PII: S0959-6526(17)30082-3
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.075
Please cite this article as: Saheed O. Ajayi, Lukumon O. Oyedele, Policy Imperatives for Diverting
Construction Waste from Landfill: Experts’ recommendations for UK policy expansion, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.075
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Research highlights
The study explores policy directions for driving construction waste mitigation in the UK
Data was collected from experts through focus group discussions and questionnaires
The result suggests the needs for incentives and enablers for good waste performers
Design stages and sustainable design appraisal system must be targeted by new policies
The results suggests the need for more stringency of existing fiscal and legislative provisions
A Schoolof Built Environment and Engineering,
Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, United Kingdom
B Bristol
Enterprise, Research and Innovation Centre (BERIC)
University of West of the England, Bristol, United Kingdom
Page 1 of 1
Legislation and fiscal policies have remained the key drivers of construction waste minimization. It has
often been suggested that reducing waste to the landfill does not only require improvement on existing
waste management policies and fiscal framework; there is a need for adequate inputs from the
construction professionals. As a means of engendering effective waste management policies, this study
explores industry practitioners' viewpoints on effective policies for minimising waste landfilled by the
UK construction industry. Using exploratory sequential mixed method approach, qualitative and
quantitative methods were used. In the first phase of the study, data was collected through focus group
discussions with 24 experts from the UK construction industry. Findings from the qualitative study
served as an input into a questionnaire, which was used to elicit a wider opinion from 63 experts at the
quantitative stage of the study.
The study suggests that for waste management legislation and policies to effectively drive construction
waste minimization, six key measures are important. These include (i) provision of tax breaks and
incentives to good waste performers and waste management businesses; (ii) increased targeting of
design stages in policies; (iii) Extension of sustainable design appraisal systems by allocating more
points to proven waste performance measures; (iv) increased stringency of legislative measures by
requiring use of proven waste efficient design, procurement and construction methods; (v) increased
stringency of fiscal policies by increasing penalties for poor waste performance; and (vi) corroboration
of policy requirements with enablers and facilitators. The strategies through which each of the
legislative and fiscal measures could be tailored and enhanced are discussed in the paper. By embracing
both stringent and palliative policy measures suggested in the study, substantial construction waste
could be diverted from landfill.
Keywords: Waste management legislation; landfill; aggregate tax; incentives; design out waste;
recycled materials; deconstruction plan; Sustainability policies; Construction management.
1 Introduction
Among other environmental impacts of building and construction activities, increasing
generation of construction waste is continuously raising concerns about environmental
impacts, depletion of mineral resources and environmental health (Shen and Tam, 2002).
Evidence shows that the construction industry generates about 35% of waste to landfill across
the globe (Solís-Guzmán et al., 2009). In the UK, a 2013 figure suggests that out of 100% of
waste generated, 44%, 14%, 13%, 13%, 9% and 7% are due to construction, commercial,
industrial, household, mining and agricultural activities respectively (DEFRA, 2013). As this
means that the industry contributes the largest proportion of UK waste to landfill, similar
patterns exist in other large economies (Oyedele et al., 2014). Construction activities in the US
generates about 29% of landfill waste (Yu et al., 2013), while the industry landfills about 40%,
44%, 27% and 25% in Brazil, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong respectively (Lu and Tam,
2013; Oyedele et al., 2014). Albeit negative environmental impacts of waste, reducing
construction waste could result in substantial financial gains. A study by the UK's Building
Research Establishment (BRE) suggests that up to £130million is accruable to the UK economy
by reducing just 5% of its construction waste (BRE, 2003). These savings are in forms of the
cost of acquiring the wasted materials, cost of storage, cost of transportation and disposal as
well as the landfill tax payable for waste disposal (Coventry and Guthrie, 1998).
The need to tap into this potential gains, and prevent impending negative environmental
impacts, have challenged the industry, government, researchers and businesses operating
within the industry (Adjei et al., 2013). This consequently influenced development of various
waste preventive and management strategies, legislative and fiscal measures, construction
technologies and project procurement approach. Despite all these measures, landfilling remains
a popular way of treating waste generated by the industry (DEFRA, 2013; Oyedele et al., 2013).
This suggests ineffectiveness in the way construction waste is currently managed (Ajayi et al.,
2014). Notwithstanding the general criticism of existing waste management approaches (Yuan,
2013; Yuan and Shen, 2011), there is an understanding that little success in diverting waste
from landfill is credited to legislative and fiscal provisions (Al-Hajj and Hamani, 2011; Pitt et
al., 2009). However, there has been calls for increasing stringency of waste management
legislations as a means of reducing waste landfilled by the construction industry (Ajayi et al.,
Meanwhile, Intervention theory proposes that intervention could either seek to help the client
system to achieve their potentials or to coerce them to do what the interveners' desires (Argyris,
1970). In the case of government intervention in construction waste management, the latter has
usually been the case, especially as environmental awareness drives government's policy
interventions (Al-Hajj and Hamani, 2011). As such, most waste management policies have
been criticised by the industry's practitioners based on the perception that they were meant to
coerce the experts (Ajayi et al., 2015). This is evident in the latest repealing of the site waste
management legislation due to the outcry by the industry practitioners. In addition, while the
intervention theory proposes the concept of free will that allows practitioners an opportunity to
address waste management using the best possible options, this is not usually the case with
most policies. Thus, it is important to explore practitioner-informed measures that are capable
of engendering effectiveness of construction waste management policies.
As such, this study aims at exploring construction professionals' views on effective policies for
minimising waste landfilled by the construction industry. It seeks to corroborate government's
efforts with expertise opinion of the industry's professionals, thereby enhancing wider
acceptability as well as the effectiveness of any proposed legislative and fiscal measures.
(3) To suggest future direction for legislative and fiscal measures that are capable of reducing
waste landfilled by the construction industry.
In addition to these objectives, the study also evaluates the relevance of intervention theory in
addressing environmental issues. Findings of the study are related to the constructs of the
In order to lay background for the study, the next section reviews intervention theory and
existing legislation and fiscal measures that are aimed at militating waste generation or
landfilling by the construction industry. Methodological approach to enquiry, which includes
research sampling, approach to data collection and method of data analysis, is then justified
and discussed. Findings of the study are then enumerated and discussed before culminating the
study with implication for legislative provisions and conclusion. The paper suggests legislative
measures that could be considered by governments in efforts to stimulate waste diversion from
landfill. Implementation of the suggested measures would ensure wide acceptance and
effectiveness of waste management legislations, as the suggested measures emanated from
experts within the construction industry.
legislation (Tam, 2008). This section reviews existing waste management legislation in the UK and, by
extension, the EU.
Among the EU waste management legislations, the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) is of
significance to the construction industry. It requires that waste is managed without engendering human
health and the environment, and by preventing risks to air, water, soil, animal and plants. The directive
established the polluter-pays principle, which stipulates that cost of waste management should be paid
by the polluter or by the current or previous waste holders. The directive further requires that waste
legislation of the member states shall apply a priority ranging from prevention, preparing for re-use,
recycling and other recovery, such as energy recovery, to disposal (Directive 2008/98/EC). The Waste
Framework Directive, which favours preventive measures as the best approach to tackling waste, have
been implemented in the UK through Waste Regulations (England and Wales) 2011.
Like the Waste Framework Directive, another EU legislative framework that significantly influences
construction industry and its waste management is the Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC). It aims to
achieve a conventional technical standard for locating, design, operation, maintenance, closure and
aftercare of landfill sites. Using 1995 as a baseline, the Directives set targets of 75%, 50% and 35% of
biodegradable municipal solid waste for the year 2010, 2013 and 2020 respectively. This means that
not more than 7.4million tonnes and 5.5million tonnes of biodegradable waste is to be landfilled in 2013
and 2020 respectively (DEFRA, 2007). The EU Landfill Directives (1999/31/EC) have been
implemented in England through Waste Strategy (2007) and across the UK through Waste and Emission
Trading Act (2003).
Since the construction industry accounts for the largest volume of waste generated in the UK, according
to DEFRA (2007), the Waste Strategy for England (2007) stresses the need for discussion and
consultation with construction stakeholders to halve construction waste to landfill. More specific to the
construction industry, the Sustainable Construction Strategy (2008) sets overall targets for diverting
construction and demolition waste from landfill (HM Government, 2008). Some of the targets include
reduction of packaging waste by 20% as well as reuse and recycling of 70% of construction and
demolition waste by 2020.
Another similar fiscal provision that aimed at reducing construction waste and increasing materials
reuse is the aggregate tax, which is a tax on gravel, sand and rock. In line with various waste diversion
targets set by the UK government, imposition of aggregate tax is to ensure that aggregates are reused
rather than depositing them in the landfill. Since its introduction at the rate of £1.60 per tonnage of
virgin aggregates in 2001, aggregate tax has been upwardly reviewed, and it currently stands at £2 per
tonnage since 2009.
3 Research Methodology
Owing to the needs for exploring the concept of this study from practitioners’ perspectives, sequential
exploratory research method is employed. It involves initial exploration of research phenomenon, using
qualitative data collection and analysis. The qualitative finding is then used in the second phase of the
study, which involved quantitative data collection and analysis (Creswell, 2014).
data collection. The focus group is particularly preferred to interviews as it allows the research
participants to have intersubjective discourses, thereby building on each other's opinion and
understanding (Kvale, 1996). Based on Merriam (1998) position that purposive sampling ensures
adequate exploration of the concept of enquiry through purposefully selected participants, this study
employed purposive sampling. The selection was based on job position, experience within the
construction industry as well as interest or involvement in waste management.
Notwithstanding the use of purposive sampling, it was ensured that every major profession, involved
from project planning to completion, is represented. A total of 24 experts participated in four focus
group discussions used for the study. This falls in line with Polkinghorne’s (1989) assertion that
between five and 25 information-rich participants are required for a qualitative research. It was ensured
that representatives of design architects, projects architects, design engineers, site engineers, project
managers and materials suppliers were involved in the study. Materials suppliers were particularly
involved in the study as evidence suggests that material procurement process could enhance waste
minimization (Dainty and Brooke, 2004). Table 1 gives an overview of the participants involved in the
focus group discussions.
The participants were able to suggest measures for strengthening existing waste management
legislations and policies as well as the new policy directions that could engender waste minimization in
the construction industry. Each of the discussions lasted between 75 and 90 minutes, and they were
recorded with permissions of the research participants.
Weaknesses of positivist research, such as construct validity, were mitigated using pilot test. Seven
respondents participated in the pilot test consisting of three architects, two Project Managers and two
engineers. The purpose of the pilot study was to test clarity of language, layout, degree of depth, logic
of the questions, and to perform a preliminary check of the proposed statistical analysis. Feedback from
the pilot study further helped in improving the questionnaire design. Using the list of top 100
architecture and construction firms as a sampling frame, a copy of pilot tested and improved
questionnaire was sent to each of the firms, yielding initial responses of 49 completed questionnaires.
After a series of e-mail reminders, an additional 14 responses were received, resulting in a response rate
of 63%. Out of the 63 returned questionnaires, two were excluded from data analysis, as they were
incomplete and unsuitable for further analysis. As such, this study enjoyed 61% response rate, which
is within good response rate according to Fincham (2008). Table 3 shows the demographic distribution
of the respondents. It was ensured that none of the focus group participants was involved in the
quantitative study.
Quantitative data analysis was carried out through a number of statistical analyses, which are further
justified and discussed in this section.
As recommended by Field (2009), diagonal of anti-imaging matrix was examined to determine and
exclude any factor having a diagonal value less than 0.5. This led to a removal of one factor from further
factor analysis. The removed factor is the PS18 on table 2, which is “improved database management
for construction wastes and their reusability”. Principal component analysis and Varimax analysis were
used for factor extraction and rotation respectively. The results produced a six policy categories that are
required for diverting construction waste from landfill. One measure that loaded significantly in two
factors (PS23) was dropped as suggested by Tabachnick and Fidell (2001). The result indicated that the
six-factor solution accounted for 89.089% of total variance. As further shown in table 4, the factors
were interpreted and labelled based on the measures that made up the groups as below:
1. Policy measure 1: Tax breaks and Incentives
2. Policy measure 2: Increased Target of Design Stage
3. Policy measures 3: Extension of Sustainable Design Appraisal system
4. Policy measures 4: Increased stringency of Existing Legislative Measures
5. Policy measures 5: Increased stringency of Fiscal provisions
6. Policy measures 6: Facilitation of Waste Preventive Measures
Table 4: Exploratory factor analysis, mean test and reliability analysis results
Eigen % of Factor Mean aCronbach’s alpha if
Extracted and Rotated Components
Value variance loading Value item deleted
1 Tax breaks and Incentives 5.527 18.286
PS 22 Tax break for secondary materials manufacturers and suppliers 0.825 4.48 0.755
PS21 Tax break for waste treatment equipment 0.824 4.41 0.726
PS3 Award of points for the use of steel hoarding, formworks and dry walling 0.594 3.95 0.847
PS4 Award of points for the use of Just in Time (JIT) Procurement system 0.690 3.79 0.857
2 Increased Target of Design Stage 2.446 17.029
PS2 Deconstructability and deconstruction plan as a part of design documents 0.705 4.36 0.851
PS15 Increased consideration of design stages rather than the actual construction 0.713 3.85 0.856
PS10 Consider possibility of design freeze and contract completion before construction 0.675 4.67 0.848
PS11 Dimensional coordination & specification of standard materials sizes to be required 0.637 3.84 0.853
3 Extension of Sustainable Design Appraisal system 1.953 14.338
PS12 Allocation of points for use of pre-assembled/modular system for large-scale projects 0.828 3.80 0.855
PS1 Allocation of more points to waste in design appraisal tools such as BREEAM 0.605 4.51 0.850
PS16 Collaborative contractual system such as IPD to be rewarded by points allocation 0.602 4.48 0.852
PS7 Take back scheme to become part of construction procurement requirements 0.824 4.11 0.853
4 Increased stringency of Existing Legislative Measures 1.585 13.599
PS5 Integrate CWM into the assessment of construction contractor 0.586 4.31 0.857
PS6 Employment of a dedicated site worker for waste management to be required 0.642 4.03 0.851
PS8 Requirement for the use of a proportion of secondary materials in every projects 0.653 3.90 0.851
5 Increased stringency of Fiscal provisions 1.460 12.982
PS14 Increasing landfill disposal fee and use of the excess fees as incentives 0.772 4.05 0.854
PS9 Raising fees for mixed wastes and reducing fees for separated waste disposal 0.590 4.16 0.858
PS13 Increasing aggregate tax and introduction of tax for disposing reusable materials 0.556 4.28 0.857
6 Facilitation of Waste Preventive Measures 1.348 12.856
PS17 Enhance information about quality, availability and benefits of secondary materials 0.870 4.03 0.856
PS19 Developing market structure and easy access to recycled materials 0.763 4.34 0.854
4 Discussion
This section discusses the six key factors that underlie the policy suggestions, which emanated from the
initial exploratory study.
Although the focus group participants agreed that such incentives and tax breaks need to be financed
from penalties and fines for inadequate sustainability practices, it was stressed that the use of economic
carrots is an effective way of encouraging sustainability habits in the construction industry.
Like site workers, contractors are motivated by the availability of incentives for sustainability practices
(Teo and Loosemore, 2001). This is because, unlike government that is mainly concerned about
environmental aspects of waste minimization, the contractors are more influenced by financial benefits
of waste minimization (Ajayi et al., 2015). This is notwithstanding country or regions, as evidence from
both developed and developing countries suggests the effectiveness of incentives in engendering waste
minimization practices (cf. Tsai and Chou,2004; Wilson, 1996). As such, incentivising waste
management practices and resource conservation is an effective measure for engendering such practices
within the industry. For instance, low use of recycled construction materials is attributed to its high cost,
despite its perceived low quality (Oyedele et al., 2014). Direct subsidisation of secondary materials,
provision of a tax break for its manufacturers and suppliers, and provision of economic incentives for
waste management infrastructures are suggested by the focus group participants. It was stressed that
such move would lower cost of secondary materials and enhance its popularity, thereby enhancing its
use in construction projects.
Although the sustainable design appraisal system being used across nations – such as BREEAM
(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), LEED (Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design), etc. – have considered various design practices for environmental
sustainability, they are yet to consider options for designing out waste. Similarly, like other nations, the
UK waste management policies have concentrated on construction stage, leaving out the stage where
waste could be designed out. Thus, this study suggests the need for increasing target of design stage in
future waste management policies.
In line with this finding, WRAP (2009) suggests that as demolition waste contributes a large proportion
of construction waste, an effective approach to reduce C&D waste in landfill is by considering
deconstruction during the design stage. Osmani (2012) also argued that waste management legislations
have not addressed the design stage, despite its importance in preventing waste. As the waste
effectiveness of the construction industry depends on the extent to which waste is designed out (Ajayi
et al., 2015), consideration of design stage in waste management legislation would reduce waste
intensiveness of the construction industry.
partly due to its effectiveness (Nguyen and Altan, 2011). For instance, LEED was developed in the US
in 1998, while the Japanese CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment
Efficiency) became operational in 2001.
With the increasing popularity of the sustainability appraisal tools, this study suggests allocation of
higher points to waste management practices. This experts' suggestion further corroborate the relevance
of intervention theory to environmental issues, especially as it falls in line with the tenet of free choice
which empowers the practitioners with various options of achieving points during design appraisal
It was raised that apart from dedicated waste management policies and regulations, allocation of more
points to waste in the existing and widely used sustainability appraisal tool could further engender waste
management practices in the construction industry. This corroborates earlier findings by Dainty and
Brookes (2004), which suggests that inclusion of waste in sustainable design appraisal tools, such as
BREAM, is a key motivator for designing out waste. A similar study in Japan (Tam et al., 2004) also
conclude that green construction appraisal tools are key drivers of construction waste minimization.
Notwithstanding these prior studies, no significant importance has been attached to waste in such
sustainable design appraisal tools as the UK BREAAM and the US LEED. Most appraisal systems have
only considered the extent of material sorting, reuse, and recycling that are incorporated into the
management plan (Cha et al., 2009). Currently, 8.5% of possible 110% addresses waste management
in BREAAM, while 6.4% of possible 100% address waste management in the Code for Sustainable
Homes. Increasing the points allocated to waste means that waste management could be taken as
important as land use, materials, pollution, energy and management, which are given 10%, 13.5%, 10%,
15% and 12% respectively in BREEAM.
Corroborating this study, earlier findings suggest that an availability of dedicated site team or sub-
contract package for on-site waste management reduces the waste output of construction projects
(Dainty and Brooke, 2004). Similarly, the relevance of take back scheme in reducing construction
waste has been stressed in literature (Al-Hajj and Hamani, 2011). It involves an agreement between
the project team and materials suppliers so that the latter would take back unused materials at the end
of construction activities. Evidence shows that by having such provisions in place, waste that is
usually caused by materials leftover would not only be prevented, substantial cost savings could be
made (Cha et al., 2009). As such, considering the waste efficient contract clause in waste
management regulations would engender cost savings and waste diversion from landfill.
In line with the issues raised by the respondents, the literature suggests that albeit the environmental
benefits of secondary materials and the government's agitation for its use in construction, its use is
yet to become a commonplace in the construction industry (Mansikkasalo et al., 2014). Although the
industry subscribes to waste recycling, its reuse has been hindered by many factors such as its rare
specification by designers, inadequate information about the materials and its negative perception,
among others (Oyedele et al., 2014). A government policy that requires the use of a certain proportion
of recycled materials per projects would, therefore, encourage its wide adoption in the industry. Thus,
assigning points to proven waste mitigation techniques would engender its practices and subsequent
waste minimization (Lu and Tam, 2013).
Unlike cost, time and quality, construction waste management receives less attention in the construction
industry. Increasing cost of waste landfilling as well as the cost of mixed waste would ensure waste
separation, reuse and recycling. As the contractors are more concerned about cost implications of waste
disposal (Cooper, 1996), such measure is capable of engendering waste management practices. Thus,
policies that impose financial penalties on poor waste performance is requisite to reducing waste
generated by construction activities.
As suggested by the respondents, this study stresses that together with taxes, stringent legislation and
various penalties, waste minimization and resource efficiency should also be facilitated through
various enablers. For instance, to encourage the use of recycled materials in the industry, there is a
need for facilitating information and market structures for the materials (Oyedele et al., 2014). This
would ensure adequate awareness of the materials, as well as its wider acceptability and use, thereby
supporting waste diversion from landfill. As such, each legislative and fiscal measure is to be
facilitated through proportionate enablers and economic incentives capable of enhancing compliance
with the legislative provisions. This particular measure is consistent with the concept of intervention
theory, which posits that a valid and valuable intervention should provide adequate support to the
extent that a client system should be able to carry out its businesses without total dependence on the
intervenor (Argyris, 1970). In this case, provision of adequate enablers will empower the industry
experts to mitigate waste, without been necessarily coerced by the government.
5 Conclusions
Legislation and fiscal policies have remained the key drivers of sustainability across the construction
industry. Particularly, little success recorded in construction waste diversion from landfill has been
attributed to various waste management regulations, tax and fines associated with wasteful behaviour
in the industry. It has often been suggested that reducing waste to the landfill does not only require
improvement on existing waste management regulations, policies and fiscal framework; there is a need
for adequate inputs from the construction professionals. Albeit these claims, there has been a paucity of
literature that corroborates government's efforts in formulating or improving existing waste
management strategies. As a first of its kind, this study explores industry practitioners' viewpoints on
effective policies for minimising waste landfilled by the construction industry.
As a means of stimulating strategic policies capable of enhancing the waste effectiveness of the
construction industry, this study suggests that as design stage is very crucial to waste minimization,
legislative and fiscal policies should target measures for designing out waste. This should be done in
addition to increased stringency of existing legislative and fiscal policies. While such measures as take
back scheme, use of recycled aggregates, employment of dedicated site waste managers are
recommended as an improvement to legislative provisions, increasing landfill tax, aggregate tax and
cost of landfilling mixed waste are required as fiscal measures. Sustainable design appraisal tools, such
as BREEAM, could also facilitate construction waste minimization by allocating points to waste
efficient construction methods and practices. In order to ensure an effectiveness of the legislative and
fiscal policies, the government is expected to provide incentives and enablers, while also encouraging
waste minimization through tax breaks and incentives.
As a typical study investigating policy related to environmental sustainability, this study demonstrates
the relevance of intervention theory at a holistic level. Although some of the suggested measures are
meant to serve as incentives and deterrence towards improving construction waste diversion from
landfill, most of the suggested measures are in tandem with the tenet of intervention theory. The study
shows that at a unitary level of environmental policymaking, there is a tendency for a single policy to
fail in providing free choice while obeying other requisites for valid intervention as postulated by the
intervention theory. Nonetheless, the study suggests that a set of policy measures aimed at a particular
goal are meant to obey all the provisions of the theory at a holistic level. In the case of waste
management policy interventions, as exemplified in this study, the suggested policy measures captured
the whole process of project delivery, while it also obeys the tenet of free choice in a way that the
contractors could use other techniques for mitigating waste generated by construction activities. Thus,
this study exemplifies the validity and usefulness of intervention theory as a means of guiding
environmental policy interventions.
Due to the need for in-depth exploration of new legislation and policy direction, this study found
relevance in descriptive interpretive approach as a qualitative method of enquiry. As such, preference
was given to in-depth exploration at qualitative level rather than the length at quantitative stage.
Quantitative approach has only been used for the purpose of validity and factor exploration. Future
studies could examine critical success factors from the identified strategies and test for wider
acceptability and generalizability of the waste management policies within the UK and beyond.
Quantitative model of effects of the existing and proposed policy measures could be evaluated by further
studies. As the cost benefit analysis of the proposed policy has not been considered in this study,
financial costs of the suggested palliative measures could be established by further studies. In order to
ensure the effectiveness of waste management policies, implementation of the suggested measures
should consider and factor in likely unintended effects that might come along as byproducts of the
policy design.
6 Acknowledgement
The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Innovate UK and Balfour Beatty PLC for
providing the financial support for the research through grant (Application) No 22883 – 158278 and
File No 101346.
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