you want to test skills
in application, analysis and evaluation, i.e. higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. However, in a program, the
courses or the curriculum areas that are best suited to an open-book exam are to be carefully chosen.
PO 1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering
specialisation for the solution of complex engineering problems.
Competency Indicators
1.2 Demonstrate competence 1.2.1 Apply the knowledge of discrete structures, linear algebra, statistics and numerical
in mathematical modelling techniques to solve problems
1.2.2 Apply the concepts of probability, statistics and queuing theory in modeling of
computer-based system, data and network protocols.
1.5 Demonstrate competence 1.5.1 Apply laws of natural science to an engineering problem
in basic sciences
1.6 Demonstrate competence 1.6.1 Apply engineering fundamentals
in engineering fundamentals
1.7 Demonstrate competence 1.7.1 Apply theory and principles of computer science and engineering to solve an
in specialized engineering engineering problem
knowledge to the program
PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching
substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Competency Indicators
2.1 Demonstrate an ability 2.5.1 Evaluate problem statements and identifies objectives
to identify and formulate 2.5.2 Identify processes/modules/algorithms of a computer-based system and
complex engineering parameters to solve a problem
2.5.3 Identify mathematical algorithmic knowledge that applies to a given problem
2.6 Demonstrate an ability to 2.6.1 Reframe the computer-based system into interconnected subsystems
formulate a solution plan 2.6.2 Identify functionalities and computing resources.
and methodology for an
2.6.3 Identify existing solution/methods to solve the problem, including forming justified
engineering problem
approximations and assumptions
2.6.4 Compare and contrast alternative solution/methods to select the best methods
2.6.5 Compare and contrast alternative solution processes to select the best process.
2.7 Demonstrate an ability to 2.7.1 Able to apply computer engineering principles to formulate modules of a system
formulate and interpret a with required applicability and performance.
model 2.7.2 Identify design constraints for required performance criteria.
2.8 Demonstrate an ability to 2.8.1 Applies engineering mathematics to implement the solution.
execute a solution process 2.8.2 Analyze and interpret the results using contemporary tools.
and analyze results
2.8.3 Identify the limitations of the solution and sources/causes.
2.8.4 Arrive at conclusions with respect to the objectives.
Appendix 29
PO 3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components
or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal,
and environmental considerations.
Competency Indicators
3.5 Demonstrate an ability 3.5.1 Able to define a precise problem statement with objectives and scope.
to define a complex/ 3.5.2 Able to identify and document system requirements from stake- holders.
open-ended problem in
3.5.3 Able to review state-of-the-art literature to synthesize system requirements.
engineering terms
3.5.4 Able to choose appropriate quality attributes as defined by ISO/IEC/IEEE standard.
3.5.5 Explore and synthesize system requirements from larger social and professional
3.5.6 Able to develop software requirement specifications (SRS).
3.6 Demonstrate an ability to 3.6.1 Able to explore design alternatives.
generate a diverse set of 3.6.2 Able to produce a variety of potential design solutions suited to meet functional
alternative design solutions requirements.
3.6.3 Identify suitable non-functional requirements for evaluation of alternate design
3.7 Demonstrate an ability 3.7.1 Able to perform systematic evaluation of the degree to which several design
to select optimal design concepts meet the criteria.
scheme for further 3.7.2 Consult with domain experts and stakeholders to select candidate engineering
development design solution for further development
3.8 Demonstrate an ability to 3.8.1 Able to refine architecture design into a detailed design within the existing
advance an engineering constraints.
design to defined end state 3.8.2 Able to implement and integrate the modules.
3.8.3 Able to verify the functionalities and validate the design.
PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Competency Indicators
4.4 Demonstrate an ability to 4.4.1 Define a problem for purposes of investigation, its scope and importance
conduct investigations of 4.4.2 Able to choose appropriate procedure/algorithm, dataset and test cases.
technical issues consistent
4.4.3 Able to choose appropriate hardware/software tools to conduct the experiment.
with their level of knowledge
and understanding
4.5 Demonstrate an ability to 4.5.1 Design and develop appropriate procedures/methodologies based on the study
design experiments to solve objectives
open-ended problems
4.6 Demonstrate an ability to 4.6.1 Use appropriate procedures, tools and techniques to collect and analyze data
analyze data and reach a 4.6.2 Critically analyze data for trends and correlations, stating possible errors and
valid conclusion limitations
4.6.3 Represent data (in tabular and/or graphical forms) so as to facilitate analysis and
explanation of the data, and drawing of conclusions
4.6.4 Synthesize information and knowledge about the problem from the raw data to
reach appropriate conclusions
Appendix 31
8.4 Demonstrate an ability to 8.4.1 Identify tenets of the ASME professional code of ethics
apply the Code of Ethics 8.4.2 Examine and apply moral & ethical principles to known case studies
PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in
multidisciplinary settings.
Competency Indicators
9.4 Demonstrate an ability to 9.4.1 Recognize a variety of working and learning preferences; appreciate the value of
form a team and define a diversity on a team
role for each member 9.4.2 Implement the norms of practice (e.g. rules, roles, charters, agendas, etc.) of
effective team work, to accomplish a goal.
9.5 Demonstrate effective 9.5.1 Demonstrate effective communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution and
individual and leadership skills
team operations-- 9.5.2 Treat other team members respectfully
communication, problem-
9.5.3 Listen to other members
solving, conflict resolution
and leadership skills 9.5.4 Maintain composure in difficult situations
9.6 Demonstrate success in a 9.6.1 Present results as a team, with smooth integration of contributions from all
team-based project individual efforts
PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with
the society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
Competency Indicators
10.4 Demonstrate an ability 10.4.1 Read, understand and interpret technical and non-technical information
to comprehend technical 10.4.2 Produce clear, well-constructed, and well-supported written engineering
literature and document documents
project work
10.4.3 Create flow in a document or presentation - a logical progression of ideas so that
the main point is clear
10.5 Demonstrate competence 10.5.1 Listen to and comprehend information, instructions, and viewpoints of others
in listening, speaking, and 10.5.2 Deliver effective oral presentations to technical and non-technical audiences
10.6 Demonstrate the ability to 10.6.1 Create engineering-standard figures, reports and drawings to complement writing
integrate different modes of and presentations
communication 10.6.2 Use a variety of media effectively to convey a message in a document or a
PO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management
principles and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
Competency Indicators
11.4 Demonstrate an ability to 11.4.1 Describe various economic and financial costs/benefits of an engineering activity
evaluate the economic and 11.4.2 Analyze different forms of financial statements to evaluate the financial status of an
financial performance of an engineering project
engineering activity
11.5 Demonstrate an ability to 11.5.1 Analyze and select the most appropriate proposal based on economic and financial
compare and contrast the considerations.
costs/benefits of alternate
proposals for an engineering
Appendix 33
34 Examination Reform Policy
Sample questions for Bloom’s Taxonomy levels
Sample Questions:
1. State Ohm’s law
2. List the physical and chemical properties of silicon
3. List the components of A/D converter
4. List the arithmetic operators available in C in increasing order of precedence.
5. Define the purpose of a constructor.
6. Define the terms: Sensible heat, Latent heat and Total heat of evaporation
7. List the assembler directives.
8. Describe the process of galvanisation and tinning
9. Write truth table and symbol of AND, OR, NOT, XNOR gates
10. Define the terms: Stress, Working stress and Factor of safety.
11. What is the difference between declaration and definition of a variable/function?
12. List the different storage class specifiers in C.
13. What is the use of local variables?
14. What is a pointer to a pointer?
15. What are the valid places for the keyword “break” to appear?
16. What is a self-referential structure?
Appendix 35
Skill Demonstrated Question Ques / Verbs for tests
• understanding information describe, explain, paraphrase, restate, associate, contrast,
• grasp meaning summarize, differentiate interpret, discuss
• translate knowledge into new context
• interpret facts, compare, contrast
• order, group, infer causes
• predict consequences
Sample Questions:
1. Explain the importance of sustainability in Engineering design
2. Explain the behaviour of PN junction diode under different bias conditions
3. Describe the characteristics of SCR and transistor equivalent for a SCR
4. Explain the terms: Particle, Rigid body and Deformable body giving two examples for each.
5. How many values of the variable num must be used to completely test all branches of the following code
if (num>0)
if (value<25)
6. Discuss the effect of Make in India initiative on the Indian manufacturing Industry.
7. Summarise the importance of ethical code of conduct for engineering professionals
8. Explain the syntax for ‘for loop’.
9. What is the difference between including the header file with-in angular braces < > and double quotes
“ ”?
10. What is the meaning of base address of the array?
11. What is the difference between actual and formal parameters?
12. Explain the different ways of passing parameters to the functions.
13. Explain the use of comma operator (,).
14. Differentiate between entry and exit controlled loops.
15. How is an array different from linked list?
Sample Questions:
1. Model and realize the following behaviors using diodes with minimum number of digital inputs.
(i) Turning on of a burglar alarm only during night time when the locker door is opened.
(ii) Providing access to an account if either date of birth or registered mobile number or both are
(iii) Updating the parking slot empty light in the basement of a shopping mall.
2. One of the resource persons needs to address a huge crowd (nearly 400 members) in the auditorium.
A system is to be designed in such a way that everybody attending the session should be able to hear
properly and clearly without any disturbance. Identify the suitable circuit to boost the voice signal and
explain its functionality in brief.
3. A ladder 5.0 m long rests on a horizontal ground & leans against a smooth vertical wall at an angle 200
with the vertical. The weight of the ladder is 900 N and acts at its middle. The ladder is at the point of
sliding, when a man weighing 750 N stands on a rung 1.5 m from the bottom of the ladder. Calculate the
coefficient of friction between the ladder & the floor.
4. A ball is dropped from 6 meters above a flat surface. Each time the ball hits the surface after falling
a distance h, it rebounds a distance rh. What will be the total distance the ball travels in each of the
following cases.
(a) r>1 (b) 0<r<1 (c) r=1
5. The region bounded by the curves y=e^((-1)⁄x),y=0,x=1, and x=5 is rotated about the x-axis. Use
Simpson’s Rule with n=8 to estimate the volume of the resulting solid.
6. An electric train is powered by machine which takes the supply from 220 V DC rail running above the
train throughout. Machine draws current of 100 A from the DC rail to account for high torque during
starting and runs at 700 r.p.m initially. Calculate the new speed of the train once it picks up the speed
Appendix 37
where the torque output required is only 70% of starting torque. Assume the motor has a resistance of
0.1Ω across its terminals.
7. Write an algorithm to implement a stack using queue.
8. A single array A[1..MAXSIZE] is used to implement two stacks. The two stacks grow from opposite ends
of the array. Variables top1 and top2 (topl< top2) point to the location of the topmost element in each of
the stacks. What is the condition for “stack full”, if the space is to be used efficiently.
9. Consider the following table of arrival time and burst time for three processes P0, P1 and P2.
Process Arrival time Burst Time
P0 0 ms 9 ms
P1 1 ms 4 ms
P2 2 ms 9 ms
The pre-emptive shortest job first scheduling algorithm is used. Scheduling is carried out only at arrival
or completion of processes. What is the average waiting time for the three processes?
10. A CPU generates 32-bit virtual addresses. The page size is 4 KB. The processor has a translation look-
aside buffer (TLB) which can hold a total of 128-page table entries and is 4-way set associative. What is
the minimum size of the TLB tag?
Skill Demonstrated Question Ques / Verbs for tests
• break down a complex problem into parts. classify, outline, break down, categorize, analyse, diagram,
• Identify the relationships and interaction between the illustrate, infer, select
different parts of complex problem
Sample Questions:
1. A class of 10 students consists of 5 males and 5 females. We intend to train a model based on their
past scores to predict the future score. The average score of females is 60 whereas that of male is 80.
The overall average of the class is 70. Give two ways of predicting the score and analyse them for fitting
2. Suppose that we want to select between two prediction models, M1 and M2. We have performed 10
rounds of 10-fold cross-validation on each model, whereas the same data partitioning in round one is
used for both M1 and M2. The error rates obtained for M1 are 30.5, 32.2, 20.7, 20.6, 31.0, 41.0, 27.7,
26.0, 21.5, 26.0. The error rates for M2 are 22.4, 14.5, 22.4, 19.6, 20.7, 20.4, 22.1, 19.4, 16.2, 35.0.
Comment on whether one model is significantly better than the other considering a significance level of
3. Return statement can only be used to return a single value. Can multiple values be returned from a
function? Justify your answer.
4. Bob wrote a program using functions to find sum of two numbers whereas Alex wrote the statements
to find the sum of two numbers in the main() function only. Which of the two methods is efficient in
execution and why?
5. Carly wants to store the details of students studying in 1st year and later on wishes to retrieve the
Skill Demonstrated Question Ques / Verbs for tests
• compare and discriminate between ideas assess, decide, choose, rank, grade, test, measure, defend,
• assess value of theories, presentations recommend, convince, select, judge, support, conclude,
argue, justify, compare, summarize, evaluate
• make choices based on reasoned argument
• verify value of evidence
• recognize subjectivity
• use of definite criteria for judgments
Skill Demonstrated Question Ques / Verbs for tests
• use old ideas to create new ones design, formulate, build, invent, create, compose, generate,
• Combine parts to make (new) whole, derive, modify, develop, integrate
• generalize from given facts
• relate knowledge from several areas
• predict, draw conclusions
Both higher order cognitive skills ‘Evaluate’ and ‘Create’ are difficult to assess in time-limited
examinations. These need to be assessed in variety of student works like projects, open ended problem-
solving exercises etc. Typical examples of problem statements or need statements which need higher order
abilities to solve are given below
Appendix 39
The batteries require continuous monitoring during charging and discharging so that they remain healthy
and yield a long life. Design a system to monitor and manage the health of the batteries.
3. A Biotech industry needs automation for filling its product into 20 ltr bottles. Design a system to meter the
flow into the bottles so that each bottle has 20 ltr of the liquid. There will be more than one filling station
and the system has to monitor all the filling stations as well as keep count of the total production on a
daily basis.
4. Microwave Doppler radar with a range of 9m are available for motion detection. Design a surround view
monitoring system for a 3 wheeler to detect human obstacles while the vehicle is in motion.
5. Design a system to assist the driver by using cameras to detect lane markers and pedestrians while the
vehicle is in motion.
6. Develop a small size USB 2.0 / 3.0 CMOS camera system which can be used for industrial inspection,
medical applications, microscopy, etc. The system should be able to capture the image quickly and be
able to process the captured image and then store it also
Appendix 41
int swap( int *x, int *y) 6 CO5 L4 1.4.1
int *temp;
temp = x, x=y, y = temp;
5c Define a structure to store time with three components hours, mins 10 CO3 L3 1.4.1
and seconds. Write a modular C program to compute the time taken
by an athlete to complete a marathon reading the start and end time
of his run.
CO – Course Outcomes
Appendix 43
b. What is a variable? Explain the ways to declare scope of a 2+6 1,2 3 1 1.4.1
5. a. Write a program which will read positive integer numbers 12 3 3,6,7 1,2 1.4.1
from the users and compute the sum if the number can be
expressed as power of 2. The test whether a number can
be expressed as power of 2 will be done using a function
power_of_two(int a).
b. What is recursion? Differentiate between homogeneous and 2+3+3 2 3 1 1.4.1
heterogeneous recursion with the help of an example.
6. a. What are the different ways to pass parameters to a 4+4 2 3,5 1 1.4.1
function? Explain with the help of a suitable example.
b. Is it possible to return multiple values from a function? 4+8 3 3,6,7 1,2 1.4.1
Justify the statement with the help of an example.
7. a. What is a structure? What is the benefit offered by using a 2+6 2 5 1 1.4.1
structure over multiple arrays?
b. Ram is working on a project which requires returning 12 4 5 1 1.4.1
multiple values from a function. He observed that a return
statement can only be used to return a single value from a
function. How the function should be implemented so that
multiple values can be returned by Ram?
8. a. Write a program that reads a number as input from the 12 3 5 1 1.4.1
user. The entered number is written to a file “even.txt” if the
input is even else it is written to “odd.txt”. Write a C code to
perform the desired task.
b. What are the different methods to open a file? Explain each 3+5 2 5 1 1.4.1
with the help of a C program.
Section-E (Compulsory Question)
9. a. What is a compiler? List names of any 2 compilers. 2½ 1 1 1 1.4.1
b. What are the benefits of designing a flowchart for solving a 2½ 4 2 1 1.4.1
c. What is the output of the following code? 2½ 3 4 1 1.4.1
int main(){
int x=10;
int y=sizeof(x/2);
printf(“%d”,y); }
d. What is the difference between creating constant using 2½ 3 3 1 1.4.1
#define macro and const keyword?
e. What is the role of function prototype? When is it required in 2½ 2 3 1 1.4.1
f. Which of the following are unary operators in C? State 2½ 2 3 1 1.4.1
reason for your answer.
a. !
b. sizeof
c. ~
d. &&
1(b) Derive the expression for the transient current in a series ‘R-L’ circuit when 8 CO1 L2 1.3.1
a ‘dc’ voltage of V volts is applied. Sketch time variation of current in the
2(a) Two impedances Z1=15+j12Ω and Z2=8-j5 Ω are connected in parallel. 12 CO2 L3 1.3.1
If the potential difference across one of the impedance is 250 V, calculate
i) total current and branch currents
ii) total power and power consumed in each branch
iii) overall p.f.
IV) draw the phasor diagram
2b It is desired to operate a 100 W, 120 V, electric bulb at its rated current 8 CO2 L4 1.3.1
on a 240 V, 50 Hz supply. The simplest arrangement is to use either (a)
a resistor, or (b) a capacitor or (c) an inductor having 10 Ω resistance in
series with the electric bulb so as to drop the excess voltage. Determine
the value of the component used, the total power consumed and the power
factor in each case. Giving reasons, state which alternative is the best.
Appendix 45
3a A single phase 25 kVA 1000/2000 V, 50 Hz transformer has maximum 12 CO3 L3 1.3.1
efficiency of 98% at full load upf. Determine its efficiency at,
(a) 3/4th full load, unity power factor
(b) 3/4th full load 0.8 power factor
3b Explain the working of a practical transformer with relevant phasor 8 CO3 L2 1.3.1
diagram. and define voltage regulation.
4a A two pole 3 phase 50 Hz induction motor is running on load with a slip of 8 CO4 L2 1.3.1
4%. Calculate the actual speed and the synchronous speed of the machine.
Sketch the speed/ load characteristic of the machine.
4b A wireless battery powered drilling machine operates on 24 V DC with 12 CO4 L4 1.3.1
constant speed and negligible field current. Initially when the machine is
powered it runs at 1200 rpm and draws 0.5 A from the battery. Further
when the drill bit starts drilling the hole, the speed reduces to 1120 rpm.
Determine power requirement from the battery for drilling if the resistance
of the armature is 0.2Ω. What is the power drawn initially?
5a Explain the working principle of a single phase pulse width modulated 8 CO5 L2 1.3.1
voltage source inverter with relevant circuit diagram and draw the output
voltage wave form.
5b To protect an expensive circuit component from being delivered too much 6 CO6 L4 1.3.1
power, you decide to incorporate a fast blowing fuse into the design.
Knowing that the circuit component is connected to 12 V, its minimum
power consumption is 12 watts and the maximum power it can safely
dissipate is 100 watts, which of the three available fuse ratings should you
select: 1A , 4A or 10 A? Give reasons.
5c Calculate the i) ampere-hour and ii) watt-hour efficiency of a secondary 6 CO6 L3 1.3.1
cell which is discharged at a uniform rate of 30 A for 6 hours at an average
terminal voltage of 2 V. It is then charged at a uniform rate of 40 A for 5
hours to restore it to its original condition. The terminal voltage during
charging is 2.5 V.
CO – Course Outcomes
Appendix 47
Category Needs Improvements Acceptable Proficient
Purpose of Does not clearly explain the Provides a description of the Provides a detailed intended
the Project intended outcome of the project intended outcome of the project outcome of the project which
or provides little information about which includes information about includes information about the
the problem that was being solved, the problem that was being solved problem that was being solved or
the need being met, or why the or the need being met, and why the the need being met, and clearly
project was selected project was selected articulates the reasons and
decision-making process used to
select the project
Research Lacks awareness of similar work Reflects awareness of similar work •Reflects thorough understanding
done by others in an unacceptable done by others and presents it in of similar work done by others and
literary form an acceptable literary format presents it in an acceptable literary
Choices Lacks justification of choices with Justifies choices made with Demonstrates sophisticated
little or no references to functional, reference to functional, aesthetic, justification of choices with
aesthetic, social, economic, or social, economic, or environmental reference to functional, aesthetic,
environmental considerations considerations social, economic, or environmental
Alternative Only one design presented or Alternative approaches identified Final design achieved after review
Designs clearly infeasible alternative given. to some degree. of reasonable alternatives.
Serious deficiencies in exploring
and identifying alternative designs.
Application of No or erroneous application of Effective application of engineering Critical selection and application
Engineering engineering principles yielding principles resulting in reasonable of engineering principles ensuring
Principles unreasonable solution. solution. reasonable results.
Serious deficiencies in proper
selection and use of engineering
Final Design Not capable of achieving desired Design meets desired objectives. Design meets or exceeds desired
objectives. objectives.
Interpretation of No or erroneous conclusions Sound conclusions reached based Insightful, supported conclusions
Results based on achieved results. Serious on achieved results. and recommendations.
deficiencies in support for stated
Appendix 49
GA – Group Assessment IA – Individual Assessment
Appendix 51
Members of the Committee
1. Prof. Ashok S. Shettar, Chairman
Vice Chancellor, KLE Technological University, Hubballi, Karnataka
2. Prof. Rama Krishna Challa,
Head, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, NITTTR, Chandigarh
3. Prof. Sanjay Agrawal
Dept. of Computer Engineering and Applications, NITTR, Bhopal (M.P)
4. Prof. Upendra Pandel
Dept. of Metallurgical & Material Engineering, MNIT, Jaipur