Current Number of
Academic Staff
245 84
38 53
Specialists Professors
34 77
* As of December 28, 2017
Current Number
of Students
PhD Students
Master’s Students
3 Primary
p.5 Projects by Prof. Ayla Ayyıldız Potur in the Field of Architectural Design
p.6 3D Medical and Industrial Design Laboratory - TETLab Innovation Istanbul Project
p.7 IMMIB Design Contest 2014/Concept 2014: Mind Developing Toy Category/Second Student Prize/
Tell Me Something
p.9 Product Service System Exercise “Life Cycle Design: Environmental Requirements of Industrial
p.10 ITU Industrial Product Design Department, EUT 312E Product Design VI Project in Fall 2002- 2003
p.18 Analysis of Critical Facilities and Direct Economic Losses in AFAD-DAMP Application
p.20 Analysis of Critical Facilities and Direct Economic Losses in AFAD-DAMP Application
p.21 The Investigation of the Izmit Republican Period Buildings Between 1923-1960 and Taking Their
p.23 Gölcük Vision 2023 Spatial Development Strategies and Urban Design
p.24 Karamürsel Municipality Balik Island Social Facilities Architectural and Landscape Design
p.25 Housing Profile Analysis Related to the Earthquake Factor in Değirmendere, Kocaeli
p.26 Environmental Planning for the Blocks N-U of the Faculty of Architecture at Gebze Technical
p.28 A Study on Liveability of Residential Environments in the Scope of Urban Regeneration: The Case of
Tuzla Sifa Neighborhood
p.29 A Perception Survey for the Evaluation of Urban Quality of Life in Kocaeli and a Comparison of the
Life Satisfaction with the European Cities
p.30 Developing A Life Cycle Impact Assessment Model for Building Materials Sector
p.31 An English Architect in the 19th Century Istanbul: William James Smith and Taşkışla
p.32 A Model in the Urban Transformation of Istanbul in the Nineteenth Century: Rowhouses
p.34 19th Century Ottoman Research in Archaeology and Architectural Heritage in Relation to
Architectural Education
Projects by the Position Held, Project Title, Funding
Institution, and Start-End Date
Coordinator, “Jury System in Architectural Design Education: A Qualitative Re-
search Study”, GTU BAP (Scientific Research Project), 2014-2016
3D Medical and Industrial Design Laboratory –
TETLab Innovation Istanbul Project
In the 3D Medical and Industrial De- out, drawings were completed and
sign Laboratory, which is located in the product prototypes were printed with
Faculty of Medicine of Istanbul Uni- three-dimensional printers. A training
versity, the product ideas of the health on Design Thinking Method was given,
workers and students were support- incentives and support were provided
ed in the field of industrial design for for the production of innovative ideas,
Res. Asst. Begüm 5 months. Before the patent appli- enabling the health workers to have
Türeyengil cation process, design and three-di- knowledge in this field.
Faculty of Arhitecture mensional modeling were carried
Department of Industrial
Product Design
Objectives :
• The project aims to support the increase of the number of patents re-
ceived within the university and contribute to the realizing of ideas and
Areas of Interest making ideas ready for production.
: industrial design, medical
design applications,
emotional design
Target Outputs:
• More than 20 patent applications have been made within Istanbul Uni-
Funding Institution
: Istanbul Development
Agency; Turkish Ministry of
Development; Faculty of
Medicine, Istanbul University
Start/End Date
February 2017-June 2017
5 Months
IMMIB Design Contest 2014/Concept 2014: Mind De-
veloping Toy Category/Second Student Prize/Tell Me
The designed product aims to help thinking. There are 6 spheres on the
developing verbal intelligence for us- product and each sphere contains 5
ers aged 5 years and older. Different different images. The user starts their
stories are created by combining the story by selecting one of the images
Res. Asst. Begüm images on the product with different and continues to tell the story by using
combinations. Creating a story helps the images according to the flow of the
Türeyengil improve fluency and the speed of story.
Faculty of Arhitecture
Department of Industrial
Product Design
Objectives :
• The aim of the product is to encourage children to write and tell their
own stories.
Areas of Interest
industrial design, medical
design applications,
emotional design
Target Outputs:
• To develop storytelling, speech and imagination skills in children
• To contribute to verbal intelligence development
Start/End Date
February 14, 2014
Application of Life Cycle Analysis in Turkish Packag-
ing Industry Products
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is a systemat- products of the firms. The production
ic approach that models the effects of methods of the companies will be ex-
the environment and the use of nat- amined and the WIDE assessment will
ural resources in the process of pro- be made by examining the packaging
curement, production, use, recycling materials in terms of procurement of
and even the disposal of a product raw materials, use of materials, pro-
Res. Asst. Ceyda or production system. LCA is seen as duction energies, use of recovered
Özgen, PhD one of the most important compo- materials, transportation, recycling,
Faculty of Arhitecture nents in the concept of sustainable reuse and disposal methods. Com-
Department of Industrial development. Within the scope of this parisons of the results of the RDAs of
Product Design research, which will be carried out in different manufacturers’ products will
the Turkish packaging industry, pack- be provided.
aging manufacturers will focus on the
Start/End Date
Target Outputs:
• Examination of production methods by means of life cycle analysis of
selected products by making studies through companies operating in
Duration packaging sector to find answers to questions such as “Is it possible to
18 Monts
calculate the environmental impacts with raw material use, cost, ener-
gy consumption, recycling, transport, CO² emission release and carbon
footprint components?”
• To see whether a model proposal can be made to improve the produc-
Budget tion activities of the packaging sector as a result of the analyses made
10,000 TRY
Product Service System Exercise “Life Cycle Design:
Environmental Requirements of Industrial Products”
PSS has up to now only received at- er researchers in the project are Prof.
tention in terms of the environmental Dr. Carlo VEZZOLI, Politecnico Di Mi-
and economical dimension of sustain- lano-Italy, Indian Institute of Technol-
ability (i.e. eco-efficiency), and not on ogy, New Delhi: Prof. Dr. Amrit Srini-
the social and ethical dimension. The vasan, Prof. G.V. Soumitri, Prof. Parag
Res. Asst. Ceyda potential of PSS to contribute to en- Anand; USP University, Brazil: Prof.
Özgen, PhD vironmentally sustainable solutions Dr. Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos San-
Faculty of Arhitecture hasbeen researchedand studiedonly tos, André Luiz Teixeira dos Santos;
Department of Industrial in industrialised contexts. The term Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua
Product Design
“context” is used to emphasise the University, China: Prof. Cai Jun; Hong
fact that underdeveloped countries Kong Polytechnic University: Prof.
have developed contexts. For this re- Benny Ding Leong; Istanbul Techni-
search project, research groups from cal University, Turkey: Prof. H. Alpay Er,
Areas of Interest six different countries worked on the Res. Asst. Ceyda Vatan; Ewha Wom-
PSS subject under the Politecnico Di ans University, South Korea: Prof. Cho
product design, sustainable
design, life cycle analysis, Milano University’s supervision. Oth- Young-sik and Sooyun Ahn.
product service systems,
contemporary jewellery
design, packaging design,
furniture design, retail
Objectives :
• From an academic point of view, the first issue is to research the men-
tioned working hypothesis and to build up an expert research com-
munity to work on it, i.e. the design (and research) of PSS capable of
Funding Institution
contributing to a sustainable transition of developing and newly industri-
UNEP alised contexts, together with those of the industrialised contexts.
• As a consequence, a multidisciplinary research branch as a multi-lat-
eral learning process could be initiated. This would ask for an interdis-
Start/End Date ciplinary approach merging what is going to be consolidated in terms
2002-2008 of Eco-Efficient PSS design and the research disciplines linked with the
socio-economical development of emerging contexts.
72 months
Target Outputs:
Developing a Sustainable PSS is the fruit of a “strategic design” activity.
By this, we mean a design capability of:
• promoting new forms of partnership/organisation (the reconfiguration
of the different actor’s roles), aiming at strategic convergence, based on
new sustainable satisfaction-based criteria of value,
• designing integrated systems based on low resource flows (costs)
measured with a life cycle.
ITU Industrial Product Design Department, EUT 312E
Product Design VI Project in Fall 2002- 2003
Target Outputs:
Areas of Interest
product design, sustainable • Development of innovative products
design, life cycle analysis,
product service systems, • Creation of conceptual designs
contemporary jewellery
design, packaging design,
furniture design, retail
Funding Institution
Start/End Date
6 months
Object Oriented and User Friendly ATM Interface
Management System
The project consists of the planning of tectural planning and space organiza-
Timberland brand stores in Turkey, and tion.
includes mechanical-electrical-archi-
Target Outputs:
• For the Timberland stores, design consultancy services were provided
Areas of Interest
and the retail design was planned in line with the Timberland company’s
product design, sustainable
design, life cycle analysis, brand identity.
product service systems,
contemporary jewellery
design, packaging design,
furniture design, retail
Funding Institution
Timberland UK
Start/End Date
48 months
Deriden Retail Design Project
The project consists of design con- planning and space organization for
sultancy for the planning of Deriden new stores, and the renovation of ex-
brand stores in Turkey, and involves isting stores.
Target Outputs:
Areas of Interest • Design consultancy services were provided for Deriden stores and
product design, sustainable the retail design was planned in line with the Deriden company’s brand
design, life cycle analysis,
product service systems, identity.
contemporary jewellery
design, packaging design,
furniture design, retail
Funding Institution
Start/End Date
48 months
Markapark Retail Design Project
The project consists of design consul- planning, and space organization for
tancy for the planning of Markapark new stores, and the renovation of ex-
brand stores in Turkey, and involves isting stores
Target Outputs:
Areas of Interest • Design consultancy services were provided for Markapark stores, and
product design, sustainable the retail design was planned in line with Markapark’s brand identity.
design, life cycle analysis,
product service systems,
contemporary jewellery
design, packaging design,
furniture design, retail
Funding Institution
Start/End Date
48 Months
Contemporary Jewellery Design
Objectives :
Res. Asst. Ceyda
Özgen, PhD • To develop contemporary jewellery designs and obtain registration
Faculty of Arhitecture certificates from the Turkish Patent Institute.
Department of Industrial
Product Design
Target Outputs:
• Receiving design registration certificates from the Turkish Patent Insti-
tute for the contemporary jewellery designs under the project. Within
Areas of Interest the scope of this study, design registration certificates for 13 products
product design, sustainable were received within the duration of 2 years.
design, life cycle analysis,
product service systems,
contemporary jewellery
design, packaging design,
furniture design, retail
Funding Institution
GTU Technology Transfer
Start/End Date
24 Months
Metamorphosis Themed Jewelry Design
The jewelry named “Awakening of Na- design that was produced and ex-
ture” was designed for the Ajur Jew- hibited in the sponsorship of Param
elry Design Competition organized Diamond is made of gold, diamonds,
in 2015 and was placed in the top 10 rubies and garnet. It was exhibited in
works among 400 designs and was various events after 5 months of de-
Asst. Prof. Dilek awarded with the mention prize. The sign and production period.
Hocaoğlu, PhD
Faculty of Arhitecture
Department of Industrial
Product Design
Objectives :
• To design a piece of jewelry to be produced by the sponsor and that
suits the theme of the competition, and to be included in the production
process as a designer
Areas of Interest
product design, design
history, brand identity,
cultural heritage, urban
Target Outputs:
• It is aimed that at least 50% of the visible surface of the jewelry consists
of precious stones and matches with the competititon’s theme of “Met-
Funding Institution
PARAM Diamond
Start/End Date
5 months
15,000 USD
Polin Water Slides Design
Funding Institution
Polin Waterparks Inc.
Start/End Date
September 2013-December
4 Months
Wearable Sensor-Sports Application Design
Faculty of Arhitecture
Objectives :
Department of Industrial • To design products for the “Wearable Sensor-Sports Application Design
Product Design
Project” with the students of the Department of Industrial Products De-
sign within the framework of university-industry collaboration
Areas of Interest
product design, design Target Outputs:
history, brand identity,
cultural heritage, urban
branding The final product should:
• be comfortable and safe to wear for doing sports or moving,
• be able to touch at least one point on the skin,
• be rechargeable,
• be easy to use and user-manageable,
• have a screen,key or led light for the interface design, if necessary, and
• be able to address the consumer profile of dynamic, technology-using
people aged 15-45.
Funding Institution
Start/End Date
February 2013-March 2014
4 months
Analysis of Critical Facilities and Direct Economic
Losses in AFAD-DAMP Application
In the past, big earthquakes caused timation of the damages and losses
damages in roads, rails, airports, bridg- of critical facilities is an essential task
es, viaducts, water, sewers, natural gas to reduce the critical time necessary
lines, petroleum, power lines, and the for emergency response teams after
losses in critical infrastructures had disasters. In this project, for which the
serious consequences for emergency academic is a researcher, new mod-
operations as much as for buildings. ules related to earthquake damage
Fatma İlknur Kara, Ensuring the serviceability of critical in critical facilities and direct econom-
PhD facilities after the disaster is crucial for ic losses due to structural damage of
Faculty of Arhitecture the initial stage of rescue and emer- buildings will be integrated into the
Department of Architecture gency operations. Therefore, fast es- AFAD RED application.
Objectives :
• To integrate new modules related to earthquake damage in critical fa-
Areas of Interest cilities and direct economic losses due to structural damage of buildings
earthquake engineering into the AFAD RED application
and disaster management,
seismic hazard and risk
analysis, structural dynamics
Target Outputs:
• Software, papers, articles
Funding Institution
Turkish Prime Ministry
Disaster and Emergency
Management Authority
Start/End Date
30 Months
106,000.00 TRY
A Temporary Building System Proposal for
Emergency Situations
The aim of this project, for which the pose a temporary building system to
academic is the coordinator, is to pro- be used for emergency situations.
Target Outputs:
Areas of Interest • A master’sthesis
earthquake, reinforced
concrete, bridges, danger
and risk analysis, masonry
construction, fuzzy logic
Funding Institution
Start/End Date
12 months
5,768.22 TRY
Analysis of Critical Facilities and Direct Economic
Losses in AFAD-DAMP Application
The aim of this project, for which the economic losses for earthquake sce-
academic is a researcher, is to analyze narios using the AFAD-DAMP applica-
critical facilities and estimate direct tion.
Objectives :
Asst. Prof. Ferhat • To analyze critical facilities and estimate direct economic losses for
Pakdamar, PhD earthquake scenarios using the AFAD-DAMP application
Faculty of Arhitecture
Department of Architecture
Target Outputs:
• Software, papers, articles
Areas of Interest
earthquake, reinforced
concrete, bridges, danger
and risk analysis, masonry
construction, fuzzy logic
Funding Institution
Turkish Prime Ministry
Disaster and Emergency
Management Authority
Start/End Date
30 Months
106,000.00 TRY
The Investigation of the Izmit Republican Period
Buildings Between 1923-1960 and Taking Their
Inventory (together with Oya Şenyurt and Nilgün Akcan
The project includes the investigation ing the Republican Period in İzmit be-
and taking of the inventory for the tween 1923-1960.
buildings that were constructed dur-
Lecturer İbrahim
Türkeri, PhD
Faculty of Arhitecture Objectives :
Department of Architecture
• To understand the development of the city of Izmit during the Early
Republican Period, and to contribute to inclusion of the life style and
architectural products of the period in the collective memory
Areas of Interest
architectural design, public Target Outputs:
buildings design, worship
spaces urban design, design
and planning of coastal
• To see how modernism came about in the field of architecture in Tur-
areas key and to take a historical look at the architectural identity of the Izmit
Funding Institution
Chamber of Architects,
Kocaeli, Turkey
Start/End Date
20 months
Dündar Cold Air Storage Additional Building
(together with Gönül Karademir Türkeri)
The project proposes to cover the ty in interior and exterior view. Instead
large scale industrial facilities that can of covering the industrial facilities with
affect environment and city aesthetics composite panels only, this façade
adversely and especially the ware- system, which is developed as a new
house structures with recycled wood- layer proposal, provides a naive wood-
en pallets, offering a new use possibili- en structure view.
Lecturer İbrahim
Türkeri, PhD Objectives :
Faculty of Arhitecture
Department of Architecture • Developed as an economic and sustainable façade system in industri-
al buildings and started to be implemented in Yalova scale, the project
aims to encourage other industrial facilities as an innovative solution.
Funding Institution
Dündar Seasonal
Ornamental Plants LTD.
Start/End Date
3 months
Gölcük Vision 2023 Spatial Development Strategies
and Urban Design (together with A. Kıvanç Kutluca, Z.
Gamze Perksoy Mert and Ersan Koç)
The project covers the planning of the future of Gölcük district in Kocaeli
spatial development strategies for province.
Lecturer İbrahim
Türkeri, PhD
Faculty of Arhitecture Objectives :
Department of Architecture
• It is aimed to determine the factors that will determine the urban de-
velopment of Gölcük, which is located in the state of the Gölcük fleet
hinterland, and to open new intellectual fields about the development
of the city in this direction.
Areas of Interest
architectural design, public Target Outputs:
buildings design, worship
spaces urban design, design
and planning of coastal
• Urban design projects have been developed depending on Gölcük’s
areas spatial development strategies.
Funding Institution
Gölcük Municipality
Start/End Date
12 months
Karamürsel Municipality Balik Island Social Facilities
Architectural and Landscape Design (together with
Gönül Karademir Türkeri)
After Marmara earthquake, due to despite all the arrangements made.
topographic reasons, Karamürsel The project includes the re-produc-
coastline has consisted of artifacts that tion of this area and its inclusion in
cannot meet the needs of fishermen coastal life.
and that do not enrich the coastal use
Lecturer İbrahim
Türkeri, PhD
Faculty of Arhitecture
Department of Architecture Objectives :
• To re-organize the coastline through ground reinforcement and as
supported by open, semi-open and closed space constructions that will
form a social facility where fisherman can sell fish and Karamürsel cui-
sine can be exhibited, and that will strengthen the relations of the city
Areas of Interest with the coast.
architectural design, public
buildings design, worship
spaces urban design, design
and planning of coastal Target Outputs:
• With a new ground organization on the island, a system of outdoor
spaces which defines coastal continuity has been proposed. In this way,
it was envisaged that the physical environment would allow for more
qualified use, and open and semi-open spaces would adapt to the daily
life of the city and its relations with the coast. While fulfilling the program
requirements, it was aimed to produce an urban space that would con-
Funding Institution tribute to the environmental relations of outdoor formation.
Karamürsel Municipality
Start/End Date
June 2016-December 2016
6 months
Housing Profile Analysis Related to the Earthquake
Factor in Değirmendere, Kocaeli (together with Yeşim
Özgen Kösten, A. Kıvanç Kutluca, Kevser Dağdelen,
Sekan Irmak, Mithat Özer and İsmail Talih Güven)
The project includes research studies anced urbanization by analyzing the
on how to shape the town of Değir- residential profiles according to the
mendere against the rapid and unbal- earthquake factor in the town.
Lecturer İbrahim
Türkeri, PhD
Faculty of Arhitecture Objectives :
Department of Architecture
• To take the necessary precautions before the earthquake, to establish
approaches that can minimize the losses that may occur after the disas-
ter, and to establish the scientific basis for providing the new settlement
Areas of Interest
architectural design, public Target Outputs:
buildings design, worship
spaces urban design, design
and planning of coastal
• To take the inventory of housing profiles, analyze the structural identi-
areas ties of the residences, and create a strongbase for urban transformation
Funding Institution
Start/End Date
72 months
Environmental Planning for the Blocks N-U of the
Faculty of Architecture at Gebze Technical University
The project is within the scope of re- Faculty of Architecture located on the
producing the open spaces of the GTU campus as a new structure.
Funding Institution
Start/End Date
March 2017-October 2017
7 months
Use of Architecture as a Tool in Sustainability
Education: A Case of Education Centers
As a result of recognizing the potential of Center”, “Center for Sustainability Educa-
ecological buildings as a tool for sustain- tion”, or “Center for Alternative Technolo-
ability education, studies on the estab- gy”, is to contribute to raising the aware-
lishment of relations between education ness of the community on environmental
pedagogies and sustainable architecture sustainability issues by using architecture.
have started to take place in the archi- Small-scale examples of sustainable ed-
tectural literature, and various educa- ucation centers that conduct training and
Assoc. Prof. Kutlu tional buildings have been designed and awareness-raising programs specifically
built considering this relation. In addition targeted for the younger generation have
Sevinç Kayıhan, PhD to the classical educational programs come into question in recent years and
Faculty of Arhitecture carried out in these buildings, which can have started to be built in Turkey. These
Department of Architecture turn building elements and systems into buildings, which are realized by universi-
an educational tool, these buildings can ties, local governments and partly by the
provide much more effective and lasting private sector, are designed in accordance
sustainability education. The common with sustainable architectural design prin-
aim of these centers, which are known ciples as well as educational, technical,
by various names such as the “Center for research and development studies con-
Areas of Interest Urban Ecology”, “Environmental Educa- ducted inside them. However, it is difficult
tion and Visitor Center”, “Sustainable Na- to say that these examples still operate ef-
architectural design, ture Center”, “Sustainable Urban Science ficiently and organically in Turkey.
architectural theory,
architectural design Center”, “Sustainable Industries Education
methods, architectural
criticism, sustainable
(ecological) architectural
design, educational
buildings Objectives :
• To analyze in a systematic way how the architectural design principles should
be treated as an educational tool in the design of education centers that pro-
vide informal sustainability education in the context of contemporary educa-
tional pedagogy/architecture. The identified case consists of international and
Funding Institution national samples named as “sustainability education center”, “clean energy
building”, “solar energy institute” etc., evaluated comparatively. It is also aimed
GTU Scientific Research at presenting improvement proposals for the national samples dealt with within
Projects Committee
the scope of the project, as well as creating a guide for educators, designers and
architects to make use of the current and innovative approach to planning and
designing educational buildings.
Start/End Date
Target Outputs:
Duration This project aims to evaluate/improve the experimental structures which are
designed and constructed in accordance with sustainable design principles
12 months
and carry out some educational activities in our country in comparison with
the leading foreign examples, and is expected to provide scientific contribution
Budget • studies in the field of “sustainable architecture”, which is defined as the rising
16,075.24 TL understanding of today and the future of architecture,
• the raising of awareness for environmental issues and the preservation of
environmental systems in support of informal education in such education-
al centers with all members of the community, particularly young people at
pre-primary, primary and secondary school levels,
• improvement of building regulations, standards and norms,
• creation of a database for educators, designers and architects in the design of
educational buildings within the scope of sustainable architecture.
In this context, it is thought that the main contribution of the project will be to
promote the development of healthy environments that protect the physical
and social environmental systems in the near and distant future by expanding
27 the work in the field of sustainable architecture.
A Study on Liveability of Residential Environments in
the Scope of Urban Regeneration: The Case of Tuzla
Sifa Neighborhood
Improving the quality of the housing sented with objective and subjective
environment and liveability in hous- evaluations by combining both the
ing areas, which are among the main theoretical approach of different dis-
objectives of urban planning and ur- ciplines such as urban planning and
ban policies, poses one of the main design, environmental psychology,
Assoc. Prof. Reyhan requirements regarding sustainable urban social geography, and practical
urbanization and improvement of the planning and design criteria in a sam-
Yıldız, PhD urban quality of life. In this context, ple area study.
Faculty of Arhitecture liveability issue in housing areas is pre-
Department of City and
Regional Planning
Objectives :
• This study aims to address urban quality of life and liveability in housing
areas issues, which are the major challenges posed by the rapid urban-
Areas of Interest ization in Turkey, and strives to contribute to the presentation of princi-
strategic spatial planning, ples of healthy and sustainable settlement in urban areas.
metropolitan planning,
philosophy of science
Target Outputs:
• The essential nature of the study is making a comparison by present-
ing both subjective evaluations based on interviews with households
and objective evaluations based on expert opinions. The results reveal
important clues regarding principles of healthy and sustainable settle-
ments in urban areas.
Funding Institution
GTU (GITat the time of the
Start/End Date
24 months
4,000 TRY
A Perception Survey for the Evaluation of Urban
Quality of Life in Kocaeli and a Comparison of the
Life Satisfaction with the European Cities
Projects on urban quality of life have and comparing cities facilitate the ex-
been attracting lots of attention from change of experiences and improve
various countries due to the deterio- the quality of local policies. In this
ration of urban environment and the study, aiming to evaluate the urban
decrease in the urban quality of life. QoL for the sustainable development
Assoc. Prof. Reyhan These projects, which have been sup- of Kocaeli city, the urban QoL studies
ported by international organizations made for European cities by Urban
Yıldız, PhD such as the United Nations, World Audit, an organization executing its
Faculty of Arhitecture Bank, OECD, European Commission studies in collaboration with European
Department of City and
and EUROSTAT (European Statistics), Union and EUROSTAT (European Sta-
Regional Planning
involve comparative assessment of tistics), are taken as the starting point.
life satisfaction in the European cities,
Target Outputs:
• This survey presents on issues for which the residents in the Kocae-
li had widely diverging opinions: employment opportunities, housing
Funding Institution costs, safety, cleanliness of the city, public transport, air pollution, in-
GTU (GITat the time of the tegration of immigrants and overall satisfaction with the quality of life
project) of their city. Thus, the project will become a major reference for local
officials to improve quality of life in Kocaeli and contribute to research
studies on quality of life in Turkey.
Start/End Date
36 months
3,000 TRY
Developing A Life Cycle Impact Assessment Model
for Building Materials Sector
Areas of Interest
building materials,
sustainable building Target Outputs:
materials, life cycle
assessment (LCA) • Suggestions for further LCA-based research and development pro-
jects, which should focus on the applicability and the future profit for the
Turkey construction sector, are made. It is assumed that the LCIA model
developed for Turkey will be a reference for the selection and produc-
tion of sustainable building materials in Turkey’s construction market.
Funding Institution
Istanbul Technical University,
Scientific Research Projects
Start/End Date
24 months
10,540 TRY
An English Architect in the 19th Century Istanbul:
William James Smith and Taşkışla
Target Outputs:
Funding Institution
TUBITAK • Books, presentations, papers, workshops
Start/End Date
24 months
64,041 TRY
A Model in the Urban Transformation of Istanbul in
the Nineteenth Century: Rowhouses
Target Outputs:
Areas of Interest • Books, presentations, papers, workshops
architectural history, early
Ottoman architecture,
late Ottoman architecture,
Ecole des Beaux Arts and
Eclecticism, development
of Ottoman port cities in
the 19th century, Ottoman
Academy of Fine Arts
Funding Institution
Istanbul Research Institute
Start/End Date
36 months (prolonged)
67,720 TRY
World Heritage Zeyrek Entrusted to Children
This project aims to create a work envi- and enjoyable workshop exercises
ronment with primary school children and surveys will be included in the
in Zeyrek region, which bears a signifi- project. The project, for which the ac-
cant cultural heritage and recognised ademic is a researcher and a special-
as a World Heritage Area by UNESCO. ist at the same time, is coordinated by
Multidisciplined, creative, interactive Asst. Prof. Selcen Coşkun Yalçın, PhD.
Target Outputs:
Areas of Interest • Exhibitions, workshops
architectural history, early
Ottoman architecture,
late Ottoman architecture,
Ecole des Beaux Arts and
Eclecticism, development
of Ottoman port cities in
the 19th century, Ottoman
Academy of Fine Arts
Funding Institution
Start/End Date
6 months
41,836 TRY
19th Century Ottoman Research in Archaeology and
Architectural Heritage in Relation to Architectural
Ottoman Imperial School of Fine Arts or students who participated in any
is an institution that not only paved the of the campaigns and surveys organ-
way for the modernisation of architec- ized by the Imperial Museum, as well
tural education and practice, but also as reveal how such work was reflected
is the foundationof the Republican Era in the curriculum. The research and
Asst. Prof. Seda Kula architecture. In a way, it is the institu- evaluation of such knowledge is ex-
tion that provided the means for tran- pected to cast light on how the Beaux
Say, PhD sition to modernity. In that sense, eval- Art model was implemented and/or
Faculty of Arhitecture uation of the models and motives laid transformed in Turkey. It is expected
Department of Architecture
out during its foundation, as well as the to enable us to discuss and comment
first years’ implementations, and the on how the awareness of local Ro-
works and research of its early gradu- man-Greek heritage and the study of
ates is important to comprehend and Seldjuk-Ottoman architectural herit-
comment on the roadmap prepared age were evaluated in the new Turkish
for Ottoman-Turkish architecture. architecture to be produced. And last
Areas of Interest However, although these motives can but not least, such research will let us
architectural history, early be named as the outstanding found- reach concrete data for the late 19th
Ottoman architecture,
late Ottoman architecture, ing principles for the first modern Ot- century-early 20th century surveys
Ecole des Beaux Arts and tomanSchoolofFineArts,westillneed of archaeology and architectural her-
Eclecticism, development
of Ottoman port cities in to unveil the period until the Republi- itage in Turkey, hence create a solid
the 19th century, Ottoman can Era,including the research carried database that will encourage further
Academy of Fine Arts
out on archaeology or architectural scientific research to be carried out on
heritage conservations, surveys done this topic. The academic is the coordi-
within the framework of architectur- nator of the project.
al education, the school professors
Funding Institution
GTU, Scientific Research Objectives :
• To investigate archaeological and architectural heritage based site sur-
veys realised by Sanayi-i Nefise-affiliated late Ottoman architects and to
Start/End Date reveal how the discipline of archaeological and architectural heritage
2016-present conservation developed in Turkey
Target Outputs:
Duration • Presentations, articles, conferences
24 months
22,158 TRY
Vision for 2023