Emma Project
Emma Project
Emma Project
This project is about the design and construction of 1KW 230volt solar panel
of a transformer. A solar panel is used to charge the battery using a solar charge
This project (device) offers a better alternative to Public Power Supply, Generators
cell (also called photovoltaic cell) is the smallest solid-state device that converts
the energy of sunlight directly into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. A
updates and control the inverter grid connection. At the heart of the inverter is a
required to invert the DC voltage generated by the solar module into AC. This
controller is programmed to perform the control loops necessary for all the
output power is dependent on the operating conditions and varies from moment
to moment due to temperature, shading, soilage, cloud cover, and time of day so
adjusting for this maximum power point is a continuous process. For systems
with battery energy storage, the controller can control the charging as well as
switch over to battery power once the sun sets or cloud cover reduces the PV
If there is one factor that has perpetually maintained the status of Nigeria as a
less developed country, it is its electricity sector. Till date, many households
public grid. At this stage of Nigeria’s social and economic development, the
country cannot deliver adequate energy to the citizens despite huge financial
resources that have been expended in the sector. Rather, Nigerians have
continued to rely on electricity generators for their power supply, fuel marketers
power, noise pollution from regular humming generators have become integral
part of living for many Nigerians with imaginable consequences on their health.
Because of these problems, there is a need to design and construct the solar
panel inverter which will complement the electricity supply from the public
grid. It is less noisy and does not have any consequence(s) on human health.
The aim of this project is to design and construct a 1000Watt solar panel
The solar inverter is the second most important (and second most expensive)
your solar panels into Alternating Current (AC) power that comes out of
Inverters also have technology that maximizes the power output of that
DC energy. The use of solar power has many advantages. First, the
energy from the sun is free and readily accessible in most parts of the
world. Moreover, the sun will keep shining until the world's end.
Silicon from which most photovoltaic cells are made is an abundant and
nontoxic element.
The design and simulation of this project was done using the proteus
The inverter is powered using solar panel that supplies direct current
This solar power source makes it possible to provide a clean reliable supply of
alternative electricity free of sags or surges which could be found in the line
voltage frequency (50Hz). This project design aims at creating a 1000watts
power source which can be utilized as a regular power source by remote rural
industries and private individuals at home or in the office. This project involves
consumer is generating his or her own electricity, they also will benefit from a
The various stages involved in the development of this project have been proper
put into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In this
Chapter four is on results and discussion. In this chapter, all testing that result
The use of the sun’s energy is nothing new and dates back to the beginning
alternative fuel source including the sun, wind, hydro, wave, geothermal,
hydrogen and other forms of energy. And today, because of that focus, the
energy; store it in a lead acid cell to be used on the load. In this part of the
world, where power supply is not effective and efficient, the use of solar
power supply is of immense value and advantage considering the fact that
we are blessed or rich in sun light i.e. high degrees of temperatures which is
the main thing that feeds a solar power supply unit for uses. It is low cost
the use of generators which consume fuel or diesel and are really expensive,
and its life span is better and reliable when used under or within or above the
requires high current handling secondary winding if the used battery voltage
batteries in series. The above problems can definitely demoralize any new
innovative approach for making things simpler even with huge power
inverter designs has been discussed which uses smaller discrete transformers
studied the circuit diagram below and its operations with the following
points: Basically, the idea is to divide the power into many different smaller
transformers whose outputs can be fed to individual sockets for operating the
relevant electrical appliances. This method helped him to avoid the need of
Two of gates are wired up for generating the basic required square wave
pulses and the rest of the gates are simply held as buffers for driving the next
transistors. The associated gates conduct alternately and drive the transistors
in accordance.
The MOSFETs which are connected to the driver transistors respond to the
above high current signals and start pumping the battery voltage directly into
the winding of the respective transformers. Due to this an induced high
only the relevant magnitude of power can be expected from each of the
transformers. The 555 section takes care of the square wave output
generated from the oscillator stage such that these are broken into sections
and optimized for replicating a modified sine wave output. All the parts after
discrete power output sections, the common input of all these stages must be
look like a small drawback, the actual need of deriving 2000 VA using
ordinary parts and concepts finally becomes easily achievable from the
Ezugwu (2012) designed and constructed a 200W solar system. The 200W
solar panel rated at 200w was however purchased, together with 2 number
150A solar battery, 1500W inverter and also 10A charge controller. These
were assembled together with necessary protective gadgets like cut out
switches; to give the 200W expected. The solar panel was mounted outside a
the system will help her department meet up with its office duties even when
2.2.1 IC (CD4047)
CD4047BC, but has a much lower “ON” resistance, and “ON” resistance is
Control Line Biasing: Switch On (Logic 1), VC=VDD; Switch Off (Logic
0), VC=VSS.
controlling knob connected to it. The active resistance value of the variable
resistor depends upon the position of the slider contact on the resistance
wiper contact moves along the resistance track when adjustable component
is adjusted. There are mainly three different types of resistance track used in
this resistor they are carbon track, cermet (ceramic and metal mixture) track
and wire wound track. Carbon track and cermet track are used for high
resistance application whereas wire wound track is used for low resistance
variable resistor. The resistance tracks generally, are of circular shape but
It is used as a rheostat when one end of the resistance track and wiper
terminal and wiper terminal depends upon the position of the wiper (slider)
potentiometer when both ends of the resistance track are connected to the
input circuit and one of the said ends of resistance track and wiper terminal
is connected to the output circuit. In this case all three terminals are in use.
resistance but this adjustment is required only once or very often. This is
done by connecting preset resistors in the circuit. Preset resistor is one kind
Resistance track wise there are mainly two types of resistance track
available one is linear track and other is logarithmic track. In linear track
the resistance value varies linearly with changing slider position on the
track. That means the resistance and the position of slider, form a straight-
the track is referred as logarithmic track. The resistance value and type of
track are marked on the resistor itself. For example; when a variable resistor
is marked as 5K9 LIN means it has maximum 5.9 kilo Ω resistance and has
will have maximum 2megaΩ resistance and it has logarithmic track. Preset
resistors are linear track type. But the variable resistors used for volume
control in sound system are mainly LOG type as our ears have logarithmic
A variable resistor can be used mainly in two different ways. When one end
of resistance track and wiper terminal is connected with circuit then current
through the resistor limits according to the position of the wiper contact on
the resistance track. As the wiper contact slides away from the connected
end of the resistance track, the resistive value of the resistor increases and
current goes down through the circuit. That means the variable resistor
behaves like a rheostat. Another use is as potentiometer. In this case the two
ends of resistance track are connected with a voltage source. Hence voltage
drop across the resistance track is equal to the value of voltage source. Now
the output or load circuit is connected across one end of the resistance track
and wiped terminal. Hence voltage across the load terminals is the fraction
of source voltage and it depends upon the position of the wiper terminals on
mounted on circuit board and adjusted only when the circuit is built. There
required to adjust this screw for desired resistance value. These resistors are
Fixed Resistor
A fixed resistor is part of an electric circuit and is used to reduce the flow of
number and then the units; for example, a 750 Ohm resistor would be
Ohms, and it can range from pin to book size. Resistors come in two
classes: fixed and variable. A fixed resistor is set at a specific value and
level and below. This is an important distinction and determines when and
for a person to consider three things: the value of the resistor, its tolerance,
and its power rating. The value is measured in Ohms. The tolerance
means that the resistor performs within a 10% range of the resistance value
listed in the specifications. Power rating shows the upper limit of power that
power, a person can multiply the resistance value of the resistor by the
square root of the current. If the power rating is exceeded, the resistor will
fail. A rule of thumb is to use a resistor with a power rating two times
higher than the actual power needed. There are two kinds of fixed resistors:
carbon and metal film. Carbon film resistors are designed for general use
and are fairly cheap to produce and purchase. These units have a tolerance
of 5%, with power ratings of 1/8 Watts (W), 1/4W, and 1/2W. The primary
issue with this type of resistor is the fact they generate electrical noise. A
metal film resistor is best used when a higher tolerance is required. These
units have a greater level of accuracy than carbon film resistors, due to the
it may be well worth the incremental cost to protect the other components
should think about the intended use of the circuit. They should select a
manufacturer with a good reputation for quality and consistency, and take
the time to test the resistor and the circuit before installation to ensure all
some of the current will flow in the opposite direction, at the initial level of
(Diode bridge). They are often used in power supplies and sometimes to decode
Today, the most common diodes are made from semiconductor materials such
Diffused Junction.
Typical applications
2.2.4 Capacitor
mica, oil, paper, tantalum, or air). The Leyden jar is a simple capacitor. If an
connecting one plate to the positive and the other to the negative terminal of a
storage battery), the plates will become charged, one positively and one
negatively. If the externally applied voltage is then removed, the plates of the
capacitor remain charged, and the presence of the electric charge induces an
induction. The capacity of the device for storing electric charge (i.e., its
capacitor of the same size with a vacuum between the plates. Capacitors are
classifications are non-polarized (used for AC circuits) and polarized (used for
consisted of two sets of semicircular plates, one fixed and the other mounted on
a movable shaft. By rotating the shaft, the area of overlap of the two plates
devices have largely been replaced by frequency synthesizers and a special type
2.2.5 Transistor
These epitaxial planar transistors are mounted in the SOT-32 plastic package.
They are designed for audio amplifiers and drivers utilizing complementary or
quasi-complementary circuits. The NPN types are the BD135 and BD139, and
the complementary PNP types are the BD136 and BD140. (Elite Enterprises
H.K, 2015)
Features (BD139)
Features (C1815)
Features (A1015)
Excellent Linearity.
Low noise.
It is complementary to C1815
capable of supplying in excess of 1.5A over a 1.2V to 37V output range. They
are exceptionally easy to use and require only two external resistors to set the
output voltage. Further, both line and load regulations are better than standard
which are easily mounted and handled. In addition to higher performance than
fixed regulators, the LM117 series offers full overload protection available only
in IC's. Included on the chip are current limit, thermal overload protection and
safe area protection. All overload protection circuitry remains fully functional
needed unless the device is situated more than 6 inches from the input filter
can be bypassed to achieve very high ripple rejection ratios which are difficult
the regulator is “floating” and sees only the input-to- output differential voltage,
adjustment pin and output, the LM117 can be used as a precision current
adjustment terminal to ground which programs the output to 1.2V where most
2.2.7 MOSFET
are similar to those of today's VLSI circuits, although the device geometry,
voltage and current levels are significantly different from the design used in
VLSI devices. The metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET)
invention of the power MOSFET was partly driven by the limitations of bipolar
power junction transistors (BJTs) which, until recently was the device of choice
the power device as any device that can switch at least 1A. The bipolar power
one-fifth of the collector current is required to keep the device in the ON state.
Also, higher reverse base drive currents are required to obtain fast turn-off.
BJTs, these limitations have made the base drive circuit design more
conduction. Presence of holes with their higher carrier lifetime causes the
MOSFET of similar size and voltage rating. Also, BJTs suffer from thermal
devices are paralleled. Power MOSFETs, on the other hand, are majority
carrier devices with no minority carrier injection. They are superior to the
The solar panel absorbs energy produced by the sun and converts it into
electrical energy. It does this by absorbing the sun rays into the modules of
the solar panel hence produced free electrical charge carriers in the
conduction and valence bands. The electricity produced by the solar panel
was then transferred to the charge controller as shown in fig 3.1 above. The
charge controller regulates the rate at which electric current were drawn in
and out of the battery. It turns off charge when the battery reaches the
optimum charging point and turns it on when it goes below a certain level. It
voltage from the charge controller was then transferred to the solar battery.
The batteries were the key component in this solar power system. It provided
energy storage for the system. The energy stored in the batteries was then
used to power the load but it was first converted to AC voltage by the use of
an inverter due to they were AC loads. The photovoltaic ally produced direct
connected the power transformer. Here the voltage was stepped up to the
desired ac voltage. The inverter could also charge the battery when there is
of current (an inrush current) when first energized. After a few cycles
the current "settles down" to the full-load running current. Inductive
the current wave reaches its peak before the voltage. Capacitive loads
In other to determine the power use of each appliance and how long they
1.1 to take into account the losses in the inverter. To calculate the total
consumption of the appliance by the number of hours it runs per day and
12V, an LED light rated at 0.5A at 12V that operates for 6hours per
day, and an 240V AC television rated at 180W used for 12hours per
acid battery or Ni-Cd battery banks can be charged with the help of
battery banks to store energy for off peak hours. They can also be
used in peak hours for saving energy during daytime. The range of
intensity of the sun. Thus to protect the solar charger circuit from
with the solar charger circuit (Vikas Kulkarni and Rajesh Nehete,
2014). Circuit Diagram of Solar Charging Unit
solar cell depends upon the amount of light that hits a cell. The
Diode (1N4001)
current could flow from solar panel to battery and not from
IC (LM317T)
more than 1.5 A. To set its output voltage it requires only two
Miskin, 2015).
BJT (BC548)
BJT BC548 is a NPN silicon transistor. This transistor can be
variable resistors are the ones whose value changes which could
Potentiometer (1K)
Battery (12V)
When solar radiation falls on solar plate then it absorbs sun rays as a
source for generating electricity. These sun rays are the light energy
current flowing in the circuit i.e., current could only flow from solar
panel to battery and not from battery to solar panel. After the battery
0.5 ohm due to which circuit will become incomplete and due to this
incomplete circuit current will stop flowing through the circuit. In this
the main motive behind tripping the resistor of 0.5 ohm was to protect
purpose. Here the BJT of series BC548 is used to control the current
through the circuitry depends upon solar watts. The solar panel used
3.4.4 Inverter
Home inverters or home UPS takes the DC power from the batteries
solar inverter when the power is coming from the grid, the
from the grid. When the power coming from the grid is off, then the
inverter takes the DC power from the batteries and converts it into AC
whether the power is coming from the grid and if not then it switches
the UPS into battery mode (Vikas Kulkarni and Rajesh Nehete, 2014).
IC (CD4047)
current up to 49 A.
Transformer (12-0-12)
Capacitor (0.22µF)
oscillation circuit capacitor gets fully charged and thus triggers the IC
one time we get output at IC pin number 10 (Q) and second time we
get output at IC pin number 11 (Q’). Thus due to the output of IC,
triggered. It will now act as a closed switch. Thus the primary circuit
triggered. It will now act as a closed switch. Thus the primary circuit
this output obtained is an alternating output but not a smooth one thus
Successful operation of the system depends on a number of factors, proper
matching of the different stages, and strict adherence to component tolerance and
stable power supply are essential for proper operation of the system. Therefore, the
implementation and testing cover’s the varies steps taken in achieving this project.
The implementations of the system first done on a Veroboard.
The implementation of the interface hardware was done in phases include testing
of the design, preparation of component layout, soldering of components and
packaging of casing.
The first stage was the Power supply unit. The unit was constructed first because of
its simplicity, after the necessary test has been carried out; the system was mounted
unto a Vero board. The size of the board is large enough to permit reasonable
spacing between components. Components used wires, battery, transistors,
capacitor and transformer. The figure below shows the first stage.
The stage involves the testing of discrete electronics components, mechanical
components and the integrated circuit chips. This stage was carrying out to censure
proper functioning of components before interconnection with other components.
Valves of the components were measured using a digital multimeter.
Continuity Test
This test is done to check the validity of an electrical path; this test was carried out
a lot during the assembling of the project components, particularly on the PCB.
The test is performed by simply selecting continuity test using the multi-meter dial,
and placing the probes on the points being tested. If connected the multi-meter
buzzes a high-pitched sound and reads a value, if not connected “1” which
signifies infinity is displayed on the screen.
Voltage Test
Voltage tests were carried out severally to ascertain the voltages at different points
in the network. A multi-meter was also used in carrying out this test. To carry out
this test, the voltage type to be measured (AC or DC) is selected and the range of
the multi-meter was set to match the expected voltage to be measured. The red
probe was place on the positive terminal and the black probe on the negative
No Load Test
After the wounding of the transformer, no-load test was carried out. The purpose of
this test is to determine no-load or core loss. Which in turn can be used in
calculating the core loss and the iron loss. One of the winding; in our case the High
voltage side is connected to a supply and the other side is left open, then the
voltages and current is measured. The value of the no-load current we got was
0.3A, which was within reasonable limits, since the no-load current is within 2 –
10% of the rated current value.
S/N Battery voltage AC output State of load
1. 15 230 ON
2. 14.5 220 ON
3. 14 220 ON
4. 13.5 200 ON
5. 13 220 ON
6. 12.5 230 ON
7. 12 230 ON
8. 11.5 220 ON
9. 11 230 ON
table.1 Results
All components were tested before mounted on the board
All components were kept at room temperature in the dry dust free package.
Components were laid to allow easy access.
Soldering spikes were avoided.
Bridges were avoided during soldering on the Veroboard.
Short circuit and open circuit were avoiding where necessary.
Too much soldering was avoided on each component.
The objectives of this project is to design an inverter that will produce an output up
to 1 KVA with input from a 12 V battery and can be used to power AC loads.
Within the limit of correctness, the project worked as proposed in the objectives
and according to the results gotten in the preceding chapter. This proposed solar
panel inverter has various applications because of its key advantages such as
operation with very low harmonic distortion and clean power like utility-supplied
electricity, reduction in audible and electrical noise in Fans, fluorescent lights and
so on, faster, less noisy and cooler running of Inductive loads like microwaves and
5.3An extra improvement could be made to allow for short circuit protection, so
that if there is a condition for a bridge in both the phase and neutral lines, the
microcontroller produces no oscillations. This would be important as a short
circuit conditions can lead to permanent damage to circuit components.
Secondly the board could be a printed circuit board that would ensure the
validity of connected links.