Chang 2004
Chang 2004
Chang 2004
Received 26 September 2003; received in revised form 1 December 2003; accepted 2 December 2003
The degradation of room temperature vulcanized (RTV) silicone rubbers, swelled in different solvents and followed by the
aminolysis reaction using diethylamine as a nucleophilic reagent, was studied. The reaction was further facilitated with a potassium
hydroxide catalyst dissolved in ethanol. When the silicone rubber swelled in a less polar solvent, toluene, the main product of the
aminolysis reaction was a linear polydimethylsiloxane with hydroxyl and ethoxy end groups (EtOePDMSeOH), and an average
molecular weight of 15,000. On the other hand, when a polar solvent, tetrahydrofuran, was used, the degradation rate was increased,
and significant amount of cyclic compounds were found in addition to the linear PDMS. Furthermore, if different alcohols were
used to dissolve the KOH catalyst, the degradation rate and the product distribution were both changed. The dissolution time
decreased in the following order: glycerol O ethylene glycol O 1,4-butanediol O ethanol. In this study, efforts have also been made
to improve the reusability of the aminolysis products by changing their terminal groups.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0141-3910/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
770 C.-L. Chang et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 85 (2004) 769e777
through the aminolysis degradation, increased with the the product distribution. Methanol was used to separate
number of carbon atoms in the aliphatic amines. They the polymer products and low-molecular-weight
attributed this to the steric effect on the amine group. oligomers including cyclic compounds. Low-molecular-
They also found that the dissolution is faster for the weight oligomers below approximately 4000 can be
primary amines than the secondary amines. dissolved in methanol, while high-molecular-weight
Shimmel [5e7] found that the addition of potassium polymer products precipitate out. After weighing, it
hydroxide (KOH) could accelerate the aminolysis rate of was found that 90 wt% of the aminolysis product was
silicone rubbers by the secondary amines. Several con- high-molecular-weight polymer. GPC and GC were then
clusions were made on the steric effect and the need for employed to determine the molecular weight distribu-
a base as the catalyst in order to have an effective split- tion of the polymer product and the composition of the
ting reaction in the aminolysis process. However, the cyclic compounds, respectively. FTIR and NMR were
role of the KOH as a catalyst is not clarified. In order to used to investigate the structure of the polymer product.
further reduce the dissolution time, ethanol was em- The effects of different swelling solvents, toluene and
ployed to dissolve KOH in order to ensure a fixed tetrahydrofuran (THF), and different alcohols such as
homogeneous catalyst concentration [8]. In this study, ethanol, ethylene glycol, glycerol and 1,4-butanediol, on
the effects of different swelling solvents on the aminol- the aminolysis of RTV silicones were investigated.
ysis reaction of RTV silicone rubbers were further
examined. In addition, a reaction mechanism was pro-
2.3. Structure analysis of the degradation products
posed to elucidate the need of a base as the catalyst.
Furthermore, in order to improve the functionality for
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) from Waters
possible applications, various chemical modifications of
501 was used to determine the molecular weight distri-
the degradation products have also been investigated.
bution of the degradation products. Toluene was used as
the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. All the
reported molecular weight values are based on poly-
2. Experimental
styrene standards. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
spectra were recorded with a Nicolet Magna-IR 550
2.1. Synthesis of RTV silicone rubber
spectrophotometer. The resolution was set at 4 cm1
and 32 scans were taken to average the signal. Nuclear
Silicone rubber was prepared from Dow Corning
magnetic resonance (NMR) was examined to obtain
Silastic 3481 molding fluid, which is composed of 1
H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra using a Bruker AC 300
ethoxy-terminated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with
instrument. D-Chloroform and tetramethylsilane were
measured molecular weight of 35,000 and fillers (40%).
used as the solvent and internal standard, respectively.
The silicone fluid underwent vulcanization at ambient
Gas chromatography (GC) from Carlo ERBA HRC
temperature for 8 h with the use of a curing agent, which
5300 was also used to analyze the degradation products,
is a mixture of tetraethoxysilane and organometallic tin
especially the low-molecular-weight oligomers. Hexam-
catalyst. The cured silicone rubber was cut into small
ethylsiloxane (M2), hexamethyl-cyclotrisiloxane (D3),
slabs (15!2!2 mm).
octamethyltrisiloxane (MDM), octamethyl-cyclotetrasi-
loxane (D4), and decamethyltetrasiloxane (D5), were
2.2. Aminolysis of RTV silicone rubber
used as the standards for comparison.
Potassium hydroxide (KOH, 3 g) was dissolved in
ethanol (1 mol, 45.8 g) and then added to 50 g of diethyl- 2.4. Chemical modification of the aminolysis product
amine (DEA) to form a homogeneous solution. The
rubber sample was fist swelled in 200 ml toluene for 8 h The degradation product, EtOePDMSeOH, was
and then added with the amine solution in a four-necked modified to form 1,3-bis(4-hydroxybutyl)-polydimethyl-
reaction vessel. The aminolysis was carried out at 25 (C siloxane (HOBuePDMSeBuOH), 1-ethoxy-3-hydro-
under agitation at a speed of 400 rpm. Products were polydimethylsiloxane (EtOePDMSeH), 1,3-bis
sampled at fixed time intervals from the reaction vessel (hydroxyl)-polydimethylsiloxane (HOePDMSeOH),
after the silicone rubber slabs were completely dissolved and 1,3-bis(hydro)-polydimethylsiloxane (HePDMSeH).
in the amine solution. The product sample was mixed HOBuePDMSeBuOH was synthesized through the
with diethylether and washed with deionized water reaction of EtOePDMSeOH with 1,1-dimethyl-1-sila-
several times. Acetic acid (1 N) was added to neutralize 2-oxa-cyclohexane (DSOH) in 1,4-dioxane. A small
the product solution. Water residue was then salted out amount of hydrochloric acid was also added to catalyze
by washing with saturated NaCl solution. Before the the reaction. The reaction temperature was 85 (C and
cyclic compounds were separated (if any), a small the reaction time was 2 h. After reaction, the solvent was
amount of sample was analyzed by GPC to determine removed through the rotary evaporator. The product
C.-L. Chang et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 85 (2004) 769e777 771
Step 2. The KOH/HeNEt2 degradation agent (eOEt) and hydroxyl group (eOH). He suggested that
diffuses into the swelled RTV silicone rubber and the SeOEt functionality arises mainly through the
undergoes a nucleophilic degradation reaction with displacement reaction of SieNEt2 group with ethanol.
silicone atom, selectively at crosslinking sites (Q
3.2. Degradation of RTV silicone rubber
using THF solvent
From the reaction mechanism, it was clearly shown However, previous results show that with a non-polar
that the hydrogen bonding with KOH increased the solvent, toluene, the backbiting reaction was not sig-
nucleophilic nature of DEA. Chen [9] has found that nificant. This was attributed to the polarity of the
without using KOH, the dissolution time was greatly solvent. The non-polar PDMS chain was relatively
increased. The KOH/DEA then attacked the SieO extended in the non-polar solvent, toluene; and this
selectively at crosslinking sites. The nucleophilic cleav- decreased the probability of backbiting. The probability
age resulted in a product of trisiloxane structure and of backbiting increased greatly when the PDMS chain
a linear polydimethylsiloxane. The KOH/DEA could was relatively contracted in the polar solvent THF,
further attack the trisiloxane and produced more linear where the active hydroxyl end group could easily
polydimethylsiloxane. Chang et al. [8] has also found backbite its own chain.
that the end groups of the polymer products using If different alcohols were used as the co-solvent to dis-
KOH/DEA degradation reagent were ethoxy group solve KOH catalyst, the reaction time for the complete
C.-L. Chang et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 85 (2004) 769e777 773
Table 2
The weight percentage (wt%) and molecular weight (MW) of linear PDMS product during degradation of RTV silicone rubber (THF was used to
swell silicone rubber)
Time (h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25
Wt% 83 71 62 57 53 49 46 42 32
MW ( g/mol) 3550 2700 2550 2260 1950 1650 1600 1500 1150
Silicone rubber: 42 g, THF: 200 mL, KOH: 3.0 g. Diethyl amine: 50 g. The degradation was carried out at 25 (C in a four-necked reactor with
a stirring speed at 400 rpm.
dissolution and the distribution of the degradation weight percentage was almost 100% at the beginning of
products were found to be different. Table 3 shows the dissolution, and nearly did not change even after 49.5 h.
complete dissolution time with different alcohols, where Fig. 3 shows the Mw values of the high-molecular-weight
the RTV silicone rubber was swelled in THF first and PDMS portion with different degradation times. At the
then degraded by DEA/KOH in a reactor with a stirring time of complete dissolution, the molecular weight was
speed at 400 rpm. As the polarity of alcohol increased, 10,300, 18,000 and 37,800 for the systems with BUD,
the dissolution time increased. The order of the dis- EGD and GLD alcohol, respectively. The composition
solution time was glycerol (GLD) O ethylene glycol of the oligomer from the distillation of the alcohol
(EGD) O butanediol (BUD) O ethanol. Compared with solvent under reduced pressure was analyzed by GC.
other alcohols, it seems that the degradation time with The results showed that the oligomer consisted of
glycerol was much longer. This is because when all the mostly cyclic polysiloxane compounds. For the system
components were mixed together, KOH/glycerol solu- with EGD alcohol, the main compound of the cyclic
tion separated out as an individual liquid phase, where oligomer was D4 (97.3 wt%); where it consisted of
in contrast, KOH/ethanol was miscible with DEA and 64.4 wt% of D4, 27.5 wt% of D5, and 8.1 wt% of D6
THF solvent. The increased phase boundary limited the for the system with BUD alcohol.
diffusivity of reactants and thus decreased the reaction The above results clearly suggested that the degrada-
rate and increased the dissolution time. Fig. 1 shows tion rate and the product composition are both affected
that there were two peaks corresponding to high- by the type of alcohol added to the solution, such as the
molecular-weight linear PDMS and low-molecular- polarity and number of hydroxyl groups in the alcohol.
weight oligomer in the GPC chromatogram. In addition, The solubility of KOH in different alcohols and the
the less polar the alcohol, the more obvious was the miscibility of different alcohols with DEA/THF thus
peak for the oligomer portion. Fig. 2 shows the weight have to be considered. In addition, the polarity of the
percentage of the high-molecular-weight polymer por- mixing solvent was different with different alcohol
tion with the degradation time. At the time that silicone
rubber was completely dissolved in the solution through
DEA/KOH aminolysis using BUD co-solvent, the
weight percentage of high-molecular-weight polymer
was 92.6%, and decreased with the degradation time.
After 49.5 h of degradation, it decreased to 71%. In
comparison, for the system with EGD alcohol, the
weight percentage was 95.8% at the beginning of
dissolution, and decreased to 92.7% after 49.5 h of
degradation. For the system with GLD alcohol, the
Table 3
Effect of different alcohols used to dissolve KOH catalyst on the
dissolution time of silicone rubber by the aminolysis with diethylamine
(THF was used to swell silicone rubber)
Solvent Dissolution time (h)
Ethanol 0.4
Ethylene glycol 4.0
Glycerol 25.5
Butanediol 0.5
Silicone rubber: 42 g, THF: 200 mL, KOH: 3.0 g, DEA: 50 g. All the Fig. 1. GPC chromatogram of the degradation product from the
alcohols have the same amount, 0.222 mol. The degradation was aminolysis of RTV silicone rubber with diethylamine and catalyzed by
carried out at 25 (C in a four-necked reactor with a stirring speed at KOH/butanediol. THF was used to swell the silicone rubber. The
400 rpm. degradation time was 49.5 h.
774 C.-L. Chang et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 85 (2004) 769e777
3.3. Chemical modification of the aminolysis product
25000 BUD
(eSieCH2eCH2eCH2eCH2eOH, 62.0 ppm), which
20000 proved the existence of the butanol group. FTIR
spectrum (Fig. 4) also shows the absorption of the
15000 hydroxyl group at 3500 cm1, in addition to the other
characteristic absorption peaks of PDMS. The Mn and
10000 Mw values measured from GPC were 11,880 and 19,160,
respectively, where the calculated polydispersity was
1.61. The objective of this substitution is to build
a stable SieC linkage, which is believed to be essential
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 for PDMS to copolymerize with other organic mono-
time(h) mers or oligomers, for example, polyurethane.
EtOePDMSeOH was also modified to form
Fig. 3. Mw values of the high-molecular-weight PDMS portion of the
EtOePDMSeH by the reaction of EtOePDMSeOH
degradation product from the aminolysis of RTV silicone rubber in
THF solvent at different degradation times. Different solvents for with the chlorodimethylsilane catalyzed with a triethyl
KOH catalyst were used: ethylene glycol (EGD), butanediol (BUD) amine [1,9]. The yield was calculated as 79.3 wt%. The
and glycerol (GLD). reason for these modifications is that the terminal hydro
C.-L. Chang et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 85 (2004) 769e777 775
CH 3 CH 3
O CH 2 HCl,H 2 O
+ EtO Si-O H HO (CH 2 )4 Si-O Si (CH 2 )4 OH
CH 2 CH 2 n n
CH 2
group of a siloxane polymer will have a high reactivity The structure of the reaction product was confirmed
toward vinyl groups. The reaction is shown below with the 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR. The hydrogen
(Scheme 2). absorption peaks at 4.72, 3.76 and 1.21 ppm were
assigned to the SieH, eSieOeCH2eCH3 and eSie
OeCH2eCH3, respectively. The carbon absorption
Table 4
Chemical shift of various hydrogen atoms of HOeBuePDMSe peaks due to the SieCH3, eSieOeCH2eCH3 and
BueOH converted from EtOePDMSeOH eSieOeCH2eCH3 were found at 1.0, 18.40 and
Chemical shift ( ppm) Hydrogen atom 65.87 ppm, respectively. In addition to the characteristic
absorption peaks of PDMS observed in FTIR spectrum,
0.09 SieCH3
0.58 eSieCH2eCH2e a very small peak was found at 2160 cm1, which was
1.23 eSieCH2eCH2eCH2eCH2eOH caused by the SieH. Therefore, the NMR and FTIR
1.41 eSieCH2eCH2e analyses confirmed the structure of EtOePDMSeH.
1.56 eSieCH2eCH2eCH2eCH2eOH The Mn and Mw values were 15,690 and 29,480,
3.68 eSieCH2eCH2eCH2eCH2eOH
respectively, from the GPC results. The calculated
polydispersity was 1.88.
It is easy to convert the EtOePDMSeOH to HOe
Table 5 PDMSeOH through the hydrolysis reaction of the
Chemical shift of various carbon atoms of HOeBuePDMSeBueOH ethoxy end group catalyzed by the HCl [1]. The reaction
converted from EtOePDMSeOH is shown below (Scheme 3). However, PDMS can also
Chemical shift ( ppm) Carbon atom undergo chain scission with the existing HCl during the
1.10 SieCH3 reaction, which would lower the molecular weight of
18.15 eSieCH2eCH2e PDMS. Once the low-molecular-weight PDMS was
19.65 eSieCH2eCH2e produced, it was washed away during the step of
36.36 eSieCH2eCH2eCH2eCH2eOH precipitation with methanol. Therefore, the yield was
62.0 eSieCH2eCH2eCH2eCH2eOH
low at 61.3 wt%. The Mn and Mw values of the high-
molecular-weight part were 8150 and 15,630, respectively.
The polydispersity was 1.92. Again, the structure of
HOePDMSeOH was confirmed with the NMR analysis.
There was no sign of absorption peaks caused by the
ethoxy group and only methyl (eSieCH3) and hydroxyl
(eSieOH) absorptions were found in the spectrum. From
the area ratio of the absorption peaks corresponding
EtO Si O H + C l S iH + (C2H5) N
EtO Si O Si H + (C2H5)3 N H C l
HO Si O Et + H2O HO Si O H + EtOH
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 n n
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
Scheme 3. Synthesis of HOePDMSeOH from the hydrolysis reaction
Fig. 4. FTIR spectrum of the reaction product, HOeBuePDMSe of the ethoxy end group in the EtOePDMSeOH catalyzed by the
BueOH, converted from EtOePDMSeOH. HCl.
776 C.-L. Chang et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 85 (2004) 769e777
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