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indicator("Renko Emulation with Trend Magic", overlay=true, format=format.price, precision=2)

// Inputs for Renko Emulation

brickSize = input.float(50.0, title="Brick Size", minval=0.01, step=0.1)

// Renko Calculation

var float renkoLevel = na

var bool brickDirection = true // true = up, false = down

if na(renkoLevel)

renkoLevel := close

brickUp = renkoLevel + brickSize

brickDown = renkoLevel - brickSize

if close >= brickUp

renkoLevel := renkoLevel + brickSize

brickDirection := true

else if close <= brickDown

renkoLevel := renkoLevel - brickSize

brickDirection := false

// Line Plot with Color Based on Close

renkoLineColor = close > renkoLevel ? :

plot(renkoLevel, color=renkoLineColor, linewidth=2, title="Renko Line")

// Inputs for Trend Magic

period =, title="CCI Period")

coeff = input.float(1.0, title="ATR Multiplier")

AP =, title="ATR Period")

src = input.source(close, title="Source")

// Trend Magic Calculation

ATR = ta.sma(, AP)

upT = low - ATR * coeff

downT = high + ATR * coeff

var float MagicTrend = na

MagicTrend := ta.cci(src, period) >= 0 ? (upT < nz(MagicTrend[1]) ? nz(MagicTrend[1]) : upT) : (downT > nz(MagicTrend[1]) ? nz(MagicTrend[1]) : downT)
trendColor = ta.cci(src, period) >= 0 ? #0022FC : #FC0400

plot(MagicTrend, color=trendColor, linewidth=3, title="Magic Trend")

// Alerts

alertcondition(ta.cross(close, MagicTrend), title="Cross Alert", message="Price - MagicTrend Crossing!")

alertcondition(ta.crossover(low, MagicTrend), title="CrossOver Alarm", message="BUY SIGNAL!")

alertcondition(ta.crossunder(high, MagicTrend), title="CrossUnder Alarm", message="SELL SIGNAL!")

strategy('Strategy tester', overlay=true, initial_capital=1000000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity)

// Input parameters
atrLength = input(14, title='ATR Length') // ATR calculation length
atrMultiplierTP = input(10, title='ATR Multiplier (Take Profit)') // Take Profit multiplier
atrMultiplierSL = input(50, title='ATR Multiplier (Stop Loss)') // Stop Loss multiplier

// Calculate ATR
atrValue = ta.atr(atrLength)

// Variables to store entry prices

var float longEntryPrice = na
var float shortEntryPrice = na

// Calculate Take Profit and Stop Loss levels

var float longTakeProfit = na
var float longStopLoss = na
var float shortTakeProfit = na
var float shortStopLoss = na
var float lastHigh = na
var float lastLow = na

length = 5
highestHigh = ta.highest(high, length)
lowestLow = ta.lowest(low, length)
length2 = 5
stopLossLow = ta.lowest(low, length)
stoplossHigh = ta.highest(high, length)

// Get user input

res = input.timeframe(title="EMA Timeframe", defval="30")
len1 ="EMA Length", defval=28)
col = input.bool(title="Color EMA", defval=true)
smooth = input.bool(title="Smooth", defval=false)

// Calculate EMA
ema = ta.ema(close, len1)
emaStep =, res, ema[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0])[barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1]
emaSmooth =, res, ema[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0], gaps=barmerge.gaps_on)[barstate.isrealtime ? 0 :

// Draw EMA
plot(smooth ? emaSmooth : emaStep, color=col ? (close > emaStep ? : :, linewidth=2, title="HTF EMA")

var float long_tsl = 0

// banker

// ____ __ ___ ________ ___________ ___________ __ ____ ___

// / __ )/ / / | / ___/ /// ___/ |/ _< / // / / __ |_ \
// / __ / / / /| |/ / / ,< / / / /| | / / / / // /_/ / / __/ /
// / // / // ___ / // /| / // ___ |/ / / /__ _/ // / __/
// //// |\// |\// |// // // \/_/

// USER INPUTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{

//@variable: period to use in calculations
int period =, minval = 17, inline = "m")
//@variable: width of main line
int width =, "Width", [1, 2], inline = "m")
//@variable: mode for trend detection ("Normal" or "Sensitive ")
string mode = input.string("Normal", "Mode:", ["Normal", "Sensitive "])
//@variable: whether to show volatility bands on the chart
bool show_bnd = input.bool(true, "Volatility Bands")
//@variable: whether to show price deviation on the chart
bool show_dev = input.bool(false, "Price Deviation")
//@variable: whether to show regular mean reversion signals
bool show_ws = input.bool(false, "Mean Reversion")
//@variable: whether to show strong mean reversion signals
bool show_ss = input.bool(false, "Strong Mean Reversion")

//@variable: colors for trend direction (up and down)

color up1 = input.color(#12fa8a, group = "Color", inline = "c")
color dn1 = input.color(#1693f8, group = "Color", inline = "c")

// CALCULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
//@variable: HMA of hl2 (high+low)/2 as the source of trend analysis
series float src1 = ta.hma(hl2, 25)
//@variable: simple moving average of high-low as a volatility measure
series float vlt = ta.sma(high - low, 100)
//@variable: array to store the moving average values over the period
var AVG =<float>(period, float(na))

// Condition to update the AVG array based on the selected mode

if mode == "Normal"
? bar_index == 122
: bar_index % period == 0
AVG.push(close) // Add the close price to the AVG array

// Update AVG array based on the period and price comparison

if bar_index % period == 0
if close > AVG.last() // If the current close is greater than the last stored value in AVG
AVG.push(low - vlt) // Add the low price minus volatility to the array

if close < AVG.last() // If the current close is lower than the last stored value in AVG
AVG.push(high + vlt) // Add the high price plus volatility to the array

//@variable: average of the last 10 values in AVG

series float avg = math.sum(AVG.last(), 10) / 10

//@variable: upper and lower volatility bands

series float upper = avg + vlt
series float lower = avg - vlt

//@variable: trend color based on the relationship between the source and the average
color trend_color = src1 > avg
? (avg == avg[1] or avg < avg[1] ?, 40) : up1)
: (avg == avg[1] or avg > avg[1] ?, 40) : dn1)

//@variable: alternate trend color based on the source vs. average

color trend_color1 = src1 > avg ? up1 : dn1
//@variable: oscillator showing the difference between the source and the average
series float osc = src1 - avg
//@variable: normalized oscillator using standard deviation
series float osc1 = (osc - 0) / ta.stdev(osc, 50)

// PLOTTING -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{

// Plotting the moving average with trend color

// Plotting the lower and upper volatility bands

// Plotting the oscillator if show_dev is enabled

// Plotting mean reversion up signals

// Plotting mean reversion down signals

// Plotting strong mean reversion up signals

// Displaying a final label indicating the trend direction if not showing deviation
if barstate.islast and not show_dev
label.delete( + 5, 0,
close > avg ? "Trend Up" : "Trend Down",
style = label.style_label_left,
color = color(na),
textcolor = chart.fg_color)[1]

// signals
xrf(values, length) =>
r_val = float(na)
if length >= 1
for i = 0 to length by 1
if na(r_val) or not na(values[i])
r_val := values[i]

xsa(src,len,wei) =>
sumf = 0.0
ma = 0.0
out = 0.0
sumf := nz(sumf[1]) - nz(src[len]) + src
ma := na(src[len]) ? na : sumf/len
out := na(out[1]) ? ma : (src*wei+out[1]*(len-wei))/len

//set up a simple model of banker fund flow trend

fundtrend = ((3*xsa((close- ta.lowest(low,27))/(ta.highest(high,27)-ta.lowest(low,27))*100,5,1)-2*xsa(xsa((close-
//define typical price for banker fund
typ = (2*close+high+low+open)/5
//lowest low with mid term fib # 34
lol = ta.lowest(low,34)
//highest high with mid term fib # 34
hoh = ta.highest(high,34)
//define banker fund flow bull bear line
bullbearline = ta.ema((typ-lol)/(hoh-lol)*100,13)
//define banker entry signal
bankerentry = ta.crossover(fundtrend,bullbearline) and bullbearline<25
//overbought and oversold threshold lines
// Input parameters
long_stop_loss_percent = input.float(1.0, title="Stop Loss %", step=0.1) / 100
equity_gain_percent = input.float(1.0, title="Equity Gain % to Breakeven", step=0.1) / 100

// Simulate trade entry price

// Calculate 1% move in favor

source = input(defval=close, title='Source')

// Smooth Average Range

per1 =, minval=1, title='Fast period')

mult1 = input.float(defval=2.6, minval=0.1, title='Fast range')

per2 =, minval=1, title='Slow period')

mult2 = input.float(defval=2, minval=0.1, title='Slow range')

smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x[1]), t)
smoothrng = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
smrng1 = smoothrng(source, per1, mult1)
smrng2 = smoothrng(source, per2, mult2)
smrng = (smrng1 + smrng2) / 2

// Range Filter

rngfilt(x, r) =>
rngfilt = x
rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? x - r < nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x - r : x + r > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x + r
filt = rngfilt(source, smrng)

upward = 0.0
upward := filt > filt[1] ? nz(upward[1]) + 1 : filt < filt[1] ? 0 : nz(upward[1])
downward = 0.0
downward := filt < filt[1] ? nz(downward[1]) + 1 : filt > filt[1] ? 0 : nz(downward[1])

hband = filt + smrng

lband = filt - smrng

longCond = bool(na)
shortCond = bool(na)
longCond := source > filt and source > source[1] and upward > 0 or source > filt and source < source[1] and upward > 0
shortCond := source < filt and source < source[1] and downward > 0 or source < filt and source > source[1] and downward > 0

CondIni = 0
CondIni := longCond ? 1 : shortCond ? -1 : CondIni[1]

long = longCond and CondIni[1] == -1

short = shortCond and CondIni[1] == 1

// Plotting

//banker fund Weak rebound with blue candle

if ta.crossover(fundtrend, bullbearline) and fundtrend < 35 and close > emaStep

longEntryPrice := close
longTakeProfit := longEntryPrice + atrValue*atrMultiplierTP
longStopLoss := longEntryPrice - atrValue * atrMultiplierSL
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=25)
long_tsl := longEntryPrice - (atrValue*atrMultiplierSL)
strategy.exit("long",stop=longStopLoss, comment_loss="stoploss long")

if ta.crossunder(fundtrend,bullbearline) and fundtrend > 65 and close < emaStep

shortEntryPrice := close
shortTakeProfit := shortEntryPrice - atrValue*atrMultiplierTP
shortStopLoss := shortEntryPrice + atrValue * atrMultiplierSL
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=25)
strategy.exit("short", stop=shortStopLoss, comment_loss="stoploss short")

if ta.crossunder(fundtrend, 90)

if ta.crossover(fundtrend, 10)

target_price = longEntryPrice + atrValue

// Stop-loss level
var float stop_loss_price = na
if not na(longEntryPrice) and strategy.position_size > 0
// Initial stop-loss at a % below the entry price
// Move stop-loss to breakeven once 1% equity gain is reached
if close >= target_price
stop_loss_price := longEntryPrice
//strategy.exit("long", stop= stop_loss_price, comment_loss="lost stop long")

if not na(shortEntryPrice) and strategy.position_size < 0

if close <= shortEntryPrice - atrValue
stop_loss_price := shortEntryPrice
//strategy.exit("short", stop=stop_loss_price,comment_loss="lost stop short")

// Condition to check if loss exceeds 1% of initial capit

// shortEntryPrice := close
// stop_loss_in_ticks = (atrValue*atrMultiplierSL) / syminfo.mintick
// if stoplossHigh > high[1]
// stop_loss_in_ticks = (stoplossHigh - close) /syminfo.mintick

//take_profit_in_ticks = (atrValue*atrMultiplierTP)/syminfo.mintick
//strategy.order("short", strategy.short, qty=strategy.initial_capital * 0.01)
//strategy.exit("short", loss = stop_loss_in_ticks, comment_loss = "stoploss", profit = take_profit_in_ticks, comment_profit =

// Parameters
// Number of candles to look back

// Calculate the highest high of the last 30 candles

// strategy.order("short", strategy.short, 1.0)

// shortStopLoss := close + (atrValue * atrMultiplierSL)
// strategy.exit("short", stop=shortStopLoss)

// strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, 1.0)

// shortEntryPrice := close
// shortStopLoss := close + (atrValue * atrMultiplierSL)
// strategy.exit("short", stop = shortStopLoss)

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