More data presented in the different financial statements do not reveal the true picture of
a financial position of a firm. To extract the information from the financial statements, a
no of tasks are used to analyse such statements. The most popular tool is Ratio
Q1. Financial Ratios are classified into haw many groups. Name it?
Ans Financial Ratios are classified into three groups-
(i) Liquidity groups
(ii) Leverage /Capital structure ratio
(iii) Profitability ratios
Liquidity refers to the ability of a firm to meet its financial obligations in short term,
which is less than a year.
Eg. 1.Current ratios 2. Acid test ratio 3. Turnover ratios
Q3.What is current ratio & Acid test Rate
Ans. Current ratio measures the ability of the form to meet its current liabilities out of
current assets. Higher the current ratio, greater the short term solvency
It measures firm's ability to convert its current assets quickly into cash in order to meet
its current liabilities. 1:1 is satisfactory
This ratios show the efficiency of inventory management. Higher the ratio more the
efficient of inventory management
2.DEBTORS TURNOVER RATIO = Net Credit / Debtors
This ratio shows how many times debtors turnover during the year. Higher the ratio
greater the efficiency of credit management.
3.AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD= 365 days /Debtors turnover
It shows the no. of days worth credit Sales that is locked in Debtors
4.FIXED ASSETS TURNOVER RATIO = Net Sales/ Net Fixed Asset
Net Sales/Average Total Assets
Q5 What are leverage / Capital Statement ratios?
ANS. long-term financial strength or soundness of a firm is measured in terms of its
ability to pay interest regularly or repay principal on due dates. Some ratios ne
Computed from Balance sheet & certain ratios from Profit & loss A/C
(i) Debt Equity Ratio = Total Debt/ Total Equity
it reflects the contributions of creditors & owners to finance the business. It varies from
industry to industry.
Higher the interest coverage ratio better is the firm's ability to meet its interest burden.
The lenders use this ratio to assess debt servicing capacity of a firm.
(iv) Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR).
It is a more comprehensive & apt to compute debt service capacity of a firm.
Profit after tax + Depreciation + Other non- cash expenditure + Interest on term loan
Interest on term loan + Repayment on Term Loan
Total Capital Employed - Total Fixed Assets (+) Total Current Assets (-) Current liabilities