Sec-II Aggregate

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INTRODUCTION: Aggregate is natural occurring or crushed granular material such as

gravel, crushed stone or iron blast-furnace slag, used with a cementing medium (i.e bitumen or
portland cement) to form compound materials such as asphalt concrete and portland cement

Aggregate can be classified on the basis of

 Size

On the basis of size aggregates can be classifies as

Coarse Aggregates:

The fraction size retained on the 4.75-mm (No.4)

sieve are known as Coarse Aggregates.

Fine Aggregates:

The fraction size passing the 9.5 mm sieve and

almost entirely passing the 4.75 mm (no.4) and
retained on the 75-um (No.200) sieve are known
as Fine Aggregates.

Physical Properties of Aggregates:

When aggregate is used as a construction material, it is subjected to different chemical,

hardness and toughness condition. To evaluate its different physical proportion, following tests
are performed :-

a. Hardness
b. Soundness
c. Water absorption
d. Particle shape and surface texture
e. Toughness
f. Abrasion

Aggregate Sources

Aggregates may be obtained from either natural or manufactured sources. Natural aggregates
produced by disintegration of rocks e.g Sedimentary rocks,
igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks.

Manufactured source consists of industrial byproducts such

as slag or specially rock that is produced to have a
particular physical characteristics not found in natural rock.

Types of Aggregate
 Natural Aggregates: Aggregates that
rounded to sub rounded or elliptical in
shape are known as natural aggregate.

 Crushed Aggregates: Material having

crushed faces and from irregular in shape.

(ASTM: C 136)
INTRODUCTION: This test method is used to determine the grading of materials proposed
for use as aggregates. The results are compared with applicable specification requirements and
provide necessary data for control of the production of various aggregate products and
mixtures containing aggregates. The gradation data may be used to calculate relationships
between various aggregate or aggregate blends, to check compliance with such blends, and to
predict trends during production by plotting gradation curves graphically.

DEFINITION: Determination of percent mass of particles by sizes to the total mass of

specimen by using different sizes of sieves is known as sieve analysis.

 Oven For drying sample
 Balance
 Sieves
 Sieve shaker

 Mix the sample of aggregate thoroughly.
 Quarter the sample by quartering machine and reduce it to desired suitable amount
required for test.
 Take minimum 300 gm sample for fine aggregate and for coarse aggregate as given
in below table.

Maximum sieve size (in) Minimum Mass of sample (kg)

3/8˝ 1
½˝ 2
¾˝ 5
1˝ 10
1½˝ 15
2” 20
2½˝ 35
3” 60

 Wash the sample for determine the percent mass of particles finer than #200 sieve.
 Weight and record the mass of sample coarser than #200 sieve after drying in oven at a
constant temperature of 110 ± 5 C˚.
 Select sieves with suitable openings to furnish the information required by the
specifications covering the material to be tested.
 Sieves are arranged in the descending order of their sizes with a pan at bottom.

 The sieving operation shall be conducted by lateral and vertical motion of the sieves
so as to keep the sample moving continuously over the sieve surface.
 The soil particles shall not be turned or manipulated through the sieves by hand.
 Sieving shall be continued until not more than one percent by mass of the residue
passes any sieve during 60 seconds.
 Remove the sieves from the sieve shaker and record the mass of the soil retained on
each sieve.
 Remove the particles sticking to the sieve mesh and should be included to the mass
 Tabulate the data and calculate the percentage passing as shown in the following
 Gradation of sieve pass and retain materials conduct separately and in final
compile the result with respect to the total material.

Mass% passing #200 sieve =
[(Mass of sample before washing – mass of sample after washing)/mass of sample before washing] x100

Retained mass % = (Retained mass / Total sample mass) x 100

Cumulative retain mass% = Retain mass of first + retain mass of second
Passing % = 100 – Cumulative retain mass %
Total dry mass of sample (gm) =
Total mass passing of sieve #4 (gm) =
Dry mass Before Washing: (gm) =
Dry mass After Washing: (gm) =
Mass passing no 200 after sieving (gm) =
Mass passing no 200 washed. (gm) =
Total mass passing no 200 sieve. (gm) =
Note:- Procedure, calculation process and graph preparation is same as used in sieve analysis
of soil.

(BS: 812)

INTRODUCTION: The aggregate crushing value gives a relative measure of the resistance
of an aggregate crushing under gradually applied compressive load. Good quality aggregates
should have comparatively crushing value.
DEFINITION: The aggregate crushing value is the mass of crushed finer material than 2.36
mm (ASTM sieve# 8) expressed as a percentage of the test sample of aggregate passing the
13.2 mm (1/2") and retained on the 9.50 mm (3/8”) sieve. When a sample is crushing under a
gradually applied compressive load of 400 KN (40800 kgf).

 Open ended steel cylinder of 150 mm
diameter with plunger and base plate.
 Tamping rod 16mm diameter, 450 to
600 mm long.
 Balance.
 Sieve ½ inch (13.2mm), 3/8 inch
(9.5mm) and 8 no. (2.36mm) opening.
 Compression testing machine.
 Measuring cylinder 115mm diameter and 180mm deep.
 Take sufficient quantity of sample passing 13.2mm and retained on 9.5mm sieve.
 Dry the sample for at least 4 hours at the constant temperature 110 ± 5 ˚C.
 Fill the cylinder with sample in three equal layers and tamp 25 stroke each by tamping
 Level the top of cylinder with the help of temping rod.
 Place the apparatus between bearing platen of the compression testing machine and
apply the load (at a uniform rate) that the load reach in 10 min is 400 KN.
 Release the load when 400 KN reached.
 Remove all the material from the cylinder and sieve through no.8 (2.36mm) sieve.
 Determine the mass of the portion that passed through the sieve and express this mass
as a percentage of the initial mass of the specimen.
Crushing Value = (mass of fraction of passing no 8 sieve/) Total mass of aggregate) x 100

(BS: 812)
INTRODUCTION: Toughness is the property of a material to resist impact. Due to traffic
loads, the road stones are subjected to the pounding action or impact and there is possibility of
stones breaking into small pieces. The road stones should therefore be tough enough to resist
future under impact. The test designed to evaluate the toughness of stones is called impact
value test. The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an
aggregate to sudden shock or impact, which in some aggregates differs from its resistance to a
slow compressive load.
 Cylindrical steel cup, 4 inch dia & 2 inch
 Metal tup or hammer of 30 to 31 lbs
 Impact test machine
 Sieves (1/2 in, 3/8 in and No.7)
 Cylinder metal measure, 3 inch diameter &
2 inch depth
 Straight metal tamping rod rounded from
one end (3/8 inch diameter & 9 inch length)
 Balance (min capacity 500g)
 Oven
 The test sample is consists of aggregate, the whole of
which passes ½ inch sieve and is retained on a 3/8 in
test sieve.
 Dry the sample in oven for the period of four hour
at a temperature of 100 ± 5˚C and cool.
 Then cylindrical metal measure completely filled
with the aggregate in three equal layers and tamped
each layer with 25 strokes of the rounded end of the
tamping rod.
 The surplus aggregate struck off, using the tamping
rod as a straight-edge.
 Determine the net weight of aggregate in the cylindrical metal measure A.
 The impact value machine rest without wedging or packing upon the level plate,
block or floor, so that it is rigid and the hammer guide columns are vertical.

 Fix the cup firmly in position on the base of the machine, the whole of the test sample
place in it and compacted by a single tamping of 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
 Raise the hammer up to 15 inch above from the upper surface of aggregate and allow to
fall freely on to the aggregate.
 Apply 15 blows on the aggregate in such a manner, each being delivered at an interval
of not less than one second.
 Remove the whole aggregate from the cup and sieved it on sieve no.7.
 Now weigh the passing fraction (B) and retaining fraction (C) from sieve no.7.
 If the sum of both fractions weight (B+C) is less than initial weight (A) by more than
1gm, the result shall be discarded and repeat the whole procedure.
 Then calculate the aggregate impact value.
 Take at least two reading for each sample.

Aggregate impact value = (Mass of fraction passing no.7 sieve / total mass of sample) x 100

S/No Oven dried sample Passing mass of Retained mass Impact value Avg. Impact
no.7 sieve of no.7 sieve value

(ASTM: C88)

INTRODUCTION: This method covers the testing of aggregates to estimate their soundness
when subjected to weathering action in concrete or other applications.

DEFINITION: It is the measure of loss in mass of a particular sieve size material expressed
as a %age of corresponding sieve size tool material determined after 5 cycle soaking period in
reaction standard chemicals.

 Oven For drying sample
 Balance
 Specific gravity Measurement
 Container
 Temperature regulation
 Sieves
 Chemicals (Na2SO4 / MgSO4, BaCl2)
Solution preparation
 Prepare a saturated solution sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) or Magnesium sulfate (Mg SO4)
by dissolving a salt in water at temperature of 25 to 30˚C.
 Add sufficient salt to ensure not only saturation but also the presence of crystals when
the solution is ready for use in the test.
 Thoroughly stir the mixture during the addition of the salt and stir the solution at
frequent intervals until used.
 To reduce the evaporation and prevent contamination keep the solution covered all the
time when access is not needed.
 Allow the solution to cool at 21± 1˚C.
 Again stir, and allow the solution to remain at the designated temperature for at least
48h before use.
 Prior to each use, break up the salt cake, if any, in the container, stir the solution
 Determine the specific gravity of the solution. When used, the solution shall have
specific gravity not less than 1.151 nor more than 1.174 for Na2SO4 and not less than
1.295 nor more than 1.308 for MgSO4.
 Discard a discolored solution or filter it and check for specific gravity.

Test: Prepare the sample fraction as per given table
(Coarse Aggregate)

Size of Aggregate
Mass of Total Mass of Sieve used to
(Sieves sizes)
Passing Retained Specimen Specimen Determine Loss
2½˝ 2˝ 3000 ± 300
5000 ± 300 1¼˝
2˝ 1½˝ 2000 ± 200
1½˝ 1˝ 1000 ± 50
1500 ± 50 3/8˝
1˝ 3/4˝ 500 ± 30
3/4˝ 1/2˝ 670 ± 10
1000 ± 10 3/16˝
1/2˝ 3/8˝ 330 ± 5
3/8˝ No. 4 300 ± 5 300 ± 5 No. 5

(Fine Aggregate)

Size of Aggregate (Sieves sizes) Total weight of Sieve used to

Passing Retained Specimen Determine Loss
No. 4 No. 8 100 No. 8
No. 8 No. 16 100 No. 16
No. 16 No. 30 100 No. 30
No. 30 No. 50 100 No.50

 Coarse aggregate for the test shall consist of material from which the sizes finer than
the No.4 sieve have been removed and separate the aggregate according to the
 Fine aggregate for the test shall be passed through a 3/8˝ sieve and separate aggregate
against each sieve up to 100gm.
 Thoroughly wash the sample of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate on sieve no.50 and
no.4 respectively and dry to constant weight at 110+5˚C.
 Immerse the samples in the prepared solution of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate
for not less than 16hr nor more than 18hr in such a manner that the solution covers
them to a depth of at least ½ inch.
 Cover the containers to reduce evaporation and prevent the accidental addition of
extraneous substances.
 Maintain the sample immersed in the solution at a temperature of 21+1˚C for the
immersion period.
 After immersion period, remove the aggregate sample from the solution.
 Permit it to drain for 15+5min and place in the drying oven.
 Dry the sample at 110+5˚C until constant weight has been achieved.
 After the constant weight achieved allow the sample to cool at room temperature.
 After cooling again sample is immersed in a fresh prepared solution.
 Repeat the process of alternate immersion and drying until the five number of cycle is
 After the completion of the final cycle and after the sample has cooled, wash the
sample with barium chloride and water at 43+6˚C.
 This may be done by placing them in a tank into which the hot water can be introduced
near the bottom and allowed to over flow.
 After the removal of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate, dry each fraction of the
sample at 110+5˚C.
 Sieve the fine aggregate over the same sieve on which it was retained before test and
sieve the coarse aggregate over the sieve shown in the table against each fraction for
the appropriate size of particle.
 Weigh the material retained on each sieve and record each amount.
 The difference between each amounts and the initial weight of the fraction of the
sample tested is the loss in the test and is to be expressed as a percentage of the initial
Soundness of aggregate = [(Initial mass – retained mass) / Initial mass] x 100

Sieve Sizes Initial Final Soundness of

For initial mass For final mass mass retained aggregate %
Passed Retained Loss determination mass

(ASTM: C131)

INTRODUCTION: The Los Angeles Abrasion Test is a measure of degradation of mineral

aggregates of standard sizes resulting from a combination of action including abrasion and
grinding in a rotating steel drum containing a specified number of steel balls. The number of
steel balls charges depend upon the amount and grading of test sample. As the drum rotates, a
self-plate picks up the sample and the steel balls, carrying them until they are dropped to the
opposite site of the drum creating an impact and crushing effect. The content then roll within
the drum with an abrasion and grinding action until the self-plate impacts and the cycle is
repeated. After the prescribed number of revolutions, the contents are removed from the drum
and the aggregate portion is sieved to measure the degradation as percent loss. This test method
covers to determine the abrasion value of aggregate up to 1˝ size.
DEFINITION: It is the measure of loss in mass due to abrasion % by weight of total material
under specified condition of ball mass and size and number of revolutions.
 Oven For drying sample
 Balance
 Sieves
 Los Angeles Machine
 Charges with respect to grade

(Steel ball bearings 11316 (46mm)

and 1 7 8  (47.6mm) in diameter,

Weigh approx. 400 and 440 gm
each respectively.)

Grading Charges mass of Charge, gm

A 12 5000 + 25
B 11 4,584 + 25
C 8 3,330 + 20
D 6 2,500 + 15

 Wash the test sample and dry it at the controlled temperature of 110 + 5˚C in the oven
 Separated into individual size fractions, and recombined to the grading as given below.

Sieve Sizes Mass of Indicated sizes,
Passing Retained A B C D
1½˝ 1˝ 1250 ± 10
1˝ 3/4˝ 1250 ± 10
3/4˝ 1/2˝ 1250 ± 10 2500 ± 10
1/2˝ 3/8˝ 1250 ± 10 2500 ± 10
3/8˝ 1/4˝ 2500 ± 10
1/4˝ No. 4 2500 ± 10
No. 4 No. 8 5000 ± 10
Total 5000 ± 10 5000 ± 10 5000 ± 10 5000 ± 10

 Place the test sample and the charge according to the grade in the Los Angeles
 Rotate the machine at a speed of 30 to 33rpm for 500 revolutions.
 After the prescribed number of revolutions, discharge the material from the machine.
 Make a preliminary separation of the sample on a sieve coarser than the 1.7mm
 Sieve the finer portion on a sieve in a manner conforming to sieve analysis of
fine and coarse aggregate.
 Wash the material coarser than the sieve No.12.
 Oven dries at 110 ± 5˚C to substantially constant mass.
 Weigh the retained specimen on sieve no.12 after drying and record the mass.
 Subtracting final mass from original mass of test sample.
 Calculate the loss as a percentage of the original mass of the test sample.
Loss in mass = Initial mass – final mass of coarser fraction retained on sieve no.12
Loss % (L.A) = (Loss in mass / Initial mass) x 100
Trail 1 2 3
Total dry mass of sample (gm)
Final mass after drying (gm)
Loss in mass (gm)
Loss or Abrasion value (%)
Avg. Loss (%)

(BS: 812)
INTRODUCTION: This method covers the determination of shape of coarse aggregate by the
percentage of flaky and elongated particles contained in it.
Flakiness Index
Flakiness index is the percentage by mass of particles whose greatest dimension is greater than
0.6 time their mean dimension.
Elongation Index
The elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage by mass of particles whose greatest
dimension is greater than 1.8 times their mean dimension.
 Standard thickness gauge

 Standard length gauge

 Oven
 Balance
 Sieves (63, 50, 40, 31.5, 25, 20,16, 12.5, 10 and 6.3mm)

 The quantity of aggregate is taken sufficient to provide a minimum number of 200
pieces of any fraction to be tested.
 Wash the sample on sieve no.4 with clean water.
 Dry the sample in oven at 110 ± 5˚C for constant weight and cool.
 Now sieve the sample with the sieves as mentioned in table.
Dimensions of Thickness & Elongation Gauges

Size Of Aggregate
Passing sieve in Retained sieve in Thickness gauge (0.6 Length gauge (1.8 time the
time the mean sieve) mm mean sieve size) mm
(mm) (inch) (mm) (inch)
63 2½ 50 2 33.9 -
50 2 40 1½ 27 81
40 1½ 25 1 19.5 58.5
31.5 1¼ 25 1 16.95 -
25 1 20 3/4 13.5 40.5
20 3/4 16 5/8 10.8 32.4
16 5/8 12.5 1/2 8.55 25.6
12.5 1/2 10 3/8 6.75 20.2
10 3/8 6.3 1/4 4.89 14.7

 A minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction is taken for test and weigh it, note as M1
 Each fraction is gauged individually for length and thickness on a metal length gauge
and thickness gauge respectively.
 The gauge length and gauge thickness are specified in the „thickness gauge‟ and
„length gauge‟ columns respectively on above table for the appropriate size of
 The specimen which could not pass through the specified gauge length with its long
side are collected separately to find the total mass of aggregate retained on the length
gauge from each fraction.
 Now weigh the retained material on a length gauge of a test sample. Note as M2 (gm).
 Now recombine the sample of same fraction and pass through the specified gauge
thickness, collect all retained aggregate.
 Similarly weigh the passing material on a thickness gauge of a test sample. Note as
M3 (gm).
 Now calculate the elongation and flakiness index from M2 and M3 respectively in
percentage with respect to original fractional mass M1.

Elongation Index % = [(M2) mass retained on length gauge / (M1) total fraction mass] x 100
Flakiness Index % = [(M3) mass retained on passing gauge / (M1) total fraction mass] x 100

Fraction Total Mass passing Mass Rtd on

Flakiness Elongation
mass on Flakiness Elongation gauge
Retained Passing Index % Index %
[M1(gm)] gauge M3 (gm) M2(gm)

(ASTM: C127)

INTRODUCTION: Specific gravity is used for calculation of the volume occupied by the
aggregate in various mixtures containing aggregate, cement concrete, bituminous concrete and
other mixtures that are analyzed on an absolute volume basis.
Specific Gravity: The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a material to the mass of the same
volume of water displaced by it at stated temperatures. Specific gravity has no unit.
Bulk Specific Gravity: The ratio of the weight in air of a unit volume of aggregate at a stated
temperature to the weight in air of an equal volume of gas free distilled water at the stated
Bulk Specific Gravity (S.S.D): The ratio of the weight in air of a unit volume of aggregate,
including the weight of water within the voids filled to the extent achieved by submerging in
water for approx. 15hrs at the stated
temperature, compared to the weight in air of an
equal volume of gas free distilled water at a stated
Apparent Specific Gravity: The ratio of the
weight in air of a unit volume of the impermeable
portion of aggregate at a stated temperature to the
weight in air of an equal volume of gas free
distilled water at a stated temperature.
 Balance
 Specific gravity bucket
 Water container
 Sieves

 Take the test sample as given in below.

Nominal max. size 2½˝ 2˝ 1½˝ 1˝ 3/4˝ 1/2˝ or less

Min. mass test sample (Kg) 12 8 5 4 3 2

 Dry the test sample to constant mass at a temperature of 110+5˚C.

 Cool in air at room temperature for 1 to 3hrs until the aggregate has cooled to a
temperature that is comfortable to handle.

 Subsequently immerse the aggregate in water at room temperature for the period of
24±4 hours.
 Remove the test sample from the water and roll it in a large absorbent cloth until all
visible films of water are removed.
 Wipe the larger particles individually.
 A moving stream of air may be used to assist in drying operation.
 Take care to avoid evaporation of water from aggregate pores during the operation of
surface drying.
 Weigh the test sample and determine the mass in saturated surface-dry condition
 Record this and all subsequent masses to the nearest to 0.5 or 0.05% of the sample
mass, whichever is greater.
 After weighing, immediately place the saturated surface dry test sample in the sample
 Determine the mass in water at 23+2ºC having a density of 997+2kg/m3. (Remove all
entrapped air before weighing by shaking the container while immersed).
 Dry the test sample to constant mass at the temperature of 110+5ºC, cool in air at
room temperature 1 to 3hrs until the aggregate has cooled to the room temperature
that is comfortable to handle and determine the mass.
Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity Oven Dry (OD) = A / (B – C)
A = mass of oven-dry test sample in air, g,
B = mass of saturated-surface-dry test sample in air, gm, and
C = apparent mass of saturated test sample in water, gm.
Specific Gravity Surface Saturated (SSD) = B / (B – C)
Apparent Specific Gravity = A / (A – C)

Density (OD), kg/m3, = 997.5 x A / (B – C)
Density (OD), lb/ft3, = 62.27 x A / (B – C)
Density (SSD), kg/m3, = 997.5 x B / (B – C)
Density (SSD), lb/ft3, = 62.27 x B / (B – C)
Apparent density, kg/m3 = 997.5 x A / (A – C)
Apparent density, lb/ft3 = 62.27 x A / (A – C)

Average Density and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) Values
G = 1 / [(P1/100G1) + (P2/100G2) + ……. (Pn/100Gn)
G = average density or relative density (specific gravity). All forms of expression of
density or relative density (specific gravity) can be averaged in this manner,
G1, G2... Gn = appropriate average density or relative density (specific gravity) values
for each size fraction depending on the type of density or relative density (specific
gravity) being averaged,
P1, P2, ... Pn = mass percentages of each size fraction present in the original sample (not
including finer material).
Absorption, % = [(B – A)/A] x 100
Average Absorption Value
When the sample is tested in separate size fractions, the average absorption value is
calculated as follows:
A = (P1A1) / 100 + (P2A2 / 100) + ... (PnAn / 100)
A = average absorption, %,
A1, A2... An = absorption percentages for each size fraction,
P1, P2, .... Pn = mass percentages of each size fraction present in the original sample.


Trial no. 1 2

Mass of Bucket in air (gm)

Mass of Bucket +S.S.D
aggregate in air (gm)
Mass of S.S.D aggregate in air
Mass of Bucket in water (gm)
Mass of Bucket +S.S.D
aggregate in water (gm)
Mass of S.S.D aggregate in
water (gm)
Mass of bucket + oven dry
aggregate in air (gm)
Mass of oven dry aggregate in
air (gm)
Bulk specific gravity (SSD)
Oven dry specific gravity (OD)
Apparent specific gravity

(ASTM: C128)

INTRODUCTION: This method is used for the determination of bulk and apparent specific
gravity, and absorption of fine aggregate. The bulk specific gravity is the characteristic
generally used for calculation of aggregate displacement in Portland cement concrete, volume
occupied by the aggregate in various mixtures.

Specific Gravity: The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a material to the mass of same
volume of water at stated temperatures.
Bulk specific gravity: The ratio of the mass in air of a unit volume of aggregate including
the permeable and impermeable void in particles but not include the voids between particles at
a stated temperature to the mass in air of an equal volume of distilled water at stated
Bulk specific gravity (S.S.D): The ratio of the mass in air of a unit volume of aggregate,
including the mass of water with in the voids filled to the extent achieved by submerging in
water for approx. 15h but not include the void between the particles at a stated temperature,
compared to the mass in air of an equal volume of distilled water at stated temperature.
Apparent specific gravity: The ratio of the mass in air of a unit volume of the impermeable
portion of aggregate at a stated temperature to the mass in air of an equal volume of distilled
water at a stated temperature.
Absorption: The increase in mass of aggregate due to water in the pores of the material, but
not including water adhering to the outside surface of the particles, expressed as a percentage
of the dry mass. The aggregate is considered “dry” when it has been maintained at a
temperature of 110+5˚C for sufficient time to remove at uncombined water.
 Pycnometer
 Balance
 Mold (like frustum cone)
Inside dia of top = 40 + 3 mm
Inside dia of bottom = 90 + 3 mm
Height of mold = 75 + 3 mm
 Tamper
Weight = 340 + 15 gm
Flat tamping face dia = 25 + 3 mm

Sample Preparation
 Obtain approx. 1kg of the fine aggregate from sample by quartering method.
 Dry it in a suitable pan or vessel to constant mass at a temperature of 110+5˚C.
 Allow it to cool to comfortable handling temperature, cover with water, either by
immersion or by the addition of at least 6 percent moisture to the fine aggregate and
permit to stand for 24±4 hours.
 Add sufficient quantity of water with care to avoid loss of fines particles.
 Spread the sample on a flat non-absorbent surface exposed to a gentle moving current
of warm air and stir frequently to secure homogeneous drying.
 Continue this operation until the test specimen approaches a free flowing condition.
 Determine the surface moisture by cone test.
 It is intended that first trail of the cone test will be made with some surface water in the
 Continue drying with constant stirring and test at frequent interval until the test
indicates that the specimens has reached a surface dry condition.
 If the first trail indicates that the surface moisture is not present on the surface, mix few
milliliter of water with fine aggregate and permit the specimen to stand in a cover
container for 30 min.
 Resume the process of drying and testing at frequent intervals for the onset of the
surface dry condition.
Cone Test For Surface Moisture
 Hold the mold firmly on smooth & non absorbent surface with the large diameter
 Place a portion of the partially dried fine aggregate loosely in the mold by filling it to
overflowing and heaping additional material above the top of the mold by holding it.
 Lightly tamp the fine aggregate into the mold with 25 light drops of the tamper. Each
drop should start about 5mm (0.2in) from the top of the surface of aggregate.
 Permit the tamper to fall freely under gravitational attraction on each drop.
 Remove loose sand from the base and lift the mold vertically.
 If the surface moisture is still present, the fine aggregate will retain the molded shape.
 When the fine aggregate slump slightly it indicates that it has reached a surface dry
 Some angular fine aggregate or material with a high proportion of fines may not slump
in the cone test upon reaching surface dry condition. This may be the case if fines
become air borne upon dropping a handful of the sand from the test 100 to 150 mm
onto a surface.
 For these materials the saturated surface dry condition should be considered as the
point that one side of the fine aggregate slumps slightly upon removing the mold.
Pycnometer procedure
 Partially fill the pycnometer with water.
 Immediately introduce into the pycnometer approx. 500±10 gm of saturated surface dry
fine aggregate prepared as described above.
 Fill with additional water to approx. 90 percent of capacity.
 Roll, invert, and agitate the pycnometer to eliminate all air bubbles.
 Adjust the temperature of pycnimeter and its content to 23 + 2°C, if necessary by
immersion in circulating water, and bring the water level in pycnometer to its
calibrating capacity.
 Determine the total mass of pycnometer, water and specimen.
 Remove the fine aggregate from the pycnometer and dry it in the oven to constant mass
at a temperature of 110 ± 5 °C.
 After drying, cool in air at room temperature for 1 ± 1⁄2 hour, and determine the mass.
 Fill the pycnometer to its calibrating capacity with water at 23 ± 2°C and determine the
 Dry it in oven at a constant temperature of 110±5°C and record the dry mass.

Specific Gravity Oven dry (OD)
Pycnometer Procedure
Specific Gravity (OD) = A / (B + S – C)
Specific Gravity (SSD) = S / (B + S – C)
Apparent Specific Gravity = A / (B + A – C)
Density, Oven dry (OD)
A = mass of oven dry specimen, gm
B = mass of pycnometer filled with water, to calibration mark, gm
C = mass of pycnometer filled with specimen and water to calibration mark, gm
S = mass of saturated surface-dry specimen (used in the gravimetric procedure for density and

(ASTM: C29)

INTRODUCTION: This test method is used for the determination of bulk density (unit
weight) of aggregate in a compacted or loose condition, and to calculate voids between
particles in fine, coarse, or mixed aggregates. This test method is applicable to aggregates not
exceeding 5 inch (125 mm) in nominal maximum size.

DEFINITION: The bulk density (unit weight) is the weight per unit volume of a material. The
symbol of specific weight is γ (the Greek letter Gamma).
 Balance
 Tamping rod, 5/8 inch diameter and 24 inch length.
 Measuring cylinder
 Scoop
 Calibration equipment
 Take the sample approximately 125 to 200% of the quantity required to fill the
 Dry the sample to constant mass in an oven at 110±5˚C.
 Fill the measure with water at room temperature and eliminate bubbles and excess
water by covering with a piece of glass plate.
 Determine the mass of the water in the measure.
 Measure the temperature of the water and determine the density of water as given
below table.
Temperature Density
˚C o
F lbs/ft3 Kg/m3
15.6 60 62.366 999.01
18.3 64.94 62.336 998.54
21.1 70 62.301 997.97
23 73.4 62.274 997.54
23.9 75 62.261 997.32
26.7 80 62.216 996.59
29.4 84.92 62.166 995.83

 Calculate the volume „V‟ of measuring cylinder by dividing mass of water required to
fill measure by its density.
 Fill the measure in three equal layers and tamp 25 stroke each layer with tamping rod if
the aggregate have nominal maximum size 1 ½ inch or less.
 If the nominal maximum size more than 1 ½ inch, fill the measure in three equal layers
and compact each by dropping measure 50 times, 25 times each side by raising about 2
inch above.
 Level the top surface with fingers or straight edge.
 Determine the mass of measure cylinder + aggregate and record.
Calculate the bulk density
M = Bulk density = Mass of aggregate required to fill cylinder / volume of measuring cylinder
Calculate the bulk density surface saturated (SSD) if desired
MSSD = Bulk density (SSD) = Bulk density [1 + (Absorption% / 100)]
Calculate the void content
% void = [(S x W) – M]/(S x W)
M = bulk density of the aggregate.
S = specific gravity (dry basis), and
W = density of water.

(BS: 812)

INTRODUCTION: This test is similar in procedure to crushing value test to some extent.
Instead of using a standard force of 400kN, the force at which 10% of fines is produced is
noted as the Ten Percent Fines Value. This usually requires a number of tests and a graph to
establish the exact figure. This test tends to be used for softer aggregate where a force of
400kN would crush most or all of the aggregate.

 Open Ended Cylinder 150mm internal diameter
 Base plate and plunger
 Measuring cylinder of 115mm internal diameter and 180mm depth
 Tamping Road, 16mm diameter 600mm long
 Rubber mallet
 Balance
 Trays
 Stop watch
 Sieves 14.0mm, 10mm and 2.36mm
 Compression Testing Machine
 Oven


 Take the sample fraction passing through 14mm and retained on 10mm sieve (Sample
must be in surface dry condition).
 Fill the metal measure in three layers rodding each layer 25 times with the tamping rod
from a height of approximately 50mm above each layer surface.
 Level the top using tamping rod as straight edge.
 Place the sample aggregate in tray and place it in an oven for 4 hours at 110±5˚C
temperature (Make at least 4 samples).
 After 4 hours put out the sample from oven and allowed to cool.
 Weigh the aggregate and record the mass.
 Place the test cylinder on clean base plate.
 Fill the test cylinder in three layers rodding each layer 25 times with the tamping rod
from a height of approximately 50mm above each layer surface and level the top.

 Place the apparatus between the platens of the compression testing machine and the
load applied at as uniform a rate as possible for 10 min + 30 secs until the full
penetration (as given below) for that sample has been achieved.
(a) 15mm for crushed gravel or other partly rounded aggregate
(b) 20mm for normal angular crushed aggregate
(c) 25mm for slags and other honeycombed aggregate.
 Record the maximum force applied to produce the required penetration and release the
force from the apparatus and remove from the compression machine.
 Remove the aggregate from cylinder and weigh the crushed aggregate and record mass
of crushed aggregate.
 Sieve the sample through 2.36mm sieve and record the passing and retained fraction.
 If the total mass of sample aggregate and sum of fraction passing and retained on
2.36mm sieve differ more than 10gm discard the result and repeat whole test.
 Calculate the percentage passing fraction of 2.36mm sieve to total sample of aggregate.
 Percentage passing fraction of 2.36mm sieve should be between 7.5 to 12.5 percent, If
it does not fall between this range, then a second test will be performed making an
adjustment to the maximum test load applied with the following formula:-
X = [Force to produce 10% Fines x (y + 4)] / 14
X = maximum force (kN)
Y = percentage fine produced from the test at load x kN.
 Once a figure has been obtained that falls between the required ranges, a further test
will be performed at the maximum load thereby determined.
 The percentage fines from these two tests at the maximum load will be used in the
following formula to calculate the load required to produce 10% fines.
 Force required to produce 10% fines = (14 x X) / (y + 4)


10% fines = (14 x X) / (Y + 4)

X = maximum force (kN)
Y = percentage fine produced from the test at load x kN.


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