What is Git?
To take a snapshot of files added to the staging area that have changes.
The heart of the programming process lies in planning the program’s logic.
_____ errors are relatively easy to locate and correct because the compiler you use highlights every error.
What term is used to refer to the computer instructions that are executed by a CPU?
Machine code
In java, every statement must end with which symbol?
A string variable can hold digits such as account numbers and zip codes.
The process of naming program variables and assigning a type to them is called ____ variables.
The “building blocks” that Java programmers use to write computer programs are called ____?
- Double click on the grey-margin on the left side of the source code view.
- Right click on the grey-margin on the left side of the source code view and select toggle breakpoint in the drop-
down menu.
- Use the run menu and select toggle breakpoint from the menu.
The data components of a class that belong to every instantiated object are the class’s ____?
Instance Variables.
An access specifier, a return type, a method name, and a list of the parameters (if any)
By using ____, you can use reasonable, easy to remember names for methods and concentrate on their purpose
rather than memorizing different method names.
Method overloading
Which one of the following refers to a number constant that appears in code without explanation?
Magic Number.
Which one of the following statements defines a constant with the value 123?
A short-circuit evaluation is where each part of an expression is evaluated only as far as necessary to determine
whether the entire expression is true or false.
A ____ expression is one that represents one of two states, usually expressed a true or false.
String variables are usually not considered equal unless they have the same ____.
What is a method call, within the Method Call Stack, referred to as?
Stack frame
What typically has more memory available, Method Call Stack or Heap Memory?
Heap Memory
After creating a new Java project in Eclipse, to use version control with it, you need to create a _____ for tracking
changes to files.
To start tracking changes to the project files, as well as new .java files, you would right click and use which of the
following sub-menus.
Which project folder should be added to the .gitignore settings file inside your projects Git repository?
After making changes to a source code file, I would right-click and use which of the following sub-menus to commit
the changes with Git
When memory mapping a variable of primitive type, we place ____ in the box representing the variable.
When memory mapping a reference type, we annotate the class name within ____.
When memory mapping an array, we use a rounded rectangle that contains ____ to represent array elements.
Given this code, what would a memory map look like? Sheep[] sheeps = null
Given this code, what would a memory map look like? Sheep[] sheeps = new Sheep[2];
Write variable sheeps, draw an adjacent box with ref in it and an arrow to an array object, each element is null
Given this code, what would a memory map look like? Sheep[] sheeps = [new Sheep(), new Sheep()};
Write variable sheeps, draw an adjacent box with ref in it and an arrow to an array object, each element
references a Sheep object.
Given this code, what would a memory map look like? Sheep[] sheeps = new Sheep[200000];
Write variable sheeps, draw an adjacent box with ref in it and an arrow to an array object, given the size only show
two to three elements each with null inside
To note the data type of an array object in a memory map, I can place ____ inside the rounded rectangle
representing the array object.
[] DataType
We will only have one copy of the fields in memory, making it impossible to have objects with separate filed values
Why should fields be marked private?
If you accidentally step into an API method, like, what action(s) could you perform to return to your own
code and / or exit the debugging session?
Select the method name matching my method that I was debugging in the Debug View (far left side of screen),
then step over.
A method’s name and a list of parameter types together are its ____
The ____ clause of the decision is the part that executes only when the tested condition in the decision is false.
Forgetting to initialize and alter the loop control variable are common mistakes that programmers sometimes
Run-time error
When you search through a list from one end to the other, you are performing a ____
Linear Search
When an array myArray is only partially filled, how can the programmer keep track of the current number of
In implementation hiding, the calling method needs to understand only the interface to the method that is called,
and it need not know how the method works internally
Which class category has static methods and constants, but no objects?
Utility class
The input to a method is called(n) _____?
Before a programmer pans the logic of the program, you must ____
A(n) ____ is a software package that provides an editor, a compiler, and other programming tools.
What are two uses for keyword “this” in the Java programming language?
Any method in a class that is not an accessor, or mutator, can be generally referred to as _____
Work Method
Programmers say that variables and constant declared within a module are ____ only within that module.
In Scope