SUBJECT: HISTORY - Argentine Military Aviation School
SUBJECT: HISTORY - Argentine Military Aviation School
SUBJECT: HISTORY - Argentine Military Aviation School
1. With the creation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata in 1776, the regions that benefited most from the exploitation of
leather and salting plants were:
a) Buenos Aires and Cordoba.
b) Santa Fe and Entre Rios.
c) Buenos Aires and the Eastern Band.
d) Between Rivers and Buenos Aires.
2. The first Viceroy appointed for the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata was:
a) Juan Jose Vertiz y Salcedo.
b) Peter de Cevallos.
c) Antonio Olaguer and Feliu.
d) Santiago de Liniers.
3. Who was appointed “Perpetual” Secretary of the Consulate of Commerce of Buenos Aires in 1794?
a) Hippolyte Vieytes.
b) Juan Jose Castelli.
c) Mariano Moreno.
d) Manuel Belgrano.
4. The “Republican Party”, under the leadership of the Spanish merchant Martín de Álzaga, was characterized by:
a) Be composed exclusively of peninsular Spaniards.
b) Its center of political power was located in the Cabildo of Buenos Aires.
c) Support the authority of Viceroy Santiago de Liniers.
d) Options a) and b) are correct.
5. The so-called “First Government Board” or “Provisional Governing Board” was made up of:
a) Creoles, Spanish and British.
b) Creoles.
c) Creoles and Spaniards.
d) Spaniards.
6. Who was the last Viceroy of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata based in the city of Buenos Aires?
a) Rafael de Sobremonte.
b) Santiago de Liniers.
c) Balthazar Hidalgo of Cisneros.
d) Xavier of Elio.
7. During the revolutionary process of May 1810, the city's osterian dwellers and the peons and gauchos in the countryside
participated in it, through their incorporation into:
a) The Revolutionary Army.
b) The Navy.
c) Militia Corps composed of civilians.
d) None of the above options are correct.
8. The Assembly of the year XIII organized the government in the form of:
a) Governing Board.
b) Triumvirate.
c) Directory.
d) Constitutional monarchy.
9. Which Buenos Aires newspaper became the political and ideological spokesperson for the First Government Junta?
a) The Censor.
b) The Buenos Aires Gazette.
c) The Commercial Mail.
d) The Editor of the Assembly.
10. The government of the First Triumvirate promoted free trade without restrictions and, in doing so, mainly favored
commercial activity with:
a) Spain.
b) The United States of America.
c) Great Britain.
d) Portugal.
11. The “Grito de Asencio” of February 1811 was a statement in opposition to the authority of:
a) Xavier of Elio.
b) Jose Gervasio Artigas.
c) Manuel de Sarratea.
d) Juan Larrea.
12. The definitive loss of Upper Peru by the revolutionary forces of the Río de la Plata occurred as a result of the serious
military defeat suffered in the battle of:
a) Ayacucho.
b) Striped Court.
c) Huaqui.
d) Sipe Sipe.
13. The government of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata acquired autocratic characteristics in the exercise of power
during the Directory of:
a) John Martin of Pueyrredon.
b) Gervasio Antonio Posadas.
c) Ignacio Alvarez Thomas.
d) Charles Maria de Alvear.
14. The continental plan developed by General José de San Martín, based on the formation of the Army of the Andes, had the
following objectives:
a) The war for the independence of South America and its constitutional organization to achieve the formation of a large
territorial State.
b) The war for the independence of Peru.
c) The war for the independence of Chile.
d) The war for American independence.
15. After the Arequito uprising, he took charge of the government of the province of Córdoba:
a) Jose Maria Paz.
b) Alejandro Heredia.
c) Jose Javier Diaz.
d) John Baptist Bustos.
16. The Constitution of 1819 was approved by the Constituent Congress held in the city of:
a) Saint Michael of Tucuman.
b) Jump.
c) Buenos Aires.
d) Santa Fe.
18. By 1825, the main government institutions of the so-called “fourteen historical provinces” were:
a) Governor, Legislature and City Council.
b) Governor, Legislature, and Courts of Justice.
c) Governor, Legislature, Judges and Courts of Justice.
d) None of the above options are correct.
19. The General Constituent Congress issued a National Constitution in 1826. From then on, the country was organized under a
unitary republican system. This implied:
a) The establishment of a strong central government, composed of a National Executive Branch and a Congress.
b) The establishment of a strong central government, composed of a National Executive Branch and a Congress, and
although the provinces were simple administrative divisions, they retained the power to appoint their own authorities.
c) The establishment of a strong central government, composed of a National Executive Branch and a Congress, and, -
notwithstanding this, the provinces retained their autonomy and could appoint their own governors.
d) The establishment of a strong central government, composed of a National Executive Branch and a Congress, while the
provinces were simple administrative divisions and the governors were appointed by said central branch.
21. During the conflict with the Brazilian Empire (1825 - 1827), the following officers had an outstanding military performance,
who, immediately afterwards, would have a leading role in the political life of the country:
a) Jose Maria Paz and Federico Brandsen.
b) Juan Lavalle and Carlos Maria de Alvear.
c) Jose Maria Paz and Juan Manuel de Rosas.
d) Jose Maria Paz and Juan Lavalle
22. In 1829, the Buenos Aires crisis caused by the confrontation between unitary and federal factions was resolved through:
a) Treaty of Pilar.
b) Barracks Pact.
c) Benegas Treaty.
d) Pact of Cañuelas.
23. The “Federal Pact” of 1831 established that each province that was incorporated into it:
a) He lost the full exercise of his sovereignty.
b) It delegated the use and exercise of its sovereignty to a central government.
c) It retained full use and exercise of its sovereignty and delegated certain powers to a central government.
d) None of the above options are correct.
24. The economic policy implemented by Juan Manuel de Rosas, during the Confederation (1836 - 1852), was focused on:
a) Promote free trade with European trading powers.
b) The expansion of Buenos Aires livestock farming and the export of its livestock products.
c) Maintain the exclusivity of the port of Buenos Aires, control of river navigation and exclusive management of customs.
d) All of the above options are correct.
25. In 1852, after the defeat of Juan Manuel de Rosas, a meeting of governors was called which formalized:
a) The Palermo Protocol.
b) The Pact of Saint Joseph of Flores.
c) The San Nicolas Agreement.
d) The Law of "Commitment".
26. One of the main doctrinal sources of our National Constitution was the work "Bases and starting points for the political
organization of the Argentine Republic", whose author was:
a) Dalmacio Velez Sarsfield.
b) John Baptist Alberdi.
c) Stephen Echeverria.
d) Jose Maria Gutierrez.
27. After the battle of Pavón, the leadership of the national government was assumed by:
a) General Justo Jose de Urquiza.
b) General Bartolome Mitre.
c) Dr. Nicholas of Avellaneda.
d) Dr. Santiago Derqui.
28. In 1863, the armed uprising led by the Riojan Vicente Ángel Peñaloza took place:
a) In opposition to the economic oppression imposed by the national government as responsible for the prevailing misery
in the interior provinces.
b) In support of the uprising led by Justo J. from Urquiza in Entre Ríos.
c) In opposition to the constitutional reforms of 1860.
d) None of the above options are correct.
31. Since the first presidency of Julio A. Roca, the “politics of the notables” was consolidated through the use of the following
constitutional spring:
a) The full-list electoral system.
b) Political support from provincial governors.
c) Federal intervention.
d) None of the above options are correct.
33. The electoral law that established secret, universal and compulsory suffrage was passed during the presidency of:
a) Luis Saenz Pena.
b) Victorino of the Plaza.
c) Roque Saenz Pena.
d) Jose Figueroa Alcorta.
34. The separation between "personalists" and "antipersonalists" was verified during the government of:
a) First presidency of Hipólito Yrigoyen.
b) Presidency of Marcelo T. of Alvear.
c) Second presidency of Hipólito Yrigoyen.
d) Presidency of Augustine P. Fair.
35. The Revolution of September 6, 1930 was a civil-military conspiracy explicitly supported by:
a) The Antipersonalist Radical Civic Union and Independent Socialism.
b) The Personalist Radical Civic Union and Independent Socialism.
c) The Antipersonalist Radical Civic Union, Independent Socialism and the Progressive Democratic Party.
d) None of the above options are correct.
36. The political rise of Colonel Juan Domingo Perón occurred through:
a) His participation in the National Department of Labor, later converted into a Secretariat.
b) His participation in the Ministry of War of the Nation.
c) The exercise of the vice presidency of the Nation.
d) All of the above options are correct.
37. During the first Peronist government, social assistance was channeled mainly through:
a) The Catholic Church.
b) The Eva Peron Foundation.
c) The Argentine Red Cross.
d) None of the above options are correct.
38. The Argentine Institute for the Promotion of Trade (IAPI) aimed to:
a) Promote the development of the agro-export sector.
b) Promote the entry of foreign direct investment.
c) Promote the redistribution of income from the agricultural sector to the industrial sector.
d) All of the above options are correct.
39. In 1955, the so-called “Liberating Revolution” adopted a series of measures. Among the first ones we can identify:
a) The closing of the National Congress.
b) Intervention in the provinces.
c) The intervention of universities.
d) All of the above options are correct.
40. The “developmentalist” economic model promoted by Arturo Frondizi aimed to promote:
a) The country's oil self-sufficiency.
b) The agricultural and livestock development of the Pampas plain.
c) The development of the national heavy industry.
d) Options a) and c) are correct.
41. During the presidential administration of Dr. Arturo U. Illia, Peronist unionism gained significant power. The highest -
representative of the latter was:
a) Jose Alonso.
b) Cyprian Reyes.
c) Jose Ignacio Rucci.
d) Augustus Timothy Vandor.
42. The so-called "Argentine Revolution" of June 28, 1966, had the initial support of:
a) The press, Peronist unionism and the business sector.
b) The press and the business sector.
c) The press and Peronist unionism.
d) None of the above options are correct.
43. In May 1969, the so-called "Cordobazo" occurred during the presidency of:
a) Dr. Arturo U. Illia.
b) General Roberto Marcelo Levingston.
c) General Alejandro Agustin Lanusse.
d) General Juan Carlos Ongania.
44. One of the first demonstrations of urban guerrilla warfare in the Argentine Republic (1968 – 1969) was led by:
a) The Peronist Armed Forces (FAP) and Montoneros.
b) The Armed Liberation Forces (FAL) and the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP).
c) The Peronist Armed Forces (FAP) and the Tacuara National Revolutionary Movement.
d) Montoneros and the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP).
45. In 1972, the so-called “Great National Agreement” (GAN) was promoted by:
a) General Pedro Eugenio Aramburu.
b) Lieutenant General Juan Carlos Onganía.
c) General Roberto Marcelo Levingston.
d) General Alexander Augustin Lanusse.
46. The formula that won the 1973 presidential elections was:
a) Hector J. Campora – Estela Martinez de Peron.
b) Hector J. Campora – Vicente Solano Lima.
c) Juan D. Peron – Vicente Solano Lima.
d) None of the above options are correct.
47. During the de facto government of General Jorge Rafael Videla, the National Congress was replaced by:
a) The Technical Government Commission (CTG).
b) The Executive Commission (EC).
c) The Legislative Advisory Commission (CAL).
d) None of the above options are correct.
48. At Christmas 1978, through the intervention of the papal representative, Cardinal Antonio Samoré, an imminent war
between Argentina and Chile was avoided due to the territorial and border dispute over:
a) Continental Ice.
b) The Beagle Channel and Picton, Nueva and Lennox islands.
c) The Desert Lagoon.
d) None of the above options are correct.
49. The Falklands War took place during the presidency of:
a) General Jorge Rafael Videla.
b) General Roberto Eduardo Viola.
c) General Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri
d) General Reynaldo Benito Bignone.
50. In the 1989 presidential elections, Peronism won with the formula:
a) Carlos S. Menem – Italo Luder.
b) Carlos S. Menem – Eduardo Duhalde.
c) Carlos S. Menem – José Manuel de la Sota.
d) Carlos S. Menem – Carlos Alvarez.