MUN20240112 resolution
MUN20240112 resolution
MUN20240112 resolution
Signatories: France, Egypt, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, China, Germany, Iran, St.Kitts and Nevis,
United Kingdom, Japan,
Resolution 1.2
The PROGRESS Resolution
Affirming the principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which extends
its rights without bias to all demographics
Recalling previous international commitments made under bodies such as the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), and the Beijing
Declaration and Platform for Action
Calling on nations to uphold the agreements made in their constitutions pertaining to women
Noting economic issues such as the gender wage and wealth gap, and occupational segregation
Emphasizing the importance of finding a solution to all aspects of gender inequality prevalent in
Promoting a solution targeting the root of gender inequality as opposed to ameliorating the
system through quotas
1. Addresses with grave concern the persistent and pervasive violations of human rights and
fundamental freedoms of women and girls. Addresses:
a. Addresses those belonging to ethnic, racial, religious, linguistic or other minorities, in the
economic, social, political and educational spheres of their lives
a. Urges all Member States to take immediate and effective measures to eliminate all forms
of discrimination and violence against them, including by:
b. Ensuring that women have equal representation and participation in all levels and
branches of government
I. In accordance with the principle of democracy and gender parity, and
that their voices and interests are fully reflected and respected in the decision-making processes
that affect their lives and well-being;
c. Adopting and implementing electoral systems and quotas that guarantee women a
fair and proportional share of seats in the national and local legislatures
c. . The executive and judicial branches of government, and that encourage the
formation of gender-balanced and inclusive political parties that represent the
diversity of the population;
c. Recognizing and respecting the rights and identities of women and girls from
minority groups, and ensuring that they have equal access and opportunities to
education, health, employment, social protection, justice, and citizenship, without
any discrimination or exclusion on the basis of their sex, gender, race, ethnicity,
religion, language, culture, or any other grounds;