14.1 Introduction
Groundwater can be defined as: subsurface water that occurs beneath the water table in soils and
geological formations that are fully saturated or subsurface water at or greater than atmospheric pressure.
But the term groundwater is sometimes used to imply the subsurface water regime in a broader sense to
i) The near-surface, unsaturated soil moisture zone
ii) The deeper saturated zones that influence geological processes (e.g. earthquakes) and whose
water may no longer be part of the hydrological cycle.
I. Characteristics
i) Groundwater is an areally distributed resource in contrast to surface water the wide
distribution of groundwater often makes it more readily available for development.
ii) Time scale: Groundwater is a slow response, low velocity medium. Even small aquifers have
time constants in the order of weeks or months. Very large aquifers may have time constants
of many years.
iii) Variability of flow and supply is therefore small: A groundwater aquifer behaves as a large
natural reservoir having a heavily damped response. In this sense, Groundwater supplies are
often independent of droughts. In contrast, surface water has much higher variability and
requires Hydraulic Structures to create artificial storage.
iv) Energy is usually required to lift groundwater. Pumping costs may form a substantial
proportion of the cost of delivering the water. In general, ‘Operating costs’ tend to be higher
for groundwater that for surface water from which gravity is often the natural delivering
v) Economics: Groundwater, however, usually requires relatively low capital investment in
contrast; capital costs for surface water are often very high when dams and other hydraulic
structures are needed. For this reason, groundwater sources are often suitable for staged
development. The marginal costs for extra capacity are relatively low.
vi) Quality
Groundwater Surface Water
c) Dissolved salts content can be high; Dissolved salts content usually much
water is mineralized by rocks through lower
which it moves and may not be easy to
d) If groundwater does get polluted, it can Pollution effects more readily treated
be difficult to clean up
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
vii) Data: Field data for modelling or analysis in groundwater are usually scarce, often at a few points
only. Extensive interpolation and inference may be necessary, based on experience and judgment.
viii) Legal: An example of the water rights is available in the Uganda Water Act 1997, Section 7 (1)
where it states : A person while temporarily at a place or being the occupier of or resident on any
land, where there is a natural source of water, may use that water for domestic use fire fighting or
irrigating a subsistence garden (2) In addition to the above, the occupier of land or resident on land
may, with approval of the authority responsible for the area, use any water occupied under the land
occupied by him or her on which he or she is resident on or any land adjacent to that land. The
above rights do not permit/authorize a person to construct any works (Johnston, 1983).
II. Aquifers
Refer to Figs 14.1a and 14.1b
i) Aquifer: A saturated permeable geological unit which can transmit significant
quantities of water under ordinary hydraulic gradients.
ii) Aquiclude: A saturated geological unit that is incapable of transmitting
(aquifuge) significant quantities of water under ordinary hydraulic gradients e.g. granite clay.
iii) Aquitard: A ‘less permeable’ bed in stratigraphic sequence (may be significant
in a regional groundwater balance but insignificant for a local production well).
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
v) Artesian Aquifer: or aquiclude or vice versa such that pressures in an aquifer are everywhere greater
than atmospheric.
The recharge is from rainfall in the area, where the aquifer forms outcrops or intersects the land surface.
From slow flow or ‘leakage’ through a confining aquitard, the aquifer is then termed a leaky confined
aquifer and the aquitard, a leaky confining layer.
vii) Unconfined Aquifer: an aquifer with a free water surface as the upper boundary
viii) Water table aquifer or phreatic surface, at which pressure is atmospheric. The recharge percolation is
from rainfall in the immediate area.
Note: The terms confined and unconfined relate to the hydraulic characteristics of the Aquifer, not to the
geological formation itself. Particular water bearing geological formation may be confined in one zone
and unconfined in another as shown in Fig 14.1b.
ix) Perched Aquifer: A saturated lens of relatively low permeability bounded by a perched water table as
shown in Fig 14.1a. Perched Aquifers can provide minor sources of supply but can suffer rapid changes in
water level since the storage involved is usually relatively small. However, unconsolidated sediments
(e.g. sands, silts, clays) are commonly intergraded, making the determination of the true water table
sometimes very difficult in practice.
Fig. 14.1b An confined aquifer adjacent to an unconfined aquifer and the water table.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
i) Zone of Aeration
In the zone of aeration vadose (shallow) water occurs. The zone of aeration consists of interstices
occupied partially by water and partially by air. The general zone may be further subdivided in
descending order into; soil water pendular zone, intermediate vadose (funicular) zone and the capillary
zone or ‘fringe’.
In the Pendular Zone the liquid is held in isolated rings around the grains, hygroscopic water. This water
is held by surface tension forces and is referred to as capillary water. This zone extends from the ground
surface down through the major root zone and is particularly important to soil scientists and
agriculturalists, because it is the source of crop moisture. Water in the soil water zone exists at less than
saturation except when the water reached the surface as from rainfall or irrigation. The thickness of the
zone varies with soil type and vegetation. The amount of water is dependent upon the recent exposure of
the soil to moisture (antecedent conditions).Under hot arid conditions; water vapour equilibrium tends to
become established between the ambient air and surfaces of the grained soil particles. In the intermediate
vadose (funicular) zone the liquid is continuous through the pore space and entirely encloses the vapour
phase, pellicular water. This zone extends from the lower edge of the soil water to the upper limit of the
capillary zone. The thickness may vary from zero where the bounding zones emerge with high water table
approaching ground surface to more than 100 m under deep water table conditions. Non moving vadose
water is held in place by hygroscopic and capillary forces. Temporary excesses of water migrate
downward as gravitational water.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Water table: That surface in a groundwater body at which the water pressure is atmospheric. This is
defined as the surface of atmospheric pressure and appears as the level at, which water stands in a well
penetrating the aquifer.
Specific Retention of rock and soil Sr is the ratio of the volume of water it will retain after saturation
against the force of gravity to its own volume.
Sr = Wr (14.1)
where: Wr is the volume occupied by retained water and V is the bulk volume of soil or rock
Specific Yield of soil or rock Sy is the ratio of the volume of water that after saturation can be drained by
gravity to its own volume.
where: Wy is the volume of water drained. Values of Sr and Sy can be expressed as percentages. Because
Wr and Wy constitute the total volume of water saturated material,
Values of specific yield depend on grain size, shape and distribution of pores compaction of the stratum
and time of drainage.
Fined grained materials yield little water whereas coarse grained materials permit a substantial release of
water hence serve as aquifers. Specific yield can be measured by a variety of techniques including
laboratory – field and estimating techniques. Methods based on well pumping tests give the most reliable
results. The usual range of values is 0.01 – 0.30.
Storage Coefficient or Storativity is defined as the volume of water that an aquifer releases from or takes
into storage per unit surface area of aquifer per unit change in the component of head normal to that
surface. The storage coefficient for an unconfined aquifer corresponds to its specific yield (Todd, 1980).
The of range of values in confined aquifers is from 0.005 to 0.00005
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
i. Meteoric-this is water that is in the atmosphere or has recently been in the atmosphere for example
oceanic water. It is recharged into the ground from rain and snow.
ii. Connate-this is water that has been out of contact with the atmosphere for at least an appreciable
part of the geologic period and has been trapped in sediments during deposition.
iii. Juvenile-this is new water that has not been previously part of the hydrosphere and is created by
volcanic activity.
It is necessary to have a clear understanding of how water occurs in a particular rock before any water,
which may be contained in that rock can be abstracted efficiently. Below is a summary of the major rock
types and the way water exists in them.
i) Igneous Rocks
They are generally poor aquifers in solid form because they are very compact, dense and hence relatively
impermeable. Where such rocks occur, near the surface under weathered conditions, they have been
developed by small wells for domestic water supply.
Intrusive: Such as granite, gabbro and dolerite.
Fresh rock – almost no water exists. The little water there exists in fissures.
Weathered rock – water in weathered zones and in fissures opened up by weathering. Usually only
moderate supplies are obtained. The fissures are mainly joints produced by cooling stressed or tectonic
Sandstone and conglomerate are cemented forms of sand and gravel. As such their porosity and yield
have been reduced by cement. The actual open volume of the pore space depends upon the grain size and
distribution, grain shape and percentage of cementing material. The best sandstone aquifers yield waters
through their pores and fissures. Frequently large to medium volumes of water are obtained.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Conglomerates have limited distribution and are unimportant as aquifers. The values of hydraulic
conductivity range from 10-7 to 10-3 m/s.
Limestone: Limestone rock is impermeable so all water is contained in fissures, which because of the
solubility of the rock in slightly acid water are frequently very large. Caves containing large streams of
rivers are not uncommon. Because of the very large size of the fissures there is no filtering of bacteria and
any pollution spreads very rapidly throughout the extent of aquifer. Limestone rock varies widely in
density, porosity and permeability, depending on the degree of consolidation and development of
permeable zones after deposition. Those most important as aquifers contain sizeable proportions of the
original rock that have been dissolved and removed.
Openings in limestone range from microscopic original pores to large solution caverns (karstic systems)
forming subterranean channels to carry entire flow of stream. Streams disappear underground in
limestone terrain and large springs are found in limestone areas. By dissolving rock, water tends to
increase the pore space and permeability with time. Values of hydraulic conductivity range from 10-7 to 1
Clays: In clays the porosity is high but the effective porosity is almost zero. Clay and coarse materials
with clay are generally porous but the pores are so small, that they may be regarded as relatively
impermeable. Clayey soils can provide small domestic water supplies from shallow, large diameter wells.
Values of hydraulic conductivity range from 10-10 to 10-6 m/s.
Shales: Water may sometimes exist within the laminations and flow parallel to them. The permeability
parallel to the laminations may thus be moderate whilst the permeability at right angles may be zero.
Quartzite: These only contain water in fissures and since the rock is very resistant to weathering fissures
are frequently tight.
The values of hydraulic conductivity are similar to those of igneous rocks and typically range from 10-13
to 10-10 m/s for unfractured rocks and from 10-6 to 10-2 m/s for fractured rocks.
v) Geological structures
Faults: These, if they are filled with clay material can act as subsurface dams producing quite marked
changes of water level on either side. In other cases when they are open they act subsurface flow paths for
water and can produce mixing of water from different aquifers which are normally separated by
imperious layers.
Folds: The act of folding often produces associated jointing in rocks so increasing their water containing
capacity (Blyth and de Freitas, 1980).
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Fig 14.3 Conceptual model of the weathered – fractured aquifer system in Uganda.
Source (Tindimugaya, 2005)
Related studies (Taylor and Howard, 1999, 2000) show that the hydrogeological characteristics of deeply
weathered crystalline rock derive from and are hence related to long term tectonically controlled
geomorphic processes. Permeability in the bedrock arises from fractures, which are attributed to the
decompression resulting from the removal of overlying rock in solution (deep weathering) and by
colluvial and fluvial erosion (stripping). The overlying unconsolidated mantle is a product of deep, in-situ
weathering. Sand sized clasts predominate at the base of the mantle and form an aquifer that is an order of
magnitude (T = 5-20 m2/d) higher than underlying bedrock fractures (T~ 1m2/d).
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
It has also been suggested (Bradley et al., 2008) that the corridors of preferential groundwater flow occur
in relict river channels like the Katonga river valley, reversed by tectonic activity associated with the
development of the East African Rift System (EARS). In the mid- Pleistocene, uplift parallel to the rift
escarpment exceeded the rate of river basin incision and led to the reversal of the surface flow. On
surfaces of low relief east of the upwarp, coarse grained sediments in these channels were overlain by low
energy fine grained deposits that currently support extensive wetlands. The research is ongoing and
intends to examine the relict river channels in the Katonga drainage basin, with the aim of understanding
the groundwater resource potential and facilitate the management of wetlands.
V2t P2
From the continuity equation, q = av = constant, where a is the cross sectional area and v is the velocity
at the point of interest
a1v1=a2v2=q (14.4)
The work (Force x Distance) input in time t by p1
p1a1v1δt = p1q1δt (14.5)
The work expended in time t against p2
p2a2v2δt = p2q2δt
( pa1v1t ).g.( z2 z1 ) gqt ( z2 z1 ) increase in potential energy (mgΔh) (14.6)
a1v1t v22 v12 1 2 q t v22 v12 increase in kinetic energy (14.7)
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
p1 p2 g ( z2 z1 ) 1 (v22 v12 )
p1 v12 p2 v22
or z z = h a constant (14.8)
g 1 2g g 2 2g
p1 v2 p v2
z1 1 = 2 +z2 + 2 +viscousheadloss (14.9)
g 2g ρg 2g
For seepage flows, water velocities of about 1cm/sec are large hence the term v2/g is negligible
v2 0.012
i.e. = = 5.1x10-6 negligible with respect to z and p/g
2g 2x9.81
Then it follows that
p1 p
+ z1 = 2 + z 2 + Viscous head loss (14.10)
ρg ρg
The fluid shear strain rate is given by;
(dx) (dx) 1 dv
(dy)/dt dt dy dy
This shear strain rate is caused by a viscous shear stress
The coefficient of viscosity defined as
viscous shear stess
fluid shear strain rate dv
Hence = (14.11)
The average velocity of flow between parallel plates separated by a distance 2 is given as:
δ 2 ρg dh
V =
3 μ ds
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
and is a measure of the viscous head loss
Note vmax occurs at y = 0 at the central position:
2 g dh
v max =
2 ds
_ (14.12)
V 2
vmax 3
and discharge per unit width:
2 ρg dh
Q = V. 2 = . 3 . . (14.13)
3 μ ds
4 μ ds
i.e. v = shear factor x size factor x fluid factor x driving force (Wheater, 1984)
pore area
For soil pores, R H =
pore perimeter
e Vs ρg dh
So V = Cs
A s μ ds
But we cannot measure the pore velocity. Only the total discharge flow rate Q and the total sample area A
and its porosity can be measured.
n Vs ρg dh
So V = nCs ( ) (14.16)
1-n A s μ ds
Now for spherical soil grains of diameter Ds:
Vs 1/6 D3s Ds
= =
As D 2
n Ds ρg dh
V = nCs ( )
1-n 6 μ ds
C D2 ρg n3 dh
= s s
36 μ (1-n)2 ds
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
or V = - K
ds (14.18)
This is Darcy’s Law and K is the hydraulic conductivity. The negative sign indicates that flow is in the
direction of increasing head.
If K = k
k = CD2s Kozeny – Carman Formula (14.18a)
k is the coefficient of permeability
In practice the structure of porous media is more complex than assumed in the Kozeny Carman
formulation and Darcy’s law is normally considered empirically as in the original experimental
derivation. Table 14.1 shows the typical range of values of K.
14.4 Permeability
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
- (kg/ms)(m/s)
k= 3 2
= m2
(kg/m )(m/s )(m/m)
The negative sign indicates that the flow is in the direction of decreasing head.
The intrinsic permeability possesses units of area. Because values of k are so small it is often expressed
as square micrometers (m)2 = 10-12 m2.. In the petroleum industry, the value of k is measured by a unit
termed Darcy.
1 Darcy= 0.987 (m)2
which closely corresponds to the square micrometer unit.
The intrinsic permeability can be estimated from gain size distribution data and from the Fair Hatch
(1933) formula as reported by Todd (1980).
1 (1-n)2 B
k= 3 100 d (dh/ds) (14.20)
A m
Where n is the porosity, A is a dimensionless packing factor found to be approximately 5 and B is a
particle shape factor equal to 6 for spherical particles and 7.7 for highly angular ones. The factor F is the
percent by weight of the sample between two arbitrary particle sizes and dm, is the geometric mean of the
particle sizes corresponding to F. the Fair Hatch formula takes account of the distribution in grain sizes.
Other equations require only a characteristic grain size d.
For example the formula k = (6.54 x 10-4 )d2 (14.21)
yields the intrinsic permeability in cm2 as a function of a characteristics particle diameter in (Harleman et.
al 1963). The above equation is nearly valid for materials of very uniform particle size and shape.
14.4.3 Transmissivity
This term is widely employed in groundwater hydraulics. It is the rate at which water of prevailing
kinematic viscosity is transmitted through a unit width of aquifer under a unit hydraulic head. (It is equal
to the discharge rate at which water is transmitted through a unit width of an aquifer under a unit
hydraulic gradient)
T = Kb (m/day)(m) = m /day (14.22)
Where b is equal to the saturated thickness of an aquifer it is equal to the depth of a confined aquifer and
equal to the average thickness of the saturated zone of an unconfined aquifer.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
head H
Overall length L
Q c.s.a:A x Length
sample L
perforated disc
Measuring and wire gauze
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
t Standpipe
t c.s.a. s
Length L
c.s.a. A 100mm dia.
cutting ring
perforated disc
and wire gauze
Fig 14.6 Falling Head Permeameter.
Source: (Todd, 1980)
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Flow = a. in the pipe
A-H Darcy’s Law; v = -ki
= k through the soil
q = Av = -Aki
dt L
Separating variables and integrating between limits
H2 t2
aL dt
ln =- (t 2 - t 1 )
H2 aL
So aL H (14.27)
K= ln 1
A(t 2 - t 1 ) H2
Minimize disturbance of soil sample by taking the sample in field in a coring device which can also serve
as a permeameter cell. Beware of gaps between sample and cell wall; a rubber sleeve can be used.
Used boiled water (de-gassed) air immigrates to larger pores and blocks flow. Match laboratory water to
field water quantity to avoid chemical effects particularly for clays.
Ensure sample is saturated, but note K can decrease for a soil subjected to prolonged flooding due to
growth of slimes.
iii) Auger Hole Method
The auger hole method involves the measurement of the change in water level after rapid removal of a
volume of water from an unlined cylindrical hole as Fig 14.7. If the soil is loose, a screen may be
necessary to maintain the hole. The method is relatively simple and is most adaptable to shallow water
table conditions. The value of K obtained is essentially that for a horizontal direction in the immediate
vicinity of the hole
K = C. 14.28)
where is the rate of rise of water table at depth and C is a function of r, s, H, y, where r is the radius
of the hole, s is the depth from the bottom of the hole to the impermeable layer, H is the depth from the
water table to the bottom of the hole and y is the height from the water table to the level of water in the
Various solutions have been presented by several researchers including Boast and Kirkham in 1971.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Vx = -K x dh/dx
Vy = -K y dh/dy
Vz = -K z dh/dz
with K having different values in the x, y and z directions.
Hydraulic conductivity values usually show variations;
through space within a geologic formation. This property is termed homogeneity.
with the direction of measurement at a given point in a geologic formation. This is termed
` x
102 x
10 x
A A’
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Layered heterogeneity is common in sedimentary rocks and unconsolidated lacustrine and marine
deposits. In this case, individual layers making up the formation each have a homogeneous conductivity
value K1,K2,…, but the entire system can be thought as heterogeneous.
b) Discontinuous heterogeneity: Faults are an example.
c) Trending heterogeneity: Trends are possible in any type of geologic formation, but they
are common in response to the sedimentation processes that create deltas, alluvial fans and glacial
outwash plains. Fig. 14.8 is a sketch map that shows a case of trending heterogeneity.
K may change 2-3 orders of magnitude in a few Km.
d1 K1 K1
d d2 K2
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Hydraulic conductivity K, is a measure of the ease with which water can flow through soil. K is
dependent on the pore fluid and soil type. For laminar flow, in groundwater flow in a given direction, the
flow follows Darcy’s Law as given in Equation 14.18.
When water is the pore fluid and its temperature range is not large, the hydraulic conductivity, K will
describe fully the permeability of the soil in a given flow direction.
K is influenced by other factors (Jackson and Dhir, 1988) that include;
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Fig.14.10 Hydraulic Conductivity Ellipsoid.
Given: Hydraulic Conductivity in the x and z directions (Kx, Kz) as shown in Fig.14.10
Vs = -K s Darcy’s Law
Components of Vs are: Vx = -K x = Vs Cos (14.34)
Vz = -K z = Vs Sin (14.35)
h h x h z
Since h = h (x, z) = . + . (14.36)
s x s z s
x z
By geometry: = Cos = Sin (14.37)
s s
x z h h h
Substituting for , , , and into Equation (14.36) together with (14.34), (14.35) and
s s x z s
In rectangular coordinates, x r cos , z r sin .
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Axes = , if r =
Similarly in 3 dimensions, hydraulic conductivity ellipsoid has axes
, , (Freeze and Cherry,
i) Flownets
Flow nets are graphical representations of families of streamlines and equipotential lines are widely used
in groundwater studies to determine quantities, rates and directions of flows. The use of flow nets is
limited to steady incomprehensible flow at constant viscosity and density for homogenous segments.
Darcy’s Law must be applicable to the flow conditions. A flow net can be determined exactly if the
velocity potential Φ (x,y) and the stream function Ψ(x,y) are known before hand. This is often not the
case and as a result, graphically constructed flow nets are widely used. More about their construction can
be found in the literature like Watson and Burnett (1993).
The above assumptions are not strictly valid under actual field conditions. They are however required in
order to simplify the analysis, and to obtain an approximate solution of the complex problem of the well
hydraulics. On the basis of these assumptions, the equations are derived for the discharge (Q) from the
wells. The expressions for the discharge wells are derived separately for unconfined aquifer and the
confined aquifer in the following sections.
Before pumping is started, the water level in the wells is stationary. In an unconfined aquifer, the water
level is at the level of the water table; whereas in a confined aquifer, it is at the level of the piezometric
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
surface. As pumping is started, the water level in the wells drops. The radial flow occurs into the well,
and the water table (or piezometric surface) assumes the shape of an inverted cone around the well as the
pumping is continued. This cone is known as the cone of depression. The area influenced by the cone of
depression is known as the area of influence, and its radius is known as the radius of influence.
The drop in the water table level (or the piezometric surface) at any point from the original static level is
called the drawdown (s). The maximum drawdown (sw) occurs at the well and as the radial distance from
the well increases, the drawdown decreases. When the rate of pumping remains constant, initially the
drawdown curve changes gradually with time. This phase is called the unsteady flow state because the
water table level (or piezometric surface level) at a given point is a function of time. However if the
pumping is continued for a long time, an equilibrium state (i.e. steady state) is reached when the cone of
depression becomes stationary. At that stage, the rate of inflow into the well is exactly equal to the rate of
outflow from it due to pumping.
Examples of the use of the Dupuit-Thiem Theorem to simulate common groundwater problems are
provided in the following sections a) to f) as well as in Section 14.8 on the superposition of elementary
groundwater solutions.( DeWeist, 1965; McWhorter and Sunada,1977; Bouwer, 1978; Wilson,1996;
Arora 2007,)
a) Steady, One Dimensional Unconfined flow between two parallel ditches, unequal water levels
in the ditches and no recharge (equivalent to flow through a dam/embankment with vertical faces)
Seepage face
Calculated Q h0
(Dupuit) h
Fig.14.11 Steady, one dimensional, unconfined flow with unequal water levels.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
To find an equation for the water table elevation, h at distance x, re-arrange and use x instead of L,
substituting the above equation for Q;
2Q (h 2 h L2 )
h 2 h 02 x h 02 0 x (14.41)
(h 02 h L2 )
The equation h 2 h 02 x has the form of a parabola (y2 = cx + b)
and expresses the shape of the water table under the Dupuit assumptions i.e. with no vertical flow
The deficiencies in the Dupuit assumptions are apparent at the seepage face, x = L. If the downstream
water level were drawdown to hL =0, the area of flow on the vertical face would be zero and dh/dx , a
situation for which the Dupuit assumption does not hold.
The water table, with no vertical re-charge and under steady state conditions, is a streamline. The
vertical face of the aquifer below water at x = L is an equipotential line (pressure head + elevation head =
constant). Therefore at channel water level at x =L, the stream line and equipotential line should intersect
at right angles, but as in the diagram, this is not supported by the water table described by the Dupuit
assumption. However, the errors in using the Dupuit assumption in practice, are small especially when the
horizontal distances are large compared to the vertical distances and (dh/dx)2<<1.
b) Steady, One Dimensional Unconfined Flow with Recharge, Equal water levels
L/2 L/2
Fig.14.12 Steady, one dimensional unconfined flow with recharge, equal water levels.
Refer to Fig 14.12. Under the Dupuit assumptions, the flow through any vertical plane is
Q Wx Kh
dx (14.42)
L/2 L/2
Example 14.1
A horizontal impermeable clay layer exists 5.1m below the surface of the soil in a humid region where the
annual precipitation exceeds the annual evaporation by 30cm. A subsurface drainage system composed of
equally spaced parallel drains is required to maintain the maximum water table elevation 1.1m below the
surface. Stating any simplifying assumptions derive the equation describing the water table between
adjacent drains. If the drains are placed 2.1m below the surface and K=2.0 x 10-4 cms-1. What is the
spacing between the drains?
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
2.1m 1.1m
ho= = 4.0m
3.0m h
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Example 14.2
A flat alluvial valley bounded by impermeable shale averages 2150 m in width with a stream flowing
through it in the approximate centre. The valley contains an aquifer in hydraulic connection with the
stream. During the irrigation season recharge can be steady and uniform over the valley. Observation
wells indicate that during irrigation, the water table at a distance 110m from the stream is 3.3mabove the
impermeable shale and 1.2m above the stream level. If the discharge of the aquifer to the stream is 3.325
x 10-2 m3/day per unit width, by making any simplifying assumptions and deriving any necessary
equations determine the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer.
h ho
3.3m 2.1m
The discharge of aquifer to the stream 0.03325m3/day per unit width
The height of water table at any distance x is given by:
h h x2
2 2
As in Equation 14.46
h=3.3m ho=2.1m x=965m L/2=1075m
According to Dupuit all w goes to stream
Q wL wx
.03325m 3 / day .03325m
2150mx1m 2150x 24x3600s
w 1.79x10 m / s
3.32 2.12
9652 10752
1.79x10 10
9652 10752 2.12 3.32
2.1 3.3
2 2
9652 10752 K
K 6.2x10-6m/s or = 0.536 m/day
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
c) Unconfined flow between parallel ditches with vertical recharge and unequal water levels in
the ditches
Q H2
Fig.14.14 Unconfined flow across parallel ditches, unequal water levels and vertical recharge
Q is made up from flow through the aquifer under a differential Head (H1 – H2) as well as from recharge
W as shown in Fig 14.14.
Darcy’s Law with Dupuit assumptions:
Q Kh (14.47)
Continuity dQ Wdx (Contribution to Q increases with x)
Q Wx C1 (Integrated) (14.48)
Equating (14.47) and (14.48) and separating variables
(Wx C1 )
hdh dx
W 2 2C1
Integrating h 2 x x 2C2 (14.49)
Boundary conditions h = H1 at x=0
C2 H12 / 2
and h = H2 at x = L
Substituting back into Equation 14.49 for C2, h and x
WL2 2C1L
2 H2
K K 2
K 2 WL
Solving for C1 C1 (H2 H12 )
2L 2
Substitute back in Equation (14.49)
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
W 2 2x K WL
h2 x ( (H 22 H12 ) ) H12
K K 2L 2
W x WLx
x 2 ( H12 H 22 ) ) H12
W x
h2 (Lx x2 ) ( H12 H 22 ) H12 Equation of the water table (14.50)
Since Q = Wx + C1
Q Wx (H 22 H12 ) Equation for flow rate (per length of ditch) (14.51)
2 2L
Drawdown curve P
H Unconfined
h1 h2 Aquifer
hw h
Impermeable Stratum
For the derivation of an expression for the discharge Q, let us consider a cylindrical soil mass around the
well. Let the origin of the cylindrical co-ordinates (r, θ, h) be at the centre of the bottom of the well. Let P
be a point on the drawdown curve at a radial distance of r and at a height of h above the impermeable
stratum. Flow occurs through the vertical sides of the cylindrical surface passing through the point P. The
area of flow A is equal to 2rh.
According to Darcy’s law, the velocity of flow is given by
The discharge Q is equal to the product of the area of flow and the velocity of flow
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Thus Q Av
or (14.52)
or (14.53)
Integrating both sides of Equation.14.53 between the limits (r = r1 and h = h1) to (r = r2 and h = h2)
or (14.55)
or (14.55a)
Equations 14.55 and 14.55a may be used for the estimation of discharge
e) Steady Flow to a Well in a Confined Aquifer
Fig. 14.16 shows the flow system around a well fully penetrating a confined aquifer thickness b. Let H be
the height of the initial piezometric surface. When the water is pumped out at a constant rate Q for a long
time, the steady flow conditions are established. The water level in the well becomes constant and the
drawdown curve gets stabilised. At that stage, the contribution of water from the aquifer is equal to the
rate of pumping.
Pumped Well
GS r1 Observation Wells
Confined Aquifer b rw
Let us consider the flow through the vertical sides of a cylindrical surface passing through a point P at a
radial distance r. In this case, because the depth of flow b is constant, the area of flow is equal to 2 rb.
Using Darcy’ law, the discharge is given by
Integrating between the limits (r = r1 and h = h1) to (r = r2 and h = h2)
Alternative forms
1. Equations 14.58 and 14.58a can also be written in terms of the drawdown s1 and s2. As h2 =H– s2
and h1 = H–s1
Example 14.3
A fully penetrating well of diameter 0.4m is drilled in a confined aquifer 2.5m thick. If the steady state
drawdowns at 10m and 50m are observed to be 2.5m and 0.5m, determine the discharge. Take k = 10 –3
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Example 14.4
A well of diameter 30cm fully penetrates a confined aquifer of thickness 1.5m when pumped at a steady
rate of 30 l/s, the drawdowns observed in wells at radial distances of 10m and 40m, are 1.50 and 1.0m,
respectively. Compute the radius of influence, the permeability, the transmissivity and the drawdown at
the well.
Transmissivity, T = bK = 15 x 8.8 x 10 –4 = 1.32 x 10 –2 m2/s
Let sw be the drawdown in the well
From Equation 14.59
sw 3.02m
Let R be the radius of influence
From Equation 14.59,
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
re ro
Fig 14.17 Steady radial flow in an unconfined aquifer with uniform recharge
Q 2 rKh (14.61)
Continuity 2rW (14.62)
Since recharge increases the flow Q with decreasing radial distance r from the well, continuity gives the
incremental increase in Q for an incremental change in r.
Integrated Q r 2W C1 (14.63)
r 2W C1 dr
Combined hdh
2 K r
W 2 C1
Integrated h2 r ln r C2 (14.64)
2K K
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
W 2 Qw
So, from Equation (14.64) C 2 he2 re ln re
2K K
Substitute back in (14.64) for C2:
he2 h 2
W re2 r 2 Qw re
ln (14.65)
2K K r
This gives the equation of the water table for radial flow with constant pumping and constant recharge.
When Qw = 0, ie no pumping from well and the water table is in the form of the top dotted line in Fig
he2 h 2
W re2 r 2 (14.65a)
If there is no recharge, i.e. W = 0, then Equation 14.65 reduces to Equation 14.55, which is the equation of
radial flow in an unconfined aquifer and the drawdown is in the form of the lowest curve as in Figs 14.15
and 14.17. The middle dotted line shows the water table before pumping without recharge.
Since Drawdown s = he – h
W Qw (r )
s (re2 r 2 ) ln e (14.66)
2 K (2he s ) K (2he s) r
If at steady state conditions, W = Recharge rate = Qw = Pumping rate (which may be true over a long time
he2 hw2 ln(re / rw ) 1 2 (14.67)
K (he2 hw2 )
OR Qw (14.67a)
ln(re / rw ) 1 2
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The radius of influence of most of the wells ranges between 150m and 500m. The expression for the
discharge derived below does not vary much even with a large change in the value of R. Therefore even
an approximate value or R in the above range will not affect the accuracy much. An average value of R
equal to 300 m is generally assumed.
For the determination of the discharge by Equation (14.55), it is necessary to determine the height h1 and
h2 of the cone depression at radial distance of r1 and r2, respectively. For this purpose, two observation
wells are required in addition to the main pumping well. To avoid the drilling of observation wells, an
alternative equation is derived by integrating Equation 14.53 between the limits (r = rw and h = hw) to (r =
R and h = H), where rwis the radius of the well, hw is the depth of water in it, R is the radius of influence
and H is the thickness of the aquifer from the impervious stratum to the water table.
Equations 14.68b and 14.68c can also be expressed in alternate forms as follows
Alternative forms
1. Let us express H2 h 2w as (H h w )(H h w )
But H2 – hw = sw = drawdown in the well-
and H +hw = (H - hw) + 2hw
Therefore Equations 14.68c can be written as
2. Equations 14.68b and 14.68c can also be written in terms of the drawdowns. Let s1 and s2 be the
drawdowns at radial distances of r1 and r2 respectively. Thus
s1 H - h1 and s2 H - h 2
Therefore h 22 h12 (H s2 )2 (H s1 )2
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Example 14.5
A well penetrates in the centre of an unconfined aquifer bounded externally by a circle of radius 100m
along which the height of the water table is 8m. If at a distance of 10m from the centre of well, the height
of water table is 7.5m when steady conditions are established, determine the discharge of the well. Take K
= 10-4 m/s.
From Equation (14.55)
Example 14. 6
A 0.4m diameter well fully penetrates an unconfined aquifer whose bottom is 80m below the undisturbed
groundwater table. When pumped at a steady rate of 1.50 m3/min, the drawdown observed in two
observation wells at radial distances of 5m and 15m are; 4m and 2m respectively. Determine the
drawdown in the well
From Equation (14.55)
Let hw be the depth of water in the well
(782 hw2 ) 1209.8
hw 69.82
Thus sw 80 69.82 10.18m
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Example 14.7
The height of the water table above an impermeable base surrounding a circular island of radius 350 m is
10m. If this island receives 1.2 mm/h of rainfall, determine the height of the water table in the borehole of
0.2 m diameter drilled in the centre of the island. Take K = 0.07 m/d and assume there is no pumping.
Qw= 0
=fnfn G.L
Water table with 11/1
recharge but no Initial level of Water
pumping Table
re ro
he2 h 2
W re2 r 2 (Assuming no pumping; Qw = 0)
102 h2
3.333x107 3502 .12
2 x8.102 x10
h2 = 262.14 – 100
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Generally, the flow or discharge as a result of pumping a well is given by the Theim formulas for steady flow
as shown below:
K (d 2 hw2 )
Q (for unconfined aquifers) (14.71)
2.3 log10
2KH ( D hw )
Q (for confined aquifers) (14.72)
2.3 log10
rw = radius of the well
K = hydraulic conductivity
R = radius of influence
H = total height of the confined aquifer
D = height of the aquifer below the original piezometric surface for the confined aquifer
d = height of the original water table
hw = artesian pressure in the well
However, for a partially penetrating well as shown in Fig 14.18, these formulas are not applicable as the
nature of flow will become three dimensional. It will not only be radial but will also have an upward
component as shown in the figure below. The yield of such a well is found to be more than that of a fully
penetrating well of the same depth.
Well penetrating partially in the
According to Kozeny correction factor for the discharge of a partially penetrating well in unconfined aquifer
is given as:
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
.K .( d1 hw
1 7. w . cos 1 (14.73)
R 2 d1 2d
2.3 log10
d1= actual penetration depth below the water table
d= Actual depth of the aquifer below the water table
he2 h2
W r r e
2 2
surrounding water level
Consider also the equation for radial unconfined flow to a pumping well as in Equation 14.54.;
Qw re
he2 h 2 =
πK r
ln (14.76) re = radius of influence
By the principle of super position these two elementary solutions can be combined to give the equation
for the piezometric surface for radial flow to a pumping well with recharge in an unconfined aquifer as in
Equation 14.65;
h h
2 2
W re2 r 2 Qw re
K r
i.e.the sum of the two elementary solutions
The same principle can be used to combine any number of component solutions in order to analyse more
complicated groundwater flow situations. An example is the analysis of flow to a well field i.e. a cluster
of wells all pumping from the same aquifer horizon.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
To contribute to the drawdown s, a given well in the field must be within range of its radius of influence,
hence ri< re.. If there are a large number of wells in the fields, analysis of the groundwater flow can be
further simplified by representing then n wells or withdrawals points by a single, uniformly distributed
withdrawal rate W= discharge/unit area, applying over the area of the well field.
Qi Where A=Area of well field, idealised by a circle of radius R
i 1 A
For n well points, total withdrawal = R W = 2
Integrate to find s0, the drawdown at the centre of the well field
T 0
s0 r ln (re / r)dr
WR 2
s0 (ln (re / R) 1 )
2T 2
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The analysis of well field has been simplified by thinking of it as a single well problem with negative
recharge (an areally uniform withdrawal rate). This solution will clearly not predict the drawdown near
individual wells in the field but it does give an estimate of the overall drawdown caused by the well field
as a whole.
Section Plan re
d Piezometric head
Confined Lateral
Fig. 14.20 Representation of a Ranney collector well with laterals in a ‘Star’ pattern
Typical dimensions are: 2rw = 1.5 – 4.5m, re= 40 – 50m and d = 20 – 50m
Using the same approach as for a well field, let the total pumping rate or withdrawal from the collector
well be represented by a uniform withdrawal rate W over the whole plan area of the collectors i.e. a
circular area of radius R.
Discharge = Q = R2W
and the drawdown at the centre of the collector well becomes
Q WR 2 r
s0 (ln (re / R) 1 ) [Since s0 (ln( e ) 1 ) -Derived for the well field]
2T 2 2T R 2
If the collector well can be replaced by, or be imagined equivalent to, a single ordinary well of radius rw
for which s w ln(re / rw ) [Thiem equation],
Equating sw and s0 gives
ln(re / rw ) ln ( e ) 1
R 2
rw 0.6R
which implies that a collector well is equivalent to a single ordinary well of radius 0.6 R, although in
practice, rw is more nearly equal to 0.8R from field data. Hence collector wells can be useful for large
pumping capacity in relatively thin aquifers although their capital cost is high.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
PLAN: steam is in y - axis
Consider a semi-infinite aquifer with a constant head or equipotential boundary at the stream.
There is no radial symmetry but the stream can be thought or as a line source as shown in Fig 14.21.
1. The stream stage is constant, so that the interface with the aquifer is a constant head/equipotential
2. Both the well and the stream fully penetrate the aquifer. Although in practice, the stream rarely
fully penetrates the aquifer, the consequent errors in the analysis turn out to be relatively small.
3. There is no sealing layer of fine sediment on the streambed (i.e. full hydraulic connection).
4. Pseudo – steady state conditions.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The method of images suggests that the stream boundary can be replaced or represented by an image
recharge well, recharging at rate – Q,
at x = -a, y = 0. If the pumping well is y
at x = a, y = 0, pumping at rate +Q as
shown in Fig 14.22. P
The drawdown in the semi-infinite ri
aquifer then equals the drawdown rp y
from the pumped well + the
drawdown (or build–up) from the WELL
WELL a x -a
image recharge
Fig.14.22 Pumping and image recharge well
At any point P, from the Thiem equation and superposition, the drawdown s is given by
Image Pump
Q r Q r
s ln ( e ) ln ( e )
2T ri 2T rp
Q re r Q r
ln ( ) ln ( e ) ln ( i )
2T rp ri 2T rp
{(a x)2 y 2 }
Q 2
s ln
2T {(a x)2 y 2 }
If x = 0 in this equation, s = 0 that is, along the y-axis, which is the position of the stream, drawdown is
zero and the line is an equipotential line along which h = h0, a constant stage in the stream as in Fig
The imaginary recharge well therefore produces the same effect as a stream along the Y – axis.
Q -Q
Image recharge
Stream stage
Drawdown from
a Position of a
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
At s= 0, the pumped well is withdrawing water at the same rate as the image recharge well is supplying it,
hence drawdown is zero.
Since, from the equation already derived for drawdown at any point P,
Q r
s ln ( l )
2T rr
Drawdown at the pumped well, sw is Since rp = rw
ri = 2a – rw and
Q 2a rw ) Q (2a) Usually rw 2a
sw s ln ( ln (14.81)
2T rw 2T (rw )
Fig. 14.24 Equipotentials and streamlines for pumping well near image recharging well
Source: (Ferris et al., 1962)
(Note: The numbers on the equipotentials refer to the potential as a percentage of the total head difference between
the recharging boundary and the well). Fig.14.24 gives a representation of equipotentials and streamlines of
the pumping well near an equivalent recharge well. Thus the resulting flownet shows a single
equipotential line, which is coincident with the axis of the stream. The resultant drawdown of the real
well is given by the algebraic sum of the drawdown of the real well and the build up of the recharge well
as if these wells were located in an infinite aquifer (Todd, 1980)
Solid Boundary
Fig.14.25 Equipotentials and streamlines for pumping well near image pumping well
Source: (Ferris et al., 1962)
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Using the same approach it can be shown that an impermeable, solid boundary near a pumping well can
be represented by an image pumping well. If the pumping well is at x = a, y = 0, the Y axis being
impermeable boundary, the image pumping well is at x = -a, y = 0
(Note: The numbers on the equipotentials refer to the potential as a percentage of the “undisturbed” total head at
great distance)
In the same way, Fig 14.25 shows the flownet of the pumping well near an image pumping well. The
solid boundary at the centre represents an equipotential surface and a line of no flow.
Parallel Boundaries
With aquifer boundaries, the image well combinations arising from their analysis rapidly become
complex- An image well corresponding to one boundary will itself require another image well,
corresponding to any other boundary.
In the case of two parallel boundaries, two image planes are considered which leads to an infinite set of
images as shown in Figs14.26a and 14.26b. However, in practice pairs of image wells are added until the
next pair has negligible influence on the sum of all image well effects out to the point..
Barrier Recharge
boundary boundary
5 4 2 P.W. 1 3 6 7
2a 2b 2a b b a a 2b 2a 2b 2a
I I I P.W. I I I I
4 5 2 1 3 6 7
2a 2b 2a b b a a 2b 2a 2b 2a
Barrier boundries
Fig. 14.26 Image well system for pumping well located between parallel boundaries
Source: (Ferris et al., 1962)
Note that in the analysis, however, those image wells, whose radii of influence fall outside the boundary
need not be considered in the analysis. The imaginary recharge well therefore produces the same effect as
a stream along the Y- axis.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Note the method of images can also be used in the vertical plane.
An Example: A horizontal drain beneath a ponded surface (equipotential boundary) as shown in Fig
The situation is equivalent to a pumping well near an equipotential boundary in the horizontal plane
provided that the base of the aquifer is a long way below the drain and cannot itself be considered a
boundary i.e. d2>>d1. The image to the drain representing the equipotential, ponded surface is a
“Recharge Drain”, d1 above ground level. The equations for pumping-image recharge well combination
apply but with appropriate parameter changes:
the horizontal
becomes (14.83)
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Example 14.8
Determine the drawdown midway between a borehole and a stream 200 m apart, hydraulically connected
to a confined aquifer, whose thickness is 10.0 m. The borehole is being pumped at a rate of 0.3 m3/hour
and the aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of 2.0 x 10-6 m/s.
The drawdown at any point p in a confined aquifer due to a pumping well is given as
Q r
s ln e
2 bK r p
The Method of Images allows us to represent a hydrogeological boundary by an equivalent system. In this
case the pumping well near the stream is represented by an additional image recharge well shown in
dotted lines at the same distance from the stream ri as shown in the figure below.
200m 200m
100m 300m Recharge
rp A r
The drawdown at point A is made up of contribution of the pumping well at rp and recharge well at ri.
By the principle of superposition, we add Equations (1) + (2) as follows:
Q r Q r
sA ln e ln e
2 bK rp 2 bK ri
Q r
ln i
2 bK rp
Given Q=0.3m3/hr, ri=300m, rp=100m, b==10m, K=2.0x10-6m/s
0.3 300
2 x x 2 x10 x10 x60 x60 100
sA = 0.729m
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
i) Site Selection
The following conditions govern the selection of a new site for a pumping test:
Steady hydrological conditions which do not change with time
The site should not be near motorways or railways
The site should not be in the vicinity of existing wells
The site should be accessible from the main road.
a) Well diameter:
Normally a large diameter is not needed for a pumping test. For shallow wells in particular, the
diameter of the well can be small.
b) Well depth:
The depth is normally determined from the log of an exploratory borehole or from logs of nearby
existing wells if any.
c) Well screen:
The length and depth of the screen is determined by the depth at which the coarsest material
materials are found. This is normally determined by examining well logs. The screen should be
slotted or perforated with no more than 30-40% its circumference to keep the entrance velocity
low i.e. less than 3cm/s in order to limit friction losses.
d) Gravel pack:
A gravel pack is usually an artificially-graded coarser material, which is fitted surrounding the
well so as to retain much of the aquifer material that would otherwise enter the well. The
thickness is normally in the range of 8-15cm. Gravel pack material should be clean and smooth
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
e) The pump:
Various pumps can be fitted to the well to lift the water to the surface. It should be able to pump
water continuously for a period of at least a few days. The pump should also be able to produce
good and measurable draw downs of at least 100 or 200mm.
iii) Piezometers
Piezometers are fitted near the pumping well to measure the drawdown as a result of pumping. A
piezometer (Fig 14.28) is an open-ended pipe placed in a borehole that has been drilled to the desired
depth in the ground. Placing piezometers between 10 and 100m from the well will normally give reliable
data in most cases. For thick aquifers, the distances should be greater say between 100 m and 250 m or
more from the well.
This is the instrument used to determine the value of h at some point P in a groundwater reservoir.
Piezometers can also be installed in groups to determine directions of groundwater flow.
Fig.14.28 Hydraulic head h, pressure head r, and elevation z for a field piezometer .
iv) Measurements
Two kinds of measurement are done during a pumping test:
Measurements of the water levels in the well and the piezometers
Measurements of the discharge rate from the well
v) Duration of pumping
There is no set time for how long a pumping test should take. A pumping test should continue long
enough to determine the effects of the proposed pumping.
However, the following guidelines can be used.
b) Start pumping the well and keep the pumping rate constant throughout the test. Take
measurements of the pumping rate.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
c) Monitor and measure the groundwater levels in the well and the piezometers at specified
intervals of time, say every hour or every two hours. After a longer time of pumping, the time
interval can be increased.
d) Measure groundwater levels accurately - noting the exact time you made the measurement.
Battery powered groundwater probes can be used that have a light or alarm which goes off when
it’s dipped into water.
e) After pumping stops, keep monitoring groundwater for a period similar to the pumping test, or
until water levels have recovered to the pre-test level.
f) Record all the measurements including the date, location and site diagram.
When carrying out a step drawdown pumping test, the number of steps should be at least four. The
other procedures should be basically the same.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Fig 14.29 shows a well fully penetrating a confined aquifer of thickness b. Let us consider flow through
an annular cylinder of soil with radius r and thickness dr, at a distance of r from the centre of the well.
From the principle of continuity of flow, the difference of the rate of inflow and the rate of outflow from
the annular cylinder is equal to the rate of change of volume of water within the annular space. Thus:
Q1 Q2 (14.85)
Where Q1 is the rate of inflow, Q2 is the rate of outflow and v / t is the rate of change of volume (V)
within the annular space.
The slope of hydraulic gradient line (i.e. the piezometric surface) at the inner surface is h/ r , where h is
the height of piezometric surface above the impervious stratum. Therefore, the slope of the hydraulic
h 2h
gradient line at the outer surface is equal to 2 dr
r r
Now by Darcy’s law, Discharge = K x i x (area of flow)
Outflow (14.87)
Now from the definition of the storage coefficient S, is the volume of water released per unit surface area
per unit change in the head normal to the surface.
Substituting the transmissivity T for Kb
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Equation (14.89) is the basic equation of unsteady flow towards the well and it applies to both confined
and unconfined aquifer flow. In the equation, h is the head, r is the radial distance from the well. S is
storage coefficient for confined flow (or S is the specific yield, Sy, for unconfined flow), T is
transmissivity, and t is the time since the beginning of pumping.
Pumped Well
h h h2
Initial Piezometric surface Slope = Slope = dr
r r r 2
Drawdown curve
Q2 Q1
r dr
Annular Ring
Q2 Q1
dr r
2h 1 h S h
r 2 r r T t (14.90)
2h 1 h 1 h
r 2 r r α t
Assuming that the well is replaced by a mathematical sink of constant strength, and considering the
following boundary conditions,
h = H for t = 0 (H= piezometric head)
and h approaches H as r approaches for t 0
Theis obtained the solution of Equation 14.90 as
Q eu du
4πT u u
s (14.91)
where s is the drawdown at a radial distance r from the well after time t. The drawdown is equal to
(H – h ). Q is the constant discharge, and u (Boltzman variable) is a function given by
r 2S r 2
u (14.92)
4Tt 4αT
where α
Equation (14.91) is known as non-equilibrium equation or Theis Equation. The integral in this equation is
called the exponential integral. This integral is usually denoted as W(u). Thus
W (u) du (14.93)
u u
Where W(u) is called the Well function.
Hence Equation (14.91) can be written as s W(u) (14.94)
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
From Equation 14.94 and from Equation 14.92, for a given aquifer, the terms in the parenthesis are
constants. From these equations, it can be construed that the relationship between W (u) and u must be
similar to the relation between S and (r2/t) and when these are plotted on the same scale double log plot,
the resulting curves will be of the same shape but horizontally and vertically offset by
Q 4T
constants and . Making use of this similarity, Theis suggested a graphical method of
4 πT S
superposition for the determination of S and T. The following procedure is used.
Draw a curve between W(u) and 1/u on a log paper using the tabulated values given in Table 14.3. The
curve is known as the reverse type curve as shown in Fig 14.30.
i). Values of drawdowns are plotted against values of (t/r2) (Fig. 14.31)) on logarithmic paper both
scales for the same size as for the type curve. The curve is called the data curve.
ii). The observed time-drawdown data are superimposed on the type curve, keeping the coordinate axes
of the two curves parallel and adjusted until a position is found by trial whereby most of the plotted
points of the observed data fall on a segment of the type curve.
iii). Any convenient point is selected, and the coordinates of this match point are recorded. With values of
W(u), 1/u, s, and t /r2 determined, S and T can be obtained from Equations. 14.94 and 14.92.
Thus T W(u) (14.95)
and S 2 u … (14.96)
r /t
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
A plot of Drawdown s against Log (t/r ) (DWD13287)
s (m)
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
t/r2 (min/m2)
1. Early part of observed data may not be well fitted by the theoretical Theis equation (i.e. for small
values of t and near the well) since it assumes Q starts as a step function with time (at t =0) and then
stays constant (pumping rate will actually vary as pumps adjust to changing head, as drawdown
increases) and since it assumes immediate release of water from storage (in practice, there if often a
delay before water arrives in the well).
2. If u>0.01, log type curve is fairly flat and matching is difficult; other solution techniques may
have to be used.
3. Remember the other assumptions inherent in the method
Aquifer has infinite areal extent, is isotropic, homogeneous and has uniform thickness, at
least in area influenced by pumping tests
Before pumping, initial piezometric surface is horizontal
The results from this technique are remarkably robust but if one or more of the underlying assumptions
are seriously violated, discrepancies in pumping test results may be explained.
Example 14.9
The following readings were taken in an observation well 39 m from a well pumped at a constant rate of
1.25 m3/min. Find the transmissivity and storage constant for the aquifer (after Dake, 1983).
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The s vs. r2/t plot superimposed on the W(u) vs. u curve is shown in Fig 14.32. The identified common
point has the following coordinates:
r 2/t (m2/hr)
2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10
Drawdown s (m)
W(u) - u curve
Common 1.00
2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10
r 2/t (m2/hr)
0.01 0.10 1.00 10
Fig 14.32 Plot of s vs. r /t superimposed on the W(u) vs. u plot
The Well Function W(u) in Equation 14.93 can be expressed in a convergent series as
u2 u3 u4
W (u) 0.5772 loge (u) u (14.97)
2x2! 3x3! 4x4!
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Cooper and Jacob (1946) noted that for small value of r and large volumes of t, the value of u is relatively
small. Consequently, the series terms in Equation 14.97 become negligibly small after the first two terms
and can be neglected.
Q r 2S
s 0.5772 loge
4πT 4Tt
Q r 2S
or log (1.7810) loge
Q 2.25 Tt
loge 2
4πT rS
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
2.30 Q 2.25 Tt
or s log10 2 (14.99)
4πT rS
Equation 14.99 shows that the drawdown (s) varies linearly with logarithm of time t because all other
terms are constant for an observation well.
For the determination of the aquifer constants S and T, the following procedure is used.
A plot of drawdown s versus the logarithm of t (straight line) is made (Fig 14.33).
The value of change in the drawdown ( s) over the one log cycle is determined from the best fit
straight line.
For the determination of S, extend the best-fit straight line to intersect the abscissa at t= t0. It may be
noted that t0 is the time up to which the drawdown remains zero.
From the Equation above, substituting s = 0 and t = t0
2.30 Q 2.25 T t 0
0 log10
4πT r 2S
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
2.25 T t 0
Therefore, log10 0 log10 (1)
r 2S
or (14.99a)
Knowing the value of T from the equation above, the value of S can be obtained.
This method should be used only for values of u less than 0.01 to avoid large errors.
Advantages of Cooper-Jacob equation
The Cooper-Jacob’s equation has the following advantages over Dupuit equilibrium equation
1. The assumption of steady-flow condition is not necessary.
2. A shorter period of pumping is required in the test.
3. Only one observation well is necessary, besides the pump well
4. The value of storage coefficient (S) can be determined in addition to that of T.
Example 14.10
Groundwater investigations were carried out at a borehole in Nkozi, Mpigi District, Uganda. An
observation well located 10m from the borehole was pumped at an average discharge of 2.38m3/h for 24
hours. The drawdowns at particular time intervals are given in the table below. Estimate the
transmissivity and storativity of the aquifer using Jacob’s method.
The data is plotted with the drawdown as the ordinate and the log of time since pumping begun as the
abscissa as shown below:
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Refer to the figure above
For the cycle Δt = 10-100min;
∆s = 38 - 20 = 18m
Q = 2.38m3/hr = 6.611 x 10-4 m3/s
The borehole is 10m from the observation well so r = 10m and to = 0.68min
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
From Equation 14.94, s W(u)
s W(u)
Therefore, F(u)
Δs 2.30
Or W(u) 2.30F(u)
The value of W(u) is found from Equation 14.101 for the value of F(u) computed in step (iv). Then
the value of u can be found from the value of W(u) from Table 14.3.
vi). Compute the values of S and T from the values of W(u) found in step (v) from Equations 14.95 and
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Q 4 Tu
T W(u) and S
4πs (r 2 / t)
There are two other common methods that will be considered here. These are the Recovery Test discussed
in Section14.9.9 and the Step drawdown Test discussed in Section14.9.11.
which shows that re is proportional to t
1. The radius of influence develops rapidly at first, then more slowly as pumping continues.
2. re is large in aquifers with small S (storage coefficient) than in those with larger S. since S tends to be
smaller in confined aquifers than in unconfined aquifers, re tends to be larger in confined aquifers.
Equation (101b) has been used successfully as shown by (Moh et al., 1996) and several others.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
For small r and/or large t, when u < 0.01, as shown previously, the Theis equation can be approximately
Q r2
s 0.5772 loge (u) where u
4πT 4αT
Drawdown at r1, s1 0.5772 loge u1
4 πT
and s2 0.5772 loge u2
4 πT
Q Q 1 1
s1 s2 h2 h1 loge u1 (loge u2 ) loge loge )
4 πT 4 πT u1 u2
loge 2 2 loge 2
Q r 2Q r
4 πT 1 r 4 πT r1
loge 2 Thiem equation for steady flow
Q r
2πT r1
Therefore, under the assumed condition that u< 0.01, the approximate version of the Theis equation
reduces to the Theis equation already derived, implying that a ‘steady’ or Pseudo-steady state has been
reached. If u is then taken as <0.01 at r2 radial distance,
u 0.01 can be used as a criterion for steady state is being established.
Q r2 r2
s where u
2 2
Using the Theis equation W(u)
4πT 4αT 4Tt
The objective is to find values of transmissivity T and storage coefficient S, for an aquifer into which a
well has been sunk together with one or more observations wells (piezometer holes).The method is to
apply a stress to the aquifer (by pumping) and by analyzing the subsequent response (series of values of s,
drawdown and t, time), T and S can be evaluated.
The following solution techniques or methods of analysis (to determine S and T) employ the assumptions
implicit in the Theis Equation (14.94), which include:
i. Confined aquifer (although also used for unconfined aquifer if drawdown<< saturated thickness
iii. Water removed from storage is discharged instantaneously with decline of head well diameter is
small (i.e. No storage in the well which can be represented as a ‘line sink’)
iv. When pumping starts at t = 0, discharge instantaneously reaches the pumping rate Q.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
If a well is pumped for a known period of time and then shut down, the drawdown thereafter will be
identical to one if the discharge had been continued and a hypothetical recharge well with the same flow
were superimposed on the discharging well at the instant the well is shut down.
From the above principle Theis showed that the residual drawdown s1 is given as:
r 2S r 2S
where: u and u 1
4Tt 4Tt 1
For r small and t1 large, the well functions can be approximated by the first two terms of W(u) so that
1 1
Thus a plot of residual drawdown s versus the log of t/t forms a straight line (Fig.14.36) where:
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
From the data given Column 3 is added to the table by recording the time since pumping began. The
fourth column is added by calculating the ratio of total time since pumping started to the time since
pumping stopped.
The plot of the residual drawdown as the ordinate and the ratio t/t' as the abscissa, is drawn as shown in
the figure below.
From the above plot the residual drawdown in a log cycle is obtained and applied in Jacob’s Recovery
formula to estimate the transmissivity as shown below.
0.9 18 m3/s
Drawdown (m etres )
12 m3/s
6 m3/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T im e (m inute s)
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Because step-drawdown pumping tests are typically much shorter than constant-rate pumping tests,
transmissivity and storativity values are not as accurate for these tests. When the discharge is divided by
drawdown in a pumping well (sw/Q), the specific capacity of the well is obtained and this is a measure of
the productivity of the well. The larger the specific capacity, the more productive the well is. For a given
discharge, the specific capacity of the well is assumed to be constant. A reduction in specific capacity
may be caused by the lowering of the groundwater level in an unconfined aquifer, or to an increase in
well loss associated with clogging or deterioration of the well screen.
Step-drawdown tests can be used to determine the variation in specific capacity of a well and different
values are plotted against discharge. This is illustrated in Example 14.12 and Fig 14.39.
Where B is the resistance of the formation; this factor represents the total hydraulic resistance of the
formation from the well face to some distance, where the head drop is virtually zero and where radial
motion has not yet began. The resistance B increases with time as the ever expanding area of influence of
the well expands, while C is the well loss factor as shown in Fig 14.38. The total drawdown consists of
both the formation loss and the well loss. According to Rorabaugh (1953) the aquifer losses are laminar
flow, while the well losses are turbulent flow. Bierschenk and Wilson (1964) simplified equation (14.104)
and divided by Q. This becomes:
The arithmetic plot of specific drawdown (sw/Q) against a discharge rate, will therefore, be a straight line
with a slope of C and an intercept of B. The total drawdown for each discharge rate is then the sum of the
incremental drawdown at that step plus all previous steps.
The total drawdown sw at the well can also be written for the steady-state confined case
where: n is a constant greater than one C is a constant governed by the radius, construction, and condition
of the well. For simplicity, let
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
so that
Ground Surface
Confined aquifer
Brereton’s (1979) method is also based on Jacob’s approximation of the Thesis well equation for u < .01.
For transient flow in a confined aquifer, in the absence of any well losses, or in an unconfined aquifer
where the drawdown sw is very small compared to H the saturated thickness, the time drawdown
relationship is:
or (14.107a)
The term alogbt is equivalent to the aquifer loss coefficient B and is time dependant. Substituting
alogbt into Equation (14.104) gives:
which also provides the drawdown at each step as a function of discharge and the aquifer and well loss
coefficients respectively.With further analysis and taking account of the duration of pumping in each step
and by considering the drawdown at the beginning of the test step gives an equation of the form:
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
where ΔSos is the drawdown per log cycle. The term a can be calculated, thus T for each step may also
be estimated and then T for whole test calculated. Equation (14.108) can be rewritten as:
S m aDm
a log bt CQm
Qm (14.110)
S m aDm
A plot of Qm against Qm will give a line of slope C and intercept B = alogbt. Knowing a and t
allows b to be determined.
An interactive computer model was developed (Rugumayo, 1988) to analyse pumping test data, using the
Brereton method. It estimates aquifer coefficient B, well loss coefficient C, and coefficients a and b. It
can also be used predict drawdown at a specified pumping rate, after a specified pumping period and
estimate the efficiency of the well.
In comparison with the Bierschenk and Wilson method, Brereton treats each step as an individual event,
with its own behaviour and response to pumping, and obtains it own value for T and B and C whereas
Bierschenk and Wilson uses the drawdown at the end of each cycle, after which B and C are estimated.
Brereton’s method in addition provides better prediction results than other methods, like Bierschenk and
Wilson or Rorabaugh.
Example 14.12
Data from a step drawdown pumping test were obtained as follows;
Estimate i) the formation coefficient and ii) the well loss coefficient using the Bierschenk and Wilson
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The data provided in column 2 is the drawdown at the end of each pumping cycle and according to
Bierschenk and Wilson, the drawdown at the end of each cycle is the sum of the incremental drawdowns
of previous steps plus that step and thus Equation 105 applies.
The specific drawdown (sw/Q) is calculated and is shown in the fourth column.
The plot of specific drawdown (sw/Q) against discharge Q is drawn and shown in Fig.14.39.
From the plot the slope is calculated and the value of B aquifer coefficient is obtained as
14.5x10-6day2/m5, or in SI Units, 108, 242 s2/m5.
From the intercept the value of C well loss coefficient is also obtained as 6.1x10-3 days/m2, or in SI Units,
527 s/m2.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
In a study (Kigobe and Kakimpa, 2007), a groundwater conceptual model using MODFLOW was
developed by integrating and coupling a physically based distributed model and geographic information
systems, to simulate potential decline in hydraulic equipotentials due to the different levels of abstraction
in the vicinity of Inner Murchison bay of Lake Victoria. The results showed the variation in head travel
distances, over 10 years and the delineation of well head protection zones or well capture zones.
Furthermore, they also showed that the wells collect water from the offshore extents of the aquifer other
than the bay.
Fig 14.40 Map of Uganda showing the relative locations of Bugahya County and Mpigi and Wakiso Districts
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Weathered rock
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Fig.14.42 Borehole locations, equipotentials and groundwater flow in the model domain.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
DWD 17054 â â
DWD 17446 â
MPIGI â DWD 17351
DWD 17349
Kampala City
DWD 17350
â DWD 17448 â â DWD 16272
DWD 17352 â â
DWD 17445 ââ DWD 17053
DWD 16273 DWD 17353
â â DWD 17447
T [sq m/d]
0 0
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 1.0
1.0 - 1.5
1.5 - 2.0
2.0 - 2.5
2.5 - 3.0
3.0 - 3.5
3.5 - 4.0
4.0 - 5.0
DWD 17054 â â
DWD 17446 â
MPIGI â DWD 17351
K [m/d]
0 0 0.003 - 0.02
0.02 - 0.04
0.04 - 0.06
0.06 - 0.08
0.08 - 0.10
0.10 - 0.12
0.12 - 0.14
â Kvalues
L. Victoria
In a study (Mangeni and Katashaya, 2006) analysed data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Adminstration, Advance Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA, AVHRR) infra-red images to
investigate the groundwater situation of Lake Victoria. Surface temperature maps were produced using
the Split Window Technique (SWT). The surface temperature maps were then analysed for warm and
cold season patterns in order to infer groundwater inflow into Lake Victoria. The results showed
warm/cool season patterns indicating groundwater inflow into the lake. These results were in good
agreement with the IAEA isotope study to improve the Lake Victoria water balance.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The direction of groundwater flow was confirmed in research (Mwebaze, 2007), while using Tritium
isotopes to estimate groundwater mean residence times and stable isotopes and hydrogeochemistry to
assess surface – groundwater interactions. The study also noted few cases of surface groundwater mixing
in the vicinity of the lake. Stable isotopes and hydrogeochemistry showed that groundwater in the basin
was being recharged by rainfall and the larger portion was in the wet seasons of September – November
and March - May. Furthermore, the analysis of groundwater mean residence time, three major water ages
were identified. These were; i) less than 10 years (recent recharge); between 30 and 50 years, (modern
recharge) and above 60 years (sub modern). It was established that recent and modern groundwater
accounted for more than 60% of the samples analysed for residence times. In a study on groundwater-
surface interactions it was found that regional changes in groundwater storage indicated by borehole
hydrographs at 10 stations in Central Uganda correlate well (r2=0.6) with large scale satellite observations
(GRACE) of changes in total water storage (Owor et al., 2008). Their daily observations of the hydraulic
gradient between groundwater and Lake Victoria at Entebbe confirm that groundwater primarily
discharges into the lake.
Some of the challenges experienced by the management of groundwater resources in urban areas have
been well documented (Tindumugaya, 2005). These include the lack of sewerage systems which have led
to the use of on-site sanitation systems, like septic tanks and pit latrines that have caused contamination of
groundwater resources in many areas. Substantial efforts are required to improve groundwater
management and governance in urban areas of Uganda in form of groundwater regulation and monitoring
and assessment of groundwater resources. This will require the involvement of urban water authorities
and water users. An appropriate institutional framework for groundwater resources management in the
urban areas should be developed reinforced by an adequate awareness raising programme on water
resources management to enable the water users appreciate the benefits of groundwater protection.
An example of this is in South Africa, where in order to promote the sustainable use of groundwater, a
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool was developed (Pietersen, 2006) and modelled based on
the National Water Act 1998. The key sequential steps included; i) facilitating democratic decision
making models, ii) involvement of appropriate users in technology selection, iii) development of an
appropriate tariff structure with the users, iv) delineating protection zones, v) developing regional
groundwater flow conceptual model parameters, vi)develop artificial water harvesting systems, vii)
considering water conservation and demand side management, viii) developing proactive monitoring
systems for drought and finally, ix) implementing a water services programme at community level.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
where: P is the average annual precipitation, Q the average annual runoff and E, the average annual
evapotranspiration. If we consider a watershed with a recharge area as shown, the hydrologic budget
equation can be rewritten as:
P = QS+R+ER (14.113)
Where, QS is the surface water component of average annual runoff, R the average annual groundwater
recharge and ER, the average annual evapotranspiration from the recharge area. In the development and
sustainable use of groundwater resources, the knowledge recharge is very essential and especially since,
over the two decades, there have been increased investments by government and nongovernmental
organizations in Africa, in providing potable water. A study of groundwater recharge estimates (Taylor,
1996) was carried in the Aroca catchment of central Uganda, north of Lake Kyoga, using the soil
moisture balance method and supported by stable isotope data and groundwater flow modelling. The
recharge values average 200 mm a year and are more dependent on the number of heavy (more than 10
mm a day) rainfall events, than the total annual volume of rainfall (Owor et al., 2008).The stable isotope
data also show that recharge occurs during the heaviest rainy season and is derived directly from
infiltration of rainfall.
They further demonstrated that recharge occurs in most years but varies according to fluctuations in
annual precipitation and that recharge pulses occur twice each year and respond to the bimodal
characteristics of rainfall. In the Nyabisheki catchment the recharge estimates were 34 mm a year. More
recent studies (Kigobe, 2008) estimated groundwater recharge using a semi distributed hydrological
model (SWAT soil water assessment tool), applied to Mpologoma catchment. The model was calibrated
against observed streamflow for the 1970-1974 period. The results in terms of simulated streamflow,
recharge and groundwater flow showed reduced groundwater storage in the valleys and are controlled by
the two recharge (rainfall) seasons per year.
In a study of Mukono District near the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda (Murangira, 2007) receives
substantial amounts of rainfall 1566 mm/year and has high recharge potential and is greater than the
public water demand, implying that aquifers are not yet over exploited by current abstraction projects.
Furthermore, the area is largely covered by weathered crystalline rocks which form the fracture aquifers
and Quaternary deposits that form the confined porous aquifers of gravel formation, which are the source
of water supply for the communities. He noted that the groundwater in Mukono Distrct flows in two
directions; towards Lake Kyoga and towards Lake Victoria and there exists a groundwater divide between
the two basins.
Therefore, depending on the use, the chemical quality of groundwater is of basic importance. The quality
of groundwater is however generally good enough for most purposes with little treatment. Running costs
are therefore low for groundwater as a source of supply. The quality of groundwater concerns the
engineer in three broad aspects:
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
III. How the natural quality of the water can be used in groundwater exploration and development.
I. Public water supply taking in consideration public health. This includes biological/organic/trace
element analyses to high accuracy.
II. Agricultural supply which includes livestock and crops (irrigation). Stringency of criteria varies
with the situation (e.g. Boron level critical for various crops, sodium critical for clay suspension.
These are important in so far as treatment may be required to restore the water as a particular source of
supply in relation to:
The Natural chemical analysis of groundwater can be used as a means of identification. Spot sample
analyses from boreholes, maps of certain ion concentration levels, etc can be of use in exploration,
directing good targets for water supply. Chemical analyses also give clues as to the geological source of
the water (e.g. in mine dewatering or in underground flooding). In other words, the chemical identity of a
given groundwater can be useful in tracing its source and movement (e.g. groundwater tracing in Karst
terrain, tracing pollutant sources, tracing salinity movement in seawater intrusion). Conversely, a
groundwater may be imprinted with a readily identifiable character (dyes or radioactive tracer) in order to
monitor its movement.
In a study (Nyende et al., 2007), the hydro-chemical evaluation of groundwater from the regolith and
basement aquifers were undertaken in Pallisa District and the groundwater samples analysed for minor
and major elements. This was to enable the quality of groundwater presently being pumped from the
fractured bedrock aquifer to be compared to the quality of water that could be expected from the
development of the regolith aquifer. The results showed that electrical conductivity values (and thus
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
degree of mineralisation) are significantly lower for springs than for dug wells which in turn are clearly
lower than boreholes .On the other hand, boreholes clearly show the highest degree of mineralization,
with relative enrichment of nearly all tested elements. The above results however, do not apply to nitrates
and suggest that non-geological factors influence nitrate concentration. It was also observed that the
boreholes situated in these aquifers represent a regime, where there is calcium enrichment. Furthermore,
both the regolith and bedrock groundwaters are dominated by the carbonate ions. The overall
groundwater quality assessment shows that the boreholes in Pallisa District are safe for drinking purposes
except for a few areas of high iron concentration.
In a study on phosphorus transport in groundwater of peri-urban waters of shallow wells, in the Bwaise
suburb of Kampala (Kulabako et al., 2007) showed that there were seasonal variations of the phosphorus
content that corresponded to rainfall events. The high phosphorous content was linked to waste disposal
animal rearing activities, highly porous vadose zone and poor drainage conditions in the area resulting in
flooding. Transport mechanisms of phosphorous appeared to be a combination of adsorption, precipitation
leaching from the soil media and colloids, with leaching playing a more significant role, especially in the
wet season.
These surveys require skilled personnel to conduct them and make interpretations and usually computer
programs are used for the data analysis. Good interpretation of the data requires knowledge and
experience of both geology and geophysics. Geophysical surveys are of two types; surface and borehole.
(USGS, 1980)
i) Seismic – The basis of this method is the timing of artificially generated pulses of elastic energy
propagated through the ground and picked up by electromechanical transducers (geophones) operating as
detectors. These geophones respond to the motion of the ground and their response is transformed into
electrical signals and recorded on magnetic tape. The geophysicist is interested in the propagation
velocity and the geometry of the propagation path, which will guide him on the availability of rock. The
determination of these parameters is complex.
ii) Gravimetric – Gravimetry is the geophysical measurement of the acceleration due to gravity. It is
based on two laws of physics; The Law of Universal Gravitation and the Newton’s Second Law of
Motion. In gravimetric studies, the local vertical acceleration is measured. The maximum gravity
difference between the Earth’s normal field and that actually measured on the surface and corrected for
altitude and latitude is called the gravity anomaly and it reflects lateral density variations in rocks to
depths of several kilometres.
iii) Electrical Resistivity. In groundwater investigation resistivity is controlled more by porosity, water
content and water quality than the resistivities of the rock matrix. The higher the porosity of saturated
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
rock, the lower is the resistivity. The electrical properties of most rocks depend on the amount of salinity
and distribution of water in the rock. Saturated rocks have lower resistivity than unsaturated and dry
rocks. Clays and conductive minerals reduce the resistivity. For example, due to the good electrical
conductivity of groundwater the resistivity of a sedimentary rock is much lower when it is waterlogged
than in the dry state.
The electrical resistivity method measures changes in the apparent electrical resistivity with depth and the
information obtained builds up a geo-electric model across the site. Thus variations in the electrical
properties of water bearing strata are obtained.
An electric current either DC or very low frequency AC is introduced into the ground by means of two
outer metal stakes or electrodes. Variations caused by hydrogeological conditions affect the subsurface
current flow and alter the electric potential patterns associated with them. These patterns are measured by
a second inner pair of electrodes in line with the first. If the resistivity is uniform everywhere in the
subsurface zone beneath the electrodes; an orthogonal network of arcs will be formed by the current and
equipotential lines as shown in Fig. 14.45.
Current Current
source meter
Volt meter
C1 P1 P2 C2 Surface
Current flow
through earth Voltage
where: C1 and C2 are current electrodes and P1 and P2 are potential electrodes
For a semi-infinite medium, which is the simplest earth model, and with both current and potential point-
electrodes placed at the Earth’s surface,
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
a a a M N
BA s s
V s
2 a2 V
a 2a a 4
i a i
The curve obtained in the field is plotted on log/log graph paper with the same cycle size as the standard
curves which illustrate calculated curves for up to a four layer model earth. By using a simple matching
technique the standard curve nearest to the field curve is found and the values of the absolute resistivities
and interface depths calculated (Lowrie, 1997).
b)The depth of the water table overlain and underlain by several layers of different resistivities can be
determined by Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) by observing the variation of resistivity with depth.
The Schlumberger configuration is most commonly used for VES investigation. The midpoint of the array
is kept fixed while the distance between the current electrodes is progressively increased. This causes the
current lines to penetrate to greater depths depending on the vertical distribution of conductivity. Before
the advent of portable computers two layer cases were interpreted with the aid of characteristic curves.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
These theoretical curves, calculated for a particular four-electrode array, take into account the change of
depth penetration when current lines cross the boundary to a layer with different resistivity (USGS, 1980).
An example of Sclumberger soundings is shown in Fig 14.47.
c) Limitations
It has been noted that the interpretation of a multilayer sounding curve is not unique, which means that a
given electrical sounding curve can match a number of subsurface distributions of layer thicknesses and
resistivities. Other limitations are inherent in the conventional methods of electrical soundings. This
however, does not mean that the interpretation of electrical soundings is a futile exercise. In practice, it is
by the correlation of different sounding curves, by making crossed soundings, by sounding with different
arrays, by traversing the area with horizontal resistivity profiles, by knowledge of the general geology of
the area, by recognition of the electrical properties of the area that correct interpretation is achieved.
The chemical behaviour of isotopes of the same element is broadly similar since the chemistry of the
atom is influenced by the electronic shell configuration and not the constitution of the nucleus. The
physical properties of different isotopes will be influenced by their nuclear masses.
Absolute ratios of stable isotopes are not normally used to express isotropic compositions of water
samples, but are expressed as deviations from a standard, namely Standard Mean Ocean Water (SMOW)
explained later.
Since the early 1950s naturally occurring isotopes that exist in water in the hydrologic cycle have been
used in investigations of groundwater and surface water systems. Tritium and Deuterium can be
represented as T and D respectively. 3H and 14C are used to guide the age of groundwater. 18O and 2H
serve mainly as indicators of groundwater source areas and evaporation indicators in water resource
a) Carbon-14
Before the thermonuclear explosions in 1953, 14C in the global atmosphere was derived entirely from the
natural process of nitrogen transformation caused by the bombardment of cosmic rays
Based on the law of radioactive decay, which describes the rate at which, the activity of 14C and all other
substances decrease with time and is expressed as:
A= A02-t/T (14.115)
where: A0 is the radioactivity level at some initial time, A the level of radioactivity after time t, and T the
half-life of the isotope. This law when applied with the measurements of groundwater can be used to
estimate the age of groundwater. The age specifically refers to the time that has elapsed since the water
moved deep enough into the groundwater zone to be isolated from the earth’s atmosphere. When water
moves below the water table and becomes isolated from the earth’s CO2 reservoir, radioactive decay
causes the 14C content in the dissolved carbon to gradually decline. To determine useful information from
this type of data, it is necessary to determine the source of the inorganic carbon.
Both man-made and natural sources contribute to the availability of tritium in waters in the hydrological
cycle. Tritium is produced naturally in the earth’s atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic-ray-produced
neutrons with nitrogen. The first major source of man-made tritium entered the atmosphere through the
initial tests of large thermonuclear devices in 1952. Since that time, the Tritium content in precipitation
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
has been monitored in many locations in the Northern Hemisphere, and fewer in the Southern
Hemisphere. At a given latitude, concentration of tritium in precipitation in sampling stations near the
coast are lower than those inland because of dilution of oceanic water vapour, which is low in Tritium.
Measurements of Tritium concentrations can assist in groundwater investigations. For instance if in a
sample of groundwater from the Northern Hemisphere contain a high concentration of tritium, it is
evident that a large proportion of this water entered the groundwater zone sometime after 1953. Tritium
from detailed measurements can also be used to distinguish different age zones within the modern part of
groundwater flow systems. It can also be used to estimate the time of recharge to a system, infiltration
studies, lakes mixing studies and in oceanography (IAEA, 1968, 1978).
where: R and Rstandard are the isotope ratios2H/1H or 18O/16O, of the sample and the standard respectively.
The different isotopes of water have different vapour pressures and freezing points. The two properties
cause differences in 18O and 2H concentrations in various parts of the hydrologic cycle is an example of
isotropic fractionation, which is the process where the isotopic content of a substance changes as because
of evaporation, condensation, freezing, melting, chemical reactions or biological processes.
For instance, when water vapour condenses the rain or snow that forms has higher 18O and 2H
concentrations than the remaining water vapour. This process is repeated many times as part of the
regional and atmospheric circulation systems, to the extent that the content of 18O and 2H at a given
locality, is dependent upon the condensation-precipitation history of the atmospheric water vapour.
Where temperatures are above 50-100oC, like in deep subsurface zones, the 18O and 2H content of
groundwater can be altered significantly, because of being in contact with the host rock. At shallower
depths, the concentration of these isotopes is hardly affected by chemical processes.
Other applications of 18O and 2H are; the determination of areas and sources of recharge; infiltration from
lakes and reservoirs as a source of recharge; tracing the origins of salinity; flow distribution in swamps
and; the origin of geothermal waters; leaking dams; the interaction between aquifers; paleaoclimatic
investigations; dewatering of mines; glaciology and runoff from glaciers; hydrology of permafrost areas
and leach water from land tips (IAEA, 1968, 1978).
Recent studies to assess the interactions between groundwater, surface water and wetlands used isotopes
techniques (Mukwaya and Tindimugaya, 2008). This was based on a groundwater monitoring well
constructed in an alluvial aquifer 140m from Lake Victoria, which showed different responses from Lake
Victoria after July 2005.The well showed a similar response to four other wetlands in the dry and wet
periods, showing that the wetlands and the well are hydraulically connected. The response of the lake
water levels corresponded to two of the wetlands, showing they are hydraulically connected.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
and Kenya the geothermal waters have been used to generate considerable amounts of energy for
domestic and commercial use.
Some recent geochemical and isotope geochemical analyses have for the Buranga Prospect in the Semilki
valley adjacent to the Ruwenzori Mountains of western Uganda were conducted by the Geological Survey
and Mines Department. From isotope hydrological investigations as shown in Fig. 14.48, it was
concluded that the source of Buranga thermal water is of meteoric origin. The absence of a positive shift
in δ18O suggests a reasonably high permeability. The recharge cannot come from the immediate
neighbouring Rwenzori mountain due to the heavier isotopic composition of the local rivers. Therefore
the more distant high Rwenzori Mountains were suggested to be favourable recharge areas. The resulting
long flow path is compatible with tritium measurements giving >50 years residence time for the thermal
waters (pre-bomb-values) and a few tritium units for the local river waters (BMZ/GSMD, 2007)
Fig.14.48 Stable isotopic composition of Buranga thermal waters and local river waters
Source: (BMZ/GSMD, 2007)
Fig 14.49a A conceptual model of the Buranga Geothermal Prospect from the south
Source, (BMZ/GSMD, 2007)
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Fig 14.49b A conceptual model of the Buranga Geothermal Prospect from the north.
Source: (BMZ/GSMD,2007)
Figs14.49a and 14.49b show conceptual models of the Buranga Geothermal Prospect taken from the
south and north directions respectively. The local reservoir feeding the hot springs has temperatures of
120-130oC. The thermal water flows from great depths along the Bwamba fault (scarp), infiltrates the
permeable sedimentary cover and forms a shallow reservoir in the subsurface of Buranga. These hot
springs provide a potential source of electrical energy by driving a conventional steam turbine or a binary
power plant, which can then be used for rural electrification.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The direct rotary method excels in drilling small to moderate diameter deep holes in sedimentary rock.
However, it may yield minimum data (unless the hole is cored as it is drilled) because of rapid drilling
action and the masking effect of the drilling fluid on geologic and ground-water conditions. Geophysical
logging usually must follow direct rotary drilling to obtain maximum subsurface data.
The advantages and disadvantages are explained below:
Disadvantages 1. Relatively high cost of equipment – approx. 3-4 times that of cable tool.
2. Risk of ‘mudding-off’ weak aquifers (needs well development).
3. Great difficulty in drilling boulders
4. Possibility of losing all mud into fissures e.g. in limestone
5. Considerable quantities of drilling water required.
6. Difficulty in identifying an aquifer, especially when exploration drilling.
7. Requires foreign exchange for operations and maintenance.
Advantages 1. Extremely rapid drilling at large diameters, especially in gravels and soft
2. Power is used to remove the formation rather than to crush and reduce it.
3. Rapid production of representative strata samples.
4. No risk of mudding-off the aquifer provided the lagoon is maintained silt
5. Temporary tubes unnecessary below short conductor pipe.
6. A very clean partially developed hole is produced.
The air rotary method is most useful in drilling small diameter holes in hard rock or in arid regions. It
yields minimum geologic data because of maximum grinding of cutting and mixing of cuttings from
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
various depths. However, in hard-rock terrain where water is encountered in fractures or similar openings,
it can give moderate to maximum ground-water data.
The advantages and disadvantages are explained below:
The cable-tool method is most useful in drilling small – to moderate-diameter, shallow – to moderate-
depth holes in boulder material, highly permeable rock, and where subsurface conditions are diverse. It
yields moderate to maximum geologic and ground-water data because of slow discontinuous drilling
action, lack of a circulating fluid and common use of casing.
Advantages 1. Simplicity
2. Low capital cost and running costs
3. Able to make a hole under almost all conditions
4. Immediate facility for water sampling as drilling progresses.
5. Low demand for drilling water
6. Worldwide tool availability
7. Penetration of aquifer apparent immediately
8. No drilling mud so no blocking the aquifer.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The amount of energy required to drill is governed by the rock type. Unconsolidated formations
such as sand, silt or clay are weak and much easier to drill than consolidated rocks such as
granite, basalt or slate which are hard, strong and dense.
For hard rocks, cutting tools will need cooling and lubrication.
Rock cuttings and debris must be removed.
Unconsolidated formations will require support to prevent the hole from collapse.
The following low-cost, appropriate drilling methods are described and illustrated below:
i) Percussion drilling
The lifting and dropping of a heavy (50kg+) cutting tool will chip and excavate material from a hole. The
tool can be fixed to rigid drill-rods, or to a rope or cable as shown in Fig 14.50. With a mechanical winch,
depths of hundreds of meters can be reached.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Simple to operate and maintain.
Slow, compared with other methods.
Equipment can be heavy.
Problems can occur with unstable rock formations.
Water is needed for dry holes.
iii) Jetting
Water is pumped down the centre of the drill-rods, emerging as a jet. It then returns up the borehole or
drill-pipe bringing with it cuttings and debris. The washing and cutting of the formation is helped by
rotation, and by the up-and-down motion of the drill string as shown in Fig 14.52. A foot-powered treadle
pump or a small internal-combustion pump are equally suitable.
The equipment is simple to use.
Possible above and below the water table.
Water is required for pumping.
Suitable for unconsolidated rocks only (e.g. sand, silt, clay
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
v) Rotary-percussion drilling
In very hard rocks, such as granite, the only way to drill a hole is to pulverize the rock, using a rapid-
action pneumatic hammer, often known as a ‘down-the-hole hammer’ (DTH). Compressed air is needed
to drive this tool as shown in Fig 14.54. The air also flushes the cuttings and dust from the borehole.
Rotation of 10-30 rpm ensures that the borehole is straight, and circular in cross-section
Drills hard rocks.
Possible to penetrate gravel
Operation is possible above and below the water-table.
Higher tool cost than other tools illustrated here.
Air compressor required.
Requires experience to operate and maintain.
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Most rock formations can be drilled.
Water and mud supports unstable formations.
Operation is possible above and below the water-table.
Possible to drill to depths of over 40 depths.
Possible to use compressed air flush.
Requires capital expenditure in equipment.
Water is required for pumping.
There can be problems with boulders.
Rig requires careful operation and maintenance.
The first equation shows that the filter layer has permeability several times higher than that of the soil it is
designed to protect. The requirement of the second equation is to prevent piping within the filter. The
ratio D15 (filter)/ D85 (base) is known as the piping ratio. The above Terzaghi’s rule is an established
method, which has been extremely useful for several decades. With recent progress in geotechnical
engineering it is now considered as more a conservative approach (Smith, 1990).
Pumping and observation wells used in pumping tests are perforated to allow the ingress of water. When
it is likely that fine material will be washed into the well, it should be surrounded by a layer of filter
material. A common rule for the choice of a suitable material to form such a filter is:
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
The required thickness of a filter layer depends upon the flow conditions and can be estimated with the
use of Darcy’s Law. In addition to the above criteria, the filter material should be well graded with a
grading curve more or less parallel to the base material. Fig 14.57 shows the range of suitable filter soils.
Protected filters are usually constructed in layers each, which is coarser than the one below it and as such,
they can be referred to as reversed filters.
More recently, the design of graded filters has been made more effective by the inclusion of fabricated
materials like synthetic fabric, stainless steel mesh, pins and cables as well as artificial geotextiles. These
geotextiles, have greatly reduced the need for multiple layers of granular materials and are usually cost
effective (Watson and Burnett, 1993).
An Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in Uganda
Groundwater is the subsurface water that occurs beneath the water table in soils and geological
formations. This chapter discusses the significance of groundwater, its occurrence in aquifers, Darcy’s
Law and its movement, factors affecting the hydraulic conductivity, the simulation of groundwater under
different conditions of steady flow, unsteady flow, pumping tests and their analysis for estimating
groundwater quantities, groundwater quality and electrical resistivity surveying for assessing groundwater
availability. It also discusses groundwater recharge, isotopes in groundwater detection and assessment,
geothermal resources, drilling methods and soils as drainage filters.
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2. Bear,J.,Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media, Elservier, 1972, New York, USA
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Association of Science Hydrology 1964, 64, pp 493-507.
4. Boast, C.W.and Kirkman, D., Augur Hole Seepage Theory, Soil Science Society America,
Proceedings, 1971, Vol 35, pp 365-373.
5. Bouwer, H., Groundwater Hydrology, McGraw Hill, 1978, New York, USA
6. Bradley, G., Tindimugaya, C., Taylor, R., Relict River Channels in Uganda: Potential Corridors
of Preferential Groundwater Flow and Storage, Proceedings Groundwater and Climate in
Africa, 2008, Kampala, Uganda, Ministry of Water and Environment, University College,
7. Brereton, N.R., Step Drawdown Pumping Tests for the Determination of Aquifer and Borehole
characteristics, Water Research Council 1979, LondonUK.
8. Chow, V.T., On the Determination of Transmissibility and Storage Coefficients from Pumping
Test Data. Trans American Geophysical Union, 1952, Vol 33,pp397-404.