Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
What is Cryptography?
Alice and Bob wish to perform some form of communication while Eve is an
eavesdropper who wishes to spy on or tamper with the communications between
Alice and Bob.
What is Cryptography?
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data transfer
A message sent from Alice to Bob cannot be read by anyone else.
Bob knows that only Alice could have sent the message he has just received.
Bob knows that the message from Alice has not been tampered with in transit.
It is impossible for Alice to turn around later and say she did not send the message.
Model of Cryptography
Plaintext : Cleartext or original message
Ciphertext : Message in encrypted form
Cipher - Algorithm for transforming plaintext to ciphertext
Key - Info used in cipher known only to sender/receiver
Encryption : Process of converting Plaintext to ciphered text
Decryption : Process of converting ciphered to Plaintext text
Cryptosystem : System for encryption and decryption of information
Symmetric Cryptography : If the key is same for both encryption and decryption
Asymmetric Cryptography : If the key is not same for both encryption and decryption
Two requirements for secure use of symmetric encryption:
◦ a strong encryption algorithm
◦ a secret key known only to sender / receiver
Mathematically have:
Y = E(K, X)
X = D(K, Y)
• Substitution
• Each element in the plaintext is mapped into another element
• Transposition
• Elements in the plaintext are rearranged
• Fundamental requirement is that no information be lost
• Product systems
• Involve multiple stages of substitutions and transpositions
• Referred to as symmetric, single-key, secret-key, or conventional encryption if both sender and receiver use the same key
• Referred to as asymmetric, two-key, or public-key encryption if the sender and receiver each use a different key
• Block cipher processes the input one block of elements at a time, producing an output block for each input block
• Stream cipher processes the input elements continuously, producing output one element at a time, as it goes along
Symmetric Encryption
symmetric encryption, also referred to as conventional encryption or single-key encryption, was
the only type of encryption in use prior to the development of public-key encryption in the
It remains by far the most widely used of the two types of encryption.
All traditional schemes are symmetric / single key / private-key encryption algorithms, with a
single key, used for both encryption and decryption. Since both sender and receiver are
equivalent, either can encrypt or decrypt messages using that common key.
Symmetric Cipher Model
Detail the five ingredients of the symmetric
cipher model, shown in Figure :
Plaintext - original message
Encryption Algorithm – performs
substitutions/transformations on plaintext
Secret Key – control exact
substitutions/transformations used in
encryption algorithm
Ciphertext - scrambled message
Decryption Algorithm – inverse of encryption
Process of attempting to discover plaintext or key
Typically objective is to recover the key in use rather then simply to recover the plaintext of a
single ciphertext. There are two general approaches:
• Cryptanalytic attack (knowledge): Relies on the nature of the algorithm plus perhaps some
knowledge of the general characteristics of the plaintext or even some sample plaintext-
ciphertext pairs. This type of attack exploits the characteristics of the algorithm to attempt to
deduce a specific plaintext or to deduce the key being used.
• Brute-force attack (every possible key) : Try every possible key on a piece of ciphertext until an
intelligible translation into plaintext is obtained. On average, half of all possible keys must be
tried to achieve success.
If either type of attack succeeds in deducing the key, the effect is catastrophic: All future and past
messages encrypted with that key are compromised.
Cryptanalysis and Attacks
According to Diffie and Hellman Skill in the production of cryptanalysis has always been heavily on the
side of the professionals, but innovation, particularly in the design of new types of cryptographic
systems, has come primarily from amateurs.
Among the types of attacks are
1. Ciphertext only attacks
2. Known plaintext attacks
3. Chosen plaintext attacks
4. Chosen ciphertext attacks
5. Man-in-the-middle attacks
Attack scenarios .. Contd..
We wrap up our general discussion of encryption with a brief discussion of some basic types of attacks against
encryption schemes. In order of severity, these are:
Ciphertext Only Attack
A ciphertext only attack (COA) is a case in which only the encrypted message is available for attack, but because
the language is known a frequency analysis could be attempted. In this situation the attacker does not know
anything about the contents of the message, and must work from ciphertext only.
Known Plaintext Attack
In a known plaintext attack (KPA) both the plaintext and matching ciphertext are available for use in discovering
the key.
The attacker knows or can guess the plaintext for some parts of the ciphertext. For example, maybe all secure
login sessions begin with the characters LOGIN, and the next transmission may be PASSWORD. The task is to
decrypt the rest of the ciphertext blocks using this information. This may be done by determining the key used
to encrypt the data, or via some shortcut.
Attack scenarios .. Contd..
Chosen Plaintext Attack
A chosen plaintext attack (CPA) occurs when the attacker gains access to the target encryption device - if,
for example, it is left unattended. The attacker then runs various pieces of plaintext though the device for
encryption. This is compared to the plaintext to attempt to derive the key.
In an adaptive chosen plaintext attack (ACPA), the attacker not only has access to the plaintext and its
encryption, but can adapt or modify the chosen plaintext as needed based on results of the previous
Chosen Ciphertext Attack
In a chosen ciphertext attack (CCA), the cryptanalyst can choose different ciphertexts to be decrypted and
has access to the decrypted plaintext.
This type of attack is generally applicable to attacks against public key cryptosystems. An adaptive chosen
ciphertext attack involves the attacker selecting certain ciphertexts to be decrypted, then using the results
of these decryptions to select subsequent ciphertexts. The modifications in the ciphertext help in
deciphering the key from the decryptions.
Attack scenarios .. Contd..
Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Cryptographic communications and key exchange protocols are susceptible to an attack in which the
attacker is able to place himself on the communication line between two parties.
In this "man-in-the-middle attack" the attacker is able to position himself to intercept the key exchange
between two parties. He performs his own key exchange with each. Then, with both parties thinking
they have set up a secure channel, the attacker decrypts any communications with the proper key, and
encrypts them with the other key for sending to the other party. The parties think that they are
communicating securely, but in fact the adversary is reading everything.
Preventing a man-in-the-middle attacks is possible if both sides compute a cryptographic hash function
of the key exchange, sign it using a digital signature algorithm, and send the signature to the other
side. The recipient then verifies that the hash matches the locally computed hash and the signature
came from the desired other party.
Summary - Attacks
Cryptanalysis is the science of cracking codes and decoding secrets. It is used to violate
authentication schemes, to break cryptographic protocols, and, more benignly, to find and
correct weaknesses in encryption algorithms.
The major categories of cryptanalysis include ciphertext only, known plaintext, chosen plaintext,
and chosen ciphertext. These involve deriving the key from analysis of the pieces provided.
In a man-in-the-middle attack, the attacker intercepts the key exchange between the parties.
This allows him to decrypt a message from one party, read it, then re-encrypt it with the
sender's key before transmitting it on to the intended recipient. The sender and recipient have
no way of knowing that their supposedly confidential communication has been intercepted.
There are several ways of classifying cryptographic algorithms. They will be categorized
based on the number of keys that are employed for encryption and decryption, and
further defined by their application and use. The three types of algorithms that will be
discussed are (Figure 1):
Secret Key Cryptography (SKC): Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption;
also called symmetric encryption. Primarily used for privacy and confidentiality.
Public Key Cryptography (PKC): Uses one key for encryption and another for
decryption; also called asymmetric encryption. Primarily used for authentication, non-
repudiation, and key exchange.
Hash Functions: Uses a mathematical transformation to irreversibly "encrypt"
information, providing a digital fingerprint. Primarily used for message integrity.
There are a variety of different types of encryption. Algorithms used earlier in the history of cryptography are substantially
different from modern methods, and modern ciphers can be classified according to how they operate and whether they use
one or two keys.
Historical pen and paper ciphers used in the past are sometimes known as classical ciphers. They include simple substitution
ciphers and transposition ciphers For example, "GOOD DOG" can be encrypted as "PLLX XLP" where "L" substitutes for "O",
"P" for "G", and "X" for "D" in the message. Transposition of the letters "GOOD DOG" can result in "DGOGDOO". These simple
ciphers and examples are easy to crack, even without plaintext-ciphertext pairs.
Simple ciphers were replaced by polyalphabetic substitution ciphers (such as the Vigenère) which changed the substitution
alphabet for every letter. For example, "GOOD DOG" can be encrypted as "PLSX TWF" where "L", "S", and "W" substitute for
"O". With even a small amount of known or estimated plaintext, simple polyalphabetic substitution ciphers and letter
transposition ciphers designed for pen and paper encryption are easy to crack.[4] It is possible to create a secure pen and
paper cipher based on a one-time pad though, but the usual disadvantages of one-time pads apply.
During the early twentieth century, electro-mechanical machines were invented to do encryption and decryption using
transposition, polyalphabetic substitution, and a kind of "additive" substitution. Although these encryption methods were
more complex than previous schemes and required machines to encrypt and decrypt,
Figure 3.1 shows the general idea behind a symmetric-key cipher. The original message from Alice to Bob is
called plaintext; the message that is sent through the channel is called the ciphertext. To create the ciphertext
from the plaintext, Alice uses an encryption algorithm and a shared secret key. To create the plaintext from
ciphertext, Bob uses a decryption algorithm and the same secret key.
Example 3.2
The following shows a plaintext and its corresponding ciphertext. Is the cipher monoalphabetic?
Plaintext: HELLO Ciphertext: ABNZF
The cipher is not monoalphabetic because each occurrence of L is encrypted by a different
character. The first L is encrypted as N; the second as Z.
Monoalphabetic Substitution Cipher
Figure 3.12 An example key for monoalphabetic substitution cipher
The ciphertext is
Transposition Ciphers
In a transposition cipher, there is no substitution of characters; instead, their locations change. A character
in the first position of the plaintext may appear in the tenth position of the ciphertext. A character in the
eighth position may appear in the first position. In other words,A transposition cipher reorders the symbols
in a block of symbols.
A transposition cipher reorders (permutes) symbols in a block of symbols.
Key In a transposition cipher, the key is a mapping between the position of the symbols in the plaintext and
cipher text. For example, the following shows the key using a block of four characters:
Plaintext : 2 4 1 3
Ciphertext : 1 2 3 4
In encryption, we move the character at position 2 to position 1, the character at position 4 to position 2,
and so on. In decryption, we do the reverse. Note that, to be more effective, the key should be long, which
means encryption and decryption of long blocks of data. Figure 30.8 shows encryption and decryption for
our four-character block using the above key. The figure shows that the encryption and decryption use the
same key. The encryption applies it from downward while decryption applies it upward
Transposition Cipher
Example - Transposition Ciphers
Encrypt the message “HELLO MY DEAR,” using the above key.
We first remove the spaces in the message. We then divide the text into blocks of four characters.
We add a bogus character Z at the end of the third block. The result is HELL OMYD EARZ. We
create a three-block ciphertext ELHLMDOYAZER.
Using Example 30.5, decrypt the message “ELHLMDOYAZER”.
The result is HELL OMYD EARZ. After removing the bogus character and combining the characters,
we get the original message “HELLO MY DEAR.”
Keyed Transposition Ciphers
The keyless ciphers permute the characters by writing plaintext in one way and
reading it in another way
◦ The permutation is done on the whole plaintext to create the whole ciphertext
The key used for encryption and decryption is a permutation key, which shows how the
character are permuted.
We use a multiplicative cipher to encrypt the message “hello” with a key of 7. The ciphertext is
Multiplicative Ciphers - Continued
Affine ciphers
Affine ciphers
The affine cipher uses a pair of keys in which the first key is from Z 26* and the
second is from Z26. The size of the key domain is 26 × 12 = 312.
Use an affine cipher to encrypt the message “hello” with the key pair (7, 2).
Affine ciphers
Use the affine cipher to decrypt the message “ZEBBW” with the key pair (7, 2) in
modulus 26.
The Vigenere Cipher( Polyalphabetic Cipher )
The Vigenère Cipher is a polyalphabetic cipher. Thus the cipher can map an alphabetic
character to several other characters.
This cipher is named after Blaise de Vigenère (16th century). Yet it was first described by Giovan
Batista Belaso in 1553.
The number of possible keywords of length m is 26m.
The Vigenere Cipher
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Decryption is similar, except that the keyword is subtracted (modulo 26) from each
ciphertext block.
The Vigenere Cipher
A simple example:
The plaintext is “attackatdawn” and the keyword is “cipher”, thus m = 6.
The numerical equivalent of k is (2 8 15 7 4 17).
The plaintext can be written using integers as
(0 19 19 0 2 10 0 19 3 14 22 13).
Now we split the plaintext message in two blocks of six, and add the keyword modulo 26 to each of them
0 19 19 0 2 10 0 19 3 14 22 13
2 8 15 7 4 17 2 8 15 7 4 17
2 1 8 7 6 1 2 1 18 21 0 4
Thus the ciphertext is “CBIHGBCBSVAE”.
The Vigenere Cipher
A simple example (cont.):
To decrypt the ciphertext “CBIHGBCBSVAE”, we follow the same sequence of steps.
The numerical equivalent of k is (2 8 15 7 4 17).
The ciphertext can be written using integers as
(2 1 8 7 6 1 2 1 18 21 0 4).
Now subtract the keyword modulo 26 from the ciphertext
2 1 8 7 6 1 2 1 18 21 0 4
2 8 15 7 4 17 2 8 15 7 4 17
0 19 19 0 2 10 0 19 3 14 22 13
We were able to recover the original plaintext, which is “attackatdawn”.