Microsoft Word - 01
Microsoft Word - 01
Microsoft Word - 01
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
This research aims to analyze the influence of job satisfaction and organizational
commitment on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). This research uses a
quantitative approach with research subjects at PT Swadharma Sarana Informatika
Operational Head Office. Determining the sample in this research used a non-
probability sampling method with a convenience sampling technique using the Slovin
formula to determine the number of respondents, so that only 75 employees were used
as the sample for this research. Data were collected using a questionnaire which was
then analyzed using multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS version 25
software. The research results showed that Job Satisfaction and Organizational
Commitment had a simultaneous effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB). Partially, Job Satisfaction influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB), Organizational Commitment influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB). And the Adjusted R2 value is 0.645 or 64.5%.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
Journal of Finance, Economics and Business (JFEB) Vol. 3 No. 1, May 2024
In the current era of globalization, change takes place and occurs very quickly.
Organizations or companies are required to be able to adjust all related aspects to
advance the company along with the current of existing globalization. Advances in
science and technology that have been growing rapidly can transfer humans as the
main resource into machine power because it is considered more efficient and can
reduce the budget for paying employees. But in the midst of rapid technological
development with the widespread use of sophisticated machines in an organization
or company, human resources are still needed to be able to run the company because
not all jobs can be replaced by machines.
Human resources have a very important role in achieving organizational goals,
in addition to other resources owned by the organization. According to Piyandini
(2021: 154) Human resources are the most important asset in a company or
organization, if human resources do not carry out or carry out their roles properly, it
will affect the company's goals. Companies often require employees to always do
work according to their respective job descriptions, but companies often forget the
behavior of employees who do work outside the job description.
In everyday life, SSI employees not only work inside the office but also outside
the office. Such as visiting various partner banks and also to ATMs both during
working hours and exceeding working hours (overtime). Employees must also be
ready and willing to carry out work on weekends or on national holidays. Therefore,
employees are required to have high loyalty and work commitment.
When the work schedule is on weekends or national holidays, there are
employees who are absent even though there are still many jobs in the office. This
makes other employees required to be able to replace and cope with the work.
Employees also tend to arrive late and stall in doing their tasks. Work that should be
completed by one person, cannot be completed and involves many people. This
makes work not conducive and hampers the work of other employees. The absence
of communication in the team is also one of the factors that affect the low OCB in
Low promotion rates and the mismatch of salaries they get with high working
hours. The existence of disharmonious relationships between employees regarding
overlapping work, as well as bad relationships between superiors and subordinates
make employees not feel any satisfaction at work. Reprimands from superiors
regarding work responsibilities also do not make employees improve themselves. It
becomes a past wind that they do not heed.
To be able to increase employee OCB, it is very important for companies to
know the cause of the emergence or increase of OCB. OCB is not a requirement of
the role or job description with the organization but as a social behavior that
employees voluntarily engage in towards fellow employees or organizations which
otherwise does not get punishment. So it is still difficult to find employees who do
OCB in an organization, but OCB behavior is very necessary to establish a close and
harmonious relationship between the company and also fellow colleagues like
employees in general who have to strive in advancing the company, leaders also
have an obligation to develop employees in order to give their full loyalty to the
company. If the company has done well, then employees will not hesitate to give the
best to the company including serving sincerely in their company, including doing
work outside their job description voluntarily without any expectation of reward.
According to Organ (in Jemmy 2022: 33) states that OCB is the willingness of
employees to take on roles that exceed their primary role in an organization, so it is
referred to as extra role behavior. There are many factors that can affect OCB such
as job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
According to Wibowo (2019: 131) job satisfaction is the level of pleasant
feelings obtained from the assessment of a person's job or work experience.
According to Busro (2018), organizational commitment is the level of trust and
acceptance of the workforce towards organizational goals and has the desire to
remain in the organization.
The research methods used in this study are quantitative methods with
descriptive statistical analysis, data quality tests consisting of validity tests and
reliability tests, classical assumption tests consisting of normality tests,
multicollinearity tests and heteroscedasticity tests, multiple regression analysis tests,
hypothesis tests consisting of F tests and t tests and determination coefficient tests.
In quantitative research, the main criteria for research data are valid, reliable, and
1. Result
The variables used in this study are, Job Satisfaction, Organizational
Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), which are tested
statistically in the following table:
a. Descriptive Statistical Test
The table above shows that the results of the distribution of questionnaires
conducted by this study obtained a minimum value on the Job Satisfaction variable of
25 which means respondents prefer strongly disagree (STS), disagree (TS), and
neutral (N) answers, a maximum value of 48 which means respondents prefer
affirmative (S) and strongly agreed (SS) answers, and a mean of 38.49, and a
standard deviation of 5.549.
In the Organizational Commitment variable, a minimum score of 15 means that
respondents prefer strongly disagree (STS), disagree (TS), and neutral (N) answers,
a maximum value of 35 which means respondents prefer affirmative (S) and strongly
affirmative (SS) answers, as well as an average value of 29.71, and a standard
deviation of 3.948.
In the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) variable, the minimum score
was 49 which means respondents preferred the strongly disagree (STS), disagree
(TS), and neutral (N) answers, the maximum value of 91 which means respondents
preferred the affirmative (S) and strongly affirmative (SS) answers, as well as an
average value of 77.11, and a standard deviation value of 9.490.
After conducting a descriptive statistical test, researchers tested the validity of
three variables used in this study, namely Job Satisfaction (X1), Organizational
Commitment (X2), and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) (Y).
The results of data processing in the validity test show that each questionnaire
item on each variable can be bound to be valid and acceptable. This is shown by the
results of obtaining the calculated value of each questionnaire item on each variable
exceeding the rtable value, so it can be concluded that the validity test in this study is
valid. Furthermore, after conducting a validity test, researchers conducted a reliability
test, with the results obtained by data processors as follows.
Based on the results of the reliability test, the results on the Job Satisfaction
variable have a value of 0.862, Organizational Commitment has a value of 0.876 and
the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) variable has a value of 0.911 which
means the value is greater than 0.70. This shows that each variable in this study is
reliable so that it can be used in future studies.
Based on the table above, it shows that the tolerance value of the independent
variable > 0.10 and the VIF value of all independent variables < 10.00, with a
tolerance value for the variables Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of
0.771. Then the VIF value of the variables Job Satisfaction and Organizational
Commitment is 1.297.
0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) and the calculated t value is 3.195 > t table 1.665. This
explanation shows that the hypothesis in this study accepts Ha and rejects Ho.
So Job Satisfaction (X1) has a partial effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB) (Y).
2. The calculation results in the table above, for the Organizational Commitment
variable (X2) obtained a significance value of 0.000 which shows that the value
is smaller than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) and the calculated t value is 7.746 > t table
1.665. This explanation shows that the hypothesis in this study accepts Ha and
rejects Ho. So Organizational Commitment (X2) has a partial effect on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) (Y).
Based on table 4.13, the multiple linear regression equation can be obtained as
The constant value indicates that the magnitude of the Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB) value (Y). The Job Satisfaction variable (X1) and the Organizational
Commitment variable (X2) are declared constant with an employee OCB value of
1. The regression coefficient of the Job Satisfaction variable (X1) is 0.448 which
states that there is an influence between Job Satisfaction and OCB (Y), if the
better the Job Satisfaction in employees, the OCB of employees will increase.
Based on the table above, the r square value is 0.645. the effect of Job
Satisfaction (X1) and Organizational Commitment (X2) on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (Y) with a value of 64%. While the remaining 36% (obtained from 100% -
64%) other aspects that have an influence on the variable Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (Y).
2. Discussion
Job Satisfaction (X1) has a partial effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB) (Y). The results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by
Maftuhatul Fazriyah, Edy Hartono and Rini Handayani (2019) with the results of the t
test which shows the variable Job Satisfaction has t count 3.315 > t table 1.676 which
means that Job Satisfaction has a partial effect on the OCB of employees of PT Astra
International AUTO 2000 (TBK) Cirebon and the hypothesis is accepted, namely Ho
is rejected and Ha is accepted.
1. Conclusion
Based on the results of tests that have been carried out using path analysis, it
can be concluded in general that all hypotheses totaling three hypotheses, can prove
that three hypotheses are accepted, and no hypothesis is rejected. Job Satisfaction
influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Organizational Commitment
influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
2. Suggestion