My project GP2
My project GP2
My project GP2
The need for electricity in the modern society especially in the operation of all its
activities is highly becoming insatiable by the public power supply system of Nigeria. In this
our contemporary world, almost every activity makes use of electrical and electronic device,
whether it is general household use or specialized industrial use. The operation of these devices
requires continuous supply of electrical power, to enhance the efficient delivery of power to
these devices. This supply should not experience spikes or noise otherwise it will damage the
device. In developed countries, the power supply is of good quality and is highly reliable
transformer overloading and bridging of powerlines resulted in power outage. These problems
are experienced more during the raining season due to thunderstorm and too much breeze that
occurs during rainfall. Also, during dry season, the insufficient water affects power generation
due to its inability to drive the turbine at very high speed in a hydro power generation system.
The insufficient power supply experienced in developing country most especially in Nigeria
generator initially used as an alternative source of power suffers from noise, air pollution and
high maintenance cost which make it to be less efficient (Omotoso, et al., 2017).
Since the utility company cannot provide uninterrupted power needed at present and
standby generator is less efficient, an alternative source of power using an inverter with solar
backup will be most appropriate. Inverters are devices that convert electrical energy of Direct
Current (DC) form into Alternating Current (AC) required by most electronic device. DC
power is simply the application of a steady constant voltage across a circuit resulting in a
constant current. A battery is the most common source of DC transmission as current flows
from one end of a circuit to the other. Alternating current, unlike DC, oscillates between two
voltage values at a specified frequency, and its ever changing current and voltage makes it easy
In high voltage and long-distance transmission situations all that is needed to step up
or down the voltage is a transformer. An Inverter is a device capable of converting a D.C power
source to A.C output at a desired output voltage and frequency. It makes use of one or more
batteries in conjunction with electronic circuit to supply power to the load. It offers a better
additional power source to standby generator considering its long duration, cost effectiveness
and maintainability. It is classified into three based on the output waveform namely: square
wave, modified sine wave and pure sine wave. Pure sine wave inverter provides better
performance when compared with other two waveforms but at the expense of high cost
Modify sine wave inverter is common and mostly use in household due to its ability to
simulate a sine wave since the generation of sine wave is expensive. However, the system
suffers from excessive burning when it is loaded beyond the normal rating. Therefore, this
work proposed design and construction of a modified sine wave inverter with overload
protection that short down inverter when it is loaded beyond the normal rating.
been major challenges in the society. Several works have been done by researchers to solve
this problem by design and constructing an uninterrupted power supply popularly known as
inverter with battery back-up. But most of the systems constructed suffer from overload when
a square wave inverter is used and this result in damage of the system when it is loaded beyond
the normal rating. The pure sine wave inverter constructed is too expensive and many people
that needed inverter cannot avoid it. Therefore, this work is based on design and construction
of 2.5 kVA modified sine wave solar powered inverter with surge protective device that protect
the system when it signal high voltage or current providing the system with a maximum
effectiveness of operation.
The aim of this project is to design and construction of 2.5 kVA/24V modified sine
i. Design of 2.5 kVA inverter to generate power corresponding to the main supply at a
iii. To incorporate the surge protective circuit with 2.5 kVA inverter.
In this our contemporary world, almost every activity makes use of electrical and
electronic device, whether it is general household use or specialized industrial use. The
operation of these devices requires continuous supply of electrical power, to enhance the
efficient delivery of power to these devices. This supply should not experience spikes or noise
otherwise it will damage the device. In recent years, there has been a shortage of power supply
from the public power in Nigeria, which has posed power problem industrially, commercially
and domestically.
This problem arises because of the consumption of power which is growing faster
compared to the generation and supply of power. This is proving a major impediment to the
operation and growth of technologies in the country. Since a power failure of one minute can
cause losses that can run into millions of naira or even loss of life. This brought about the
necessity to construct an alternative source of power such as power inverter which can provide
This project work is limited to design and construction of 2.5 kVA/24V modified sine
These are usually used to support motors alone. Sine wave inverters are used to support
household appliances such as refrigerator ovens, computers, laptops, etc. Overall safety level
square wave inverters are less reliable and also unsafe to use for appliances.
Fig 2.1a Square wave form
2.1.3 Pure Sine Wave Inverter
Pure sine wave inverter produces a sine wave output with a very little harmonic
distortion. Sine wave inverters are more complex and cost higher than a modified square wave
type of the same size. Sine wave can be generated by using a Wien bridge oscillator, Bubba
oscillator and phase shift oscillator as shown in Figure 2.2. Pure sine wave inverters also
implement the PWM technology, but a different and more advanced than that of a modified
sine wave inverter. The method used is called SPWM (Sine Pulse Width Modulation), the
SPWM is generated by feeding a reference and carrier signals to a comparator which creates
output signals based on the difference between the two input signals. The reference signal is
sinusoidal and at the frequency of the desired output signal, while the carrier signal is often
either a saw-tooth or triangular wave at a frequency significantly greater than the reference.
(such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors), which do not require an external power source to
function, and active parts (such as transistors and integrated circuits). The primary distinction
between active and passive parts is that active parts need to be powered in some way in order
to function.
2.2.1 Transistors
A transistor is a type of electronic component used to switch and amplify electrical and
electronic signals. It controls the passage of current or voltage and serves as a gate or switch
for electrical signals. A transistor is a three-terminal device whose input current regulates its
output current, voltage, and power. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) and Field Effect
(a) Bipolar Junction Transistor
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a two junction, three terminal devices consisting of
a thin layer of n-type or p-type materials sand-witched between two layers of opposite material
and each of the three layers of transistor is an electrode of the transistor. In bipolar junction
transistor, a small input signal current causes a larger output signal current controlled device.
However, in field effect transistor, a small input signal voltage causes a large output signal
current to flow and this current develops an output signal voltage and hence it is called an
active voltage-controlled device. There are two types of BJT include NPN and PNP. NPN
transistor consists of a thin layer of P-type material sand-witched between two layers of N-type
material. PNP transistor consists of a thin layer of N-type material sand-witched between two
Transistors can be biased in common base, common emitter, and common collector.
The configuration also has VCC as positive and electron flow from the base to the emitter.
Signal enters the base and is recovered at the emitter called voltage follower. The emitter
follower has current gain through it but has no voltage gain and has power gain. Its main
advantage is that it requires less power from the signal source to drive a given load that would
Fig 2.2: Output waveform of a pure sine wave inverter
Figure 2.3:
(a). NPN bipolar junction transistor (b). PNP bipolar junction transistor
(b) Field Effect Transistor (FET)
Field effect transistors (FET) are special type of semi-conductor device although the
FET is similar to the bi-polar transistors, it differs in many ways. The most important of these
differences is the high input impedance found in the (FET) compared with the low input
impedance of the bipolar transistor. This means that the input signal for the FET can be closed
to zero power and also gives an output signal. The FET, like the bipolar junction transistors,
operates on low DC supply voltages. It also operates by sending current carried through a solid
material. The FET has three terminals which are gate (g) the source (s) and the drain (d). It can
be categories into two include Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET) and Metal-oxide
MOSFET is sometimes refers to as the insulated gate FET (IGFET). The MOSFET
contains the same three terminals as the JFET, that is, Source, drain and gate. The voltage still
controls the drain current and the input impedance of the MOSFET is of larger ohms value
than the JFET. It can be used as a switch, since the gate to source voltage that is n-channel
enhancement mode device controls the conduct in the drain or source path. The main difference
between the JFET and the MOSFET is that, MOSFET have positive voltage applied to the gate
A mechanical switch known as a relay is used to alternate between two or more sources.
It allows for the simultaneous switching of many circuits or the control of considerably bigger
According to Figure 2.5, there are three contacts: usually open (NO), normally closed
(NC), and common (COM). Furthermore, it might be single pole or double pole. The soft iron
armature is drawn to the coil of the relay, which transforms into an electromagnetic switch
when a tiny current pass through it. The coil stops, the magnetic field collapses, and the
armature is able to return to its original position, which in turn enables the contact to return to
their initial states. This movement is transferred through the pivot to the contact operating the
coil. A relay has a maximum current rating and a nominal working voltage. However, in actual
use, its coil can only operate within a certain voltage range.
2.2.3 Resistors
terminal component. Resistors work to lower voltage levels in circuits while also reducing
current flow. Ohm's law, which states that the voltage (V) across a resistor is proportional to
the current (I), with the resistance serving as the constant of proportionality, governs the
𝑉 = 𝐼R 2.1
Resistors are used as part of an electrical network and electronic circuits as well. They
are also used in voltage division for input into some part of a circuit where not much voltage
is needed.
Figure 2.4: (Q1) N- channel (Q2) P- channel
There are two types of resistors namely variable resistors and the fixed resistors as shown in
Figure 2.6. In selecting resistors some factors must be considered which are tolerance, power
ratings and stability. Some resistors have their own value written on it while some resistors
value have to be known by color code that is different color representing different values.
2.2.4 Capacitors
come in a broad variety of shapes, but they all have at least two electrical conductors (plates)
that are separated by a dielectric (insulator). The capacitors used in this work carry out tasks
such signal decoupling, coupling, generating resonant frequencies, and filtering. Rectification
must include smoothing in order to eliminate ripples and produce a constant direct current;
reservoir capacitors can help with this. They are of three types namely variable, polarized and
2.2.5 Diodes
P-N junctions, which can be constructed of silicon or germanium crystal and are known
as the anode and cathode, respectively, are the basic building blocks of semiconductor devices
asymmetric conductance. It has low (ideally zero) resistance to current in one direction, and
high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other. Diodes have two active electrodes between which
the signal of interest may flow, and most are used for their unidirectional electric current
property. The directionality of current flow most diodes exhibit is sometimes generally called
2.3 Operational Amplifiers
amplifier with a different input and usually, a single-ended output. They are originated from
analogue computers, but are now applied in amplification, instrumentation and control and
signal control. It has characteristics such as, Infinite voltage gain, Infinite input impedance and
2.4 Comparator
Comparator is a device that compares two voltages or currents and output a digital
signal is indicating which is larger the analogue input terminals V+ and V- and one digital
binary output
Figure 2.7: Types of capacitor
2.5 Buffer Amplifiers
VO 1
AV = voltage gain
VS = input voltage
2.6 Oscillators
An oscillator is a mechanical or electronic device that works on the principles of
oscillation: a periodic fluctuation between two things based on changes in energy. Computers,
clocks, watches, radios, and metal detectors are among the many devices that use oscillators.
There are three basic types of multi-vibrator namely: A stable, Mono-stable and Bi-stable.
However, Oscillators are a stable and can be external-clocked oscillators which involve the use
of an external clock such as 555 Timer or self-clocked oscillators which generate pulses on
Figure 2.10: Buffer Amplifier
1 Vcc
2.7 Integrated Circuit (SG 3524 IC)
a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small plate (chip) of semiconductor material,
normally silicon. An inverter based on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technology and
MOSFET device involves the use of this IC. The pin configuration of SG3524 IC is shown in
Figure 2.12. All the above sections are employed in the operation of the IC and are explained
based on the pin configuration. The pin description of the SG 3524 IC is given below:
Pin 1 – this is the inverting input pin for the error amplifier. This pin is given feedback for
output regulation.
Pin 2 – This is the non-inverting input for the error amplifier and is given constant reference
Pin 6 – This pin is related to the oscillator section. Resistor at this pin sets the frequency of
z RC
F is the frequency
R is the resistance
C is the capacitance
Which is required so that it is divided into two at pins 11 and 14 with 50Hz frequency at
each pin.
Inverting input 1 16 Vcc
Ground 8 9 Compensation
Pin 7 – This pin is related to the oscillator sector Capacitor at this pin sets the frequency of
Pin 8 – Ground.
Pin 9 – It is the compensation input pin. The width of the drive signal of PWM IC output
depends on the voltage at this pin. This produce a soft start and stability when there is time
delay of t = RC.
Pin 10 – Shutdown input a voltage more than 0.6V to this pin shuts down oscillation in the IC
Pin 12 – Positive supply for the oscillator section which is 2/3 of the power supply Vcc (i.e.
2/3 of Vcc) that will quickly charge up the capacitor connected to pin 9.
2.8 Battery
A device made of electrochemical cells, an electric battery transforms chemical energy
that has been stored into electrical energy. Each has a cathode and an anode, or positive and
negative terminals, respectively. Ions can migrate between electrodes and terminals thanks to
electrolytes, allowing current to leave the battery and do work. The DC electricity is generated
Primary batteries are for single use as the chemical reaction that produce electric current in
them is irreversible and they are cheap and easy to use. Secondary batteries, however, are
rechargeable battery type also include dry Lead – acid batteries which are maintenance-free
and Wet Lead-Acid batteries which require maintenance. The choice of battery depends on the
intended time duration for a given power output and the charging capability of the charger
inside the inverter. Below is a typical dry lead acid battery as shown in Figure 2.13.
For 2500VA inverter to work at maximum load, the required current is then:
I= = 104.2A
Figure 2.13: Tubular secondary battery Transformer ratio
2.9 Transformer
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another
through inductively coupled conductors (coils). The conductors are usually wound around
separate but integrated magnetically coupled cores. A varying current in the primary or first
winding induces a varying magnetic field in the secondary winding, which induces voltage by
a process known as mutual induction. In an ideal transformer, the induced voltage in the
secondary winding (Vs) is proportional to the primary voltage (Vp) and is given by the ratio of
the number of turns in the secondary (Ns) to that in the primary (Np).
𝑉𝑠 𝑁𝑠
𝐾= =
𝑉𝑝 𝑁𝑝
Solar energy, radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat, causing chemical
reactions, or generating electricity. The total amount of solar energy incident on Earth is vastly
in excess of the world’s current and anticipated energy requirements. If suitably harnessed, this
highly diffused source has the potential to satisfy all future energy needs.
renewable energy source because of its inexhaustible supply and its nonpolluting character, in
stark contrast to the finite fossil fuels coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
The Sun is an extremely powerful energy source, and sunlight is by far the largest source of
energy received by Earth, but its intensity at Earth’s surface is actually quite low. This is
essentially because of the enormous radial spreading of radiation from the distant Sun.
A relatively minor additional loss is due to Earth’s atmosphere and clouds, which
absorb or scatter as much as 54 percent of the incoming sunlight. The sunlight that reaches the
ground consists of nearly 50 percent visible light, 45 percent infrared radiation, and smaller
The potential for solar energy is enormous, since about 200,000 times the world’s total
daily electric-generating capacity is received by Earth every day in the form of solar energy.
Unfortunately, though solar energy itself is free, the high cost of its collection, conversion, and
storage still limits its exploitation in many places. Solar radiation can be converted either into
thermal energy (heat) or into electrical energy, though the former is easier to accomplish.
Producing solar cells using high efficiency processing sequences with high energy conversion
efficiency are thus favor provided they do not increase the complexity of the solar cells.
Theoretical limit on efficiency for single junction silicon solar cells and is also being reached
very rapidly. The materials generally used in this thin film technology are cadmium, copper
indium, gallium arsenide, amorphous silicon and micro-mophors silicon. These materials
reduce mass and therefore cost by forming substrates for supporting glass and ceramics. Not
only do they reduce cost but also promise very high energy conversion efficiency (Balaji,
However, the most basic analyses are the same and the Florida study determined
el al., 2001). In another excellent look at the evaluation of output, it examined thermal
efficiency of solar panels, in a factor not being considered in this study, but still presents sound
examples of useful graphics, aptly demonstrated analyses equations, and a good explanation of
what it all means. A scatter plot with a linear regression was displayed and used to determine
the thermal efficiency coefficient, which was then compared to calculated values of the same.
These are sound statistical techniques that can be applied to a variety of situations.
For a photon to be absorbed, the energy it provided must exceed the semi-conductor
bandgap energy. However, the closer the photon’s energy is to the band gap maximizes the
cells efficiency and reduces the energy lost to heat. The addition of heat increases the internal
resistance of the semiconductor and this increases the amount of energy needed for the
electrons to escape the valence band and thereby decreasing output power (Joshua, 2007). The
flow of electrons is equivalent to the amount of ambient light absorbed by the panel. The flow
of electrons to the load stops when the light provided does not generate enough energy to allow
the electrons to break from their bands. The more cells connected in series, the higher the
voltage and to maximize the current, the cells will be connected in parallel.
that converts sunlight directly into electricity. Some PV cells can convert artificial light into
contain varying amounts of energy that correspond to the different wavelengths of the solar
A PV cell is made of semiconductor material. When photons strike a PV cell, they may
reflect off the cell, pass through the cell, or be absorbed by the semiconductor material. Only
the absorbed photons provide energy to generate electricity. When the semiconductor
material absorbs enough sunlight (solar energy), electrons are dislodged from the material's
atoms. Special treatment of the material surface during manufacturing makes the front
surface of the cell more receptive to the dislodged, or free, electrons so that the electrons
The surge detector will incorporate advanced surge protection technologies such as
Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs), gas discharge tubes, and silicon avalanche diodes. These
components will divert excess voltage to ground during surges to protect the inverter.
Voltage and current sensors will be integrated into the surge detector to monitor both
the input and output sides of the inverter. These sensors will provide continuous and accurate
Olaniyan (2010) created a 1kVA solar power inverter. The project involved designing
and building a solar power inverter with a capacity of 1 kVA that receives electricity from a 12
V D.C car battery and outputs 220 AC at a 50 Hz frequency. Either the solar panel or the power
grid is used to recharge the battery. The power supply unit, the inverter unit, and the battery
charger unit are the three main components of the project. The inverter unit comprises of
oscillator using SG3524, which generate pulse width signal that switches ON and OFF a set of
power MOSFETs, thus producing a square wave at the output. The output of the inverter unit
amplified with the aid of a center-tapped power transformer. The shortcoming of this work is
that low battery short down circuit was not included and this makes the battery to be over
drained and thereby reducing the life span of the battery. It also suffers from overload that
Chukwuka (2016) designed and constructed a 5kVA solar powered inverter to generate
a voltage correspond to the load. The project designed was based on improvement of existing
square wave inverter to increase the load handling capacity of the inverter and to display the
load placed on the inverter at any time. In this work SG3524 was used as oscillator to generate
a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) that is required to drive a MOSFET. The voltage output was
amplified using buffer amplifier and used to drive the MOSFET connected in push pull
arrangement. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and PIC 16F6789 was used to display the load on
the inverter in wattage. The design successfully gave 220V/50Hz required by the load and the
power of load placed on the inverter was display on the LCD. However, the system gave a
square wave as output waveform which is affect some gadget placed on the inverter. Also, the
system suffers from excessive burning when the system is loaded beyond normal rating
control 5 kVA inverter system to solve the problem of power epileptic. A 5-kVA inverter was
designed using a push pull arrangement of MOSFET. The voltage output of solar module
connected in both series and parallel was used as input to charge controller rated 40A to
regulate the flow of current to the battery. Output of charge controller was used to charge the
bank of battery connected in series. The DC voltage from the battery was used as input to IC
3524 to convert the DC voltage to its Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) required by MOSFET.
PWM voltage output of SG3524 was amplified and used to drive the MOSFET connected in
The remote section of the project was built using Radio Frequency (RF) transmitter and
receiver module operating at the frequency of 434 MHz. The purpose of RF remote control is
to have access to the control of inverter when the user is not in the vicinity of the inverter
system and also to assist the disable to be able to control the inverter without any stress. The
inverter system was designed in such a way that it can be operated manually using a switch or
automatically using a remote but not both at the same time. The RF remote controlled designed
was incorporated with the inverter by connecting it in series with the inverter switch. The
project was able to produce an inverter that can be controlled anywhere, anytime due to RF
remote control used. However, the system suffers from output waveform of square wave and
also, the system suffers from excessive burning when the system is loaded beyond normal
Olubakin (2018) worked on design and construction of a pure sine wave solar power
Inverter. The purpose of this project is to design a pure sine wave inverter that solve the
problem of square wave inverter which happened to be the output waveform of inverter initially
constructed. A H-bridge MOSFET configuration was used in this design instead of push pull
used in the square wave form inverter. The H-bridge MOSFET was drive using two IR2110 to
amplified the pure sine wave waveform generated by PIC16F777. The power of inverter
constructed is 3 kVA and the number of MOSFET used was based on the maximum current
flows in the inverter. The designed successfully gave output voltage with a pure sine wave
waveform which can be used by any electronic gadget. However, the system is too expensive
and most people that needed solar powered inverter cannot avoid to get such system.
Past works on solar powered inverter shows that the major problem of the existing
inverter is poor output waveform, lack of protection and high cost of production when square
wave and pure sine wave inverter is used, respectively. Hence, this project proposed a 3kVA
A block diagram showing the stages involved in the design of conversion of Direct
Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC) is show in Figure 3.1. When the AC mains supply
is available, the supply goes to the relay and battery charging section of the inverter. AC mains
activate a relay and this relay will directly pass the AC mains to the Load. Also, the voltage is
used in changing the 24V battery until it is fully charged. The charge controller stops the battery
When the AC mains power supply is not available, the oscillator circuit inside the inverter
produces a 50Hz MOS drive signal. This MOS drive signal will be amplified by the driver
section and sent to the output section. MOSFETs are used for the switching operation. These
MOSFETs are connected to the primary winding of the inverter transformer. When these
switching devices receive the MOS drive signal from driver circuit, they start switching ON
and OFF at a rate of 50Hz. This switching action of the MOSFETs will drive primary of the
inverter transformer and this result to 230V AC at the secondary of inverter transformer. This
As shown in Figure 3.1, the capacitor to be used at pin 7 should be within the range of
0.001µF – 0.1F according to the data sheet and 0.1µF was chosen.
And a frequency of 50Hz needs to be generated from both outputs at pin11 and pin 14.
Oscillator Power Switching
Buffer Amplifier Transformer
Section (Driver
) Section
AC Mains
Relay or Change
over Section
Solar Cells Controller
Figure 3.2: Oscillator Section
𝐹 = (50 + 50) 𝐻𝑧 = 100𝐻𝑧
𝑅= = 180𝑘Ω
But a fixed 100kΩ resistor and a variable 100kΩ resistor was chosen to make the frequency
as shown in Figure 3.3. The transistors compensate for the voltage loss across the diodes. A
voltage of 4.5V appears across pin 14, it is divided by two 1kΩ resistors i.e. × 4.5𝑉
= 2.25𝑉
Therefore, the 2.25V which flows into the base of the transistors and a current of
4.5V = 0.0045𝐴
which the 1000Ω transistor can withstand. For the C1815NPN transistor, the cut-off
voltage is 5V.
𝐼𝑏 = 𝑉𝑏𝑅−𝑏𝑉𝑏𝑒
4.52𝑉 − 0.6𝑉
𝐼𝑏 = = 3.92𝑚𝐴
𝑘Ω Since: Ic = βIb
The output is used to drive the MOSFETs
3.4 Power Supply Unit
The DC supply employed for this project was a 24V lead acid rechargeable battery.
This voltage is supplied to the primary of the step-up transformer; giving a 230V output voltage
The inverter employs automatic changeover switch in switching its operation from the
AC mains to the inverter power and vice-versa. The inverter live and the 24V battery are
connected in a normally close configuration and the mains AC and the charger circuit are
connected in normally open configuration of the relay. When there is AC supply from the
mains, the switch will be at normally open position of the automatic changeover switch hence
supplying the outlet socket. Then, the charger will keep on charging the battery until the battery
is fully charged. When there is power failure from the mains, the relay moves from normally
open to normally closed position making the inverter to switch on. The same thing with the
temperature sensor, immediately, the heater temperature hit the rated max, the inverter will
Power switching MOSFETs are employed in the power driver stage since they have
high switching speed. The input to the power MOSFETs is fed from the buffer amplifier
through a parallel path. IRFP250 MOSFETs are selected for the design of this stage and they
give power dissipation 250W. To determine the number of MOSFETs required and the current
𝑃 = 𝐼𝑉 3.2
𝑃 2500
𝐼= = = 104.17𝐴
𝑉 24
Which is the current that will flow through the MOSFETs, since each of the MOSFETs has a
From the calculation, five MOSFETs is required at each segment of the power
switching stage but in order to prevent the MOSFETs from burning and to boost the
performance of this stage, a total of fourteen of power MOSFETs (IRFP250) seven each for
the two segments are used for the project in order to meet the project specification. In this
stage, the power MOSFETs alternately switches the 24V battery supply across the windings of
Figure 3.4. It should be noted that 10KΩ resistors are used in the circuit to create high input
impedance when no load is applied to the output socket. This is to prevent the MOSFETs from
𝑅1, 𝑅2, 𝑅3, 𝑅4, 𝑅5 protect the MOSFETs from inrush current and also allow all MOSFETs to
As shown in Figure 3.5, MOSFETs 𝑄1, 𝑄2, 𝑄3, 𝑄4, 𝑄5 and 𝑄6, 𝑄7, 𝑄8, 𝑄9, 𝑄10 switch
alternately at regular interval of time. At the first half of the cycle, MOSFETs 𝑄1, 𝑄2, 𝑄3, 𝑄4,
𝑄5 switches ON while MOSFETs 𝑄6, 𝑄7, 𝑄8, 𝑄9, 𝑄10 is OFF, therefore, the D.C source voltage
is impressed across the primary side of the transformer. At the second half of the cycle,
𝑄6, 𝑄7, 𝑄8, 𝑄9, 𝑄10 switches ON while MOSFETs 𝑄1, 𝑄2, 𝑄3, 𝑄4, 𝑄5 is OFF and also the DC
Figure 3.4 Automatic Change-over Circuit
The continuous switching of the MOSFETs alternatively generate an A.C voltage
across the primary winding of the transformer, which induces a 220V A.C at 50Hz at the
secondary side of the transformer. The secondary voltage is therefore connected to the load
The battery charging section is made up of a sensing circuit that automatically shut down
the charger when the battery is fully charged. The charger circuit is got from a constant
regulated DC voltage output. The choice of the battery depends on the time duration for a given
power output of an inverter as shown in Figure 3.6. It is necessary to find the time taken for
𝑃 3000
I= = 125
𝑉 24
from the mains power supply, the 220V from the mains is step-down through a transformer to
12V; it is then rectified to D.C through an arranged set of diodes as shown in Figure 3.7, which
+ C E +
1k 10k
- 7
2 RL
Unregulated Op Amp
Supply 6
3 + 4
- -
D1 D4
220V A.C
D3 D2
To charging stage
3.9 Operation of the Complete Circuit of Solar Power Inverter
An inverter works on the principle of push-pull amplifier. The battery bank supply
24V to the Oscillator via a voltage regulator which is used to generate a desired frequency of
50Hz at each of the output. The output of the oscillator stage is fed to the Buffer amplifier
stage; to drive the base current of the bipolar junction transistor which amplifies the signal to
the power switching stage. Power switching stage comprises of MOSFETs which serves as
switches for the 24V battery supply alternately across the winding of a center-tapped
transformer thereby, producing a regulated output voltage of 220V A.C at a frequency of 50Hz.
The regulated output is therefore applied to the load through the outlet socket. When
there is utility power outage, the relay switches from the mains supply to the inverting circuitry,
this is achieved through the automatic charge-over switch. When there is utility power supply,
the relay will cut off the D.C supply from the battery and switches to the mains and finally to
the load. During this period, the charger will keep charging the 24V battery until the batteries
are fully charged thereby cutting off the charging supply as shown in Figure 3.8.
Figure 3.8 Complete Circuit of Solar Power Inverter
3.10 Surge Detector Design
The surge detector will incorporate advanced surge protection technologies such as
Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs), gas discharge tubes, and silicon avalanche diodes. These
components will divert excess voltage to ground during surges to protect the inverter.
Voltage and current sensors will be integrated into the surge detector to monitor both
the input and output sides of the inverter. These sensors will provide continuous and accurate
Figure 3.9 Surge Protector Circuit
The various sub units which make up the entire system includes the regulated
power supply unit, the pre-amplification or oscillating circuit, the power amplifier
MOSFET, the power transformer and the load battery level monitor circuit. All these
were carefully constructed using locally sourced materials. In order to allow proper
signal coordination and control, each units were carefully coupled and mounted on the
casing. Locally sourced materials were used most in this work and due consideration
was given to rigidity, compatibility, portability, heat transfer and cost of production so
This consists of a metal case with a rectangular structure in which the circuit component
was placed. It also consists of a connector through which the input and output cables
This involves the soldering and coupling of circuit components used such as
MOSFETs and resistors. Seven MOSFETs were screwed to a heat sink to make the first
half cycle of the switching stage and another set of five MOSFETs were also screwed
on another heat sink to form the second half cycle of the switching stage of the inverter,
MOSFETs on both heat sinks. Resistors of resistance 100Ω which limit the current
entering the gate of inverter and 100kΩ which prevent the rush inn voltage were
soldered to each gate of the MOSFETs and gate to drain of MOSFETs respectively on
both cycles. The driver and the buffer stages were constructed on a printed circuit board
(PCB) known as oscillator board and were carefully placed in the inverter case. A
cooling fan was placed very close to set of MOSFETs to cool the heat generated during
switching as well as heat that can be generated from the transformer. Fan serves as
Also, the drain of each MOSFETs used were soldered to a single copper strand and the
heat sinks were carefully tightened to the body or the case of the inverter. The primary
side of the center tap transformer has three terminals in which the center tap was
connected to the positive terminal of the dc source (batteries) and the other two extreme
terminals were connected to each of the heat sink respectively. The negative terminal of
dc source was connected to the copper strand connecting all the source terminal of
MOSFETs for the two cycles. The output of this stage was square wave and this was
used as input to full H-bride configuration to convert square wave to sine wave required
for this project. The switching state of H-bride was tasted and the result of the switching
The mains supply from PHCN or generator was connected to the protecting fuse
and from which it is connected to the normally open terminal of a relay. The output of
H-bridge was also fed into the normally closed of the relay, the common terminal of
relay was then feed into the output connector outlet. Relay switches between the mains
and the inverter supply, when there is power supply from the PHCN or generator, the
relay supply the mains as output and when there is failure in PHCN or generator supply,
the relay switches to normally closed which connect the load to inverter.
Table 4.1: Test Result of H Bridge Switch States
High side left High side right Low side left Low side Right Voltage across
4.2 Material Consideration
Locally sourced materials were used mostly in this project and due consideration was
given to rigidity, corrosive action, heat transfer and cost of production to achieve
optimum results.
Having construct this project, testing of it was carried out in order to check for
the efficient of the system. The following tests were carried out to check the
performance of the inverter largely depends on the efficiency of the transformer. The
contain four parameters. This result is very economical because they give the required
information without actually loading the transformer. Also, various tests were carried
out during the progress of the work to ensure conformity with the design specifications.
The output of the inverter voltage is a square wave, altered with a 4µF capacitor and
serve as input to H-bridge to convert square wave to sine wave. Some of this test are as
breadboard test before the power supply circuit was built and also during the
soldering process and the final completion. This involves the use of bench power
during the implementation. The meter was further used in testing voltage levels
Oscillator were tested with a voltmeter and the voltage were 5.9V and 5.9V from
5. Battery power outputs were measured and the balanced voltages of 25.8
volts were observed on digital voltmeter. This voltage of 25.8 volts serves as the
6. The change-over circuit was tested by switching on and off the main
supply and the relay was confirmed clicking. During the test, the system proved
Here are the results carried out on the inverter circuit on no load.
Frequency = 50Hz
4.3.3 Effect of loading
The duration at which the inverter discharges under load condition depends on
the total power of the load connected to its output terminal and the power rating of the
battery connected to its input terminal, bearing in mind that the total applied load must
not exceed 2.5kVA. After coupling of the inverter, the load test was carried out on the
Bulbs (60Watts and 100Watts), Soldering Iron (60Watts), Fluorescent lamp (40 Watts)
During the load test, there should be reduction in the output voltage of the
inverter as a result of addition of load but due to automatic regulating action of the
CD4047 IC used, there was a feedback control from the output of the transformer to the
CD4047 IC that either increase the oscillator output voltage or reduce it as the case may
demand. Therefore, the output of the inverter made from CD4047 IC remain constant
with variation in load in as much as the battery is still supplying the required voltage.
Battery power rating = Voltage x ampere hour rating of the battery) = 24 x 200 =
= 24hrs.
The CD4047 IC has a way of providing feedback control on the system, hence
regulating the system automatically preventing deviation from the original output
4.4 Problem Encountered
The design and construction of this project work was quite interesting, though with
from normal, overheating of MOSFET. These challenges were properly managed and
4.5 Implementation
implementation of this project was originally done on the breadboard. Also, bench
power supply, multi-meter and oscilloscope were used to carry out the tests for each
circuit on breadboard. The circuit on the breadboard were later sold on a printed circuit
board. The various circuits and stages were soldered one after the other to ensured
desired workability of the project work. The circuits were latter couple to the casing of
the project.
(N) (N)
8. IC SOCKET 6 50 300
22. 2.5kVA TRANSFORMER 1 25,000 25,000
5.1 Conclusion
As the need for power supply increasing every day and problems encountered
with the use of generating sets such as noise pollution, environmental pollution and the
need for regular servicing. The need for a system that eliminates all of these issues is
necessary. The design was done using the PIC16F77 to generate the desired pulse that
is employed to switch the power MOSFETs in two different ON and OFF. The
half of the primary winding of a center tap transformer. As a result, alternating voltage
square wave which was rectified switch ON and OFF using H bridge configuration of
Due to current situation of the public power supply, which is unreliable and
inconsistent and also hike in price of generator’s fuel, the noise and maintainability of
the generator, a highly efficient inverter with output waveform of sine wave serves as
5.2 Recommendations
public power supply system, the following recommendations are made for high
efficiency and reliable inverter with pure sine wave as output waveform.
1. The batteries should not be used more than 25% of its total capacity. The
2. Higher capacity inverters can be constructed that will be able to
withstand more loads.
used in place of PWM in order to maximize the voltage generate by the solar
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