Formulating Hypothesis - stating the expected APPLY the science concepts in similar related
outcome of an experiment. It is an intelligent situations
guess of what will happened in an experiment.
• Use of Discrepant Event (POE-E)
Controlling Variables - being able to identify
Prediction-What do you think will happen?
variables that can affect an experimental
outcome, keeping most constant while Observe-What did you observe
manipulating only the independent variable.
Explore Find solution to the problem
Defining operationally - making a definition
Explain Describe what you think happened in
that is specifically applicable to the activity or
words and pictures
how it shall be done. It is a description of what
will happen or how it will affect the operation.
Experimenting - Having learned the basic
science skills, how to formulate hypothesis and (GROUP 2)
control variables, the experimental/manipulated
variable will be tested.
Interpreting data - A data is an information
derived from the results of the experiment. A. STATES OF MATTER: SOLID, LIQUID,
Formulating Models - With the use of the
different processes of science, a model can be All objects on earth can be classified in one of
made. Models are either mental or physical three physical forms or states such as solid,
model of processes or events. liquid and gas.
• Higher Order Thinking Skills Solid is a state of matter that has definite shape
and definite volume. It keeps its own size. Some
Critical Thinking common examples are marbles, ping-pong ball,
Creative thinking marble, sponge, rock, empty bottle, bag, pen,
book, jewelries, and many others.
Liquid is a state of matter that keeps its size but Decomposition is a property of materials to
takes the shape of its container. A liquid can also break down into simpler or smaller forms of
flow as it is transferred or poured from one matter. Take the case of ripe fruits like banana
container to another. Juice, water, our body's which easily decays after a few days. The
sweat, milk, rubbing alcohol, and cola drinks are organic matter in these parts of the plant is
common examples of a liquid. returned to the ground and becomes part of the
soil. All materials that decay is also referred to
Gas is a state of matter that can freely change
as biodegradable. All living things decay, but
its shape and size. It spreads out to fill its
not in the same manner.
container. Gases flow like liquids. They are very
light and often they cannot be seen. A very Not all materials decay as fast as plant or animal
common gaseous material is air, which is a parts. Those that do not decay are called non-
mixture of gases. Other examples are the biodegradable.
helium inside an inflated birthday balloon, water
vapor, perfume in the air, fumes from cars and
factories, oxygen gas that we breathe in, and Factors affecting decomposition:
carbon dioxide that we expel out.
1. Presence of organism or decomposers
SPACE THEY OCCUPY - Decomposer can be detritivores, fungi and
The "state" of matter refers to the group of
matter with the same properties. Materials are - Detritivores like earthworm breakdown plant
grouped together according to their properties. and animal materials and feed on these.
If a material is grouped as solid, it has a definite - Fungi like mushroom and car fungi breakdown
shape and volume. The volume or size of an plant materials and cause decay at the same
object or material is the amount of space it time feeding on the decayed materials.
occupies. - Bacteria are microorganisms that we cannot
see but their action can be observed on dead
LESSON 2: GROUPING MATERIALS animal bodies when these are undergoing
Buoyancy is the ability of materials to float in - The warmer the temperature, the faster is the
water. Some materials that can float or sink decay process. So, when the days are very
exhibit the property of buoyancy and density. warm leaving spaghetti on the table and other
These enable boats and ships to float. An object carbohydrate rich food will easily spoil. Placing
will float or sink depending on its density. food in the refrigerator slows down the growth of
Density is a measure of the amount of matter in
a given volume of liquid. To get the density of an 3. Moisture
object, the mass of that object is divided by its
- With water available, the plant parts easily
volume (D- m/v). For example, the mass of a
crumble and decompose. Decomposers are
metal washer is 10 grams and its volume is 20
also present in moist places, so the decay
cubic centimeters. Its density therefore is 10
process is fast. Dry materials like leaves are not
g/20 cm³ or
good habitats for decomposers. Drying fish
D-10 g/20cm prevents bacteria from feeding on the flesh of
the fish.
4. Exposure to elements
If the density of an object is less than the density
of the liquid, the object will float. An object will - Our mother would remind us to cover the food
sink if its density is greater than that of the liquid. left after a meal. Air may contain bacteria and
will hit the food. Covering the food prevents
Porosity is a property of material that allows it bacteria from growing on the food and start the
to absorb water and other liquids. A material that decay process
is porous like dishwashing sponge is an
example of an absorbent material. Other 5. Salt content of the material
porous materials include cotton balls, gauze,
- A salty food usually decays slowly. This is
blankets and pillows. Non-absorbent or non-
because decomposers cannot grow well in salty
porous materials are those that do not absorb
environment time.
water like plastic bags, canisters, cans and
ceramic mugs.
LESSON 3: PHYSICAL AND medicine, cleaning product, soup and
shampoo, insect repellent or pesticides
always find out if it is the best for the
MATTER: USEFUL AND HARMFUL purpose, you need.
A. Useful or Harmful Materials LESSON 4: MIXTURES AND THEIR
-Multiple material products are beneficial to man CHARACTERISTICS (GRADE 6)
because of technology. Because of technology, MIXTURE
raw materials are transformed to different
products that have improved man's way of life. A MIXTURE is made up of two or more
substances or materials that are put together by
-Some products which are useful to man maybe physical means.
harmful to animals and plants and the
environment or the other way around. -When marbles, paper clips, buttons, sugar and
Sometimes, it is the incorrect use of the useful saw dust are combined together they form
materials that makes these harmful. Hence, it is mixtures.
imperative to really identify characteristics of
-In forming mixtures, no new substances and or
household and consumer materials.
materials are formed because mixing materials
• Household materials and consumer or substances together does not change the
products can be grouped as (1) those physical properties of substances or materials.
used for cleaning, (2) for food All phases of matter can he physically combined
preparation; (3) beautification; (4) to form mixtures.
building construction; and (5) and -One or more phases of matter are combined in
household products. a mixture and one or more phases of matter can
be observed in mixtures.
• Materials found in products like metal
container, ceramic, rubber, glass or The three basic characteristics of mixtures
plastic have specific properties. Humans are as follows
have learned to manipulate the different 1. The composition of the mixture is variable.
properties of matter to create other uses. For example, the components of the mixture of
marbles, paper clips and buttons can differ or
• Materials are enhanced or upgraded by vary.
technology. Technology has continuously
improved the quality of products such as 2. The components retain their original
detergents, household cleaners, food characteristics. Marbles, paper clips, buttons,
seasoning, medicine, plastic, paints, sugar and saw dust do not lose their
stainless metals and many more making appearance, texture, color and shape after they
human life convenient. are mixed together.
3. The components are easily separated by
• Materials have beneficial effects at home physical methods. Since no chemical reaction
and in the environment. They can make has taken place when mixing marbles, paper
work and life easier like cooking faster, clips, and buttons, as well as mixing with saw
preserving food, keeping homes and dust, it is possible for these materials to be
clothes clean, smells good and separated.