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CAL P AHpHLF.!' ... , V


GOV~!~T OF' 1 ND! A

}~n:l STRY OF RA1L\'!AVS



B. G. EO '11 ~ T A}/l' WAOON "FO R
ALlWINA Tv.r E 'Br If' I

R:?S~ARCH ,DE~ GNS & s-:' .U;DARDS vRGA:':1 ~~'"'10!-:

Lum:NO~'.'- 2rOOll.

J"J!J E, 198 s.
.IN sr ruS]'l ON ,s.'ro!LQf. ~R 'tnON....MYD.2.& ~rr ~r (It I'! ~ 0F
B. '!,•. 'OO!!I.~,:r~r_ ',HnON
FOR .&.Lp1-ITE.A 1'yPE ,'Bl'Af!.

'M/s. Bh<irF\t 'Aluminium'X ca • (Nov National Aluminium ~o.)

ap proa che d PJ) SO fo r' p repB rin!f a feasi bili ty re'po rt for
t:r6-nsporting their product called' Alumina (a fine pov!(:try
mate rial) in b..llk by rei1 for export purpo,ses. '. PJ)~ prepared

feasibility report~nd reconmended a tank .,.,agonvith air


fluidising syste.,m for unloadi,ng the contents.). As ac~epted

\ ...

by }-Vs. tLA.LCl) this ;design of tank wagon type':Tr!\p' was

evolved wi th air f1uld1sing !=:y.stel'l for therl.
Main featurE=s of this tank wa~on are:_
i) Its typical shaP~:ito providE' more volume .'
and to assist fluidislng of 'alumina.
ii) The f1uidls1ng syst~~ compr1~ln.g of.. fluidlsing
-- ..... . _pads,an'd'the chamber: with multiple,valves.'
..i· ..,

Compressed dry air .~s introduced in the wagon

through an inle t pipe whi ch fluidises
. ,",
alumir.~ and makes it flow like water through
outlet pipe to a silo or an underground stor6f,e
. ' ,, .' '.:~.' 11'

bin-~t'the un10Rding terminal •. ,

. Cl ,:;:.: r • • ';!=-,<,,, .,'
lii) It is p~,rovide~~ w~,,:th air b~ke., system. having
J: . \~~ ,.~J: : ',; ' ..
au tOrl a ~ic tw:~.r s ~~;1: lo,~d seq stng''i:dev1 eEl, casnu b
.'i· . . I: ~". ; I ~.:. :'

~gips an.~ c;~".r~;, ~frer CO~I'~~r~.

. .~

•••• 2 •

, :'
The~e - i~s;t:ru-'ct.10 ~s for 'OpE ra tion 'ann malr. tensnce
apply only t') the I3~G. Eo ~ ~ wae;on type I B1' ~ f to RD SO
DrEl.r1ng No. \fD-8.3)56- j S-51
,< '..' I • "
(Fi~.l). '
The wa~on ~ s meant
fa r t t6nspo r~l n,g ftlu1l't na a po"t,l,d;~ ry, ~ bI£slve and

hy Ll''JS cop:1c tr.a t~ ria 1:, ,1n rulk.! J, '

2. Lj'!'DING p.A.~},'~.~S:', '; ,

1) Ler.,th of':wa~on t.'over" C6up11n~ facE'S - "1 28 29 lIIr1.

11 ) Len gth over he:ads'tock, _'11400 l':lJ1",.

ili) L~-ngth of' t:e.n·ei (dver rtfshed ends) 8745 rnm.

,1'.., ., (Approx. )
iv} Inside dla of the,"barre1 3188mM •

v) Outside dlE1 of the ba rrel ,,;- 32)0 ~,.

vi») '}.!aximum'dve r ali,:wtdth-:- :T':- 3000 mrr,.

vii) Ove 1611 : hei ght from f.ii lev'al

4350 mrn.
vi 11) 'D1 -stance: 'betwe:eri' ~ ~e pivot centres - sroo I:IID.

ix):' fulk deh9l~1-~'r alutill1l __ O.P8t/1l3

xfVolumetrlc capacity 01' the W'S«on _ 65.4 cum •
.. (
xi) - A.xl~ 10a'0
- 3).32 t.
" ~1'1j,' Pay - 53.~6 t.
xill} Gross-load - 81. ~-8' to

; I

T~ ~I': l"Rdin~
- '. ';', , • -
density ..,t gros!
I~ , - -
6 . I:
'I t•
. xv) Number 'of lOadlngbatches 3
.' "t ., , -. ~ .

xvi) Loe.\~ing of' ,Uumlna: in the \,'8gon , . Ai.-

. M ris ted,
xvil) Unloading of Alumina from wagon '. . - T h '-"aU gh
lSOdta ,~U
let on
91t he r s1i
of t.he
1118 i:;on by
COMpress l
dry air
. '" system •
•. . 3 •
..: •.•.:. •• '!o-:"._.
,.-Jf;3 - : :

xviii) Unlo~t1in ,. p ~:~.sure • ~ . - f' 2 ~. r: (~~9:~~L~:!V ern~)

using dry .i~j(800C)
:xix) 2 i
in tb,e bl rrel.
I/:; i':
:Xx ) Patensl
I, uSEd for constru- I S:'~~' Fe !410 CDS.
eUon of b~ rrel·.
. ~

:xxi) Type of be ~ e . CA~'UB..2~W .

.:/ I,'
:xxii) O?upiing ar"[9.~~ment - standa.rd Centre.
, ! .. ." I,~ ,
\" !~ ;:
furfe r . Couple r •
. f)(,' ,r' :; \:.~ ;: .
·,.rtJ ij ~,,~' : " ' : } i.: ~
~.l A.ir fluidls1ng system for unloadlngUumina' can be
", :: .':,~,' ,

unloaded on either rid,e of the ~~on throuCh outlet

pipe of l501n dla arte r con!"!e ctint the same to the
' .. " ~, '; ~ ,I~;J
plpe line, at unlOAding tenninal, byp'eans or flerlble
, '; :1:: c.:,·:',.~I:, : i,t",' : ,,~'~r ~ ',_'"
rubbe r hose pipe couplin,. 'D'ry cot'lp'res~ed"al;r nt a
, , .•.. ., i , " .:):) . . . ,.,' f ' i .
,-_ .. p~$9Ure o'r'two bars (2.066 kltlcsn~)is lntroaueed
" ", .' ;I;~ '~".:, ' ;: ~~ if, ,:~.:~ ,,
in the wagon through air inlet underneath the
, ".' ,.' ,,': .'j i~ ", .• ,'.

nuiclisln~ pads whtch ~luldl Ses alumina the reby

makin g It nov li:~e ;'n'~ ~lqJfd th~~~h :ou tIe t pIpe •
.ff,t~' ~::L: ..;t '1. / : : ", " '~, ",'
',,' :.


3.2 BARREL F1r TI Nqt

2 • 2.1 T op lJi tc he s ~ Nos •.)~oI!1ple te:;vI th cove rand
":~, 'ro b'"'erg6s ke t. ".',' .
Air f1uIdising system (RE!fer Drg.~~o. WD-S2)56-$-6S)

- 2 Nos .,'
-: 2Nos.

- 4. Nos.'
_ 4. Nos •

•• • 4.

_ 4 _

v) ~rety valve SOmm dia. - 2 Nos.
vi) pipe ,50 DIn (NB) for ne ck, ,i·

branch an~ air inlet

.:. ;II,
po rtl0 n. 2 ·Nos.
~.' .r.:

salim. ne n b1.e

vii) : pipe fo r - 4. Nos. romp 1e te wi th

: \. - I.;;~. ';"';:~< ,,:,~ ,~ I I/f~ , " \., . . . ,., \F· ,
air inlet. :.' clip~ on- Q:, th end s.
. ~,,':'" I· ~,~ :

ix) Ell::ows fo r SOlD dia pipe

~ ~';,; '. i?~ '. • ...
- 2 Nos. e
~> I~, ,.,),,11
x) l'ertor6ted'steel plat.e
'und~; flu1disin ~ ~:~d
~A3", J.;,
- ';:4"Nos.
xl) Fl~~d~Sln g':pads (sYnthe tic)- ,~: nos.
xli), outlet piper lSOm~ In_si(f~irf:)
, i.~~', !. ,. . . ~r·~ "t

, . ':-'i~ j, .. '. . i~5f!'i:: '.

. . : dis.. . .. "1."'2 Nos.
, c ," ····r;!· ~jr ; 5: s'
:xili)futternyva lve, 150_" :jf;l; "', .
.::. . ,:).. . illi'
Wi th handle.' _\,4 Nos.
.' ::.. i, ,.
·;lick cou~1'~nc wt'th
;:. . ,:'Y(~' {'l '
" .,
,capl501Im::::' .' 1f4' Nos.
,~ 'I !~:.' ,;;;}"I: :":. :' .,::~.~~: 't
. ,x,v) 011 tlet p1.pe: and';cap lSOIlr!'-:;~;j" Nos
:;,1,: f:!. .' ,,:: " " ( . 1 ' . 5ilii i~~jf;(:i~~i.~;!i:"·
l1~nometeJ:" "'lth,~11ter >~i 4 Nos.
. ·J·'~11
xvil) Flexible pipe ftir y'ano- :j}!"

, ~dterWit~ ~l1;:;~n ~th:!

"end. ,,;fif:;: 4 Nos.
;lXvf1i):·!)~er~enc,. outl~,t~i~ 2 Nos.
c. . ~ ~:h:

Thls,:art11ngement:is mea'tit' for rele:~;slngthe pres su re 0 f :

1'::1 •

the-e(nnpressed air insl'dett:s' l:a~~larter comple te

unlo'ad1n'g of Alumina aiid OOr.lpr1se'~;'::o;r, ..:-
De-,eomp±-ession ·~rttngement) (Refp.~~i;Dr<.No .WD8g)56.. s..~6 )

I.·· ..

"', :.3.l Compros .ton, pipe

,: - 2 Nos.
3 .3.2 lb t te rf'11~~va 1ve'< 5O~: ~., - 2 N"s.
. ',' . :,' . ::,:~p~;
'\':~ I

•.. 5.

t. ...
_ 5 _
,' '~.' .
3.4 Brakes ,., Twin pipe ~:re.dnated release air

I:, .
, .
b'xeke system fit~.ed with autl)matlc
load sensing device to cat~rfor
the bttlke pO\'Jer requ'irerne~(in
f!mp ty and 10 ~de drondi ti6ns has
... t

been provide d.
:·"..r /: l.~.\·!f( .;.

TVo ay~e dis t ste~l bo~le type

" .. ' .:. \. , .' .. "i":":! 'i.
CA.~mB-2~W bas, been used in
" ~I,'t '!,I/ '" '. ~ ~~)'
',. ;.~ .,'
:"' ":, ".,,. ...' ·"'I~.,. .' ,',

ma jo ri ty of wa ~ons. "lbweve r, the

\ '.: . :-:;' [. '. " i: ". .,
18 S t 10 t is fi tted wi th CA ~UB.. Z2W
". ~~difie d' to gtes.':1
3.6 CourIer & drerit_;/ktandard auto~~t:.lci centr~: blffer

3. 7 Const~ctiO!lS
• 'J. ~ ...'"
:r I~>. ,. :~''';:'' 1~!~r
"3'.,8 "-Infrtn'gement : r·
W~~on infringes 'max. moving dimen... '. :

or~ 192b~":hllt, 1 t is well


with 1~~ ... rfsion

moving!profile ;"fwl'Ghin >'P r:las~' aigine'movin!'

'dimensions pemissible on S~. 'Rly.

The wagons' shall ply on S~. R"'y.
, only.
" :~:

., •• G.

OQ.OoOoo 41 $
, I'

sWl'lm'- 1 T OP ~A.!lQ.!!
IJt • ;.
2. ThAse wagons have l::een designed to run in f1:r.ed train
fom~tion using locomotive suitable for haulln~ the
.' I " :. _ ~ ~ .

stock fitted with t'Jin pipe graduated release air

, '/ .'-:

b~~e systeM •
. • ~. f '~ < :~: ' • ;~; •••

2.1, LOAW!}." Loadl~l' of alumina shall be carr1~d out at

; 1 :': ; ~:i.· ;t ',1 .
loadlngtemina l from top'}jltches into two co~partmen t~
: ' . ,. . :.. ' 'I~i ::;'; .
provided in the Vo'tlgon. T~ loading is assisted by
• '.' ;";: ' ' I. ~i·:. . q lt~ '?',j ;.; • .~~ -

comp res ~.e~ ai r. T he ~oal.'~lt~.g. spou ts come and re s t on

the 3 hatches and can be>located within ro~ of
I. i< ,~:I~,,'.I ..
off-centre placecf?nt of ;the W3?'on. An electronic
. ~1 ": i > • :.~t! l~l. ' ~
sensing device is provided; in the spout. which transmits
. ,,

s1 gnal when the loade d aluminA ia ttl rrel rea ches the
, , , ' .' f:';, ' . /;( ~ Jf:, ; ; ' . . "-.
required . heie;ht an~ t"u\~hes this deyice •. The spout
'\.:;: ' ,.. , ;:r.':c~·.i: ..
door is closed and, further now of alumina in· side
, !:~~k -trVtL"
the blrrel stops~;~Th1s ~~ev1ce is so adjusted thp.t the
. ., ,.' !ij~t~. '::.t'·: . ',.. '.
alumina in birrel) doesinot e :xeep.d 54t and by means
. l' ,"; .'; \ '~~f' "I: L '. '. • (~r:t ·,::,f;f'?;n:· c
),;;,)'.' :: ';~':i'),
at, ano,~h.~r co~ne.:!~·'~1on 'ih.rou~hload eell~ on the wei ~h
.' :::~
. '\ ,'.1..
.. :
,~1 ",
,,:I~. f
' :,.,I' .. "~~~·.1i''''''
I\'.J ,~ " '"
"'1, :"
1 :.; .
, ,

brt~ge'~1!1ner: ~~ng 1!~ dC?~et? a,cOlxetef.Olldlng'~

:r .. i~ . :.1. .. ' ., ·?;~~·F. ·!,r~·, >1 :. :." , '!~ ,1;
The,loadin g is c.a:l'rledi"out while th,e wagon is place d
.. , ; ":';", " ;I:~i' i:k ". .
on the weigh bji.{.dge.t.·
2. 1.1 ':no t s ' ~ ~lt i .
---- ,:,;l::jl, I
.1 Ehsure th'iplacement of the wagon in the centre
f.~)~·F ::~,:!,,,~~:: .:"j'
or weigh :~,rld~tabl~, an orf set should not
:. . ::R:fl{' \ ,;;: r~. ~7 {~!'
. exceed ~?j,~. i,:," .
• 2 Open the nuts of the eye bolt of top JfLtch cover
and sWingj·them ~side ensu rinC tt11t t~ n11 t·
t'! :~ . .~ .' .
retain1n~!washer weld at top 1s not broken.
'·;·!;\'j~d- '; .
•3 Rfmt1I e the eove rand rubb! rflske t •
",~;ci ,. - '" '
•4 Eh~re prOper seeting of the spout on the. top .
)!hr .'.~,\'
11& tehes ;::~~fo ~;tS tR rt1n glo~,~ln g of alulJ'ina.

4J.7 . , ~.; :
- ? -
{~ '"

.5 After 10A.cUn~ of the alumina p.ut the cover on

i? "
the top l1i t ch, ensu rin g tha t the ge. ske t ts no t
twis t.ed 'pe r1 shed. put the eye b:>lt 1n 'slau ght
"13.; . f:
and i;1 gthenthe nut. . :'

.• '~'l"
'Ir: ',:',',
;', ·'1
2.1.2 PJN 'T~
';~' 1;, :r .' ~: .
.1 Do not ham:re r the nuts of the eye b,lt nnd
use span 'le ~
f "

.2 Do not open the h8.tchesw1thout ensur1~_~ the

, '

proper de-compression of the, barrel •

•3 Do nb"t cll)se the top
. ,)
covers with a bang •
I t may pf! rl sh the ru bb~ ~ gQ ske t.
•4 Do not leave thE' eye bolt nut slack after loacln~ •
It may re~lt:_in leaJke ~f "air at the time of
1" ;! -"
, unloading and~alsl) ab~rption'or moisture by
Alumina thro') gh ai r •
•5 Do no;t m-,ve the ~ gon out of _the wei ~hbr1 of!'E!
,table w~n the spouts are 1o'We~ed.
:., ,. :, .
2.2 Unload1n, 0::" Alumina I~ For unloading alUmina compresfec
alrat tVoba~~ pressUre is introdu~ed' in the birrel
through air, inlet-va1ve. This compressed air flui-
. " .t ~ '~,;

d1ses the alumina which 1s unload~d through material

-" , '

outlet valve into the pipe line connected to the

silos 0 r in to the bmke r unde r~~und.
The followinl1: operations are 1nv,olved in the
unll)8 din '1: of a1ul!lina:_
.1 'De_~:r;j>re!i~1.on .~:alves are closed •
• 2~~81n Bir hoses connect.ed with the a-lr inlet-valve •
• 3 ,Hat- ~ e1' hose conre cted to the me te rlal ou tie t

.4,' Airin1et valve opE:ned.'


00000004 !.~
- 8
.,'-' .,. .
• 5~ Pressure is wilt upln the barrel. '(lhen the
p'ressu:-e of, ~""o bA rs t s wilt up 1n the ba rrel,

out_let valves are

• j, .I',.,'
op~ned •
1 '

.6: Material is un~aded comp1e~~lY as ind ,~ted


by hi s::::in~ sound and sUdcien' drop 0 ~ pressure •


.7 Close the material outlet valve.

, . (:.~ "-.1' '

•8 tnose the air inlet valve, •

.9 Open ,the D~~ComprE;~sion vaivE{ff till air is
(. ",', ~ f ;:-~.)'~. .~/. '.;" ~

e yhau s te d comp 1e t ely from the l::e. rr el. Clo se

: '. '. ", ·~,.~i:.:'.::'~( .
deconpression valves \ l~ I
afterey.hpustin~ the
ba rrel.
'.' ..,'.

'~:;,' ',~ . . ;j r,' ': '::j ,.:,!~ . _.//
.1 ,~sure the; ,closing of deeompressiori'valv'iS and
';',' t">'i; , ,;;;/;, ,;;,(,,';," "
,,~, '
t~ghten1n'fof topl;la'.ch cover nuts before
;~: .' . '. .! I': / . ':..·.::1\ :.~~ ~~: ." '. .~t!;~ j' ,

couplin~ the air inlet ~se, to"j:he air valve.

:".' ", ,. ~r·:10' . ~' " ~~tit~·
, .2 3lsure that the material valve~!ls closed
I. : ;.~ "j':-," .,:-!. ';\i.;", . :;~;:'

before openin~ the ~ir inlet va:~ve.

. .'~

.3, !nsureproper wilt ,up of p'·'l!S~uft,:,1ns1.de Jhe

:: ~ '.: . t . :. <I , ~':':':

~ r'!'el 1.e. tvio ba rbef'o 1'8 openi" ~ the. rna te rial

, , ~~!.' '" . .jn, I "

outlet valve.

.4 Ensu ~ t~t th'! compres sed ai r is dry, !!loiS ture
:~!1~' , "
tree, at a tempe~tu~ of 80°c.
2.2.2 DON'TL
, ,"

.1 Do not 0llen air Inletva lye unless it is

.'''' :::~'rl; ,:~I.
checked that all other valves areclos.ed arid
top batch covers aN·:l~ht.

, ..

. .. 9.

- 9 _

.2 Do not open thematarlal outletvalvQs

of the t',,,O COT'lpartnents onf> after anothe r
bu': open .them simultaneously for simultaneous
un 10 A din g from t he two campa rtman t s •
•3 Do not open the main ai r control cock

. wi t!1out ensu rin g thp t the' coup l1n ~ ". on the

air inlet valve 1s in ti~ht,po'!!ition •

•4 Do not st~rt :unloading ope~tion unl~s~

i t t s en ~ilrEd thp, t all the pipe line s are

.properly connectp.r1 ann there are no leaks.

- 10 _

SEm'I 0 N _ I II - ~~ AI rrr ~1AN Ql


In 0 rd~ r to ke ep the wa. gon'in good fe ttle, 1i1i~'

uncer mentioned sche~ule of n:atntena'nc~are'
recom:~ended. These are in:addttiontothe rlom81
trip examln=ltion at'or1g1n~~t1rig and'tertrl1n.o;>tin,

st~tions. These scherules :a're:_

Rou t1.ne ove rhaul (ROH) 1J t 1n tervtil s! bf o ne i:
yea\r and 6 mon ths. ',I

\. .,'

.3 perl"dic~lovQrhaul (POt!): FOR will 1)e

oSrried out after 4t:years of(servlca.:,

3.1 Hal r ye!!.lz .e :x£lmtn& t1o!l-l J

Items .mentioned 1n .subsEqu~nt:p·a ze:grephs s~ll be

, '",.
. ,,':.:',

'. ,

. ~~" t', )'';', "

to as necessR ?" durIngl the

" :", ,.j I

half yea;rly e,p.m1na''tlon or whenever the wa~bn 1s

. . ..)
·.. ·..·placed 1n slcUine ;for a t~ending~he.part1~lA r
, "

." ;"j
defects. , .,
~ ~ I
,,' ',". i
S.l.l Welding points' t'1e tank an'd underfr&me in
. , ., visually .
meIr.ber sheil be L:l:xxAnAi:U checked and ;
attended to.
'Def;~~fve helical. sp rtn g shiri be rel'la ~d.
3.1.3 f;BC ass etlbl y sl.:tll, -be che cked and dare cts
rectified as' n tfc'~S'~ ry (G.76 may be rllfep-ed
to for comrl e't't!"iristruct10!'lS). ,{j
3.1.4 BtElke" g~"r sMll 'be e~mined an'" womoutl bze ke
1:'ocks !1rid p1ns',replaced. . !
3.1.5 Bt6keregul"lto'r::-ontre1 dimenc:lon Shall/be
. ' ~'
a.nd:;cor!'t. ctedr:1f ne cessa rj', automa tic "~oa d

sen51n. devic,e she·ll be ehecked,forpropf'J"


- 11 -;' ,',
" 1 "/.

vo~rkln~' and jamnilng, ~,r any,'i shall b4 rem", ed by

proper lubrication.,
::.1.6 Ai r brake
. .' cylinde
:. r shall
tit be te sted fo r p rope r
w~rk1ng and b~,keg~;r, pull rod ~:vp. r ar~d pir

eased and " lubrie a ted. .,' ~"

All the pins in brake ge8. r;,as well as top l'ii tch
: ' " !;'
hinp s~ll be prop~rly lubrlc8,ted wIthgtElphite
';' , " I~' 1'~1" ,
3.1.8 In.;~s~ IIft~ngof
l':a gonl'ody is n'8cessl tated,
for some repa.:1 rs, pIvot apd pl'1;t)t pin shalL ,be
:} . ./... .r t
'!:., ,
checked ror,prope~ condl~il)ns ,~nd plvo~s ,
,":'" .• ~;.\' !.~'.' ;'~I ',tt . -~. I.

1u~ricated~y grapblt'e gl"ease. r,

, :.~. ~ :i ': " '-t

3.1.9 The wheel S'ha11 ~ &6uged and,;~JL4mined ..,and,the

," i:.'J ,-;< ,~. " :~~.;:::, '::~:;.:'., -.~~

_II ::\.

~erects rl!c~1 fl~l~ ':I ,;)il~;: , ' (

3.1.10 " station 'cod$Pi~nd
The . :; ';.:~'; ",- th~date;;~r
;!!/,,,:.~ ~:.,,?. ,',balf yearly
'J. "','I.' . .

, examination shalt.. be st enc1l,led and the ,markinc '
, ,'. ]~~;I: :(~. .'~;~~ ".
" Pf0v:$.ded 011 the!:~r,~n. ; , ' ,
3. 2 &?u tIne ove r~ul
:. .
<m'!!l.!. t~r'
- :~. ': ,'~·;'f'i.: '~:NJ}J.' :r ,;"," ,.
The ;Z:",; w,11l be ~~; lJllfin 1je twep~:!PO Rs a nds HJ.il be
d£ rned'out a ti~W,m~J:'te<1 ~Jek1~ri~ s where prope r
facilities arepro~ided.The fo11ow1nc schetble of
: " }{p.' > ,

wagon 'J:e~al~.· sh9.\],~be ro~lowed:_

3.2.1 :.,strl'p b~~e'~.:t" leve,r and rods tor exam1n~tIon

• 'tot womout/da~l~~d parts. LoW'E!r81r brake cylinder,
, ,for ove rbllul"~.t test bench. ~
tH;1, . -J,. ,~
S.2.2;, ,Litt the l:od1,jM"nd l\Ul ouf;,the ~ gies. P1 qce the
body (~rre1',I& un<1erfre.me): ontrussels • . i;";.' :, ',_
J !~\·lli.;. ':' .;
3.2.3 ~!" str1p~;Pr1l,l;~frnd ~f1nc ~spenston gear. Check
he1Ic8~spr1p:lrorrree height and otherdeteets
. ,r ':;"~. ." \ . ...

and ~pa~r ~;~nevel" required. "iii'

J~!!: 12 _J .'

;j[" " ',., , ': .

3.2.4 Examine' b>~i~ pivot b>~e frame 'and b>lster and
'~0, ,
re cord!Q7le c~'Wn/adopte r clearance •
."t:;·: ~:'I; . ' 'oj

3.2.5 ~:7:Bmin~' s'ide':bearers and pivot'pln's. \brn out

liner~~:1;of tlle side bearers s~~ldbe milt and
ChAn ge::\reke' blocks.
RSp&i¥(examinption of the l:.og1es shall be done a,s
per t1i~ Tech:r}ica1 pamphlet No. G_64 (InStruction
l'~ i ::

for Insrection an~ ¥.A1nt~nance of ICA~1B' Bog1~)

" J
issue;~ by RDro.::<..r
3.2.8 The ~ examined
COUpler shafl ...... ..
in ae('o~ance Wi th
~ .:..:. .,'.~ I

instruction givl?n"1n Technical parnp)le t No. G-76.

I': ~ 'iJ~ .)l:'!( ~; ; \: " '. . .

RHI ot a1r brake :_(t wa ~on is fl tted With &i r br: ke

". ~:L . .. ~i .

s1s tem supplied b;';:M/S. S.D. '1:echn1¢al L1m1 te d. T~ "

. !, ';;!~:,: " '. i •

system should be ma1ntalned as p~'r'the1r catalo&ue

I, I, ,',
for maintenance of air btGkes.
3. 2.-10---1-1a1n tenance of alr fluidl!1n g ~yste!!!.!
- l i,; , -·T ,! ~. i '
.1 ai tte rflt val v!..s!,
~~ ':\ I !
It:s constructions 1s shown in Fig.3. tutterfly
I! ";::-" ,....,

valves '.should not be reTl'loved"unless, ,these are

'. " r:,: . /Ii. ,"';' . i'~·" i.

, leaky. :ThiS,:s'hall bee,.ein!ne'd by giv1nc an air

;1. .' .. ~., . . . It~,- I
test tothe'l:errel and the valve~. Ba.irrel shall
"(1/ ;\~'.A: ::~,(, '~" !:,;' v.-. "j~. j ;~.'

be el1lrged wlth'compres·sed ~ir and the pressure ,

1 .~: ,. I ,'; ~.' . ' , .;:~ r: . . ~ . !
of2 tel's malnt~dned. lbtterfly valves ~hall

w': opeixe: ted; and d~~cke~ inrull~open i

, I ,",

closedcondi ti':t'l S • 'Only 'lea tty VS.:t-l e st!8l '!.

, .
"~' rem:~ve d "~nd e :Jl6.mlne d" fo r~·~dere cts' .. ,Le~ b-.A. ge
I .
in diCR te
,,' . ""/' ~~. , I; _.

;"; ora 1 r thn)u valva shall a 11!~: ky

~ .: •• : ::~.' '.~ • ~ 1 ;~. ;~' :':~: ~ '\ ': '", ," • ~ »
'c val':~: A leali:y valve shOUld 'be ok,ened &,ilQ

e~! --.f!d ro*~:~esr &·tear,t {f B.'ny,'8rld\ol'-\''''10:'':'~

';1 ,;
sh:Juld' be r,epc:'iT€c'i/rerlacee. L~,q~y bjttcr'::,y
- ,13_
val ~e~ sball;{.be opened and v~lves tu medlr,e~lacp.d and,
,: ~ '",', tf ! I~'"

then It1ven a\be!1ch te st (Refer F1~. 4 for te st benc h

• :,:' I", I ~f fr ,>"" t: . ,;
layout). fu,tte rfly ;y~l ve s 11111 ,h! con~e ct~d \Vi th
, " ",' ,·,~t;;:· '; :; .
the at ~ cha~be r ~u 1n~ te st.,::~:n,~ p resst. ~'e of a b~ rd
inside chamber shall i~ m~lnt81ned. The 11 ~htnes s
'~, : 'I 'I I ,

of the va1v~ shall '1;l~ c~ecked dur"'Lng ~~!'I~. MaJfimum

drop ot. O.l::,bar (0.102 kg/cm 2) In:;O t~~!\d can
.... ' \ I' . ~' . \

only be per,m1tt e d. The operating handle (FIC. 5) will

,!!:, "n' , ' i:\'. ' ,,' ,'"
re~ain: elt~ler 1n !\lilly open or fully closed position.
:. i>:'·~/:. '! •• ~\!l\ ' .' 1.' , . ' / ,; : .
• 2 Non re~mv.qill..!. '
Its OO,nst~et1on 18 s~own 1n Fig. 6. turing OOH, ti~
.~t'; .~ ::". . i' (.

'htness te st on a te st. beneh shall be eEl rrled ou t fo r

. . .. ~~k~~· .:
unld1recti()n&1 now of ai r.The v~lve, sball_..~ conr.ected
.' ?I,\ _~~..! +-_
to a1r ~hatnbe,r ~v1ns 12 barpress~re and pressure mAint~1nE!d .
: ..~;.; ::., j: .. ' ~ ;,;" ;.... \: ;: '." .
for some time. A. m~~imu~d rop
'. ":i: ; ; ; Il ..•. J: .
0 to. 2 b~ r ' .
(0. ro4' kg/cm 2)
in ~O sa c~. 1n' th~~ipres ~re .CA~ only be' pe m-t tted.
; (,1 •.' . _;; • ~

03 Quick couplinLwlth en<3 caps

~r " :' ;'.:'~:
, C!.~ .. ,~ . r •

The quick couplings for Ai,.r inlet (65mm) !lnd prod'.lct

. "',' ;', .. , ;.:~
. ,. ·~i.: r
outl~t (iSOmm) are soown ,in FigS.7,&: 8 re~eet1vely •.
:: " , "'~f.~" -,t ji\.:,
These co}l,pllng& require x1,gular c1e~~in~. ruring mY!
... ~. . 1:·;]: t 1: ~ •

1tspall;,t-.! checked th~'it'~t;lt opezet,es by hAnd Without


use ot key. Threads sl'ou1d

, ii'
be cleaned
and vi:;uBlly
i~,x.~1,n.edfi,for:r.amag~s &nd".oilEtd. Gas~et, if d::tmaged
, '1 >9:'
. shall .be; rep1 B 0 4 l d . . '
~ "',,~ ",:H
.4.§!te·ty Rel!,!f val!!,1 . itt,
T~~ 50~' safety relief v'alve 1s :flJ" . ' .~'~' '.:
< •
.in F1~.· 9.
sl'x>uld be removed andte ~.ted on a te!tt bench t,o'r its,
bl;9w1ngpressura 1.e., 2.1 t . bar (2.17 kg/cm 2) a ~lns t , a
-.( : .. r.
~ : ' . .'''" ,:.: ~. .j

m&ster:ge.uII and, if nend'be, 1t should be reset by

. ~i' ~

&djustln& the, sprlncpressure.

' . . ~ :", ,: ; '; ; • ~.. .,' ..! :'

. .' ..
,,' "I.' • •• 14.
-.c14 -
:i. ~ t.,"( rJ
.-6 f91yst~ t: PO MULP ads s
The pB ds slbtt1d l:e eXamined irl"pos1t ion ;'aft~,r
;1 . ~": ; ~

corr.r1e tel,. taow1ng out,'th~ left over alumina thrOugh

j .\;.

'. rna te rtalou tle t. This' epn l:e done by pa'ssing the air

through air,:;inlet, pressure.of 2 bp.r ml'llnt'Alned

, ':' ': , ,;',. ':,~'"
and then p~duct outlet opened the' remanents'of
Alurnltaa will blow ou t ,wl ~h
~:i r.
Now c~ se the a~ r :

1'.: .: '. I '

supply and, open decompre~sl~n valves to diffuse
. t", j

pressure. After complete decompression open the

ratch cov~,;r and c~ck p~ds'vlsual~y b; going inside
'\ :. ' . ,

I and insp'?ct cap nuts for tightness. Apply O.2l:ar

: .. ' I
air p~ssure by blowing ai'r under the pads and
,; " ,.

feel the flow of alrby h8~d to check the porous! ty

,~ ~ ':.: " .' .!', .~ )-

of pads,. In the absence,;of air floW,

. pads shall be '.
'j';, . ',' .. f' 0/'

ret!Y.>ve~ ou tstde and the 'dust A ccunulated on the

,;~. . ;:: ';'~L(; .
steel perforated b lown,,~u,.t and pads reflttE'd
'l>~:~-::' '. . . :-: "rJ rr~'" .'.' ,;J :-r':~,o: -
'afterp l'OJie r aprllea tiOt!j;:of mastic iol~~ion.i T~e
,j):" . I' i;' ,,,r j:, " 'J' '
nu ts~lghtened and the~';;'~che ck the pad pores
~~:::. , . . "
as done earlier •
. '('1 " ,,~IJ>
.6 t.!!,s ~!!....Geuge an" fil!!..!:.
The '~l te r 91\9.11, be e1(laned and gAu ~e !.eali be zEI ted ,t,

~i :.~ ", '. . .

'Ill th:;!a.inas ter ~U.. I"~
".;';' f. t.1

. , Top l1lteh.&nexible pipe: Top ~tehr.l~. 10 shall

. '~ ~. .j.J.

be visually
for -
examinld , any damage911n
'hea rin ~
~. i/. '
. 'i' . .j~.' ~:' ..,. : '1.. ; • .••. , \~ i~\'

au de ee or'ca9k:Ef t .. A damaged &8skit~,hall be i "

renewed.~ Nut,iolts be deaned with UtI •

.. ", ,'"., ..
Fl'e rlbl~ plpe'shBll a lsI')' be e ~e:i!dned,.Jro.r
, ":t :

leakages arid soundnes s of clamps. De,reetl ve

clamps/pipes shall be replaced.

I, ' " . ,~.,.
,.. ;
~15 .. '

3. 2 .~:l ~ At. ten;~,:: anY;i'sp~ eiAl ~;~:~,~~.:ji:r m.~,!irlce; tio:n

reEld1.red fromt1me to time.;;:'
'.~ .' ;',!> ; '" .:. '~, .Oi' :: :.;'~ :i,~' .~ .:' :" ; .-

stencil station code initial and date on either

9i de "on aa ch bo~e as ~elJ a 9 wa ~n.
. . ,1:,:- :I!r~t· ~.,,:,~; '~'. : ~J·.i.
F e r1o~ical ,O~,e rhaul , (P~;) I : .;

Fogie U}1mi~~:wagon tYji~ '~~~:;~ S~ll"be ~verhRUled

p e r1odical~1::a t time In.te rvals men tloned In pa 1'6 3 (.3).
. . :' :;~, ( .' ,.: L . " t ' : ' : .;. :j;:~~. ~:'
A l~rge num~r of co!lplers an:d. bo~es similar to the ones
: ::I~ "t.' ~ :!~'.~. . / :~!/ ~, "_"
pro~idad 1n 'Bl'AP' ~;gon are already b,eing maintained by
'. t ' c:," ",' r'll ,\ j'jU.I I I

the, fnd1lin ~ll~ys~orksrop!'. T,!l8se assemb11es shall be

, • • I:" .t I

givel,1 POH a~ per pl"?~dures", ~,~ld down 1n::.the Indl a n.

..' ·11· :'~'~I~'J ~ : ,;.~·rJ '::' J~.'
Rall~ys m~intenan~{manuAls:,;~ssued by l\allway 'Aoa~~/RDro
• ;! )1 /;:r, "J .i , ':( , .. .
and the.in~,;tNct,1oas<,ls ~e,~:by tl¥' Rall~;YS thro\lCh T s) 's
" .,' " ,.~. .;..... \ ;.:.:._.,: :--..•-.~ .. J.~

froll time to time. Technic~l.'pamphlp.tN~. ~80 slatl be

:,:. . , ~:.. .1 . -. ')' ~
.. .~ '. ';'. X.' ';'f
referred to for. ~ln~nance e>f' couplers. For malnten:ince
. '.;' . ~ tit .~ :' J:: i . : : .,i ,<
of bogies 1echn1~1)amphlet No. G-64may be followed.
~ "; ,

3.~.1 Thls belneall weld~d ~~ont the undert'l."6Me with

. .: .; .~: ";:.(? :; , '.

larJ'el shall; l'le pl'ctld on tJ'lsseles over a pit

, ~rte r l'Unnl~ g ou t:~:t 1;0 ,1 e,~!t;;":~OU ple rt,~ 1 r b,t6 ke
equipmentandf~~l~l sing s,ys\em com~onents shall
, , ,~I '

... thorou~h1y.
; .... <
.. t,·

The barrel", shAll tee:t6mined visua,lly for wear & ,

, ' , F~::,:: : ":
tE!ar. Wea~/pi tting upto :t.lm to 1.Ehm sl'tlll be '1
.'. .' " . ' !

m~de up '~y' weld tilling an,d 'grinding. The re&fte r ~

. : . ~ '1,''''::'' , 1,:.[ . '~.: ~. ;(~

~dly ero~e~/co~ro4ed port~ons of"t:arrel or '~

hopper '.~ll be;re;alt@d;;·~ letln pa~~h~ i t :1

shall t~~~ be te~~ed hY~l"'ulloally At a pres~~1

'. if"' "'". ',' iJ

••• 16.

joln~s. Hl)weve,r~ the j01nt~ of pipes and v~lves of
,~J~'f _ i >: '~; ::y. "; .~. 1 . ..,i
the system shall, be te sted \by A1 r.{ pres RIl rt2'"
. " f' . " , : I.~ ;. "

3.3.3 Br!ikes: The lrISgon is rl~tted v1thithe8ir:.brake

, ' .! . .'; . :~'.

f'lystem ~upp11ed by MIs. sn 't'ech.'11c~1

se1"V'ices Plftt,.ttd.,
"I .' ....

8, Bha ga t Singh J.!R rg, New Del hi ':'110 001.)1 ts main..

tenanef! hAS beil'n explained 1n their maintenah09

manuAl No. SO!

795/25, SDA 795/25 - Appendix
:1'!' . .: . .
'- 2, ~ <

SOA 795/25B~ SDA 795/~B 9.1pp. '"iroA 545/74,~! 5':J4./?

, and 89~ BG l~;~. ~ for ~,~ VT A L~d b~ke device.. The,'air brekeequipment s~ll be given
~:; r ' . 'I
the) fol10win., attention/cheeks in accor_
:. ", ~ ! i
dence with the ,malnten~nce mt'lnu!'ll supplied
. :' . .~:~ '~'. 1.t (: : " : :, '
by MIs. SO Tecmical , Services
. pvt. Ltd. .
. v' I

.1 Remove Distrlt::Utor valve alongw1th pipe

'.; '~,'

bra eke t, b~ake cylinder, Cut-ofr angle

co oks, fa pd pipe iso latin g co ck, ehe 6k
v Alva ," . di rt colle eto rs, auxt11A ry

reservolr~i~ control reservoir from the

, ,tE}
:M'~ .
we ~ on, a nd:ove rhaul.
'.2 After ove';rhaulinc, thp. distrlb.1tor valve
(,,"f :,~. ,

shall be,,;,tested on .the te st bench for

d1str1~!~or valve. othe";~components ;::-;
be tested in accordance with the suppl1..e'rs'
re~mmend8t1on •

•3 ctk ck the h:> ~ CX)U'P ling as ~embly fo r

damHges and~place the hose and test •

•• • . 17.

~:,;] :' Illl;Sl! '
, ' Ilfi!hl
!:' ',J'" ".'_ 1,1:'-
,;::.4.,~.Pl"~.ltlsk6 o~J¥"'s,. e,u~l1n r. t
~:i,r .5 ,:;strt,Pr. 7~~mi p;1pes"HJ~d :p:1e p :f1,tt1n~s and
'I' :,', r~place':;thg damotl~ed pipes.' :,
, . • ' ',' I, • ": \ ~ • . •
'; .j , " I.~· ' ;

.6;":Repla~::)lll the ;,:.,skets of \l1pe f1 ttings. :! After the.~'~e rhaule ~;!~lr' bE8ke equ1\-men t 1s f1 tted,
r ~I'

the 'wa~onsha11 be .Oi:

tested w1 th single ..,a~on tes t
rig to check proper.;,functton1ng of a1r b~ke


defects w.hl,ch ~qu1rG o~t of schedule :~~pa1rs. Nature of

, Ii, ' ,.:.'

such defects shall be exQm1ned1n the 11 gilt of a tove

J . . • ' • • :' .!:.;"~'.
instNctions and appropriate stepe s111:ll be taken
, 'd:',:

depend1n~ on the nature of' detect/dericts.

t: ;}iJ;'
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, --nil

~~IGf4_ !~tMOt:S
T"A~£ ((STIMATtD 2f,·l8t. THE MoU. M~IHCiJ~" .'.
:' PAY lOAD 55·oL j@!!~ OF l'l~.~urrrl:!~
,\ rJ~05!' e,·ZlJt .. """'G
". ~A.O ( ..... )(tM-'UM-'~L--__ ZO·3H. ~T~PARpr,,'c~~
~. l~.C'" OH'SITY ,: 5glt illl
';I'ii~ O'=-,..-l;....U-Ml-""-,..----·...O-.-'-5l U.".

."'1] (ro. mOM ~.L. ((-"'_PlY) . lu2.lIIl11.

L~ ;:f•. r"')~ ~= (lO~D(D' 211'7111')11,


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