Thermal Power Plant Boiler Misoperation - Case Study Using CFD
Thermal Power Plant Boiler Misoperation - Case Study Using CFD
Thermal Power Plant Boiler Misoperation - Case Study Using CFD
UNISINOS Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos; So Leopoldo RS, Brasil URI Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Misses; Erechim RS, Brasil
Abstract The actual operation condition of a thermal power plant, where the water seal in the bottom of the boiler presented an air leakage, was simulated using the commercial CFD code CFX. The results were compared with the ones for the hypothetic situation where the leakage does not exist and the total amount of air required for the combustion would be supplied by the secondary air feeds. The misoperation condition affects the performance and the flow dynamics of the boiler and also the NOx formation. Introduction A substantial portion of the electric energy generated worldwide comes from fossil fuel sources. In addition to economic considerations, the current concerning with greenhouse effects enhances the importance of the efforts done for a proper and efficient thermal power plant operation. Coal combustion comprises phenomena such as turbulence, radiative and convective heat transfer, particle transport and chemical reactions. The study of these coupled phenomena is a challenging issue. The state of the art in computational fluid dynamics and the availability of commercial codes encourage numeric studies of the combustion processes, as [1], and [2]. In the present work the commercial code CFX 10.0 has been used to study the coal combustion process in a boiler of a 160 MW commercially operated thermal power plant, with the objective of simulate the operation conditions. The purpose of the study is the analysis of an actual operation condition where the water seal in the bottom of the boiler presented an air leakage. The amount of air leak was evaluated by the plant staff and also computed by stoichiometric balance. The results were compared with the ones for the hypothetic situation where the leakage does not exist and the total amount of air would be furnished by the secondary air feeds. Background The set of equations solved by CFX are the mass, the momentum, the energy and the chemical species conservation equations and the equations of state of real gas. An Eulerian description for the fluid phase and a Lagrangean tracking model for the coal particles were adopted. The k- turbulence productiondissipation model was applied to solve the closure problem of the averaged Navier Stokes equations. CFX computes coal combustion by combining a particle transport calculation of the coal particles with a combined finite-rate Arrhenius-Eddy Dissipation model to calculate the combustion of the volatile gases (assuming just methane and carbon monoxide as devolatilization products), using two global steps to Corresponding author: European Combustion Meeting 2009
calculate the methane oxidation. The combustion of a coal particle can be modeled as a two stage process: the coal devolatilization followed by the oxidation of the residual char to leave incombustible ash. Arrhenius equations were used to predict the devolatilization process and the Field model was used to predict the char oxidation. Devolatilization was usually modeled with two competing reactions in order to deal with the strong dependence on temperature and heating rate of the bituminous coal. The two equations have different rate parameters and volatile yields. The yield fractions for the lower temperature equation were obtained from proximate analysis and to the ones for the higher temperature equation were given the values suggested by [3]. The model adopted for the char burning computes the rate of the reaction taking into account the rate of diffusion of oxygen and its partial pressure at the particle surface [4]. Particle size plays an important role in that mechanism and was modeled by a RosinRammler statistical distribution [5], with the parameters adjusted from pulverized coal analysis data. To predict the NOx formation two different mechanisms were considered: the thermal-NO and the prompt-NO. The Zeldovich model was used for the former and the Fenimore model, for the last mechanism. The DTRM Discrete Transfer Radiation Model was used to predict the radiation heat transfer of the gases to the walls. A gray gas model was adopted. In addition to the gas and particles flow and the heat released by the chemical reactions, the heat transfer across boundaries and in heat exchangers was also considered. The combustion processes occurring in the boiler generate a huge amount of thermal energy which is transferred to the working fluid (water) in the heat exchangers by means of two basic mechanisms: convection and thermal radiation. In fact, heat transfer to the walls in a utility boiler is mainly due to radiation and the convective heat transfer has only a minor contribution [6]. Conversely, heat transfer in the tube banks, which were simulated as porous media, was modeled by means of volumetric sink coefficients representing the total amount of thermal energy
transferred to working fluid inside the tubes of each bank. The pressure losses due to the tube banks were also modeled assigning quadratic directional loss coefficients to the porous media, computed from the tube bank geometry data [7]. Geometry, settings and convergence criteria The boiler under consideration is part of a pulverized coal power plant operating in a subcritical steam cycle. The combustion chamber, presented schematically at Fig. 1, is rectangular in shape with four burners firing from each corner, producing a large vortex in the center of the chamber. The evaporation process occurs mainly in the tubes covering the boiler walls. In the upper middle of the boiler are the reheater, superheater and economizer tube banks. The second stage of the boiler comprises a large rectangular curved duct, the first economizer tube bank and the regenerative air heater. From there the flue gases are directed through the electrostatic precipitator to the chimney. The domain considered comprises the first stage of the boiler: the combustion chamber with the burners at the corners and the heat exchangers until the top. The entrance to the second stage was considered the outlet of the domain. The discretization of the geometry was done using tetrahedral volumes. As the boiler height corresponds to only six equivalent diameters of the boiler, the boundary layer is not developed at the whole domain. Nevertheless, at the walls prismatic volumes were used in order to capture the boundary layer behavior. The mesh used has approximately 1.5106 elements of unequal size, with about 90% of them in the reactive region near the burners.
implementation of the models. Results for the design data set are presented at [8] and [9]. Boundary Conditions The boundary conditions were obtained from the operation data sheets. The operating conditions considered were the actual ones, for 160 MW. The main values are presented at Tab. 1. The following parameters were considered: Inlet: The inlet conditions were those for air and coal flows entering the domain from the burner nozzles. Primary and secondary combustion air, pulverized coal mass flow rates and temperatures, and pulverized coal size probabilistic distribution parameters were set. Atmospheric air was considered. The raw coal composition was adjusted according to the proximate analysis. The amount of air entering the water seal was evaluated by the plant staff and assigned to the bottom inlet boundary. For comparison, the same air quantity was assigned to the secondary air inlet in another simulation. Outlet: The outlet boundary is the flue gas passage to the second stage, where the mean static pressure was set. Boiler walls: The boiler walls are covered with slanting tubes from the bottom until the beginning of the heat exchangers region; from there to the top the tubes are vertically positioned. Wall roughness, temperature and thermal radiation coefficients were set for that two wall regions. TABLE 1 Boundary conditions values
Primary air temperature (C) Secondary air temperature (C) Primary air flow (kg/s) Secondary air flow (kg/s) Coal flow (kg/s) Water seal air flow (kg/s) Water seal air temperature(C) Outlet pressure (Pa) A 310 293 60 96 44 30 40 -116 B 310 293 60 96 44 70 40 -116 C 310 293 60 126 44 0 -116
Fig. 1: (a)Boiler details. (b)Horizontal cross section. The convergence criterion adopted was the RMS root mean square of the residual values. Values less than 1.510-6 were achieved at all equations. The convergence was achieved only by the gradual
Results The analysis of the flow behavior, temperature field and heat exchange at the walls was done for the three situations: A- With the value of bottom air leakage evaluated by the power plant staff; B- Assigning to the bottom air leakage the value of total amount of air (computed by stoichiometric balance), minus the primary and secondary air; C- With the value assigned to the air leakage in case A now added to the secondary air. Case A represents exactly the data furnished by the power plant staff. Case B try to represent a more realistic state, nevertheless it should be considered that there are other minor air leaks distributed along the
boiler and the flow assigned to the bottom seal could be a bit over evaluated. The data furnished by the plant staff are also the basis of Case C, which distinguishes from Case A only by the move to the secondary air feed of the flow originally assigned to the bottom seal. The cold air entering at the bottom creates a downside-up stream which flows mainly along the vertical axis of the boiler. Figure 2 shows, for cases A and B, the flow streamlines of cold air and Fig. 3 shows the perturbation of the flow from the burners due to the action of the cold air flow. Despite of the 15o downside tilt of the burners, presented at all cases, the reacting flow vortex, in cases A and B evolve directly to the top, thus diminishing the residence time of the coal particles in the reactive zone. The boiler operating at this condition presents an enlarged amount of carbon in the ash, according to information furnished by the maintenance staff. This can be accounted for the scant residence time due to the cold air upward flow.
temperature distribution at the vertical plane positioned diagonally (from one corner with the burners to the opposite one). The cold air entering at the bottom at cases A and B creates a colder region which displaces downside-up the reactive zone. For case B the cooling of the bottom is more impressive, as much more cold air is imparted through the water seal.
A B C Fig. 4: Temperature distribution inside the boiler (diagonal plane) for cases A, B and C. Figure 5 shows the total amount of heat flux (convective and radiative transfer) through the boiler walls. There are three main regions of transference: The reactive region, where the temperature is higher and a large amount of heat is transferred to the water and vapor at the wall tubes, primarily by radiation; an upper region, where the temperature of the flue gases and ash particles is lower and the main mechanism of transference is convection at tube banks and in much lesser extent at the walls; and a third region, at the bottom. For cases A and B this region is characterized by an inversion of heat flux at the walls (positive values), because the leakage at the bottom seal made the temperature at the bottom region lower than the temperature of the water coming from economizers and entering the wall tubes. Case C presents a more regular distribution of heat flux, a larger region of high values of heat transfer and absolutely no inversion of the flux, characterizing a proper and more efficient operation of the boiler. Some considerations must me done concerning the last result: The air leakage was a rough estimate and the actual amount situates somewhere between cases A and B. Case A is clearly under estimated because the total input air is less than the stoichiometric computed air. Case B could be overestimated because the computed lack of combustion air was assigned only to the water seal leakage and other possible points of leakage (e. g. the regenerative air heater) were not considered. Taking into account that the ambient air temperature at the vicinity of the boiler was estimated as 40oC (summer time mean ambient temperature of 24oC plus over temperature at the boiler surroundings), the situation could be a bit worst at winter, where the mean ambient temperature is 12oC.
A B Fig. 2: Streamlines for the flow coming from the leakage at the water seal. The colors of the streamlines represent the flow temperature.
A B C Fig. 3: Streamlines of the flow departing from one corner burners, for cases A, B and C The leak air quantity is large enough to reduce the temperature at the boiler lowest part. Figure 4 shows the
TABLE 2 NOx quantity at the flue gas. NOx (ppm) NOx (kg/s) Case A 8.53 1.70 10-3 Case B 6.24 1.50 10-3 Case C 5.37 1.07 10-3 Case C presented the lowest production of NOx. This is due to both lower local temperatures and lower supply of air. The lower temperatures, despite the suppression of the cold air leakage, are explained by a more distributed and effective heat exchange at the walls. Conclusions The performed study simulated the operation of a boiler done in such a condition where air at ambient temperature entered in the chamber through the water seal and promoted an inversion of the heat flux at the lowest part of the walls, with the pre-heated water coming from the economizer transferring heat to the air. Also the flow dynamics in the boiler was affected by the leakage that created a distinct upwards flow in the center of the boiler, following the vertical axis. The formation of NOx is enhanced due to this flow that goes directly to the region of higher temperatures prior to react with the pulverized fuel. The results underline the joined role of temperature and air in the formation mechanism of NOx. Also the importance of a proper maintenance, in order to avoid the undesirable feed of air to regions of high temperature is highlighted. The actual operation condition simulated is thus undesirable and unacceptable under both points of view of efficiency and environmental emissions control. References [1] R. I. Backreedy, L. M. Fletcher, L. Ma, M. Pourkashanian, and A. Williams, Combust. Sci. and Tech 178 (2006) 763. [2] M. Kumar, S. G. Sahur, Energy & Fuels 21 (2007), 3189-3193. [3] Z. Q. Li, Y. Wei, Y. Jin, Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003), 5161-5171. [4] A. M. Kanury, Introduction to Combustion Phenomena, Gordon and Beach Science Publishers, New York, 1975. [5] W. K. Brown, Journal of Applied Physics 78 (4) (1995), 2758-2763. [6] M. Xu, J. L. T. Azevedo, M. G. Carvalho, Fuel 79 (2000), 1611-1619. [7] J. G. Knudsen, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Mc Graw Hill, 1958. [8] M. L. S. Indrusiak, C. V. da Silva, A. B. Beskow, J. W. Kaehler, International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Poitiers, 2007. [9] C. V. da Silva, M. L. S. Indrusiak, A. B. Beskow, Revista Perspectiva 32 (118) (2008) 167-176.
The influence of the leakage on NOx formation was also evaluated. The main factors controlling the formation mechanisms are the temperature and relative abundance of air. Figure 6 shows the region of formation of NOx which is correlated to the higher temperature reactive regions, as observed at Fig. 4. The total amount of NOx produced is shown at Tab. 2 for each case. The thermal mechanism accounts for the major variation in NOx production among the three cases. Case A presented the largest NOx production. A region of high temperature is fed with air coming from the bottom seal. The large amount of oxygen and nitrogen react and produce NOx. For case B the air coming from the bottom more than doubled and two phenomena occurred: the temperature at the center became a bit lower than at case A and also the fresh air distributed more uniformly at the boiler horizontal cross section thus promoting a better reaction with the fuel and a more uniform temperature distribution. These facts contributed for a production of NOx lower than that of case A, despite of the enlarged supply of air.