Chambers 1997

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A tectonic model for the onshore Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan

JOHN L. C. C H A M B E R S 1 & T I M O T H Y E. D A L E Y 2

1 L A S M O Runtu Ltd, Ratu Plaza Office Tower, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 9,
Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
2 L A S M O plc, 101 Bishopsgate, London E C 2 M 3 X H , UK

Abstract: Past structural geological models for the Samarinda Anticlinorium have included
gravity-driven slumping, shale diapirism and thrusting related to regional tectonic events.
New geological cross-sections utilizing LASMO-acquired data over structures in the Runtu
Block have been constructed from both surface geological measurements and 1993-1994
vintage seismic data. Relatively rigid deltaic and shelf sediments have been deformed into
box-folds, above disharmonically folded shale-rich pro-delta and bathyal sediments.
Detachment of these structures appears to be at the top of, or within, over-pressured
shales at the base of Lower Miocene deltaic packages.
Gravity data, acquired along with seismic data, suggests semi-regional uplifts of the
underlying over-pressured strata which would have been initially deposited as a flat or gently
inclined unit. Basement configuration is not visible on seismic but gravity and aeromagnetic
data show that it is deep throughout the study area, ranging between 7 and 14km. The
implication of the structural models is that relatively small amounts of shortening are
interpreted to have occurred across these near-surface structures and that the amount of
relative uplift is large. This model suggests that basin inversion may be the cause of the
structural styles illustrated in this paper.
Data presented supports a tectonic model for the central Kutai Basin involving inversion
of a deep Palaeogene rift basin which gives rise to apparent broad regional folding of the
shale rich over-pressured section. Closer spaced folding in the near surface, normally
pressured and thus less ductile deltaic and shelf section of the Samarinda Anticlinorium, is a
result of the same inversion.

The study area for this paper is located within Regional geology
the Samarinda Anticlinorium of the onshore
Kutai Basin of East Kalimantan (Fig. 1). The Kutai Basin sedimentation was fairly continuous
southern part of the Runtu Block covers most of throughout the Tertiary beginning with rifling
the study area and data collected within this area and the formation of a series of half grabens that
by LASMO Runtu Limited makes up the bulk filled with syn-rift sediments during, or prior to
of the input to this paper. This study investigates the Upper Eocene. Post-rifling Upper Eocene to
the nature of structural styles in this part of the lower Lower Miocene sediments are of outer
Kutai Basin using the combination of gravity, shelf to deep marine facies and are shale
magnetic, surface geological and seismic data. dominated. On the basin margin, or above
The Kutai Basin represents one of the most local highs, thick carbonate platforms or build-
economically important sedimentary basins in ups developed during the Oligocene to Early
Indonesia (Fig. 1). It covers an area of approxi- Miocene. Basin margin stratigraphy has been
mately 6 0 0 0 0 k m 2 and contains a Tertiary discussed in detail by Wain & Berod (1989).
sedimentary section of up to 14 km at its thickest The area considered in this paper is close to the
part. The basin is the largest and the deepest centre of the basin, the Palaeogene section does
Tertiary basin in western Indonesia. not crop out but is thought to be shale dominant
East of the study area are the prolific Kutai throughout (see Fig. 2). The oldest sediments for
Basin gas and oil fields which produce from which there are data are Upper Oligocene
Middle Miocene to Pliocene age reservoirs. The bathyal shales drilled by the Segihan-1,
study area contains outcrop and well data Murung- 1, and Kahala- 1 wells.
defining Oligocene to Lower Miocene stratigra- During the Early Miocene, major eastward
phy and can be regarded as a separate mega- deltaic progradation began, and in excess of
sequence from the younger, currently productive 4000m of shelf and delta plain section was
intervals. In fact, the Middle Miocene sediments deposited at any one place. Rapid burial com-
appear to be largely derived from erosion of the bined with the shale-rich nature of the underlying
Lower Miocene succession. pro-delta and bathyal sediments resulted in the

From Fraser, A. J., Matthews, S. J. & Murphy, R. W. (eds), 1997, Petroleum Geology of Southeast Asia,
Geological Society Special Publication No. 126, pp. 375-393.
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Fig. 1. Location map showing Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan.

Fig. 2. Summary of southern Runtu PSC stratigraphy.

early onset of over-pressuring due to under- However it is important to realise that the
compaction. The boundary between normal and transition to over-pressured strata is inherited
over-pressured sediments is strongly controlled from the depositional and burial history of the
by sedimentary facies and is likely therefore to be sediments and would originally have been a flat
diachronous throughout the Lower Miocene. or gently inclined boundary. This boundary has
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important consequences for generation and shot-hole samples combined with facies bound-
detachment of structures and may provide clues aries identified in the field has enabled a
to overall basin deformation. consistent geological interpretation to be made
Deltaic sedimentation continued into the Mid- across the study area. The methodology and
and Late Miocene and Pliocene east of the results of this stratigraphic investigation were
Runtu Block, punctuated by periods of com- presented by Carter & Morley (1996).
pressional deformation, uplift and erosion. It is Gravity data were routinely collected along
these sediments outside of the study area that LASMO seismic lines and has been merged with
make up the present day hydrocarbon produc- digitized regional data available to the west by
tive intervals. Some thin intervals of Middle ARK Geophysics/Geoservices. Two dimen-
Miocene are exposed in the centers of synclines sional modeling by ARK/LASMO has com-
within the study area as a syn-inversion section. bined seismic interpretation, well data and
To the west, up to 400 m of Pliocene gravels and estimated depths to basement from aeromag-
lake deposits of the Anap Formation directly netic surveys.
overlie Oligocene bathyal shales as observed in Migrated seismic lines have been interpreted
the Kahala-1 well. Sedimentation in the Kutai incorporating well and surface geological data,
Basin continues to the present day at the the interpretations were then transferred to the
currently active Mahakam Delta depocentre to GEOSEC software (a Cogniseis Proprietary pack-
the east of the study area. age) for structural geological modelling.
The complete Lower Miocene section has Limitations of time and space allow us to
been folded and faulted and is referred to as the present only a few examples in this paper, but
Samarinda Anticlinorium. It is dominated by a those chosen are representative of many of the
series of NNE-SSW-trending tight linear anti- structures within the study area.
clines and broad open synclines (see tectonic
elements on Fig. 3 and the regional seismic
display on Fig. 4). Anticlinal ridges are often Structural geological modeling
laterally continuous for in excess of 100 km and
are characterised by abrupt changes in axial dip Tight shale-cored anticlines and broad sand-rich
from steep east to steep west. Flat dips at the synclines typical of the Samarinda Anticlinor-
crest of these anticlines are generally absent ium characterize the regional seismic line across
leading previous interpreters to frequently the southern part of the Runtu Block PSC
describe these structures as being faulted. shown in Fig. 4. Basement is too deep to be
Facies in the cores of anticlines are generally resolved on seismic, but gravity and magnetic
shelf to bathyal and shale dominated whereas modelling described below suggests that base-
the broad synclines have sand-rich deltaic ment is between 7 and 14km depth.
sediments exposed at the surface. A consistent structural geological model is
Previous explanations of these structures have difficult to construct from seismic data alone as
invoked concepts as diverse as vertical diapirism, seismic resolution at depth and in the cores of
growth faulting and inversion through regional tight anticlines is generally poor. Surface geolo-
wrenching (Biantoro et al. 1992) as well as gical measurements and sedimentary facies data
regional gravity sliding (Ott 1987). Compres- has been important in constraining structural
sional tectonic models producing duplex-cored interpretations. Sufficient examples exist to indi-
anticlines have also at times been considered but cate that surface structures are detached at
never formally published. In this paper, a close varying levels, most likely controlled by the
examination of the structural style as visible on local depth of over-pressured sediments.
modern seismic and gravity data is presented Rock competence during deformation is
and an inversion tectonic model is proposed. directly related to the sand/shale ratio, which is
in turn a product of the sedimentary process
within the basin. Thick shale-rich pro-delta
Method sections in the Kutai Basin are generally over-
pressured when drilled at depth. Over-pressured
During 1993-1994 LASMO Runtu Limited shale lacks shear strength and will deform
acquired over 1500 km of regional and prospect disharmonically, whereas the overlying compe-
specific seismic data across the southern Runtu tent sand-rich deltaic section is assumed to
Block. Detailed surface geological mapping was deform according to the laws of flexural slip,
undertaken to collect surface structural measure- i.e. constant bed length. This scenario is likely to
ments and to identify the distribution of pro- give rise to detachment folds with the thick,
spective facies. Palynological analysis of seismic over-pressured section in the core of structures
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unlikely to deform coherently. It is thus not

believed to be possible to balance structurally
the cores of structures using standard techni-
ques. As a result, we have attempted structurally
consistent models for the higher stratigraphic
levels only.

Seismic Line A
In the study area there are several examples of
small anticlines and faults within synclinal areas
between major anticlines. The Santan Thrust
Fault and associated anticline is one such
example, lying between the Maritan and Sebulu
Anticlines (see Seismic Line A, Fig. 5). The
Santan Thrust Fault soles out at approximately
1.2s two-way time (TWT). Below this level
continuous reflectors consistent with a broad
syncline between the Maritan and Sebulu Anti-
clines are apparent.
A depth section taken from an interpretation
of this seismic line is shown in Fig. 6. This
section has been restored using a fault-slip fold
mechanism to reveal a symmetric detachment
fold, which shows the characteristic thickening Fig. 6. Seismic Line A depth converted and
into the core of the anticline. Stratigraphic units structurally restored.

Fig. 8. Seismic Line B depth converted and structurally restored.

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T E C T O N I C M O D E L , K U T A I BASIN 383






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involved in the thickened section can be traced moderate quality but when combined with
to outcrop and are found to be made up of surface structural geological measurements,
shale-rich pro-delta to bathyal facies. The higher this feature can be interpreted as an asymmetric
stratigraphic levels contain deltaic facies, which box fold. Figure 8 is a depth section constructed
it is assumed were deposited on a near flat from Seismic Line B. A flexural slip restoration
deposurface suggesting that a layer parallel of this section shows a very consistent bed length
stratigraphy was likely prior to deformation. in all horizons and indicates a shortening of less
Compressive deformation appears to have than 7%. Note that in general, stratigraphic
formed a detachment fold at the over-pressure intervals maintain their thickness or thin gradu-
to normal-pressure boundary. Continued, or ally to the east.
later compression, caused the rocks to fail
along the Santan Fault. Although the Santan
Fault is a relatively minor structure compared to
surrounding features, the structural style is Seismic Line C
interpreted to reflect processes that commonly
influence structures throughout the area. Seismic Line C (Fig. 9) is a longer section to the
north of Line B linking both the Pembulan and
Tenggarong Anticlines. The Pembulan Anticline
Seismic Line B is clearly visible as a box fold in this example but
the Tenggarong Anticline is more typical of
Seismic Line B (Fig. 7) crosses the Pembulan other major anticlines in the Samarinda Anti-
Anticline in the southwestern part of the study clinorium with outcrop of steep east dips on the
area. Seismic data within the anticline is of east flank abruptly changing to steep west dips

Fig. 11. Bouger gravity map.

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on the west flank. This fold may well be a larger Gravity data and modelling
detachment fold similar in style to that seen in
Seismic Line A but seismic resolution at depth in As depth to basement is large and not apparent
the core of the anticline is poor. on seismic sections, the mechanisms for fold
A depth section constructed from this line is formation have previously been obscure. Grav-
shown in Fig. 10. Theoretical flexural slip ity and magnetic data have provided informa-
bedding planes have been phantomed above tion on the deeper basement structure and hence
the 'red' horizon to demonstrate that at higher have had an important role in constraining
stratigraphic levels (now eroded) the Tenggar- structural models.
ong Structure may have been a box fold. The composite Bouguer gravity map is
A flexural slip restoration based on a flat 'red' included as Fig. 11. This map is dominated by
horizon has been performed and shows consis- a large dissected north-south gravity high in the
tent bed lengths in the stratigraphy above the west, known as the Kutai Lakes Gravity High.
levels involved in detachment folding. Interest- Much of the southwestern part of the Runtu
ingly, this restoration suggests that only 7.4% Block is occupied by a deep gravity low. East of
shortening is required over the length of the this gravity minimum there is a regional increase
section to produce the present day folds. in gravity response, but there is no strong
As sediment supply to the basin was from the correlation of this response with the individual
west, the stratigraphy is more proximal and structures of the Lower Miocene fold-belt.
sand-rich in the Pembulan area than to the east This Bouguer gravity data was residualized,
in the Tenggarong area. This may explain why a that is the regional component to the data was
box fold has formed at Pembulan but to the east removed, to enable higher frequency anomalies
folds are considerably tighter because it is the to be studied more easily (Fig. 12). The resultant
shale-dominated sediments that are exposed. map still shows the Kutai Lakes High Trend as

Fig. 12. Residual gravity anomaly map.

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the most obvious feature, but in addition there upper 4-5 km are derived from offset well data
are now several more visible anomalies and (see Table 1). As no well in the central part of
trends across the Samarinda Anticlinorium. the Kutai Basin penetrates basement, densities
A series of N N E - S S W anomalies coincident of between 2.62 and 2.72gcm -3 were modelled
with the dominant folding orientation of surface to be consistent with outcrops of metasediments
structures is apparent. These trends are offset and acid to intermediate igneous rock near the
along N W - S E lineations. Although the residual basin margin. Depths to basement estimated
gravity anomaly map has similar trends to the from aeromagnetic data indicate generalized
surface structures, anomalies are not all corre- structure at deepest levels. The gravity response
latable to individual anticline-syncline pairs. calculated from this model is plotted against the
To study the relationship between the gravity observed Bouger gravity profile in the upper
response and structure, the data was plotted part of Fig. 13 and a good match is apparent.
along a profile 130 km in length which followed The regional decrease in gravity and magnetic
seismic lines across the region as shown in the values from the east towards the Kutai Lakes
upper part of Fig. 13 and plotted on the map, minimum corresponds to increasing depth to
Fig. 11 (profile 1). The Bouguer gravity profile basement, from 7-8 km deep in the east to 14 km
shows three main elements; the 25 mGal ampli- or more (20%) adjacent to the Kutai Lakes area.
tude of the Kutai Lakes Gravity High, a regional The Kutai Lakes Gravity High itself is modelled
gradient increasing from a low of t 0 m G a l as being due to a combination of a step-up of
immediately east of the Kutai Lakes to a value basement and major uplift bringing older and
of 30mGal in the east of the study area and more compacted sediments near surface.
finally, shorter wavelength anomalies up to The small residual anomalies appear to be
1-2mGal in amplitude. The aeromagnetic pro- related to the lateral density contrasts in the
file is similar to the regional element of the upper 4 k m caused by variations between the
Bouguer gravity trend, although the response to anticlines and synclines. Anticlines tend to be
the Kutai Lakes area is more subdued and no the locus of residual gravity minima, while
residual anomalies are resolvable. synclines cause local maxima. Although anticli-
A depth model was constructed correspond- nes are comprised of older, more uplifted strata,
ing to the profile in Fig. 13. Seismic data has they in fact contain relatively less dense over-
adequate resolution to define a series of anti- pressured and under-compacted delta-front and
cline-syncline pairs and density data from the bathyal shales. Depth to over-pressure and

Fig. 13. Regional gravity model across Kutai Basin.

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Table 1. Average velocities and densities for Runtu area wells

Well Age Structural Approx. TD Two-way Average Pseudo

setting top over- subsea time to TD velocity density
pressure (m) (s) ms -1 (gcc-1) *
Buat-1 Lower Miocene Syncline 2900 3619 2.02 3583 2.55
Busang-1 Lower Miocene Faulted 750 2091 1.33 3144 2.47
Segihan- 1 Lower Anticline 600 2407 1.91 2520 2.34
Sebulu- 1 Lower Miocene Faulted 750 1497 1.16 2580 2.35
Separi- 1 Lower Miocene Anticline 900 1374 0.98 2804 2.40
Murung- 1 Lower Miocene Anticline 1500 1500 1.08 2777 2.39
Kahala-I Lower Miocene/ Highly Normal 2978 2.02 2949 2.43
Oligocene uplifted pressure

* Average density estimated from Gardners relationship:

Density = C V 1/4
V=velocity in m s - 1
C was found to be approximately satisfied by the value 0.33 when applied to wells with both sonic and density
log data.

average well densities are shown in Table 1. gravity anomalies, while broader areas of uplift
Under-compacted shale within anticlines has are marked by relative negatives. It is interpreted
been elevated with respect to the normally- that the larger wavelength (20-30 kin) of resi-
compacted and therefore relatively denser shelf dual gravity anomalies, when compared to the
and deltaic sediments which are preserved in the wavelength of surface folding (5-10km), is a
synclines on either side. response to broad folding of the normal to over-
Two more profiles, numbered 2 and 3 are pressure boundary. The near surface folding and
displayed as Figs 14 and 15, to illustrate further faulting has been superimposed onto this appar-
the behaviour of residual gravity anomalies with ently broader, semi-regional folding event. This
respect to near surface structuring. In both these may offer an explanation for the wide variations
profiles the wavelength of the residual anomalies in the level of detachment of surface structures,
is longer then the wavelength of the surface since the detachment unit itself has been folded.
folding. It can be observed that the deeper, wider Summarizing the potential field interpretation
synclines are associated with positive residual leads to the first observation that basement is

Fig. 14. Gravity profile 3 and geoseismic section.

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Fig. 15. Gravity profile 2 and geoseismic section.

deep throughout the study area, varying from evidence by suggesting broader wavelength semi-
7-8 km in the east to 14km (• adjacent to regional folding of the over-pressured pro-delta
the Kutai Lakes. It is difficult to resolve a more strata. In combination with depth estimates to
detailed basement architecture from this data magnetic basement, a schematic cross section of
alone. Secondly, the residual component of the Kutai basin has been constructed (Fig. 16).
the Bouger gravity data is due to density The line of this section is the same as the one used
contrasts in the upper 4kin of section. This by the gravity model shown in Fig. 13. The near
variation is interpreted to be related to uplift surface structuring is summarised as a single unit
of a lower density over-pressured layer at a with its detachment at the base of the prograding
broader semi-regional scale when compared Lower Miocene shelf and deltaic sediments.
to the shorter wavelength of near-surface Broad uplift of over-pressured section above a
high-amplitude folding. regional level defined by the deepest preserved
synclines, is illustrated. Estimates of depths to
magnetic basement have been projected onto the
line of section and notional faulted basement
Geological correlations across anticlines of the depicted to indicate a possible present day
Samarinda Anticlinorium which have been configuration of the Palaeogene.
restored indicate relatively small amounts of The schematic section in Fig. 16 is designed to
shortening, approximately 7%. The structural illustrate the hypothesis that the Samarinda
style appears to be one where a competent Anticlinorium is a series of tight, subsiduary
overburden of shelf and deltaic sediments is structures, located above broad inversion folds
folded in a rigid box-fold style over a weak shale over reactivated rifted basement. Typically in
rich over-pressured unit which deforms with a western Indonesia the maximum uplift areas are
more disharmonic style in the core of structures. associated with the deepest palaeo-depocentres
The overall effect is to produce detachment (Letouzey et al. 1990). To try to make this clearer,
folds, with the level of detachment varying and a pre-inversion restored version of Fig. 16 has
being dependant on the local depth to regional been derived (Fig. 17). The Lower Miocene is
over-pressure. In several cases, these detachment assumed to have been a 4 to 5 km thick unit
folds are cut by relatively high-angle thrust across the region comprised of a series of off-
faults similar in style to those described by Mitra lapping sedimentary wedges. The basement
& Namson (1992). In contrast to the modest configuration of Fig. 16 has been restored (with
shortening observed across anticlines, uplift is a vertical adjustment only) to its pre-uplift
significant and often in excess of 3 km of erosion position using estimates of uplift from the
is apparent from missing strata. wells, observed erosion and regional uplift of
The combination of significant uplift and over-pressure. The results show a deep basin
relatively little shortening is more indicative of under the Samarinda Anticlinorium, interpreted
a response to inversion tectonics rather than a to be rift in style, and further suggests that the
response to a horizontally compressive thin- Kutai Lakes High is also the result of a large
skinned mechanism. Gravity data add further positive inversion.
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. ~0


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Figure 18 is a foward model showing the basement involved inversion in the bottom part
development of a small half graben system that is of Fig. 18. The inversion fault will tend to flatten
subsequently overlain by Oligocene bathyal shale out within the ductile overpressured section at
and Lower Miocene deltaics. The rapid deposi- the base of the Lower Miocene deltaics rather
tion of the Lower Miocene deltaics is inferred to than cutting through the normally pressured and
have caused disequilibrium compaction of unde- less ductile deltaic package. This results in a
rlying Oligocene shale and consequently over- situation where the line length of the Lower
pressuring below the facies boundary (here Miocene deltaic package is longer than that of
assumed to be horizontal). A fairly typical the underlying Oligocene shale. In reality this
Sunda Fold (Letouzey et al. 1990) is produced excess line length does not propagate into space
at the Eocene to Oligocene levels as a result of as suggested on the model in Fig. 18 but is

Fig. 18. Development of horizontal shortening in the Miocene as a result of inversion of an Eocene
half graben.
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translated in the case of the Samarinda Anticli- rift basins as opposed to the observed surface
norium into a series of detachment folds and fold wavelength of 5-10 km. Surface folds may
faults superimposed on the broad uplift that thus be seen as tight, detached structures
results from the inversion and formation of secondary to this broader inversion folding.
the Sunda Fold. This model illustrates how Timing of inversion commenced at least as
a sub-vertical fault movement at depth can early as the end of the Early Miocene and the
be translated to a horizontal compressive force most highly inverted part of the study area, the
at surface. Kutai Lakes High, probably represents the first
In the Natuna Sea it has been found that and largest inverted depocenter. Locus of inver-
inversion begins with the largest graben fault sion probably migrated eastward with time as
with smaller faults being reactivated at progres- less major depocentres were uplifted. This
sively younger ages (Ginger et al. 1993). Given inversion model has particular significance
such a system, inversion would have been since it provides a nearby and abundant sedi-
progressive across the study area initiating in ment source during the Mid-Miocene which
the Kutai Lakes Area and thereafter shifting explains the tremendous thickness of rapidly
eastward. Although there is little control on the deposited Mid-Miocene sediments found to the
number, location and throw of the original rift east of the study area.
defining faults, Figs 16 and 17 illustrate a view of
the Kutai Basin which is similar to other basins The authors wish to thank the Management of
across western Indonesia. There is no require- Pertamina, LASMO and partners in the Runtu
ment to invoke horizontally compressive thin- Block, UGO, Ross Petroleum, JAPEX and OPIC for
the permission to publish this paper. Special acknowl-
skinned tectonics to explain the Samarinda
edgement is made for help received from M. Parker of
Anticlinorium. Geoservices/ARK Geophysical and T. Marsh of
There is little direct evidence for the timing of Cogniseis for technical guidance on gravity and
inversion events since much of the initial syn- structural geological modeling respectively. The results
inversion sediment has been eroded in the study of this paper are the product of extensive discussions
area. However, growth sections are locally visible amongst the LASMO Runtu Group and the work of
(see regional seismic line, Fig. 4). Palaeonto- all is acknowledged. The authors wish to particularly
logical and palynological data suggest vertical thank I. Carter, D. Paterson, B. Dingwall and
movements commenced as early as the end of the J. Towart for reviewing drafts of this paper. The
authors also acknowledge the help of LASMO drafting
Early Miocene at this location. Late Early
and secretarial support.
Miocene inversion is likely to have significantly
uplifted the Lower Miocene section and subse-
quently provided the sediment source area for
the thick Middle Miocene deltaic wedge found References
east of the study area.
1992. Inversion Faults as the Major Structural
Control in the Northern Part of the Kutai Basin,
Conclusion East Kalimantan. Proceedings of the Indonesian
Petroleum Association, 21,417-453.
The Samarinda Anticlinorium is interpreted to CARTER, I. S. & MORLEY, R. J. 1996. Utilising
be a series of detachment folds over a deep but Outcrop and Palaeontological Data to Determine
regionally inverted Eocene rift basin. There is an a Detailed Sequence Stratigraphy for the Early
extreme heterogeneity in the stratigraphy with a Miocene Deltaic Sediments of the Kutai Basin,
East Kalimantan. Proceedings of the Indonesia
competent section of shelf and deltaic sediments Petroleum Association Symposium on Sequence
deposited on top of thick, regionally over- Stratigraphy, 1995.
pressured strata with much lower shear strength. GINGER, D. C., ARDJAKUSUMAH,W. O., HEDLEY,
The observed surface structural style is different R. J. & POTHECARY,J. 1993. Inversion History of
to the classic 'Sunda' fold style of much of the West Natuna Basin: Examples from the Cumi-
western Indonesia due to the great thickness of Cumi PSC. Proceedings of the Indonesian Petro-
sediment and the presence of extensive over- leum Association, 22, 635-658.
pressure. At depth it is likely that tectonic LETOUZEY,J. J., WERNER,P. & MARTY,A. 1990. Fault
processes similar to the inversion documented Reactivation and Structural Inversion. Back Arc
and Intraplate Compressive Deformations. Exam-
elsewhere in western Indonesia have occurred, ples of the Eastern Sunda Shelf (Indonesia).
but seismic data is unable to confirm details. Tectonophysics, 183, 341-362.
However, gravity data suggests broad semi- MITRA, S. & NAMSON, J. 1992. Balanced Cross
regional uplifts with a wavelength of 20-30 km Sections in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Produc-
similar to that described elsewhere in inverted tion. AAPG Short Course Notes.
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OTT, H. L. 1987. The Kutai B a s i n - A Unique WAIN, T. & BEROD,B. 1989. The Tectonic Framework
Structural History. Proceedings of the Indonesian and Paleogeographic Evolution o f the Upper
Petroleum Association, 16, 307-317. Kutai Basin, Proceedings of the Indonesian Petro-
leum Association, 18, 55-78.

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