Della Corte 2008
Della Corte 2008
Della Corte 2008
Lucio Sarno
University of Warwick, AXA Investment Managers, and Centre for Economic
Policy Research (CEPR)
Ilias Tsiakas
University of Warwick
This paper was partly written while Lucio Sarno was a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund and
Norges Bank. The authors are indebted for useful conversations or constructive comments to Joel Hasbrouck
(editor), two anonymous referees, David Backus, Luc Bauwens, Sid Chib, Frank Diebold, Massimo Guidolin,
Rich Lyons, Michael Moore, Roel Oomen, Carol Osler, Dagfinn Rime, Simon van Norden, Arnold Zellner
as well as to participants at the 2007 INFER conference keynote speech; the 2007 workshop on “Trading
Strategies and Financial Market Inefficiency” at Imperial College London; the 2007 seminar on Bayesian
Inference in Econometrics and Statistics; the 2007 Royal Economic Society meetings; the 2006 European
Science Foundation workshop on FX Markets at the University of Warwick; the 2006 European meetings of
the Econometric Society; the 2006 Northern Finance Association meetings; the 2006 EC2 Conference on the
“Econometrics of Monetary Policy and Financial Decision Making”; and seminars at the European Central Bank
and the International Monetary Fund. Address correspondence to Lucio Sarno, Finance Group, Warwick Business
School, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK; Other authors: Pasquale Della
Corte: Ilias Tsiakas:
C The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Society for Financial Studies.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:
doi:10.1093/rfs/hhn058 Advance Access publication June 13, 2008
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
evidence that exchange rates and fundamentals comove over long horizons [e.g.,
Mark (1995) and Mark and Sul (2001)], the prevailing view in international
finance research is that exchange rates are not predictable, especially at short
See, for example, Bilson (1981); Fama (1984); Froot and Thaler (1990); and Backus, Foresi, and Telmer (2001).
For a survey of this literature, see Lewis (1995) and Engel (1996) and the references therein.
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
naive random walk model, the monetary fundamentals model (in three vari-
ants), and the spot-forward regression model. Each of the models is studied
under three volatility specifications: constant variance (standard linear regres-
For studies of asset return predictability following this approach, see also Kandell and Stambaugh (1996);
Barberis (2000); Baks, Metrick, and Wachter (2001); Bauer (2001); Shanken and Tamayo (2001); Avramov
(2002); Cremers (2002); and Della Corte, Sarno, and Thornton (2008). Karolyi and Stulz (2003) provide a survey
of asset allocation in an international context.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
x t = z t − st , (1)
z t = m t − m ∗t − yt − yt∗ , (2)
where st is the log of the nominal exchange rate (defined as the domestic price
of foreign currency); m t is the log of the money supply; yt is the log of national
income; and asterisks denote variables of the foreign country. Note that long-run
money neutrality and income homogeneity are imposed, with the coefficients
on m t − m ∗t and yt − yt∗ both set to unity, as predicted by conventional theories
of exchange rate determination, and z t represents the relative velocity between
the two countries in question. The relation between the exchange rates and
fundamentals defined in Equations (1) and (2) suggests that a deviation of the
nominal exchange rate st from its long-run equilibrium level determined by
the fundamentals z t (i.e., xt = 0) requires the exchange rate to move in the
future so as to converge towards its long-run equilibrium. In other words, the
deviation xt has predictive power on future realizations of the exchange rate.3
Despite the appeal of the theoretical relation between exchange rates and
fundamentals, the empirical evidence is mixed. On the one hand, short-run
exchange rate variability appears to be disconnected from the underlying fun-
damentals (Mark, 1995) in what is commonly referred to as the “exchange rate
disconnect puzzle.” On the other hand, some recent empirical research finds
that fundamentals and nominal exchange rates move together in the long run
(Groen, 2000; Mark and Sul, 2001; Rapach and Wohar, 2002; Sarno, Valente,
and Wohar, 2004). Either way, our study contributes to the empirical literature
on the predictive ability of monetary fundamentals on exchange rates by pro-
viding an economic evaluation of the in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting
power of fundamentals at a short (one-month ahead) horizon.
The specification of fundamentals in Equation (2) is common in the relevant empirical literature (e.g., Mark,
1995; Mark and Sul, 2001). Theories of exchange rate determination view z t as the core set of economic
fundamentals that determine the long-run equilibrium exchange rate. These theories include traditional models
based on aggregate demand functions (e.g., Mark, 1995; Engel and West, 2005), and representative-agent general
equilibrium models (e.g., Lucas, 1982; Obstfeld and Rogoff, 1995).
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
where f t−1 is the log of the one-period forward exchange rate (i.e., the rate
agreed now for an exchange of currencies in one period). Substituting the
interest rate differential i t−1 − i t−1 in Equation (3) by the forward premium
(or forward discount) f t−1 − st−1 , we can estimate the following regression,
which is commonly referred to as the “Fama regression,” (Fama, 1984):
Exceptions to this puzzle include Bansal (1997), who finds that the forward bias is related to the sign of the
interest rate differential; Bansal and Dahlquist (2000), who document that the forward bias is largely confined
to developed economies and countries where the interest rate is lower than in the United Sates; Bekaert and
Hodrick (2001), who provide a “partial rehabilitation” of UIP by accounting for small-sample distortions; and
Lustig and Verdelhan (2007), who attempt to explain the forward bias puzzle focusing on the cross section of
foreign currency risk premiums.
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
et al., 1995; and Bekaert, 1996) and from expected utility (Bekaert, Hodrick,
and Marshall, 1997); and using popular models of the term structure of interest
rates adapted to a multicurrency setting (Backus, Foresi, and Telmer, 2001). In
Our first specification is the naive random walk (RW) model, which sets β = 0.
This model is the standard benchmark in the literature on exchange rate pre-
dictability since the seminal work of Meese and Rogoff (1983).
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
vt2 = ω + γ1 vt−1
+ γ2 u 2t−1 . (7)
Our motivation for studying the simple GARCH(1,1) model is based on the
early study of West, Edison, and Cho (1993), which conducts a utility-based
evaluation of exchange rate volatility and finds that GARCH(1,1) is the best
performing model.
Stochastic volatility models are similar to the GARCH process in that they
capture the persistent and hence predictable component of volatility. Unlike
The motivation behind the MF2 and MF3 variants derives from empirical evidence that cointegration between st
and z t may be established only by correcting for the deterministic components (either a constant or a constant
and a time trend) in the cointegrating residual (e.g., Rapach and Wohar, 2002). Note, however, that in the out-of-
sample exercise we estimate the deterministic component recursively as we move through the data sample, and
hence our results do not suffer from “look-ahead bias.”
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
Market microstructure theories of speculative trading (e.g., Tauchen and Pitts, 1983; Andersen, 1996) provide
rigorous arguments for modeling volatility as stochastic. For details on SV models, see Kim, Shephard, and Chib
(1998) and Chib, Nardari, and Shephard (2002). For an application of SV models to exchange rates, see Harvey,
Ruiz, and Shephard (1994). Finally, for a comparison between GARCH and SV models, see Fleming and Kirby
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
where Ct = (μt+1|t − ιr f ) t+1|t (μt+1|t − ιr f ). The weight on the riskless as-
set is 1 − wt ι.
Constructing the optimal portfolio weights requires estimates of the condi-
In notation local to this footnote, the CCC model of Bollerslev (1990) specifies the covariances as follows:
σi j,t = σi,t σ j,t ρi j , where σi,t and σ j,t are the conditional volatilities implied by either the GARCH(1,1) or the
SV process, and ρi j is the constant sample correlation coefficient. Note that for the out-of-sample results, we
use a rolling correlation estimate updated every time a new observation is added. From a numerical standpoint,
implementing the CCC model is attractive because it eliminates the possibility of t+1|t not being positive
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
where R ∗p,t+1 is the gross portfolio return constructed using the expected return
and volatility forecasts from the FPSV model, and R p,t+1 is implied by the
benchmark RWLR model.
In the context of mean-variance analysis, a commonly used measure of
economic value is the Sharpe ratio. However, as suggested by Marquering and
Verbeek (2004) and Han (2006), the Sharpe ratio can be misleading because
it severely underestimates the performance of dynamic strategies. Specifically,
the realized Sharpe ratio is computed using the sample standard deviation of
the realized portfolio returns and hence it overestimates the conditional risk
an investor faces at each point in time. Furthermore, the Sharpe ratio cannot
quantify the exact economic gains of the dynamic strategies over the static
random walk strategy in the direct way of the performance fees. Therefore,
our economic analysis of short-horizon exchange rate predictability focuses
primarily on performance fees, while Sharpe ratios of selected models are
reported in the robustness section.8
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
wealth between four bonds: one domestic (United States), and three foreign
bonds (UK, Germany, and Japan). At the beginning of each month, the four
bonds yield a riskless return in local currency. Hence the only risk the US
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
costs lower than τBE will prefer the dynamic strategy. We report τBE in monthly
basis points.11
In contrast to , which is reported in annual basis points, τBE is reported in monthly basis points because τBE is
a proportional cost paid every month when the portfolio is rebalanced.
This is not the case in classical inference, where the small samples, typically employed in the study of exchange
rate predictability combined with the assumption that exchange rates and fundamentals are cointegrated, can
have a critical impact in overstating predictability (e.g., Berkowitz and Giorgianni, 2001).
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
error (NSE) is the square root of the asymptotic variance of the MCMC esti-
⎧ ⎫
1 ⎨ ⎬
where I = 5000 is the number of iterations (beyond the initial burn-in of 1000
j is
iterations), j = 1, . . . , B I = 500 lags is the set bandwidth, z = BjI , and ψ
the sample autocovariance of the MCMC draws for each estimated parameter
cut according to the Parzen kernel K (z).
The likelihood function of the SV models is not available analytically, and
hence must be simulated. The log-likelihood function is evaluated under the
predictive density as
L= log
f (st |t−1 , θ) = log
f t (st | h t , θ) , (17)
t=1 t=1
where θ is taken as the posterior mean estimate from the MCMC simulations.
The key to this calculation is simulating the one-step ahead predictive log-
variance h t |t−1 , θ, which is a nontrivial task as it is sampled using the particle
filter of Pitt and Shephard (1999). The particle filter is summarized in the
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
where p (s | Mi ) is the marginal likelihood of the ith model defined as fol-
p(s | Mi ) = p(s, θ | Mi )dθ = p(s | θ, Mi )π(θ | Mi )dθ. (19)
In Equation (18), we set our prior belief to be that all models are equally likely
(i.e., π (Mi ) = N1 ).
Note that the marginal likelihood is an averaged (not a maximized) like-
lihood. This implies that the posterior probability is an automatic “Occam’s
Razor” in that it integrates out parameter uncertainty.13 Furthermore, the
marginal likelihood is simply the normalizing constant of the posterior density
and (suppressing the model index for simplicity) it can be written as
f (s | θ) π (θ)
p (s) = , (20)
π (θ | s)
where f (s | θ) is the likelihood, π (θ) the prior density of the parameter
vector θ, π (θ | s) the posterior density, and θ is evaluated at the posterior
mean. Since θ is drawn in the context of MCMC sampling, the posterior density
π (θ | s) is computed using the technique of reduced conditional MCMC runs
of Chib (1995) and Chib and Jeliazkov (2001).
Occam’s Razor is the principle of parsimony, which states that among two competing theories that make exactly
the same prediction, the simpler one is best.
See Diebold and Pauly (1990); Diebold (1998, 2004); and Timmermann (2006) for a review of forecast com-
binations. A previous version of the paper also considers a deterministic model average (DMA) method, which
involves taking an equally-weighted average of the conditional mean and volatility forecasts from a given uni-
verse of available models; we find that the BMA and BW combination methods outperform the DMA method
(results available upon request).
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
f tBMA = pt (Mi | st ) f i,t , (21)
where pt (Mi | st ) is the posterior probability of model Mi given the data
st .
It is important to note that (1) the BMA weights vary not only across models
but also across time periods, as does the marginal likelihood of each model, and
(2) we evaluate the BMA strategy ex ante. We do this by lagging the posterior
probability of each model for the following reason. Suppose that we need to
compute the period t BMA forecasts of the conditional mean and volatility for
the four bonds we include in the portfolio. Knowing the mean and volatility
forecasts implied by each model for the three exchange rates is not sufficient.
We also need the realized data point st in order to evaluate the predictive
density f t (st |t−1 , θ). Since the realized data point st is only observed ex
post, the only way to form the BMA weights ex ante is to lag the predictive
density and thus use f t−1 (st−1 |t−2 , θ).
4.3.2 The BW strategy. Under the BW strategy, in each time period we select
the set of one-step ahead conditional mean and volatility from the empirical
model that has the highest marginal likelihood up to that period. In other
words, the BW strategy only uses the forecasts of the “winner” model in terms
of marginal predictive density, and hence discards the forecasts of the rest of
the models. Clearly, there is no model averaging in the BW strategy. Similar
to the BMA, the BW strategy is evaluated ex ante using the lagged marginal
5. Empirical Results
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
they are taken from Hai, Mark, and Wu (1997). After the introduction of the euro
in January 1999, we use the euro exchange rate to replace the Deutsche mark
For all countries, the correlation coefficient between the quarterly industrial production index and GDP over our
sample period is higher than 0.95.
We use the eurocurrency deposit rate as a proxy for the riskless rate because these deposits are comparable
across countries in all respects (such as credit risk and maturity) except for currency of denomination; see Levich
nloaded from by Iowa State University user on 23 January
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
Table 1
Descriptive statistics for monthly FX returns and fundamentals
st MF1 MF2 MF3 FP st MF1 MF2 MF3 FP st MF1 MF2 MF3 FP
Corr(st ,st−1 ) 0.106 0.988 0.976 0.965 0.786 0.115 0.994 0.983 0.983 0.641 0.147 0.996 0.987 0.980 0.558
Corr(st ,st−3 ) 0.013 0.960 0.920 0.888 0.480 0.040 0.982 0.945 0.943 0.600 0.108 0.989 0.969 0.933 0.510
Corr(st , st−6 ) 0.037 0.911 0.838 0.780 0.208 0.025 0.959 0.886 0.880 0.593 −0.057 0.973 0.938 0.856 0.403
Corr(st , st−12 ) 0.025 0.793 0.674 0.569 0.334 0.030 0.897 0.734 0.719 0.538 0.078 0.935 0.882 0.704 0.267
Mean 2.25 17.92 10.46 8.57 0.237 2.43 28.14 15.07 14.18 0.271 2.48 37.17 25.65 14.60 0.315
Std Dev 1.90 11.87 8.51 7.76 0.200 1.84 17.99 8.98 9.01 0.184 2.22 19.46 14.71 8.43 0.248
Min 0.000 0.023 0.041 0.050 0.000 0.006 0.320 0.007 0.039 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.477 0.009 0.000
Max 11.69 52.89 41.86 44.00 1.35 9.71 75.85 45.75 46.78 1.59 11.89 72.29 70.28 43.25 2.12
Skewness 1.48 0.687 1.37 1.46 1.55 1.12 0.238 0.547 0.711 1.64 1.52 −0.281 0.729 0.312 1.95
Kurtosis 6.04 2.89 4.64 5.67 6.93 4.38 2.21 3.11 3.40 10.40 5.76 2.11 3.46 2.82 11.33
Corr(|st |, |st−1 |) 0.065 0.960 0.944 0.933 0.878 0.135 0.981 0.939 0.944 0.647 0.129 0.983 0.950 0.927 0.746
Corr(|st |, |st−3 |) 0.149 0.876 0.832 0.797 0.731 0.085 0.943 0.807 0.818 0.466 0.051 0.950 0.884 0.761 0.590
Corr(|st |, |st−6 |) 0.093 0.724 0.690 0.606 0.577 0.051 0.876 0.633 0.641 0.410 0.010 0.882 0.786 0.541 0.500
Corr(|st |, |st−12 |) 0.030 0.431 0.414 0.248 0.385 −0.046 0.685 0.305 0.271 0.212 −0.035 0.703 0.659 0.280 0.330
The table summarizes the descriptive statistics for the spot exchange rate percent returns (st ), the three demeaned percent monetary fundamentals specifications (MF1 , MF2 , MF3 ), and
the percent forward premium (FP). The data sample ranges from January 1976 through December 2004 for a sample size of 348 monthly observations. The exchange rates are defined as
US dollars per unit of foreign currency. For a detailed definition of the three monetary fundamentals specifications, see Section 2.1.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
Table 2
Posterior means for the UK pound sterling (USD/GBP)
Parameter RW MF1 MF2 MF3 FP
The table presents the Bayesian MCMC estimates of the posterior means of the linear regression,
GARCH(1,1), and SV model parameters for the USD/GBP monthly percent returns. The MCMC chain
run for 5000 iterations after an initial burn-in of 1000 iterations. The numbers in parentheses indicate the
numerical standard error (NSE). The superscripts *, **, and *** indicate that the 90%, 95%, and 99%
highest posterior density (HPD) regions, respectively, do not contain zero. The HPD region for each MCMC
parameter estimate is the shortest interval that contains 95% of the posterior distribution.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Table 3
Posterior means for the Deutsche mark/euro (USD/DEM-EURO)
Parameter RW MF1 MF2 MF3 FP
The table presents the Bayesian MCMC estimates of the posterior means of the linear regression,
GARCH(1,1), and SV model parameters for the USD/DEM-EURO monthly percent returns. The MCMC
chain run for 5000 iterations after an initial burn-in of 1000 iterations. The numbers in parentheses indicate
the numerical standard error (NSE). The superscripts *, **, and *** indicate that the 90%, 95%, and
99% highest posterior density (HPD) regions, respectively, do not contain zero. The HPD region for each
MCMC parameter estimate is the shortest interval that contains 95% of the posterior distribution.
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
Table 4
Posterior means for the Japanese yen (USD/JPY)
Parameter RW MF1 MF2 MF3 FP
The table presents the Bayesian MCMC estimates of the posterior means of the linear regression,
GARCH(1,1), and SV model parameters for the USD/JPY monthly percent returns. The MCMC chain
run for 5000 iterations after an initial burn-in of 1000 iterations. The numbers in parentheses indicate
the numerical standard error (NSE). The superscripts *, **, and *** indicate that the 90%, 95%, and
99% highest posterior density (HPD) regions, respectively, do not contain zero. The HPD region for each
MCMC parameter estimate is the shortest interval that contains 95% of the posterior distribution.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Table 5
The likelihood of the models
Model RW MF1 MF2 MF3 FP
The table reports the in-sample and out-of-sample log-likelihood values for the three FX rates (USD/GBP,
USD/DEM-EURO, and USD/JPY), five conditional mean specifications (RW, MF1 , MF2 , MF3 , and FP) and
three volatility frameworks (linear regression, GARCH, and stochastic volatility). The out-of-sample data runs
from January 1990 through December 2004.
single exception is the pound sterling for which RWSV is the best out-of-sample
model. Hence, in contrast to the likelihood evidence, the MF specifications lose
to RW even in-sample. In other words, the penalty the posterior probability im-
poses on the three monetary fundamentals models for lack of parsimony offsets
their log-likelihood advantage.
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
Table 6
The models with the highest posterior probability
Best Model Second Best Model Third Best Model
The table shows the three best models according to the highest in-sample and out-of-sample
posterior probability for the three FX rates (USD/GBP, USD/DEM-EURO, and USD/JPY). The
out-of-sample data runs from January 1990 through December 2004. Ranking the models using the
highest posterior probability is equivalent to choosing the best model in terms of density forecasts
and is a robust model selection criterion in the presence of misspecification and non-nested models.
At first sight, the poor performance of the GARCH model in terms of economic value appears rather surprising.
For instance, Fleming and Kirby (2003) find that SV models only marginally outperform GARCH models.
However, there is no study to date that assesses the economic value of GARCH and SV models, especially when
applied to exchange rates. Furthermore, the negative in-sample and out-of-sample performance fees of RWGARCH
are not far from zero.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Table 7
The economic value of the empirical exchange rate models
Panel A: In-sample performance for models versus RWLR
σ∗p 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
8 (%) −26 − −58 − −129 − −144 − −127 − −167 − 144 120 145 118
10 (%) −37 − −90 − −164 − −190 − −165 − −228 − 180 120 181 117
12 (%) −51 − −129 − −200 − −239 − −205 − −299 − 217 120 218 117
σ∗p 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
σ∗p 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
8 (%) 102 166 38 59 −55 − −91 − −79 − −144 − 203 136 166 108
10 (%) 118 151 15 18 −74 − −132 − −108 − −213 − 248 132 190 97
12 (%) 130 137 −21 − −95 − −180 − −142 − −296 − 291 129 206 87
σ∗p 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
σ∗p 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
σ∗p 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
σ∗p 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
Table 7
σ∗p 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
6 2 τBE
2 6 τBE
The table presents the in-sample and out-of-sample performance fees () and break-even transaction costs (τBE )
for selected models against the RWLR benchmark for three target portfolio volatilities (8%, 10% and 12%). Each
maximum return strategy builds an efficient portfolio by investing in the monthly return of four bonds from the
United States, UK, Germany, and Japan and using the three exchange rates to convert the portfolio return in US
dollars. The fees denote the amount an investor with quadratic utility and a degree of relative risk aversion equal
to either 2 or 6 is willing to pay for switching from RWLR to another model (such as FPSV ). The performance fee
is expressed in annual basis points. The transaction cost τBE is defined as the minimum monthly proportional
cost that cancels out the utility advantage (and hence positive performance fee) of a given strategy. The τBE
values are expressed in monthly basis points and are reported only when is positive. The in-sample period
starts in January 1979 and the out-of-sample data runs from January 1990 through December 2004.
the forward premium and stochastic volatility. This is a new and important
result, which adds to the existing literature that is anchored around the seminal
contribution of Meese and Rogoff (1983). Specifically, at σ∗p = 10% and δ = 2,
the annual performance fees for switching from RWLR to another model are
127 bps for RWSV and 266 bps for FPSV . We can therefore conclude that there is
substantial economic value both in-sample and out-of-sample against the naive
random walk model and in favor of conditioning on the forward premium with
stochastic volatility. This finding is in fact consistent with the large profits made
by financial institutions that engage in sophisticated multicurrency forward bias
strategies. For example, Galati and Melvin (2004) show that simple carry trades
aiming at exploiting the forward bias constitute a significant source of the surge
in FX trading in recent years.
In addition to the results associated with individual models, even stronger
economic evidence is found for the combined forecasts reported in Table 8,
which compares BMA and BW to the RWLR benchmark for two cases: (1) the
restricted universe of the five SV models (because the SV models generally
perform better), and (2) the unrestricted universe of all 15 models. A purely
agnostic approach to forecast combination would use the full set of 15 models
(case 2). The results in Table 8 provide robust evidence against the naive random
walk model as all performance fees based on the BMA and BW are positive
and high, both in-sample and out-of-sample. For example, when selecting
among the SV models and setting σ∗p = 10% and δ = 2, the annual in-sample
performance fee for switching away from the benchmark RWLR is 255 bps
for BMA and 235 bps for BW. The out-of-sample fees are even higher at 317
bps for BMA and 340 bps for BW. In short, therefore, there is clear in-sample
and out-of-sample economic evidence on the superiority of combined forecasts
relative to the naive random walk benchmark.
In conclusion, Figure 1 offers a visual description of the time variation in
the weights investing in the three risky assets: the UK, German, and Japanese
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Table 8
The economic value of combined forecasts
Panel A: In-sample performance
All Models (versus RWLR )
The table reports the in-sample and out-of-sample performance fees () and break-even transaction costs
(τBE ) for all maximum return strategies based on combined forecasts for three target portfolio volatilities
(8%, 10%, and 12%). BMA denotes Bayesian model average and BW is Bayesian winner. The combined
forecasts are shown for two cases: (1) the unrestricted universe of all 15 models, and (2) the restricted
universe of only the five stochastic volatility models. The fees denote the amount an investor with quadratic
utility and a degree of relative risk aversion equal to either 2 or 6 is willing to pay for switching from
the RWLR benchmark to the BMA or BW strategy. τBE is defined as the minimum monthly proportional
cost that cancels out the utility advantage (and hence positive performance fee) of a given strategy. The
transaction costs are only reported when is positive. The performance fees are expressed in annual basis
points, and the transaction costs in monthly basis points. The in-sample period starts in January 1979 and
the out-of-sample data runs from January 1990 through December 2004.
bonds. The figure displays the weights for four cases: the benchmark RWLR
model, the best performing individual model FPSV , the BMA, and the BW
combined forecast strategies. As expected, the weights are very smooth over
time for RWLR , and remain reasonably smooth for the FPSV model and the two
combined forecast strategies.18
However, the dynamic weights appear to be more volatile in the beginning of the sample before they stabilize.
We believe that the initial instability in the weights is due to the high exchange-rate volatility around the 1992
crisis of the Exchange Rate Mechanism that forced the UK to abandon the target zone system.
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
Table 9
Out-of-sample robustness
Panel A: Subsample analysis for selected models versus RWLR
(σ∗p = 10%, δ = 2)
The table provides an analysis of out-of-sample robustness for the performance fees () and
break-even transaction costs (τBE ) of selected models against the RWLR benchmark. Panel A
conducts a subsample analysis and panel B examines the performance of the tGARCH(1,1) model
with Student-t innovations. BMA denotes Bayesian model average and BW is Bayesian winner.
All maximum return strategies build an efficient portfolio by investing in the monthly return of
four bonds from the United States, UK, Germany, and Japan and using the three exchange rates to
convert the portfolio return in US dollars. The fees denote the amount an investor with quadratic
utility and a degree of relative risk aversion equal to 2 is willing to pay for switching from RWLR
to (say) FPSV . The target portfolio volatility in panel A is set at 10%. τBE is defined as the
minimum monthly proportional cost that cancels out the utility advantage (and hence positive
performance fee) of a given strategy. The transaction costs are only reported when is positive.
The performance fees are expressed in annual basis points, and the transaction costs in monthly
basis points. The combined forecasts are for the universe of all 15 models. The out-of-sample
period runs from January 1990 through December 2004.
subsamples. This is consistent with the well-known fact in the literature that the
forward bias is small in the early 1990s (e.g., Flood and Rose, 2002).19 For all
models, the best subsample period is 1995–1999. Furthermore, it is important
to note that the combined forecast strategies substantially outperform the ran-
dom walk benchmark in all three subsamples and display similar performance
fees to FPSV for the last two subsamples. However, for the first subsample when
the forward bias is small, the BMA and BW strategies significantly outperform
FPSV by optimally using predictive information from the entire universe of
models, including monetary fundamentals.
Second, our analysis of the conditional variance of exchange rate returns
includes the GARCH(1,1) specification because this is the benchmark model
in the seminal study of West, Edison, and Cho (1993). As a further robustness
check, we examine the out-of-sample performance of the tGARCH(1,1) model
of Bollerslev (1987) to determine whether departing from the assumption of
In a separate experiment, we start the out-of-sample exercise in 1985 and find significant economic value in the
forward premium and stochastic volatility for the 1985–1989 period. However, starting the out-of-sample period
in 1985 leaves too few in-sample observations for initial parameter estimation. Therefore, the tables present the
out-of-sample results for the period starting in 1990.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Table 10
Sharpe ratios for selected models
The table presents the in-sample and out-of-sample annualized Sharpe ratios for selected
models. BMA denotes Bayesian model average and BW is Bayesian winner. The Sharpe
ratios are adjusted for the serial correlation in the monthly portfolio returns generated by the
dynamic strategies (e.g., Lo, 2002). All maximum return strategies build an efficient portfolio
by investing in the monthly return of four bonds from the United States, UK, Germany, and
Japan and using the three exchange rates to convert the portfolio return in US dollars. The
maximum return strategies are evaluated at three target portfolio return volatilities: 8(%),
10(%), and 12(%). The in-sample period starts in January 1979 and the out-of-sample data
runs from January 1990 through December 2004.
In estimating the tGARCH model, we implement an algorithm similar to the GARCH case as described in the
Appendix, with an additional Metropolis-Hastings step for sampling the degrees of freedom parameter ν.
Note that the degrees of freedom parameter estimate revolves around ν = 10 for the UK pound sterling, ν = 25
for the Deutsche mark/euro, and ν = 7 for the Japanese yen (not reported). This indicates that the unconditional
distribution of exchange rate returns is not normal, especially for the UK pound sterling and the Japanese yen.
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
7. Conclusion
This paper draws from three separate yet related strands of international finance
literature. A large body of empirical research finds that models that condition on
monetary fundamentals cannot outperform the naive random walk model in out-
of-sample forecasting of exchange rates. Despite the increasing sophistication
of the econometric techniques implemented and the improving quality of the
data sets utilized, evidence of exchange rate predictability remains elusive. A
second and related research strand indicates that the rejection of the risk-neutral
FX efficient market hypothesis implies that exchange rate movements can be
predicted using information contained in forward premiums. Finally, financial
economists agree that exchange rate volatility is predictable by specifying either
GARCH or stochastic volatility innovations.
Prior research in this area has largely relied on standard statistical measures
of forecast accuracy. In this paper, we complement this approach in two critical
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
Economic Evaluation of Empirical Exchange Rate Models
ν 2s −2
3. Sample θ2 from θ2 | s, θ1 ∼ Gamma 2, ν , where ν= T +ν and s2 =
(s−X θ1 ) (s−X θ
1 )+νs 2
ν .
4. Go to Step 2 and iterate 100, 000 times beyond a burn-in of 20, 000 iterations.
The Review of Financial Studies / v 22 n 9 2009
algorithm designed for efficient sampling of the state vector in a state-space model. See also
Carter and Kohn (1994).
4. Sample all the conditional mean coefficients θ1 from θ1 | s, h using a precision-weighted
average of a set of normal priors
and the normal likelihood
conditional on h. Then update the
Pr mxt | st∗ , h t ∝ Pr (mxt ) f N st∗ | h t + m mxt , υ2mxt , t≤T
where m mxt , υ2mxt are the means and variances of the seven-component mixture of normal
densities that are used to approximate the log χ2 (1) distribution (see Kim, Shephard, and
Chib, 1998).
6. Go to Step 2 and iterate 5000 times beyond a burn-in of 1000 iterations.
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