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3 authors:
Mohamed Al-Hussein
University of Alberta
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohamed Al-Hussein on 07 July 2015.
PhD Candidate, Construction Engineering and Management, Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada,
T6G 2W2; PH (780) 492-6293; email:
PhD Student, Construction Engineering and Management, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, T6G
2W2; PH (780) 492-0370; email:
Professor, NSERC Industrial Research Chair in the Industrialization of Building
Construction, Construction Engineering and Management, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, T6G
2W2; PH (780) 492-0599, Fax (780) 492-0249; email:
Building Information Modeling (BIM) and lean are two distinct concepts used
in the construction industry which are independently applied to the construction
process and provide profound impacts. Evidence shows potential gain if both BIM
and lean are integrated. This research proposes an integrated model that applies both
BIM and lean on a modular construction manufacturing (MCM) process and gains the
benefits of both concepts. A computer tool for drafting the modular construction
process called MCMPro was expanded to generate the building components’
schedule. The Value Stream Map (VSM) of the factory is generated based on the
components’ schedule through a proposed Integrated Process Improvement (IPI)
method using a set of mix lean principles to reduce waste over a broad range of
factory activities. A simulation model using Simphony.NET 3.5 is developed to run
the generated VSM and produces the results. The proposed methodology is validated
by a case study, which is a modular building located in Edmonton, AB, and illustrates
the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
Industrialization of the building construction process requires special methods
of production technology and particular design criteria to support automated
production operations that are focused on factory settings. Engineers must consider
production plan and support the manufacturing requirements for design and drafting.
Factory production provides opportunities for applying production efficiency
Construction Research Congress 2012 © ASCE 2012 1272
strategies extracted from lean thinking in the plant, including eliminating waste and
helping building manufacturers deliver a wider variety of products which are more
responsive to customers’ preferences in a shorter time and at a lower cost. To support
the manufacturer’s needs for design and drafting considering lean thinking in
construction, an integration of Building Information Model (BIM) with lean
construction principals is required. The concept of incorporating lean and BIM is not
new; Rischmoller et al. (2006) used Computer Advanced Visualization Tools
(CAVT) to improve the value generation in design and construction processes. They
used lean principles as the theoretical framework to evaluate the impact of CAVT in
waste reduction, better customer value, and improving construction flow. Khanzode
et al. (2006) introduced and applied the concepts of Virtual Design and Construction
(VDC) to represent aspects of BIM in Lean Project Delivery Process (LPDS). They
explained which specific VDC tools and methods can be applied to each phases in
LPDS to achieve the objectives of a lean production system.
Sacks et al. (2009a) discussed the synergy between BIM and lean
construction. They provided two examples to generate 3D visualizations of a
construction process in order to facilitate process flow and reduce variability within
the context of BIM software systems. In another attempt to integrate lean and BIM,
Sacks et al. (2009b, 2010a) provided a conceptual framework for assessing the
interconnections between lean and BIM and they identified 56 interactions through
their developed matrix. The profound conceptual framework proved the benefits of
using BIM in order to achieve the lean outcomes. In the same manner, Ningappa
(2011) used three different analysis methods including literature review on BIM and
Lean, existing data from a US general contractor, and interviewing BIM experts to
determine how BIM helps to achieve a leaner construction. The result proved that
BIM helps implement lean techniques mainly to reduce construction waste and save
cost in overall reduction of change orders.
Sackes et al. (2010b) compiled a set of requirements based on the Last Planner
System™, called KanBIM to implement a BIM-based lean production management
system. The KanBIM concept provides visualization of the construction product as
well as the production process which enables construction managers to focus on
establishing production systems and continuous improvement. In other research,
Alwisy (2010) developed an automated design system that produces design aspects
needed for construction manufacturing and facilitates information communication. He
developed an integrated computer tool for design and drafting for the modular
construction manufacturing (MCM) process called MCMPro that generates sets of
shop drawings. This research proposed an integrated model that applies both BIM and
lean on the modular construction manufacturing (MCM) process and gains the
benefits of both concepts. The MCMPro was expanded to generate the building
components’ schedule. Then the Value Stream Map (VSM) of the factory was
developed based on the components’ schedule through an Integrated Process
Improvement (IPI) using a mix of lean principles to reduce waste over a broad range
of factory activities. A simulation model was generated to explore the proposed VSM.
In this research, advanced methods and techniques in productivity efficiency were
integrated and a new methodology was created for manufacturing construction.
Construction Research Congress 2012 © ASCE 2012 1273
The objective of this research is integrating BIM and lean for a modular
construction process. For this purpose the integrated computer tool for the design and
drafting of the modular construction manufacturing (MCM) process, MCMPro,
generates sets of shop drawings was expanded to generate building components’
schedule and accommodate the proposed methodology requirements (See Alwisy
thesis, 2010). Then the Value Stream Map (VSM) of the factory is developed based
on the components’ schedule through a proposed method called Integrated Process
Improvement (IPI) using lean principles to reduce waste over the factory activities.
The proposed drafting and design system, MCMPro, provides a complete set
of shop drawings needed for modular construction manufacturing using AutoCAD
Visual Basic for Applications 2009. This tool utilizes a Scenario Based Analysis
(SBA) in order to automatically generate the required set of shop drawings. SBA
interprets the inputs, criteria, and standards into a set of rules and incorporates it into
the tool core BIM [Figure 1]. Architectural components are represented through the
2D layout of the project and must yield to city bylaws. Structural requirements are
specified with building codes are used to define the components for each wall, door,
window, beam, and column. Modular concept provides a set of rules needed for
dividing the layout into units and specifies allowable module dimensions based on
road regulations, acceptable dividing elements, and rules related to slab thickness
adjustment for each unit.
The framing method uses framing best practice to specify different types of
wall connections, framing elements, and openings. These requirements are included
in the parametric algorithm and pass through three main stages: generating the
Building Information Model; creating the Modular Construction Manufacturing BIM;
producing detailed shop drawings. The upgraded model based on the construction
manufacturing concepts, creates a set of detailed construction drawings, take-off lists
of materials, and building components’ schedule.
After developing a fully-detailed set of shop drawings, Lean construction
concepts can be utilized to optimize the work flow in the production line based on the
amount of work needed to be performed in each station. For this purpose, a project
components’ scheduling for the production line stage is developed as input to create a
Value Stream Map (VSM) through a proposed Integrated Process Improvement (IPI)
method. The VSM is a core lean tool; it is a pencil and paper technique that
graphically depicts the flow of materials and information as value is added in the
production process. Most importantly, it helps identify opportunities for
improvements and operations that consume resources without adding value. In this
stage the VSM is created manually through an IPI method, though the model is under
development to create the VSM automatically.
The goals of the proposed IPI method include the following: increase
productivity, reduce or eliminate waste, standardize building processes, reduce
delays, eliminate bottlenecks and unnecessary material handling, raise skill levels,
reduce inventories, address defects and problems, and optimize space usage. The
proposed method is presented in Figure 2. The input for the IPI is the building
components’ schedule including wall, slab, door, window, beam, column, and MEP
system. A set of criteria need to be considered such as factory space limitation,
available human resources, factory working hours, and customer demand scheduling.
In the main process, the building components’ schedule is analyzed and the VSM for
the factory is created which is currently generated manually and shows the product
family, information and material flow, work cell, inventory space, daily customer
demand, supplier and shipping schedule, and production volume. Then a simulation
model using Simphony.NET 3.5© runs the generated VSM to produce results such as
takt time, lead time, processing time, amount of work in process, buffer stuck,
bottleneck, on time delivery percentage, and rework or defect rate. If the result from
the simulation model is not satisfying, then VSM is required to be revised and the
simulation model is updated with the new inputs and runs again until an optimized
result is produced as the output of the IPI method.
The Compassion House Foundation was established in 1998 with the vision to build a
facility supporting women with breast cancer from Northern Alberta during
diagnosis, treatment and the early stages of recovery. In early 2001, the Key to
Compassion Capital Campaign was launched. With the generous support of the
Edmonton community, and donors across the province, the facility was under
Construction Research Congress 2012 © ASCE 2012 1276
grooups of data tables are sttored: detailed data tabl es that contaain data relaated to each
commponent and d layout dataa tables that display the take-off listt of materials. This data
is used
u to provide the detaiiled shop drrawing needeed to frame modules’ w walls, floors,
andd ceiling. Fig
gure 3 showss the generatted shop draw wings and m material take-off table.
Figure 3. Generated
G sho
op drawings and materiaal take-off taable
Integrated Pro
ocess Impro
Generatted building componentss’ schedule by MCMProo provides tthe required
dataa to create the
t factory future
f state value
v stream
m map. The modules off the project
werre proposed to be fabriccated in Iglo oo Prebuilt HHomes’ facttory. The ccurrent state
valuue stream map
m of the facctory based on the curreent process is first createed, and then
anaalyzed to maake necessary y changes foor improvem ment in flow, and a new sstate map is
creaated by the research teeam. Figure 4(a) presennts the VSM M of the facctory. Work
cellls, work flow
w, and requirred man-hou urs for each cell were deefined based on the lean
prinncipals and project scheedule. All acctivities andd their sequeences in eacch cell were
clarrified and triiangular or beta
b distributions for thee process tim me of each acctivity were
deffined. In thee next step, a simulation n model usiing Simphonny.Net3.5© along with
Palisade @Risk k© was dev veloped to simulate
s the productionn process baased on that
deppicted in thee future statee value streaam map. Figgure 4(b) shhows a snappshot of the
devveloped simu ulation modeel. The model is capablee of producinng results foor takt time,
leadd time, proccessing time, amount off work in prrocess, buffeer stuck, botttleneck, on
me delivery percentage,
p and rework k or defect rate. A sattisfying sim mulation run
demmonstrates an n attempt to eliminate muda
m or wastte from the ssystem incluuding delay,
nsportation, correction anda rework,, over-proceessing, invenntory, over--production,
Construction Research Congress 2012 © ASCE 2012 1278
4((a) Figure 4.
4 Generated
d VSM (a) annd simulatioon model (b)
T 1. Simu
ulation resullt for processsing time of one modulee
N Min Mean M
Max 5% 95%
Total Process
2556 2682 28814 2610 2752
Time (min)
Uncontrrolled condiitions and work
w sites lim
mitations haave negativee effects on
the cost, sched
dule, and thee project quaality. Modullar manufaccturing is a ssolution for
those challengees with neww requiremen nts in autom mating the ddesign and ddrafting for
more effective constructionn. BIM provvides the oppportunity forr automatingg the design
Construction Research Congress 2012 © ASCE 2012 1279
and drafting process. Factory production provides opportunities for applying lean
principals in the plant. To support the manufacturing needs for drafting considering
lean thinking in construction, an integration of BIM with lean is required. In this
paper an integrated BIM/lean model for production line schedule of modular
construction Manufacturing was proposed. For this purpose the integrated computer
tool for drafting in the MCM process called MCMPro was expanded to generate
building components’ schedule. The VSM is developed based on the components’
schedule through a proposed method called Integrated Process Improvement (IPI)
using lean principles to reduce waste over the factory activities. A simulation model
was developed to produce the result of generated VSM. The results proved the
effectiveness of proposed model in reducing waste, time, and resource usage.
The authors are sincerely grateful to Compassion House Foundation and Igloo
Prebuilt Homes for providing required data for this research. Any opinions, findings,
and conclusions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of teams involved in the Compassion House Project.
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