Baking Honour
Baking Honour
Baking Honour
Whole wheat retains the bran and germ as well as the endosperm, in
contrast to white flour which retains only the endosperm.
Whole wheat foods are nutritionally superior to refined grains, richer in
dietary fiber, antioxidants, protein (and in particular the amino acid lysine),
dietary minerals (including magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and
selenium), and vitamins (including niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin E).
The greater amount of dietary fiber, as much as four times than found in
refined grains, is likely the most important benefit, as it has been shown to
reduce the incidence of some forms of cancer, digestive system diseases,
coronary heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Some of these protective
effects occur because carbohydrates from whole grains are digested and
enter the bloodstream more slowly, avoiding the "sugar rush."
3. Give one Old Testament and one New Testament incident
where leavening is mentioned.
Old Testament: Exodus 12:34 & 39—The Israelites prepared unleavened
bread for the first Passover
New Testament: Jesus mentioned leavening several times
including: Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:20, 21
Jesus compares the Pharisees to leaven in Matthew 16:6-12; Mark
8:15; Luke 12:1
2 1/2 C cups fine-milled pans. If you want the loaves to look fancy do
or medium-milled whole this: roll dough into 4 separate dough
wheat flour "snakes". Twist 2 of these together to make a
3 7/8 C unbleached all- nice looking intertwined loaf. Let rise about
purpose white flour 45 minutes.
5. Brush tops of loaves with melted margarine
(keeps them from drying out) and dust with
cinnamon, uncooked oatmeal or white flour
(aesthetics). Bake in oven preheated to 375F
for around 35 minutes. When done, loaves
will sound hollow when tapped.
1 Tbsp vinegar 9. Using a biscuit cutter (or a juice glass), cut circles out
of the dough and place on a shallow, greased pan.
10. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
b. Unleavened bread
Communion Bread
Ingredients Procedure
6 Tbsp cooking oil 1. Combine ingredients and mix well.
3 Tbsp ice water 2. Roll the dough out into a thin sheet, about ¼
½ tsp salt inch thick.
1 cup unbleached 3. Place dough on a cookie sheet
flour 4. Bake at 250°F
½ cup whole wheat
c. Bread sticks
Bread Sticks
Ingredients Procedure
2.5 cups bread 1. In a large bowl, sprinkle the yeast on the surface of the
flour warm water.
1/2 tsp salt 2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir.
1 tsp sugar 3. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead for one
3 Tbsp olive minute on a well-floured surface.
oil 4. Let the dough rise for ten minutes
1 cup warm 5. Preheat oven to 425°F
water 6. Form dough into twelve bread sticks
1 packet yeast 7. Place bread sticks on a cookie sheet
8. Bake for 9-10 minutes
Serves 6 (two bread sticks per person)
d. Bagels
Simple Bagels
Ingredients Procedure
1. 4½ cups of flour 1. In a suitably sized bowl combine 1½ cups flour and
2. 2 packets of the two packets of yeast.
active dry yeast 2. Combine the 1½ cups of warm water, the sugar and
3. 1½ cups of the salt; then pour over the flour mixture.
water, at 110°F 3. Beat at low speed for about thirty seconds, scraping
4. 3 tablespoons of sides of bowl constantly.
sugar 4. Beat for three minutes on high speed.
5. 1 tablespoon of 5. Stir in as much of the remaining flour as you can
salt mix in. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface.
6. 1 gallon of 6. Knead in enough remaining flour to make a
water moderately stiff dough. Continue kneading until
7. 1 tablespoon of smooth and elastic; then cover and allow to rest for
sugar fifteen minutes.
7. Cut into twelve portions; then shape into smooth
balls. Punch a hole in the middle of each with a
floured finger. Pull gently to enlarge hole to about
two inches.
8. Place on a greased baking sheet; cover; and allow
to rise for twenty minutes.
9. Broil five inches from heat for about 90 seconds on
each side.
10. Heat 1 gallon water and 1 tablespoon sugar to
boiling; then reduce heat.
11. Cook bagels, about five at a time, for 8
minutes, turning once in the middle.
12. Drain and place on greased baking sheet.
13. Bake at 400°F for 25 minutes.
e. Vegetable bread
Vegetable Bread
Ingredients Procedure
3/4 cup liquid egg
1 cup vegetable oil 1. In a large bowl, combine zucchine, egg
2 cups brown sugar, substitute, oil, brown sugar, and vanilla extract.
firmly packed Set aside.
2 cups ground 2. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking soda,
zucchini salt, baking powder, and cinnamon.
2 Tbsp vanilla 3. Add the zucchini mixture.
extract 4. Stir until smooth.
3 cups whole wheat 5. Add the nuts and fold them in.
flour 6. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan
1 tsp baking soda 7. Bake at 325°F for 75 minutes.
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking
3 tsp cinnamon
1 cup chopped nuts
5. Explain why the use of baking powder and baking soda
should be avoided and why the mixture of milk, sugar,
and eggs is harmful to health.
3 cups unsifted Cool for a few minutes, and then turn it
wholewheat pastry flour out onto a cooling rack.
or all-purpose flour Dust the cake with powdered sugar.
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tsps orange or lemon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon juice
oil to grease the pan
Powdered sugar to dust
d. Sponge cake
Sponge Cake
Ingredients Procedure
2 cups self-raising 1. Preheat oven to 325°F
flour 2. Grease two pans and line them with baking
1 tsp baking soda parchment
1 cup sugar 3. Sift the flour, baking soda, and sugar into a
1 cup vegetable oil large bowl
1/2 cup orange 4. Using a second bowl, mix the oil, juice,
juice water, and vanilla extract with a whisk
1/2 cup water 5. Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry
1.5 tsp vanilla ingredients and beat until the mixture is
extract smooth.
4 Tbsp fruit jam 6. Pour the batter into the two pans, and bake
(any flavor) for 30 minutes
1.25 cups cream 7. Allow the cakes to cool in the pans, then
turn out onto a cooling rack.
8. Whip the cream
9. Sandwich the two layers together using the
jam and whipped cream.
10. Make one pie in each of the following categories
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crust). The filling will mound to an
alarming height, but do not worry - it
will compact as it bakes.
5. Roll out the top crust until you have
another 12" circle.
6. Pick up the top crust with the rolling pin
and carefully lay it over the berry
7. Pinch the edges to seal the top and
bottom crusts together.
8. Cut off any crust that extends over the
edge of the pie pan.
9. Make several slits in the top crust to
allow steam to escape. Be creative here.
10. Cover the pie with a sheet of
aluminium foil that has had a 6" circle
cut from the center. This will protect
the edges of the crust and keep them
from becoming overdone.
11. Bake at 375°F for 30 minutes
(fresh berries) or 50 minutes (frozen
12. Remove the aluminium foil and
bake an additional 20 minutes.
13. Place on a wire rack to cool.
14. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice
See the Pie Section in the Wikibooks Cookbook for more recipes.
b. Unbaked (baked pie shell only), fresh fruit, gelatin, etc.
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11. Make and bake one recipe of cookies. Make one
recipe of refrigerator cookies. It is preferable to use
wholesome ingredients such as fruit, oatmeal, nuts, etc.
Gingerbread cookies
Most "cookie cutter" cookies
Some types of chocolate chip cookies.
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Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Honors
Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book
Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Skill Level 1
Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Honors Introduced in
Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Household Arts
Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/General Conference
Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recipes
Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Completed Honors
Prepared By:
Ngedaa, Promise
6th July, 2022
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