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Challenges and Opportunities for the Structural

Design of the 123-Story Jamsil Lotte World Tower

Jong-Ho Kim
CEO & Chairman The Jamsil Lotte World Tower, a high-rise component of the 2nd Lotte World Amusement
Chang Minwoo Structural Complex, is being constructed at Jamsil, Seoul, Korea. This 123-story building with six
Seoul, South Korea
underground levels consists of a mall, offices, residences, a hotel, and an observation deck at
the top of the building. The height is 555m and it will be the tallest building in Korea. The lateral
load resisting system is composed of central RC core walls, two sets of steel outriggers, eight RC
Jong-Ho Kim is the Chairman at Chang Minwoo Structural
Consultants. He is a licensed professional engineer of mega-columns, and two sets of steel belt trusses. The uppermost lantern is made of exposed
architectural structures in Korea, and served as a president of diagrid frames. A series of wind tunnel tests were conducted and the results were reflected in the
the Korean structural engineers association from 2006 to 2008.
He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Seoul structural design. To prevent any structural robustness, important members like spandrel girders,
National University, majoring in architectural engineering. belt trusses, and perimeter columns were designed to have redundancies. Structural Health
Mr. Kim has been involved in numerous high-rise building
projects, including the Jamsil Lotte World Tower, Seoul. Monitoring has been performed to assess the current state of system health.
His research area covers the performance based design
of tall buildings, especially of complex-shaped structures, Keywords: Belt Truss; Mega Column; Outriggers; Supertall; Wind Tunnel Testing
the building information modeling, and the eco-friendly
construction and engineering.

Yeonki Jung
Executive Director
Recently in Korea, the government has provided assistance on a number of tall building
Chang Minwoo Structural
complexes and inner city regeneration efforts. For these projects, many high-rise buildings
Seoul, South Korea having 100 to 150 stories were planned in the country, and the Jamsil Lotte World Tower was
the first of these to begin construction.
Yeonki Jung, an Executive director at Chang Minwoo Structural
Consultants, has many experiences in design of tall building Ever since Korea developed stable economic growth, Korean general contractors have won
structures including the 123-story Jamsil Lotte World Tower large-scale contracts from many different countries and employed competitive construction
which is the tallest building in Korea.
technologies on high-rise buildings overseas. Throughout these experiences, design offices
in Korea also have proven their competitive potential in the tall building design industry. The
development of high-quality steels by domestic steel manufacturers helped design engineers
address many challenges in these tall building projects.
Jidong Kim
President & COO Throughout this paper, challenges and opportunities that were faced when creating the
Chang Minwoo Structural structural design of the Jamsil Lotte World Tower are introduced.
Seoul, South Korea

Jidong Kim, a president at Chang Minwoo Structural

Building Description
Consultants, has managed many high-rise building projects
such as the 123-story Jamsil Lotte World Tower. The construction site of the 2nd Lotte World Amusement Complex is across from the existing
Lotte World theme park. The construction area and gross floor area (GFA) of the 2nd Lotte World
Amusement Complex is 87,182.8 m² and 810,998 m², respectively. It is composed of a high-rise
building and several low-rise buildings, and will host a hotel, a shopping mall, offices, residences,
culture centers, and conference halls.
Taejin Kim
President & CTO
The Jamsil Lotte World Tower is a high-rise building in the 2nd Lotte World Amusement
Chang Minwoo Structural
Consultants, Complex and has 123 floors and six underground floors. Within 330,000 m² of GFA, it can host a
Seoul, South Korea shopping mall, offices, residences, a hotel, and an observation deck at the top of the building.
The height of the building is 555 m, and it will be the tallest building in Korea. Reinforced
Taejin Kim, a president at Chang Minwoo Structural concrete was used for core walls, megacolumns, and hotel slabs. Steel was used for floor beams,
Consultants, has researched the seismic design of steel deck slabs, outriggers, and belt trusses.
structures and the structural design of tall buildings.

Owners of the property are Lotte Cooperation, Lotte Shopping Co., Ltd., and Lotte Hotel Co., Ltd.
and Lotte Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. is the general contractor. Schematic design (SD)
of the Jamsil Lotte World Tower was started in May, 2009, and the design development (DD)
stage was completed in December 2011. The final stage of construction documentation (CD)
was completed in December 2012. Currently, construction is in progress.

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Figure 3. Typical floor plans
Figure 1. Typical floor plans (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)
(Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

Structural Plan
the horizontal members including slabs and of 6.5 m and an allowable bearing force of
The 2nd to 86th floors of the tower, which beams is 30 MPa, while that of the foundation 3,000 KPa. In some fault zones and shear zones
will be used for a shopping mall, offices, and is 50 MPa. The high strength concrete with a below the foundation, ground strengthening
residences, are made of steel beams and compressive strength greater than 60 MPa is piles were installed. The structural design of
deck slabs. The hotel floors over the 86th made by the polymix fiber injection method the Jamsil Lotte World Tower was based on
floor consist of 225–300 mm-thick flat slabs to protect the building from heat explosion. the Korean Building Code (KBC2009).
(see Figure 1). The ground level and the The yield strength (fy) of the rebar is 400 MPa,
underground floors are made of reinforced but when the diameter of the rebar is larger
concrete. The lateral load resisting system is than 25 mm, high strength rebar with 500 or
composed of central RC core walls, two sets of 600 MPa is used.
steel outriggers, eight RC mega-columns, and According to a geotechnical report, the soil
two sets of steel belt trusses (see Figure 2). The Most of the steel members have a yield
beneath the foundation is composed of soft
uppermost lantern is made of diagrid frames strength between 235 and 440 MPa. High
rocks and hard rocks. Their allowable bearing
which are exposed on the exterior. strength steel with a yield strength 650 MPa
strength is 3,000 KPa which is enough to
of is used for the belt trusses, hotel perimeter
support the building weight. However, this
The concrete strength of the vertical structural steel columns, and some parts of the
area contains fault zones and shear zones
members including core walls and mega- outriggers.
that may cause settlement. To prevent the
columns varies from 40 to 80 MPa, and that of
For the floors of the offices and residences, settlement, ground strengthening piles
with story heights of 4.5 m and 3.9 m, deck were applied. The piles with 1.0 m diameter
slab thicknesses of 130 mm and 150 mm, and were installed using a PRD (Percussion
floor steel beam depths of 600 mm and 480 Rotary Drilled) method to prevent the
mm were scheduled, respectively. The slabs settlement of the mat foundation and uneven
for the hotel floors, which have story height settlement under the RC core walls and the
of 3.6 m, were designed as flat slabs with 500 megacolumns.
mm-thick drop panels.
A sand cushion was installed at the upper
The cross section area of the megacolumn parts of the piles to separate them from
is 3.5m by 3.5m at the bottom (level B6) and the mat foundation. The 6.5 m-thick mat
it decreases to 2.0 m by 2.0 m at the 66th foundation was designed considering static
floor. The thicknesses of perimeter core walls and dynamic soil springs with the help of
vary from 600 mm to 2,000 mm, while the soil engineering specialists (see Figure 3). In
thicknesses of inner core walls are 300 mm or addition, cool flowing concrete of 50 MPa was
500 mm per plan. used to control hydration heat.

The outrigger trusses were designed to be

built at two different locations, the 39th–44th
Lateral Load Resisting System
floors and the 72nd–76th floors, and the belt
trusses are planned to be built at the 72nd– According to design intent, lateral loads on
76th floors and the 104th–107th floors. The the building are resisted by the RC core walls,
Figure 2. 3D Elevation (Source: Chang Minwoo mat foundation of the tower has a thickness outriggers, belt trusses, and megacolumns.
Structural Consultants)

CTBUH 2015 New York Conference | 503

Figure 4. Outrigger truss (L39-44) (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Figure 5. Belt truss (L104-107) (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

During the SD phase, it was originally planned control othe lateral displacement is about 29%. the 72nd–76th floors and the 104th–107th
to have three sets of outriggers and six sets of floors, of which height is equal to 3 or 4
belt trusses, but it was found to be inefficient Steel box B-1600 × 500 × 80 × 20 is used stories (see Figure 5). The upper belt trusses
to have this many sets of outriggers and belt for outrigger diagonal members. Since they support the uppermost lantern structures,
truss in the system. So the plan was changed mainly support axial loads, the web thickness and the lower belt trusses support the
during the DD phase. of the steel box was increased to 80 mm and hotel columns between the 76th and 103rd
the flange thickness was decreased to 20 floors. The upper belt trusses contribute
As shown in Table 1, a comparative study of the mm. For a decision of the thickness, welding to control the lateral displacements. It was
lateral load resistance ratios of the outriggers, workability was considered. The top chord proved that the belt truss is more effective
belt trusses, and RC core wall was conducted. As of the outrigger penetrates the RC core wall than the outrigger truss at that location.
a result of the study, the two sets of outriggers and reach horizontal truss member on the The upper chords and the bottom chords
and the two sets of belt trusses were identified other side so that horizontal forces in the RC of the belt trusses at the 104th floor are
as the most optimal solutions for the lateral load core walls can be easily transferred to the steel boxes of B-450 × 400 × 30 × 45, and
resisting system. Perimeter frames of typical outrigger trusses. the diagonal members are B-550 × 400 ×
floor were also changed to a long span spandrel 15 × 50. Slabs supported by the outriggers
girder system that connects megacolumns. Delay joints are installed to minimize
and belt trusses are considered as flexible
additional member forces caused by
diaphragms, and the design of these slabs
The thickness of the perimeter core walls varies differential shortening between the RC core
considered in-plane tension, compression,
from 600 mm to 2,000 mm. The thickness of walls and the megacolumns. RC core walls
shear force, and out-of-plane force.
the cross-shaped inner core walls is 500 mm. and megacolumns will be connected after
The two sets of outriggers are installed at the completion of the frame construction.
39th–44th floors and the 72nd–76th floors
(see Figure 4). The contribution of outriggers to The two sets of belt trusses are placed at Wind Tunnel Test

Final Plan ALT 1 ALT 2 ALT 3 ALT 4 A series of wind tunnel tests were conducted
by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin (RWDI) Inc.
"OT 2sets "OT 3sets "OT 2sets "OT 3sets "OT 3sets
BT 2sets" BT 6sets" BT 6sets" BT 5sets" BT 6sets" After the 50% SD stage, a high frequency force
balance (HFFB) test was conducted, and the
"Outriggers (OT) location 39, 72 40,72,106 39,72 39,72,106 39,72,106 analysis was done twice at the end of the
(floor level) "
SD and after the 60% DD stage. During the
Belt trusses(BT) location 72, 104 11, 021, 40, 11, 21, 39, 59, 11, 21, 39, 73, 106 90% DD stage, when most of the dynamic
(floor level) 59, 74, 106 73, 106 59, 73 properties were identified, an additional
1st mode period 9.26sec 9.09sec 9.10sec 9.19sec 9.25sec aeroelastic model wind tunnel study was
conducted after the 50% SD stage and after
Max. disp. due to wind 100% 96.30% 97.40% 106.00% 98.90% the 90% DD stage, respectively (see Figure 6).
In addition, wind flow environment tests were
Overturning moment 28.50% 30.20% 30.20% 29.90% 28.50%
ratio of OT+BT conducted to compare wind environments
with and without low-rise buildings.
Table 1. Alternatives for outrigger and belt truss system of Jamsil Lotte World Tower (Source: Chang Minwoo
Structural Consultants)
After the tests, it was found that wind loads
Wind Test Overturning Moments Base Shears
calculated from the aeroelastic model study
were 17–22% lower than that from the HFFB
Mx (N-m) My (N-m) Mz (N-m) Fx (N) Fy (N)
test. And the base shear was also lower than
HFFB 1.94E+10 1.85E+10 1.93E+10 6.55E+07 6.81E+07
that from the HFFB test by 15% (see Table
2). Response acceleration at the top floor
Aeroelastic 1.52E+10 1.54E+10 1.93E+10 5.69E+07 5.60E+07 was reduced by about 8%. According to
Table 2. Wind tunnel test results (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants) a wind load expert, the aeroelastic results

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Figure 8. Comparison of wind and seismic loads in terms of Base Shear and overturning moment (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

can be more favorable due to the following

reasons: the aeroelastic experiment reflects
its aeroelastic effects to the model just like
aerodynamic damping effects; a peak
factor can be obtained directly from the
experiment; some assumptions on the
vertical distribution of general wind forces
in the wind test were omitted. So, the
results of the aeroelastic study are adopted
for the structural design.

According to the aeroelastic study,

the Jamsil Lotte World Tower satisfies
acceleration limits as well as torsional
velocity limits recommended by ISO 2007,
CTBUH, AIJ, and RWDI (see Figure 7). The
response acceleration to the one-year return
period wind load at the top of hotel floors
(L101) is AIJ H-10, which is far less than the
limit, AIJ H-30. This result proves that the
structural design of the Jamsil Lotte World
Tower guarantees excellent serviceability
against wind vibrations.
Figure 6. Aeroelastic model (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

To calculate seismic loads in Seoul, a seismic

Seismic Design numerical coefficient(S) was selected to be
0.176 and response modification coefficient
to be 4.0, which are the values that are used
for a normal reinforced concrete shear wall
system. A series of linear elastic time-history
analyses were conducted using three
artificial seismic waves. After an evaluation
of the seismic load, it was judged that
the wind load governs the design of the
building except the lanterns. The wind load
is 1.52 and 4.04 times larger than the seismic
load in terms of base shear and overturning
moment, respectively (see Figure 8).

Figure 7. Response acceleration at the top floor of the hotel (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

The important members, such as spandrel

girders in typical floors, belt trusses, and
hotel steel columns, have redundancies

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improve constructability and reduce possible
delay due to interference between the
megacolumns and connections, the spandrel
girders and the belt trusses were designed
to pass by the megacolumns, rather than
penetrate them. However, since this approach
has never been used in practice, additional
studies were required.

As a cooperative research organization, Seoul

National University Integrated Research Institute
of Construction and Environment participated
in further development and verification of the
suggested connection details by conducting
theoretical and experimental research.
Finally, the research results produced enough
confidence for the new RC-steel connection
details to be used.

Belt Truss Connection: If the belt trusses

supporting the hotel columns are installed
along the outside of the megacolumns, the
megacolumns can be constructed continuously
Figure 9. Robustness and redundancy (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)
regardless of the belt truss construction process.
to avoid a sudden collapse when one of acceleration limits considered in the design As shown in Figure 10, the belt trusses are
these members loses its capacity in case of are shown in Table 3. fabricated through the field welding of pre-
fire or unexpected impact. The long-span assembled trusses with the embedded plates on
spandrel girders and their connections Deflection limits are also considered for the outsides of the megacolumns.
are designed such that the loss of flexural serviceability. The immediate deflection of
steel beams due to live load shall not exceed To reduce deformation of the 14.4 m-high
capability of the girders at any point of
the lesser of 1/500 of span and 20 mm. embedded plates caused by axial loads
span does not result in disproportionate
The immediate deflections of the spandrel and to design proper dowel bars, shear
collapse of the floor structures above or
girders supporting curtain walls shall not transfer bearing plates are needed in every
below. Also, the belt truss members and
exceed the lesser of 1/500 of span and 15 space between dowels. And it was assumed
the perimeter columns are designed such
mm for live load. that cracks would occur at the edge of the
that the loss of any perimeter column or
embedded bearing plates in the mega-column.
the loss of any belt truss member does not
By checking all the limits in addition to those Therefore, the embedded plate is installed on
result in disproportionate collapse of the
mentioned above, the Jamsil Lotte World only one-side of the mega-column but in some
surrounding structure (see Figure 9).
Tower satisfies its serviceability limit states. floor levels the plate would enclose all four
sides of the megacolumn.

Serviceability Spandrel Girder Connection: The spandrel

Connections girders are connected to the outside of the
To check the serviceability against floor megacolumns just like the belt truss connections
The megacolumns and core walls are made
vibration, frequency limits and maximum (see Figure 11), and additional connections are
of RC, and most of the floor beams, belt
response acceleration recommended by placed at two sides of the megacolumn. The
trusses, and outrigger trusses are made of
AISC, “floor vibrations due to human activity” shear plate is welded on the embedded plate
steel. Therefore, RC-steel connection details
were considered. Also, advice from experts so that it can connect the web of a perimeter
are required to account for constructability,
were reflected upon. For example, in the beam. The upper flanges of the spandrel girders
construction periods, and structural safety. To
fitness area of the Jamsil Lotte World Tower, and megacolumns are connected to fix the
the stiffness of the floor frame was made
to satisfy natural frequency of 9.0 Hz, as
recommended by an acoustical expert. The

Vibration limits Response

Office 3.0 Hz ≤ ≤ 0.31 %

Officetel & 3.0 Hz ≤ ≤ 0.15%


Retail 3.0 Hz ≤ ≤ 1.50%

Fitness Area 9.0 Hz ≤ ≤ 5.00%

Table 2. Acceleration limits by usage (Source: AISC) Figure 10. Belt truss & mega-column connection (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

506 | CTBUH 2015 New York Conference

girders during the construction and to brace
the megacolumns laterally. Connections at the
corner of the megacolumns were designed
as reinforcing plates at the top and the
bottom flanges of the perimeter girders in the
perpendicular direction to prevent the torsional
moment caused by the bent connections of the
perimeter girder. Just like the belt truss details,
bearing plates and dowel bars are planned to be
embedded in the megacolumns.

Outrigger Connection: For the design of

the connections between the outrigger
members and the megacolumns, it was
intended that an outrigger diagonal member
and a horizontal member be connected at
a column-embedded connecting post, as
shown in Figure 12. Horizontal forces to the
outrigger diagonal member are supported
by the bottom chord.

At the connection of the outrigger member

and the perimeter core wall, two outrigger
members cross each other at a right
angle. The upper and the lower flanges of
wall-embedded outrigger members are
removed to avoid interference with vertical
rebar near the corner and to be filled with
concrete more densely. At the wall corners,
to support vertical force of the outrigger
diagonal member, a vertical post is installed
at top and bottom of the outrigger
member. The top chord supports horizontal
forces to the diagonal member.

Application of High-Strength Steel:

Figure 11. Spandrel girder connection (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

As a value engineering (VE) item, a

comparative study on the application
of HSA800, the high-strength steel, and
S M520 & 570 was conducted for the
outriggers, perimeter columns, and belt
truss members. It was expected that,
by using HSA800, more economical
construction can be achieved while
providing similar performance of using
SM520 and SM570.

The belt truss, perimeter columns, and

outriggers were redesigned to use HSA800
in the consideration of progressive collapse
or lateral stiffness. Regarding the redesign,
the thickness of each member was reduced
by a yield strength ratio between SM520
(or 570) and HSA800 so that the stress ratio
in the members can be remained. It was
confirmed that reduced members using
HSA800 can provide similar lateral stiffness.
And also it can prevent progressive collapse
by checking the natural period of the
building and running analytical progressive
collapse scenarios.
Figure 12. Outrigger connection at column (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

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Figure 13. SHM system basic conceptual diagram (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)

By running the evaluation of total cost

for belt trusses, outriggers, and perimeter
columns, it was found that two billion won
can be saved if HSA800 is used. In addition to
savings in the total cost, the usage of HSA800
would improve constructability by allowing a
more advanced material lifting operation plan
because of reduced member sections.

Structural Health Monitoring

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has been

performed for the Jamsil Lotte World Tower
to meet social demands on the safety and
serviceability of the building. Measurement
devices for wind loads, stresses, displacements,
accelerations, slopes, and field response
accelerations are implemented in the Jamsil Lotte
World Tower SHM system. The measurements
are used to establish the integrated monitoring
system (see Figure 13).

Simulation using FEM model is performed to

obtain a static pushover, dynamic response,
Figure 14. BIM-based modelling transferring process (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants) seismic response, wind response analysis.

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Linear/nonlinear performance evaluation for a
structural dynamic response has been analyzed
in order to evaluate acceleration, displacement
sensitivity, and stress conditions of the building.
For accurate and economic works of creating
a nonlinear analysis model, the BIM based
modelling transferring process was used. In the
process, automation modules for converting
loads, estimating nonlinear properties, and
scaling ground motion are used to enhance the
modelling transformation (see Figure 14). Through
the pushover analysis, the relation curve between
the force and displacement of structure and the
plastic hinge distribution of structure as increasing
the displacements are obtained (see Figure 15).

During construction and after the construction

completion, natural frequency measurements and
structural dynamic responses have been evaluated.
By performing comparison analysis between
measurements and analysis results, the condition
assessment system and the integrated monitoring
management system will be developed.


In this paper, challenges and opportunities for

the tallest building in Korea were introduced. This
building will be the symbol of high technologies
that Korean engineers have achieved.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Figure 15. Pushover curve (Source: Chang Minwoo Structural Consultants)
of Korea has leaded research projects such as
“Development of Super Tall Building Design and In addition, Korean steel manufacturers foster more experienced engineers and
Engineering Technology” and “Development have spent a lot of effort on R&D projects to manufacturers with high-technologies and
of Structural Performance Enhancement improve the quality of structural steel. They be exceptionally competitive in the steel
Technologies for Small-size or Existing Buildings have recently proven that their products show high-rise design industry.
Against Earthquakes and Climate Changes.” great performance for seismic structures.
Consequently, based on stable cooperation Acknowledge
With this great support from the government, a
number of design offices and research institutes between the engineers involved in Korean
This research was supported by a grant
could have made outstanding developments Society of Steel Construction and the steel
(13AUDP-B066083-01) from Architecture &
in high-rise design technologies. In this project, suppliers, various high-rise buildings are
Urban Development Research Program funded
many remarkable outputs such as the complex- currently being planned in Korea.
by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
shaped tall building design optimization process of Korean government.
Therefore, by reflecting the design
and the performance-based seismic design
example introduced above and in current
methods were implemented.
practice, it is expected that Korea will


Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK) (2009) Korean Building Code 2009, KBC 2009, AIK, Korea.

Kim JH., Kim J., Kim T., Jung Y., Lee J., and Lee Y. (2012) Structural Design of Lotte Jamsil Super Tall Building, In Proceedings of 18th congress of
International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineers. September, 2012, Korea. pp. 170-172.

Lee D., and Kim T. (2011) New Steel Structures: Seoul International Finance Center, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, Vol. 23:2011. p.82.

Kim JK., Kim JH., and Kim J. (2004) Structural Design of SK Euljiro Headquaters, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, Vol. 16:2004. pp.56-60.

Kim JH., Jung Y., Kim J., Kim YW., Bahk Y., and Lee J. (2013) Structural Design of Steel High-Rise Buildings in Korea, The Pacific Structural Steel
Conference (PSSC 2013), Singapore, 11 October 2013.

Lee J., Kim J., and Jung Y. (2014) Structural Design of Lotte World Tower and Horizontal Strain, Journal of the Korean Structural Engineers Association,
May, 2014, Vol.21, No.3, pp.32-42.

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