Short-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their Laminates
Short-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their Laminates
Short-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their Laminates
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D2344/D2344M − 22
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
rough or uneven surfaces, or delaminations as a result of matrix burn-off technique of Test Method D2584. The void
inappropriate machining methods. Obtain final dimensions by content equations of Test Methods D2734 are applicable to
water-lubricated precision sawing, milling, or grinding. The both Test Method D2584 and the matrix digestion procedures.
use of diamond tooling has been found to be extremely 8.3.4 Labeling—Label the specimens so that they will be
effective for many material systems. Edges should be flat and distinct from each other and traceable back to the raw material,
parallel within the specified tolerances. in a manner that will both be unaffected by the test method and
8.3.3 If specific gravity, density, reinforcement volume, or not influence the test method.
void volume are to be reported, then obtain these samples from
the same panels being tested. Specific gravity and density may 9. Calibration
be evaluated by means of Test Methods D792. Volume percent
of the constituents may be evaluated by one of the matrix 9.1 The accuracy of all measuring equipment shall have
digestion procedures of Test Methods D3171 or, for certain certified calibrations that are current at the time of use of the
reinforcement materials such as glass and ceramics, by the equipment.
11.1.3 The environmental conditioning test parameters. NOTE 5—The test requester may request that additional measurements
11.1.4 If performed, the sampling test method, coupon be performed after the machined specimens have gone through any
conditioning or environmental exposure.
geometry, and test parameters used to determine density and
reinforcement volume. 11.3 Speed of Testing—Set the speed of testing at a rate of
11.1.5 Optional nominal specimen thickness to be used to crosshead movement of 1.0 mm [0.05 in.]/min.
set the support span dimension. 11.4 Test Environment—If possible, test the specimen under
11.2 General Instructions: the same fluid exposure level as that used for conditioning.
11.2.1 Report any deviations from this test method, whether However, if the test temperature places too severe requirements
intentional or inadvertent. upon the testing machine environmental chamber, test at a
11.2.2 Condition the specimens as required. Store the speci- temperature with no fluid exposure control. In this case, a
mens in the conditioned environment until test time, if the test restriction must be placed upon the time from removal of the
environment is different from the conditioning environment. specimen from the conditioning chamber until test completion
11.2.3 Following final specimen machining but before con- to inhibit nonrepresentative fluid loss from the specimen.
ditioning and testing, measure and record the specimen width Record any modifications to the test environment and specimen
and thickness at the specimen midsection and the specimen weight change after removal from conditioning until test
length to the accuracy specified in 7.3. completion.
x i /n (2)
x i2 2 n ~ x̄ ! 2 / ~ n 2 1 ! (3)
11.6.3 The head travel exceeds the specimen nominal thick- CV 5 100 3 s n21 /x̄ (4)
11.7 Data Recording—Record load versus crosshead dis-
placement data throughout the test method. Record the maxi- sn– 1 = sample standard deviation;
mum load, final load, and the load at any obvious discontinui- CV = sample coefficient of variation, %;
n = number of specimens;
ties in the load-displacement data.
xi = measured or derived property; and 13.1.15 Type of test machine, alignment results, and data
x̄ = sample mean (average). acquisition sampling rate and equipment type.
13.1.16 Dimensions of each test specimen.
13. Report 13.1.17 Conditioning parameters and results.
13.1 Report the following information, or references point- 13.1.18 Relative humidity and temperature of the testing
ing to other documentation containing this information, to the laboratory.
maximum extent applicable (reporting of items beyond the 13.1.19 Environment of the test machine environmental
control of a given testing laboratory, such as might occur with chamber (if used) and soak time at environment.
material details or panel fabrication parameters, shall be the 13.1.20 Number of specimens tested.
responsibility of the requester): 13.1.21 Speed of testing.
13.1.1 This test method and revision level or date of issue. 13.1.22 Maximum load observed during the test, for each
13.1.2 Whether the coupon configuration was standard or specimen.
variant. 13.1.23 Individual short-beam strength and average value,
13.1.3 The date and location of the test. standard deviation, and coefficient of variation (in percent) for
13.1.4 The name of the test operator. the population.
13.1.5 Any variations to this test method, anomalies noticed
13.1.24 Load-displacement curves for each specimen.
during testing, or equipment problems occurring during testing.
13.1.25 Failure mode of each specimen, identified if pos-
13.1.6 Identification of the material tested including: mate-
sible from Fig. 7.
rial specification, material type, material designation,
manufacturer, manufacturer’s batch or lot number, source (if
not from manufacturer), date of certification, expiration of 14. Precision and Bias
certification, filament diameter, tow or yarn filament count and 14.1 Round-Robin Result—The precision of this test method
twist, sizing, form or weave, fiber areal weight, matrix type, is based on an interlaboratory study (ILS) of Test Method
prepreg matrix content, and prepreg volatiles content. D2344/D2344M conducted in 2016 - 2018. As shown in Table
13.1.7 Description of the fabrication steps used to prepare 1, testing included seven material/lay-up/environmental com-
the laminate including: fabrication start date, fabrication end binations. Five different materials were tested; one material
date, process specification, cure cycle, consolidation method, was tested using two different lay-ups, while another was
and a description of the equipment used. tested in both room temperature ambient and elevated tempera-
13.1.8 Ply orientation and stacking sequence of the lami- ture wet conditions. Seventeen laboratories participated. All the
nate. specimens of each configuration were fabricated from single
13.1.9 If requested, report density, volume percent large panels, and machined at one location to reduce process-
reinforcement, and void content test methods, specimen sam- ing and machining variability. Each of the 17 laboratories
pling method and geometries, test parameters, and test results. received randomized samples for testing. All room temperature
13.1.10 Average ply thickness of the material. tests were performed at ambient laboratory conditions, while
13.1.11 Results of any nondestructive evaluation tests. the one set of elevated temperature specimens were first dried
13.1.12 Method of preparing the test specimen, including per Test Method D5229/D5229M – 14 Procedure D at 180 °F,
specimen labeling scheme and method, specimen geometry, then conditioned to wet equilibrium per Test Method D5229/
sampling method, and coupon cutting method. D5229M – 14 Procedure BHEE at 160 °F and 85 % relative
13.1.13 Calibration dates and methods for all measurements humidity. The test results shown are based on calculations
and test equipment. using actual (measured) specimen thickness and width. The
13.1.14 Details of loading nose and side supports including average results for each laboratory and each configuration are
diameters and material used. listed in Table 2.
14.2 Precision—Defined in Practice E177 as the closeness 14.2.1 Repeatability Coeffıcient of Variation (sr / x̄)—
of agreement between independent test results, precision is Defined to be within-lab precision on the same material, test
separated into within-laboratory repeatability and between-lab method, and by the same lab and operator on essentially the
reproducibility. The metric for comparison of both is sample same day. The percentage difference (CV) noted in Table 3 is
standard deviation, in an absolute sense and, given that one standard deviation. An additional, optional metric defined
composite properties vary greatly in magnitude; this is more in Practice E691 is the Repeatability Limit, 2.8 x (sr / x̄). This
usefully expressed relative to mean values as the coefficient of value is the 95 % confidence interval on (sr / x̄) and two
variation (CV). These round-robin statistics are summarized in average values from the same lab/operator/day differing by
Table 3. Practice E691 was followed for the design and more than this amount are essentially certain to be from
analysis of the round-robin test data; and the details are given different populations (due to lab error, differences in materials,
in ASTM Research Report RR:D30-2000.4 etc). By general convention in the composites testing field,
differences of less than one standard deviation (more than 50 %
chance of being from same population) are considered
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may equivalent, thus the Repeatability Limit is not tabulated. It is
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D30-2000. Contact ASTM Customer
Service at
seen in Table 3 that these values range from 0.93 - 6.0 % for
(1) Berg, C. A., Tirosh, J., and Israeli, M., “Analysis of Short Beam (4) U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration,
Bending of Fiber Reinforced Composites,” in Composite Materials: “Test Methods for Composites a Status Report: Volume III Shear Test
Testing and Design (Second Conference), ASTM STP 497, ASTM, Methods,” Report No. DOT/FAA/CT-93/17, III, FAA Technical
1972, pp. 206-218. Center, Atlantic City, 1993.
(2) Whitney, J. M., and Browning, C. E., “On Short-Beam Shear Tests for (5) Cui, W., Wisnom, M. R., and Jones, M., “Effect of Specimen Size on
Composite Materials,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol 25, 1985, pp. Interlaminar Shear Strength of Unidirectional Carbon Fibre-Epoxy,”
294-300. Composites Engineering , Vol 4, No. 3, 1994, pp. 299-307.
(3) Sullivan, J. L., and Van Oene, H., “An Elasticity Analysis for the (6) Adams, D. F. and Lewis, E. Q., “Current Status of Composite Material
Generally and Specially Orthotropic Beams Subjected to Concen- Shear Test Methods,” SAMPE, Vol 31, No. 6, 1994, pp. 32-41.
trated Loads,” Composites Science and Technology, Vol 27, 1986, pp.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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