Abstract: The primary goals of this research are to (a) determine the feasibility of using recycled plastic bottle fiber and stone dust
as strips to stabilize clayey subgrade soil and (b) assess the impact of these materials on the geotechnical characteristics of the
soil. The engineering properties of poor soil can be enhanced through the process of soil stabilization, which involves the addition
of stabilizers such as cement, fly ash, rice husk ash, lime, allcofine, etc. The stabilizing agents utilized in this investigation include
stone dust and plastic fiber. There is a lot of stone dust, which is a solid waste product easily obtainable from stone crushers.
Between fifteen and twenty-five percent of the output from each crusher unit ends up in the trash. More and more people are
throwing away plastic bottles, which is a solid waste material that isn't good for the environment and needs to be recycled or used
to stabilize soil. The stability of clayey soil was investigated in this study using varying percentages of stone dust that passed
through an IS filter of 150 micron, namely 2%, 4%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 16%, and 20%. Working through each of these
percentages individually, we found that 7% was the sweet spot, and now we can use it to do tests like Standard Proctor and CBR
using plastic bottle strips. The percentages of plastic extracted were 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.2%, 1.6%, and 2.0%. We mixed soil samples
with various percentages of plastic strips and the optimal amount of stone dust (7% by weight) to see how the mixing affected the
soil's OMC, MDD, swell index, and CBR qualities. set IV. Those who have worked with me on this dissertation, including
Manish Chauhan, Supriya, Anu Thakur, Aarti Dhamija, and Manish Kumar Soni, are also greatly appreciated. Lastly, I would like
to express my deepest gratitude to my family. For everything that my parents and sisters have done to provide for me, there are no
adequate words to describe my gratitude. What has kept me going so far have been their prayers. In addition, I'd want to express
my gratitude to everyone who has encouraged me through the years and encouraged me to keep writing.
1.1 General Information
Soil is a great and pleasant material to use when building highways. Understanding the characteristics and practicality of soil is
crucial prior to its utilization in any form of building procedure.The soil employed in this investigation is clayey. Inanimate clay
with compressibility ranging from medium to high makes up the clayey soil. As a soil type, clay exhibits both high shrinkage and
puffiness. When dry, clay soil is very firm, yet it becomes very soft and crumbly when wet.Soil stabilization refers to the process
of modifying soil in order to improve their physical characteristics.Improved engineering properties and increased stability are
two outcomes of soil stabilization. Soil stabilization primarily aims to improve a subgrade's load bearing capacity to sustain
pavement and foundations by increasing the soil's shear strength and controlling its shrink swell characteristics. The primary goal
is to reduce the building cost. One long-established technique for increasing the stability of earth embankments is the use of
waste materials for soil stabilization, such as plastic bottle strips. Plastics last a long time and break down slowly. Common types
of waste plastic include polyethylene terephthalate (PET), poly vinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and
low density polyethylene (LDPE). The utilization of PET strips from used plastic bottles to enhance soil engineering qualities is
the subject of this research.Similarly, stone dust is frequent in rubble quarries and aggregates as a result of the increased demand
for these materials in the construction process. One of the byproducts of crushing stone is stone dust, which accounts for around
15–25 percent of the overall output from each crusher unit.Soil stabilization is commonly used for organic soils, clayey peat, silt,
and other spongy soils. In order to determine the engineering and environmental properties of the soil, it is important to conduct
laboratory tests and field tests. Soil is a material that naturally occurs as a result of the ongoing geologic cycle. Many physical and
chemical processes wear down the exposed rocks and divide them. The soil is transferred to new sites by means of transportation,
such as water and wind, which deposit it there. Soil is said to have been transferred when it is still in its formation and is located
just above the parent rock. The majority of sedimentary soils' engineering characteristics change substantially between the upper
and lower layers. In most cases, the engineering characteristics of the rock at the site of deposit differ from those of the
transported soil. The soil is typically consistent in texture and becomes somewhat thick and compacted during transportation.
IJRAR24C1731 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 816
© 2024 IJRAR July 2024, Volume 11, Issue 3 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
It is necessary to stabilize the soil in order to increase its load bearing capacity and to make it easier to predict its load bearing
capacity, since the qualities of soil vary greatly and the load bearing capacity of the soil is a major factor in building
buildings. A 150 micron IS sieve was utilized to filter the stone dust that is used in soil. According to the IS regulations, the index
parameters of the stone dust were established. The proportions of soil sample to it were as
follows:2%,4%,6%,7%,8%,10%,12%,16%, and 20%. By the soil's dry weight. Optimal results
For these percentages were found to be 7%, and it is on this optimal figure that tests such as Standard Proctor, swelling index, and
CBR should be carried out.
3.1 Collection OF MATERIALS The dirt used in the experiment came from Noble Geo Structs in Mulund East, Mumbai,
Maharashtra. A number of tests confirmed that the soil was, in fact, very flexible clayey. The ASHOKA project plant (on the
Ludhiana–Kharar route) was the source of the Sawdust ash. In contrast, Manibhadra Earthmovers of Maharashtra provided the
Terrazyme. Because of its expansive nature, black cotton soil is often called "expansive soils." Before building on top of this type
of soil, its geotechnical features must be studied. Among the soil's mineralogy, montmorillonite stands out for its massive
volume variation between rainy and dry seasons. The results of the tests are outlined in Section 3.2. 3.2 Test Procedure in order to
determine the different attributes. The primary objective of the experiment was to determine whether or not stone dust and plastic
bottle strips could be stabilized. Various tests were carried out on the materials utilized in the experimental study, and the results
are listed below: 1. Soil particle size distribution as determined by sieve experiments. 2. the soil's specific gravity 3. the upper
limit for liquids 4. The restriction on plastic 5. Wave height 6. Traditional soil proctor testing Ratio of California bearings (CBR)
7. Analysis of the 3.3 sieve In civil engineering, sieve analysis is a widespread practice. To evaluate the particle size distribution,
it is also known as a grading test. The dispersion of particles, sometimes known as the grading of granular substances. Any
granular substance, including clays, sand, rock, etc., can undergo sieve analysis. Sieve analysis is the most frequent approach
for analyzing both coarse-grained and fine-grained sige.
3.3.1 Sample Preparation Prior to beginning the experiment, let the soil sample air dry in an oven for a minimum of 24 hours. Soil
sample taken at the hamlet of Kurali, in the district of Ropar. Each sieve should hold the same weight in order to prepare a
soil sample of 1 kilogram. 3.3.2
Methodology Set of sieves, 4.75 micron, 2.75 micron, 1.18 micron, 0.600 micron, 0.300 micron, 0.150 micron
3.4 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOIL A material's specific gravity can be calculated by comparing its weight in air at standard
temperature to that of distilled water in the same volume at the same temperature.The sign G is used to represent specific gravity.
3.4.1 APPARATUS USED Pycnometer, weighing balance with and accuracy of mm, glass rod
The term "liquid limit" describes the water content of soil at which it becomes plastic. Soil water retention is proportional to the
amount of clay minerals in the soil. The liquid limit is directly proportional to the strength of the surface charge and the particle's
thickness; both factors increase the amount of water adsorbed. Because of its low shear strength and near-liquid consistency, clay
is the ultimate limit of liquid materials. 3.5.1 Methodology The following items are needed: a weighing scale, a sieve, a liquid
device, grooving tools, an oven, an evaporating dish, a spatula, and 425u. 3.5.2 Sampling Procedure A sample of the soil was
taken from the village of Kurali. According to IS2720, the soil was characterized as clayey, and the tests were carried out without
the use of any additives.
3.7.1 APPARATUS USED 425 nm is a sieve, 100 ml graduated glass cylinders, a 500 g balance, and a 0.1 g sensor.
3.7.2 Preparing the Sample Two 10-gram samples of dirt that has been ground and passed through a 425-micron IS sieve should
be dried in an oven. Transfer one hundred milliliters of soil sample to a 100 milliliter graduated glass cylinder. To fill both
cylinders to the 100 ml level, add distilled water to one and kerosene oil to the other. Gently shake or swirl with a glass rod to
release trapped air. Give the suspension at least 24 hours to settle into a steady condition. The last reading for each cylinder
should show the soil volume.
3.8 STANDARD PROCTOR TEST To learn about the compaction properties of various soils as they alter with moisture content,
the proctor test is used. The term "compaction" refers to the method by which soil is densified by eliminating air spaces.The dry
density of soil is a good indicator of how compacted it is.Reaching the ideal water content results in the highest dry density.
The ideal water content and maximum dry density can be determined by drawing a curve that connects the two
variables. We first determined the ideal soil moisture content and maximum dry density, and then we tested the soil
with varying percentages of stone dust and plastic fiber. Sample Preparation (3.8.1) We combined a 3-kilogram oven-
dried soil sample with varying amounts of water to determine the ideal moisture content and maximum dry density.
The water proportion ranged from 8% to 23%. That is in accordance with the requirements of IS
2720, section 7 from 1980. 3.8.2 Instruments Employed Rammer 2.6-kilogram compaction mold with a removable base plate and
IS sieved. 4.75 mm IS sieved, spatulas, trowels, and so forth.
4.1 Gradation Of Soil By Sieve Analysis 4.1.1 Calculation Of Sieve Analysis (Parent Soil)
Percentage retained in sieve sige 4.75mm = retaining wt. in sieve / total wt. of retained in sieve x 100 Formula will be same for
each sieve till the end. Given below are results of sieve analysis drawn in table
4.7 CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST We performed the cbr test on the parent soil sample while it was dry.To determine
the bearing capacity, a soil sample was supplemented with an additional 7% stone dust and varying percentages of plastic strips.
At penetrations ranging from 2.5 mm to 5 mm, the cbr values were examined. At a depth of 2.5 mm, the parent soil's cbr value is
2.35 percent.
Findings for OMC, MDD, and CBR values were derived from experimental investigations. If you mix soil with stone dust and
plastic strips, the maximum dry density will go up, but the ideal moisture content will go down. • Dependent on the usual proctor
evaluation. The ideal moisture level is 13% with 7% stone dust and 0.4% plastic strips, and the maximum dry density is 1.76
gm/cc. The MDD is dropping and the OMC is increasing while maintaining a constant proportion of stone dust at 7% and altering
the percentage of plastic strips.
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