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KARAIKAL – 609609

Curriculum and syllabus for

M.Tech. in Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

2022 Batch

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Course Structure
Semester I II III IV Total Credits
Core Courses 12 6 - - 18
Elective Courses 6 12 - - 18
Laboratories 2 2 - - 4
Internship - - 2 - 2
Course Total 20 20 2 - 42
Project - - 10 12 22
Total Credits 20 20 12 12 64

First Semester
S.No. Code Subject Name L T P C Core/Elective
1 CE6101 Theory of elasticity and plasticity 3 0 0 3 C
2 CE6102 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering 3 0 0 3 C
3 CE6103 Advanced Mechanics for Civil 3 0 0 3 C
4 CE6104 Fluid Dynamics 3 0 0 3 C
5 CE6105 Structural Dynamics 3 0 0 3 C
6 CE60XX Elective -1 3 0 0 3 E
7 CE6106 Disaster Laboratory -I 0 0 3 2 C
Total Credits 20

Second Semester
S.No. Code Subject Name L T P C Core/Elective
1 CE6107 Soil Dynamics 3 0 0 3 C
2 CE60XX Elective - 2 3 0 0 3 E
3 CE60XX Elective - 3 3 0 0 3 E
4 CE60XX Elective -4 3 0 0 3 E
5 CE60XX Elective -5 3 0 0 3 E
6 CE60XX Elective -6 3 0 0 3 E
7 CE6108 Disaster Laboratory-II 0 0 3 2 C
Total Credits 20

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Third Semester
S.No. Code Subject Name L T P C Core/Elective
3 IP6101 Internship* 0 0 3 2 C
4 IP6102 Dissertation – I Stage 0 0 20 10 C
Total Credits 12

*An internship report will be assessed by internship coordinator. A minimum period of 8 weeks and
maximum period of 12 weeks (to be completed during vacation between 2nd & 3rd semester)

Fourth Semester
S.No Code Subject Name L T P C Core/Elective
1 IP6103 Dissertation – II Stage 0 0 24 12 C
Total Credits 12

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List of Programme Electives

S.No Code Subject Name Credits

1 CE6001 Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures 3

2 CE6002 Fracture Mechanics 3
3 CE6003 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures 3
4 CE6004 Analysis and design of tall structures 3
5 CE6005 Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering 3
6 CE6006 Offshore Geotechnics 3
7 CE6007 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3
8 CE6008 Coastal Engineering 3
9 CE6009 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
10 CE6010 Advanced Design of Steel Structures 3
11 CE810 Landslides and slope stability 3
12 CE815 Statistics for Experimentalists 3
13 CE816 Characterization of Construction Materials 3
14 CE817 Wave hydrodynamics 3
Advance Mechanics for Reinforced Concrete
15 CE819 3

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Programme Core
CE6101 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Pre-requisite: Mechanics of Solids
Course Objectives:
● Understanding the plane stress and plane strain concepts
● Understanding the different failure criteria
● Understanding and modelling elastic and plastic behaviour of the materials.

Course Content: Analysis of Stress: Introduction, Stress components at an arbitrary plane,

Principal stresses, Stress invariants, Construction of Mohr’s circle, Differential equation of
equilibrium, Plane stress problem, Boundary conditions Analysis of Strain: Introduction,
Principal strains, Strain deviator and its invariants, Plane strain problem, Compatibility
conditions Stress-strain relations: Introduction, Generalized Hooke’s law, Stress-strain
relations for isotropic and orthotropic materials, Displacement equations of equilibrium Two
Dimensional Problems in Elasticity: Stress function. Torsion: Introduction, Torsion of general
prismatic bars, Torsion of circular and elliptical bars, Torsion of equilateral triangular bars,
Membrane analogy, Torsion of thin-walled tubes, Torsion of a thin-walled multiple-cell closed
section, Torsion or rolled sections Three-dimensional problems in elasticity: Differential
equation of equilibrium in 3D, condition of compatibility determination of displacement, the
principle of superposition, uniqueness theorem, torsion of bars. Membrane analogy. Theory of
failures and plasticity: Criterion of yielding strain hardening rules of plastic flow different
stress-strain relation. total strain theory, theorem of limit analysis, elastoplastic bending and
torsion of bars.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of course, the students will able to
CO1: To apply elastic analysis to study the fracture mechanic
CO2: To apply linear elasticity in the design and analysis of structures such as beams, plates,
shells and sandwich composites
CO3: Define the yield criteria based on various failure theories

1. S P Timoshenko and J N Goodier (2006) Theory of Elasticity, McGraw Hill.

2. Mohammed Ameen (2005) Computational Elasticity, Narosa Publishing House.
3. Chen and Han (1998) Plasticity for Structural Engineers, Springer Verlag.
4. L S Srinath (2010) Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw-Hill
5. Sadd MH. (2014) Elasticity: theory, applications, and numerics. Academic Press

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CE6102 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Pre-requisite: Soil Mechanics
Course Objective:
● To provide fundamental knowledge on soil classification for engineering application
● To understand the basics of the triaxial test and other advanced geotechnical tests
● To understand the concepts of design of shallow and deep foundation
Course Content: Soil formation; Soil structure; Clay mineralogy; Soil compaction; Flow of
water through soils; Effective stress; Stresses in soil from surface loads; Consolidation theories;
Settlement of compressible soil layers; Methods for accelerating consolidation settlements;
Shear strength; Stress paths in p-q space; Triaxial behaviour, stress state and analysis of UC,
UU, CU, CD, and other special tests; Subsoil exploration for foundation engineering-SPT,
CPT, PMT; Importance of parameter selection in calculations of ultimate and serviceability
limit state calculations for both shallow and deep foundations; Introduction to rock mechanics.
physical and mechanical properties of rocks; Introduction to problematic soils- dispersive soil,
collapsible soil, expansive soil, ultra-soft soil; Ground Improvement technique- sand column,
stone column. PVD; Introduction to numerical modelling of geotechnical structures.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Determine the consolidation parameters and shear parameter for the given geomaterial.
CO2: Estimate the bearing capacity of soil based on working stress method and LRFD
CO3: Assess suitable ground improvement technique for the given site.
1. Salgado, R (2006) The Engineering of Foundations, Mc Graw Hill.
2. Coduto, D. P., Kitch, W. A. and Yeung, M. R. (2016) Foundation Design: Principles
and Practices. Pearson Education Inc.
3. Poulos, H. G. and Davis, E. H. (1980) Pile Foundation Analysis and Design. John
Wiley and Sons Inc., 1980.
4. Poulos, H. G. (2017) Tall Building Foundation Design. CRC Press., 2017.
5. Das, B. M. (2013) Principles of Foundation Engineering, 7th edition, Cengage
Learning, Inc., 2010, ISBN: 0495668109
6. Bowles, J. E. (1997) Foundations Analysis and Design, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New
7. Tomlinson M and Woodward J (1977) Pile Design and Construction Practice. Taylor
and Francis, London, UK.
8. Peck, R.B., Hanson, W.E. and Thornburn, T.H. (1974) Foundation Engineering, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.
9. Grim R.E., (1953) Clay Minerology, McGraw-Hill.

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CE6103 Advanced Mechanics for Civil Infrastructure [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Pre-requisite: Mechanics of Solids
Course Objectives:

● To provide the students an overview on Finite Element Method, Material models, and
Applications in Civil Engineering.
● To understand basics of Finite Element Analysis.
● To solve problems in one dimensional structure including trusses, beams and frames.
● Formulate FE characteristic equations for two dimensional elements and analyse plain
stress, plain strain, and axis-symmetric problems
● Implement and solve the finite element formulations using MATLAB

Course Content: Concepts of the stiffness method- review of matrix methods for bar, truss,
beam and frames. Energy principles – Principle of minimum potential energy. Continuum
boundary value problem and their integral formulation. Variational methods: Raleigh-Ritz,
weighted residual methods, principle of virtual work and weak formulations. Finite element
formulation of one-, two- and three-dimensional problems, choice of elements, derivation of
element shape functions, Element defects, mesh refinement, Isoparametric formulation, Gauss
quadrature, Introduction to non-linear problems. Solving simple mechanics of solids problem
in commercial finite element software (Abaqus or ANSYS)
Course Outcomes:

CO1: Students will be able to apply finite element method to solve problems in solid
CO2: Students will know to apply energy and variational principles in finite element
CO3: Students will know to formulate element and global stiffness matrix
CO4: Use commercial finite element software and understand its structure method.
CO5: Use finite element method to design engineering components and solve engineering

1. Chandrupatla, Belegundu (2012) Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
2. J.N.Reddy (2004) An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Mc Graw Hill
3. Cook RD (2007) Concepts and applications of finite element analysis. John wiley and

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CE6104 Fluid Dynamics [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Pre-requisite: Fluid Mechanics
Course Objectives:

● To understand the basics of fluid dynamics.

● To study about vorticity dynamics, and waves.
● To understand the basics of instabilities, chaos, and turbulence.
● To study the basics of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics.
Course Content: Hydrostatics: the theory of fluids at rest – Steady flow – Bernoulli’s Theorem
– Governing Equations – Speed of Sound – Stability of the Atmosphere – Vorticity
Introduction to Waves – Dynamics of Free Surface – Linear Surface Gravity Waves –
Dispersion Law: General Theory – Group Velocity – Propagation of Fourier Harmonics –
Waves – Waves on the Surface of Water of Finite Depth – Surface Tension – Wave Patterns
on a Stream – Waves at the Interface of Two Fluids – Internal Gravity Waves – Vorticity
Dynamics – Persistence of Circulation – Kelvin’s Theorem – Intensification of Vorticity by
Stretching Vortex Tubes – Helmholtz Theorems – Tornado – Vortex Rings – Instabilities,
Chaos, and Turbulence – Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability – Instability of Parallel Shear Flow –
Problem of Turbulence – Closure Problem – Local Structure of Turbulence – Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics – Inertial Forces – Coriolis Force – Motion under the action of the Coriolis
force – Geostrophic Flow.
Course Outcomes
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Understand the basics of vorticity dynamics, waves, instabilities, chaos, and turbulence.
CO2: Understand the different types of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics.
1. Batchelor, C. K., and Batchelor, G. (2000) An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics.
Cambridge University Press.
2. Anatoly I. Ruban, and Jitesh S. B. Gajjar (2014) Fluid Dynamics. Oxford University
3. Vallis, G. K. (2017) Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics. Cambridge University
4. Cushman-Roisin, B., and Beckers, J. M. (2011) Introduction to Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics: Physical and Numerical Aspects. Academic Press.
5. Pozrikidis, C. (2016) Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Computation, and Numerical
Simulation. Springer.
6. Acheson, D. J. (1991) Elementary Fluid Dynamics. Oxford University Press.
7. Paul Manneville. (2004) Instabilities, Chaos and Turbulence: An Introduction To
Nonlinear Dynamics And Complex Systems. Imperial College Press, London.
8. Wu, J. Z., Ma, H. Y., and Zhou, M. D. (2007) Vorticity and Vortex Dynamics. Springer
Science & Business Media.

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CE6105 Structural Dynamics [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives:
● To impart knowledge to model discrete single-degree and multiple-degree vibratory
systems and calculate the free and forced response of these systems.
● To introduce the fundamental concepts to calculate the mode shapes and frequencies
for the free response of vibratory systems

Course Contents: Introduction to fundamentals of vibrations, undamped free vibrations of

SDOF systems, damped free vibrations of SDOF systems, Forced vibrations of SDOF systems,
MDOF Systems: Numerical methods in dynamics: mode superposition method, direct
integration scheme: Continuous systems: Equations of motion, Hamilton’s principle,
Lagrangian formulation, Introduction to Random vibration.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Develop the equations of motion for vibratory systems and solving them for free and
forced response
CO2: Develop the skill to solve an Engineering problem under dynamic loading for industrial
CO3: Develop the skill to understand the effect of damping in the calculation of response
CO4: Calculate response under random vibration

1. Meirovich, L., (1984) Elements of vibration analysis, McGraw-Hill, NY
2. Clough R W and J Penzien, (1993) Dynamics of structures, McGraw-Hill, NY
3. Rao,S S (2004) Mechanical Vibrations, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
4. Paz, M. (2012). Structural dynamics: theory and computation. Springer Science &
Business Media
5. A. K. Chropra (2019). Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake
Engineering, Prentice Hall of India

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CE6106 Disaster Laboratory I [(0-0-3); Credits: 2]
Prerequisite: Nil
List of Experiments

● Testing of RC beams for shear

● Testing of columns with and without jacketing
● Computer implementation of finite element code for bar, truss, beam and frame
● Model and analyse 1-D, 2-D and 3-D structures in commercial FE software by varying
the mesh shape and size to evaluate the solution convergence rate for each case.
● Determination of peak and residual shear strength parameters using ring shear test
● Determination of soil water characteristic curve for given soil using dewpoint
● Assessment of liquefaction potential using standard penetration test
● Demonstration on evaluation of dynamic soil properties using cyclic triaxial test
● Test to assess coastal erosion using different protection measures
● Testing the stability of offshore structures against storm waves
● To assess the effect of dam break on downstream structures
1. Chandrupatla, Ashok, and Belegundu (2012) Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering, Pearson
2. Cook RD (2007) Concepts and applications of finite element analysis. John wiley and
3. Clayton (1995) Site Investigation: A Handbook for Engineers, Wiley–Blackwell; 2nd
4. Steven L. Kramer (2003) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall Inc.
5. Kamphius, J.W (2002) Introduction to coastal Engineering and Management,
Advances on Ocean Engineering-Volume 16, World Scientific.
6. Mays L.W (2011) Water Resources Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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CE6107 Soil Dynamics [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Soil Mechanics
Course Objective:

● To study the engineering behaviour of soil subjected to static and time dependent cyclic
● Tol learn geotechnical site characterisation, site response analysis and the methods for
evaluation of liquefaction potential of a site.
Course Content: Introduction- Principles of vibration measuring instruments, effect of
Transient and Pulsating loads – vibrations of multi degree freedom system; Dynamic stress –
strain characteristics – principles of measuring dynamic properties – Laboratory Techniques –
Field tests – Factors affecting dynamic properties - Typical values- Dynamic bearing capacity
– Dynamic earth pressure; Types of Machines and Foundations – General requirements –
Modes of vibration of a rigid foundation, block method of analysis – Linear Elastic weightless
spring method – Elastic half –space method – Analog models ; Design of Block foundation -
Codal Provisions- Block Vibration Test - Vibration isolation and absorption techniques
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will able to
CO1: Design foundations and isolation systems subjected to different kinds of vibrations
CO2: Determine dynamic properties of soils by using laboratory and non-destructive field
CO3: Assess the liquefaction potential of a given site.
1. Shamsher Prakash (1981) Soil Dynamics, McGraw Hill Book Company.
2. S.Saran (1999) Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation, Galgotia publications Pvt.
Ltd. , New Delhi
3. Steven L. Kramer (2003) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. Robert W. Day (2002) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook”, McGraw
Hill, New York.
5. Kenji Ishihara (1996) Soil Behaviour in Earthquake Geotechnics, Oxford University
Press, USA.
6. G.V. Ramanna and B.M. Das (2011) Principles of Soil Dynamics, CENGAGE
Learning, USA.
7. Richart, F.E., Woods, R.D. and Hall, J.R. (1970) Vibrations of soils and foundations.

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CE6108 Disaster Laboratory-II [(0-0-3); Credits: 2]
Prerequisite: Nil
List of Experiments

● Behaviour of three storey shear building model

● Behaviour of building model with open and closed ground floor
● Torsional behaviour of building model
● Testing on base isolation test mechanism
● Nonlinear time history analysis of multi storied famed structures
● Determination of floor acceleration of tall building structure subjected to wind load
● Stability analysis of slopes using FEM/FDM/LE.
● Numerical modelling and analysis of shallow and deep foundation under seismic
● Storm surge/Tsunami inundation mapping using GIS
● Determining the effect of floods on bridge pier scour.
1. Paz, M. (2012). Structural dynamics: theory and computation. Springer Science &
Business Media
2. Paulay T. and Priestley, M.J.N. (1992) Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and
Masonry Buildings”, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. R Chowdhury, P Flentje, G Bhattacharya (2009) Geotechnical Slope Analysis, CRC
4. Lillesand, T., Kiefer, R. W., & Chipman, J. (2015). Remote sensing and image
interpretation. John Wiley & Sons.

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IP6102 Dissertation – I Stage [(0-0-20); Credits: 10]
Prerequisite: Core Courses of DRI
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to impart and improve the research capability of the student.
This course conceives purely a research problem in the area of disasters and its related resilient
infrastructure. The research problem has to be pursued by an individual student. The student
has to find a research gap according to his/her interest by doing good amount of literature
survey. The student should be monitored by a faculty. Further, He/She should define the title
and research problem. The student should also start the work towards the objectives of the
research work. At the end of the course, the student should submit a report on literature survey,
research problem identification, expected outcomes and work done (if any).
Evaluation Criteria
The method of evaluation will be as follows:
● Evaluation I: 20 marks on finding research area (Decided by conducting a review by
the assessment committee)
● Evaluation II: 20 marks on literature collection and presentation (Decided by
conducting a review by the assessment committee)
● Final Evaluation: 60 marks on report for problem identification, literature survey and
early works and expected outcomes (Decided by conducting final review by the
assessment committee).

IP6103 Dissertation – II Stage [(0-0-24); Credits: 12]

Prerequisite: Core Courses of DRI
Course Objective
With continuation to the course, IP6102 Dissertation – I Stage, the student should pursue
further research in the same original problem statement reported earlier. At the end of the
course, the student should submit a full-length research investigation report consisting of the
data collection, the analysis and design calculations, and outcomes if any along with required
tables, pictures, and figures.
Evaluation Criteria
The method of evaluation will be as follows:
● Evaluation I: 20 marks on further works (Decided by conducting a review by the
assessment committee)
● Evaluation of Project Report: 20 marks on balance works (Decided by conducting a
review by the assessment committee).
● Final Evaluation: 60 marks on complete research work (Decided by conducting final
review by the assessment committee).

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Programme Electives
CE6001 Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Mechanics of Solids
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge on

● To introduce the fundamental concepts procedure and methodology for maintenance

and retrofitting
● To identify the formation of moisture in the structures.
● To recognize deterioration of concrete buildings.
● To know Deficiencies in various forms of steel constructions.
● To know strengthening techniques for prevailing structures.

Course Content: Diagnose of distress: General Consideration - Distresses monitoring - Causes

of distresses – Quality assurance - Defects due to climate, chemicals, wear and erosion -
Inspection - Structural appraisal - Economic appraisal. Building cracks: Diagnosis, Causes and
Remedial measures - Thermal and Shrinkage cracks - Unequal loading - Vegetation and trees
- Chemical action - Foundation movements - Techniques for repair - NDT techniques,
Grouting, Epoxy injection - Repair materials - Special concretes and mortar. Repair on
Concrete structures: Introduction - Causes of deterioration - Diagnosis of cracked structures -
Methods of repair - Repairing, spalling and disintegration - Repairing of concrete floors and
pavements. Repair of steel structures: Types and causes for deterioration - Preventive measures
- Repair procedure - Brittle fracture - Lamellar tearing - Defects in welded joints - Mechanism
of corrosion - Corrosion production methodologies - Design and fabrication errors - Distress
during erection - Causes and remedies. Strengthening of existing structures: General principles
- Relieving loads - Strengthening super structures - Plating - Conversion to composite
construction - Post stressing - Jacketing - Bonded overlays - Reinforcement addition -
Strengthening substructures - Under pinning - Increasing load capacity of footing - Design for
rehabilitation – strength enhancement of steel structures.

Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Diagnose the distress in civil engineering structures.
CO2: Apply the theoretical concepts of crack repairing in the field.
CO3: Select suitable Repair techniques for deterioration of concrete structures.
CO4: Pick right techniques to eliminate distressing in steel arrangements.
CO5: Comparison of verities of rehabilitation techniques according to requirement.

1. Guha, P.K, (2011) Maintenance and Repairs of Buildings, New Central Book Agency (P)
Ltd, Calcutta, 2011.
2. Ghosh, S.K (1988) Repair and Rehabilitation of Steel Bridges, Oxford and IBH Publishing
Co., New Delhi.
3. Current literature
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CE6002 Fracture Mechanics [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Pre-requisite: Nil
Course Objectives:
● To introduce the mathematical and physical principles of fracture mechanics
● To develop the ability in students to determine fracture parameters around a crack tip
for linear and nonlinear materials.
● To expand students' knowledge on experimental methods to determine the fracture
● To develop the students understanding on the design principle of materials and
structures using fracture mechanics based on stress and energy-based approaches

Course Content: Introduction-Modes of failure, Examples of structural failures caused by

fracture, Fracture mechanics versus strength of materials, Column stability versus fracture
instability, Fracture control, Mechanisms of crack growth and fracture; Linear Elastic Fracture
Mechanics - Review of elasticity, Complex variables, Complex Airy’ stress function, Elasticity
based solutions for crack problems, Stress intensity factor, Griffith’s theory, Strain energy
release rate, R-Curve; Design based on LEFM- Design philosophy, SIF due to complex
loading, Application of the principle of superposition, Critical SIF, Leak before break, Damage
tolerance analysis; Elasto – Plastic Fracture Mechanics - Plastic zone sizes, Crack tip opening
displacement, J-Integral – Derivation, Path independence; Mixed Mode Crack Propagation-
Analytical models; Fatigue life predictions- Retardation models, Fatigue Crack Propagation,
Fatigue models, Fatigue life predictions, Retardation models; Finite Elements in Fracture
Mechanics - Isoparametric singular Elements, Extraction of stress intensity factors using
displacement correlation, Displacement extrapolation, Strain energy release rate, Virtual crack
extension and J – Integral techniques; Fracture Mechanics of Quasi-brittle Materials - Non-
linear fracture models with softening, Work of fracture method, Fracture energy, Size effect.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Application of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics on brittle materials

CO2: Understand crack resistance and energy release rate for crack criticality.
CO3: Students shall be able to identify the plane stress and plane strain conditions based on
the shape and size of plastic zones.
CO4: Correctly identify the cause of failure of a material based on fracture surface
CO5: Understand the relationship between crack tip opening displacement, SIF and ERR and
application of such parameters for ductile, brittle and quasi-brittle materials

1. David Broek (1984) Elementary Fracture Mechanics, Sijthoff and Noordhoff, The
2. Prashanth Kumar (2017) Elements of Fracture Mechanics, Wheeler Publishing, New

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3. Shah. S.P., Swartz, S.E. and Ouyang, C. (1995) Fracture Mechanics of Concrete:
Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Concrete, Rock and other Quasi-Brittle
Materials, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1995
4. Knott JF. (1973) Fundamentals of fracture mechanics. Gruppo Italiano Frattura.
5. Anderson TL. (2017) Fracture mechanics: fundamentals and applications. CRC press.

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CE6003 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Pre-requisite: Structural Dynamics
Course Objective:

● Understanding the different seismic analysis methods.

● Understanding the earthquake-resistant design of the RCC and steel structures.
Course Content: Basic Concepts: Seismic performance of structures and structural
components during earthquakes; ground motion parameters; response spectrum, design
spectrum. Seismic Design Philosophy: Concept of strength, overstrength and ductility, Concept
of equal displacement and equal energy principles, Capacity Design; Seismic design
consideration in buildings with irregularities. Seismic Analysis of Buildings: Equivalent static
analysis, response spectrum analysis, mode superposition method; Time history analysis;
Modelling concept of a reinforced concrete building. Seismic Design of Building Components:
Seismic resistant properties of reinforced concrete; Seismic Behaviour and design of linear
reinforced concrete elements; Seismic behaviour of planer reinforced concrete elements, codal
provisions. Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings – Materials, connections, joints
and Fasters; Columns, ordinary, intermediate and special moment-resisting frame;
Concentrically and eccentrically braced frames.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the concept of Seismic-resistant building architecture
CO2: Apply the concept of ductile detailing in RC structures
CO3: Analyse and design earthquake resistant RCC building
1. Paulay T. and Priestley, M.J.N. (1992) Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and
Masonry Buildings”, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Edmund Booth and David Key, Tomas Telford (2006) Earthquake Design Practice for
3. Agrawal P, Shrikhande M. (2011) Earthquake resistant design of structures. PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
4. All relevant BIS codes.

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CE6004 Analysis and Design of Tall Structures [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Analysis and Design of Structures
Course Objectives:
● To impart knowledge of the latest concepts, techniques and design of wind- and
seismic-resistant buildings.
● To introduce the fundamental concepts relevant to different approach of high rise
building design method.
● To enable the students to understand the factors that causes the economy and
optimization of the structural design and construction of high rise building
Course Contents: Structural systems and general concepts of tall buildings; Various methods
of structural analysis; Gravity systems for steel, concrete, and composite buildings; Lateral
systems for steel, concrete, and composite buildings; Interaction of frames and shear walls;
Simultaneous and sequential loading; Differential shortening of columns, follower forces; P-Δ
effects; Effect of openings; Foundations and foundation superstructure interaction; Wind/
earthquake effects and design for ductility; Damping systems; Asymmetric structures and
twisting of frames.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to

CO1: Understand the concepts and techniques of wind- and seismic-resistant buildings
CO2: Describe different techniques and procedure of the high-rise building design method in
civil engineering.
CO3: Apply principles of different criteria considering the economy and optimization of the
structural design and construction of high-rise building.
CO4: Assess the applications of different approaches of high-rise building design method in
civil engineering
1. Taranath B.S. (1988) Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings, McGraw Hill,
New York.
2. Jain,V.K. (2000) Designing and installation of services in building complexes and high
rise buildings, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Gupta,Y.P. (1995) High rise structures; design and constructions practices for middle
level cities, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Smith B.S and Alexcoull (1991) Tall building structures Analysis and Design, John

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CE6005 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Soil Mechanics and Soil Dynamics
Course Objective:

● To provide basic knowledge of the engineering seismology with a brief background on

plate tectonics
● To understand the effect of earthquake on soil structures and to design earthquake
resistant geotechnical structures.
Course Content: Introduction to vibratory motion: Dynamic properties of soils: Determination
of site characteristics, local geology and soil condition, site investigation and soil test,
Laboratory and in-situ tests Site response to earthquake. Seismic Microzonation Liquefaction
of soils: Fundamental concept of liquefaction, assessment of liquefaction susceptibly from SPT
and CPT Seismic response of soil structure system, seismic bearing capacity of shallow
foundation, design of pile foundation in liquefiable ground. Pseudo-static analysis and design
of earth retaining structures and soil slopes Estimation of earthquake-induced deformation;
Case histories and mitigation techniques.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will able to
CO1: Learn about the causes, response spectra and attenuation of ground motion.
CO2: Understand vibratory motions, seismic response of soil- structure system.
CO3: Apply the principles of soil dynamics

1. Steven L. Kramer (2003) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering., Pearson Education.

2. Robert W. Day (2002) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook, McGraw-
3. Ansal A. (2006) Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and
Microzonation, Springer.
4. Towhata I. (2008) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Springer.

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CE6006 Offshore Geotechnics [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]

Prerequisite: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

Course Objective:
• To understand differences between the soil and loading conditions of on-shore and
offshore structures, various types of offshore foundation systems, and to evaluate the
performance of offshore structures.

Course Content: Origin, classification, and distribution of marine sediments; in-situ stress
state in submarine deposits, methods of exploration of submarine deposits, obtaining
undistributed samples and determination of in-situ strength, evaluation of physical and
chemical properties of submarine soils, consolidation, settlement characteristics and shear
strength characteristics under static and wave loading, Different offshore and nearshore
foundations, gravity platforms, Jack-up rigs, pile foundations. cassions, spudcans, seafloor

Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will able to
CO1: Know the distribution of marine sediments along the Indian coasts
CO2: Understand the geotechnical challenges in the case of marine sediments.
CO3: Implement in-situ testing procedures for determining the properties of marine deposits.
CO4: Know different offshore and nearshore foundations and understand the behavior of
marine soil deposits under repetitive loading conditions.

1. H. G. Poulos (1988) Marine Geotechnics, Unwin Hyman Ltd, London, UK, 1988
2. D. V. Reddy and M. Arockiasamy (1991) Offshore Structures”, Volume: 1, R.E.
Kreiger Pub and Co., 1991
3. D. Thomson and D. J. Beasley (2012) Handbook of Marine Geotechnical Engineering”,
US Navy, 2012
4. Port Engineering Planning, Construction, Maintenance and Security – George P
Tsinker, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2004)

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CE6007 Advanced Foundation Engineering [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]

Prerequisite: Foundation Engineering

Course Objective:
• To know various exploration techniques for different foundations and impart
knowledge of methods of analysis and design of various foundations and earth retaining

Course Content: Subsoil exploration for foundation engineering, In situ tests and
interpretation of their results; Types, and selection of foundation elements, Foundation design
framework, Tolerable foundation movement, Bearing capacity and settlement analysis of
shallow foundations, Design of isolated and combined footings, Raft foundation; Analysis and
design of axially loaded piles, Laterally loaded piles, Piles in the group, Pile driving analysis,,
Piled Raft Foundation, Foundation on expansive soils; Design of earth retaining structures;
Introduction of numerical modelling of foundations.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Identify and select suitable exploration techniques for different projects.
CO2: Evaluate the bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations
CO3: Estimate the pile capacity and settlement of piles
CO4: Understand special foundations and foundations for problematic soils

1. Salgado, R. (2006) The Engineering of Foundations, Mc Graw Hill, ISBN:
2. Coduto, D. P., Kitch, W. A. and Yeung, M. R. (2016) Foundation Design: Principles
and Practices. Pearson Education Inc. ISBN 0133411893
3. Poulos, H. G. and Davis, E. H. (1980) Pile Foundation Analysis and Design. John Wiley
and Sons Inc., Das, B. M. Principles of Foundation Engineering, 7th edition, Cengage
Learning, Inc., 2010, ISBN: 0495668109
4. Bowles, J. E. (1997) Foundations Analysis and Design, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New
5. Peck, R.B., Hanson, W.E. and Thornburn, T.H. (1974) Foundation Engineering, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.

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CE6008 Coastal Engineering [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Fluid Dynamics
Course Objective:

● To understand the basics of coastal engineering

● To study about sediment transport.
● To understand the basics of shore defense.
Course Content: Introduction to Coastal Engineering – Waves in Shallow Waters –
Refraction, Diffraction and Shoaling – Sediment Characteristics – Coastal Sediment Transport
– Limits for Littoral Drift - Suspended and Bed Load – Long Shore Sediment Transport Rate
– Distribution of Longshore Currents and Sediment Transport Rates in Surf Zone – Physical
Modeling in Coastal Engineering – On shore Offshore Sediment Transport – Coastal Features
– Beach Features – Beach Cycles – Beach Stability – Beach Profiles – Artificial Nourishment
– Planning of Coast Protection Works – Design of Shore Defense Structures – Case Studies on
Coastal Erosion and Protection – Generation, Propagation and Effect of Tsunami
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Understand the basics of coastal engineering.
CO2: Understand the basics of sediment transport.
CO3: Design coastal protection structures.
CO4: Investigate the causes of coastal erosions in different case studies.
1. Horikawa,K (1978) Coastal Engineering, University of Tokyo press.
2. Reeve, D., Chadwick, A. and Fleming, C (2004) Coastal Engineering Processes, theory
and design practice, Spon Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London & Paris.
3. Silvester, R. and Hsu, J.R.C (1997) Coastal Stabilisation, Advances on Ocean
Engineering-Volume 14, World Scientific.
4. Kamphius, J.W (2002) Introduction to coastal Engineering and Management,
Advances on Ocean Engineering-Volume 16, World Scientific, 2002.
5. Coastal Engineering Manual (2003) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC
20314-1000, Vol. 1 to 3.
6. Wood, M (1969) Coastal Hydraulics: McMillan, Civil Engineering Hydraulics,
7. Sorenson, R.M (1978) Basic Coastal Engineering, A Wiley- Interscience Publication,
New York.

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CE6009 Computational Fluid Dynamics [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Fluid Dynamics
Course Objective:

● To introduce Governing Equations of viscous fluid flows

● To introduce numerical modelling and its role in the field of fluid flow and heat transfer
● To enable the students to understand the various discretization methods, solution
procedures and turbulence modelling.
● To create confidence to solve complex problems in the field of fluid flow and heat
transfer by using high speed computers.
Course Content: Basics of computational fluid dynamics – Governing equations of fluid
dynamics – Continuity, Momentum and Energy equations – Chemical species transport –
Physical boundary conditions – Time-averaged equations for Turbulent Flow – Turbulent–
Kinetic Energy Equations – Mathematical behaviour of PDEs on CFD – Elliptic, Parabolic and
Hyperbolic equations –Derivation of finite difference equations – Simple Methods – General
Methods for first and second order accuracy – Finite volume formulation for steady state One,
Two and Three –dimensional diffusion problems – Parabolic equations – Explicit and Implicit
schemes – Example problems on elliptic and parabolic equations – Use of Finite Difference
and Finite Volume methods – Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion – Central,
upwind differencing schemes properties of discretization schemes – Conservativeness,
Boundedness, Transportiveness, Hybrid, Power-law, QUICK Schemes.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Create numerical modelling and its role in the field of fluid flow and heat transfer.
CO2: Use the various discretization methods, solution procedures and turbulence modelling to
solve flow and heat transfer problems.
1. Patankar, S.V (2004) Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing
2. Chung, T.J (2002) Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University, Press.
3. Ghoshdastidar P.S (2005) Heat Transfer, Oxford University Press.
4. Muralidhar, K., and Sundararajan, T (1995) Computational Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. ProdipNiyogi, Chakrabarty, S.K., Laha, M.K (2005) Introduction to Computational
Fluid Dynamics, Pearson Education.
6. Anil W. Date (2005) Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge
University Press.
7. Versteeg, H.K., and Malalasekera, W (2007) An Introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics: The finite volume Method, Pearson Education Ltd. Second Edition.
8. Ghoshdastidar, P.S (1998) Computer Simulation of flow and heat transfer, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

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CE6010 Advanced Design of Steel Structures [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives:
• To understand the behaviour and design steel structures in compliance with codes.
• To understand and perform the numerical modelling for preliminary analysis.
• To perform the design of steel members under special loads like fire, impact loads, ice
loads and blast loads.

Course Content: Properties of steel: mechanical properties, hysteresis, ductility; Hot-Rolled

Sections: compactness and non-compactness, slenderness, residual stresses. Failure theories-
Material properties of structural steel under normal and high temperature. Design methods
and code compliance.
Plastic behaviour of structures- shape factor- Moment curvature relationships- upper and
lower bound theorems-estimate of collapse loads- plastic design
Stability analysis of beam-column under axial tension and compression- Beam-column with
elastic support- stability analysis of frames using stiffness approach- Stability functions.
Unsymmetric bending- curved beams with small and large initial curvature- Crane hooks.
Column design phenomenon- lateral buckling- torsional buckling- stiffeners- Beam-column
design- Open sections- lateral and torsional buckling of open sections
Blast loads - impact loads- ice-infested loads on structures- fire loads- fire-resistant design

Course Outcomes:
On the completion of course, students will able to:
CO1: Understand the properties and design of steel structures
CO2: Understand the plastic behaviour and plastic design of steel structures.
CO3: To perform stability analysis and analyse unsymmetrical bending
CO4: Understand the fire load and perform fire-resistant design.

Reference Books:
1. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. 2019. Advanced steel design of structures, CRC Press,
Florida, ISBN: 978-036-72-3290-0.
2. N. Subramanian. 2010. Design of Steel Structures: Theory and Practice, Oxford
University Press, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-806881-5.
3. S. K. Duggal. 2017. Design of Steel Structures. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, ISBN
(13): 978-07-026068-9.
4. ASCE. 2010. Design of blast-resistant buildings in petrochemical facilities, Task
Committee on Blast-resistant design-Design Handbook by ASCE, Virginia, ISBN:978-

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CE810 Landslides and Slope Stability [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Soil Mechanics and Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
Course Objective:

• To study the mass movement and its classifications

• To understand the various methods to analyze the slope stability
• To understand the influence of pore water pressure and matric suction on slope stability
• To know the various methods for slope stabilization and early warning systems
Course Content: Introduction to landslides and slope stability- Mass movement classification
and landslide activity, methods of slope stability analysis- limit equilibrium analysis, infinite
and finite slope analysis, methods for circular and non-circular slip surface, seismic slope
stability. Shear strength of soils under saturated and unsaturated conditions, effect of positive
pore water pressure, effect of matric suction, Infiltration concepts and analysis, effect of
antecedent rainfall, clay minerals contributing to creeping displacement, weathering and its
influence, influence of peak, ultimate and residual shear strength and other factors in
progressive failure of slopes, dynamics of rapid landslides, Coupled and un-coupled numerical
analyses, steady state and transient state seepage conditions, the role of pore water pressure -
characterization of the pore water pressures in slopes, drained and undrained conditions, rapid
drawdown, unsaturated conditions. Overburden drilling, standard penetration test. undisturbed
sampling, geophysical explorations, field vane shear, direct shear tests and ring shear test,
landslide instrumentation- measurement of displacements, location of the slip surface, measure
of pore water pressures and matric suction. Slope geometry modification and loads, drainage
systems, retaining structures, risk analysis and early warning systems.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the student will able to
CO1: Recognize type and occurrence of natural and man-made slope movements
CO2: Assess / Evaluate the key geotechnical parameters that govern slope stability
CO3: Use methods for slope stability assessment, modelling of slope movement and back-
analysis of failed slopes
CO4: Decide the fundamental steps for landslide investigations and select remedial measures
and plan for early warning systems
1. Geotechnical slope analysis by Robin Chowdhury, Phil Flentje, Gautam Bhattacharya,
CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, London, Newyork, second edition 2010.
2. Progress in Landslide science by Kyoji Sassa, Hiroshi Fukuoka, Fawu wang, Gonghui
wang(Eds.) Springer publications, 2007
3. Landslides in Practice-Investigation, analysis and remedial/preventive options in soils by
Derek H.Cornforth
4. Landslides-risk analysis and sustainable disaster management by Kyoji Sassa, Hiroshi
Fukuoka, Fawu Wang, Gonghui Wang(Eds.), Springer publications, 2005

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CE815 Statistics For Experimentalists [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives:
• To have basic understanding on available sampling methods for statistical analysis
• To provide knowledge on random variables and probability distribution function
• To introduce different strategies available for designing the experimental program.
Course Content: Random Variables - Introduction to discrete and continuous random
variables, quantify spread and central tendencies of discrete and continuous random variables.
Important Statistical Distributions - Properties and applications of Normal, log-normal and t-
distributions, Chi-Square and F distributions, Analyze single factor experiments - Introduction
to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), blocking and randomization. Need for planned
experimentation, factorial design experiments involving two factors, effect of interactions,
ANOVA in factorial design, general factorial design, partial factorial designs, Factorial Design
of Experiments - Matrix approach to linear regression, Variance-Covariance matrix, ANOVA
in regression analysis, quantifying regression fits of experimental data, Extra sum of squares
approach, confidence intervals on regression coefficients, lack of fit analysis, Comparison of
different experimental - design strategies Properties of orthogonal designs, implications of
different factorial design models, importance of center runs, scaled prediction variance, central
composite design, Box Behnken design, moments of experimental designs, rotatable of
experimental designs, face centered cuboidal designs, comparison of experimental designs,
Response surface methodology. Method of steepest ascent, first and second order models,
identification of optimal process conditions
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the student will able to
CO1: Understand the significance of statistical characterisation of any random variables
CO2: Identify an appropriate design strategy suited for his work
CO3: Interpret the results of the experiments in a scientific manner
CO4: Develop an empirical equation with the aid of experimental test data

Reference Books:
1. Montgomery, D. C., G.C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers. 5th ed.
New Delhi: Wiley-India, 2011.

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CE816 Characterization Of Construction Materials [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives:
• To study the fundamental aspects on characterisation the engineering materials
• To expose the students to advanced techniques for material characterisation
• To understand the mechanical behaviour of different construction materials

Course Content: Material characterization using macroscopic and microscopic techniques

(visual examination, optical and scanning electron microscopy), chemical and mineralogical
analysis techniques (X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic techniques), strain measurement, surface
properties and pore structure, electrical and ultrasonic NDT; the fundamental principles of the
techniques and their application to construction materials; demonstration of some techniques.
Characterization of material behavior: Rheology and viscoelasticity, engineering properties.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the student will able to
CO1: Plan suitable testing method for characterising the material based on their formation
CO2: Analyse the pore volume of different construction materials using MIP technique.
CO3: Carryout suitable analysis to present the test results quantitatively.
CO4: Understand the significance of conducting rheological studies on different construction

Reference Books:
1. V. S. Ramachandran and James J. Beaudoin, Eds., Handbook of Analytical Techniques in
Concrete Science and Technology, William Andrew Publishing, New York, 2001.
2. D A St. John, A. W. Poole, and I. Sims, Concrete Petrography “A Handbook of
Investigative Techniques”, Arnold Publishing. London, 1998.
3. William D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Sixth Edition,
John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
4. Jan Skalny, Editor, Materials Science of Concrete, Volumes I “VII, American Ceramic
Society, 1989 “2005.
5. J. M. Illston and P. L. J. Domone, Construction Materials “Their Nature and Behaviour,
Third Edition, Spon Press, 2001.
6. J.F. Young, S. Mindess, R.J. Gray and A. Bentur, The Science and Technology of Civil
Engineering Materials, Prentice Hall, 1998.

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CE817 Wave Hydrodynamics [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Fluid Mechanics
Course Objectives:
• To provide an overview of the wave hydrodynamics.
• To enable students to apply these engineering principles in coastal, ocean and harbour

Course Content: Basic Fluid Mechanics: Conservation of mass and momentum, Euler
Equation, Bernoullis equation, potential flow, stream function - Classification of water waves
– Two dimensional wave equation and wave characteristics - wave theories – Small amplitude
waves - Finite amplitude waves - Stokian, Solitary and Conidial wave theories-Water particle
kinematics - wave energy, power - Wave deformation - Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction
Breaking of waves -Spectral description of Ocean Waves – Design wave - Currents:
Classification - Behaviour – Design Criteria -Forces: Wave forces - Morison equation – wave
- Loads on vertical, inclined and horizontal cylinders - Diffraction theory - wave slamming and
slapping - Model Experiments

Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course,
CO1: Students become aware of wave energy transformations, wave kinematics and enable
them in the prediction
CO2: Analysis of sediment distribution along coastal areas, shore protection and hazard
Reference Books:
1. Sarpkaya, T. and Isaacson, M., Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1981.
2. Dean, R.G. and Dalrymple, R.A., Water wave mechanics for Engineers and Scientists,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1994.
3. Ippen, A.T., Estuary and Coastline Hydrodynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Inc., NewYork, 1978.
4. Shore Protection Manual Volume I and II, Coastal Engineering Research Centre, Dept.
of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington DC, 1984.
5. Sorenson, R.M., Basic Coastal Engineering, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, New
York, 1978.

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CE819 Advanced Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete [(3-0-0); Credits: 3]
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives:
• Introduce rational theories of reinforced concrete (RC) under bending, shear and
torsional loads
• Advanced of undergraduate level knowledge to design of complex RC structures
• Exposure to non-linear constitutive models of RC structures

Course Contents: Bernoulli Compatibility Truss Model: Linear and Non‐linear theories for
Bending of Beams,Stress‐Strain Curves for Unconfined and Confined Reinforced Concrete,
Interaction ofBending and Axial Loads in Columns. Plasticity Truss Model: Derivation of
Ultimate Strengths under Flexural, Shear and Torisonal Loads and their Interactions. Strut‐
and‐Tie Model: Equilibrium Approach to Local Regions with Irregular Stress and Strain
Distribution. Mohr Compatibility Truss Model: Linear Theory of Shear and Torsion.Softened
Truss Model: Non‐linear Theory of Shear and Torsion. Softened Membrane Model: Poisson
Effect in Cracked Reinforced Concrete; Uniaxial and Biaxial Strains in Reinforced Concrete

Course Outcomes:
On the completion of course, students will able to
CO1: Understand the various rational theories of RC under different actions
CO2: Understand the different non-linear constitutive models
CO3: Able to analyse and derive the ultimate strengths of four actions and their Interactions
CO4: Understand the uniaxial and biaxial strains in RC elements.

Reference Books:
1. Hsu, T. T. C. and Y. L. Mo, Unified Theory of Concrete Structures, Wiley, USA (2010).
2. Maekawa, K., H. Okamura, and A. Pimanmas, Non-Linear Mechanics of Reinforced
3. Concrete, Wiley, Japan (2003).
4. Paulay, T. and M. J. N. Priestley, Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and
Masonry Buildings, Wiley, USA, (1992).

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