Respiration (1)
Respiration (1)
Respiration (1)
~ Cl\<. 1 bftC>lt">>-r · ~
Ii . -~ o.~ 7) *f(\!. - ~~~~~~~;;~
~~ ~ i& J; ~
. . / . rd ,'Q. f'\ c..t,rn
• \n\,.n'o. Q""'
• t\j Q_~a.a. -~ ~ i , ~ '~i~ +
~ \~\.t{TT c.p~ U
• C.ric.oD ➔ &frl' "I Pl 17 · .
, ~ j\~'a_ ~ r,r-o-rn_,'d s ett1:C -h,E•~IDI~-
' . c.J,n,•r °' club~ ~ - G AND ~HANGE OF GAs,
~ ~w"z ."
I U...:IJ.lo":I.
, • C eij . .
17. 1 Respiratory -e.~-~-lll!lllll. earlier, oxygen (0 2 ) is utilised by the organisllls t
Organs own simple.molecules like glucose, amino actds, fa
w'15~~-r;: e energy to perform various activities. Carfioii di~
1 7.2 Mechanism or -(CO ) which is harmful is · also release d during th e above catabolli ttd
Breathing reactions. It is, therefore, evident that 0 2 has to be continuously PI'OVldet
f~f~O'('fr,17.3 ~change of to the cells aRd CO2 produced by the cells have to be· released out. Thii
~ Gases pro~ ~ of e ·
~ 5 17.4 . Transport of
cells is calle
'IJ, Gases hands on y u
_& ~ know that it is ue o rea • ow . e resplratoiy
17.5 Regulation of organs and the mechanism of breathing cribed in the follOWing
Respiration sections of this chapter.
1 ,,_.i.:,,.,._ ;,
d ~ k\:Jl"'r<l
17.6 Disorders of · , t-l.20 1 (?f'Q , ij '
Re::.piralory 17.1 REsPIRAT0RY ORGANS .
~,.;;.~~;,;;;;,.=_.,1'F,._., M~f Mech~! brea
~~::Q:W.O.IU! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' l a 1wu;als
invertebrates · o,
with CO2
~ - · of~~
e body" Special vasculfHseo
) are ·used by most Elihe
cularised bags called l1JDII
e terrestrial forms for the ex~
gases. ong verte rates · iiereas afflphi ·
birds and l r~~e::tll[1 w " _re,."'""'"
--- ' ;..>
O:~ cHAN , 'I N..
v3'/l~ ~ ~
an Respiratory Sys
ed _· ~tlFP.!!!!!!::i ~t )I
. . ..
secon ary an
'-i. ~~~;~
: ::::-- '
0 <., .
Rr-enc h, ,·t,tgs
.nd v~ rise d bag-like struc u
letwork of bronchi, b ronchioles and alve D.lllLPI-ISS~
\.M 1J{ cQor
7.1). We have two lungs which are cover
vith ple~ d between then;!:. It r .
[be outer p leural membrane is in ~~;;....;:= = oracic
' ~.-
~ - --=~--=-- - -Trachea
Figur/ 1
Diagrammatic v\ew of
human respiratory system \sectional v\ew of
the left lung is also show,:i)
' 270 1 - - -.----.,..-- - - - - --~ -~- --- --.. :._ __
~~ CN- ~ t-..0;9
e ana!Qnii~
{'l l :
t;;:µ tJ e:
o~ ·--->v
~~ . by which atmosphenc
2 nc . veo ar arr is released out. ab
~ Diffusion o[ gase s (02 and CO) across alveolarm~mbran
~ ----:7 •d.uQ__ .:h) ~ Tran spor t of gase s by the blood.
~~ of---~ef\~3/
' °iffusion of 0 2 and CO between blood and tissue
2 s.
nQ.f\fQ... e.f\olJ · ·· ·~ satio n of 0 2 b the cell tabolic reactions and resultant
...,.......,,..,.....-1'\Je..~ , relea se of C r~llular respiratio as dealt in the Chapter I~.
~o c:lU.e__ _,f=b 17.2 MECHANISM OF BREATHING
.& -~ - , · ,-~f1ul clt~c .
1 ~ ~ 6-L 4-l~J ~ea thi ng involve ' rtwo stage_ ,: inspiration during which atmospheric
~ Vair is draw n in and exp
Co, ' ' °" -1
~~ on by which the alveolar air is releasedoul
The mov emen t of air into and out of the lung s is carrie
cl.i k~ d out by creating a
ttt"tr · essu re grad ien betw een the lung s and the atmospher
e. ~~
"-cl occu r. - e press µre with in the lungs intra- u
res~ l~
less than the atmos pher ic press nftW .e. , iliere i
=- a ve ess tak
the lung s with respect ta atmospheric pressure. iratlOD es
· herie
place when the intra -pulm onar y press ure is hig ___;h r than the atroosp
press ure. The dia~ - - - ~ cl~;-7~
, _ -· n, Inn.
· . -~rco lp il't'1l etre~ iil! of su gra 7
an incr eas · - lum eof
eausiflg in e dors o-ve ntr s. Air ente ring lung s
sie =-- ~de e
narn ber - - r l
tl1;.:--wo __11 wcr~el ::a~s:::e o ume
:....::=:::::-:= -..:;--~;y ;:~~
ve r~ r incr ease in pulm ona~ry
11l~ 0 · sirn~t~a:::....~ -;::- ;~r,: ;:~n=
tl 5 es a 1ncr ease in pu ona;"'" ry vo nr;rn
~Jtlft!e• /\fl = 1ntra
- -pul mon ary pres sure to less Ribs and
~~ tne .. ster num
d ~ : ~s pher ic pres sure whi ch
fore ~~ raise d
~ ~ rn outs ide to mov e into the Volu me
...._.....,,...-- thor axof
~ a.if fro lung s,
iliY~- iratl on {Fig ure l 7 .2a) . Rela ~
xati oll, of incre ased
1.e.. iJlSPt-.ra<>mTI and the inte r-co stal
diaP~ F,•·· mus cles Rib cage
tl'~ tJiet liapf uag m and ster num to"th
5 eir
reWJ"Tlal posi tion s and redu ce the
pof!ll thor acic
volUllle and ther eby the puhn onar y:
_volu me.
'fhls leads to an in~ eas!;._~ intra -puh
non ary
ressu re to sJigh tlyYabov e the atmo
caus ing the e1qfi llsio n of air from tfie-
sphe ric
Jungs , i.e .. expi ratio n {Fig ure 17 .2b)
:We fiav e
iim ~bi?n~h. to= ~~=e f8.1:$w
S 2 ~trer nftl\ 7
adtlltiorra l mus cl~& In the'a bdo men ~fn ~
1 1 Air expe lled from lung s
avera ge. a fieal lliy hum4fu2 orea ffies
~ 2-1,
time s/mi nute . The volu me of ·air invo Ribs and
lve in
6rea thin stern um _
stlm ated by
r~~s -
usin g retu rned to ~
s in clini cal origi nal ',. Volu me of
posi tion .,__,::,,;,.._ thor ax
decr ease d
17 .2 . 1 Res pira tory Vol um. es and
Cap a~lt les 'l....a..uQ___.o\- R\J •
(Q)0 fl'\.....: .
Tida l Volu m.e ( : Volu me of air ins ired or
expi r
n . It is
a n can
insp _ Oto 8~ lb)
rnLo f air er min ute . (_~-fi:)JD ~?, o......_i) Figu re 17.2 Mech anism of
brea thing show \ng :
y Res erv e Volu 111e llRV ):
olum e of air, a pers on c ~
ins irati on. This aver ~
la) \nspt ratlo n lbl exptr atlon
rnL 300 0 \ \OC:)c ) - \ \t) o)
- R eser ve Volu 111e lER V):
olur ne of air, a pe:::.r.:;.:s;.:o..n"---
c-1~ ==:
",i~ § ~:" '--= on. This aver a
~ 110 0
---::;;:-:;-~~~~!!!!!!!11~~~ -:---
......,. i(j J,tuu;~ ~ % "1 .. &:]i,ti~ n<l"'~ill,·-
~ - t i~ ~t-~ ~
J ~ .=.: .J.o t'"-~' ' ;z c...-~--~-!'~-
d1 Q --:;:i.v, ,rot\lf~- ___ _...
~AW.1~0.W.lll IRV): Volume of!:!;!ffJi
1(()()- ~~
. 11I1s averages~ - _.t ,• descri _aboVe. one ,ea
~ f-.=!!!!:~~~ few resptratoI}' vo~ e~ can ve used in c~
derive various pulmonal)' cap ~es, ~
diagnosis. n can inS
{ ~ 't)O )'T\ \_, \ E- Impfratory Capacity (IC): volume J.OSpiratOIY resen,, :'oi
a no n. 'Ibis includes tidal
vol -=-- --r,. fair a rson can expire aftei
[ \!S"'ccr ,bcJYlf\ij- Expiratory Capac ty (EC): vol~:01UII1e and ex:pirai:.OIY resenre
1bis 1ndudes tid
~--4<~=\rco] : ......,._..... . .---_.. .......... ~ ~ ~ ~ remainm
~ ~~m,l-1k- b em
l ~ ~-OOJ ::_~~~§.~~~ ~ ~~ ~;'f'fr~ .;:.axiroum
. . ~~~~~~~ breatbeo atea-m the l ~
~~, • nt vo1um eg(aff
. accp
d RV ERV 1V and
::,o v-.,., •. '"'" · du
•s 1D es - , · - - -- -
I f.lie_c I R.V/ -n.cJ ,~
'+ ,.,
l ~ ,. · 17.3
ExcfWIG& oF G,isES
occur betw~
_ · ~2
-1 ~,«.. 1 n mainly based on pressure/concentration
Pu lm on ar y
ar te ry --
.- Pu lm on ar y
ve in
Sy st em ic ve in s
{c arr Jii lg de ox .y ge Sy ste m ic ar te rie s
na te d bl oo d)
. -. ~~g O:'!(Yg
pO2 =4 0m m H
e~ted bl oo d)
pC O 2 =
45 m m Hg p02 = 95 m m Hg
pC O2 = 40 m m Hg
r 17.3 D ia gr am m at ic re
th e bo dy tis su es
Bo dy tis su es
pr es en ta tio n of ex
w ith bl oo ~ an d tra
ch an ge of ·g as es at
th e alv eo lu s an d
ns po rt of ox yg en an
d ca rb on di ox id e
a gr ad ien t is pr es en
t fo r C O 2 in th e op
direct io n, i.e . , fr om po si te
ti ss ue s to bl oo d
o al ve ol i. As the so an d
. ~l'k
u b,_
i li
y "!'
of.. .
c. 0 ~
2 _5 · ~s hi gh
er ~ th at- of,,,.. 11- ·s
~~~-::!::!=:c:::!:a:!:t...::c 0 .- e
diffusion m em br an e an di ffu s~,~- -
p er un it d fffer en
_ow th
ce in
na rt i~r es s ur e is m
uc h higbef "co"rii Ba se m en t
~ ~ t..o f 0 . T he
di ff us io n m em br an
p~d su bs ta nc e
made up oU hree .m e ~is
aj or ls1,y er s (F ig ur
namely. th e th in sq e 17 .4 )
~ o't § t _e pi th~
alveoli, the en do th el of
iu m pf al ve ol ar ca pi
and th e ba se_!Ile lla rie s
nt su bs ta nc e in
• Ho w be ~: ee :[l
.· al th ic kn es s 'I ca pi lla ry blo od
a.-.)_~ . / cell
e Fi ~ 7 .4 A D ia gr am of a
vo ur a e al ve ol us . w ith
se ct io n of an
Sion of O fr om alve
ofco fr < 2
ol i t o tis su es
m ti ss ue s to al ve ol
and th aL ca pi lla ry . ·
a pu lm on ar y
r::~ ~ . . . of tra nspo~ for 0 2 and C
L .:.Jl =c •(1, Blood 1s the rned1
tra nsp ort ed b s the blood. The rem
1n lv ough • -llii:::r· Ne
\_-....i,-.,:':Ywher ea~ iilll~ ~ t of
olved s e
Ab ,· .c.........- =,.- 1s c . 0
17 .4. 1 Transport of Oxygen ~
ed iro n con ~~!!.' present fn
Haemoglobin is _a red col our
baemogl~bin in ~ ~ ~".:""!~ :&: to fothe
RBCs. ~ can bind witb,_ ha e ·
moglo bin . Ea ch
ec ul~ 02
of s::m q; _::J
/i#t~?ffjf/tf!f~~€~~~~ {f~~~
s whic Can.inJ:ei:fere
e ~e the ~th er factor
con centra tion -s~-~~~·,o'", ,:
---1-...L.-- . ~½J;-;~J;~~~~
ot! amrn~ i.e
:-"r~ = ·~ J , ~ II
.bi n~ · ~~
wi fnt hiso
V -- ~ """
(Figure l;.5 Jan~ is · f:
~c ia tio :c ur ve
-------·- --- [)K --•------~ .
ors like
0 useful in stu dyi ng the effect of fact din g of o
on bin
pC O2 , H• con cen tra tio n, etc. ,
m th hae mo globin. In the~ alveoli, ~
-1 'c"::r,;~----- ,
lesser H• concentration
r; , the fac t~ are
ITan of
a;:J@l!l!~ ~f! :~~ the forma
glo bin , wh ere as in the ~ tis s~
oxy hae mo
an ~~~---~•t,
. hi b •
wh ere low p O ~ ,;;,-~~ .. · ;;..._
rP Y'17.8
Partial pres • oxygen (mm Hg)
17 .4, 2 Transpo.r t ofC ar bo n
in as $ &rb
~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f .!~a!;:e~m~o~g~lob
Carb onic
anhy dras e Carb onic
CO2 + H2 0 ~==~====::t.> H2 C03 anhy dras e
>ttco; +H+
t the tiss ue site whe re par tial pre
cS~oUsrn, ~0 2 diff use s ~ to bloosll _~
sJld J-1'·. At the alve ?lar site _where pC0
tiJeOPposite dire ctio n lead mg to the form
2 1s
ssu re of .CO is hig h due to
-~ ~ d pl~
low , the
a11£1 form s HCO~ '
tion pro cee ds 1n
atio n of CO and H 0. Thu s,
r ,~
~ ' I , rn ~
> ~ -M
co trapped as bica rbo nate at the tiss ue level 2 2 bf("\4._J. f1 U7 ~
~ 1Lls.r.ele ase9:S~ t as co,_ ( . s orte d to the ~ tn::H)f~ ,
b~ deli vers app rox ima tel
e1 . Eve
c..9 . . _ _;;...,y~ ~ - U/
~~ ~~ ~ 1-U--
17,6 bGU LA' rIO N
~ ~; ~;~===~:======l 'n · Jo~, ~ ~
· ve a ·~ ~= =~ ~~ ~~ =~;;;;.;.::;z::::_ ch'tr-o ,
~e d_ '&y \~ "'
Vlf \JJ. , ~
~ -hrN..
I ~
N .,\_ A olu_bQp '"
. - - 21e l -
'( c~~«-, en~:., ~ ~ / 11.<•'c.l '<- '''""" ''L/ ~ c;_nam s-m -, In ~ i17e~r ~ ~.~ ~
v.,.,., -1 v ~ - Occupational!! !!!J Diaorder1: In.5t rtaJn lndus t 1..
~ ~ . \.
~ those Involving lndlng or s tone-brcakln4 ' so much dust 1~ Pcc!.ij
that the defense cannot fully cff
- ~ Ir~~ r n ~tuatton. Long expos ure can gJve rise to lnflamm auon l e a : ~
I ~ rolifera tion J fibrou s tissues) and thus causing sertous Ju~;-
~ m wear protect ive m~. cltiia'g
' lt:, (.,"I~ 'i1 (:4 \'."! ~~ • ,:;;_ -----.:!
ot-- urr.
~ ~ , r ~ co.Qla ~ ~q;Ql ti SUMMARY c_~~
~t ()I %1 ~dQ t>vW ·r}\_~ t,'(WM r)
.!.ve,,_ ~~ Cells utilise oxygen for met~bo lism and produc e enet'gy along with substan
~l" :f like carbon dioxide which is harmfu l, Animal s have evolved different mechan
l of carbon dioxtde from
o.llJ)u)JU for the transpo rt of oxygen to the cells and for the re~ova
,M4,mr1\A,.Ql 1" _there. we have a well developed respiratoiy_ system compri sing two lungs
associa ted air passag es to perform this ~ction . . . .
The first ste in res j.rati9n, .bi:ea b which atmosp heric an:..IB-
tion) . Exchan ge of 0 2 and
b~ Ott" (W iration) an e
e alveolar air is1:. lease2..9ut, (expira
~ t1~ co; oetwee n deoxygenat ed"blooa of these gases through
the body by blood, exchan ~e of 0 2 and CO 2 betwee n the oxygen ated blood
tion) are the other steps
G)@t)}':0l9 tissues and utilisat ion of 0 by the cells (cellula r respira
ex r{! [
fJ. u .ij--
involved. . . .
Inspira tion and expirat ion are earned out by creatin g pressu re gradients
betwee n ~e atmosp here and the alveoli ~~ the hel~ of special is_e~ _muscles
interco stals and diaphra gm. Volume s of arr mvolve d m these activiti es
II"\ (\ ~~tim ated with the help of spirom eter and are of clinical signific ance.
J> 6' (f 0 5~ Exchan ge of 0 2 and CO 2 at the alveoli and tissues occur by diffusion. Rate of
'cliffusion is depend ent on the partial pressur e gradien ts of 0 2 (p02) and CO2 (pCQ2
. These factors in
their solubility as well as the thickne ss of the diffusio n surface
• our body facilitate .diffusion of 0 2 from the alveoli to the deoxyg enated blood
are favourable for the
----- ...l- -,,,ell as from the oxygenated blood to the tissues . The factors
~/t f
~ 'q sion of CO 2 in the opposite direction, i.e., from tissues to alveoli.
O~gen is transpo rted mainly as o:xyliaemoglobin. In the alveoli where p02 is
~ f- 'gher; 0 2 gets bound to haemog lobin which is easily dissoci ated at the tissues
70 per cent of
here p02 is low and pC02 and H+ concen tration are high. Nearly
the help of the emxme
~-4-- -=+-- ""{;ar bon dioxtde is transpo rted as bicarbo nate (HCO;) with
carbonic anhydr ase. 20-25 per cent of carbon dioxide is carried by haemoglobin
as carbamino-haemoglobin. In the tissues where pC0 2 is high, gets bound it
blood whereas in the alveoli where pC02 is low and p02 is high. it gets removed
from the blood.
Respiratory rh
region of brain. A p
cnemosensittve area