Lecturer 2 Semiconductor Physics
Lecturer 2 Semiconductor Physics
Lecturer 2 Semiconductor Physics
Properties of Semiconductors
Bonds in Semiconductors
• The atoms of every element are held together by the bonding action of valance
• This bonding is due to the fact that it is the tendency of each atom to complete
its last orbit by acquiring 8 electrons in it
• Fig 1, shows the co-valent bonds among germanium atoms
• Each neighbouring atom shares one valence electron with the central atom.
Fig. 1
The following points may be noted regarding the co-valent bonds
• Co-valent bonds are formed by sharing of valence electrons
• In the formation of co-valent bond, each valence electron of an atom
forms direct bond with the valence electron of an adjacent atom
Effect of Temperature on Semiconductors
1.At absolute zero temperature
• At absolute zero temperature , all the electrons are tightly held by the
semiconductor atoms
• The inner orbit electrons are bound whereas the valence electrons are
engaged in co-valent bonding
• At this temperature, the co-valent bonds are very strong and there are
no free electron
• The semiconductor crystal behaves as perfect insulator
• The valence band is illed and there is a large energy gap between valence
band and conduction band
• No valence electron can reach the conduction band to become free electron.
See ig 2 below
Fig 2
2. Above absolute zero temperature
• When temperature is raised , some of the covalent bond in the semiconductor
break due to the thermal energy supplied
• The breaking of bonds sets those electrons free which are engaged in the
formation of these bonds
• These free electrons can constitute a tiny electric current if the potential
di erence is applied across semiconductor crystal
Fig 3.
Fig 5
Extrinsic Semiconductor
• The intrinsic semiconductor has little current conduction capability at room temperature.
• To be useful in electronic devices, the pure semiconductor must be altered so as to
signi cantly increase its conducting properties.
• This is achieved by adding a small amount of suitable impurity to a semiconductor. It is
then called impurity or extrinsic semiconductor.
• The amount and type of such impurities have to be closely controlled during the
preparation of extrinsic semiconductor.
N-type Semiconductor
• When a small amount of pentavalent impurity is added to a pure semiconductor, it is
known as n-type semiconductor.
• The addition of pentavalent impurity provides a large number of free electrons in the
semiconductor crystal
(ii) Thermal energy of room temperature still generates a few hole electron-pairs. How
ever,the number of free electrons provided by the pentavalent impurity far exceeds the
number of holes. It is due to this predominance of electrons over holes that it is called n-
type semiconductor (n stands for negative).
N-type conductivity
Fig 7
P-type Semiconductor
• When a small amount of trivalent impurity is added to a pure semiconductor, it is called p-
type semiconductor.
• The addition of trivalent impurity provides a large number of holes in the semiconductor.
Typical examples of trivalent impurities are gallium and indium .
• Such impurities which produce p-type semiconductor are known as acceptor impurities
because the holes created can accept the electrons.
Fig 8.
• When a small amount of trivalent impurity like gallium is added to germanium crystal,
there exists a large number of holes in the crystal.
• The reason is simple. Gallium is trivalent i.e. its atom has three valence electrons. Each
atom of gallium ts into the germanium crystal but now only three co-valent bonds can
be formed.
• It is because three valence electrons of gallium atom can form only
three single co-valent bonds with three germanium atoms
P-type conductivity
• The current conduction in p-type semiconductor is predominantly by holes i.e. positive charges and is called p-type or hole-
type conductivity. To understand p-type conductiv- ity, refer to Fig.9(ii). When p.d. is applied to the p-type semiconductor,
the holes (donated by the impurity) are shifted from one co-valent bond to another. As the holes are positively charged,
there- fore, they are directed towards the negative terminal, constituting what is known as hole current.
• Properies of pn-junction
• Physics of conductors and insulators
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