1Dept. of Information Technology, SVKM’s Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Maharashtra, India
2Dept. of Information Technology, SVKM’s Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Maharashtra, India
3Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, SVKM’s Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - The goal of this study is to give a thorough cybercriminals can be used for financial fraud,
review of cybersecurity, concentrating on the difficulties that identity theft, and other crimes [2].
come with living in the digital era, the methods used to reduce Maintaining Business Continuity: Cyberattacks
cyber threats, and the future directions for improving have the potential to halt operations and result in
cybersecurity measures. The study examines how cyber threats losses. Cybersecurity precautions can aid in
have changed over time, the effects of cyber assaults on people, averting these interruptions and guaranteeing that
businesses, and society, and the value of cybersecurity in businesses can continue to run smoothly [2].
protecting sensitive data and vital infrastructure. Other topics Preserving Reputation: A cybersecurity incident
covered include risk management, incident response, can harm a company's reputation and decrease
encryption, authentication, and user awareness. The report customer trust. A company's reputation and
also looks at upcoming cybersecurity trends and technologies customer trust can be preserved by investing in
like blockchain, cloud security, and artificial intelligence and cybersecurity [2].
their possible effects on cybersecurity in the future. Compliance with Regulations: Many industries
must adhere to rules requiring them to safeguard
Key Words: Cybersecurity, Encryption, Cyber Threats, sensitive data from online threats. Failure to follow
Sensitive Data, Vital Infrastructure. these rules may have negative consequences [2].
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Volume: 10 Issue: 11 | Nov 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
today's hackers, according to Security Magazine, attack PCs conducted infiltration and surveillance campaigns, with
with Internet connection every 39 seconds on average. malicious hacker groups targeting major corporations
A track record of cyberattacks: and government organizations. Large-scale
cybersecurity incidents became more common, with
Creeper and Reaper: Bob Thomas, a BBN WannaCry, NotPetya, and Yahoo! breaches causing
Technologies engineer, is credited with developing global damage.
the first computer virus. The engineer built the code
for a software that could transfer between 4. CYBERSECURITY THREAT LANDSCAPE
computers and show a message once it arrived in
early 1970. "I'm the creeper: catch me if you can!" 4.1 Types of Cyber Threat Actors (Hackers,
said the message. In reaction to this 'joke,' Thomas' Cybercriminals, State Actors)
coworker, Ray Tomlinson, created new code that
could not only move from computer to computer but Threat actors, sometimes referred to as malicious actors
also reproduce itself as it traveled. This thus or cyber threat actors, are people or organizations who
abolished the 'Creeper' and the new code became actively damage digital systems or devices. Threat actors use
known as the 'Reaper'. Creeper and Reaper were flaws in software, networks, and computer systems to carry
more than just an irritation; they were the beginning out malware, ransomware, and phishing assaults, among
of a lengthy history of cyberattacks [3]. other types of cyberattacks.
Morris’s Worm: The Morris worm was the first Threat actors are frequently divided into many groups
denial-of-service (DoS) attack in 1989. According to according to their intent and, to a lesser extent,
its developer, Robert Morris, the worm was designed sophistication:
to measure the extent of the internet and Cybercriminals: Cybercriminals steal sensitive data
considerably slowed down every computer it and conduct ransomware attacks and phishing
infected. It may infect the same machine several schemes in order to commit financial crimes.
times before it crashed. After advocating that the Nation-state actors: Because nation-state actors
internet be shut down as a solution to the Morris finance illicit activities like espionage and
worm, Computer Emergency Response Teams cyberwarfare, it is difficult to identify and intercept
(CERTs) were formed to deal with future cyber them and steal vital information.
emergencies. This case resulted in the first Hacktivists: Hacktivists target people, businesses,
conviction under the 1986 Computer Fraud and and governments for sensitive information in order
Abuse Act [3]. to advance political or social goals [4].
The Virus era: The "Virus Era" of the 1990s was Thrill seekers: Thrill seekers frequently use pre-
dubbed. I LOVE YOU and Melissa viruses affected existing technologies to attack computer systems for
tens of millions of machines, crashing email systems pleasure, looking for sensitive data or trying to
throughout the world and costing millions of dollars. comprehend networks.
Unfortunately, the majority of the hacked emails Insider threats: Through human negligence or
were unintentional victims of weak security cybercriminal access, insider threats can hurt an
solutions. These operations, which were primarily organization by stealing data for financial gain or
aimed at monetary gain or strategic purposes, made inflicting harm as payback [4].
headlines as they grabbed center stage in the realm Cyberterrorists: Attacks with a political motivation
of cyberattacks [3]. are launched by cyberterrorists, who occasionally
pose as nation-states or non-governmental
3.2 Milestones in the Development of organizations and threaten or cause [4].
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Volume: 10 Issue: 11 | Nov 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
vulnerabilities, blocking access, installing harmful also report what they find to SIEMs (Security
software, stealing information, and disrupting information and event management) so they can do
systems. It can also cause data transmission and more analysis and take action [6].
disruption, making it crucial to be cautious when IDS uses two distinct detection techniques to
using it [5]. identify anomalies in packets in the network:
Phishing: Phishing involves sending fraudulent Signature-based detection utilizes Identity
emails to steal sensitive data or install malware, and Access Management (IDS) to detect
becoming a common cyber threat. The goal is to steal anomalies in malicious packets, either by
sensitive information [5]. detecting patterns in the signature that match
Man-in-the-middle: Attacks involve attackers known attacks, or by allowing the packet to
inserting themselves into two-party transactions, pass through the network [6].
stealing data through filtering and eavesdropping. Anomaly-based detection utilizes predefined
Common entry points include unsecure public Wi-Fi packet filtering rules or patterns to detect
and malware-infected devices, allowing attackers to packets that do not match these rules,
process victim information [5]. triggering alerts and sending them to the
Denial-of-service: Denial-of-service attack, also Security Information and Event Management
known as distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS), (SIEM) system [6].
exhausts resources and bandwidth in systems, IPS: Intrusion Discovery and Prevention System
preventing legitimate requests from being fulfilled (IPS) is a sophisticated and effective system that
[5]. recognizes and stops vicious packets, reporting them
SQL injection: SQL injection involves an attacker to SIEM, unlike Intrusion Detection System (IDS),
inserting malicious code into a server using SQL, which only report the packet [6].
causing it to reveal sensitive information. Learn to Three techniques are used by IPS to identify
defend against SQL injection attacks [5]. anomalies and block packets in the network:
Signature-based detection: Using signatures
to detect through the usage of IPS, malicious
packet patterns are found using signature-
based detection. If the signature matches
known assaults, an alarm is raised, and if
required, the packet is dropped [6].
Figure II: Common Cyber Attacks Anomaly-based detection: Anomaly-based
detection uses packet filtering to send alerts to
5. CYBERSECURITY TECHNOLOGIES AND SIEM based on predetermined criteria,
STRARTEGIES rejecting packets that don't meet the rules [6].
Stateful protocol analysis detection: Stateful
5.1 Network Security (Firewalls, IDS/IPS, VPNs) protocol analysis detects packets based on
protocol divergence, discarding or permitting
Firewall: A firewall is an external network security them based on their compatibility with
device that ensures all packets entering and exiting a acceptable definition profiles [6].
corporate network are checked to prevent unwanted
access. It scans all packets and, according to set
rules, accepts, rejects, or drops them. For example, it
may accept just HTTP packets or drop incoming
ICMP packets [6].
Two different types of firewalls have emerged:
Network-based firewall: It handles all packets
entering and leaving the network and filters
traffic in accordance with the rules set up on Figure III: Network Security
the firewall [6].
Host-based firewall: In contrast to network-
5.2 Endpoint Security (Antivirus, EDR)
based firewalls, which protect the entire Endpoint security uses antivirus software and EDR
network, host-based firewalls are software-
solutions to detect, prevent, and respond to security
based firewalls that are installed on personal
problems. It protects specific devices, such as laptops,
computers and filter traffic for a single desktops, servers, and mobiles, against security threats.
dedicated system [6].
Antivirus: Heuristic analysis and integrity testing
IDS: IDSs check network traffic for suspicious are used by heritage antivirus software to search
packets or suspicious activity and notify users. They
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 224
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Volume: 10 Issue: 11 | Nov 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
operating systems and train systems for known 6. VULNERABILITY ASSESMENT AND
contagions. Ultramodern antivirus software PENETRATION TESTING
employs machine literacy and artificial intelligence
to find new contagions, including zero-day pitfalls 6.1 Understanding Vulnerability Assessment
EDR: EDR is a security system that continuously The process of identifying and assessing vulnerabilities in a
scans end-user devices for security events and takes system or network infrastructure is known as vulnerability
appropriate action. It captures all endpoint and assessment. It aids in the identification, classification, and
workload activity, providing security professionals prioritization of vulnerabilities that may expose the firm to
with real-time insight. EDR and VPNs can enhance cyber threats or dangers [10].
remote access endpoint security [7].
6.2 Conducting Penetration Testing
i. Planning and reconnaissance: Defining the scope
and goals of the test, acquiring intelligence about the
target system, and analyzing its possible
vulnerabilities are all part of this stage [11].
ii. Scanning: During this stage, the tester uses static
Figure IV: Endpoint Security and dynamic analysis techniques to determine how
the target application will react to intrusion
5.3 Data Encryption and Cryptography attempts. Static analysis is evaluating the
application's code to predict its behavior, and
Data encryption: Data encryption is a crucial aspect of
dynamic analysis entails inspecting the code while it
data security, converting data into a code for authorized
is executing [11].
individuals to read only with a secret key or password.
iii. Gaining Access: This step focuses on exploiting
Data encryption may be divided into two categories:
vulnerabilities in the target system through web
Asymmetric encryption: Asymmetric application exploits such as cross-site scripting and
encryption, commonly referred to as public-key SQL injection. Testers attempt to exploit these flaws
cryptography, uses two different cryptographic in order to gain a better understanding of the
asymmetric keys to encrypt and decode data. A potential harm they can do [11].
"public key" and a "private key" are the names iv. Maintaining Access: The purpose of this stage is to
of these two keys [8]. determine whether the found vulnerabilities can be
Symmetric encryption: Symmetric encryption used to maintain a persistent presence in the
is a kind of encryption in which the plaintext attacked system. This is similar to the strategies used
and the cipher text are both encrypted and by advanced persistent threats, which seek to remain
decrypted using the same secret symmetric key unnoticed in a system for an extended period of time
[8]. [11].
Cryptography: Data is transformed using mathematical v. Analysis: Following the penetration test, the results
methods by cryptography to shield it from unauthorized are collated into a report that specifies the particular
readers and tampers. This makes it possible to communicate vulnerabilities exploited, any sensitive data accessed,
securely even in the presence of adversaries. It covers and the length of undetected system access [11].
methods for secure computing, interactive proofs,
sender/receiver identity authentication, digital signatures, 6.3 Importance of Ethical Hacking
and message integrity checks. Cryptography techniques
include symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, Ethical hacking assists in protecting businesses and
hashing, digital signatures, and key exchange algorithms. governmental institutions from problems brought on by
Encryption and decryption are crucial components of hackers attempting to steal crucial data. Hackers may be able
cryptography [8]. to use privacy invasion as a form of extortion or data
leakage. One can easily prevent security breaches by
strengthening digital network security through practical
testing [12].
If preventative measures are implemented in advance by
all the businesses, it is very beneficial. One can easily make
sure that clients and customers have complete faith in one's
business by focusing on safety. Hackers are knowledgeable
and are aware of every possible point of entry into the
system. To prevent a crisis, the entrance points must be fixed
Figure V: Data Encryption and Cryptography [12].
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Volume: 10 Issue: 11 | Nov 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
8.2 Internet of Things (IoT) Security and steal data. And the cloud has begun collaborating
with it. The possibility of malware installation is
Securing the IoT devices is the strategy to protect IoT examined in the East Carolina University report on
devices and the vulnerable networks they connect to from security concerns on cloud computing vulnerabilities.
cyber-attacks. Devices used in IoT have no built-in security. "Malware injection assault has become a key security
IoT hardware lacks security by design. IoT devices operate concern in cloud computing systems," the author writes
undiscovered by traditional cybersecurity systems and [17].
transmit data over the internet without encryption, Data Loss: Data loss is one of the issues of cloud
necessitating IoT security to assist avoid data breaches. IoT computing. A data leak is a common term used to
hardware was not developed with security in mind. The describe this. Access to sensitive information is available
likelihood that your company will be vulnerable to cyber to interposers like workers and business mates. thus, if a
threats is increased by the continuous diversity and cloud service's security is compromised, it's possible
proliferation of IoT devices and communication channels. that hackers will gain our particular information or
This can bring big IoT security challenges like Lack of sensitive data [17] [18].
encrypting data while forwarding through devices, Security Businesses employing cloud computing must give up
Vulnerabilities in software and firmware, Security concerns some control to the CSP (Cloud Service Provider) in
while communication [16]. order to address security pitfalls. As a result, someone
We can address this security concerns using various outside of your IT department may be in charge of
techniques like Conducting Security Assessment for IoT guarding some of your company's most important data.
devices, implementing strong communication and However, your business will lose its data and intellectual
authentication protocols, keep updating IoT devices with property and be responsible for any performing losses,
latest security patch and firmware updates [16]. If the cloud service provider is compromised or attacked
[17] [18].
8.3 Cloud Security Concerns
8.4 Blockchain for Cybersecurity
Cloud security concerns are a critical aspect of adopting
cloud computing. Organizations are increasingly worried Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize
about the security of their data and applications in the cloud. cybersecurity by providing a comprehensive risk
Several top cloud security threats and concerns have been management system for a blockchain network, using
identified, including: cybersecurity frameworks, assurance services, and best
Misconfiguration: Data breaches in the cloud are practices. Here are some ways in which blockchain can be
caused in large part by incorrectly configured cloud used for cybersecurity:
security settings, which is a severe issue. Organizations Data Integration and Protection: Because it is
struggle to ensure that data is only accessible to decentralized and immutable, blockchain guarantees the
authorized persons because cloud infrastructure is security and integrity of data.
designed to be user-friendly and speed up data A blockchain's data is tamper-proof because it is
transmission. Businesses that rely on cloud-based distributed over a number of network nodes, making it
infrastructure also don't have comprehensive insight difficult for hackers to corrupt or change the data.
into and control over that infrastructure, therefore in Because of this, blockchain technology is appropriate for
order to set up and secure their cloud installations, they use in industries where data integrity is essential, like
must use security tools provided by their cloud service finance, supply chain management, and healthcare
provider (CSP). Because many organizations are records.
unfamiliar with securing cloud infrastructure and Secure Communication Channel: Blockchain can be
frequently deploy multiple clouds, each with a different used to establish secure communication channels
set of vendor-provided security controls, it is simple for between various devices, enabling secure
a configuration error or security lapse to expose an communication and data sharing [19].
organization's cloud-based resources to attackers [17] This is particularly applicable in the environment of the
[18]. Internet of Things (IoT), where the adding number of
Malware Injections: Scripts or pieces of code known as connected devices raises security enterprises [19].
malware injections are added to cloud services. and By using blockchain technology, IoT and other devices
operate as SaaS from cloud servers while pretending to can be made more secure and less vulnerable to cyber-
be "legitimate instances". This suggests that malicious attacks [19].
software can be inserted into cloud services and be
mistaken for a part of the application or service running 8.5 Advancements in Cyber Threat Intelligence
on the cloud servers themselves [17].
Once the malware insertion is complete, attackers can Advancements in Cyber Threat Intelligence have been
eavesdrop, compromise the security of confidential data, significant in recent years, with the introduction of new
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 227
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Volume: 10 Issue: 11 | Nov 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
technologies and techniques. Here are some of the key 4. Define a callback function
advancements in Cyber Threat Intelligence: process_sniffed_packet(packet) to process each
AI Enabled Threat Intelligence: The use of Artificial sniffed packet:
Intelligence (AI) in Cyber Threat Intelligence has Check if the packet is an ARP packet
brought about significant productivity gains in Threat (packet.haslayer(scapy.ARP)) and if it is an
intelligence and security operations [20]. ARP Response (packet[scapy.ARP].op ==
AI has been used to make automated security systems, 2).
natural language processing, face discovery, and Retrieve the original MAC address by
automatic Threat discovery. AI enabled Threat discovery calling the mac function with the source IP
systems can prognosticate new attacks and notify address (packet[scapy.ARP].psrc).
admins of any data breach directly [20]. Extract the MAC address from the ARP
Enhanced Security Operations Centers (SOCs): Response (packet[scapy.ARP].hwsrc) as
Security Operations Centers (SOCs) play a crucial role in the response MAC address.
monitoring and protecting organizations from cyber 5. Finally, initiate packet sniffing on the "eth0"
threats [21]. network interface by calling sniff("eth0").
Advancements in threat intelligence have empowered
SOCs to become more effective in real-time monitoring,
investigating security events, and responding to cyber
threats [21].
This includes leveraging AI and machine learning
algorithms to automate threat detection, incident
response, and threat hunting processes [21].
ARP Spoofing Detection
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) spoofing, also known as
ARP poisoning, is a network attack where an attacker sends
malicious ARP messages to associate their own MAC address
with the IP address of another device on the network. This
can lead to traffic being redirected or intercepted, enabling
the attacker to perform various malicious activities, such as
eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle attacks, or network
1. Import the necessary modules, including Scapy.
2. Define a function mac(ipadd) to retrieve the MAC
address of a given IP address: Figure VI: ARP Spoof Detection
Create an ARP request packet for the
specified IP address. 10. CONCLUSION
Create an Ethernet frame with the
destination MAC address as broadcast. The study highlights cybersecurity challenges in the
Combine the Ethernet frame and ARP digital age and emphasizes the need for effective safeguards
request packet. to protect vital infrastructure and sensitive data. It highlights
Send the combined packet and receive a proactive risk management and incident response tactics
response. and analyses historical trends.
Extract and return the MAC address from
the response. REFERENCES
3. Define a function sniff(interface) to capture packets
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prn=process_sniffed_packet to process Than Ever,”, Apr. 27, 2023.
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