soil science 2
soil science 2
soil science 2
(Department of Soil Science) B. Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture
4th year 1st sem
Soil science is the study of soil as a natural resource on the surface of the earth
including soil formation, classification and mapping, physical, chemical, biological,
and fertility properties of soils, and these properties in relation to the use and
management of soils. Sometimes terms which refer to branches of soil science, such as
pedology (formation, chemistry, morphology andclassification of soil) and edaphology
(influence of soil on organisms, especially plants), are used as if synonymous with
soil science? The diversity of names associated with this disciplineis related to the
various associations concerned. Indeed, engineers, agronomists, chemists, geologists,
physical geographers, ecologists, biologists, microbiologists, silvi culturists,
sanitarians, archaeologists, and specialists in regional planning, all contribute to further
knowledge of soils and the advancement of the soil sciences. Soil scientists have raised
concerns about how to preserve.
Soil and arable land in a world with a growing population, possible future water
crisis, increasing per capita food consumption, and land degradation soil occupies the
pedosphere, one of earth's spheres that the geosciences use to organize the earth
conceptually. This is the conceptual perspective of pedology and edaphology, the two
main branches of soil science.
Pedology is the study of soil in its natural setting. Edaphology is the study of
soil in relation to soil-dependent uses. Both branches apply a combination of soil
physics, soil chemistry, and soil biology. Due to the numerous interactions between the
biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere that are hosted within the pedosphere, more
integrated, less soil-centric concepts are also valuable.Many concepts essential to
understanding soil come from individuals not identifiable strictly as soil scientists. This
highlights the interdisciplinary nature of soil concept.
‟The soil is a dynamic nature body having three dimensional structure which are
composed of mineral and organic materials as well as living forms in which plant grow”
“The unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the earth has been
subject to and shows effect of genetic and environmental factor of: climate and micro
& macro organismconditioned by reify ,acting on parent material over a period of time
.a soil differs from the material from which it is derived in many physical ,chemical
,biological ,and morphological properties and characteristics”
Material Required:- Soil Sampling tools (Tube Auger / Screw auger/Post–hole auger / Dutch
auger / spade and khurpi), Polythene sheet,12 Inch scale, Ball point pen, pencil, A sheet of
thick paper.
Method for soil sampling:-
First of all, we selected 10-15 places of particular fields. (Zig-zag pattern) Then we dig
about15-20 cm in V / Soil Auger
• In each individual Sampling Site, move in a Zig- zag manner and collect small portions
of Soil up to the desired depth ( 0- 15 cm. or more ), from 15-20 well distribution spots
after scrapping of the Surface litter.
• Draw samples in between the rows from field having standing crops in row.
• Make a V Knotch by spade and take Sample from both Sides of the Knotch at uniform
thickness (2 cm) with the help of khurpi.
• Processing for Sample includes drying, sieving, grinding, mixing, Partitioning and
• Following the quartering process, reduce the bulk to about 500gm. By spreading the
collected soil, and dividing into four quarters, Thereafter discard two opposite ones and
remix the remaining two. This process should be repeated until 500gm.Soil is left.
Six basic principles of sustainable INM system laid out by Dennis Greenland
(quoted by Meelu, 1996) include :-
Components of the INM:-Fertilizers, organic manures, legumes, crop residues and bio
fertilizers are the main ingredients of INM:-
1. Fertilizers:
Fertilizers continued to be the most important ingredient of INM. The dependence on fertilizers
has been increasing constantly because of the need to supply large amounts of nutrients in
intensive cropping with high productivity. Utilization of fertilizer nutrients by the crops vary
from 30-50% in case of N, 15- 20% in case of P and less than 5% in case of micronutrients.
Thus, a substantial amount of applied nutrients is lost through various pathways. Enhancing
NUE therefore, be a prioritized area of research for restoration and improvement of soil health
and minimizing the cost of crop production.
2. Organic Manures:
Organic manures like urban compost, FYM, crop residues, human excreta, city refuse, rural
compost, sewage-sludge, press mud and other agro-industrial wastes have large nutrient
potential. Compost and FYM have traditionally been the most important manures for
maintaining soil fertility and ensuring yield stability. Other potential organic sources of
nutrients such as non-edible oil cakes and wastes from food processing industry are also
there. Moreover, there are several industrial byproducts and municipal wastes with fair
nutrient potential.
3. Legumes :
Legumes have a long-standing history of being soil fertility restorers due to their ability to
obtain N from the atmosphere in symbiosis with Rhizobia. Legumes could provide an
important ingredient of INM when grown for grain or fodder in a cropping system, or when
introduced for green manuring. Legumes grown as green manure, forage or grain crops
improved the productivity of rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS) and rejuvenated soil
4.Crop Residues :
Crop residues have several competitive uses and may not be always available as an ingredient
of INM, yet in the regions like North-West India where mechanical harvesting is practiced,
a sizeable quantity of residues is left in the field, which can form a part of nutrient supply.
There are large amounts of residues of other crops like potato, sugarcane, vegetables, etc.,
which are practically wasted in most cases. Although cereal crop residues are valuable cattle
feed, these could be used to supplement the fertilizers wherever available in excess of local
needs. 0.45 to 1.5t/ha in case of different crops. When mechanical harvesting is done, this
amount is much greater. Stubbles of coarse cereals like sorghum, maize, pearl millet etc.
5.Biofertilizers :
Biofertilizers are the materials containing living or latent cells of agriculturally beneficial
microorganisms that play an important role in improving soil fertility and crop productivity
due to their capacity to fix atmospheric N, solubilize/mobilize P and decompose farm waste
resulting in the release of plant nutrients. The extent of benefits from these microorganisms
depends on their number and efficiency which, however, is governed by a large of soil and
environmental factors.
Inorganic Fertilizers Organic Manures
+ +
Green manures Biofertilizers
Fig.4.3:- Components of (INM)
What is azolla?
Azolla is a floating fern that appears as a green mat on water. It is found
in tropical and subtropical ponds, lakes, swamps, and streams.
*In agriculture, Azolla is a small aquatic fern that is used as a biofertilizer and green
• Azolla spp. are free – floating fresh water ferns.
• Live symbiotically with Anabaena azollae, a nitrogen-fixation blue-green algae.
• A main sten growing at the surface of the water, with alternate leaves and adventitious
roots at regular intervals along the stem.
• Azolla fronds are triangular or polygonal.
• Float on the water surface individually or in mats.
• Also known as duckweed ferns.
Requirements of azolla :-
• Azolla prefers shade and requires light (30-50% light required for its growth) for
• Azolla is a water based crop; one should ensure at least 5 inches of water in pond for
proper growth.
• Azolla grows well where the ideal temperature range is 20-35°C.
• It requires a water pH value of 5 to 7 and relative humidity of 80-90%.
• The oxygen released due to oxygenic photosynthesis, helps the respiration of root
system of the crops as well as other soil microorganisms.
• It solubulises Zn, Fe and Mn and make them available to the rice.
• Azolla suppresses tender weeds such as Chara and Nitella in a paddy field.
• Azolla releases plant growth regulators and vitamins which enhance the growth of the
rice plant.
• Azolla can be a substitute for chemical nitrogenous fertilizers to a certain extent (20
kg/ha) and it increases the crop yield and quality.
• It increases the utilisation efficiency of chemical fertilizers.
• It reduces evaporation rate from the irrigated rice field.
Maintance of azolla :-
• Apply 1kg cowdung once in 2 week.
• Remove one fourth of water from the bed and refill it with fresh water once in
2 weeks.
• The bed should be emptied once in 6 months and cultivation of azolla is
restarted with fresh culture and soil.
Care to be taken :-
• Maintenance of pure culture free from contamination is essential for good yield.
• Azolla should be harvested regularly to avoid overcrowding.
• Temperature is an important factor for good growth. It should be around 35 degree
Celsius. The fodder plot is to be covered with a plastic sheet in cold regions so as to
reduce the impact of cold weather.
• Places with direct and adequate sunlight should be preferred. A shady place yields less.
• The pH of the medium should be between 5.5 to 7.
• Suitable nutrients such as cow dung slurry, micronutrients should be supplemented as
and when required.
• “Vermicomposting is a method of preparing enriched compost with the use of
earthworms. It is one of the easiest methods to recycle agricultural wastes and to
produce quality compost.”
• “Vermicompost is the end product of a process called vermicomposting, which uses
earth worms to increase the speed of the composting process and ensure higher quality.
Some basic information were provide to students about vermi-compost
• Vermi-composting: Vermicomposting is a method of using worms to transform organic
waste into a nutrient-rich fertilizer.
• Vermiculture: The cultivation of earthworms, especially in order to use them to convert
organic waste into fertilizer.
• Vermi-compost:- Vermicompost (vermi-compost) is the product of the decomposition
process using various species of worm, usually redwiggles, whiteworms, and other
earthworms, to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding
materials, and vermicast. This process is called vermicomposting, while the rearing of
worms for this purpose is called vermiculture.
Different spps.of worms
• Eisenia foetida
• Lumbricusrubellus
Materials requirement:-
Earthworm(Eisenia foetida), Agricultural residues, Vermi pit or plastic polythin , Cow dung,
chopped paddy straw, biogas sludge, Domestic wastage, Jaggery-1 kg and Jute bag.
• Select a leveled are a with proper aeration and shade facilities.
• Fix the vermipit size(3m x1mx0.5m)on the ground.
• Second layer is made by placing partially decomposed all crop residue of farm chopped
paddy straw & kitchen garden. This layer is of 25 cm.
• Spread a layer of cow dung slurry mixed with Jaggery
• Again filling of decomposed all crop residue of farm chopped paddy straw & kitchen
garden.This layer is of 25 cm.
• Above procedure is repeated.
• It was covered with moisten jute bag properly because the earthworm remain active in
• Light irrigation is given every day.Maintain moisture content 35-40%.
• It takes 2 month for preparation of compost. The prepared vermicompost is found in
granular form and is brown color.
• Prepared vermi-compost is put on the polythene sheet in the form of heap from which
earthworm is collected and can beused again for the vermi-compost.
• Nutrient content: (N2-2.5-3%,P2O5-1-2 %,K2O– 1.5-2%).
Preventive measures:-
• The floor of the unit should be compact to prevent earthworm migration into the soil.
• 2-3days old cow dung should be used to avoid excess heat.
• The organic waste should be free from plastic, chemicals, pesticide and metals etc.
• Aeration should be maintained for proper growth and multiplication of earthworm.
Optimum moisture level (30-40%)should be maintained.
• 18–25oC tem. Should be maintained for proper decomposition.
• It provides efficient conversion of organic wastes/crop/animal residues.
• It is stable and enriched soil condition.
• It helps in reducing population of pathogenic microbes.
• It helps in reducing the toxicity of heavy metals.
• It is economically viable and environmentally safe nutrient supplement for organic food
• It is an easily adoptable low cost technology.