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Joseph Parish

Our Lady Of Fatima School

1625 Center Ave., Los Banos CA 93635
Phone (209) 826-2709 Fax (209)826-7320
Website: www.olfdof.org
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

St. Joseph Church Every Friday from 9 am to 5 pm in the chapel.
First Friday of the month
1621 Center Ave., Los Banos CA 93635 from 9 am until 7:30 am on Saturday.
Mailing address:
1516 Center Ave., Los Banos CA 93635 Grupos de Oración en Español
Phone (209)826-4246 Fax (209)827-3457 Martes a las 6:30 pm en la capilla.
E-mail: stjosephlb@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.stjosephlosbanos.com “Wherever two or three are gathered in My name,
there am I in their midst”
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Parish Staff Liturgy Sacraments

209-710-0645 HORARIO DE LAS MISAS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 5:00-6:00 pm
Fr. John ‘Pato’ Schmoll, V.F., Pastor English: Español: Wednesday: 9:00-10:00 am
Fr. Guillermo Preciado, Parochial Vicar Monday 7:00 am 8:00 am Friday: 5:30-7:00 pm
Deacon Leon Miller Tuesday 7:00 am 8:00 am BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS
Wednesday 7:00 am 8:00 am You must pre-register in parish office
Angeles Leon, Office Manager/Bookkeeper Thursday 7:00 am 8:00 am
Isabel Winchester, Secretary/ 2 months prior
Friday 8:15 am to baptism and preparation class.
Safe Environment Manager
Lorenzo Mendoza, Custodian WEEKEND/FIN DE SEMANA Usted debe registrarse en la oficina de
parroquia dos meses
Religious Education Office: 209-826-1512 Saturday 8:00 am (First Saturday) antes de la clase y bautizo.
Sophie Delgado, D.R.E. 4:00 pm English
Nelly Magana, D.R.E. Assistant 6:00 pm Español MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIOS
stjosephlbdre@gmail.com Sunday 7:00 am English Please call the parish office at least
9:00 am Español 9 months before desired date.
O.L.F. School: 826-2709 11:00 am English Llame la oficina de la parroquia por
Karen Forte, Principal 1:00 pm Español lo menos 9 meses antes de la fecha.
Caroline Cota, Office Manager 7:00 pm Español
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 26th, 2025
He said to them,
“Today this scripture passage
is fulfilled in your hearing.”
—Luke 1:21

Mass Schedule & Intentions

January 25th - February 2nd
Sat. January 25th (The Conversion of St. Paul)
4:00 pm Special Intention for Maria & Salvador Leon
6:00 pm Josefina Acosta Esparza † Carlos Ravelero Gonzalez † Español
Sun. January 26th (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time)
7:00 am Marguerite Heguy † Today there will be a
9:00 am Parishioners of St. Joseph Español
11:00 am Gilbert & Belmira Silva † 2nd collection for
1:00 pm Maria Gabriela Alvarez Morales † Español International Needs.
7:00 pm Josefina Acosta Esparza † Carlos Ravelero Gonzalez † Español
Mon. January 27th (St. Angela Merci)
7:00 am Gregario Saniego † Hoy habrá
8:00 am Virginia Ramirez † Español una segunda colecta para
Tues. January 28th (St. Thomas Aquinas)
7:00 am Living & Deceased Family Members of Eddie & Maria Vierra Necesidades Internacionales.
8:00 am Familia Anaya † Intención Especial por Guadalupe Torres Español
Wed. January 29th
7:00 am Everett & Rose Cavanah †
8:00 am Carlos Ortiz, Brayon Ortiz, y Agapita Cancelada †
Eliseo Balderas † Español Next week there will be a
Thur. January 30th 2nd collection for
7:00 am Sonia Vaz † Living & Deceased Members of the Vaz & Nunes Families
8:00 am Homebound Parishioners Español Church Maintenance
Fri. January 31st (St. John Bosco)
8:15 am O.L.F. School Memorial Mass La próxima semana
Sat. February 1st
8:00 am Esteban Camarillo Villarreal † una segunda colecta para
4:00 pm John C. Brasil † Mantenimiento de la Iglesia
6:00 pm Kayden Delgado English † Español
Sun. February 2nd (The Presentation of the Lord)
7:00 am Carl & Antoinette Garbini † Ralph, Nada, & Angie Borelli †
9:00 am Josefina Acosta Esparza † Carlos Ravelero Gonzalez † Español
11:00 am Parishioners of St. Joseph
1:00 pm Agustin Ayala y Belarmina Flores † Español January 18/19
7:00 pm Felix Ochoa Lugo † Español

Plate Collection $12,286.00

Examination of Conscience
The practice of examining one’s conscience dates to the very
beginning of the Christian faith. It simply calls for reflection Pray Ore
on one’s actions, making note of lapses in judgment that for por
should be confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Vocations Vocaciones

There will be an Jesus is the fulfillment of the Scripture

passage he reads in the synagogue, a
Altar Society Meeting missive of promise and hope from an
Tuesday, February 11th ancient prophet. But he invites us to be
part of his work, here and now, in our
1 pm in the Pastoral Center own lives, our own communities. Be
with refreshments to follow. part of the fulfillment.
Examen de Conciencia
La práctica de examinar la conciencia se
remonta al comienzo de la fe cristiana.
Simplemente llama a la reflexión sobre las
propias acciones, tomando nota de los
errores de juicio que deben confesarse en el
Sacramento de la Reconciliación.

Sunday, January 26:

11am All School Mass O.L.F. School
Monday, January 27: Congratulations
Grandparents Day December
Calendar Raffle Winners
Tuesday, January 28: 1 Isabel Soares $100.00
Career Day 2 Tom Garton $50.00
Wednesday, January 29: 3 Darcy Vlot $50.00
4 Maria Vega $50.00
Student Day
5 Lilly Valenzuela $50.00
Thursday, January 30: 6 Rosa Maria Ramirez $50.00
Community Day 7 Andrew Williams $100.00
8 Jose Roman $50.00
Friday, January 31:
9 Marion Santos $50.00
Parent Day/Art Show 10 Nancy Miguel $50.00
11 Sandra Sanders $50.00
12 Crystal Martinez $50.00
13 Darcy Vlot $50.00
14 Amy Oliveira $50.00
15 Sierrah Coit $100.00
16 The Skinner Family $50.00
17 Don Paradiso $50.00
18 Kitty McGrath $50.00
19 Rachel Runte $50.00
CATHOLIC TRIVIA 20 John Blackwood $50.00
Question: What do we call the successors of 21 Melissa Gutierrez $50.00
the apostles in communion with the pope? 22 Teresa Provencio $100.00
Answer: Bishops. 23 Sandra Alarcon $50.00
24 Jackie Gutierrez $50.00
25 Wade Guintini $1,000.00
26 Amy Oliveira $50.00
27 Guiomar Costa $50.00
TRIVIA CATÓLICA 28 Nancy Miguel $50.00
Pregunta: ¿Cómo llamamos a los sucesores 29 Brent McMurray $100.00
de los apóstoles en comunión con el Papa? 30 Tara Gallichio $50.00
Respuesta: Obispos. 31 Angelina Gonzalez $50.00
St. Thomas Aquinas | January 28
One of the most famous members of
the Dominican Order, St. Thomas
Aquinas (1225 – 1274) is well-
known by many for his theological
work, “The Summa Theologiae.”
Born in Italy, his mother wanted him
to become a Benedictine and had
high hopes that he would eventually become abbot
of Monte Cassino, where he spent much of his
youth. To change his vocation, she had him
kidnapped by his brothers on his way to Paris at the
age of 19. He spent two years in their captivity.
Despite this, nothing could shake him from his
vocation to become a Dominican priest and he was
eventually released. Once free, he went to Paris and
then to Cologne, where he finished his studies with
Albert the Great.
His greatest contribution to the Catholic Church is
his writings. The unity, harmony, and continuity of
faith and reason, of revealed and natural human
knowledge, encompasses his writings. The Summa
Theologiae, his last and, unfortunately, uncompleted
work, deals with the whole of Catholic theology.
The patron saint of teachers, theologians and
students, St. Thomas Aquinas died in 1274. His life
and the impact he had on the whole Church,
however, remains alive today.

Prayer of Mission
Spirit of the Living God,
For more information, Anoint me to bring your love, light,
please call: and freedom to the places you call.
Barbara Mello From the heights to the depths:
at 209-826-1315.
you are there, you are actively moving,
and when you call,
you will also provide.

Oración de Misión
Espíritu del Dios vivo,
Úngeme para llevar tu amor,
luz y libertad a los lugares que llamas.
Ultreya de los Desde las alturas a las profundidades:
Cursillos de Cristiandad tú estás ahí, te mueves activamente,
todos miércoles a las 7 PM y cuando tú llamas, también provees.
en el Salón San José Amén.
Respect Life Corner:
Abortion affects countless marriages, more
than many people recognize. But God’s
grace can bring true healing in relationships.
Learn more at:
or go to hopeafterabortion.com Se invita a todas
for hope and healing. las personas
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities a rezar el rosario
“Healing Within Marriage Pro-Vida
from an Abortion” de lunes a jueves
a las 12:30pm
en la Capilla

Rincón de Respeto
El aborto afecta a innumerables Respect Life
matrimonios, más de lo que mucha gente
reconoce. Pero la gracia de Dios puede traer Meeting & Rosary
verdadera sanación en las relaciones. Thursday, February 13,
6:30 pm in the Cry room
Obtenga más información en:
o visite Hopeafterabortion.com
para encontrar esperanza y curación.
Secretaría de Actividades Reunión de Respeto
Pro-Vida de la USCCB a la Vida y Rosario
“La curación del aborto Jueves, 13 de febrero
dentro del matrimonio” las 6:30 pm en la sala de críos
THE 2025 MISSAL ...
"Prayer Book" of the Church
$5.00 each
The missal is something more
than an instrument. If we wish to
pray with the Church, it is not
sufficient for us simply to hear and
recite its formulas; we must be
able to read them beforehand, go
back to them again at our leisure,
meditate upon them and
assimilate them. No matter how
perfect the liturgical renewal may
be, Christians will never have a religion that is truly
living and profound if they are content with just
participating in the Mass without making any other
effort to cultivate and deepen their spiritual lives by
reading and reflecting on the texts of the Missal.
Books are available in the church office.
"St. Joseph’s leadership protected our Mother and
guided our Savior...It is now time that we get to
know him. In a world in need of strong men, St.
Joseph is the man who leads the way."
Using the book by the same title, this Men’s Retreat
will take a closer look at the Litany of St. Joseph
and, through it, explore his many virtues. By EL MISAL 2025...
studying his virtues and relating them to our "Libro de oraciones"
everyday life as men—as husbands, fathers, sons, de la Iglesia
brothers, co-workers, neighbors, and more—we will $8.00 cada uno
learn how these virtues can bring power and
El misal es algo más que un
freedom to our lives as we strive to lead our
instrumento. Si queremos orar
families, our selves, and our communities to con la Iglesia, no nos basta con
heaven. escuchar y recitar sus fórmulas;
Please join us for this weekend retreat to grow in debemos ser capaces de leerlos
faith and virtue as men of God and learn to lead de antemano, volver a ellos en
Please join us for this weekend retreat to grow in nuestro tiempo libre, meditarlos y
faith and virtue as men of God and learn to lead asimilarlos. Por perfecta que sea
like St. Joseph. la renovación litúrgica, el cristiano nunca tendrá una
Our men’s retreats offer an opportunity for men to religión verdaderamente viva y profunda si se
contenta con participar en la Misa sin hacer ningún
gather together to focus on God, their spirituality,
otro esfuerzo por cultivar y profundizar su vida
and their faith. Each year we will focus on a espiritual leyendo y reflexionando sobre la textos del
different theme diving deeper into different topics Misal.
relevant to male spirituality. This retreat is for all Los libros ya están disponibles
men. If you are looking for an opportunity to grow en la oficina de la iglesia.
closer to God and build fraternity with other men,
this retreat is for you.
Retreat begins with 6pm dinner on Friday
and ends with noon lunch on Sunday Encuentro Matrimonial
Room check-in after 4:00 p.m. Se invita cordialmente a todas
Shared Occupancy: $ 325 per person las parejas a las reuniones
Private Occupancy: $ 400 per person de Encuentro Matrimonial:
Rate includes private or shared room todos los viernes a las 7PM
and all meals.
en Centro Juan Bosco #2
(1136 Idaho Ave).
Encuentro Matrimonial es para las parejas
quienes buscan que su relación crezca, sea mas
profunda y rica. Si tienen alguna pregunta,
Phone (559) 561-4595 llame a Patricia & Jesús Lozano 209-704-7068.
Please pray for the sick Boda Comunitaria
Por favor ora por los enfermos
El sábado, 05 de julio, celebraremos una
Monday/Lunes Prayer Intentions
Aurora Jaramillo, Carmen Gonzalez, , Heather Flowers, Helen Valenzuela, boda comunitaria (en español) para las
Flordeliza Legaspi, Erubey Rene Martinez, Mercedes Gonzalez Ramos, parejas casadas por el civil o que cohabitan
Yarith Ortiz, Luisa Villafuerte, Antonio Lopez, Pilar Resendiz, Blanca Ruiz, en unión libre y no han recibido el
Annette Fulton, Dolores Landers, Valerie Velasquez, Maria Ramirez, Jose Meza,
Amparo Chavez, Noe & Mayeli Real Torres, Jayden Osorio, Randy Cerbeto, Sacramento del Matrimonio.
Jorge Mendez Silva, Christian Hipolito Martinez, Juan Serrano Contreras,
Ruben & Janet Perez, Carol Vryhof, Jose Guzman, Guadalupe Torres Quiroz, Llamen a la oficina lo mas pronto posible
Dorothy Nekola, Carol Vryhof, Ruben Gonzales, Jose & Modesto Ortiz, para iniciar el proceso (209) 826-4246.
Esperanza Hurtado, Benjamin Gallegos Montanez, Ortiz, Cecilia Soriano,
Larry Klinge, Martha Vega, Damon Robert De Mello, Leonora Costa, Aiten Rivera, Requisitos básicos para antes de la boda:
Estefania Reyes, Juana Sanchez, Angie Padilla, Joe Sousa, Marisela Jimenez,
Rosalia Salas, Veronica Garcia, Michelle Femmel, Karina Acevedo Ceron, • Cita con el Padre
Adan Morales, Rosalba Juarez, Moserrat Ruelas, Nicole Gomez Garcia, • Fe de bautismo actualizada
Adelina Padilla, Braden Sweeney, Dylan Martinez, Ana Ybarra Jauregui, • Certificados de Confirmación y Primera
Bernardino Jauregui, Antonio Gonzalez, Alma Villasana, Josefina Garcia Perez,
Emiliano Perez, Teresa Alaniz Cervantes, Josie Serrano, Gabriel Santiago Chapa. Comunión
Tuesday/Martes Prayer Intentions • Retiro/platicas pre-matrimoniales
Ireneo Martinez Aquino, Juanita Coursey, Lupita Montoya, Tammy Edwards, • Certificado de matrimonio civil o
Alicia Dicochea, Petra & Alberto Sanchez, Ramona Gonzalez, Judy Freitas, licencia
Maria Azucena Lopez, Shoba Chemparathy, Gilbert & Maria Samarron,
Elvira del Bosque, Luke Germino, Noehmi Rodriguez, Valerio Acoba, Susan Fitts,
• Padrinos de velación
Eufronio Balaba Jr., Hermilinda Juarez, Juan Bugarin, John E. Gonzales, • Donativo de $100
Maria Bugarin, Ana Maria Alvina, Beatriz Perez, , Antonio Gonzalez, • Cada caso es único y podría requerir otros
Andrea De La Paz, Jose Flores Lopez, Angie Elaia, Salvador Jasso Chavez, documentos
Amparo Bugarin, Nancy Jones, Ruben Gonzales, Ignacio Arroyo Olivares,
La Familia Munoz, Ariana Alcala, Margaret Macias, Pedro & Elena Flores,
Antonio Hipolito Martinez, Juliet Castaneyra Meza, Alfredo Rosales,
Fernanda Lawrence, Estefania Reyes Carrazco, Ana Ybarra Jauregui,
Ricardo Julian Balderas, Gonzalo Murillo, Nereyda Munoz, Alfredo Rosales,
Marcelina Dominguez, Antonio Lawrence, Richard & Sarah, Alicia Miramontes,
Angelica Munguia, Ángel Mateo Moreno Martínez, Teresita Espana.
Wednesday/Miercoles Prayer Intentions
Mel Hartsoch, Polly Ceccarelli, Aracely Schmidt, Maria Cortez, Osiel Munoz,
Matthew Freitas, Rene Trevino, Gabby Briseno Barrera, Cecilia Valdez,
Feliciano Mungia, Graciela Juarez, Jose Dolores Meza Roman, Lisa Herrera,
Erubey Alexander Martinez, Raul Hernandez, Oscar Lopez, Urban Rebello,
Jose De La Torre Jr., Brenda Meza, Corrine Pimentel Perrault, Felipa Garcia,
Familia Martinez, Josie Rocha Family, Petra Carrillo Garcia, Alfredo Araiza,
Maria Elena Ceja, Joaquin & Alfredo Araiza Carrillo, Bernardino Jauregui,
Joel Bautista, Luis Garcia, Rosa Yolanda Zenteno Nava, Roberto Jaramillo,
Lisa Nguyen, Mickey Garcia, Ruben Huerta, Familia Reyes Carrazco, Mike Costa,
Maria del Carmen Gonzalez Araiza, Marie Jessup, Luke Borelli, Pablo Pena,
Guadalupe Duran, Alan Ruiz Correa, Lucia Huezo, Bertha Alicia Chairez,
Sara Barragan, Dayane Sandoval, Ivan Ortiz, Jesus Mota, Christopher Simms,
Maria Luisa Rodriguez, Trinidad Mendoza Guillen, Ricardo Alvarado,
Josefina Andrade, Maria Fatima Sequeira, Ray Leal, Francisco Gonzalez Jr.,
Chris Bautista, Alejandra Salas, Amador Bernal, Guadalupe Perez, Marlene Colla, Community Wedding
Aaron Montero, Gary Garcia, Andrew & Elizabeth.
Thursday/Jueves Prayer Intentions
On Saturday, July 12, we will celebrate a
Familia Acevedo Zenteno, Fr. Kevin Bray, Angelica Villasana, Bill Shelby, community wedding (in English) for
Fr. Miguel Fajardo Pinones, Soledad Gonzalez, Maria Margarita Ascencio, couples married civilly or living together
Taryn Spray, Christopher Cabading, Maria Cruz Ortiz, Paola Aizul Martinez,
Courtney Thomas, Maria Rios Munoz, Jose Flores, Maria Valdez, John Jasso, and have not received the Sacrament of
Antonio Oliveira, Concordio Banut, Kasey Filippini, Wilfredo Torrecampo, Matrimony.
Imelda Alvarez, Jennifer Barcellos, Maria Del Refugio Lopez Martinez,
Oscar Reyes, Josue Tapia, Rosario San Pedro, Maria Arriaga, David Navarro, Call the office as soon as possible to start
William Drysdale, Martina Hernandez, David Ramos, Maria Gonzalez, the process (209) 826-4246.
Rafael Belmonte, Estella Landey, Virginia Barrientos, Violeta Iniguez,
Mary Mendes, Lester Dizon, Nataly Ruiz, Terry Talbott, Amalia Avena Ventura, Basic requirements for the wedding:
Leticia & Gerardo Madrigal, Ricardo Julian Balderas, Blanca Gutierrez,
Marcos Armando Castillo, Keira Ngo, Rodolfo & Micaela Sanchez, Gene Brandi, • Appointment with the Priest
Eugenia Lara, Oscar, Lorena, Irving, Ana Bertha & Felipe Sanchez, Lupe Sandoval. • Updated baptism certificate
*Please contact the parish office to let us know of your loved one’s condition, • Confirmation and First Communion
so that we can update our list as needed. Certificates
*Por favor llame a la oficina y déjenos saber la condición de su ser querido
para actualizar la lista como sea necesario. • Retreat/Marriage Prep Classes
• Civil marriage certificate or license
*Please remember in your prayers the recently deceased
of our parish families and for all those who mourn the loss • Two witnesses
of a loved one. • $100 donation
*Recordemos también en nuestras Oraciones a las almas • Each case is unique & may require
de los que han Fallecido y por el consuelo de sus familias.
†Rosa Soares †Yvonne Silva
other documents
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