Prepared by
Law Enforcement
Highway Safety
Aircraft Safety and Navigation
Ship Safety
Hence the range beyond which the target appears as second-time around echo is
called Maximum Unambiguous Range. Runamb = CTP/2 = C/2FP
Where, Tp = Pulse Repetition Period. & FP = Pulse Repetition Frequency.
The pulse repetition frequency is commonly controlled by timing unit, which may consist
of multi-vibrator or a blocking oscillator.
Trigger pulses from the timing unit are also applied to various circuit in the indictor for
the purpose of synchronization.
The radar receiver is of the super-heterodyne type with a mixer for frequency conversion
as the I/P stage.
A nonlinear device, consisting of a slab of crystalline material in contact with the tip of a
wire is most effective at radar frequency for securing a favorable signal to noise ratio.
Generally a reflex klystron is used as the local oscillator.
Typical intermediate frequencies are 30 MHz & 60MHz.
Detection is accomplished by a conventional diode circuit.
Video Amp. Following the detector raise the signal amplitude to an appropriate level for
application to the indicator devices.
The display unit includes sweep generators for providing the beam deflection, that forms
the time base for range measurement.
These circuits are triggered by the pulses generated by the timing unit.
To calibrate the distance along the time base accurately in terms of RADAR range, a
range marker generator is often employed.
This circuit produces a set of narrow pluses that forms a set of equally spaced vertical
lines along the time base of range indicator and a set of dots along the time base of PPI.
(Plan position Indicator).
The RF energy transmission section generally consists of rectangular waveguide or
coaxial cables connecting the transmitter section to the Antenna.
In the transmission section, the TR switch is used in order to isolate the receiver from
transmitter channel during high power transmission & direct the received signal towards
the receiver during reception.
The TR switch generally consists of a rectangular shaped waveguide piece in which inert
gasses are filled. During the transmission phase, due to the high power pulses, the gas is
ionized & cuts of the receiver section.
PRT – Pulse repetition time (formula)
Radar range R=
The receiver mixer cancels out the transmitted signal component and gives an o/p signal
with frequency fi ± Δf.
This if signal is amplified by the IF amp and subsequently the intermediate frequency
signal is removed at the detector stage.
The detector output is only having the Doppler shift component of the signal
This signal is non directional. By using this Doppler shift the relative target speed may be
calculated as follows.
In case of CW radar two separate antennas are preferred for transmission & reception in
order to get the isolation between the transmission reception channels.
If a single antenna is used it may, reduced the sensitivity of the receiver.
It gives an accurate measurement of relative target speed using low transmitter power
(nearly = 100w)
Simple circuitry.
Low power consumption.
Small equipment size.
Small maximum power transmission limits range of operation.
Uncertain output in case of multi target scenario.
In does not have capability of range calculation.
(1) Speed measurement of Automobile, Guided missiles etc.
(2) It can detect presence of moving objects in stationary background which make
suitable to be employed for security purposes during the night & bad weather.
This is achieved by rejecting power from each transmitted pulse into the COHO channel
by the coupler.
The phase detector o/p for successive pulses is subtracted from each other by a delay line.
The delay offered by the delay line is exactly equals to one pulse repetition time period of
the signal transmission.
So the o/p of the delay line deliver echo of the same target corresponding to the phase
detector output produced by the next transmitted pulse.
The delayed & un-delayed echoes are then subtracted by the subtractor. Here the phase
comparison is carried out at the intermediate frequency.
Radar Indicator
The output of the radar receiver is always displayed to the radar operator with the help of
cathode ray tubes.
The displays are either intensity modulated or deflection modulated depending on
whether the trace is deflected or brightened by the presence of echo.
There are different types of indicator used in the radar system to display the target are
(i) Plan position Indicator (PPI)
(ii) A – scope Indicator.
(iii) B – scope Indicator.
(1) Plan position Indicator PPI
The saw tooth timing wave deflects to the cathode range pulse radials outwards from the
center & synchronized with the transmitted pulse. The distance outward from the center is
proportional to the distance of the target from the radar.
The angular direction in which the saw tooth timing wave deflects the cathode ray spot at
any instant is made to correspond to the direction in which the antenna beam is directed at
the movement.
The signals from the receiver output are applied to the control electrode of the CRT.
The signal of significant amplitude causes an intensity modulated spot on the CRT when
the beam or sweep passes the target position.
Depending on the position of the target from the centre point of the CRT, the radar
operator can calculate the approximate range of the target by the range rings.
The Bearing information of the target can be determined by checking the target position
w.r. to the bearing ring which is placed around the PPI.
Long persistence time phosphors are normally used to ensure that the face of the PPI
screen doesn’t flicker.
The resolution on the screen depends on the bandwidth of the antenna, pulse length & the
transmitted frequency etc.
(2) A-SCOPE:-
When the target signal is present at output of the receiver section it is applied to the
vertical deflecting plates which makes a vertical impression on the horizontal line
showing the target position.
The range of the A-scope can be calibrated by adjusting the saw tooth wave duration.
In case the A-scope to be used for the whole radar range, the duration of the saw tooth
wave must be equal to the pulse repetition time period of the transmitter & the target
range is the displacement measured from the left hand side of the screen.
(3) B – SCOPE:
The localizer and Glide path antenna system should be completely freeform spurious
equi-signal path, which may result from interaction of side lobes.
ii) Ground control approach:-
This system employs two radars, one for long range target identification & 2 nd for
controlled approach of the aircraft towards the runway.
The long range radar is having a range of about 50 kms.
The 2nd radars has two displays, the 1st display represents the target elevation in ‘y’ co-
coordinate target range in X- coordinate while the 2nd display represents the bearing &
range of the target on a PPI.
An approximate glide path is indicated on the 1st display & the direction of approach to
the glide path is control by the 2nd display.
The aircraft to be landed is 1st taken to the proper direction of approach with the help of
1st long range radar.
A controller/operator at the indicator of the 2nd radar then takes over the aircraft for
landing by establishing a voice link between the aircraft pilot & the control station
depending on the distance from the runway and height of the aircraft from ground level,
the controller guides the pilot for descending towards the runway.
If the range & height of the aircraft are not in proportion the aircraft pilot is instructed to
move upward & reproach the glide path again
(i) In the aircraft no equipment is required other than the radio receiver for landing
(ii) The ground installation can be mobile.
(i) Due to a number of human links in the process, the responsibility of the pilot for
making a successful landing is taken away from him.
RADAR Aids to Navigation
The position of air craft or a ship can be found by use of radio navigation aids. This is
achieved by installation of radio transmitter and receiver at known location on the
earth surface as well as at air craft or ship which works in conjunction with those on
The rectilinear propagation and constant velocity of electromagnetic waves held this
system to provide navigation parameter like distance, direction, etc. by direct and
indirect measurement of delay occurring between transmission and reception of these
Advance Communication Engineering 14 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
The measurement of direction, distance and the difference between two transmitters give
an indication of the position of an air craft or ship leading to correct navigation.
Direction finding through radio is one of the very earliest methods of electronic
navigational aids widely used in ship and air craft even today.
NAV SAT (Navigation Satellite System)
It is used for giving self position of Naval ships with the help of satellite system.
The satellites are placed at low earth orbits at an altitude of about 1100 km with an orbital
period of 106 minutes.
There are 5 satellites used to provide global coverage.
Another 5 satellites are placed in the same orbit for redundancy.
The orbits of the satellite were chosen to cover the entire earth surface & which are
crossed over at poles and spread out at the equator.
The system provides an accuracy of roughly 200 mtrs and also the timing synchronization
about 50 µ sec.
The system satellite broadcast the UHF carriers, the satellite position & clock correction
are uploaded twice every day to each satellite from the base stations.
This broadcast information allows a ground receiver to calculate the location of the
satellite at certain point f time.
Use of two carriers permits the ground receiver to reduce navigation error caused by
The satellite Broad cast on 150 MHz& 400 MHz frequency bands.
The multiple frequencies are used to compensate the bending of the satellite radio beams
by the ionosphere and cancelled out, thereby increasing the location accuracy.
The critical information that allowed the receiver to compute location was a unique
frequency curve caused by the Doppler Effect.
The Doppler Effect causes an apparent compression of the carrier wave as the satellite
approaches the receiver and stretching the wavelength as the satellite recedes /goes away
from the target.
The received carrier variation can be much as 10 KHz for a satellite speed of 17000 miles/
This Doppler curve is unique for each location, within the line of sight of the satellite.
Ex- The earth rotation caused by the ground receiver to move towards or away from the
Advance Communication Engineering 15 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
satellite orbit, creating a nonsymmetrical Doppler shift approach & allowing the receiver
to determine whether it was east or west of the satellites north, south, ground track.
The navigation software used the satellite motion to compute a trial Doppler curve based
on the initial location of the receiver.
The software then perform a least square curve fit for each 2 min section of Doppler
curve & moving the trial position until the trial Doppler curve must closely matched with
the actual doper received from the satellite for all two minute curve segment.
The positional accuracy up to 100 meter can be achieved from slow moving ship through
the system.
fg=mg ------(iii)
Where, g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2
Hence = mg --------(iv)
mRW2 = =mg
Then the signal is amplified by the high power amplifier & directed to the appropriate
polarization port of the antenna feed.
The satellite antenna receives the uplink signal & buffers before any process.
Then signal is decoded in the transponder & checked for the recipient address & re-again
encodes the signal.
Then the transponder translates the signal frequency to downlink frequency & pass it
through a power amplifier before feeding the downlink antenna at the satellite station.
The signal received from the satellite is amplified by a low noise amplifier at the frontend
at the receiver.
Then the signal is down converted (frequency) from the down link frequency at the base
Further the signal is demodulated & decoded to derive the original base band signal.
Critical components must be installed with redundancy with automatic switch over in the
event of failure. So that uninterrupted operation is maintained at the satellite.
There may be interference caused by side lobes of adjacent satellites. Other sources of
interference include ground microwave relay links, sun transit effect & inter modulated
products generated in the transponder & on earth station.
Satellite Transponder
The transponders are the repeaters at the satellite which performs the basic two functions.
1. The amplification of the signal from on I/P power of the range (– 100db) in watt to an
output power of 10db(w) so about 110db gain is provided by the transponder.
2. The frequency down conversion that avoids the interference between high amplitude
transmitted signal and the weak incoming signal.
The transponders having additional provision of detection & demodulation process are
known as regenerative transponders.
The satellite antenna receives the uplink signal & passes it to the front end of the
transponder through the diplexer.
The diplexer isolates the transmission & receiver signal in order to utilizing a signal
antenna for both transmission & reception purpose.
The front end of the transponder comprises of RF filter, equalizer & low noise amplifier
The RF filter are generally band pass/low pass waveguide ll wave filter used for
achieving desired masking, noise rejection& equalization they also contribute towards
the ckt noise.
The equalizer is used to cancel out the delay produced by the RF filter.
The low noise amplifiers are having very high gain. Generally tunnel diodes are used at
this stage for low frequency band (“C” band) & FETs are used for high frequency band
(‘K’ band).
The transponder shown in the figure above is a regenerative transponder. The frequency
translation is carried out by first translating the uplink frequency to a low intermediate
frequency band & then the entire IF band is modulated to the down link RF band.
These allow for the uplink commands transmitted with the carrier modulation to be
recovered during the demodulation & satellite telemetric to be inserted into the base band
for down link modulation.
After frequency translation the power amplifier usually consist of TWTs commonly used
as high gain broad band amplifier. It provides a maxm gain of about 55db. Then the signal
is passed to the antenna through the diplexer unit for retransmission.
Direct Broadcast System (DBS)
(3) The orbital period of each satellite is 11 hours and 58 minutes. At any instant at least 4
satellites are visible from any base station.
The GPS provides the following information
(i) Extremely accurate three dimensional position information.
(ii) Extremely accurate velocity information
(iii) Precise timing service.
(iv) Continuous real time information
The world wide GPS satellite control system consists of 5 monitoring stations & four
ground antennas.
The monitoring stations use GPS receiver to passively track the navigational signals of all
the satellites.
Information from the monitoring system is then processed at the master control system
which sends updated navigation information to GPS satellites through ground antennas
operating in ‘s’ band.
The GPS satellites broadcast signals on two different frequencies which can correct for
distortion effect due to ionosphere.
The signal takes 35 to 65 sec to reach from satellite to earth station.
Horizontal position accuracy can be achieved up to 7 to 10 meter.
The stability of the clocks on board is approximately1sec/30,000yrs.
The transmission by GPS satellite is based on the pseudo random sequence codes.
The Generation of L1 & L2 signals is shown in the figure above.
All the satellites in the GPS system transmits the coarse accusation (C/A)code & at
frequency 1575.42 MHZ using BPSK modulation technique.
It is 154 times more than the master clock frequency (10.23 MHz).
The pseudo random sequence code lasts exactly 1mse c as 1023 bit sequence are
transmitted at 1.023 MHz frequency.
The transmission of positional code uses BPSK modulation technique at L2 carrier
frequency (1127.6 MHz at 4 carriers in phase quadrature with course accusation code.
The course accusation code & positional code transmission from all GPS satellites are
over laid in L1 & L2 frequency bands, marking the GPS system (DSSS) direct sequence
spread spectrum system.
At the receiver the signals from individual GPS satellites are separated using knowledge
of the unique coarse accusation code that is allocated to each satellite.
The digital signal processing unit processes the digital portion of received signal, which
consist of a coarse accusation code generator and a correlator which select the code
The microprocessor carries out the timing measurement & calculates the receiver
The output data is displayed on the display device.
It VSAT acts as a link to the local switching centre in the village or rural community with
the final mile of telephone link being carried over with wireless local loop.
The characteristic of a VSAT network are
(i) It allows multimedia traffic to be broadcast directly to the end user but generally
handles only small traffic.
(ii) The user accesses the satellite in a demand assign multiple access (DAMA) mode.
Wherever the data is send or received, a short massage above the transaction is replied
in due course. For ex :- the credit card transaction
(iii)The communication between satellite and earth station is completely automatic and
transparent to the user.
(iv) Due to the very less traffic, dedicated satellites are not used for this purpose instead
leased or fractional leased transponder is used for medium to small network.
Multiple Access :-
The ability of satellites to carry many signals from multiple locations at the same time is
known as multiple access.
It allows the multiple earth stations to communicate simultaneously to a single satellite so
that bandwidth of the satellite can be effectively used.
The basic from of multiple access employed by all communication satellite is the use of
multiple transponders.
Though frequency reuse with multiple antenna beams & orthogonal polarization the
spectrum can be reused several times.
The frequency spectrum of the satellite is divided into smaller band widths which are
allocated to the different transponders.
This allows separate communication links to be established through the satellite on the
basis of transmitter frequency.
Depending on the method of allocation of the spectrum, access techniques are
(1) FDMA (Frequency division multiple access)
(2) TDMA (Time division multiple access )
(3) CDMA (Code division multiple access)
(4) DAMA (Demand assign multiple access)
A time overlap of two RF signals is called collision & results is loss of data of both
High speed TDMA systems operate at a speed of 120 MBPS.
(1) The data can be easily reconfigured for changing traffic demands due to the use of
digital modulation techniques.
(2) Less noise interference.
(3) It can easily handle mixed voice, video & data traffic.
(4) Non linearity effect of the transponder can be overcome as one signal takes the
whole band width of the transponder.
1) All the earth stations need to transmit at high bit rate to occupy the whole
2) Due to high bit rate, high transmitter o/p power is required.
3) Not well suited for narrow band signals from earth station.
4) Due to digital data, non-linearity characteristic of transponder may cause inter
symbol interference. Hence equalizers are required at earth station to minimize
this effect.
In this system, a no. of users can occupy all of the transponder bandwidth at all time.
CDMA signals are encoded such that information from individual transponder can be
recovered by a receiving station that is having the code used at the transmitting end.
So there is a very less interference between the encoded signals in the same band width in
the CDMA system.
This provides a decentralized satellite network, as only the pair of earth stations that are
communicating with each other need to coordinate their transition.
Each receiving station is allocated a unique CDMA code.
Any transmitting station that wants to send data to the desired earth station must use the
correct code.
These codes having length from few bits to many 1000 of bits are known as chips. To
distinguish them from message bits of data transmitted a special sequence is used.
The chip rate is always higher than the data rate which increases the speed of the digital
transmission of the chip sequence.
CDMA is also known as spread spectrum.
Advance Communication Engineering 30 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
Direct sequence spread spectrum ( DSSS) is the only type of currently used technique in
satellite communication.
Here the energy of the data is spread across a wide band width which makes the
signal strength less than that of noise. Hence it can’t be detected by any
unintended receiver. Hence providing high date security, the receiver having the
code of CDMA signal can only recover the data though the process of correlation.
The base station is immune to jamming due to the use of a pseudo random noise
sequence coding.
An application like soft handoff is possible with this technology which is
extensively used for mobile communication.
It is less efficient is handling the band width of satellite as compared to TDMA & FDMA.
Communication Satellites:-
It is an artificial satellite station in space for the purpose of telecommunication.
Modern communication satellites use LEO & GEO.
For fixed point to point services they provide a microwave relay radio technology
complementary to that of communication through cables. They are also used for mobile
application such as communication to ships, vehicles, aircrafts., hand held terminals & for
TV & Radio broadcast for which application of other technologies such as cable TV is
impractical or impossible.
The communication satellites are usually composed of following subsystems.
(i) Communication pay load, normally composed of transponders, antennas & switching
(ii) Propulsion systems used to bring the satellites to its desired orbit.
(iii) Station keeping tracking & stabilization subsystem used to keep the satellite in the
right orbit with its antenna pointed in the right direction & its power system facing
towards the sun.
(iv) Power subsystem use to power the satellite system normally composed of solar cells
and batteries that maintain the power during solar eclipses.
(v) Command and control system which maintains communication with ground control
stations. The ground control station monitors the satellite performance & controls
their functionality during the entire life cycle of the satellite.
Iridium system is the 1st communication satellite system launched by USA for long
distance international telephone services.
The fixed public switched telephone network (PS TN) relays telephone calls from
landline telephone to the earth station, where they are transmitted to a GEO satellite.
The down link follows an analogous as path.
The use of fiber optic cables reduce the importance of satellite telephoning but still it is
extensively used for remote unreachable islands where land line or underwater cable
system does not exist.
The satellite phones directly connect to the LEO or GEO satellite. Calls are then
forwarded to a satellite teleport connected to the PSTN.
The TV broadcasting is also now uses of the advantages of satellite communication. The
direct broadcast system provides a major TV services in North America.
The common system utilizing the optical energy for data transfer from transmitter to
receiver is known as optical communication.
In order to carry the data through optical means, optical fiber cables are used.
The experimental wavelengths of optical energy which are least attenuated in the channel
is shown in the following graph.
The optical window shows that the signal will be less attenuated at the wavelength 850
nm, 1300 nm, 1550 nm.
So the optical source & the optical detector are designed for the above mentioned wave
The core is mode of up silica having more refractive index then that of the cladding layer.
The core carries the data (optical) from transmitter to the receiver.
The core is surrounded by a solid dielectric cladding which reduces the scattering loss
that results from dielectric discontinuities at the core surface and also provides
mechanical strength to the fiber core.
It also protects the core from observing surface contaminates.
Generally the core is made of up pure silica gas (Sio2) and surrounded by a glass
The buffer coatings are made up of elastic abrasion resistance plastic material.
This material adds further strength to the fiber and mechanically isolates the fibers from
small geometrical irregularities, distraction, and roughness of adjacent surfaces.
Depending on the variation of the refractive index profile of the core, the fiber can be
classified into two groups-
(i) Step index fiber.
(ii) Graded index fiber.
The optical fiber in which the refractive index of the core is uniform throughout
and under goes an abrupt change (Step) at the core - cladding boundary is known as step
index optical fiber.
Variation in the material composition of the core the optical fibers can be classified into
following 3 categories.
(i) Single mode step Index fiber.
(ii) Multi mode step Index fiber.
(iii)Multi mode Graded Index fiber.
In optical fiber the core – cladding boundary condition leads to a coupling between the
electric & magnetic field component. This gives rise to hybrid modes. The hybrid modes
are designated as HE mode and EH mode.
The order of a mode is equal to the number E field zeros existing across the optical fiber.
The following figure shows few lower order modes in optical fiber.
Generally this results in the loss of power from the core mode.
In addition to the bounded & refracted mode, another category of modes called leaky
modes is present in the optical fiber.
These leaky modes are only partially confined to the core region & attenuated by the
continuously radiating their power out of the core as they propagate along the fiber.
A mode remains guided if the following condition is satisfied.
n2 K<β<n1K
where n1 = Refractive index of core.
n2 = Refractive index of cladding
k = wave factor =
β = Propagation factor.
Optical Ray Theory:
The Snell’s law state that when the light beam passes through different materials, some
change in the velocity is observed.
If the refractive index of incident medium be n1 & the refractive index of the 2nd medium
be n2, the co-efficient of refraction is given by
= =
If for the angle of incidence (i) is such that the refracted ray angle (r) is 900, then the
incident angle is known as the critical angle.
For any angle of incident higher than the critical angle, the total internal refraction (TIR)
takes place.
Hence the critical angle is given by
θC = sin-1
no sin θa = n1 cos θc
= n1 (1- sin2θc)1/2
= n1 (1- )1/2
= n1 ( )1/2=(n12-n22)1/2
The numerical aperture is a dimension less quantity having value less than “1” and does
not depends on the core dimensions.
It establishes the relation between the acceptance angle and the refractive index of core &
If the fractional change in the refractive index of core & cladding given by Δ =(n 1-
Then the numerical aperture N=n1 (2Δ)1/2
The typical; values of are for single mode fiber = 0.2 to 1% and for multi mode
fiber = 1 to 3%.
Ex:- for a silicon optical fiber n1 = 1.5 n2 = 1.47 calculate the critical angle, numerical
aperture & maximum acceptance angle.
n1 = 1.5
n2 = 1.47
NA =(n12-n22)1/2=0.298
Optical Source:-
The optical sources must have the following characteristics.
(i) The light output should be highly directional.
(ii) The sources should be liner (o/p light is proportional to electrical I/p current).
(iii) It emit light ray at desired wave length (850nm,1300nm,1550nm)
(iv) Must be capable of signal modulation.
(v) Must produce sufficient optical power.
(vi) Should have a narrow spectral band width.
(vii) Must produce a stable optical output.
(viii) Economically cost effective & longer life span.
(ix) Should have very fast response.
(x) Should have simple driving CKT.
The semiconductor light sources used for optical fiber communication system are two
(i) LED
(ii) LASER
A PN junction that consist of direct band gap semiconductor material act as an active or
re-combination region.
When the PN junction is forward biased electron & holes are recombined either
radiatively (emitting light photons) or non-radiatively (emitting heat). This is the simple
LED operation.
In Laser the photon is further processed in a resonance cavity to achieve a coherent,
highly directional optical beam with narrow beam width.
Basic LED operation:-
When an electron jumps from a higher energy state (CB) to a lower energy state (VB), the
difference in energy (E2 – E1) is radiated as a photon of energy; [EG = hν] either in form
of light (radiating re combination) or as heat (non radiating recombination).
If the photon energy hv of the incident light of frequency “v” is about the same as the
energy difference [Eg = E2 - E1], the photon is absorbed by the atom which ends up in a
exited state.
In the exited atoms, electrons eventually returns to their ground state & emit light in this
process light emission can occur through two fundamental process.
(a) Spontaneous emission.
(b) Stimulated emission.
(a) Spontaneous emission :-
In case of spontaneous emission photons are emitted in random direction with no
phase relation among them.
Advance Communication Engineering 43 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
Fig. 3.8 Electron emission
Stimulated emission is initiated by an existing photon.
The remarkable feature of stimulated emission is that the emitted photon matches with
the original incident photon not only in energy (or frequency) but also in other
characteristics such as phase & direction of propagation.
The radiation emitted from ordinary optical sources (LED) occurs in a random manner
and hence the sources are called non-coherent sources.
In order to produce coherent optical source (Laser) & amplify the light beam, the rate of
stimulated emission must be increased above the level of spontaneous emission.
The stimulated emission must dominate over the absorption and the spontaneous emission. In
a two energy level system in which the spectral density of the radiation energy at the
transition frequency and the density of atoms in the upper energy level should be more or
increase the density at lower energy level. This phenomenon is known as population
For stimulated emission to occur the no of electrons in the conduction band must exceed the
number of electrons in valence band.
This increase to be accomplished through the process of pumping.
Pumping means to elevate the electron from VB to CB by passing some amount of current to
the active region of the laser device.
Stimulated emission of radiation will start to take place at a minimum current level at the
active region of the laser structure, called the threshold current. Below this threshold current,
stimulated emission doesn’t take place because radiation & absorption losses occurring inside
the active region offset the additional photon generation below the threshold current.
obtained to achieve this laser action, it is necessary to contain photons within the laser
medium & maintain the condition for coherence.
It is perform by placing mirror at either side of the amplifying medium.
The telephone system provides the means to pass the information from one terminal (calling
subscriber) to other terminal (Called Subscriber).
The telecommunication system broadly comprises of following basic elements.
(1) End instrument or Telephone set.
(2) Transmission system or connecting cables.
(3) Switching system or Exchange.
(4) Signaling.
The end instruments are responsible for transmitting and receiving the audio signal or data.
The end instrument may be telephone handset or computer system.
Telephone Handset:-
The telephone is basically a trans-receiver. The transmitter of telephone converts the audio signal
to an equivalent electrical signal and the receiver converts the electrical signal into audio
The Circuit of a telephone base unit is shown in the fig. 4.1 below.
The varying signal from the calling subscriber is coupled to the receiver of called
The receiver is an electromagnet with attached magnetic diaphragm.
The diaphragm is made of cobalt iron & slightly conical in shape in order to provider
a uniform pressure distribution on the ear drum.
The dialing unit:-
There are two dialing method used in telephone system.
(I) Pulse dialing.
(II) Multi frequency dialing.
In pulses dialing a rotary dial is used in this system a train of pulses is used to
represent a single digit of the called subscriber no.
In multi frequency dialing, pair of tones is attached to each digit being dialed. It is
also called as touch tone dialing or dual tone multi frequency dialing (DTMF)
Sound Amplifier:-
The two wires of transmitter and receiver are connected to the sound and speech IC
for effective transmission and receiving of audio signal.
This IC performs the following function.
(a) Automatic gain control.
(b) Dial tone.
(c) Biasing.
The switching office performs the following functions.
(i) Identification of the calling subscriber.
(ii) Addressing.
(iii) Finding and setting of the path between calling subscriber & called subscriber.
(iv) Busy Testing.
(v) Inter connection.
(vi) Alerting
(vii) Supervision
Advance Communication Engineering 52 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
PdB = 10 log
P dBm = 10 log
pdb = 10 log
= 32.73 db.
1 nep = 8.69
= 3.76
Pdbm = 10 log
= 62.7 dbm
Q. An amplifier has an I/P resistance of 600 Ω & a resistive load of 75 Ω. When it has an I/P
voltage 100 mv rms. The o/p current is 20MA rms find the gain of the amplifier in db.
Ans: I/P voltage = 100m v = 100 x 10-3v
I/P current = 20 MA = 20 x 10-3A
I/P Resistance = 600Ω
o/p Resistance = 75Ω
I/P Power = =
= 0.016 × 10-3
O/p power = I2 R
= (20 × 10-3)2 × 75
= 0.03 watt
Pdb = 10 log watt
= 10 log
= 32.72 db
Dbm = 10 log
= 62.73 dbm
Operation PBX & Digital EPABX.
PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange, which is a private telephone network used
within a company or organization. The users of the PBX phone system can communicate
within their company or organization and the outside world, using different
communication channels like Voice over IP, ISDN or analog. A PBX also allows
you to have more phones than physical phone lines (PTSN) and allows free calls
between users. It also provides features like transfers, voicemail, call recording,
interactive voice menus (IVRs) and ACD call queues.
the LAN, it is also possible to connect your IP-PBX via gateways to the PSTN. Of course,
VoIP (Voice over IP, telephony via the internet) is also possible.
Since IP telephony is mostly using the open SIP standard, an IP phone system gives
you a lot more freedom in your choice of phones. Basically any SIP compatible phone
(VoIP phone) will work with an IP PBX. Furthermore an IP PBX doesn’t limit the growth
of a company.
Since VoIP phones don’t have to be connected physically to the phone system, it doesn’t
require a free port in the phone system like it used to be with traditional phone systems. IP
phones can not only be connected via the LAN but also via the internet, using for
example a VPN connection. Because of this, multiple locations and offices can easily be
connected. There is a huge variety of VoIP providers on the internet which provide SIP
trucking (telephony services) for cheaper call rates than traditional telephony providers.
Internal calls via an IP phone system are free general.
Practical advantages of IP telephony:
Interconnecting teams and mobile working is one of the huge advantages of IP phone
systems. No matter if team members are on the road, are located in a different country or
work from home, they can connect via IP desk phone, smart phone or laptop to the PBX in
the office. This way all calls within the company are free and clients will not realize if en
employee is in the office or somewhere else around the world. The same also applies for
conferences, these can be hosted directly on the own IP PBX with as many participants as
required. This saves traveling time and money.
Digital EPABX
As shown in the figure EPABX/PBX facilitates use of one external telephone line by
many internal users in the office premises. In the office each employee is provided one
telephone set and all the telephones are connected with PBX.
All the employees within the office premises can communicate using 3-digit or 4-digit
number programmed in EPABX/PBX without any charge.
The public switch telephone network (PSTN) system uses a 10 digit dial plan including
3digit area code and 7 digit telephone number.
The PSTN system follows E:164 standards which include
(a) Country calling code (ISD Code) (b) Area code (STD Code) (c) Local no.
It is necessary only when dialing to phone in other countries.
In international use, the telephone numbers are prefixed with the country code along with
a ‘+’ sign with spaces in place of hyphen.
Ex – Tey + [ ]
This format allows the user to choose the exchange code need to dial from its location.
For GSM network ‘+’ is an actual character that may be used internally as the
international access code.
These are known as numbering plan areas (NPA) and formally known as STD codes.
These are necessary only when the dialled number is from outside the area code.
These usually indicate geographical areas within one country that covers 100’s of in the
dial string by the national access code (04 India & 1 for USA) or the international access
code and local number.
The local number or subscriber number must always be dialled entirely.
The 1st few digits indicate the local telephone exchange no followed by the subscriber no.
For short range calling, the subscriber need not include the area code or country code in
the dialed no. string which enables shorter digital string.
Internet Telephony:
Internet telephony, also known as voice-over-IP, replaces and complements the existing
circuit- switched public telephone network with a packet-based infrastructure.
Internet telephony supports communications services such as voice, facsimile, and/or
Voice-messaging applications – that are transported via the Internet, rather than the
public switched telephone network (PSTN).
The basic steps involved in originating an Internet telephone call are conversion of the
analog voice signal to digital format and compression/translation of the signal into
Internet protocol (IP) packets for transmission over the Internet; the process is reversed at
the receiving end.
More technically, Internet telephony is the real-time delivery of voice and possibly other
multimedia data types between two or more parties, across networks using the Internet
protocols, and the exchange of information required to control this delivery.
One of the strengths of Internet telephony is the ability to be media-neutral, that is,
almost the entire infrastructure does not need to change if a conversation includes video,
shared applications or text chat.
In this system the call goes over the local PSTN network to the nearest gateway server,
which digitizes the analog voice signal, compresses it into IP packets and moves it
through the internet gateway for transporting to the receiving end.
It supports computer to telephone calls, telephone to computer calls and telephone to
telephone calls.
It offers tremendous cost saving as compared to the PSTN system for long distant calls.
It finds the problem of less reliable data communication and lower sound quality due to
limited bandwidth operation and current data compression techniques used.
The first widely used standardized signaling protocol was provided by the ITU in 1996, as
the H.323 family of protocols.
Internet Protocol (IP) Telephony:
IP telephony is the superset of Internet telephony, as it refers to all telephony services
over IP, rather than just those carried across the Internet.
In IP telephony, streaming media requires synchronous data delivery where the short-term
average delivery rate is equal to the native media rate, but streaming media can often be
buffered for significant amounts of time, up to several seconds, without interfering with
the service.
In IP telephony, the source is generally a human being and, more importantly, there is
bidirectional real-time media interaction between the parties.
In the area of IP telephony, 3GPP, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project, has been
driving the standardization for third generation wireless networks using “based on
evolved GSM core net- works and the radio access technologies that they support.” It
consists of a number of organizational partners, including ETSI. A similar organization,
3GPP2, deals with radio access technologies de- rived from the North American CDMA
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-41) system; it inherits most higher-layer technologies, such as those
relevant for IP telephony, from 3GPP.
ANSI is the official standards agency for the United States and is the U.S voting
representative for the ISO. ANSI is a completely private, non-profit organization
comprised of equipment manufacturers and users of data processing equipment and
Advance Communication Engineering 63 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
EIA is a non-profit U.S. trade association that establishes and recommends industrial
standards. EIA activities include standards development, increasing public awareness,
and lobbying and it is responsible for developing the RS (recommended standard)
series of standards for data and communications.
6. Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
TIA is the leading trade association in the communications and information technology
industry. It facilitates business development opportunities through market
development, trade promotion, trade shows, and standards development. It represents
manufacturers of communications and information technology products and also
facilitates the convergence of new communications networks.
7. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
II. Manages the processes used to create Internet Standards and also serves as
an appeal board for complaints regarding improper execution of
standardization process.
III. Responsible for administration of the various Internet assigned numbers
IV. Acts as a representative for Internet Society interest in liaison relationships
with other organizations.
V. Acts as a source of advice and guidance to the board of trustees and officers of
Internet Society concerning various aspects of internet and its technologies.
8. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Transmission medium: - The transmission medium carries the encoded signals from the
transmitter to the receiver. Different types of transmission media include free-space radio
transmission (i.e. all forms of wireless transmission) and physical facilities such as metallic
and optical fiber cables.
Receiver: - The receiver accepts the signal from the transmission medium and converts it
into a form that can be handled by the destination device. For example, a modem will
accept an analog signal coming from a network or transmission line and convert it into
a digital bit stream.
Destination: - Takes the incoming data from the receiver and can be any kind of digital
equipment like the source.
Types of Data Transmission
There are two methods of transmitting digital data namely parallel and serial
In parallel data transmission, all bits of the binary data are transmitted simultaneously.
For example, to transmit an 8-bit binary number in parallel from one unit to another,
eight transmission lines are required. Each bit requires its own separate data path. All
bits of a word are transmitted at the same time. This method of transmission can move a
significant amount of data in a given period of time. Its disadvantage is the large number
of interconnecting cables between the two units. For large binary words, cabling
becomes complex and expensive. This is particularly true if the distance between the
two units is great. Long multi wire cables are not only expensive, but also require
special interfacing to minimize noise and distortion problems.
Serial data transmission is the process of transmitting binary words a bit at a time. Since
the bits time-share the transmission medium, only one interconnecting lead is required.
While serial data transmission is much simpler and less expensive because of the use of
a single interconnecting line, it is a very slow method of data transmission.
Serial data transmission is useful in systems where high speed is not a requirement.
Parallel communication is used for short-distance data communications and within a
computer, and serial transmission is used for long-distance data communications.
In full-duplex mode(FDX) (called duplex), both stations can transmit and receive
simultaneously. One common example of full-duplex communication is the telephone
network. The full-duplex mode is used when communication in both directions is
required all the time. The capacity of the channel must be divided between the two
In full/full duplex (F/FDX) mode, transmission is possible in both directions at the same
time but not between the same two stations (i.e. station 1 transmitting to station 2, while
receiving from station 3). F/FDX is possible only on multipoint circuits. Postal system
can be given as a person can be sending a letter to one address and receive a letter from
another address at the same time.
Data Communications Codes
Data communications codes are used to represent characters and symbols such as
letters, digits and punctuation marks.
Data communications codes are called character codes, character sets, symbol
codes or character languages.
The relationship of bytes to characters is determined by a character code.
Each time a user presses a key on a terminal/PC, a binary code is generated for
the corresponding character.
Various character codes have been used in data communication including: Morse,
Baudot code, EBCDIC code, ASCII code, etc.
Baudot Code
The Baudot code (sometimes called the Telex code) was the first fixed-length
character code. One of first codes developed for machine to machine communication.
It uses 1’s and 0’s instead of dots and dashes. It was used for transmitting telex
messages (punch tape). Few important characteristics of these codes are:
• Fixed character length (5-bits)
• 32 different codes
• increased capacity by using two codes for shifting
• 11111 (32) Shift to Lower (letters)
• 11011 (27) Shift to Upper (digits, punctuation)
• 4 special codes for SP, CR, LF & blank
• Total = 26 + 26 + 4 = 56 different characters
• Required shift code to switch between character sets
• No lower case, few special characters
• No error detection mechanism
• Characters not ordered by binary value
• Designed for transmitting data, not for data processing
International Baudot
• Added a 6th bit for parity
• Used to detect errors within a single character
• Ameri can Standard Code for Information Interchange.
• 7-bit code developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
• most popular data communication character code today.
between a MS and BS, transmission resources must be offered in both the uplink and
downlink directions. This can take place either using Frequency-Division Duplex (FDD), in
which separate frequencies are used for both uplink and downlink channels, or through Time-
Division Duplex (TDD), where uplink and downlink communications take place on the same
frequency, but vary in time.
FDD is the most efficient technique if traffic is symmetric, and FDD has also made
the task of radio planning more efficient and easier, because no interference takes place
between base stations as they transmit and receive data on different frequencies. In case of an
asymmetry in the uplink and downlink data speed, the TDD performs better than FDD. As
the uplink data rate increases, extra bandwidth is dynamically allocated to that, and as the
data rate decreases, the allotted bandwidth is taken away.
Some of the important cellular concepts are:
Frequency reuse
communication systems are designed to offer a wide coverage area and high grade of service.
These systems are also expected to provide a continuous communication through an efficient
utilization of available radio spectrum. Therefore, the design of mobile radio network must
satisfy the following objectives i.e., providing continuous service, and wide service area,
while efficiently using the radio spectrum.
In order to achieve these objectives, the present mobile systems use cellular networks which
depend more on an intelligent channel allocation and reuse of channels throughout the region.
Each base station is allocated a set of radio channels, which are to be used in a geographic
area called a cell. Base stations in the neighboring cells are allocated radio channel sets,
which are entirely different. The antennas of base station antennas are designed to get the
required coverage within the specific cell. By restricting the coverage area of a base station to
within the cell boundaries, the same set of radio channels can be used in the different cells
that are separated from each other by distances which are large enough in order to maintain
interference levels within limits. The procedure of radio sets selection and allocation to all the
base stations present within a network is called frequency reuse.
Fig. 6.1 shows the frequency reuse concept in a cell in a cellular network, in which cells
utilize the same set of radio channels. The frequency reuse plan indicates where different
radio channels are used. The hexagonal shape of cell is purely theoretical and is a simple
model of radio coverage for each base station, although it has been globally adopted as the
hexagon permits the easy analysis of a cellular system. As hexagon covers the largest area
from the center of a polygon to its fart hest point, therefore, hexagon geometry can cover the
entire geographic region to the fullest with minimum number of cells. When hexagon
geometry is used to cover the entire geographic area, the base stations are either put up at the
center of the cell, these cells are also called center excited cells or at the three of the six
vertices (edge excited cells).
Generally, center excited cells use omni-directional antennas and corner excited cells use
directional antennas, but practically considerations for placing base stations are not exactly
the same as they are shown in the hexagonal layouts.
Channel Reuse Schemes
The radio channel reuse model can be used in the time and space domain. Channel reuse in
the time domain turns out to be occupation of same frequency in different time slots and is
also called Time Division Multiplexing.
are already busy, and this scheme is called channel borrowing strategy. Such a borrowing
procedure is being managed by mobile switching center (MSC) and it try to make sure that
the borrowing of a radio channel form neighbouring cells does not interfere with any of the
existing calls present in the donor cell.
In a dynamic channel allocation scheme, cells are not allocated radio channels
permanently. Instead, every time when a call is received, the serving base station (BS)
enquires a channel from the MSC. The MSC allocates a channel to the cell after taking into
consideration the possibility of future blocking rate of the candidate cell, the re-use distance
of the channel, and several other parameters.
Therefore, the MSC then allocates a particular channel if that radio channel is
currently not in use in the candidate cell as well in any other neighbouring cell which falls
inside the minimum channel reuse distance in order to avoid co-channel interference. The
Dynamic channel allocation minimizes the possibility of blocking, thereby increasing the
trunking capacity of the system, as all the available channels are accessible to all the cells. In
Dynamic channel allocation schemes MSC gather information on traffic distribution, channel
occupancy of all channels on a regular basis. This results in increased channel utilization with
decreased probability of dropped and blocked calls, but at the same time the computational
load on the system also increases.
Handoff Strategies
When a mobile moves from one cell to another cell when a call is in progress, the
MSC automatically shifts the call to a new channel present in the new cell. This handoff
operation requires the identification of a new base station, and channels that are associated
with the new base station.
In any cellular network, managing handoff is very important job. Many handoff
schemes give high priority to handover requests over new call requests while allocating free
channels, and it must be performed successfully and as infrequently as possible.
Therefore, in order to satisfy these requirements, optimum signal at which to begin a
handoff level must be specified by system designers. When an optimal signal level for
acceptable voice quality is specified, a somewhat stronger signal level is used as a threshold
at which a handoff is made. This margin is given by A = Pr handoff - Pr minimum_usable
and it should not be too large or too small. If A is very large, needless handoffs which can
burden the MSC may take place, and if A is very small, there may not be a sufficient time to
complete a handoff process, before a call is vanished due to weak signal. Therefore, A should
be carefully selected to meet these contradictory requirements.
Advance Communication Engineering 79 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
the speed of the vehicle at which it is moving. Information about the speed of vehicle can also
be calculated from the fading signal received at the base station.
The time during which a caller remains within a cell, without any handoff to the
neighbouring cells, is called the dwell time. The dwell time of a call depends upon a number
of factors i.e. propagation, interference, distance between the caller and the base station, and
several other time varying factors. It has been analyzed that variation of dwell time depends
on the speed of the caller and the radio coverage type. e.g., a cell in which radio coverage is
provided to highway callers (using vehicles), a large number of callers have a moderately
steady speed and they follow fixed paths with good radio coverage. For such instances, the
dwell time for random caller is a random variable having distribution that is highly
concentrated on the mean dwell time. Whereas, for callers present in dense, micro-cellular
environments, there is normally a huge deviation of dwell time about the mean, and the dwell
times in general are shorter than the cell geometry. It is clear that the information of dwell
time is very important while designing handoff algorithms.
In first generation cellular systems, signal strength computations are done by the base
stations and monitored by the MSC. All the base stations regularly observe the signal
strengths of its reverse channels to find out the relative location of each mobile user with
respect to the base station. In addition to calculating the radio signal strength indication
(RSSI) of ongoing calls in the cell, an extra receiver in each base station, is used to find out
signal strengths of mobile users present in the neighbouring cells. The extra receiver is
controlled by the MSC and is used to examine the signal strength of callers in the
neighbouring cells, and informs RSSI to the MSC. Based on the RSSI values received from
each extra receiver, the MSC determines whether handoff is required or not.
In second generation cellular systems using digital TDMA technology, handoff
decisions are mobile assisted. In mobile assisted handoff (MAHO), each mobile station
measures the received power from the neighbouring base stations and informs these results to
the serving base station. A handoff starts when the power received from the base station of a
neighbouring cell go above the power received from the present base station. In MAHO
scheme, the call to be handed off between different base stations at a lot faster speed than in
first generation systems because the handoff computations are done by each mobile and by
keeping the MSC out of these computations. MAHO is suitable for micro-cellular network
architectures where handoffs are more frequent.
When a call is in progress, if a mobile shifts from one cellular system to an another
cellular system managed by a different MSC, an intersystem handoff is required. An MSC
Advance Communication Engineering 81 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
performs an intersystem handoff when a signal goes weak in a particular cell and the MSC
fails to find another cell inside its system to which it can move the ongoing call, and several
issues should be addressed while intersystem handoff is implemented. e.g. a local call might
automatically turn into a long-distance call when the caller shifts out of its home network and
enters into a neighbouring system.
Various systems have different methods for dealing with hand-off requests. Several
systems manage handoff requests in the same way as they manage new call requests. In such
systems, the possibility that a handoff call will not be served by a new base station is
equivalent to the blocking probability of new calls. However, if a call is terminated
unexpectedly while in progress is more frustrating than being blocked occasionally on a new
call. Therefore, to improve the quality of service, various methods have been created to give
priority to handoff call requests over new call requests while allocating channels.
Prioritizing Handoffs
One scheme for prioritizing handoffs call requests is called the guard channel
concept, in which a part of the existing channels in a cell is reserved entirely for handoff call
requests. The major drawback of this scheme is that it reduces the total carried traffic, as
smaller number of channels is allocated to new calls. However, guard channels scheme
present efficient spectrum utilization when dynamic channel allocation strategies are used.
Queuing of handoff calls is another way to minimize the forced call terminations due
to unavailability of channels in the cell. There is actually a trade off between the
minimization in the possibility of forced call termination of handoff calls and total carried
traffic. Handoff call queuing is possible as there is a fixed time interval between the time the
received signal strength falls below the handoff threshold and the time the call is terminated
due to unavailability of signal strength. The queue size and delay time is calculated from the
traffic pattern of the service area. It should be noted that queuing of handoff calls does not
promise a zero forced call terminations, because large delays will force the received signal
strength to fall below the minimum level required to maintain communication and therefore,
lead to forced handoff call termination.
Co-channel Interference and System Capacity
The channel reuse approach is very useful for increasing the efficiency of radio
spectrum utilization but it results in co-channel interference because the same radio channel
is repeatedly used in different co-channel cells in a network. In this case, the quality of a
received signal is very much affected both by the amount of radio coverage area and the co-
channel interference.
Advance Communication Engineering 82 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
Co-channel interference takes place when two or more transmitters located within a
wireless system, or even a neighbouring wireless system, which are transmitting on the same
radio channel. Co-channel interference happens when the same carrier frequency (base
station) reaches the same receiver (mobile phone) from two different transmitters.
This type of interference is generally generated because channel sets have been
allocated to two different cells that are not far enough geographically, and their signals are
strong enough to cause interference to each other. Thus, co-channel interference can either
modify the receiver or mask the particular signal. It may also merge with the particular signal
to cause severe distortions in the output signal.
The performance of interference-limited cellular mobile system can be calculated from the
following results.
a) If the signal-to-interference ratio (S/I) is greater than 18 dB, then the system is said to be
correctly designed.
b) If S/I is less than 18 dB and signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is greater than 18 dB, then the
system is said to be experiencing with a co-channel interference problem.
c) If both S/I and S/N are less than 18 dB and S/I is approximately same as S/N in a cell, then
the system has a radio coverage problem.
d) If both S/I and S/N are less than 18 dB and S/I is less than S/N, the system has both co-
channel interference and radio coverage problem.
The co-channel interference can be reduced by the following methods:
a. Increasing the distance (D) between two co-channel cells.
As D increases, the strength of interfering signal from co-channel interfering cells
decreases significantly. But it is not wise to increase D because as D is increased, K must also
be increased. High values of K means fewer number of radio channels are available per cell
for a given spectrum. This results into decrease of the system capacity in terms of channels
that are available per cell.
b. Reducing the antenna heights
Reducing antenna height is a good method to minimize the co-channel interference in
some environment, e.g., on a high hill. In the cellular system design effective antenna height
is considered rather than the actual antenna height.
Therefore, the effective antenna height changes according to the present location of the
mobile unit in such a difficult terrain.
When the antenna is put up on top of the hill, the effective antenna height gets more than the
actual antenna height. So, in order to minimize the co-channel interference, antenna with
Advance Communication Engineering 83 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
lower height should be used without decreasing the received signal strength either at the cell-
site or at the mobile device. Similarly, lower antenna height in a valley is very useful in
minimizing the radiated power in a far-off high-elevation area where the mobile user is
believed to be present.
However, reducing the antenna height does not always minimize the co-channel
interference, e.g., in forests, the larger antenna height clears the tops of the longest trees in
the surrounding area, particularly when they are located very close to the antenna. But
reducing the antenna height would not be appropriate for minimizing co-channel interference
because unnecessary attenuation of the signal would occur in the vicinity of the antenna as
well as in the cell boundary if the height of the antenna is below the treetop level.
c. Using directional antennas.
The use of directional antennas in every cell can minimize the co-channel interference
if the co-channel interference cannot be avoided by a fixed division of co-channel cells. This
will also improve the system capacity even if the traffic increases. The co-channel
interference can be further minimized by smartly setting up the directional antenna.
d. Use of diversity schemes at the receiver.
The diversity scheme used at the receiving end of the antenna is an efficient technique
for minimizing the co-channel interference because any unwanted action performed at the
receiving end to increase the signal interference would not cause further interference. For
example, the division of two receiving antennas installed at the cell-site meeting the condition
of h/s=11, (where h is the antenna height and s is the division between two antennas), would
produce the correlation coefficient of 0.7 for a two-branch diversity system. The two
correlated signals can be combined with the use of selective combiner. The mobile
transmitter could suffer up to 7 dB minimization in power and the same performance at the
cell-site can be achieved as a non-diversity receiver. Therefore, interference from the mobile
transmitters to the receivers can be significantly reduced.
Adjacent Channel Interference
Signals from neighbouring radio channels, also called adjacent channel, leak into the
particular channel, thus causing adjacent channel interference. Adjacent channel interference
takes place due to the inability of a mobile phone to separate out the signals of adjacent
channels allocated to neighbouring cell sites (e.g., channel 101 in cell A, and channel 102 in
cell B), where both A and D cells are present in the same reuse cluster.
The problem of adjacent channel interference can become more serious if a user
transmitting on a channel, which is extremely close to a subscriber's receiver channel, while
Advance Communication Engineering 84 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
the receiver tries to receive a signal from base station on the desired channel. This is called
the near and far effect, where a neighbouring transmitter catches the receiver of the user.
Otherwise, the near-far effect occurs when a mobile near to a base station transmits on a
channel which is close to the one being used by a weak mobile. The base station may find
some trouble in separating out a particular user from the one using adjacent channel.
Adjacent channel interference can be reduced through careful and thorough filtering
and efficient channel allocations. As each cell is allocated only a portion of the total channels,
a cell must not be allocated channels which are located adjacent in frequency. By maintaining
the channel separation as large as possible in a given cell, the adjacent channel interference
may well be minimized significantly. Hence, instead of allocating contiguous band of
channels to each cell, channels are allocated such a way that the frequency separation
between channels in a given cell should be maximized. With sequentially allocating
consecutive channels to various cells, several channel allocation schemes are capable enough
to keep apart adjacent channels present in a cell with bandwidth of N channels, where N is the
size of a cluster. However, some channel allocation schemes also avoid a secondary source of
adjacent channel interference by not using the adjacent channels in neighbouring cells.
Trunking and Grade of Service
In cellular mobile communication, the two major aspects that have to be considered with
extra care are: trunking, and grade of service. These aspects are to be planned very well in
order to get a better system performance. The grade of service is a standard which is used to
define the performance of a cellular mobile communication system by specifying a desired
probability of a mobile user acquiring channel access, when a definite number of radio
channels are present in the system. The cellular communication network depends on a
trunking system to fit large number of mobile users in a limited radio band. The statistical
behavior of mobile users is being exploited by trunking so that a fixed number of channels
can be allocated to large mobile users. In trunking, large number of mobile users is being
accommodated to share the limited radio channels available in a cell.
In trunked cellular communication systems, each mobile user present in network is allocated
a channel on the basis of a request. After the call is terminated, the occupied channels
immediately go back to the pool of available channels. When a mobile user made a request
for channels and if all of the radio channels are occupied, then the incoming call is blocked.
In few communication systems, a queue is generally used to keep the requesting mobile users
until a channel becomes free. The grade of service (GOS) is used to determine the capability
of a user to get access to trunked radio systems during busy hours. The busy hour is generally
based on customer’s request for channels during peak load.
It is, therefore, necessary to approximate the maximum required capacity in terms of number
of available channels and to allocate the appropriate number of channels in order to meet the
GOS. GOS is generally defined as the probability that a call is blocked. A call which cannot
get completed after the call request is made by a user is called a blocked or lost call, and it
may happen either due to channel congestion or due to the non availability of a free channel.
Therefore, GOS can be computed from channel congestion which is defined as the call
blocking probability, or being delayed beyond a certain time.
Improving Capacity In Cellular Systems
With the rise in the demand for wireless services, the number of radio channels allocated to
each cell could become inadequate in order to satisfy this increase in the demand. Therefore,
to increase the capacity (i.e. a cellular system can take up more calls) of a cellular system, it
is very important to allocate more number of radio channels to each cell in order to meet the
requirements of mobile traffic. Various techniques that are proposed for increasing the
capacity of a cellular system is as follows:
i. Cell splitting
ii. Cell sectoring
iii. Micro zone method
Cell Splitting
Cell splitting is a method in which congested (heavy traffic) cell is subdivided into smaller
cells, and each smaller cell is having its own base station with reduction in antenna height
and transmitter power. The original congested bigger cell is called macrocell and the smaller
cells are called microcells. Capacity of cellular network can be increased by creating micro-
cells within the original cells which are having smaller radius than macro-cells, therefore, the
capacity of a system increases because more channels per unit area are now available in a
Fig. shows a cell splitting in which a congested cell, divided into smaller micro cells, and the
base stations are put up at corners of the cells. The micro-cells are to be added in such a way
in order to the frequency reuse plan of the system should be preserved. For micro-cells, the
transmit power of transmitter should be reduced, and each micro-cell is having half the radius
to that of macro-cell. Therefore, transmit power of the new cells can be calculated by
analyzing the received power at the cell boundaries. This is required in order to make sure
that frequency reuse plan for the micro-cells is also working the same way as it was working
for the macro-cells. In cell splitting, following factors should be carefully monitored;
1. In cell splitting, allocation of channels to the new cells (micro-cells) must be done very
cautiously. So, in order to avoid co-channel interference, cells must follow the minimum
reuse distance principle.
2. Power levels of the transmitters for new and old cells must be redesigned. If the transmitter
of the old cell has the same power as that of new cells, then the channels in old cell interfere
with the channels of new cell. But, if the power level of transmitter is too low then it may
result into in sufficient area coverage.
3. In order to overcome the problem of point (2); the channels of macro cell is divided into
two parts. The channels in the first part are for the new cell and other part consists of channel
for the old cell. Splitting of cells is done according to the number of subscribers present in the
areas, and the power levels of the transmitters must be redesigned according to the allocated
channels to old and new cells.
4. Antennas of different heights and power levels are used for smooth and easy handoff, and
this technique is called Umbrella cell approach. Using this approach large coverage area is
provided for high speed users and small coverage area to low speed users. Therefore, the
number of call handoffs is maximized for high speed users and provides more channels for
slow speed users.
5. The main idea behind cell splitting is the rescaling of entire system. In cell splitting, reuse
factor (D/R) is kept constant because by decreasing the radius of cell (R) and, at the same
time, the separation between co-channel (D) is also decreased. So, high capacity can be
achieved without changing the (D/R) ratio of system.
Another way of improving the channel capacity of a cellular system is to decrease the
D/R ratio while keeping the same cell radius. Improvement in the capacity can be
accomplished by reducing the number of cells in a cluster, hence increasing the frequency
reuse. To achieve this, the relative interference must be minimized without decreasing the
transmit power.
For minimizing co-channel interference in a cellular network, a single omni-
directional antenna is replaced with multiple directional antennas, with each transmitting
within a smaller region. These smaller regions are called sectors and minimizing co-channel
interference while improving the capacity of a system by using multiple directional antennas
is called sectoring. The amount up to which co-channel interference is minimized depends on
the amount of sectoring used. A cell is generally divided either into three 120 degree or six 60
degree sectors. In the three-sector arrangement, three antennas are generally located in each
sector with one transmit and two receive antennas.
The placement of two receive antennas provide antenna diversity, which is also
known as space diversity. Space diversity greatly improves the reception of a signal by
efficiently providing a big target for signals transmitted from mobile units. The division
between the two receive antenna depends on the height of the antennas above ground.
When sectoring technique is used in cellular systems, the channels used in a particular
sector are actually broken down into sectored groups, which are only used inside a particular
sector. With 7-cell reuse pattern and 120 degree sectors, the number of interfering cells in the
neighboring tier is brought down from six to two. Cell sectoring also improves the signal-to-
interference ratio, thereby increasing the capacity of a cellular system. This method of cell
sectoring is very efficient, because it utilized the existing system structures. Cell sectoring
also minimized the co-channel interference, with the use of directional antennas, a particular
cell will get interference and transmit only a fraction of the available co-channel cells.
Microcell Zone Concept
The micro-cell zone concept is associated with sharing the same radio equipment by
different micro-cells. It results in decreasing of cluster size and, therefore, increase in system
capacity. The micro-cell zone concept is used in practice to improve the capacity of cellular
To improve both capacity and signal quality of a cellular system, cell sectoring
depends upon correct setting up of directional antennas at the cell-site. But it also gives rise
to increase in the number of handoffs and trunking inefficiencies. In a 3-sector or 6-sector
cellular system, each sector acts like a new cell with a different shape and cell. Channels
allocated to the un-sectored cell are divided between the different sectors present in a cell,
thereby decreasing number of channels available in each sector. Furthermore, handoff takes
place every time a mobile user moves from one sector to another sector of the same cell. This
Advance Communication Engineering 88 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
results in significant increase of network load on BSC and MSC of the cellular system. The
problem of channel partitioning and increase in network load become very hard if all the 3 or
6-sectored directional antennas are placed at the centre of the cell.
The 802.11 standard is defined through several specifications of WLANs. It defines an over-
the-air interface between a wireless client and a base station or between two wireless clients.
There are several specifications in the 802.11 family -
802.11 - This pertains to wireless LANs and provides 1 - or 2-Mbps transmission in the
2.4-GHz band using either frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) or direct-sequence
spread spectrum (DSSS).
802.11a - This is an extension to 802.11 that pertains to wireless LANs and goes as fast as
54 Mbps in the 5-GHz band. 802.11a employs the orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM) encoding scheme as opposed to either FHSS or DSSS.
802.11b - The 802.11 high rate WiFi is an extension to 802.11 that pertains to wireless
LANs and yields a connection as fast as 11 Mbps transmission (with a fallback to 5.5, 2, and
1 Mbps depending on strength of signal) in the 2.4-GHz band. The 802.11b specification uses
only DSSS. Note that 802.11b was actually an amendment to the original 802.11 standard
added in 1999 to permit wireless functionality to be analogous to hardwired Ethernet
802.11g - This pertains to wireless LANs and provides 20+ Mbps in the 2.4-GHz band.
802.11n — 802.11n builds upon previous 802.11 standards by adding multiple input
multiple-output (MIMO). The additional transmitter and receiver antennas allow for
increased data throughput through spatial multiplexing and increased range by exploiting the
spatial diversity through coding schemes like Alamouti coding. The real speed would be 100
Mbit/s (even 250 Mbit/s in PHY level), and so up to 4-5 times faster than 802.11g.
802.11ac — 802.11ac builds upon previous 802.11 standards, particularly the 802.11n
standard, to deliver data rates of 433Mbps per spatial stream, or 1.3Gbps in a three antenna
(three stream) design. The 802.11ac specification operates only in the 5 GHz frequency range
and features support for wider channels (80MHz and 160MHz) and beam forming
capabilities by default to help achieve its higher wireless speeds.
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. It is a digital cellular technology
used for transmitting mobile voice and data services. Important facts about the GSM are
given below:
The concept of GSM emerged from a cell-based mobile radio system at Bell Laboratories
in the early 1970s.
GSM is the name of a standardization group established in 1982 to create a common
European mobile telephone standard.
GSM is the most widely accepted standard in telecommunications and it is implemented
GSM is a circuit-switched system that divides each 200 kHz channel into eight 25 kHz
time-slots. GSM operates on the mobile communication bands 900 MHz and 1800 MHz
in most parts of the world. In the US, GSM operates in the bands 850 MHz and 1900
GSM owns a market share of more than 70% of the world's digital cellular subscribers.
GSM makes use of narrowband Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technique for
transmitting signals.
GSM was developed using digital technology. It has an ability to carry 64 kbps to 120
Mbps of data rates.
Advance Communication Engineering 90 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
Presently GSM supports more than one billion mobile subscribers in more than 190
countries throughout the world.
GSM provides basic to advanced voice and data services including roaming service.
Roaming is the ability to use your GSM phone number in another GSM network.
GSM digitizes and compresses data, then sends it down through a channel with two
other streams of user data, each in its own timeslot.
Listed below are the features of GSM that account for its popularity and wide acceptance.
Improved spectrum efficiency
International roaming
Low-cost mobile sets and base stations (BSs)
High-quality speech
Compatibility with Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and other telephone
company services
Support for new services
GSM: System Architecture
GSM Channels:
Random Access Channel (RACH) connects MS to BTS through Slotted Aloha protocol. It
carries request for dedicated SDCCH.
Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH) connects MS to BTS for allocation of
Standalone/Independent of Traffic Channel. It is used before MS is assigned to a TCH.
DCCH (dedicated control channel) is a bidirectional point-to-point main 95ignalling
channels. It Uses timeslots which are otherwise used by the TCH. It consists of:
SDCCH (stand-alone dedicated control channel): for service request, subscriber
authentication, equipment validation, assignment to a traffic channel.
SACCH (slow associated control channel): for out-of-band signaling associated with a
traffic channel, eg, signal strength measurements.
FACCH (fast associated control channel): for preemptive signaling on a traffic
channel, eg, for handoff messages.
A code channel is a stream of data designated for a specific use or person. This channel may
be voice data or overhead control data. In a CDMA system Channels are separated by codes,
these channels are broadly categorized as forward and reverse channels.
Forward Channels
The Forward CDMA channel is the cell-to-mobile direction of communication or the
downlink path. It consists of:
Pilot Channel is a reference channel which the mobile station uses for acquisition, timing
and as a phase reference for coherent demodulation. It is transmitted at all times by each base
station on each active CDMA frequency. Each mobile station tracks this signal continuously.
Sync Channel carries a single, repeating message that conveys the timing and system
configuration information to the mobile station in the CDMA system.
Paging Channels’ primary purpose is to send out pages, that is, notifications of incoming
calls, to the mobile stations. The base station uses them to transmit system overhead
information and mobile station- specific messages.
Forward Traffic Channels are code channels used to assign call (usually voice) and
95ignalling traffic to individual users.
Reverse Channels
The Reverse CDMA channel is the mobile-to-cell direction of communication or the uplink
path. Access Channels are used by mobile stations to initiate communication with the base
station or to respond to Paging Channel messages. The Access Channel is used for short
95ignalling message exchanges such as call originations, responses to pages, and
Advance Communication Engineering 95 Dr. Gangadhara Mishra
registrations. Reverse Traffic Channels are used by individual users during their actual
calls to transmit traffic from a single mobile station to one or more base stations.
A CDMA channel is a pair of 1.25MHz frequency bands separated by guard-band. The
guard-band may be 45 or 80MHz wide. The pair of 1.25MHz band is located either in the 82-
893 MHz range in case of cellular CDMA or in the 1850-1989 MHz range in case of PCS
CDMA. The guard band used in cellular is 45MHz for PCS for PCS it is 80 MHZ. In both the
cellular and PCS frequency ranges, CDMA channels have been identified by assigning
CDMA channel numbers to the associated center frequencies for the two 1.25 MHz bands
used by the channel. The channel numbers lie in the range 0-1023. Out of the two 1.25MHz
bands associated with a CDMA channel, the higher frequency one is called the forward
CDMA and the lower frequency one the reverse CDMA channel.
In general, each cell is assigned a specific CDMA channel which must be used by its base
station and the mobiles within the cell. If the base station uses a sectorized antenna, each
sector may be assigned a different CDMA channel. Thus sectorized cells may have 3 or 6
channels, instead of just one.
GPRS architecture works on the same procedure like GSM network, but, has additional
entities that allow packet data transmission. This data network overlaps a second-generation
GSM network providing packet data transport at the rates from 9.6 to 171 kbps. Along with
the packet data transport the GSM network accommodates multiple users to share the same
air interface resources concurrently.
The GPRS specifications are written by the European Telecommunications Standard Institute
(ETSI), the European counterpart of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI).
Following three key features describe wireless packet data:
Always online feature – Removes the dial-up process, making applications only one click
Upgrade to existing systems – Operators do not need to replace their equipment; rather,
GPRS is added on top of the existing infrastructure.
An integral part of future 3G systems – GPRS is the packet data core network for 3G
systems EDGE and WCDMA.
There is a location register within the SGSN and this stores location information (e.g. current
cell, current VLR). It also stores the user profiles (e.g., IMSI, packet addresses used) for all
the GPRS users registered with the particular SGSN.
The GGSN, Gateway GPRS Support Node is one of the most important entities within the
GPRS network architecture.
The GGSN organises the interworking between the GPRS network and external packet
switched networks to which the mobiles may be connected. These may include both Internet
and X.25 networks.
The GGSN can be considered to be a combination of a gateway, router and firewall as it
hides the internal network to the outside. In operation, when the GGSN receives data
addressed to a specific user, it checks if the user is active, then forwarding the data. In the
opposite direction, packet data from the mobile is routed to the right destination network by
the GGSN.
The PCU or Packet Control Unit is a hardware router that is added to the BSC. It
differentiates data destined for the standard GSM network (circuit switched data) and data
destined for the GPRS network (Packet Switched Data). The PCU itself may be a separate
physical entity, or more often these days it is incorporated into the base station controller,
BSC, thereby saving additional hardware costs.
Wireless network generations:
First Generation, 1G These phones were the first mobile phones to be used, which was
introduced in 1982 and completed in early 1990. It was used for voice services and was based
on technology called as Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS). The AMPS system was
frequency modulated and used frequency division multiple access (FDMA) with a channel
capacity of 30 KHz and frequency band of 824- 894MHz. Its basic features are:
Speed-2.4 kbps
Allows voice calls in 1 country
Use analog signal.
Poor voice quality
Poor battery life
Large phone size
Limited capacity
battery for you when necessary. This is usually linked to the LCD display and to an
audible beep to warn you of the battery charge status.
LED Lights: Status information, Usually Green, white & Red.
Digital Signal Processor: The DSP chipset is a critical component which is used to co-
ordinates the voice, SMS and data/fax features of a cell phone. It processes speech,
handles voice activity detection, as well as discontinuous GSM transmission and
reception. One section amplifies the input signal received from the microphone, while
another converts this.
CODEC: Microphone voice signal from “analogue” to “digital”. The digital conversion
is necessary because the GSM cellular standard is a completely digital system. This
DSP’s voice processing is done with highly sophisticated compression technique
mediated by the “CODEC” portion of the cell phone.
RF Unit: The CODEC chipset instantly transfers this “compressed” information to the
cell phone’s Radio Frequency (RF) unit. RF Unit is essentially to perform the transmitter
and receiver section of the cell phone. It sends out the voice or data information via the
cell phone antenna, over the air and on to the nearest cellular base station and ultimately
to your call destination. The incoming voice also travels much the same route, although
it is first in uncompressed digital form and translated into an audible analogue form,
which is then piped out as sound through the cell phone’s speaker. This analogue-to-
digital and digital-to-analogue voice conversion via the CODEC is done at very high
speeds, so that you never really experience any delay between talking and the other
person hearing you and vice versa.
SIM Card Reader: When you switch on your phone with a “live” SIM card inside, the
subscriber information on the chip inside the SIM card is read by the SIM card reader
and then transmitted digitally to the network via the RF unit. The same route is followed
when it hit the call button on the cell phone. The number you have inputted is instantly
and digitally transferred to the network for processing.
External Connectors: At the bottom of most cell phones there is an external connector
system. You can usually plug in a data/fax adapter or a battery charger, or a personal hands
free device, or car-kit with external antenna connections. You will also find many with
separate “speaker” and LED lights that are activated when the phone rings and/or when the
battery is low. Many phones also have tiny LED lights under the keypad that light up when
u presses a key and/or when the phone rings.
On-Board Memory: Many cell phones also have a certain amount of on-board memory
chip capacity available for storing outgoing telephone numbers, your own telephone
number, as well as incoming and outgoing SMS messages. Some allow copying between
the (limited) memory on the SIM card and the phones own internal memory.
Antenna System: Cell phone manufactures are implementing many wonderful permutations
of antenna system designs. While some are stubby, fixed types. The most predominant
designs though are those with thin, pullout steel rods all of whom usually fit snugly into a
special antenna shaft. These antenna designs, be they the stubby or pull-out types, all
conform to the same circa 900 MHz frequency transmit and receive range required by the
GSM specification.