305A Cryptography and Network Seurity

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MCA 305A: Cryptography and Network Security

Cryptography – Terminology, Conventional Encryption Model, Steganography, Classical Encryption Techniques, DES Data
Encryption Standard, Block Cipher Design principles and Modes of Operation.
Conventional Encryption Algorithms: Triples DES, International Data Encryption Algorithm, Blowfish, RC5, Characteristics of
advanced symmetric Block Ciphers, Confidentiality using Conventional Encryption.
Public-Key Cryptography, Introduction to Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Modular Arithmetic, Euler’s Theorem,
Primary and Factorization, discrete logarithm, D-H Key sharing technique, RSA and its variants-Homomorphic Encryption
Techniques Message Authentication and Hash Functions – Hash and MAC algorithms..
Digital, Signatures and authentication Protocols, Digital Signature Standard, Network Security Practice, Authentication
Applications. Basic overview of Electronic Mail Security: pretty Good Privacy’s/MIME: IP Security, Web Security – Intruders,
Viruses and Worms – Firewalls.
Mobile Security, Risk Model, Eco System, Service Risks, App Risks, Countermeasures- Cloud Computing Security- Threats-
Security in Cloud Security at service layers. Introduction to Block chain, Crypto currency, Bit Coin Security and working,
Text Books
1. Cryptography and Network Security – by William Stallings, Principles and Practice, 7th
Edition, Pearson
2. Cryptography and Network Security, by John Wiley, Edn,.2001
Reference Books
1. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, John Wiley, Second Edn,2001.
2. Charke Kaufman, Rodia Perlman and Mike Speciner, Network Security

Cryptography And Network Security

Cryptology is only one of the factors involved in securing
networks. Cryptology refers to study of codes, which
involves both writing (cryptography) and solving
(cryptanalysis) them. Below is a classification of the
crypto-terminologies and their various types.
1. Cryptography:

Cryptography is the process of converting ordinary plain text into unintelligible text and
vice-versa. It is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only
those for whom it is intended can read and process it. Cryptography not only protects data
from theft or alteration, but can also be used for user authentication.

1. Symmetric-key cryptography

2. Hash functions.

3. Public-key cryptography
• Symmetric key cryptography :
It involves usage of one secret key along with encryption and decryption
algorithms which help in securing the contents of the message. The
strength of symmetric key cryptography depends upon the number of key
bits. It is relatively faster than asymmetric key cryptography. There arises
a key distribution problem as the key has to be transferred from the
sender to receiver through a secure channel..
Asymmetric key cryptography :
It is also known as public key cryptography because it involves
usage of a public key along with secret key. It solves the problem of
key distribution as both parties uses different keys for
encryption/decryption. It is not feasible to use for decrypting bulk
messages as it is very slow compared to symmetric key
Hashing –

It involves taking the plain-text and converting it to a hash value

of fixed size by a hash function. This process ensures integrity of
the message as the hash value on both, sender\‘s and receiver\‘s
side should match if the message is unaltered.
2. Cryptoanalysis
1. Classical attacks –

It can be divided into

a)Mathematical analysis and b) Brute-force attacks.
Brute-force attacks runs the encryption algorithm for all possible cases of the keys until a match is
found. Encryption algorithm is treated as a black box. Analytical attacks are those attacks which
focuses on breaking the cryptosystem by analysing the internal structure of the encryption

2. Social Engineering attack –

It is something which is dependent on the human factor. Tricking someone to reveal their
passwords to the attacker or allowing access to the restricted area comes under this attack.
People should be cautious when revealing their passwords to any third party which is not trusted.

3. Implementation attacks –
Implementation attacks such as side-channel analysis can be used to obtain a secret
key. They are relevant in cases where the attacker can obtain physical access to the
Convention Encryption Model

• Symmetric encryption i s also referred to as conventional encryption or single-key

encryption. It was the only type of encryption in use prior to the development of public-key
encryption. It rema ins by far the most widely used of the two types of encryption.

A symmetric encryption scheme has five ingredients:

1. Plain text: This is the Original intelligible message or data that is fed in to the algorithm as input.
2. Encryption Algorithm: The encryption algorithm performs various substitutions and transformation on
the plain text to convert it into ciphertext.
3. Secret Key: The secret key is also input to the encryption algorithm. The key is a value independent
of plain text. The algorithm will produce a different output depending on the specific key being used at
the time. The exact substitutions and transformation s performed by the algorithm depend on the key.
4. Ciphertext: This is the scrambled m essage produced as output. It depends on the p ain l text and the
secret key. For a given message, two different keys will produce different ciphertexts. The ciphertext is
an apparently random stream of data and, as it stan ds, i s unintell gible.
5. Decryption Algorithm: This is essentially the encryption algorithm run in reverse. It takes the
ciphertext and the secret key as the input and produces the original plain text.
• Steganography is a method of hiding secret data, by embedding it into an
audio, video, image, or text file. It is one of the methods employed to
protect secret or sensitive data from malicious attacks.
• One of the most popular techniques is 'least significant bit (LSB) steganography.
In this type of steganography, the information hider embeds the secret
information in the least significant bits of a media file.
• For instance, in an image file each pixel is comprised of three bytes of data
corresponding to the colors red, green, and blue (some image formats allocate an
additional fourth byte to transparency, or ‗alpha‘).
• LSB steganography changes the last bit of each of those bytes to hide one bit of
data. So, to hide one megabyte of data using this method, you‘ ll need an eigh t-
megabyte image file.
• Since modifying the last bit of the pixel value doesn‘t result in a visually
perceptible change to the picture, a person viewing the original and the
steganographically modified images won‘t be able to tell the difference.
Differences between steganography and cryptography

• Steganography is often compared to cryptography.

• While steganography hides information, cryptography focuses on rendering the data unreadable to
everyone except its intended recipient.
• Once a stream of data is encrypted, only a person who has access to its decryption key will be able
to unlock it.
• But if cryptography provides better protection for secret data, why use steganography at all?
• The presence of cryptography reveals that something is hidden, and in many cases, this is enough
to get the sender in trouble.
• Sometimes, steganography and cryptography are used together.
Classical Encryption Techniques

Encryption is of 2 types
1. Asymmetric Encryption – Same key for encryption and decryption
2. Symmetric Encryption –different keys for encryption and decryption

• There are 2 types of classical encryption techniques are there they are
1. Substitution Cipher
2. Transposition Cipher
Substitution Cipher :

It is an encryption technique where the letters in the plain text are substituted/replaced by
the letters or numbers or symbols
example:- plain text – ABCD
Cipher text – WXYZ
This substitution ciphers are divided into 5 types

1. Caser cipher
2. Mono alphabetic cipher
3. Poly alphabetic cipher
1. Vigner cipher
2. Vernam cipher
4. Play-fair cipher
5. Hill cipher
Transposition cipher:
The transposition cipher the characters or letters in the plain text are changed or
rearranged in the zig-zag way.
There is no replacement
There is no substitution

plane text – ABCDE

cipher text – CDAEB
They are divided into 2 components
1. Rail fence cipher
2. Row transposition cipher
Data Encryption Standard :

• Data encryption standard (DES) has been found vulnerable against very powerful
attacks and therefore, the popularity of DES has been found slightly on decline.
• DES is a block cipher, and encrypts data in blocks of size of 64 bit each, means 64 bits of
plain text goes as the input to DES, which produces 64 bits of cipher text.
• The same algorithm and key are used for encryption and decryption, with minor
differences. The key length is 56 bits.
• We have mention that DES uses a 56 bit key. Actually, the initial key consists of 64 bits.
• However, before the DES process even starts, every 8th bit of the key is discarded to
produce a 56 bit key.
• That is bit position 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 are discarded. The basic idea is show
in below figure.
Block Cipher Design Principles
• Block ciphers are built in the Feistel cipher structure. Block cipher has a
specific number of rounds and keys for generating ciphertext. For defining
the complexity level of an algorithm few design principles are to be
• These are explained as following below :
• Number of Rounds –
The number of Rounds is regularly considered in design criteria, it just
reflects the number of rounds to be suitable for an algorithm to make it
more complex.
• In DES (Data Encryption Standard) we have 16 rounds ensuring it to be
more secure while in AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) we have 10
rounds which makes it more secure.
1. Design of function F –
• The core part of the Feistel Block cipher structure is the Round Function.
• The complexity of cryptanalysis can be derived from the Round function i.e.
the increasing level of complexity for the round funct ion would be greatly
contributing to an increase in complexity.
• To increase the complexity of the round function, the avalanche effect is also
included in the round function, as the change of a single bit in plain text would
produce a mischievous output due to the presence of avalanche effect.
2. Key schedule algorithm –
• In Feistel Block ciphe r structure, each round would generate a sub-
key for increasing the complexity of cryptanalysis.
• The Avalanche effect makes it more complex in deriving sub-key.
Decryption must be done very carefully to get the actual output as
the avalanche effect is present in it
Modes of operation:
• Encryption algorithms are divided into two categories based on input type,
as block cipher and stream cipher.
• Block cipher is an encryption algorithm which takes fixed size of input
say b bits and produces a ciphertext of b bits again.
• If input is larger than b bits it can be divided further. For different
applications and uses,
• there are several modes of operations for a block cipher .
• Electronic Code Book (ECB)
• Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
• Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
• Output Feedback Mode
1. Electronic Code Book (ECB)
• Electronic code book is the easiest block cipher mode of functioning. It is easier because
of direct encryption of each block of input plaintext and output is in form of blocks of
encrypted ciphertext. Generally, if a message is larger than b bits in size, it can be broken
down into bunch of blocks and the procedure is repeated.

2. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Cipher block chaining or CBC is an advancement made on ECB since ECB compromises
some security requirements. In CBC, previous cipher block is given as input to next
encryption algorithm after XOR with original plaintext block. In a nutshell here, a cipher
block is produced by encrypting a XOR output of previous cipher block and present
plaintext block.
3. Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
In this mode the cipher is given as feedback to the next block of encryption with some
new specifications: first an initial vector IV is used for first encryption and output bits are
divided as set of sandb-s bits the left hand side sbits are selected and are applied an
XOR operation with plaintext bits. The result given as input to a shift register and the
process continues. The encryption and decryption process for the same is shown
below, both of them use encryption algorithm

4. Output Feedback Mode (OFM)

• The output feedback mode follows nearly same process as the Cipher Feedback mode
except that it sends the encrypted output as feedback instead of the actual cipher which is
XOR output. In this output feedback mode, all bits of the block are send instead of
sending selected s bits. The Output Feedback mode of block cipher holds great
resistance towards bit transmission errors. It also decreases dependency or relationship
of cipher on plaintext.

1.Explain in detail about steganography.

2.Expalin in detail about Conventional Encryption Model.

3.Brief the strength of Data Encryption Algorithm and its modes of operations.

4.Explain in detail about Classical Encryption Techniques.

5.Write the differences between Block cipher design principles and modes of operarion.
1.What is Cryptography?

2.write a short note on Conventional encryption model?

3.Define Steganography?

4.What is DES?

5.Write a short note on DES data encryption ?


Conventional encryption algorithm

Conventional encryption algorithm:
• In cryptography variety of conventional encryption algorithms are available.
They are DES, AES, TDEA, IDEA, Blowfish, RC2, RC4, RC5, CAST 128,
etc. The Data Encryption Standard (DES) [2] developed by IBM early in
1970's and adopted by U.S National Institute of Standards and Technology
Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard)

• In cryptography, Triple DES (3DES or TDES), officially the Triple Data

Encryption Algorithm (TDEA or Triple DEA), is a symmetric-key block
cipher, which applies the DES cipher algorithm three times to each data

• Triple DES is a encryption technique which uses three instance of DES

on same plain text.

• It uses there different types of key choosing technique

• In first all used keys are different and In second two keys are
same and one is different and in third all keys are same
• Triple DES is also vulnerable to meet-in-the middle attack
because of which it give total security level of 2^112 instead of
using 168 bit of key.
• The block collision attack can also be done because of short
block size and using same key to encrypt large size of text.
• It is also vulnerable to sweet32 attack.
International Data Encryption Algorithm
• The International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), originally called
Improved Proposed Encryption Standard (IPES).
• It is a symmetric-key block cipher designed by James Massey of ETH
Zurich and Xuejia Lai and was first described in 1991. ... IDEA was used in
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) v2.
• It consists block sizes of 64bits.
• Its contains 128 bits key sizes.
• International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) is a once-proprietary free
and open block cipher that was once intended to replace Data Encryption
Standard (DES). Once called Improved Proposed Encryption Standard
(IPES)I, DEA is a minor revision to the Proposed Encryption Standard
• IDEA uses similar processes for encryption and decryption, with some
inverted ordering of round keys. It consists of a series of 8 rounds and
operates on 64-bit blocks using a 128-bit key. IDEA suffered from weak
keys until its key schedule was revised, and it may call for further revision
in the future.
• IDEA has been and is optionally available for use with Pretty Good Privacy
(PGP). IDEA has been succeeded by the IDEA NXT algorithm, itself once
known as FOX.

“Once brute-force techniques became stronger, the US

government and encryption community looked to a replacement
for the NIST-approved DES that was widely in use. IDEA was
proposed as a replacement algorithm for DES, but it failed to do
so and today, in the era of AES (Rijndael) which replaced DES,
IDEA is obsolete.”
Blow Fish:
• Blowfish is a symmetric encryption algorithm, meaning that it
uses the same secret key to both encrypt and decrypt
• Blowfish is also a block cipher, meaning that it divides a
message up into fixed length blocks during encryption and
• Blowfish is an encryption technique designed by Bruce
Schneier in 1993 as an alternative to DES Encryption
• It is significantly faster than DES and provides a good
encryption rate with no effective cryptanalysis technique found
to date.
• It is one of the first, secure block cyphers not subject to any
patents and hence freely available for anyone to use.
1.blockSize: 64-bits
2.keySize: 32-bits to 448-bits variable size
3.number of subkeys: 18 [P-array]
4.number of rounds: 16
5.number of subsitution boxes: 4 [each having 512 entries of
32-bits each]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Blowfish Algorithm:

• Blowfish is a fast block cipher except when changing keys.

Each new key requires a pre-processing equivalent to 4KB of
• It is faster and much better than DES Encryption.
• Blowfish uses a 64-bit block size which makes it vulnerable
to birthday attacks.
• A reduced round va riant of blowfish is known to be
suceptible to known plain text attacks(2nd order differential
attacks – 4 rounds).

Applications of Blowfish Algorithm:

• Bulk Encryption.
• Packet Encryption(ATM Packets)
• Password Hashing
Blowfish Encryption Algorithm
• RC5 is a symmetric-key block cipher notable for its simplicity. Designed
by Ronald Rivest in 1994,
• RC stands for "Rivest Cipher", or alternatively, "Ron's Code" (compare
RC2 and RC4).
• The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) candidate RC6 was based on
• It is notable for being simple, fast (on account of using only primitive
computer operations like XOR, shift, etc.) and consumes less memory.
• RC5 is a block cipher and addresses two word blocks at a time.
• Depending on input plain text block size, number of rounds and
key size, various instances of RC5 can be defined and each
instance is denoted as RC5-w/r/b where w=word size in bits,
r=number of rounds and b=key size in bytes.

Allowed values are:

Parameter Possible Value

block/word size (bits) 16, 32, 64

Number of Rounds 0 – 255

Key Size (bytes) 0 – 255

Modes of RC5 Algorithm

There are 4 modes in RC5 which are as given below.

1. RC5 Block Cipher

This is also called an electronic codebook mode. It encrypts input blocks of a fixed size
which is of 2w bits into a ciphertext block of the same length.
2. RC5 CBC
This is a cipher Chaining block for RC5. In this, plain text message whose length is equal to
multiple of the RC5 block size is encrypted.
3. RC5 CBC Pad
This is the modified version of the CBC. Here input message can be of any length. The
ciphertext is longer than the plain text by at the most the size of a single RC5 block. It uses
padding to handle the mismatch of the length. This makes the length of the message equal
to the multiple of 2w bits.
4. RC5 CTS
It is also called as a Ciphertext stealing mode. It is similar to an RC5 CBC pad. The length of
the plain text message can be of any length and ciphertext is also equal of length.
Characteristics of advanced Symmetricblock

The characteristics of Advanced symmetric block ciphers

are -
1) Key dependent S-boxes - S-box performs substitution and
depicts the relationship between key and cipher text.
2) Data dependent rotation - Data dependent rotation results
in differences in the amount of rotation.
3) Variable plain text or cipher text block length
4) Operations on both plain and ciphered data

• In cryptography, an s-box is a basic component of symmetric key

algorithm which perform substitution.

• This is called m*n S-Box and is often implemented as a lookup table.

• In block cipher, they are typically used to observe the relation ship
between the key and the cipher text-Shannon’s property of confusion
• In general, S-Box takes m input bits and transforms them into n
output bits, where n is not necessarily equal to m.
• This is called m*n S-Box and is often implemented as a lookup table.

• Fixed tables are normally used asin the data encryption standard
(DES), but in some ciphers the tables are generated dynamically from
the key.
• One good example of a fixed table is the S-Box from DES, mapping 64-
bit input into 4-bit output.
Confidentiality Using Conventional Encryption:
• Conventional encryption is a cryptographic system that uses the
same key used by the sender to encrypt the message and by the
receiver to decrypt the message.
• It was the only type of encryption in use prior to the development of
public-key encryption.
• It is still much preferred of the two types of encryption systems due
to its simplicity.
• It is a relatively fast process since it uses a single key for both
encryption and decryption In this encryption model, the sender
encrypts plaintext using the receiver‘s secret key, which can be later
used by the receiver to decrypt the ciphertext. Below is a figure that
illustrates this concept.
Confidentiality using encryption algorithm
• Suppose A wants to send a message to B, that message is called
• Now, to avoid hackers reading plaintext, the plaintext is encrypted
using an algorithm and a secret key (at 1).
• This encrypted plaintext is called ciphertext.
• Using the same secret key and encryption algorithm run in
reverse(at 2), B can get plaintext of A, and thus the message is read
and security is maintained.
• The idea that uses in this technique is very old and that‘s why this
model is called conventional encryption.
Conventional encryption has mainly 5
ingredients :
1. Plain text –
It is the original data that is given to the algorithm as an input.

2. Encryption algorithm –
This encryption algorithm performs various transformations on plain text to convert it into ciphertext.

3. Secret key –
The secret key is also an input to the algorithm. The encryption algorithm will produce different outputs
based on the keys used at that time.

4. Ciphertext –
It contains encrypted information because it contains a form of original plaintext that is unreadable by a
human or computer without proper cipher to decrypt it. It is output from the algorithm.

5. Decryption algorithm –
This is used to run encryption algorithms in reverse. Ciphertext and Secret key is input here and it
produces plain text as output.
Requirements for secure use of conventional encryption :

1.We need a strong encryption algorithm.

2.The sender and Receiver must have obtained copies of the secret key
in a secure fashion and must keep the key secure.

Advantages of Conventional Encryption :

1.Simple –
This type of encryption is easy to carry out.
2.Uses fewer computer resources –
Conventional encryption does not require a lot of computer resources
when compared to public-key encryption.
3.Fast –
Conventional encryption is much faster than asymmetric key
DisAdvantages of Conventional encryption model:

1.Origin and authenticity of the message cannot be guaranteed, since both

sender and receiver use the same key, messages cannot be verified to
have come from a particular user.

2.It isn‘t much secured when compared to public-key encryption.

3.If the receiver lost the key, he/she cant decrypt the message and thus
making the whole process useless.

4.This scheme does not scale well to a large number of users because both
the sender and the receiver have to agree on a secret key before
1.Define Cryptography? Explain what is confidentiality using Conventional Encryption.

2.Explain characteristics of advanced Symmetric Block Ciphers.

3.Expalin International Data Encryption Algorithm.

4.Explain Triples DES Algorithm.

5.Explain About Blowfish.


1.Write a short note on Conventional Encryption Algorithm?

2.Describe IDE Algorithm.

3.What is Blowfish.

4.Define RCS.

5.Define International Data encryption.

Public key Cryptography:
• Public key cryptography is a class of cryptographic protocols
based on algorithms.
• This method of cryptography requires two separate keys, one
that is private or secret, and one that is public. Public key.
• cryptography uses a pair of keys to encrypt and decrypt data to
protect it against unauthorized access or use.
• Network users receive a public and private key pair from
certification authorities. If other users want to encrypt data, they
get the intended recipient‘s public key from a public directory.
• This key is used to encrypt the message, and to send it to the
recipient. When the message arrives, the recipient decrypts it
using a private key, to which no one else has access.
• The RSA ( Rivest-Sharmir-Adleman) algorithm is the
cryptography system that is used for public key
cryptography, which is commonly used when sending
secure, sensitive data over an insecure network like
the internet.
• The RSA algorithm is popular because it allows both
public and private keys to encrypt messages so their
confidentiality and authenticity remain intact.
• Speed often is cited as the most common challenge
associated with public key cryptography. Several
private key cryptography methods are a great deal
faster than the public key encryption method that
currently is available. One way of overcoming this
challenge with public key cryptography is to combine it
with secret key systems to offer the security
advantages of the public key system and the speed of
the secret (private) key system.

• The increased data security provided by public key

cryptography is its main benefit. Public key cryptography
remains the most secure protocol (over private key
cryptography) because users never need to transmit or
reveal their private keys to anyone, which lessens the
chances of cyber criminals discovering an individual‘s
secret key during the transmission.
• Public key cryptography also provides digital signatures
that cannot be withhold. Public key cryptography requires
each user to be responsible for protecting his private key,
whereas private key systems require users to share secret
keys and perhaps even trust third parties for transmission.
With the secret key system, it is possible for senders to
claim the shared secret key was compromised by one of
the parties involved in the process.
Introduction to Number theory

Cryptography is also a means to ensure the integrity and

preservation of data from tampering.
Modern cryptographic systems rely on functions
associated with advanced mathematics, including a
specialized branch of mathematics termed number
theory that explores the properties of numbers and the
relationships between numbers.
Prime Numbers:-
• Prime numbers are commonly referred to as the ―atoms‖ of
the numerical realm, for they are the fundamental, indivisible
units that make up every number. For instance, 10 can be
written as a product of 2 and 5, two prime numbers. Or, 150
as a product of 15 and 10, which can be further broken down
and written as the product of 3, 5, 2 and 5 – all prime
numbers. Or, a larger number such as 126, 356, which is
composed of larger prime numbers 2,2,31 and 1019.
• This process of reducing a composite number to a product of
prime numbers is known as prime factorization. For a
computer, multiplying two prime numbers, each even 100
digits long, isn‘t that difficult, however, factorizing the product
back into its components is notoriously difficult, even for
supercomputers. It is this shortcoming that Rivest, Shamir
and Adleman exploited to create RSA encryption in 1977.
Modular Arthimetic:-
• In cryptography, modular arithmetic directly underpins public
key systems such as RSA and Diffie–Hellman, and provides
finite fields which underlie elliptic curves, and is used in a
variety of symmetric key
algorithms including Advanced Encryption Standard (AES),
International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), and RC4.
• In modular arithmetic, we select an integer, n, to be our
Then our system of numbers only includes the numbers 0, 1, 2,
3, ..., n-1. In order to have arithmetic make sense, we have the
numbers “wrap around” once they reach n.
Example: If we pick the modulus 5, then our solutions are required to be
in the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. We have 2+1=3 and 2+2=4 as usual. Then 2+3=5,
which is not in our set, so it wraps around giving 2+3=0. Then 2+4=6,
which wraps around to be 1.

This may seem strange, but in fact we use it everyday!

Consider a clock, we go from 1 o’clock to 2 o’clock, ..., 11
o’clock, 12 o’clock, then back to 1 o’clock, and so on. This is
an example of when the modulus is 12 and for clocks we
use {1, 2, ..., 12} instead of {0,1, ..., 11}, but these are the
same because we consider 0 and 12 to be the same in
terms of wrapping around.
How do we write modular arithmetic?
Continuing the example above with modulus 5, we write:
2+1 = 3 (mod 5) = 3
2+2 = 4 (mod 5) = 4
2+3 = 5 (mod 5) = 0
2+4 = 6 (mod 5) = 1
Challenge question! What is 134 (mod 5)?
It might help us to think about modular arithmetic as the remainder when we
divide by the modulus. For example 214 (mod 5) = 4 since 214 5 = 42 with
remainder 4 (because 214 5 = 42*5 +4).
primary and factorization:
Primes are building blocks of whole numbers.
• A prime number is a number that is only divisible by one and itself, taken the
even numbers out except two. There re infinite number of primes, and you can
keep finding more by only using primes. Combining prime numbers can be
multiplied to produce any number at all. prime can be explained as a basic-
level number, when you look at it primes are the total set of numbers which
are left over when the numbers are rewritten to their lowest possible level of
integers. It is called factoring, and the numbers that are left over are primes. it
is however hard to factor large prime numbers. it is just mathematically
impossible or longer to factor a large number efficiently. Prime factorization is
a mathematical problem commonly use to secure public key encryption
systems, making it very important in cryptography. It is very common to use
very large semi-primes which is the product of multiplying two prime numbers
as the number which secures the encryption. To break it, they would have to
find the prime factorization of the large semi-prime number which is two or
more prime number that are multiplied together and result in the original
number. The large number used to encrypt a file can be publicly known, due to
the fact that encryption works so only the prime factors of the large number
can be used in the decryption. It however takes a long time to find those
factors and it is rather impossible even computationally.
Discrete Algorithms:
• Denition: If b is a unit modulo m and a is another unit with a ≡ b d (mod m), we say that d is
the discrete logarithm of a modulo m to the base b, and write d = logb (a). ◦
• Note: Implicitly, we consider the discrete logarithm to be dened only modulo the order of b.
Some authors instead dene the discrete logarithm to be the smallest positive integer such that
a ≡ b d (mod m) provided one exists, but (like with the denition of modular congruence) this
denition is somewhat too restrictive.
• ◦ The reason this map is called the discrete logarithm is because its denition is analogous to
that of the usual logarithm: logb (a) = d (mod k) is equivalent to a ≡ b d (mod m), where k is the
order of b modulo m.
(Compare to the denition of the real-valued logarithm: logb (y) = x is equivalent to y = b x .)
• ◦ Example: Modulo 14, we have log3 11 = 4 since 3 4 ≡ 11 (mod 14). It is better to write log3 11
≡ 4 (mod 6), since the order of 3 modulo 14 is 6.
• • As we would expect, it is easy to see that the discrete logarithm obeys the standard rules of
• ◦ Specically, suppose that k is the order of b modulo m.
• ◦ Then logb (ac) ≡ logb (a) + logb (c) (mod k) and logb (a r ) ≡ r logb (a) (mod k) for any integer r
and any residue classes a and c whose discrete logarithms to the base b are defined.
• • Example: Find the discrete logarithms of each unit modulo 11 to the
base 2.
• ◦ Since 2 is a primitive root modulo 11, we can write each unit as a
power of 2.
The simplest way to do this is simply to compute each of the values 2
0 , 2 1 , ... ,
2 10 modulo 11; here is a table
of the results n 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 log2 n 0 1
◦ Observe, for example, that 3 · 6 ≡ 7 (mod 11), and log2 (3) + log2 (6) ≡
log2 (7) (mod 10), since 10 is the order of 2 modulo 11.
◦ Likewise, 3 3 ≡ 5 (mod 11), and 3 log2 (3) ≡ log2 (5) (mod 10).
• Having a table of discrete logarithms relative to a primitive root
modulo m is very useful for computations.
◦ For example, it allows for very rapid multiplication and
exponentiation, in the same manner as usual logarithms do. This is not
terrically helpful because there already exist fast algorithms for these
◦ More usefully, having a table of discrete logarithms also allows us to
compute nth roots, if they exist.
Message Authentication:
• Alternative type of threat that happens for data is the lack of
message authentication. In this threat, the user is not certain
about the originator of the message.
• Message authentication can be delivered using the
cryptographic methods that use secret keys as done in case of

Message Authentication Code:

• MAC algorithm is a symmetric key cryptographic method to offer
message authentication. For starting MAC process, the sender and
receiver share a symmetric key K.
• Basically, a MAC is an encrypted checksum produced on the
underlying message that is sent along with a message to ensure
message authentication.
• Let us now try to understand the entire process in detail −
• The sender uses some openly known MAC algorithm, inputs the message and the
secret key K and produces a MAC value.
• Alike to hash, MAC function also compresses an arbitrary long input into a fixed
length output. The major difference between hash and MAC is that MAC uses secret
key during the compression.

• The sender forwards the message along with the MAC. Now, we adopt that the
message is sent in the clear, as we are worried of providing message origin
authentication, not privacy. If confidentiality is essential then the message needs

• On receipt of the message and the MAC, the receiver feeds the conventional
message and the shared secret key K into the MAC algorithm and re-computes the
MAC value.

• The receiver now checks equivalence of newly computed MAC with the MAC
received from the sender. If they match, then the receiver receives the message and
promises himself that the message has been sent by the proposed sender.

• If the calculated MAC does not match the MAC sent by the sender, the receiver
cannot conclude whether it is the message that has been changed or it is the origin
that has been falsified. As a bottom-line, a receiver securely assumes that the
message is not the genuine.

Limitations of MAC

• There are two main boundaries of MAC, both due to its symmetric nature of operation

• Establishment of Shared Secret.
• It can provide message authentication among pre-decided legitimate users who have shared key.
• This requires establishment of shared secret prior to use of MAC.

• Inability to Provide Non-Repudiation

• Non-repudiation is the guarantee that a message inventor cannot deny any formerly sent messages
and promises or actions.
• MAC method does not offer a non-repudiation service. If the sender and receiver get complicated in an
argument over message origination, MACs cannot offer a proof that a message was certainly sent by
the sender.
• However no third party can calculate the MAC, still sender could reject having sent the message and
claim that the receiver forged it, as it is impossible to determine which of the two parties computed the

• Both these limits can be overcome by by means of the public key based digital
names debated in resulting section.

Hash Function:
• Hashing is a cryptographic method that transforms any
data type into a single text sequence. Any relational
database, regardless of the size or form, can be hacked.
• The hash generated by any data has always been the
same length irrespective of the size, form or complexity of
the data.
• A hash is intended to be a one-way feature — you can
accumulate information into a hacker algorithm and get a
single string, but you can't decode the data it contains until
you get the current hash.
• In a more scientific context, it's a method that uses a
statistical procedure to transform a different percentage of
the input data into a remedied bitstring.
• The idea of a Hash function will take input data and use it
to generate a single, nearly immutable, fixed-length output
How does Hash Function Work?

• Hash functions are widely used to monitor the

credibility of the message and authenticating
knowledge in the programming administrative controls.
• They are called cryptographically "weak," but cannot
easily be deposited since they can be solved in
polynomial times.
• Cryptographic hash capabilities apply authentication
features to traditional hash functions, making it
impossible to identify message content or receiver and
sender information.
Characteristics Of Hash Function In Cryptography

1.Hashing is also regarded as a one-way function. That's

due to the time and computing capital involved with that
since it's extremely unfeasible. This means without an
unsustainable amount of money, you would not be able to
work out the specific results gathered on the hash value.
2.There should not be two separate input data that produce
the same hash value. It creates a so-called collision if they
fit, implying that the formula is not safe to use. Further,
Collision protection affects the durability of the hash and
helps to preserve the data. That's perhaps because an
intruder can not only break the hash value, but also the salt
Properties Of Hash Function In Cryptography

1.This phenomenon means it is difficult to modify a hash function algorithmically. This asset
safeguards against an antagonist who only has a hash value and tries to locate the data.

2.This definition states that it is difficult to find another input with the same key given input and its hash.
It defends against an offender with input and its hash value and tries to overwrite a numerical
significance with a valid value instead of the original value.
Applications Of Hash Function In Cryptography

1.Password security defense is provided by hash functions.

In place of saving passwords in plain, the hash values for
passwords in the file are generally stored in all user
account operations. And if you have entered the password,
an outsider will be only the one to see the password
hashing. You cannot either log in with hash or extract the
hash value password as the hash feature has pre-image
resistance characteristics.
2.Data integrity monitoring hash functions are the most
general feature. It is used to generate data file compiled
code. This program ensures the customer that the data is
right. The honesty search lets the user spot modifications
to the original file. Nevertheless, it provides a little
guarantee of originality. The intruder will update the whole
file and together measure a new hash and send it to the
recipient instead of changing file data. Only when the user
knows what file originality is, is this integrity check program
Hash and MAC algorithms

Hash algorithms are used to take a large message and produce a unique
short digest o With a cryptographically strong hash function:
•Different data (usually) maps into different digest values.
•It is hard to find two different data sets that will produce the same
hash value.
•It is hard to modify the data without changing the hash.
•It is hard to find data that will produce a given hash except by brute
Hashing provides a way to make sure that two messages are equal
with a high level of confidence without the need to read the entire
message. Only the digest of a message is signed for efficiency. It
also allows ensuring that a received message was not changed after
it was transmitted by the sender. Only the digest of a message is
signed for efficiency.
Intel® DAL supports the one-way hashes:

Message Authentication Code(MAC)

Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms are a sort of
keyed hash. They take a message and a secret shared key and
provide an output that can be authenticated by the other party to
the key.
The advantage of MAC algorithms is that they are very very fast and can usually
be easily offloaded to the hardware.
The disadvantages are that the hashed data cannot be retrieved and there is still
a requirement for symmetric keys.

Intel DAL supports the symmetric signature algorithms (keyed hashes):


1.Write in detail about Public-Key Cryptography?

2.Explain Euler’s Theorem.

3.Describe about D-H Key sharing technique.

4.Definr briefly about Hash and MAC algorithm.

5.Explain about RSA and its variants-Homomorphic Encryption Technique.


1.Define Discrete logarithm.

2.Explain about message authentication.

3.Explain about Hash functions.

4.Describe Number Theory.

5.Explain about Primary and Factorization.

Digital Signatures:
• Digital signatures are the public-key primitives of message
authentication. In the physical world, it is common to use handwritten
signatures on handwritten or typed messages. They are used to bind
signatory to the message.
• Similarly, a digital signature is a technique that binds a person/entity
to the digital data. This binding can be independently verified by
receiver as well as any third party.
• Digital signature is a cryptographic value that is calculated from the
data and a secret key known only by the signer.
• In real world, the receiver of message needs assurance that the
message belongs to the sender and he should not be able to
repudiate the origination of that message. This requirement is very
crucial in business applications, since likelihood of a dispute over
exchanged data is very high.
Model of Digital Signature:
• As mentioned earlier, the digital signature scheme is based
on public key cryptography. The model of digital signature
scheme is depicted in the following illustration −

The following points explain the entire process in detail −

• Each person adopting this scheme has a public-private key pair.

• Generally, the key pairs used for encryption/decryption and signing/verifying are different. The
private key used for signing is referred to as the signature key and the public key as the
verification key.

• Signer feeds data to the hash function and generates hash of data.

• Hash value and signature key are then fed to the signature algorithm which produces the digital
signature on given hash. Signature is appended to the data and then both are sent to the verifier.

• Verifier feeds the digital signature and the verification key into the verification algorithm. The
verification algorithm gives some value as output.

• Verifier also runs same hash function on received data to generate hash value.

• For verification, this hash value and output of verification algorithm are compared. Based on the
comparison result, verifier decides whether the digital signature is valid.
• Since digital signature is created by ‗private‘ key of signer and no one else can have this key; the
signer cannot repudiate signing the data in future.
Importance of Digital Signature

• Out of all cryptographic primitives, the digital signature using public key cryptography is
considered as very important and useful tool to achieve information security.
• Apart from ability to provide non-repudiation of message, the digital signature also provides
message authentication and data integrity. Let us briefly see how this is achieved by the
digital signature −
• Message authentication − When the verifier validates the digital signature using public key
of a sender, he is assured that signature has been created only by sender who possess the
corresponding secret private key and no one else.
• Data Integrity − In case an attacker has access to the data and modifies it, the digital
signature verification at receiver end fails. The hash of modified data and the output
provided by the verification algorithm will not match. Hence, receiver can safely deny the
message assuming that data integrity has been breached.
• Non-repudiation − Since it is assumed that only the signer has the knowledge of the
signature key, he can only create unique signature on a given data. Thus the receiver can
present data and the digital signature to a third party as evidence if any dispute arises in the

Authentication Protocols
• an authentication protocol is a communication protocol. It can be encrypted or
designed to ensure the safe transfer of authenticated data between two or more
different parties.
• In order to make it easier to understand, we can try employing an analogy: Let‘s
say that you want to transfer some money from one bank to another. In order to do
this, you first need to complete the necessary documentation to prove that you are
the rightful owner of that money.
• Then, you would need to find secure vehicles for the transportation process since
you cannot put bankrolls on a handcart and merrily roll along.
• In addition, you would also need to ensure that the secure vehicles are not
identifiable for the safety of your money. All in all, it is not a wise idea to carry large
sums of money out in the open or tell people the license plate number of your
money loaded vehicles.
• Now, cryptography and authentication processes work very similarly: The
necessary documentation you submit to the bank is user verification and
authentication, secure vehicles are the authentication protocol and making sure
that your money filled vehicles are unidentifiable is the encryption of data.

What are the types of authentication

• There are various types of authentication protocols that aim to
answer different needs. Below you can find some of the most
common authentication protocols and how they can be used.
• Password authentication protocol: Also known as the PAP, it is
one of the most straightforward authentication protocols. The
simplicity of this protocol stems from the fact that it transmits the
data in plain text. As a result, PAP is not a very durable against
• It is often used during testing processes of system simulations.
Moreover, PAP can be employed when the software on the
systems is incompatible with various standard protocols like
• Shiva password authentication protocol: Also known as
SPAP, this protocol is a more primitive version of PAP.
SPAP processes the password through a reversible
encryption system, that is why it is more secure than
• SPAP is used in certain situations when the sender party
uses a Windows 2000 server or a Windows XP 2000

Digital signature Standard:

• As we have studied, signature is a way of authenticating
the data coming from a trusted individual. Similarly, digital
signature is a way of authenticating a digital data coming
from a trusted source.
• Digital Signature Standard (DSS) is a Federal
Information Processing Standard(FIPS) which defines
algorithms that are used to generate digital signatures with
the help of Secure Hash Algorithm(SHA) for the
authentication of electronic documents. DSS only provides
us with the digital signature function and not with any
encryption or key exchanging strategies.
Sender Side :
In DSS Approach, a hash code is generated out of the message and
following inputs are given to the signature function – 1.The hash
2.The random number ‗k‘ generated for that particular signature.
3.The private key of the sender i.e., PR(a).
4.A global public key(which is a set of parameters for the
communicating principles) i.e., PU(g).
• These input to the function will provide us with the output signature
containing two components – ‗s‘ and ‗r‘. Therefore, the original message
concatenated with the signature is sent to the receiver.
Receiver Side :
At the receiver end, verification of the sender is done. The hash code of
the sent message is generated. There is a verification function which
takes the following inputs –
1.The hash code generated by the receiver.
2.Signature components ‗s‘ and ‗r‘.
3.Public key of the sender.
4.Global public key.

• The output of the verification function is compared with the signature

component ‗r‘. Both the values will match if the sent signature is valid
because only the sender with the help of it private key can generate a valid
Network Security Practice:

The International Standards Organization (ISO) developed

the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model in 1981. It
consists of seven functional layers that provide the basis
for communication among computers over networks, as
described in the table below. You can easily remember
them using the mnemonic phrase “All people seem to need
data processing.”
Understanding this model will help you build a strong
network, troubleshoot problems, develop effective
applications and evaluate third-party products.
Layer Function Protocols or Standards

Layer 7: Provides services such as e-mail, file HTTP, FTP, TFTP, DNS, SMTP, SFTP, SNMP,
Application transfers and file servers RLogin, BootP, MIME

Layer 6: Provides encryption, code MPEG, JPEG, TIFF

Presentation conversion and data formatting

Layer 5: Session Negotiates and establishes a SQL, X- Window, ASP, DNA, SCP, NFS, RPC
connection with another computer

Layer 4: Transport Supports end-to-end delivery of data TCP, UDP, SPX

Layer 3: Network Performs packet routing IP, OSPF, ICMP, RIP, ARP, RARP
Layer 2: Data link Provides error checking and transfer Ethernet, Token Ring, 802.11
of message frames

Layer 1: Physical Physically interfaces with EIA RS-232, EIA RS-449, IEEE, 802
transmission medium and sends
data over the network
Understand Types of Network Devices

• To build a strong network and defend it, you need to understand the devices that comprise
it. Here are the main types of network devices:
• Hubs connect multiple local area network (LAN) devices together. A hub also acts as a
repeater in that it amplifies signals that deteriorate after traveling long distances over
connecting cables. Hubs do not perform packet filtering or addressing functions. Hubs
operate at the Physical layer.
• Switches generally have a more intelligent role than hubs. Strands of LANs, are usually
connected using switches. Mainly working at the Data Link layer, they read the packet
headers and process the packets appropriately. Generally, switches can read the hardware
addresses of incoming packets to transmit them to the appropriate destination.
• Routers help transmit packets to their destinations by charting a path through the sea of
interconnected network devices. They remove the packets from the incoming frames,
analyze them individually and assign IP addresses. Routers normally work at the Network
layer of the OSI model.

• Bridges are used to connect two or more hosts or network segments

together. The basic role of bridges in network architecture is storing
and forwarding frames between the different segments that the
bridge connects. They use hardware Media Access Control (MAC)
addresses for transferring frames. Bridges work only at the Physical
and Data Link layers of the OSI model.
• Gateways normally work at the Transport and Session layers of the
OSI model. At the Transport layer and above, there are numerous
protocols and standards from different vendors; gateways are used
to deal with them.

Authentication Application:

• Authentication is the act of establishing identity via the

presentation of information that allows the verifier to know
the presenter is who or what it claims. This identity could
be any number of things, including:

• People
• Systems
• Applications
• Messages
Types of Authentication
• There are many different types of authentication that can
be used in an application. The selection of the most
appropriate type of authentication will depend on the needs
of the application; use this guide to determine which makes
the most sense for your application.

• Basic, single-factor authentication

• Multi-factor authentication
• Cryptographic authentication
Basic Authentication

• Basic authentication is a commonly used term that most people probably

understand already. It refers to password-based authentication. A password can be
any information that is used to verify the identity of a presenter. Common examples
that fall into this category are:
• The common password
• Host or system names
• Application names
• Numerical IDs

There are some important caveats when using basic authentication of which every
developer should be aware:
• Passwords are commonly weakly specified
• Identities can be spoofed and impersonated
• Passwords can be susceptible to theft
• Requires considerable effort to provide strong security
• Can be difficult to scale across distributed and large environments
Multi-Factor Authentication:
Multi-factor authentication is the use of a combination of authentication methods to validate identity. The most commonly
used description of multi-factor authentication is the use of information that is known only by the person, combined with
something in his or her possession. These are typically

• The name and password

• Some form of token

A token is a hardware component that is used during the authentication process; it typically provides another piece of
information that cannot be ascertained without physical control of the token. Different types of tokens used in multi-factor
authentication are:

• Smart cards

• One-time password/phrases

• Single-use PINs or pseudo-random numbers

• Biometric information

Cryptographic Authentication:
The final form of authentication outlined here is that which utilizes cryptography. This includes the following

• Public Key Authentication

• Digital Signatures
• Message Authentication Code

• Password permutation

Public key Authentication:

Public key authentication occurs when the owner of a key pair (private and public)
communicates the public key, in some form, to the authenticating party, at which point
it is verified to be true. There are a couple of methods for public key authentication
worth discussing:

•The use of the public key itself

•Public key certificates

Electronic Mail:
Email is a service which allows us to send the message in electronic mode over the
internet. It offers an efficient, inexpensive and real time mean of distributing information
among people.

E-Mail Address
Each user of email is assigned a unique name for his email account. This name is
known as Email address. Different users can send and receive messages according to
the e-mail address. E-mail is generally of the form username@domainname. For
webmaster@tutorialspoint.com is an e-mail address where webmaster is username
and tutorialspoint.com is domain name.
•The username and the domain name are separated by @ (at) symbol.
•E-mail addresses are not case sensitive.
•Spaces are not allowed in e-mail address.
• E-mail has prooved to be powerful and reliable medium of commmunication. Here
are the benefits of E-mail:
• Reliable
• Convenience
• Speed
• Inexpensive
• Printable
• Global
• Generality


• Apart from several benefits of E-mail, there also exists some disadvantages as
discussed below:
• Forgery
• Overload
• Misdirection
• Junk
• No response

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP):

• PGP stands for which is invented by Phil Zimmermann.
• PGP was designed to provide all four aspects of security, i.e.,
privacy, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation in the
sending of email.
• PGP uses a digital signature (a combination of hashing and
public key encryption) to provide integrity, authentication, and
non-repudiation. PGP uses a combination of secret key
encryption and public key encryption to provide privacy.
Therefore, we can say that the digital signature uses one hash
function, one secret key, and two private-public key pairs.
• PGP is an open source and freely available software package
for email security.
• PGP provides authentication through the use of Digital
• It provides confidentiality through the use of symmetric block
• It provides compression by using the ZIP algorithm, and EMAIL
compatibility using the radix-64 encoding scheme.

IP Security:
• The IP security (IPSec) is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
standard suite of protocols between 2 communication points across the IP
network that provide data authentication, integrity, and confidentiality. It also
defines the encrypted, decrypted and authenticated packets. The protocols
needed for secure key exchange and key management are defined in it.
• Uses of IP Security –

IPsec can be used to do the following things:
• To encrypt application layer data.
• To provide security for routers sending routing data across the public
• To provide authentication without encryption, like to authenticate that the
data originates from a known sender.
• To protect network data by setting up circuits using IPsec tunneling in which
all data is being sent between the two endpoints is encrypted, as with a
Virtual Private Network(VPN) connection.
Components of IP Security –
It has the following components:

1.Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) –

It provides data integrity, encryption, authentication and anti replay. It
also provides authentication for payload.
2.Authentication Header (AH) –
It also provides data integrity, authentication and anti replay and it does
not provide encryption. The anti replay protection, protects against
unauthorized transmission of packets. It does not protect data‘s
3.Internet Key Exchange (IKE) –
It is a network security protocol designed to dynamically exchange
encryption keys and find a way over Security Association (SA) between 2
devices. The Security Association (SA) establishes shared security
attributes between 2 network entities to support secure communication.
The Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) and Internet Security
Association which provides a framework for authentication and key
exchange. ISAKMP tells how the set up of the Security Associations
(SAs) and how direct connections between two hosts that are using
Working of IP Security –
1.The host checks if the packet should be transmitted using IPsec or not.
These packet traffic triggers the security policy for themselves. This is
done when the system sending the packet apply an appropriate
encryption. The incoming packets are also checked by the host that
they are encrypted properly or not.
2.Then the IKE Phase 1 starts in which the 2 hosts( using IPsec )
authenticate themselves to each other to start a secure channel. It has
2 modes. The Main mode which provides the greater security and the
Aggressive mode which enables the host to establish an IPsec circuit
more quickly.
3.The channel created in the last step is then used to securely negotiate
the way the IP circuit will encrypt data across the IP circuit.
4.Now, the IKE Phase 2 is conducted over the secure channel in which
the two hosts negotiate the type of cryptographic algorithms to use on
the session and agreeing on secret keying material to be used with
those algorithms.
5.Then the data is exchanged across the newly created IPsec encrypted
tunnel. These packets are encrypted and decrypted by the hosts using
IPsec SAs.
6.When the communication between the hosts is completed or the
session times out then the IPsec tunnel is terminated by discarding the
keys by both the hosts.

Web security:
• In general, web security refers to the protective measures and
protocols that organizations adopt to protect the organization from,
cyber criminals and threats that use the web channel. Web security
is critical to business continuity and to protecting data, users and
companies from risk
• Web security must be a critical priority for every organization. Along
with email, the web is one of the top vectors for cyberattacks. The
web and the use of DNS services specifically are part of 91% of all
malware attacks, and email and web together are a key part for
99% of successful breaches.
• While the importance of web security is undisputed, protecting
against web security threats grows more challenging each day.
From thwarting attacks to dealing with limits in skills and resources,
IT security departments face serious challenges when trying to
secure the web.

Web security Threats:

• Web security threats are vulnerabilities within websites and
applications, or attacks launched by malicious actors.
• Web security threats are designed to breach an organizations
security defenses, enabling hackers and cyber criminals to
control systems, access data and steal valuable resources.
• Common web security threats include malware, ransomware,
cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, phishing, denial of
service and many others.

• Intruders are the attackers who attempt to breach the security
of a network. They attack the network in order to get
unauthorized access. Intruders are of three types, namely,
masquerader, misfeasor and clandestine user.
• Masquerader is an external user who is not authorized to use a
computer, and yet tries to gain privileges to access a legitimate
user's account. Masquerading is generally done either using
stolen IDs and passwords, or through bypassing authentication
• An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a system that
monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and issues
alerts when such activity is discovered. It is a software
application that scans a network or a system for harmful
activity or policy breaching. Any malicious venture or violation
is normally reported either to an administrator or collected
centrally using a security information and event management
(SIEM) system. A SIEM system integrates outputs from
multiple sources and uses alarm filtering techniques to
differentiate malicious activity from false alarms.

Classification of Intrusion Detection

System: IDS are classified into 5 types:

1.Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)

2.Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)
3.Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System (PIDS)
4.Application Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System (APIDS)
5.Hybrid Intrusion Detection System

Viruses , Worms and Firewalls:

• A Virus is a malicious software program that exists on local disk
drives and spreads from one computer to another through sharing
of "infected" files. Once installed on a computer, a virus may modify
or remove applications and systems files.
Acronym for a WORM - Write Once, Read Many times
• A worm is a computer virus capable of disrupting a computer
program. It is a self-contained program that can propagate itself
through systems or networks. Worms are often designed to use up
available resources such as storage or processing time.

• A firewall is a type of protective layer between your computer(s) and the
Internet. When used correctly, a firewall prevents unauthorized use of and
access to your network.
• It analyzes the data that comes into and goes out of your computer.
Based on the rules in the firewall, specific data may be blocked or
• Firewalls can be either hardware (a device) or software (a program). Your
computer setup should include both. You may think of a firewall as
something that only businesses need, but if your computer can get to
the Internet, you need a firewall!
• Hardware firewalls are separate devices from your individual computer(s).
They are often built into broadband modems and routers. If you have a
broadband connection, check your documentation or contact your ISP to
find out about your hardware firewall.
• Software firewalls are installed directly on each computer connected to
Internet. Computers with Windows XP or higher can use the built-in
Windows Firewall; Mac computers also come with a built-in firewall. Other
firewall programs are available for most types of computers. Some
firewalls are included with anti-virus or anti-spyware software.
1.Explain about Digital, Signatures and Authentication Protocols?

2.Describe about Network Security Practice?

3.Explain Authentication Applications.

4.Briefly Explain Electronic Mail Security.

5.Explain about Web Security.

1.Define Intruders.

2.Explain about viruses and Worms.

3.What are the differences between Signatures and Authentication.

4.What is Network Security Practice.

5.What is Web Security.

Mobile Security:

Mobile Device Security refers to the measures

designed to protect sensitive information stored on
and transmitted by laptops, smartphones, tablets,
wearables, and other portable devices. At the root of
mobile device security is the goal of keeping
unauthorized users from accessing the enterprise
network. It is one aspect of a complete enterprise
security plan.
What is Mobile Device Security ?

• With more than half of business PCs are now mobile,

portable devices present distinct challenges to network
security, which must account for all of the locations and
uses that employees require of the company network.
Potential threats to devices include malicious mobile apps,
phishing scams, data leakage, spyware, and unsecure Wi-
Fi networks. On top of that, enterprises have to account for
the possibility of an employee losing a mobile device or the
device being stolen. To avoid a security breach,
companies should take clear, preventative steps to reduce
the risk.
benefits of mobile device security

• Mobile device security, or mobile device management, provides

the following:
• Regulatory compliance
• Security policy enforcement
• Support of ―bring your own device‖ (BYOD)
• Remote control of device updates
• Application control
• Automated device registration
• Data backup
• Above all, mobile device security protects an enterprise from
unknown or malicious outsiders being able to access sensitive
company data.
How does mobile device security
• Securing mobile devices requires a multi-layered approach and
investment in enterprise solutions. While there are key elements
to mobile device security, each organization needs to find what
best fits its network.
To get started, here are some mobile security best
1. Establish, share, and enforce clear policies and processes
2. Password protection
3. Leverage biometrics
4. Avoid public Wi-Fi
5. Beware of apps
6. Mobile device encryption:

Risk model
• Cyber security risk modeling is the task of creating a variety of
risk scenarios, assessing the severity of each, and quantifying
the potential outcome if any scenario is realized – in a
language that makes sense to your business.
• Cyber risk modeling should not be confused with threat
modeling. Threat model frameworks help identify cyber
threats and vulnerabilities and inform and prioritize
mitigation efforts. On the other hand, cyber risk modeling is
an efficient and repeatable means of quantifying the
likelihood of a cyber-attack. With this insight, your business
can make robust decisions about where to focus investment
for the greatest ROI.
Example of cyber security risk modeling

• One of the most impactful examples of cyber security risk

modeling is the quantification of cyber risk in financial terms
as opposed to business terms. By establishing a universal
understanding of cyber risk across your organization you can
develop a more mature cybersecurity program and lead
meaningful conversations on the business impact of different
cyber scenarios and cybersecurity investments.
• This analysis is not too different from the process of
quantifying risk in a financial portfolio. For example, traders
and portfolio managers use risk models to analyze and
anticipate the impact of future events on performance so
they can make preemptive decisions about where to invest
• Since the world operates as a huge machine, cybersecurity
ecosystem or security ecosystem are extremely invested in
protecting users' benefit against cyberattacks. The consideration
of cybersecurity and cyber threats are taken into account when
severe malware attacks targeted company systems these days.
Cyber ecosystem
The cyber ecosystem is believed to adjust the relationship
among participants within the cybersecurity infrastructure. In
fact, you cannot ignore the interaction of linked entities in a
cyber ecosystem that is remarkably similar to animals in the
natural ecosystem. Accordingly, those individualities showed
within the communication induce a vulnerable environment to
unauthorized acts. Expressly, without a proper security level in
the ecosystem, hackers could handily steal data, personal
identities, and business secrets.
Service Risks

• The necessity for you to guard your business against cyber-

attacks has never been more crucial as network security risks
are continually on the rise. Regardless of whether your
company’s data and information are stored on a hard drive or
sent through e-mails, being wary of network security risks,
knowing how to prevent them, and hiring a managed IT
security provider can help you alleviate any possible data
Most Common Network Security Risks
Here are some five most common network security threats you need to be vigilant about:

1. Phishing
• This type of online fraud is designed to steal sensitive information, such as credit card numbers
and passwords. Phishing attacks impersonate reputable banking institutions, websites, and
personal contacts, which come in the form of immediate phishing e-mails or messages designed
to look legitimate.

• Once you click the URL or reply to the messages, you are prompted to enter your financial details
or use your credentials, which then sends your data to the malicious source.

2. Computer Viruses
• These are pieces of software designed to spread from one computer device to another. Mostly they are
downloaded from particular websites or sent as e-mail attachments with the intent of infecting your
computer as well as other computers on your contact list through systems on your network. They can
disable your security settings, send spam, steal and corrupt data from your computer, and even delete
every single thing on your hard drive.
• 3. Malware/Ransomware
• Malware is a malicious software mostly used by criminals to hold your system, steal your confidential
data, or install damaging programs in your device without your knowledge. It spreads spyware,
Trojans, and worms through pop-up ads, infected files, bogus websites, or e-mail messages.
• On the other hand, ransomware is a type of malware where the cyber-criminals lock your device
through a bad app or phishing emails then request a ransom to unlock the device. It can hinder you
from running applications, encrypting your files, and even from completely using your device.

4. Rogue Security Software

• This is malicious software that deceives users by making them believe that their security measures
are not up-to-the-minute or their computer has a virus. They then offer to help you install or
update the user’s security settings by asking you to pay for a tool or download their program to
help do away with the alleged viruses. This can lead to the installation of actual malware in your
• 5. Denial-Of-Service Attack
• A denial-of-service attempts to hinder legitimate users from accessing services or information
from a website. It happens when malicious attackers overload a website with traffic. It is carried
out by one computer and its internet connection, which may enable the intruder to access your
credentials. A distributed denial-of-service is similar to the denial-of-service but is harder to
overcome. This is because it is launched from different computers that are distributed all over the
globe. The network from these compromised computers is called a botnet.
How To Prevent Network Security Threats

• Never pay ransom to any individual

• Always identify any unusual traffic activity
• Reduce visits to unfamiliar websites
• Use authentication as well as strong passwords
• Be cautious of public Wi-Fi
• Keep your antivirus up-to-the-minute
• Employ the services of a managed IT security provider
A managed IT security provider can help you to remain ahead of the
attackers by assisting you to:

• Identify the emerging trends in data sets

• Identify weaknesses in your network security infrastructure
• Provide cyber-security training to your team
• Help your business with compliance
• Carry out backups
• Update your cyber-security defences
• Enjoy 24 hours a day network monitoring to prevent any risks
App Risks
• Applications now play an integral role, with many businesses and users
relying on a wide range of applications for work, education,
entertainment, retail, and other uses.
• In this current reality, development teams play a key role in ensuring that
applications can provide users great usability and performance as well as
security from threat actors who are always on the lookout for
weaknesses, vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other security gaps
that they can abuse to conduct malicious activities.
• Security risks have become even more pronounced as organizations have
had to rush applications to market in order to maintain business and
revenue-generating processes.
Top security risks to applications:

• Using components with known vulnerabilities. ...

• Data leaks and exposure. ...
• Weak backend access controls. ...
• Injection. ...
• Security misconfiguration. ...
• Broken authentication and authorization. ...
• Cross-site scripting (XSS). ...
• Unsecure deserialization.
Counter measures:
• In computer security a countermeasure is an action, device,
procedure, or technique that reduces a threat, a vulnerability,
or an attack by eliminating or preventing it, by minimizing the
harm it can cause, or by discovering and reporting it
• Security countermeasures are the controls used to protect
the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and
information systems. ...
• These programs use a variety of techniques to scan and
detect viruses, including signature scanning, heuristic
scanning, integrity checks, and activity blocking.
Some Counter Measures:
Virus Scanners Antivirus programs can use one or more techniques to check files
and applications for viruses. While virus programs didn‘t exist as a concept until 1984,
they are now a persistent and perennial problem, which makes maintaining antivirus
software a requirement. These programs use a variety of techniques to scan and
detect viruses, including signature scanning, heuristic scanning, integrity checks, and
activity blocking.

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) In 1991, Phil Zimmerman initially developed PGP as a
free email security application, which also made it possible to encrypt files and
folders. PGP works by using a public-private key system that uses the
International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) algorithm to encrypt files and
email messages.

Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) S/MME secures e-mail by

using X.509 certificates for authentication. The Public Key Cryptographic
Standard is used to provide encryption, and can work in one of two modes:
signed and enveloped. Signing provides integrity and authentication. Enveloped
provides confidentiality, authentication, and integrity.

Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM): PEM is an older e-mail security

standard that provides encryption, authentication, and X.509 certificate-
based key management.

Secure Shell (SSH): SSH is a secure application layer program with

different security capabilities than FTP and Telnet. Like the two
aforementioned programs, SSH allows users to remotely log into
computers and access and move files. The design of SSH means
that no cleartext usernames/passwords can be sent across the wire.
All of the information flowing between the client and the server is
encrypted, which means network security is greatly enhanced.
Packets can still be sniffed but the information within the packets is
Cloud computing Security:
• Cloud computing refers to the on demand delivery of
computing services such as applications, computing
resources, storage, database, networking resources etc.
through internet and on a pay as per use basis. At the
present time the demand for cloud computing services are
increasing with respect to that demand for cloud
computing skills is also increasing. It provides three main
types of service models i.e. SaaS (Software as a Service),
PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a
Service). With this as starting from small to large
organizations have started using cloud services so
depending upon their requirement they go for the different
types of cloud like Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid
cloud, Community cloud.
• Cloud computing which is one of the most demanding
technology of the current time, starting from small to large
organizations have started using cloud computing
services. Where there are different types of cloud
deployment models are available and cloud services are
provided as per requirement like that internally and
externally security is maintained to keep the cloud system
safe. Cloud computing security or cloud security is an
important concern which refers to the act of protecting
cloud environments, data, information and applications
against unauthorized access, DDOS attacks, malwares,
hackers and other similar attacks. Community Cloud :
These allow to a limited set of organizations or employees
to access a shared cloud computing service environment.
Types of Cloud Computing Security Controls :

There are 4 types of cloud computing security controls i.e.

1.Deterrent Controls : Deterrent controls are designed to block nefarious
attacks on a cloud system. These come in handy when there are insider
2.Preventive Controls : Preventive controls make the system resilient to
attacks by eliminating vulnerabilities in it.
3.Detective Controls : It identifies and reacts to security threats and
control. Some examples of detective control software are Intrusion
detection software and network security monitoring tools.
4.Corrective Controls : In the event of a security attack these controls are
activated. They limit the damage caused by the attack.
Importance of cloud computing:
• For the organizations making their transition to cloud, cloud security is an
essential factor while choosing a cloud provider. The attacks are getting
stronger day by day and so the security needs to keep up with it. For this
purpose it is essential to pick a cloud provider who offers the best
security and is customized with the organization‘s infrastructure. Cloud
security has a lot of benefits –
• Centralized security : Centralized security results in centralizing
protection. As managing all the devices and endpoints is not an easy task
cloud security helps in doing so. This results in enhancing traffic analysis
and web filtering which means less policy and software updates.
• Reduced costs : Investing in cloud computing and cloud security results
in less expenditure in hardware and also less manpower in administration
• Reduced Administration : It makes it easier to administer the
organization and does not have manual security configuration and
constant security updates.
• Reliability : These are very reliable and the cloud can be accessed from
anywhere with any device with proper authorization.
• Almost every organization has adopted cloud computing to
varying degrees within their business. However, with this
adoption of the cloud comes the need to ensure that the
organization‘s cloud security strategy is capable of protecting
against the top threats to cloud security.

• Unauthorized Access
• Unauthorized Access
• Hijacking of Accounts
• Lack of Visibility
• External Sharing of Data
• Cyberattacks
Denial of Service Attacks

• The cloud is essential to many organizations‘ ability to do

business. They use the cloud to store business-critical data
and to run important internal and customer-facing

• This means that a successful Denial of Service (DoS) attack

against cloud infrastructure is likely to have a major impact on
a number of different companies. As a result, DoS attacks
where the attacker demands a ransom to stop the attack a
significant threat to an organization‘s cloud-based resources.
1.Define briefly about service risks and app risks?

2.What are the importance of cloud computing.

3.What is block chain? Explain about working of Ethereum.

4.Describe Crypto Currency.

5.Write about Bit Coin Security?

1.What is mobile device security.

2.What are the benefits of mobile device security.

3.What is risk model.

4.What is example of cyber security risk modeling?

5.Write about Threats in cloud computing.



Answer any FIVE of the following 5*2=10M

1.What is Cryptography?
2. Write a short note on Conventional Encryption Model.
3. Define Steganography?
4. What is DES?
5. Write a short note on Conventional Encryption Algorithms?
6. Describe IDE Algorithm.
7. What is Blowfish.
8. Define RC5


Answer any one question from each unit 2*10=20M


9.Explain in detail about Classical Encryption Techniques.


10.Write the differences between Block Cipher Design Principles and Modes of Operation.


11.Define Cryptography? Explain what is Confidentiality using Conventional Encryption.

12.Explain the Characteristics of Advanced Symmetric Block Ciphers.


Answer any FIVE of the following 5*2=10M

1.What is Public-Key Cryptography?

2. Define Introduction to Number Theory.
3. What is Modular Arithmetic?
4. Differentiate between Primary and Factorization Algorithms.
5. What is Authentication Protocol?
6. Define Digital Signature Standard.
7. Write a short note on Network Security Practice.
8. What are the applications of Authentication.


Answer any one question from each unit 2*10=20M


9. Explain about Euler’s Theorem?


10. Explain about Message Authentication and Hash Function.


11. Define Signature. Write a detailed note on Protocols.


12. what is MIME.

External Examination

Answer any FIVE of the following 5*2=10M

1.What is Cryptography?
2. Write a short note on Conventional Encryption Model.
3. Write a short note on Conventional Encryption Algorithms?
4. Describe IDE Algorithm.
5. What is Modular Arithmetic?
6. Differentiate between Primary and Factorization.
7. Write a short note on Network Security Practice.
8. What are the applications of Authentication.


Answer any one question from each unit. 1*12=12M


9. Explain in detail about Classical Encryption Techniques.


10.Write the differences between Block Cipher Design Principles and Modes of Operation.


11. Define Cryptography? Explain what is Confidentiality using Conventional Encryption.


12. Explain the Characteristics of Advanced Symmetric Block Ciphers.

13. Explain about Euler’s Theorem?


14. Explain about Message Authentication and Hash Function.


15. Define Signature. Write a detailed note on Protocols.


16. what is MIME.


17. What is Risk Model. Define types of Risks.


18. What is Block Chain. Explain about the working of Ethereum.

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