(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0049577 A1
Choy et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 19, 2015
(54) ULTRASOUND CAPACITIVE T/R SWITCH Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
(71) Applicants: Benedict C.K. Choy, Cupertino, CA HO3K 7/16 (2006.01)
(US); Ching Chu, San Jose, CA (US); GOIS 7/52 (2006.01)
Andy Tu, Saratoga, CA (US) (52) U.S. Cl.
CPC ............ H03K 17/16 (2013.01); G0IS 7/52017
(72) Inventors: Benedict C.K. Choy, Cupertino, CA (2013.01); H03K 2217/0009 (2013.01)
(US); Ching Chu, San Jose, CA (US); USPC ............................................... 367/7, 327/382
Andy Tu, Saratoga, CA (US)
(21) Appl. No.: 13/965.490 An ultrasound image system has a plurality of channels. At
least one of the plurality of channels has a capacitive T/R
(22) Filed: Aug. 13, 2013 switch.
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Patent Application Publication Feb. 19, 2015 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2015/0049577 A1
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Patent Application Publication Feb. 19, 2015 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2015/0049577 A1
US 2015/0049577 A1 Feb. 19, 2015
ULTRASOUND CAPACTIVE TAR SWITCH circuit coupled to a second terminal of the T/R switch. The
DEVICE, CIRCUIT T/R switch of at least one of the plurality of channels is a
capacitive T/R switch.
TECHNICAL FIELD 0008. The features, functions, and advantages may be
achieved independently in various embodiments of the dis
0001. The present invention relates generally to an ultra closure or may be combined in yet other embodiments.
Sound image system circuit and, more specifically, to a novel
semiconductor device for an ultrasound image system circuit BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
as a high Voltage TVR Switch and Voltage limiting circuit, for
transmit transducer-excitation pulse and receive echo signal 0009. The novel features believed to be characteristic of
Switching (T/R Switch), protection and multiplexing circuit. the application are set forth in the appended claims. In the
descriptions that follow, like parts are marked throughout the
BACKGROUND specification and drawings with the same numerals, respec
tively. The drawing figures are not necessarily drawn to scale
0002 Medical or nondestructive testing (NDT) ultrasound and certain figures can be shown in exaggerated or general
imaging applications have a growing demand for more ized form in the interest of clarity and conciseness. The appli
Sophisticated transmit-pulse?echo-signal Switching in the cation itself, however, as well as a preferred mode of use,
receiver frontend circuit. This may be necessary to generate further objectives and advantages thereof, will be best under
high resolution acoustic images. The conventional ultrasound stood by reference to the following detailed description of
T/R echo Switching circuits usually have an array of high illustrative embodiments when read in conjunction with the
voltage diode switches or MOSFET-based voltage-controlled accompanying drawings, wherein:
switch devices in between a transducer probe PZT array and 0010 FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram illustrating a conven
TX/RX channel circuitry tional high voltage diode-bridge type of T/R switch for an
0003. These circuits have several limitations. These cir ultrasound image system of transmit/receive (TX and RX),
cuits ether are require to have the forward bias current from only one of the multiple-elements array probe transducer and
two low-noise, very clean power Supplies for the diode-bridge one channel of the multiple Tx and Rx channels being shown:
type of T/R switch, or have a quite larger size MOSFET 0011 FIG. 2 is the schematic diagram illustrating a MOS
analog switch with control circuit for the MOSFET-based FET type of T/R switch for an ultrasound image system of
type of T/R switch, which normally has higher turn-off trig transmit/receive (Tx and RX), only one of the multiple-ele
Voltage or current, and higher off-capacitance intrinsically. ments array probe transducer and one channel of the multiple
Second, the transmitting pulses are generally high Voltage TX and RX channels being shown:
and the receiving echo signals are generally low Voltage. 0012 FIG. 3 is the schematic diagram illustrating a
However, both signals have to apply to the same T/R switch. capacitive T/R Switch device for an ultrasound image system
This requires that every T/R switch must have a low on of transmit/receive (Tx and RX) in accordance with one
impedance when the T/R switch is turned on, and that it can embodiment of the present invention, only one of the mul
withstand high voltage when it is turned off. In order to have tiple-elements array probe transducer and one channel of the
low on-resistance in the diode-bridge type circuit normally multiple TX and RX channels being shown:
requires quite large forward bias current (e.g., 5 to 10 mA). 0013 FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating the
Further, in a 128-channel system total power of 6.4 to 12.8 capacitive T/R switch device of the present invention with
Watts of clean power supplies and 256 pieces of decoupling additional very low current reversed bias, or additional “ON/
capacitors are also required. Additional PCB area is also OFF' control features to the T/R switch;
required too for all these circuitry. These requirements make 0014 FIG. 5 is a C-V curve diagram illustrating the
the cost of the T/R switch very high. capacitive T/R switch device's terminal A to terminal B
0004. Therefore, it would be desirable to provide a circuit capacitance vs. the Voltage across the two terminals;
and method that overcomes the above problems. The circuit 0015 FIG. 6A is a single device semiconductor structure
and method would be able to switch the echo signal to over diagram illustrating the capacitive T/R switch device of the
come the above problems. present invention, with Zero or near Zero bias Voltage;
0016 FIG. 6B is a single device semiconductor structure
SUMMARY diagram illustrating the capacitive T/R switch device of the
present invention, with larger or slightly larger than knee
0005. This summary is provided to introduce a selection of Voltage (VM) Voltage(s); and
concepts in a simplified form that are further described below 0017 FIG. 7 is a back to back dual devices semiconductor
in the DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION. This Sum structure diagram illustrating the capacitive T/R Switch
mary is not intended to identify key features of the claimed device of the present invention, with three terminals, also
Subject matter, nor is it intended to be used as an aid in shown is the schematic symbol of the new device with the
determining the scope of the claimed subject matter. corresponding terminals.
0006 An ultrasound image system has a plurality of chan DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION
nels. At least one of the plurality of channels has a capacitive
T/R Switch. 0018. The description set forth, below in connection with
0007 An ultrasound image system has a plurality of chan the appended drawings is intended as a description of pres
nels. Each channel comprises a TX pulser, a pair of isolation ently preferred embodiments of the application and is not
diodes coupled to the TX pulser, a piezo transducer element intended to represent the only forms in which the present
coupled to the pair of isolation diodes; a T/R switch having a application can be constructed and/or utilized. The descrip
first terminal coupled to the piezo transducer; and an RX tion sets forth the functions and the sequence of steps for
US 2015/0049577 A1 Feb. 19, 2015
constructing and operating the application in connection with signals to the Rx circuit, diodes protector D3 & D4209A and
the illustrated embodiments. It is to be understood, however, 209B, an AC coupling capacitor C1 212, grounding resistor
that the same or equivalent functions and sequences can be R2211 and receive low noise preamplifier LNA 213 may be
accomplished by different embodiments that are also used.
intended to be encompassed within the spirit and scope of this 0024. Referring to FIG. 3, a novel capacitive T/R switch
application. (T/R Cap) 308 with two terminals A and B is used to replace
0019 Referring to FIG. 1, in general, when a ultrasound the conventional prior art TVR switches disclosed above. The
transducer excitation pulse generated by a Txpulser 101 (for T/R switch308 is a diodebridge type of the MOSFET type for
example), the TX pulse 104 peak to peak amplitude is approxi use in an ultrasound image system 300.
mately the same as the 102A and 102B power supplies rail 0025. The ultrasound image system 300 has a Tx Pulser
voltages coupled to the Tx pulser 101. Normally the voltage 301. Power supply rail voltages 302A and 302B are coupled
may be approximately +/-2V to +/-150V. The generated to the Tx pulser 301. The generated transmit pulse or pulses
transmit pulse orpulses, then travel through the echo isolation from the Tx pulser 301 travel through the echo isolation
diodes 103A and 103B, and the R1 resistor 105 to reach the diodes 303A and 303 B, and the R1 resistor 305 to reach the
ultrasound transducer X1 106. The X1 transducer 106 nor ultrasound transducer X1306.
mally is a PZT or other piezo element with large capacitance 0026. Like in the previous embodiment, to pass the low
of 10 to 1000 pF and with an acoustic resonate frequency of voltage (normally less than +/-1 mV to +/-300 mV.) RF echo
1 to 100 MHz range. Thus, the output of the Txpulses 104 not signals to the Rx circuit, diodes protector D3 & D4309A and
only have higher Voltages, but also have very high peak cur 309B, an AC coupling capacitor C1312, grounding resistor
rent and fast pulse waveform rise/fall edges. The Tx pulse or R2311 and receive low noise preamplifier LNA 313 may be
pulses 104 also meantime reach the T/R switch 108 which is used.
connected in between the TX, Transducer and Rx circuitry. 0027. In operation, the Txpulser 301 generates ultrasound
The T/R switch 108 serves as two basic functions: a) To block transducer excitation pulses 304. The Tx pulse 304 peak to
the high voltage Txpulses 104, to preventing the sensitive RX peak amplitude is about the same as the 302A and 302B
circuit from being damaged by the high Voltage, high current power supplies rail voltages. Normally the voltage will be
and high frequency Txpulses 104; b) To pass the low voltage +/-2V to +/-150V. The generated transmit pulse or pulses
(normally less than +/-1 mV to +/-300 mV.) RF echo signals 304, then travel through the echo isolation diodes 303A and
to the RX circuit, which contents the back to back diodes 303B, and the R1 resistor 305 to reach the ultrasound trans
protector D3& D4109A and 109B, the AC coupling capaci ducer X1306. The X1 transducer normally is a PZT or other
tor C1112, grounding resistor R2 111 and receive low noise piezo element with large capacitance of 100 to 400 pF and
preamplifier LNA 113. with an acoustic resonate frequency of 1 to 100 MHZ range.
0020. As shown in FIG. 1, the ultrasound image system Therefore the output of the Tx pulses 304 not only have a
schematic block 100 has a conventional biased diode bridge higher Voltages, but also have very high peak current and fast
type of T/R switch 108 with built-in constant current sources pulse waveform rise/fall edges. The Tx pulse or pulses also
107A and 107B powered by additional power supply rails meantime reach the T/R Switch 308. The T/R Switch 308
114A and 114B. The diodes in the T/R Switch 108 are nor serves as two basic functions: a) To block the high voltage Tx
mally forward biased in order to get low forward state imped pulses 304, to preventing the sensitive RX circuit being, dam
ance for the RX time since it is required to have a quite large aged by the high Voltage, high current and high frequency TX
forward current to pass each diode of the T/R switch 108. But pulses 308; b) To pass the low voltage (normally less than
for the Tx time in order to withstand the high voltage of the TX +/-1 mV to +/-300 mV) RF echo signals 310 to the RX
pulses 104 peak to peak voltage, the diodes of the T/R switch circuit, which contents the back to back diodes protector D3
108 are also required to have a quite high breakdown voltage & D4309A and 309B, the AC coupling capacitor C1312,
(BV). The bias current sources and power supplies also have grounding resistor R2311 and receive low noise preamplifier
be very low noise, plus they are shared with all multiple LNA 313.
channels of the T/R switches 108. Thus, de-coupling circuits (0028. The T/R switch 308 has a pair of variable capaci
are additionally required. Due to these features, this type of tance diodes 316A and 316B. The anode of each variable
T/R switch has the noise, power supply cost and larger PCB capacitance diodes 316A and 316B form one of the terminals
space requirement issues disclosed above. A or B of the T/R switch 308. A pair of high value bleed
0021. Also for comparison, as shown in FIG. 2, a sche resistors 307A and 307B are provided in the T/R switch 308
matic block diagram of an ultrasound image system 200 is and provide an initialization state. The resistors 307A and
shown. The system 200 has a Tx Pulser 201. Power supply rail 307B can be easily integrated into a semiconductor device.
voltages 202A and 202B are coupled to the Tx pulser 201. The resistor value usually can be 100K to 100 MG, and due to
The generated transmit pulse or pulses from the Txpulser 201 the resistors 307A and 307B being in-parallel to the high
travel through the echo isolation diodes 203A and 203B, and capacitance of CJO device(s) at RX state, the noise contribu
the R1 resistor 205 to reach the ultrasound transducer X1206. tion is ignorable.
0022. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 2, a conventional 0029 Referring to FIG.4, an ultrasound image system 400
MOSFET analog switch type T/R switch 208 with built-in has a TX Pulser 401. Power supply rail voltages 402A and
control circuit 207 is used. The T/R switch 208 requires no 402B are coupled to the Tx pulser 401. The generated trans
additional power supply. However, due to the low Ron and mit pulse or pulses from the Tx purser 401 travel through the
high BV feature required for the MOSFETs of the T/R switch echo isolation diodes 403A and 403B, and the R1 resistor 405
208, the higher cost and large parasitic capacitance across the to reach the ultrasound transducer X1 406.
A to B terminals of the T/R switch 208 is the issue. 0030. Like in the previous embodiment, to pass the low
0023. Like in the previous embodiment, to pass the low voltage (normally less than +/-1 mV to +/-300 mV.) RF echo
voltage (normally less than +/-1 mV to +/-300 mV) RE echo signals to the Rx circuit, diodes protector D3 & D4409A and
US 2015/0049577 A1 Feb. 19, 2015
409B, an AC coupling capacitor C1412, grounding resistor anodes metal 710 and 711 as the terminals-A and the termi
R2 411 and receive low noise preamplifier LNA 413 may be nals-B. The simplified schematic symbol, without the initial
used. ization bleed-resistors, is shown above in the FIG. 7 corre
0031. The T/R switch 408 has a pair of variable capaci spondingly
tance diodes 416A and 416B coupled in the same manner as 0038. While embodiments of the disclosure have been
the embodiment above. A pair of high value bleed resistors described in terms of various specific embodiments, those
407A and 407B are provided in the T/R switch 408 and skilled in the art will recognize that the embodiments of the
provide an initialization state. The resistors 407A and 4078 disclosure may be practiced with modifications within the
can be easily integrated into a semiconductor device. spirit and scope of the claims.
0032. The T/R switch 408 has a third terminal 414. The What is claimed is:
third terminal 414 can easily provide a bias Voltage or pro 1. An ultrasound image system comprising:
grammable attenuation control via a high impedance resistor a plurality of channels, wherein at least one of the plurality
415. of channels has a capacitive T/R switch.
0033. The capacitive T/R 308/408 switch has a typical 2. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1, wherein the
C-V curve 500 shown in FIG. 5. The capacitance between capacitive T/R switch comprises:
terminal A and B, at the Zero terminal Voltage, C is Very a pair of diodes; and
high 506. Normally, the C is design to be about a few a pair of bleed resistors coupled to the pair of diodes.
hundreds of picofarad (pF) to few nanofarad (nF). When the 3. The ultrasound system of claim 1, wherein comprises:
terminal voltage increases, within +/-200-300 mV. the termi a first variable capacitive diode, a terminal of the first
nal capacitance gradually and slowly decreases. However variable capacitive diode forming a first terminal of the
when the terminal voltage drop further increases to about T/R switch;
+/-0.5-0.7V, the capacitance rapidly falls the curve section of a second variable capacitive diode, a terminal of the second
503A and 503B Shown. variable capacitive diode forming a second terminal of
0034. Then with the absolute voltage further increases and the T/R Switch; and
reaches to near the +/-Vy Voltage, this is where C-V curve a pair of bleed resistors coupled to the first variable capaci
knee points are, the capacitance will be only a few percent of tive diode and the second variable capacitive diode.
the Co value. When the terminal absolute Voltage continuous 4. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1, further com
to increase, the capacitance continue to decrease just like the prising a bias control device coupled to the capacitive TVR
C-V curve of a normal reverse biased P-N junction behaviors. switch.
The capacitive T/R device has breakdown voltages normally 5. The ultrasound imaging system of claim3, further com
higher than the maximum TX pulses peak to peak Voltages, prising a bias control device coupled to a third terminal of the
about +/-30 to +/-250V range. capacitive T/R switch.
0035. In the present invention, the capacitive T/R switch 6. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1, wherein the
308/408 may be implemented using a specially designed at last one channel comprises:
semiconductor device as shown in FIGS. 6A and 6B. FIGS. a TX pulser,
6A and 6B show devices 600A and 600B respectively. Both a pair of isolation diodes coupled to the Tx pulser;
devices 600A and 600B may be fabricated on an n-type a piezo transducer element coupled to the pair of isolation
semiconductor substrate material 601. Each n-type semicon diodes and to a first terminal of the capacitive T/R
ductor substrate material 601 may have a plurality of p-type Switch; and
Poly-Silicon 603 material in the trenches 602. Because of the an RX circuit coupled to a second terminal of the capacitive
vertical structure of the trenches 602, there are larger areas of T/R Switch.
the P-N junction that are present on the side walls of each 7. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 6, wherein the
trench 602, as well as only very small percentage of the same RX circuit comprises:
type of junction at the bottom of the trenches 602.
0036. Due to the concentration of N+ area that is much a pair of diode protectors coupled to the second terminal of
higher than the N- area, the unit area junction capacitance of the capacitive T/R switch;
the side walls is higher. When the terminal voltage 606A is at a coupling capacitor coupled to the pair of diode protec
Zero or near Zero, all the function areas together contribute to tors; and
the junction capacitance, as a large Co. When terminal Volt a low noise preamplifier coupled to the coupling capacitor.
age 606B increases to the knee or near knee Voltage +/-V, 8. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1, wherein the
the depletion region between two trenches 602 are pinched capacitive TVR Switch generates a C-V curve having a rapidly
off The effective reversed biased P-N junction are suddenly capacitance falling area between near Zero and knee point of
and quickly reduces to very small area, which is only the Voltages.
bottom area of the trench 602. Therefore the effective junc 9. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1, wherein the
tion capacitance rapidly is reduced. The 608A shows the capacitive T/R Switch is a semiconductor device comprising:
depletion area of zero or near Zero bias and the 608B when the an N-type substrate having a plurality of trenches formed
bias at near knee voltage or higher as shown the FIG. 6B. The therein;
device has the metals of 607 as the cathode and 609 as the a P-type poly-Silicon material formed within each of the
anode terminal connections respectively. plurality of trenches; and
0037. In the present invention, the capacitive T/R switch is metal layers applied to the N-type substrate and the P-type
implemented using a pair of the said semiconductor device as poly-Silicon to form terminals of the capacitive TVR
shown in the FIG.7. The 700 is fabricated with two separated Switch.
group of said of p-type Poly-Silicon trenches. The back-to 10. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1, wherein the
back devices has common cathode 712 metal, and the two capacitive T/R Switch is a semiconductor device comprising:
US 2015/0049577 A1 Feb. 19, 2015
a P-type substrate having a plurality of trenches formed 16. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 13, further
therein; comprising a bias control device coupled to a third terminal of
a N-type poly-Silicon material formed within each of the the capacitive T/R switch.
plurality of trenches; and 17. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 13, wherein
metal layers applied to the P-type substrate and the N-type the capacitive T/R switch generates a C-V curve having a
poly-Silicon to form terminals of the capacitive TVR rapidly capacitance falling area between near Zero and knee
Switch. point of Voltages.
11. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 9, wherein a 18. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 12, wherein
junction capacitance of at least two of the trenches changes the capacitive TVR Switch is a semiconductor device compris
with a terminal Voltage. an N-type substrate having a plurality of trenches formed
12. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 9, wherein a therein;
junction capacitance of at least two of the trenches changes a P-type poly-Silicon material formed within each of the
with a terminal Voltage, the junction capacitance having a plurality of trenches; and
C-V curve having a rapid dO/dV turning knee point. metal layers applied to the N-type substrate and the P-type
13. An ultrasound image system comprising: poly-Silicon to form terminals of the capacitive TVR
a plurality of channels, wherein each channel comprises: Switch.
a TX pulser, 19. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 12, wherein
a pair of isolation diodes coupled to the Tx pulser, the capacitive TVR Switch is a semiconductor device compris
a piezo transducer element coupled to the pair of isola in P-type substrate having a plurality of trenches formed
tion diodes
a T/R switch having a first terminal coupled to the piezo therein;
transducer, and
a N-type poly-Silicon material formed within each of the
plurality of trenches; and
an RX circuit coupled to a second terminal of the T/R metal layers applied to the P-type substrate and the N-type
switch; poly-Silicon to form terminals of the capacitive TVR
wherein the T/R switch of at least one of the plurality of Switch.
channels is a capacitive T/R switch. 20. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 18, wherein a
14. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 13, wherein junction capacitance of at least two of the trenches changes
the capacitive T/R switch comprises: with a terminal Voltage.
a pair of diodes; and 21. A capacitive T/R switch comprising:
a pair of bleed resistors coupled to the pair of diodes. a pair of diodes; and
15. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 13, wherein a pair of bleed resistors coupled to the pair of diodes.
the capacitive T/R switch comprises: 22. The capacitive T/R switch of claim 21, wherein the pair
a first variable capacitive diode, an anode of the first vari of diodes comprises:
able capacitive diode forming a first terminal of the T/R a first variable capacitive diode, a terminal of the first
Switch; variable capacitive, diode forming a first terminal of the
a second variable capacitive diode, an anode of the second T/R switch; and
variable capacitive diode forming a second terminal of a second variable capacitive diode, a terminal of the second
the TVR Switch; and variable capacitive diode forming a second terminal of
the T/R Switch.
a pair of bleed resistors coupled to the first variable capaci
tive diode and the second variable capacitive diode.