FS 9
This Episode gives emphasis on the principles of learning which must be applied to ensure
quality instruction. It also focuses on the intended learning outcomes which set the direction of the
lesson. They must be (SMART) Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) and
formulated in accordance with time-tested principles. It also determines the teaching method used by
the Resource Teacher whether (inducive or deductive) which is the practical realization or application
of an approach. This episode dovetails with the course on Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
A teaching method consists of systematic and orderly steps in the teaching-learning process. It is
the practical realization or application of an approach. All methods of teaching can be classified either
as deductive (direct) or inductive (indirect).
Begins with a rule, Begins with the
generalization, Methods concrete, experience,
abstraction and ends details, examples and
with concrete, ends with a rule,
experience, details, Teaching generalization,
examples. abstraction.
Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in Revisit the Learning
Essentials. I will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I can
cite more that one evidence per principle learning.
Principles of Learning What did the Resource Teacher do to
apply the principle of Learning
1. Effective learning begins with the setting of
clear and high expectations of learning
2. Learning is an active process.
3. Learning is the discovery of personal meaning
and relevance of ideas.
4. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative
process. Learning is enhanced in an
atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration.
Least applied
From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?
Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated. Determine if the
learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.
I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the guide
questions, I shall reflect on my observations and analysis.
Teaching-Centered Student-centered
Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-learning
process? How? Or were they more passive
recipients or instructions?
Was the emphasis on the mastery of the lesson Was the emphasis on the students’ application of
or on the test? Prove. the lesson in real life? Give proofs.
Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?
Did teacher focus only on one Did teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?
1. What are possible consequences of teacher purely subject matter for mastery and for the
2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or student-
centered? Why?
Reflect on
Principles of teaching worth applying
Post proofs of learning that you are able to gain in this Episode. You may attach the lesson plan
(s) used by Resource Teacher to show the intended learning outcomes and the method used in class.
EVALUATE Performance Task
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 9 – Preparing for Teaching and Learning
Learning Outcome: identify the teaching-learning practices that apply or violate the principles
of teaching learning. Determine the guiding principles on lesson objectives/learning outcomes applied
in instruction. Judge if lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes are SMART. Determine whether
or not the intended learning outcomes are achieved at the end of the lesson. Observe the teaching
methods used by the Resource Teacher. Differentiate the different methods of learning