Ijert Ijert: Failure Investigation of Secondary Super Heater Using CFD/CAE Technique

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2013

Failure Investigation of Secondary Super Heater using CFD/CAE

Amit N Parit 1, Tadamalle A. P. 2, and Mrs. V. Ramaswamy 3

Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune.

Aprameya Associates, Pune.

Index TermsSuper-Heater, Localized Overheating, CFD


Boilers are the key components in power plants which

generates steam by efficient burning of available fuels. Now
days, fluidized bed combustion technology is proving a
better replacement to conventional techniques. The
atmospheric fluidized bed and circulating fluidized bed are
commonly adopted techniques in the boilers. Fluidized bed
technology burns the fuel more efficiently with the help of
suspended bed of silica and limestone material. The efficient
and trouble-free operation of boiler is very essential to
maintain. Reduced performance, repetitive failures in boiler
components are common problems related to any type of
boiler system. Super heater tube failure is very common
issue in boilers. Super heater is basically a heat exchanger in
which heat is transferred from furnace gas to the steam.
Improper heat transfer between steam and furnace gas leads
to problems of localized heating. Uneven heat transfer is a
result of non-uniform gas flow or non-uniform steam
distribution in super heater. The significant causes of failure
in super heaters are localized prolonged heating, creep
damage, thermal fatigue, excessive thermal stresses, water
and fire side corrosion and erosion etc. General modes of
failures observed in the super heaters are wall thinning,
reduced thickness, fish-mouth opening type bursting, creep
cracks on tube surfaces and puncturing.
Tube failure in the super heater is hazardous enough to shut
down whole plant hence it is important to take remedial


actions to avoid technical as well as economic losses.

Prolonged localized heating which is reported as a root
cause of tube failures is a result of flawed operating
procedures. Concentrated gas flow pattern over super heater
and non-uniform steam distribution leads to overheat
localized portion of tubes. Proper distribution of furnace gas
over entire super heater tubes and uniform steam flow in
each tube is suggested for trouble free operation of super
heater. [2] The failure of a few super heater tubes at
localized regions in an atmospheric fluidized bed combustor
was studied by V.Kain, K. Chandra et al. [1]. High oxidation
rates along with high temperature and high gas velocity
were noticed as main cause of failure. Creep damage
possibility was checked using Larsen-Miller parameter
related with primary super-heater tube of a power plant by J.
Ahmad, M.M. Rahman et al. [2]. Author noticed that, low
melting temperature of ash content in the coal causes heavy
clinker formation on the super heater tubes. Microstuctural
investigation showed symptoms of localized heating. The
common cause of any metallurgical failure of a super-heater
tube is due to the tube metal temperature higher than that as
originally specified. M.M. Rahman, J. Purbolaksono et al.
[3] reported metallurgical aspect of tube failure. Failure
analysis on a super alloy Inconel-800 super heater tube is
presented by J Ahmad, J. Purbolaksono, L.C. Beng et al. [4]
Author investigated excessive hoop stresses are the cause of
failure. Failure analysis on the SA213-T12 superheated tube
is carried out by visual inspection, hardness measurement
and finite element analyses by J. Purbolaksono, J. Ahmad,
L.C. Beng et al. [5] Finite element analyses prior to failure
were conducted and it was found that, localized short-term
overheating of the tube due to localized and concentrated
flue gas flow resulted in a failure of the primary super heater
tube. A. Husaina and K. Habibb [6] investigated failed steel
tube in super heater of the boiler. Material of the tube has
suffered from localize heating probably as result of local
heat flux impingement caused by gas or burner oil.
CFBC and AFBC boiler plants have been visited to
investigate problems related with them. It was noticed that,
super heater tube failure is most common issue with both
types of boilers. Along with these failures, reduced thermal
efficiency and loss of ignition were noticeable problems
related with these boilers. Replacement of failed portion of
tube or complete replacement of tube pattern are the
temporary remedial actions made.
This paper aimed at investigation of repetitive tube failure of
secondary super heater (SSH) of an Atmospheric fluidized
bed combustion type boiler of 90 TPH capacity. Boiler is
coal fired. Silica and limestone are the bed material
contents. Boiler is designed to provide steam at rated
pressure of 88atm and at about 485-4910C. Longitudinal fish
mouth opening burst with reduced thickness at failed portion


Abstract The super heater is heart of any boiler system main

duty of which is to supply desired amount of steam regularly at
rated temperature and pressure. Frequent tube failure in super
heaters is found to be crucial problem which is directly related
with boiler operation, performance and design parameters.
Aim of this paper is to predict possible causes of super heater
tube failure. It deals with the failure investigation of secondary
super heater tube panel of SA213-T11 grade steel. The primary
observations made with visual inspection and then
metallurgical investigation has been carried out by
microstructure analysis. The temperature distribution on the
tube walls of the super heater is analyzed using computer aided
engineering tools. From CFD results and metallurgical
examination, localized overheating was seen in failed region of
super heater tubes. High erosion areas were also seen from
computational fluid dynamics. The uneven temperature
distribution over the super heater tubes leads to localized
overheating, chilling and development of excessive thermal
stresses. This analysis is carried out using multiphysics
environment which is very useful tool for analysis of many
industrial systems like heat exchangers, chillers, cyclones etc.



International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2013

was seen on super heater tubes. There are no signs of active

corrosion and there is no clinker formation on super heater




Computational Fluid Dynamics technique was used to

study flow of furnace gas over secondary super heater.
Results shows that flow pattern is not uniform. Figure 1
shows secondary super heater block. Design wise it is a
bunch of tubes. It has 47 panels each having 6 loops. Each
loop has two sections. First five loops has outer diameter of
50.8mm and thickness of 4.06mm. Tube material is SA213T11. Last loop has thickness of 5mm with same outer

Fig.2 CFD meshing in HyperMesh (section)

Total 4646244 tetrahedron elements were generated. CFD

boundary conditions are shown in figure 3. Heat is added
into SSH system from front and bottom directions. Three
domains namely fluid furnace gas domain where gas
enters, solid thickness domain which is defined with steel
metal and fluid steam domain which is inside of the tube
are defined in CFX. Two solid-fluid interfaces are defined
between above three domains to carry out heat transfer.



The CFD modeling involves with the numerical solution of

the conservation equations. In the most of research, the
simulations solution of continuity, mass, momentum and
energy equations were carried out by CFD codes. A
turbulence model is a computational procedure to close the
system of mean flow of mass and momentum equations and
solve them so that more or less variety of flow problems can
be calculated. There are some well-known turbulence
models such as the mixing length, k- family models,
Reynolds stress model etc. In this analysis, due to
complicated mathematical work and need to apply model
which uses minimum CPU time, standard k- model is
preferred. Transportation equation for k and by this model

Fig. 1 Temperature on Secondary super heater by CFD.

Three panels from different location are selected for

analysis. First, ninth and forty-third panel are selected which
have different steam mass flow rate and flue gas distribution
over it. Table 1 shows selected panels with selection


Table 1 Selected panels for analysis

Affected zone
Higher flow rate
(Panels 1-5)
Lower flow rate
(Panels 30-47)

Panel No.

Mass Flow Rate






CFD meshing is carried in Hypermesh-CFD module. For

analysis, individual panel is considered. Surface 2D mesh is
created to define boundaries of different domain. Solid
tetrahedral mesh is created with respect to two fluid and one
solid volume. Inlet and outlet boundary locations for steam
and furnace gas are defined by extracting faces from 3D
tetra mesh. Hypermesh provides good mesh quality with
useful boundary layer construction on domain boundaries.
Figure 2 shows section of CFD mesh carried out in

is density and

are velocity vectors.

With the use of Thermal Energy model, CFX directly

computes the static enthalpy. General changes in the
enthalpy are also used by solver to calculate thermodynamic
properties as temperature. This is an alternate form of
energy equation used for low speed flows.
is viscous dessipition term.
enthalpy. Thermal Energy model is used for both, liquids
and gases. Radiation model is not defined in this analysis.
Steady state conjugate heat transfer analysis is carried out by
providing appropriate boundary conditions on furnace gas
and steam inlet and outlet. At furnace gas inlet, velocity and
Nusselt number are given while static pressure is defined at
outlet. Inlet steam mass flow rate is defined while static
outlet pressure of 8.9 MPa is given. Analysis is carried out
at reference pressure of 101325 Pa. Tube thickness is




International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181

modeled as solid domain of steel material. Flow of furnace

gas over single panel of super heater is shown in figure 6.

Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2013

Steady State Thermal analysis is carried out in Ansys

Workbench. This analysis gives actual temperatures on
tubes. Temperature distribution obtained after thermal
analysis is the resultant temperature distribution to which
tubes are exposed. Figure 5 shows result of thermal analysis
for ninth panel.

Fig. 3 CFD boundary conditions.

Temperature results are mapped on solid model to carry out

steady state thermal analysis. Ansys Workbench multiple
system environment is used to carry out this multiple system
Fig.4 Furnace gas flow over ninth panel of SSH

simulation. The material specified is SA213 T-11 alloy

steel. Table 2 lists the chemical composition of the material.
Table 2 Chemical composition of SA213 Grade T11 steel. [11]


















From figure 5 it is seen that, temperature distribution on

ninth panel is is not uniform over the entire panel. Figure 6
shows results of similar analysis for first panel.

Thermal analysis is carried out to get temperature profile on

walls of the tube. To account changes in material properties

with respect to temperature, mechanical properties at

avarage temperature of 5200C are assumed and listed as
Youngs Modulus (MPa): 1.72E5

Fig.5 Resultant temperature on ninth panel

Yield Strength (MPa): 183

Tensile Strength (MPa): 378.9
Thermal Expansion (mm/mm/0C): 14.16e-6
Poisson's Ratio: 0.33
Density Kg/m3: 7833
97% of nodal temperatures were interpolated on the solid
model. Meshing for structural analysis is carried out in





Fig.6 Resultant temperature on first panel

mechanical with solid90 element type. This element

supports the thermal properties and conditions. Element size
is 20mm. Total 885980 brick meshed elements with 126189

From figure 6 its clear that temperature is less or more

uniform over its length.

nodes are generated.




International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2013

Fig. 10 Microstructure of parent metal tube.

Fig.7 Resultant temperature on first panel.

Figure 7 shows temperature distrinution on 43 rd panel. It is

Findings from CFD/CAE analysis shows that, some part of

seen from figures 5,6 and 7 that, at present operating

SSH is getting heated locally. Bends and first loop tubes are

conditions, temperatures on SSH tubes are not uniform.

facing much higher temperatures than rest of the tube. This

Bottom bends and first loop are getting overheated.

is because, bends are exposed to two heat streams as seen in

figure 6. First loop contains steam at comparatively low

Microstructure is the mirror of material temperature history.
Microstructure is studied of failed sample and compaired
with that of parent metal. Figure 8 shows failed tube and

(about 3500C)

but exposed



temperature furnace gas. Hence temperature is not uniform

over entire length of the panel. Figure 7 shows resultant
temperature on ninth panel. It shows higher temperature


locations where microstructure has checked.


regions on first loop and bottom bends. Similarly

temperature distribution on first and fortythird panels shows
non uniform temperature distribution. This is due to uneven
flow distribution of furnace gas over SSH. Steam flow
inside the tube is also equally imortant as it acts as heat sink.

Fig.8 Failed tube showing locations of microstructure examinations.

Flow of the steam in all 47 panels is provieded by single

inlet header. In order to take place a proper heat transfer, it

There are many parameters like grain size, grain structure,

is necessary that each panel recieves equal amount of steam.

spheriodization levels etc. help to define temperature level




thermal expansions which result in exessive thermal stresses

microstructural view of both samples. Samples are cut from

at the bends. A localized overheating is identified in the

failed tube and analized. 3% Nital is used as etchant. Figure


9 and 10 shows 200X magnified images of the

Spherodization as shown in figure 11. J Ahmad et al. [2]


stated that, the failure temperature may be indicated by

















using microstructural evidences. Spherodization of pearlite







Spherodization in ferrite tube structures would usually

commence as the carbon tube metal temperature is around
550-6000C for longer period of time. As ninth tube is from
localized heated portion it shows much higher temperature
region on bottom bends. Also at such high temperature
allowable stress strength also reduces. Erosion rate also
Fig. 9 Microstructure of cracked portion.


become high at elevated temperature as metal become



International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2013

softer. It can be seen from figure 6 flow pattern of the gas is

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thermal stress development.

Improvement in flow gas

pattern so that SSH will receive equal amount of heat from

furnace gas over its entire area.

[11] A Designer's Handbook series, High temperature

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