Pnematic Bending Machin Capstone Project
Pnematic Bending Machin Capstone Project
Pnematic Bending Machin Capstone Project
Now a day in industries especially in automobile and other industries the automatic plate
bending machines are widely used. Earlier the bending machines were operated manually. So, the
output of machine was very less. Because the movement of ram was done manually by rotating the
screw. Now the technique of bending operation of the component is changed. Once the plate is
loaded the operator should not only use once push button to start the machine. But he has operated
two push buttons so that both the hands of the operator are engaged. This arrangement is made to
avoid injuries to operators.
The main aim of this project is to have the complete know-how of pneumatic devices, sensors etc.
by which the manually operated press or any machine can be converted into a semi or fully
automatic unit. In this project the bending machine is a semi-automatic bending machine, in which
the loading and unloading of the component is done manually and the bending of the plate is done
In industries the automatic sheet bending and sheet shearing are widely used. Earlier the process
was carried out manually. The manual process was time consuming as well as the output of machine
was very less. The main aim of the project is to improve the efficiency of the required output and to
increase the production with quality output. In this project we used pneumatic system,
„Pneumatics‟, from the Greek (pneumetices, coming from the wind) is the use of pressurized gases
to do work in science and technology. Pneumatics was first documented by Hero of Alexandria in
60 A.D., but the concept had existed before then. Pneumatic devices are used in many industrial
applications. Generally appropriate for applications involving less force than hydraulic applications,
and typically less expensive than electric applications, most pneumatic devices are designed to use
clean dry air as an energy source. The actuator then converts that compressed air into mechanical
motion. Pneumatic cylinders are generally less expensive than hydraulic or electric cylinders of
similar size and capacity. We have developed the system in which shearing and bending operation
are carried out in one machine by changing the machine die according to the given application. In
this operation the pneumatic system is installed on the C-frame body with required attachment. And
pneumatic cylinder is placed on C-frame body vertically with front flange mounting. The model
which have prepared to working in 100 psi air pressure, which cuts various sheet metal between 20
to 24 guage and for bending we used bending dia.
Earlier the bending machines were operated , but nowadays in industries especially in the
automobile and other sector operated by machines. Now the technique of bending operation of the
component is changed. This arrangement is made in order to avoid injuries to operators. The main
aim of this project is to have the complete know how of pneumatic devices. In this project the
bending machine is a manual bending machine, in which the loading and unloading of the
component is done manually and the bending of the rod is done pneumatically. .I Muhammed,
Design and fabrication of hydraulic rod bending machine, April 2014. Worked on design and
fabrication of rod bending machine and they concluded that Each and every work of human is
reduced by a machine, but few areas like construction the usage of machines for bending rods for
stirrups, which are used to withstand loads in beams and columns are not done by machine because
the cost of machine is high and need skilled labours to operate it. So this project is aimed to do
bending operation for stirrups using hydraulics and named as hydraulic rod bending machine. The
main objective of our project is to implement the hydraulic rod bending machine in the construction
sites with less cost compared to the existing bending machines, and increasing the productivity of
the stirrups. Vilas Design and fabrication of hydraulic stirrup making machine. They worked
on Design and Fabrication of Hydraulic Stirrups Making Machine and they concluded that since
testing the stirrup making machine it is observed that how much time is required to make a single
piece of stirrup by effectively working. The detail description is given as below: Loading and
unloading combining clamping the bar to fixture it almost takes only 5 to 6 seconds. The time
required to forward and backward stroke is about 10 to 11 seconds during which stirrup is made.
Considering machine ergonomics that is the interaction of human operator with machine, it is very
easy to operate it because the operating switch is provided at suitable place of the machine. Again,
loading and unloading is not complicated since not very specialized tooling is used, it is a very
simple structure.
Bending is a manufacturing process that produces a V-shape, U-shape, or channel shape along a
straight axis in ductile materials, most commonly sheet metal. Commonly used equipment includes
box and pan brakes, brake presses, and other specialized machine presses.
Sheet metal fabrication plays an important role in the metal manufacturing world. Sheet metal is
used in the production of materials ranging from tools, to hinges, automobiles etc. Sheet metal
fabrication ranges from deep drawing, stamping, forming, and hydro forming, to high-energy-rate
forming (HERF) to create desired shapes. Fascinating and elegant shapes may be folded from a
single plane sheet of material without stretching, tearing or cutting, if shape rolling of sheet metal is
the bending continually of the piece along a linear axis. This causes alteration of the original form
of the sheet as it passes through a pathway of series of rollers. The present invention relates to plate
bending machines of the type which operates with rolls. Such machines involve certain well-known
difficulties in respect of bending plates into conical shape. The invention has for its object to
remedy this drawback and to enable, by including auxiliary means, the bending of conical mantles
and the like. The main characterizing feature of the plate bending machine according to the
invention resides in that it comprises a pin which is adapted, during the bending operation, to be
moved into engagement with one of the rolls in a substantially radial direction so as to serve as an
abutment for one edge of the blank to be bent. In a plate bending machine, a frame, two parallel
cylindrical rolls rotatable mounted in side frame and adapted to be driven in the same direction, a
third cylindrical roll situated substantially in the median plane between the two first-mentioned rolls
and freely rotates, mounted in side frame in adjustable bearings permitting side third roll to be
inclined relatively to the two first-mentioned rolls for producing conical bends, a tubular support
mounted in fixed relation to said frame adjacent one end of said third roll and substantially
perpendicularly to its axis, and a pin slid-ably mounted in said tubular support and movable into
engagement with the periphery of said third roll to serve as an abutment for the edge of a plate when
producing a conical bend.
Sheet metal is a metal formed into thin and flat pieces. It is the fundamental forms used in metal
industry that can be cut or bent into variety of different shapes. Sheet metals are available in flat
sheets or as a coiled strip. The shearing machine is most important in sheet metal industry. In most
of the small scale industries, hand sheet cutters are used which requires human effort to cut down
metal sheets. It can be replaced by a pneumatic cutting machine which can cut the sheet metal at a
faster rate and in a convenient way. The main objective of our project is to perform sheet cutting
operation effectively with less human efforts by using a machine with the pneumatic power. This
will also reduce the time required for metal cutting by automation. By using this machine we can
increase the production rate and automatically the industry will be in profit. The main advantage of
pneumatic system is cheap and easy to handle. In Cutting processes, a piece of metal sheet is
separated by using force which is hydrualic or pneumatic, large enough to cause failure. The most
common cutting procedures are performed using shearing power, so they are sometimes called
shearing procedures. If a large enough shear force is used, the shear pressure in the case will exceed
the final shear strength and the material will fail and separate at the specified location. This shearing
power is used with two tools, one on top and one on the bottom of the sheet. Whether these tools are
punch and die or high and low blades, the tool over the sheet brings a quick downward force to the
metal sheet that sits on top of the lower tool to cause failure. A small clearance exists between the
edges of the upper and lower tools, making it easier to break things. The size of this removal is
usually 2-10% of the thickness of the material and depends on a few factors, such as the specific
shearing process, sheet thickness and equipment used. The effects of shearing on objects change as
the cutting progresses and is reflected in the edges of the shaved objects. When the punch or blade
touches the sheet, the clearance between the tools allows the sheet to be rotated and "rollover" at the
edges. As the tool enters the sheet further, the shear causes a direct hot spot of the material, finally,
the shear pressure is very high and the material breaks at an angle with a small burr formed at the
edges. The height of these cut pieces depends on a number of factors, including the sharpness of the
tools and the alignment between the tools
Problem Statement
Design and develop the prototype model of pneumatic Bending machine showing the
automation of bending the sheet metal.
Also fabricate the old model of the same showing exact working manual hand
Since long time ago the labour work has essential role in constructions including mixing
coarse aggregate sand water, cement, ramming sand, land leveling and digging the
foundation for base of structure, cutting rode, etc. Now a days due to development in
technology it is required to reduce the labour work and time since there are lot of resources.
Several problems comes in to the picture when we consider the human work with respect to
automation. By using conventional methods it is not possible to reduce construction time
and building it as early as possible. So, automation in construction system is required. Now-
a-days in industries especially in automobile and other industries the automatic plate
bending machines are widely used. Earlier the bending machines where operated manually.
So the output of machine was very less. Now the technique of bending operation of the
component is changed. Once the plate is loaded the operator should not only use once push
button to start the machine, but he has operated two push buttons so that both the hands of
the operator are engaged. This arrangement is made in order to avoid injuries to operators.
The main aim of this project is to have the complete know how of pneumatic devices,
sensors etc. by which the manually operated press or any machine can be converted into a
semi or fully automatic unit. In this project the bending machine is a semi-automatic
bending machine, in which the loading and unloading of the component is done manually
and the bending of the rod is done pneumatically.
7. Pneumatic bending machine will reduce the manual efforts of the user. Pneumatic bending
machine will be useful to the user to manage and generate.
Raw Material Used-
1. MS C Channel Frame.
2. L Channel.
3. Cylinder fittings like fork end, base plates, support links.
4. Angle section for forming fitting.
5. Connecting link.
6. Blade link.
Ready Items Used-
1. Cutting Machine.
2. Hacksaw Cutting Machine.
3. Sensitive Drilling Machine.
4. Horizontal Milling Machine.
5. Electric CO2 Welding Machine.
6. Table Grinder.
7. Hand Grinder.
8. Surface Grinding Machine.
9. Tap & Tap Holder
Base Frame
Quantity: 1
Height: 1395 mm
Length 900mm
Width 450mm
Weight 38kg
1. Bending Tool
Quantity: 1
Length: 100 mm
Height: 40mm
Thickness: 5mm
Weight: 900gm
1. Pneumatic Cylinder-
Quantity: 1
Total Length: 300mm Bore: 30mm.
Stroke: 200mm
Piston Rod Diameter: 20mm Max
Working Pressure: 8 bar Weight: 2.5kg
2. DC Valve-
Quantity: 1 Operation:
Type: Hand Lever, Detent Type Number of Ports:
Number of Positions: 3 Construction: Sliding spool
3. Pneumatic Pipe-
Quantity: 3000mm
Diameter: 8mm
Thickness: 1mm
Quantity: 2 Length:
16mm Size: M16
Quantity: 4
32mm Size:
3D Model
Pneumatic Cylinder
Initially the air-compressor is started and allowed the receiver tank air pressure to
reach up to 8 bar. The supply air is then passed to the manifold through FRL unit to condition
the air and eligible to industrial use.
From the manifold a separate supply for the machine is taken out and given to ON-
OFF switch, so as to operate the machine at will without interrupting the running of
Then the pipe carries compressed air first to machine’s Direction Control Valve. At
position ‘A’ shows the non-actuated circuit diagram. At this position the piston is steady and
locked. All ports are in closed condition.
At position ‘B’, the DC valve is at left hand position as shown in figure. The cap end
port & pressure port get connected to each other and the rod end port gets connected to the
exhaust port. The compressed air comes in the cap end of the cylinder and pushes the pistons
outwards. The air already present in the rod end side is pushed out of the cylinder.
When the piston moves outwards, the force is transmitted through the connecting link
and the upper blade moves downwards. Before the actuating DC valve the sheet is inserted in
between the upper & lower blades. As upper blade moves downwards, the stress is generated
in the sheet metal and goes beyond ultimate shear stress of sheet metal. And thus the shearing
action takes place.
Now the DC valve is operated to come at position ‘C’, as shown in figure. The rod
end port & pressure port get connected to each other and the cap end port gets connected to
the exhaust port. The compressed air comes in the rod end of the cylinder and pushes the
pistons inwards. The air already present in the cap end side is pushed out of the cylinder.
The sheet metal is either again inserted for further cutting in case of large pieces; the
small cut pieces are removed and the next sheet is inserted to cut.
A pneumatic system is a system that uses compressed air to transmit and control
energy. Pneumatic systems are used in controlling train doors, automatic production lines,
and mechanical clamps.The bending machine works with the help of pneumatic single acting
cylinder. The piston disconnected to the moving bending tool. It is used to bend the small size
of the TMT Rod. The machine is portable in size, so easy transportable. The compressed air
from the compressor issued as the force medium for this operation. There are pneumatic
Single acting cylinders solenoid valves, flow control valve and the timer unit is used. The
arm from the compressor enters to the flow control valve. The controlled air from the flow
control valve enters to the solenoid valve. The function of solenoid valves all of air correct
time interval. The 3/2 solenoid valve is used. In one position air enters to the cylinder and
pushes the piston so that the bending stroke is obtained. The next position air enters to the
other side of cylinder and pusses the piston returns back, so that the releasing stroke is
obtained. The speed of the bending and releasing stroke is varied by the timer control unit
Process sheet
Part Part
No. Name Material Quantity Process Equipment Time
Painting Hand Brush 35
Hacksaw Cutting
Cutting Machine 15
Filing File 20
Greasing Grease 5
Cutting Cutting Machine 10
3) Angle Mild 1 Grinding Table Grinder 5
Section Steel
Sensitive Drilling
Drilling Machine 15
Electric CO2
Welding Welding Machine 10
Electric Arc
Welding Welding Machine 15
Electric Arc
Welding Welding Machine 5
Electric Arc
Welding Welding Machine 15
Electric Arc
Welding Welding Machine 10
Compressor 1 Air Compressor 1
Future Scope
Since old age man is always trying to gain more and more luxurious. Man is always
trying to develop more and more modified technique with increasing the aesthetic look and
economic consideration. Hence there is always more and more scope. But being the Diploma
Engineers and having the ability to think and plan. But due to some time constraints, and due
to lack of funds, we only have thought and put in the report the following future
1. It can be made hydraulically power operated by installing the gear oil pump at the place
of air compressor and pneumatic cylinder arrangement.
2. It can be made rack and pinion operated or spring and lever operated, by replacing the
pneumatic circuit by rack and the pinion arrangement by the square threaded screw and
nut arrangement.
3. The place where there is scarcity of the electricity the electric motor operate compressor
is replaced by an I.C. Engine installed compressor.
Thus, in future there are so many modifications, which we can make to survive the
huge global world of competition.
From this project we conclude that Pneumatic bending machine is very cheap as
compared to hydraulic bending machine. We can increase the bending thickness by arranging
the high-pressure compressor. This machine can also be used where electricity problems
occur. This type of bending machine uses compressed air. So, when an electricity problem
occurs, we can change our electric compressor to IC-Engine installed compressor. This type
of bending machine is very Useful to small scale bending industries because they can’t afford
the expensive hydraulic Bending machine. In this machine the manually controlled press is
converted into an automatic machine. So, we can save maximum operating time and the
output will also increase compared to manual. In this project the humans have to only load
and unload the TMT bars. It can also be called as semi-automatic type bending machine. This
machine can also be converted into a fully automatic machine so the loading and unloading
will be done automatically. For making automatic one should have to be fully knowledgeable
in this field. By doing so the existing old machines can be modified and made automatic by
which the initial cost, to procure new automatic machines may be minimized. Thus, there is a
lot of scope in this area (automation). We can achieve many types of shapes by using many
types of fixtures in bed. This system is easily handled by any worker. The worker doesn’t
have to be someone knowledgeable. Because of its cheap and simple design this machine can
be sold everywhere with ease.
Advance bar bending machine use for mass production. By using advance bar bending
machine increases production rate and reduce labour cost. With the bending machine the
manual usage and cycle time is reduced. They are compact in size and reliable
1 Milan Virani, Jagdish Vekariya, Saurin Sheth, Ketan Tamboli,“Design and Development of
Automatic Stirrup Bending Mechanism”, Gujarat, pp.598-606, 2013.